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Applying For Marriage

One member of the pair has to be living within the borders of the Municipality of Beikta (Those who do not live in stanbul have to take a permission certificate from the register office of the municipality which they are registered to. 1- Birth Registration Copy: !t is taken from the public registration offices. (Beikta "egistration Office# T$rkali Mahallesi %$&hetiye 'addesi !hlamur (asr) (ar)s) Migros *st$ Beikta + ,T-%B./ 2- Six Photographs: Three of them are used for the Marriage -pplication 0orm and the other three are to be handed in while applying. 1hotographs have to be appropriate for the Marriage "egulations. (!n veiled photographs2 the chin and the forehead of the woman have to be open. 1hotographs have to be coloured and they have to be taken at most 3 months ago. 1hotocopy photographs are not accepted. 3- Two Marriage Application For s: They can be obtained from our "egister Office or from our website ( 4ou have to stick photographs to both of them and to certify it to the mukhtar of the neighbourhood the you are registered to. a 5o not make wipings or scrapings while filling the forms. b 6hile filling the 7Marital ,tatus7 section of the form2 you have to mark one of the choices 7unmarried2 widow7 or 7divorced7 !f you are a widow2 you have to write the date of death of your old pair or if you are divorced2 you have to write the date you divorced. !f the woman is a widow or is divorced2 388 days have to pass for her to get married again. !f the women wonts to get married in this official process2 the women has to take a court order from 0amily /aw 'ourt to invalidate official process(388 days after divorced . !f she doesn9t want to wait 2 she must take a determination from The 0amily /aw 'ourt. -nd the determination must says :,he doesn9t has to wait 388 days:. 5ates of birth have to be written in 5-42 MO%T; and 4<-". Turkish "epublic !dentity 'ard %umbers have to be written from the birth registration copies. !- "#entity Car#: 6hile applying for marriage2 it has to be brought as well as its photocopy. !dentity cards without photographs are not accepted. $- %ealth Report: -ccording to the =3>th item of the 'ivil /aw2 the pairs who are mentioned in the /aw of .mumi ;)f&)s)hha numbered =?@3 should have MotherA'hild ;ealth and 0amily 1lanning 'enters make blood tests to see whether they carry any contagious diseases (;epatit BA'2 -!5,2 ,cupper2Tuberculosis that form an obstacle for marriage or not. ;ealth "eports should be official and sealed. A##itional "n&or ation -nyone who is =B is able to get married without the permission or approval of his+her parents. 0or those who are not =B years old a - girl or a boy who is =C is able to get married with the permission of his+her parents or guardians.(!n the Marriage -pplication 0orm2 the parents have to sign the /egal "epresentative 1ermission section and have it certified by the Mukhtar or the %otary. !f one of the parents is dead2 his+her death will be documented with the birth certification copy 6hile applying2 the photocopies of the identity cards of the parents or the guardians are to be handed in. b - girl or a boy who is => years old has to get a court acceptance in order to be able to get married. -ccording to the =BCth item of the 'ivil /aw2 women who want to use their previous surname together with their husbandDs surname should fill in two petitions given by our "egister Office at the moment of application.2 0or 0oreigners# They have to get a document in Turkish which shows that they are single from their embassy2 have it certified by the Turkish Ministy of 0oreign -ffairs and bring it to our registry with its three photocopies of. They also have to bring their passports and their photocopies. !f the pairs do not know Turkish2 there has to be a translator during the wedding ceremony. The countries which their consulate is in !stanbul and their documents must consented by 1rovince of stanbul and civil law. !f they donDt have a residant permit2 there is a need to take a stay over document from the hotel which theyDre staying. All the petitions gi'en to o(r register o&&ice are to )e &ille# )y pen*

M(nicipality o& Be+i,ta+ Register -&&ice

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