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Assessment and Grading

Communication Skills Class, CS Reading and Writing Class, RW Proficiency is your use of the language you are learning during class. Portfolio is a collection of your work created during the term. There is a checklist of what needs to go into the Portfolio and when.

Assessment Attendance: Daily Preparedness and Participation: Daily In-class Proficiency: Weekly Portfolio: Weekly Portfolio: nd-of-!er" Written !est: nd-of-!er" $poken !est: nd-of-!er" Total Percentage

% of Total 5 5 30 20 20 15 5 100

CS 2 2.50 15 (10) (10) #A #A NA

RW 2 2.50 15 (10) (10) #A #A

Modul e

1 0 0 20 20 #A #A

Not Applicable

GYP Level Zero

Theme: My Self, My Family To ics that the teacher may choose from to create ro!ects: Classroom "anguage, Personal #etails, Family, Friends, Time, $ome, #aily "i%ing

"istening Reading S oken &nteraction S oken Production Writing

Final Competencies
& can recogni'e familiar words and %ery (asic hrases concerning myself, my family, and immediate concrete surroundings, when eo le s eak slowly and clearly. & can understand familiar names, words and %ery sim le sentences, for e)am le on notices and osters or in catalogues. & can interact in a sim le way ro%ided the other erson is re ared to re eat or re hrase things at a slower rate of s eech and hel me formulate what &*m trying to say. & can ask and answer sim le +uestions in areas of immediate need or on %ery familiar to ics. & can use sim le hrases and sentences to descri(e where & li%e and eo le & know. & can write a short, sim le ostcard, for e)am le sending holiday greetings. & can fill in forms with ersonal details, for e)am le entering my name, nationality and address on a hotel registration form.

GYP Level A1
Theme: ,a%igating "ife To ics that the teacher may choose from to create ro!ects: Family life, $o((ies and S orts, $olidays, Work and !o(s, Sho Free Time acti%ities, Food, -oing Places Skill


!it Competencies
& can understand hrases and the highest fre+uency %oca(ulary related to areas of most immediate ersonal rele%ance .e.g. %ery (asic ersonal and family information, sho ing, local area, em loyment/. & can catch the main oint in short, clear, sim le messages and announcements. & can read %ery short, sim le te)ts. & can find s ecific, redicta(le information in sim le e%eryday material such as ad%ertisements, ros ectuses, menus and timeta(les and & can understand short sim le ersonal letters. & can communicate in sim le and routine tasks re+uiring a sim le and direct e)change of information on familiar to ics and acti%ities. & can handle %ery short social e)changes, e%en though & can*t usually understand enough to kee the con%ersation going myself. & can use a series of hrases and sentences to descri(e in sim le terms my family and other eo le, li%ing conditions, my educational (ackground and my resent or most recent !o(. & can write short, sim le notes and messages relating to matters in areas of immediate needs. & can write a %ery sim le ersonal letter, for e)am le thanking someone for something.

Reading S oken &nteraction S oken Production Writing

GYP Level A"

Theme: 0) loring My World To ics that the teacher may choose from to create ro!ects: $o((ies and S orts, $olidays, Work and !o(s, Sho ing, Free Time acti%ities .making lans/, ,eigh(orhood, 0ducation Skill

!it Competencies
& can understand hrases and the highest fre+uency %oca(ulary related to areas of most immediate ersonal rele%ance .e.g. %ery (asic ersonal and family information, sho ing, local area, em loyment/. & can catch the main oint in short, clear, sim le messages and announcements. & can read %ery short, sim le te)ts. & can find s ecific, redicta(le information in sim le e%eryday material such as ad%ertisements, ros ectuses, menus and timeta(les and & can understand short sim le ersonal letters. & can communicate in sim le and routine tasks re+uiring a sim le and direct e)change of information on familiar to ics and acti%ities. & can handle %ery short social e)changes, e%en though & can*t usually understand enough to kee the con%ersation going myself. & can use a series of hrases and sentences to descri(e in sim le terms my family and other eo le, li%ing conditions, my educational (ackground and my resent or most recent !o(. & can write short, sim le notes and messages relating to matters in areas of immediate needs. & can write a %ery sim le ersonal letter, for e)am le thanking someone for something.

Reading S oken &nteraction S oken Production Writing

GYP Level #1
Theme: World 1round Me To ics that the teacher may choose from to create ro!ects: Free Time acti%ities, 0ducation, "ife Changes and Making Plans, 2our Country, ,ews, "ifestyles and current affairs, Media Skill
"istening Reading S oken &nteraction S oken Production Writing

!it Competencies
& can understand the main oints of clear standard s eech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. & can understand the main oint of many radio or T3 rograms on current affairs or to ics of ersonal or rofessional interest when the deli%ery is relati%ely slow and clear. & can understand te)ts that consist mainly of high fre+uency e%eryday or !o(4related language. & can understand the descri tion of e%ents, feelings and wishes in ersonal letters. & can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst tra%elling in an area where the language is s oken. & can enter un re ared into con%ersation on to ics that are familiar, of ersonal interest or ertinent to e%eryday life .e.g. family, ho((ies, work, tra%el and current e%ents/. & can connect hrases in a sim le way in order to descri(e e) eriences and e%ents, my dreams, ho es and am(itions. & can (riefly gi%e reasons and e) lanations for o inions and lans. & can narrate a story or relate the lot of a (ook or film and descri(e my reactions. & can write sim le connected te)t on to ics, which are familiar or of ersonal interest. & can write ersonal letters descri(ing e) eriences and im ressions.

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