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Fact Sheet Dec 2013/Jan 2014

UNHCR operational highlights

UNHCR Operation in Eritrea

United Nation Development Group Team for East and Southern Africa delegation visited Eritrea for three days end of 2013 Quick Nutrition Assessment targeting children from 4 months up to 59 months undertaken in Umkulu camp in January 2014 Pilot Livestock (goats and sheep) Projects launched in Umkulu camp in December 2013. A total of 35 households from Umkulu Refugee camp benefited from the project 111 Individuals departed for resettlement to third countries in the month of December. This brings the total resettlement departure figures for 2013 to 489. Commenced resettlement counseling and bio-data updates for 200 Somali refugees in Umkulu Refugee camp

Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Country as of 31 Jan. 2014 (by country of origin)
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Somalia Others Total Refugees 3,060 109 3,169 6 Asylum Seekers 0 6

Voluntary Return of Refugees by Country of Origin as at 31 Jan. 2014

PERIOD Jan. 2014 Moth Month Others TOTAL

Somalia S. Sudan Ethiopia Total

0 0 0 1

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0

Other Population (Stateless, IDPs, etc.)


UNHCR Operation in 2014(in USD)

BY EXCOM Earmarked POPULA approved Short fall Contributions TION BUDGET Refugees 5,930,509 0.00 5,930,509 0.00 Stateless 0.00 0.00 Returnee 0.00 0.00 0.00 s 0.00 0.00 IDPs 0.00 Tot. 5,930,509 0.00 5,930,509 Budget

Background In 2012, the State of Eritrea signed the 1969 OAU Convention on the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa, but has not yet ratified it. It has also not acceded to the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol. In Eritrea, there is no comprehensive and cohesive domestic legislation framework to regulate refugee matters. State owned refugee status determination and asylum procedures are not yet in place. Access to asylum and protection of the State of Eritrea for individual

non-Somali asylum seekers is currently not open. Prima facie Somali refugees (protracted caseload) enjoy a level of protection that is overall satisfactory. UNHCR in Eritrea supports the government and advocates for the appropriate level of protection to be realized. It provides protection and assistance to approximately 4,000 refugees mainly Somali, Sudanese, South Sudanese. Somali refugees are located in Umkulu Camp, near the port city of Massawa in the Northern Red Sea region, while other groups are located in the urban areas. Despite being in Eritrea for almost two decades, refugees have not yet found durable solutions. Furthermore, their stay in the country is subject to a few limitations, particularly in relation to the availability of livelihood opportunities, which directly impact on their level of self-reliance. While other non Somali groups enjoy a higher level of integration (although, formally they are no longer recognized as refugees by the State of Eritrea), the encamped Somali refugees are still far from realizing their potential. Their wellbeing has been ensured by in-kind provision of food and non-food assistance, as well as by UNHCR-funded basic services, such as WASH, health, education, etc.) provided by the governmental refugee agency Office for Refugee Affairs (ORA) that is the main UNHCR implementing partner in Eritrea. In 2011, a reflection on the strategic direction of the UNHCR operation in Eritrea resulted in reorienting the programme from protracted Care & Maintenance to solutions, socioeconomic integration and self-reliance. This strategic shift aims at restoring the dignity of refugees and finding solutions to their plight. Based on recently conducted surveys, a cash programme has been launched, complemented by revised in-kind food assistance. Following these assessments, a multiyear livelihoods strategy and plan of action are being developed to improve refugees stay in Eritrea while awaiting durable solutions, mainly resettlement and voluntary repatriation, to become available on a larger scale. Local integration opportunities would also be explored. Other priority matters under discussion with the authorities are: support to fight human trafficking, status of Sudanese and South Sudanese refugees; development of state-owned asylum system with eligibility procedures and access to asylum; improvement of in-country case-processing by resettlement countries (Canada, Australia, USA); capacity building plan on refugee matters for key governmental authorities.


On 17 December, the United Nation Development Group Team for East and Southern Africa (UNDG ESA) High Level Mission, had three day visit to Eritrea. The UN delegation was headed by Mr. Abdoulaye Mar Dieye, Assistant Secretary General and Regional Director of UNDP/RBA, and Chairman of UNDG-ESA. The delegation was composed by the Regional Directors from UNFPA, WFP, UNICEF, ILO and IOM. The objectives of the mission were to strengthen cooperation with the Government of the State of Eritrea, monitor development work and engage in dialogue with development partners. The UN delegation had the occasion to meet with his Excellency President of the state of Eritrea, Mr. Isaias Afwerki, Ministers, PFDJ Heads, resident Ambassadors, diplomats and Heads of UN agencies in the country.

