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Volume 7, Number 3

CHC Helicopter Corporation

Johan Petersen

CHC Scotias new terminal building opens in Aberdeen ... See page 8 for additional photos

By Ken Pole, AS332L fleet, CHC Scotia Hill Walking & Climbing Club

THE NATIONAL THREE PEAKS walk involves climbing the highest mountains in Wales, England and Scotland. These are Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis respectively. Different people will take different periods of time to do the three peaks. Those who are brave, noble or just wish to get very little sleep try to do all three within the space of 24 hours The Three Peaks Challenge. This is our attempt. SNOWDON, 1085m (3559ft) Wales It was a calm day in Wales as the stopwatch started. At 10 a.m. on that Saturday we set off to climb Snowdon, the crowning height of Wales. Snowdon is a true mountain supported on several sides by faces and ridges. It commands a ridge of its own with three neighbouring peaks and has given name to the surrounding region, Snowdonia National Park. We set off along the Miners track from Llanberis Pass, which was soon behind us. Peering ahead we hoped for a glimpse of the summit, which was hiding somewhere above us in the clouds. Over the past years the National Three Peaks Challenge has been increasing in popularity, with many charities organising the event providing transport and logistical help - leaving only the leg work to those on the challenge. The summit of Snowdon was reached ahead of schedule. A few photos and chocolate bars later we retraced our steps back down to the car and got there within good time at 1 pm. One down, two to go.
Continued on page 5

CHC PRESIDENT Sylvain Allard stated earlier this year that it is a longterm objective to introduce a common approach to maintenance and flight operations across the flying divisions of the Group. In order to achieve this goal, we need to standardise our systems. As a first step, the IT systems and software applications used in CHCs European operations are being merged. The divisions work together to develop a common Flight Business System, a common Line Maintenance System, a new Maintenance Repair and Overhaul System, and standardised financial and economic reporting. The project, called Project One, is headed by CHC Vice President David Dobbin. The decision to harmonise IT development and usage throughout
Continued on page 4

7 10 14

Perfect storm

New digs in Nova Scotia

The challenge has been issued. CHC Scotias Ken Pole (above) and Andy Foster have climbed the highest peaks in Scotland, England and Wales with the CHC hummingbird flag in hand. Now were challenging CHC employees around the world to photograph the flag in wild and wonderfull places in your home land. Winning entries will receive a CHC three-in-one fleecelined jacket (ideal for cool, windy mountaintops), or cash prize, and photos will be printed in the 2004 Company calendar. See inside for details.

42 years with Astec

July November 2002

Craig Dobbin, O.C. Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

I AM TRULY FORTUNATE to work with so many talented and dedicated men and women. There is one attribute in particular which stands out among a large number of my fellow employees the ability to remain calm and confident under pressure. One of our greatest CHC champions has thrived under pressure for 20 years. Through her unstoppable drive, CHC Helicopters International President Christine Baird has risen from the position of secretary to president of CHCs fastest growing division based in Vancouver. In the early days, when the Company was expanding rapidly, there were tremendous demands placed on all employees. We were

about to launch our first international contract, in South America, and Christine seized the moment. In addition to carrying out her demanding tasks as secretary to the late Al Soutar, Company president at the time, Christine took charge of all international logistics arranging work visas and permits, getting aircraft registered in a foreign country, ferrying the aircraft across oceans, and cutting through mountains of red tape. She took on, and managed these tasks with no blueprint to follow. Soon after, Christine was promoted to Special Projects Manager, and then Commercial Manager. Christine was appointed Executive Vice President of CHC Helicopters International in 1991 and in April, 1998, was appointed President of the division. Christine leads a team of 323 employees, including 240 pilots and engineers. I know from speaking to many of you that Christine is wellrespected and does an exemplary job uniting many different cultures and nationalities into one CHC family. Her focus is clearly team-building,

