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Exercise 1: Choose the correct form of the verbs. 1. Mary "I love chocolate." Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ chocolate." a. loved b. loves c. loving 2. Mary: "I went skiing." Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ skiing." a. went b. had gone c. have gone 3. Mary: "I will eat steak or dinner." Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ eat steak or dinner." a. willing b. will c. wo!ld ". Mary: "I have been to #ydney." Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ to #ydney." a. had been b. has been c. was being $. Mary: "I have had three cars." Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ three cars. a. has b. has had c. had had %. Mary: "I&' going to go to (ong )each." Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ going to go to (ong )each." a. is b. was c. went

*. Mary: "I don&t like s+inach." Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ like s+inach." a. doesn&t b. don&t c. didn&t ,. Mary: "I have never been to (ondon." Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ never been to (ondon." a. had b. has c. have -. Mary: "I was swi''ing." Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ swi''ing. a. has been b. had been c. have been 1..Mary: "I had a cat." Jill: Mary said (that) she had ___ a cat." a. have b. has c. had 11. Mary: "I can&t swi'." Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ swi'." a. can&t b. co!ldn&t c. can not 12.Mary: "I won&t b!y a new car." Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ by a new car." a. won&t b. will c. wo!ldn&t 13.Mary: "I have to do 'y la!ndry." Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ to do her la!ndry." a. had b. has c. have Exercise 2: Change the follo ing sentences into re!orte" s!eech.

1. Mr. #'ith said: "/re yo! a st!dent0" ______________________________________________ 2. Ms. 1ashington said: "1hat is yo!r na'e0" ______________________________________________ 3. 2eacher said: "#tand !+3 +lease3 Ma!rice4" _______________________________________________ ". Mr. )rown said: "5on&t s+eak now3 Melissa4" _______________________________________________ $. Miss 6lay'ore said: "7ne 'onth ago3 I warned yo! to st!dy or that test4" ________________________________________________ %. Mr. Jones said: "I will teach yo! how to do research on the 1eb." ________________________________________________ Exercise #: Choose the best a$ to com!lete the sentences belo

1) 8lease tell 'e _____________ . a. where is the b!s sto+ b. where the b!s sto+ be c. where sto+s the b!s d. where the b!s sto+ is 2) I told hi' _____________ . a. what the ho'ework was b. what was the ho'ework c. what was to be the ho'ework d. what is the ho'ework 3) I think _____________ . a. will be the +lane on ti'e b. the +lane will be on ti'e c. the +lane to be on ti'e d. it will be on ti'e the +lane ") I didn&t know _____________ . a. what he 'ean b. what did he 'ean c. what did he 'eant d. what he 'eant $) 9e said _____________ . a. that the weather colder than !s!al

b. the weather be colder than !s!al c. the weather was colder than !s!al d. the weather it is colder than !s!al %) I think _____________ . a. today it is 1ednesday b. that is today 1ednesday c. today is 1ednesday d. today by 1ednesday *) 9e said _____________ . a. that the day be ore he gone downtown b. he goes downtown the day be ore c. he go downtown the day be ore d. he went downtown the day be ore ,) I believe _____________ . a. hi' he is right b. he is right c. he be right d. that he right -) #he said _____________ . a. that she was h!ngry b. she h!ngry c. she be h!ngry d. her was h!ngry 1.) 9e told !s _____________ . a. that he en:oy the 'ovie b. he en:oyed the 'ovie c. he be en:oying the 'ovie d. that en:oyed the 'ovie

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