Phys 101 - Midterm Exam: Student No Name Surname

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$- % SUMMER S&H''( )A*+*st



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INSTRUCTIONS Answer all the questions. o Section I consists o !" #ulti$le choice questions. Each question is worth ! $oint. Mar% the correct answers on the ANS&ER 'RID (elow) (* encirclin+ the a$$ro$riate letter. o Section II consists o , $ro(le#s worth a total o !" $oints. &rite *our answers -irectl* on the $a+e o each $ro(le#. .or ull cre-it) ull* /usti * *our answers. Ti#e allowe- or the e0a# is !12 #inutes. 3ou #a* NOT use (oo%s) notes) -ictionaries) or#ula sheets) 4DAs) #o(ile $hones) etc. 3ou #a* use a calculator.


Constants g = 9.80 m/s

G = 6.67 10 11 Nm 2 / kg 2

Constant acceleration kinematic equations: 1 5(t ) = 5 o + at , r (t ) = ro + 5 ot + at 2 2 Newtons law of universal gravitation: mM =G 2 , r

Mass of the Earth= 5.9742 10 kg Mass of the Moon = 7.36 1022 kg

Velocity and acceleration: dr (t ) d5 (t ) 5 (t ) = , a (t ) = dt dt Radial or centripetal acceleration:

v2 aR = ac = r
Newtons second law:

. = ma

orce of friction: fr = k = k


(kinetic) (static)

The average centre to centre !istance fro" the Earth to the Moon is #8$,$0# k"
! 1 a ( c e , a ( c e

"net = ! 2 !1 1 ! = mv 2 2

" = d

6 a ( c e

" a ( c e

7 a ( c e

8 a ( c e

9 a ( c e

: a ( c e

!2 a ( c e

!! a ( c e

!1 a ( c e

!, a ( c e

!6 a ( c e

!" a ( c e


Mar% *our answers to the test questions on this +ri- (* 4LACIN' A CIRCLE arounthe letter o *our choice.
This line for instructor use only

a ( c e

Section I For ;!" $oints< instructor use only

4ro(le# ! ; " $oints<

Section II ;!" $oints< 4ro(le# 1 4ro(le# , ;" $oints< ;" $oints<



Midterm Examination

Summer 2008-09


Midterm Examination

Summer 2008-09


%o& !rive for #0 secon!s at #0 "/s an! then for another #0 secon!s at '0 "/s. (hat is )o&r average s*ee! for the +ho,e tri*a) .) c) !) e) $0 "/s #' "/s $' "/s 20 "/s 60 "/s

& 'm #


%o& r&n 20 "eters at 10 "/s an! then +a,k $0 "eters at ' "/s. (hat is )o&r average s*ee! for the +ho,e 60 "eters-

a) .) c) !) e)

7.' "/s 1'.0 "/s 6.0 "/s 8.0 "/s 10.0 "/s

a) .) c) !) 7.

v50, a50 v50, a60 v60, a50 v60, a60

7or a cannon on Earth, the cannon.a,, +o&,! fo,,o+ *ath (.). /f the cannon +as fire! on Moon +here gMoon = 0.#gEarth, +hich *ath +o&,! the cannon.a,, take in the sa"e sit&ation-


/f the average ve,ocit) is non 0ero over so"e ti"e interva,, !oes this "ean that the instantaneo&s ve,ocit) is never 0ero !&ring the sa"e interva,a# .) c# d# yes no it depends $mpossi%le to tell a) .) c)


1,ice an! 2i,, are at the to* of a .&i,!ing. 1,ice thro+s her .a,, !o+n+ar!. 2i,, si"*,) !ro*s his .a,,. (hich .a,, has the greater acce,eration 3&st after re,ease= a) .) c) !) 1,ice4s .a,, it !e*en!s on ho+ har! the .a,, +as thro+n neither the) .oth have the sa"e acce,eration 2i,,4s .a,, 8. 8iven that A 9 B = C, an! that ,A, 9 ,B, = ,C, , ho+ are vectors A an! B oriente! +ith res*ect to each othera) .) c) !) e) 9. the) are *er*en!ic&,ar to each other the) are *ara,,e, an! in the sa"e !irection the) are *ara,,e, .&t in the o**osite !irection the) are at $': to each other the) can .e at an) ang,e to each other