effective communication and personal growth and development. Throughout her career, Christine has been gutsy and brimming with confidence, yet at the same time she is humble, and believes in equality for all. Clients often mention her courage, and her determination to succeed. Today Christine stands out as a woman dynamo in a male-dominated profession. Resilience and strength have allowed Christine to negotiate with power and authority in countries where women arent even allowed to drive a car. It is my hope that Christines success will be embraced by the industry, and will encourage all helicopter, and oil and gas companies to promote more women to executive positions. I also hope it will inspire women throughout the Company to seek leadership roles, and nontraditional professions such as pilot and engineer. Christine, you are a true champion, and I salute you for 20 years of dedicated service and coolness under pressure. satisfaction levels are high, thanks in large part to the dedication and expertise of CHC staff and management. The Company is well positioned to continue these trends, in large part because CHC is willing to commit to substantial investment in equipment, training, new facilities, and working capital. In Aberdeen, we have invested in a modern terminal to serve the high passenger volumes of our customers, and CHC Scotia employees made the transition to the new facility smoothly. We have built a new hanger for Baku, and a new helicopter facility is under construction in Halifax, Nova Scotia, to ensure CHC International remains the leader supporting new exploration and production activities off Canadas East Coast. Perhaps most importantly, CHC has led the industry in investment in new heavy helicopters, at more than _14 million each. In December, we will deliver our second MKII of the year, a new machine for Phillips through CHC Helikopter Service in Stavanger. Our investment in new aircraft, including the launch of the new generation EC225 in 2003 and 2004 is unparalleled. Our commitment to the future will yield advantages in the SAR sector and for longer mission crew contract work. If we fail to look to the future, we will erode our market share and the Company will shrink. I believe our strategy will lead to greater prosperity, security and growth for many years to come.

Sylvain Allard President

AT CHC OPERATIONS around the world, changes are taking place more rapidly than ever. We are constructing new facilities and restructuring business units. As we streamline CHCs operations to meet our customers changing demands, CHC employees continue to get the job done in an exceptional manner. I commend your efforts and hard work during this Company-strengthening process. At the same time, we continue to face significant challenges on the cost side, which all employees must be aware of to better understand the Company and its strategy for growth and long-term prosperity. CHCs major cost concerns are as follows: 1. Insurance premiums escalated some US $1.8 million immediately following September 11, 2001, and we have assurances there will be additional significant increases at renewal in the third quarter. CHC must seek to recover these increases in existing and future

contracts, but may have to absorb some of the increases through other cost-reduction exercises. 2. Pilot loss of license coverage costs have tripled in the last 12-18 months to the point where this coverage is unattainable from any insurance company and is being temporarily self-funded by CHC. Structural changes must be made in the coverage, while retaining adequate protection for those who become unable to work. 3. Salary and overall compensation settlements have been high, particularly in Europe. We continue to subscribe to the view that all employees must be fairly compensated, but we must avoid becoming a high-cost airline, since this is not in the long-term benefit of CHC and all its employees. 4. New heavy and medium helicopters are expensive, as is their maintenance and cost. A modern fleet is essential to meeting the demands of our customers. We must examine every area of inventory management and operations to improve our cost effectiveness. Even small cost savings can add up to huge savings over time and distance. On the positive side, our customer base is diverse and strong, and I believe customer

ON OCT. 11, CHC began trading on the New York Stock Exchange, after de-listing from the smaller NASDAQ exchange. CHC Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Craig L. Dobbin was invited to Exchange headquarters in the heart of Manhattans financial district to ring the opening bell and start the days trading. CHC flew an EC-225-F1 Twin Star helicopter to New York for the day and parked it in front of the Exchange Building on Wall Street. Members of CHCs executive team then joined Craig Dobbin inside on the bell podium, and the Company was featured on major business television networks in the U.S. and around the world. Coincidentally, the U.S. markets enjoyed one of the best one-day rallies in months on that day. CHC continues to trade its Subordinate Class A and Class B multi-vote shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Rotortales asked Craig Dobbin a few questions about the move to the NYSE. RT: Why the switch? CLD: Theres no doubt the listing on the New York Stock Exchange will provide CHC with increased visibility in the global investment community, and increased access to capital for potential future expansion. RT: Are we planning to expand? CLD: Were always looking for ways to grow and strengthen the Company, and this is an important step. It marks a new beginning, and will help us grow at a time when our customers are demanding we cut back and reduce costs. RT: What makes the NYSE so special? CLD: The NYSE isnt called The Big Board for nothing. The exchange represents a prestigious group of some of the largest international companies in the world. More than 450 companies from outside the United States trade on the NYSE, including many of our customers, such as BP , Shell, Norsk Hydro, Statoil, Talisman Energy, TotalFinaElf, and BHP . Non-US companies on the NYSE are valued at about $5 trillion. RT: Those are pretty big companies. Will it cost CHC a lot more to trade on the NYSE? CLD: No. There were some one-time costs associated with the move, such as bringing a helicopter in for the day, but going forward the cost of listing on the NYSE is comparable to the costs of the NASDAQ.