The national Office for Refugee Affairs and Ministry of National Development are the main Implementing Partners of UNHCR Eritrea. ORA is responsible for the security and the overall management of Umkulu Camp, as well as the implementation of activities in the following areas: Education, Health, WASH, Shelter, Community Services, Protection, Food/Nutrition. UNHCR also cooperates with the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Land and Water, National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW) and National Union of Eritrean Youth and Students (NUEYS). Tripartite Implementing Agreement with Office for Refugee Affairs and Ministry of National Development was signed on 26 December 2013. A first OHCHR mission came to Eritrea in January 2014 and met with Government Officials, UN Agencies and members of the diplomatic community. In January 2014, UNHCR submitted to the Embassy of Switzerland a funding request for the Installation of 100 Energy Saving Stoves in Umkulu Camp.

Key achievements

Resettlement: A protection mission to Umkulu Refugee Camp was undertaken in January 2014. On that
occasion UNHCR commenced the resettlement counseling and bio-data updates for 200 Somali refugees

selected for the Emergency Transit Facility (ETF) Group 5 Movement for resettlement to United States of America. Family composition changes and arising protection issues were updated on individual records. On 8 December 2013, 89 Somali refugees departed for resettlement to Canada. They travelled with Travel Documents issued by the Embassy of Canada in Nairobi, Kenya. On 10 December 2013, 22 Somali refugees departed for resettlement to Australia and the Travel Documents were issued by the Australian Embassy in Nairobi. An IOM staff member undertook an eight-day mission to Asmara to facilitate the predeparture formalities for these 111 individuals, with the assistance of UNHCR, and escort the first group to Canada. With these departures, a total number of refugees who left Eritrea on resettlement in 2013 reached 489 individuals In Dec 2013, 4 cases were submitted for Resettlement to France. Two cases are falling under the primary resettlement category of Survivors of Torture and/or Violence, and the two other cases under the Women and Girls at Risk category.

Livelihoods: On 13 December, UNHCR/ORA distributed a total of 84 goats/sheep to benefit 35

households among the most in need in Umkulu camp. The beneficiaries were given proper advance training on management of the animals. Animal feed is also provided during a pre-defined period. The beneficiaries have shown great appreciation in receiving this type assistance. The Veterinary doctor from the Ministry of Agriculture has been conducting regular monitoring by visiting beneficiary households. Regular monitoring was also conducted in relation to the Backyard Poultry Production project for refugees and host community.

Periodic Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) was conducted during the reporting period. The purpose was to monitor proper utilization of the cash and food assistance provided to the refugees. The data is currently being analyzed. One training center is being established in Umkulu Refugee camp to be used as a demonstration site for various horticulture activities including micro-gardening, family drip irrigation and compost and fish production. 35 households among the refugees and the host community were selected for support to horticulture activities. Three technicians (two from the refugees and one from the host community) were recruited and trained to monitor the activities. Support to and training on micro-gardening techniques was also provided to the regional staff of the Ministry of Agriculture. Waste resulting from the horticultural activities will be collected and used to complement the feed for chickens, goats and sheep.

Nutrition: Quick Nutrition Assessment was conducted in January in Umkulu Refugee camp. The
purpose was to monitor the nutritional condition of children who are under five years (6-59 months) of age. Ministry of Health staff and ORA staff were involved in the assessment. The result report is expected to be provided by March 2014.

Energy/Environment: UNHCR/ORA, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, started the

implementation of Energy Saving Stoves project. This project foresees the installation of energy saving stoves in 100 households. 10 women from the refugee community were given training of trainers course on the installation of the stoves. The ten women will train 5 women each by installing a stove in each household. UNHCR will provide material needed for the installation. This project will reduce the consumption of firewood and increase the savings of refugee households. The ash resulting from the use of the stoves will be collected and used for compost production of the horticulture project.

Support to Persons with Specific Needs: In addition to receiving livelihoods support, Persons with
Specific Needs, categorized as Poor and Extremely Poor following the household economic assessment, also received some cash assistance as part of the safety net programme.

Elections of Camp Central Committee: in January 2014, the new central refugee committee in
Umkulu Camp was elected. UN: UNHCR provided support in organizing a High Level Mission of the UN Development Group (UNDGEastern and Southern Africa), the first of its kind in Eritrea. UNHCR in cooperation with all the other UN Agencies took charge of organizing a field trip for the mission on 17th Dec with five project sites for different agencies visited.

Staff is comprised of: 2 regular international staff, 12 regular national staff, 2 IUNV, 1 international consultant, 4 national consultants and 1 intern (Communication).

For further details please contact: UNHCR Office in Eritrea Campo Polo Area, Meteten St. 1A754 House no. 35, P.O.Box 1995, Asmara, Eritrea Switch board (Head line): +291 1 182 484 Fax: +291 1 182 490 E-mail: Ms. Monica Sandri Title: Representative Email:

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