%o& !ro* a rock off a .ri!ge. (hen the rock has fa,,en $ ", )o& !ro* a secon! rock. 1s the t+o rocks contin&e to fa,,, +hat ha**ens to their se*aration= a) .) c) !) the se*aration increases as the) fa,, the se*aration sta)s constant at $ " the se*aration !ecreases as the) fa,, it is i"*ossi.,e to ans+er +itho&t "ore infor"ation

%o& !ro* a *ackage fro" a *,ane f,)ing at constant s*ee! in a straight ,ine. (itho&t air resistance, the *ackage +i,,a) .) c) !) ;&ick,) ,ag .ehin! the *,ane +hi,e fa,,ing re"ain vertica,,) &n!er the *,ane +hi,e fa,,ing "ove ahea! of the *,ane +hi,e fa,,ing not fa,, at a,,


The gra*h of *osition vers&s ti"e for a car is given .e,o+. (hich of the fo,,o+ing state"ents a.o&t the acce,eration an! ve,ocit) of the car is correct-


Midterm Examination

Summer 2008-09

10. 1 *ro3ecti,e is ,a&nche! fro" the gro&n! at an ang,e of #0 . 1t +hat *oint in its tra3ector) !oes this *ro3ecti,e have the ,east s*ee!= e) f) g) h) i) 3&st after it is ,a&nche! at the highest *oint in its f,ight 3&st .efore it hits the gro&n! ha,f+a) .et+een the gro&n! an! the highest *oint s*ee! is a,+a)s constant

a) .) c) !) e)

1 1 2 .oth the sa"e (N = mg) .oth the sa"e (0 6 N 6 mg) .oth the sa"e (= = 0)

11. 7ro" rest, +e ste* on the gas of o&r 7errari, *rovi!ing a force for ( seconds, s*ee!ing it &* to a fina, s*ee! v. /f the a**,ie! force +ere on,) 1/2 , ho+ ,ong +o&,! it have to .e a**,ie! to reach the same fina, s*ee!a) 16 s .) 8 s c) $ s !) 2 s e) 1 s 12. 1 .,ock of "ass m rests on the f,oor of an e,evator that is acce,erating &*+ar!. (hat is the re,ationshi* .et+een the force !&e to gravit) an! the nor"a, force on the .,ockf# g# +# i) 3) N ) mg N * mg N , mg '%ut not -ero# N * . !e*en!s on the si0e of the e,evator

1$. /f )o& *&sh +ith force 7 on either the heav) .o> (M2) or the ,ight .o> (M1), in +hich of the t+o cases .e,o+ is the contact force .et+een the t+o .o>es ,arger-

a) /f +e *&sh M1 .) /f +e *&sh M2
c) .oth are the sa"e
M1 M2




1 1

1'. T+o .,ocks of "asses /m an! m are in contact on a hori0onta, friction,ess s&rface. /f a force is a**,ie! to "ass /m, +hat is the force on "ass m 0


1#. <onsi!er t+o i!entica, .,ocks, one resting on a f,at s&rface an! the other resting on an inc,ine. 7or +hich case is the nor"a, force greater-

a) %# c) !) e)

2 1/2 1/# 1/$

4ro(le# ! (tota, of ' *oints)

2o> 1, of "ass mA=10 kg, is *,ace! on a s&rface inc,ine! at #7: to the hori0onta,. /t is connecte! .) a ,ight+eight cor!, +hich *asses over a "ass,ess an! friction,ess *&,,e), to a secon! .o> 2, +hich hangs free,) as sho+n. /f the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.20 an! mB=20 kg?


@,ot the free .o!) !iagra"s for mA an! mB se*arate,). (2 *oints)


Midterm Examination

Summer 2008-09


/f mA "oves to the ,eft fin! the acce,eration of the s)ste"- (# *oint)



Midterm Examination

Summer 2008-09

4ro(le# 1 (tota, of ' *oints) Ase the infor"ation given on the cover *age to ca,c&,ate at +hat s*ee! !oes the "oon the earth0

4ro(le# , (tota, of ' *oints) 1 car trave,ing 60 k"/h can .rake to a sto* +ithin a !istance d of 20 ". /f the car is going t+ice as fast, 120 k"/h, +hat is its sto**ing !istance- 1ss&"e the "a>i"&" .raking force is a**ro>i"ate,) in!e*en!ent of s*ee!.

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