Class A subordinate voting shares of CHC Helicopter Corporation began trading on the New York Stock Exchange Friday, October 11, 2002. In New York for the ringing of the opening bell were, left to right: David Dobbin, Vice President; Jo Mark Zurel, Chief Financial Officer; Craig L. Dobbin, O.C., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer; Sylvain Allard, President; Noel Clarke, Senior Vice President; and Craig C. Dobbin, Vice President.

RT: Why the helicopter on Wall Street? CLD: The helicopter was really special, and it attracted a lot of attention. Wall Street hadnt seen anything like this in more than a year. There have been hardly any outside events since September 11, 2001 and theres never been a helicopter there. We knew we were going to get international television coverage, and what better way to show what we do than to park a helicopter right in front of the exchange. RT: Why didnt we send a larger helicopter, like a Super Puma? CLD: Well, for one thing, theyre all busy flying our customers right now, and theres nothing close to New York. But the other reason is logistics. You wouldnt believe the restrictions involved. For security reasons, we couldnt fly in that part of Manhattan, and all the fuel had to be drained from the machine before we could truck it to Wall Street, so it really made sense to use the Twin Star. RT: Will the move to the NYSE mean increased scrutiny of our operations?

CLD: It might, but were all accustomed to the close attention the media and our customers pay to us, through audits and so on, and were quite proud of what we do. There will be additional disclosure requirements at the Corporate level, but CHC is already well ahead of all its regulatory requirements, and shouldnt have to make any changes. RT: So, has CHC made it to the big time? CLD: I wouldnt say that. One of the biggest threats to large companies is complacency. Were facing more challenges now than ever, and the worst thing we can do is sit back and be satisfied. Weve got to work to expand into new markets around the world, and strengthen our position in existing markets. If we dont someone else will move in and take over. The NYSE listing is just another tool to help us remain the world leader, like excellent customer service, safety, competitive pricing and efficiency. These things will help us stay on top. And well never stop looking for ways to improve. RT: Thanks.

CHC Helicopter Corporation

consolidates the functionality of the half dozen systems currently in use by some CHC operators. The existing Airsoft (Scotia) and Helisoft (HS) systems will be replaced by a Movex Maintenance System communicating with the other Movex modules. This will give us significant benefits in terms of a reduced administrative burden; we want people making effective use of data, The display of the new Movex Maintenance Repair and Overhaul System presents not manipulating it as users with a much improved screen image that is reader friendly. It also provides improved happens everywhere in functionality and flexibility through its integration with the upgraded Movex Logistics and Financial modules. the business today, AS/400 black/green screen image. An example John says. A key element is communication of the concept is the big-screen picture now with other major systems such as the FBS displayed in the Integrated Logisitcs Centre in and Finance. Stavanger, providing an instant view of the All data should be entered just once, operational status and with a number of by the creation of an electronic Technical underlying programs to display key information and Flight Log system, and be available to as requested by the user. all areas of the business for use almost immediately: Technical, Operational and, Finance as importantly, Finance. CHC is currently implementing new Another key benefit is the reduction in Movex financial software at CHC Astec, CHC the risk of error in processing the data, HS, CHC Scotia and at corporate head office. which can have significant safety benefits in The finance project is being led by Rick Green, terms of aircraft technical records, for example. Vice President Financial Planning and Control, Getting the new system operational with dedicated support from the division requires a great deal of work and we all have a financial groups. The Movex financial system part to play in making this happen, John says. will allow all operating divisions to work with a common software, resulting in more efficient Maintenance Repair and Overhaul financial processes and timely delivery of Astec Helicopter Services, as an international financial results for all internal and external supplier of maintenance and logistic services, is users. This system will enable users to input dependent on well-performing, integrated IT better financial information and spend more systems. Although the present Helisoft fully time delivering quality financial information to supports the technical areas within the company, management. The goal: Let Movex software do the present IT systems have proved inadequate in the number crunching; let financial employees critical business areas, such as job costing, work provide key financial information for managing orders, invoicing, customer information, historic the business. reporting and statistics. The Movex financial suite of products is a Astecs MRO project will result in upgraded totally integrated package that talks intelligently versions of the existing Movex Logistics and to flight operations and line maintenance. It Movex Financial systems, as well as implementing eliminates duplication of effort and lets financial the new MRO system, to make it one fully employees focus on their important job tasks. integrated system. Intentia has offices and customers in all The MRO project is led by Jan R. Rosland. parts of the world. Their global presence allows The project will also include setting up a them to regularly update their software, insuring system for component and base maintenance as that CHC will always be current on financial well as support functions in Aberdeen, enabling software development and usage. Movex is Astec to step up its maintenance support to the foundation on which CHC will build CHC Scotia. its integrated financial and other information The next generation system will have a systems from different corners of the world. graphic interface, replacing the present IBM

Continued from page 1

the European divisions results from the best practices project undertaken a few months back, to consider ways of improving overall efficiency. Increased efficiency in processing production data means our employees can focus on value added activities, David Dobbin points out. Standardising systems and applying the same software throughout the European operations facilitates communciation, enhancing productivity and simplifying reporting procedures. A leading principle of the standardisation process is that data input to operating systems are to be made once only, to avoid unnecessary duplication. The entire organisation will benefit from these developments, as reporting formats will be identical and everyone involved will find it easier to read important information. A further advantage is that development costs may be shared between several users. It is envisaged that the chosen solutions will eventually be applied Company-wide. Flight Business System The Flight Operations System (FOS) is a program package used by the Operations Centres in Stavanger and Aberdeen. FOS provides an efficient, up-to-the-minute presentation of deployed and available resources, based on the inputs of heliport, operations and maintenance staff. The system developers have drawn on the wealth of experience of CHC HS and CHC Scotia, to create a new Flight Business System. This includes the existing FOS, with the addition of a Flight Records System to make it a complete Windows-based production system. As an added bonus, base improvements will be made to the system at the same time. The information presented includes flight schedules for the bases subordinated to the Centre, aircraft and crew status, airport/platform information, weather information, any special details relating to a particular flight, etc. It has a function ensuring that information to customers is provided as required. The system doesnt make the decisions for you; it provides you with all the information you need to make a right decision, Project Leader Roger Eliassen told Rotortales. With flight records added, all the information required for the entire operation, from planning up to and including basic information for invoicing, will be handled by the system. Line Maintenance CHC Scotias John Burns is in charge of the Line Maintenance project. The project

SCAFELL PIKE, 978m (3208ft) England The next bit gave the legs a rest, swapping walking for driving. Two hundred miles away Scafell Pike was waiting - Englands highest summit, located in the heart of the Lake District National Park. Our challenge took part during a bank holiday weekend and the Lakes are always popular, especially around any holiday. Our setting off point to climb Scafell Pike, Wesdale Head, is about as far from the motorway as you can get. This left us with spectacular scenery from narrow winding roads and routed us through numerous small villages. It turned out luck was with us as we didnt get caught behind any caravans and little bank holiday traffic, arriving at Wesdale Head at 6pm. Several miles away is Seathwaite which has the wonderful title of the wettest place in Great Britain. A lovely title and one I was sure would have been reserved for somewhere in Scotland, but no, there we where setting off into the hills with the wettest part of Britain just down the road. To ensure there was no doubt about the title, not long after setting off it started raining - the only rain we saw during the whole challenge. Fortunately the area was not out to really prove its worthiness of the title and after an hour it was dry again. Of the three peaks, this was the one where you could get lost, particularly ascending during darkness or in cloud. Fortunately we had neither and reached the summit ahead of schedule for a quick break then it was off again. During the descent, to the west the sun was setting on a fine evening. By 10pm we were off the mountain and driving for the highest mountain of them all, Ben Nevis, 250 miles away. Two down, one to go. BEN NEVIS, 1344m (4409ft) Scotland Many coffee stops and precious few hours of sleep later, we arrived in the wee small hours at Fort William, near the foothills of Ben Nevis in the Scottish Highlands. In darkness, at 5am we set off from the Glen Nevis Youth Hostel, with head torches lighting the stony path of the Tourist Track. This was originally built as a pony track to service the now ruined observatory and

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Early morning in the Highlands: the ascent of Ben Nevis. Below: Andy Foster, left, and Ken Pole fly the flag from the highest point in Britain.

hotel at the summit, which date back to Victorian times. Around us a superb day was waking up. As the ascent continued we had great views over the nearby mountains. There was a layer of cloud above us but as the day warmed the cloud was thinning and rising out of our reach. After an awful lot of up hill, over rocks, crossing burns, passing cairns and rock outcrops, we were nearing the summit. Through a thin layer of cloud we were up into the sunshine reaching the top at 7:30. The view that greeted us was amazing - we had been on the go now for 20 hours, climbed all of the three peaks, travelled a good length of the country - and this was the reward. Below was the whole of the country. The challenge was not over here though; the clock stops at the bottom of the third peak but by now the end was well and truly in sight and it was

quite literally all down hill. The CHC flag, having travelled around with us, was flown from the top and photographs taken for some lasting memories. Going down proved no bother and was done in good time even with many stops chatting to other groups also doing the challenge. Being a bank holiday weekend there must have been ten other groups from various charities and organisations. For many of them this was their first of the three peaks having chosen to tackle them the other way round, so many were full of questions - little did they know what was ahead of them! The clock finally stopped crossing the footbridge over the River Nevis. And the time 23 hours 35 minutes! Thanks must go to CHC Scotia for sponsoring the event and watch out, ideas are being passed around of what to do next.

Inspired by the flag-flying activities of Foster and Pole, Rotortales is taking their challenge to the rest of the CHC group. Heres the deal: over the next several months, plan a mission to fly the CHC flag in one of your favorite scenic places. Travel to this place under your own power (no helicopter rides, please), take

photographs with a 35 mm camera, and write a few words about your adventure. Winners will be selected from each division, and their photographs will be published in CHCs 2004 Company calendar. Each winner will receive a CHC three-in-one fleece-lined jacket, or cash equivalent. Youve got lots of time,

entries must be received by September, 2003, but get them in early if you can, and enter as often as you like. If you require a CHC flag, please contact Chris Flanagan at 1-709-570-0749 or Happy trails!

that Ian and his crew took on an African safari mentioned in the previous issue of Rotortales. An engineering staff of five, of which four rotate back-to-back, and one permanent chief engineer, support the helicopters. We normally have eight pilots, with seven working on a 5 month in, 1 month out rotation, accompanied by family. The other pilot is supplied from our Cape Town operation. Five months might seem like a long time on a remote contract in a desert town, but considering the facilities available and the quality of living, I can assure you it is extremely bearable. Did I mention the 18-hole golf course? The operation also employs four hangar staff, a secretary and a flight coordinator. Our flying hours may not be as impressive as some other offshore operations, but we pride ourselves on a dispatch rate of greater than 99% since the De Beers Marine contract started, which is attributed to the hard work put in by our engineering staff. Our hangar staff ensures that we operate the shiniest and most appealing helicopters in the CHC group. (An unbiased opinion) Our fixed wing compatriots, or Bomber Command, which operates two Convair 580 aircraft, and some Kingairs that are contracted in on demand, complement our effort in Oranjemund. They fly all our offshore crews from Cape Town to Oranjemund for the crew changes and back

CHCs Convair CV580 (right) transports offshore diamond harvesters from Cape Town, South Africa to Oranjemund, Namibia where they are then flown offshore by helicopter. Below: A CHC Sikorsky S76 100 nautical miles northwest of Orangemund (below).

FOR THE UNEDUCATED, Namibia is one country up from South Africa on the west coast of Africa. It is known for great open plains, huge game farms, diamonds and the Namib Desert, where the country gets its name. Our home is in the south of the country, just north of the Orange River, which forms the border with South Africa. The town, Oranjemund, gets its name from the river mouth, the name meaning Orange Mouth in German. The surrounding countryside is desert, with a rainfall of less than 90mm per year, but because of the proximity to the river, water is not in short supply. As a result, the town is the proverbial oasis in the desert, with lush vegetation and some beautiful gardens. The whole town belongs to the local mine, and sporting facilities are plentiful. The local weather is very mild throughout the year, caused by the cold sea currents just offshore and the predominant southwesterly wind. Diamonds are the single largest source of revenue earner for the Namibian government. Among various other methods, it is mined by converted drill ships. These are operated by De Beers Marine Namibia for NAMDEB, a joint venture between the Namibian government and the mighty De Beers diamond mining house. Enter CHC Namibia! We won this contract starting in April 1998, with an initial contract period of 5 years, supporting the mining vessels offshore Oranjemund.

Since January 2002, we also support an exploration-drilling program in the Kudu field 100nm NW of Oranjemund. This rig, the Ocean Whittington, is under contract to Shell for a two well program. Thrown into the equation, we also helped support a geo-survey vessel 120nm SW of Oranjemund in South African waters for a 90-day contract. The operation consists of two S76 A++ helicopters and an S61N. This is the same S61

CHC Helicopters (Africa)

again. This enables us to offer a one-stop service to clients, where crewmembers are met at their arriving flights, transported to Oranjemund and the offshore installation and back again, all under one roof so to speak! No operation can work in isolation though, and we are no exception. We receive excellent support from Head Office 850 km down the road. Logistics are simplified by the direct company flights from Cape Town a few times per week, and backup is but a phone call away. The close working relationship we have with our clients helps us to render a tailored service, designed to fulfill their needs in a safe and effective manner. By remaining flexible and committed, our air and ground crews make sure there is always a smile on the faces of our client representatives at the end of every working day. This is evident from all the client feedback that we receive, and also by numerous audits conducted by client auditors since the contracts started. Operating in the local conditions, namely fog and blowing sand, is a fact of life. It is therefore not unusual for a flight to return to base because of weather that is below the minima of 200 cloud base, and 3/4 nm horizontal visibility. Recently, there was an incident where one crew did 18 approaches to ships in one day without ever seeing a ship. Must be some sort of record. And can you imagine what goes through an engineers mind when he arrives at the hangar in the morning, only to find a thick layer of sand over the aircraft, the hangar floor and the equipment? What a nightmare, but it keeps the hangar staff occupied! Looking back at four years of service, it is clear that the use of an experienced and dedicated staff made the difference. The implementation of the ISO 9001 Quality Management System and more recently, of our Safety Management System, went a long way to ensure a safe and efficient service to our clients. Perhaps this is a good opportunity to thank all the people who helped make CHC Namibia a first-rate operation. We even had a few tamed Canadians and Aussies working here over the years. They cant help where they were born, but they did a very good job regardless. Today we have very satisfied clients in De Beers Marine Namibia and Shell. With the next 5-year De Beers contract less than one year away and exciting developments in Namibian offshore gas production, we are looking forward to many years of solid service in the area.
Charles Burger, Oranjemund Base Manager

EXCEPTIONAL FLYING by CHC enabled This was very difficult to accomplish without the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) at power, so the lift strop ropes had to be used to Bakoven to save its boat worth R235 000. ease the boat out on rollers. Once the ropes were The boat, even though secured within a boat connected, the boat was winched out on the shed due to an impending storm, was being rollers to just out of the shed front. The slings lifted toward the roof by the force of the waves. were then attached with the idea that the boat Brad Geyser, Station Commander stated: could be edged out onto the ramp just before We contacted CHC Helicopters who airlifted the Sikorsky 61 took off. the boat out under tremendously adverse With all the slings fastened and crew conditions. Then they landed it on the sports briefed, they anxiously waited for the field at La Med. It was a beautiful landing helicopter, watching the sets wash across the in the mist without any damage to the boat. ramp closer and closer to the boat, now stuck May 25 was a devastating day for the NSRI out on the ramp with no way to save her if a at Bakoven. Nine-metre-high waves completely big set came in. The helicopter, piloted by destroyed the oldest base in the country. Geyser John Pocock, appeared through the mist at said the base had survived many storms over the 08:45. As the mist started to clear a little, a years, but the one that peaked on this day was packed beach of spectators was revealed. the worst he had seen in 28 years of service. With some brilliant flying inches above The main supports holding up the base were the shed roof, the helicopter connected with taken out by the storm. We estimate the damage the slings and started to lift, said Geyser. at between R150 000 and R200 000, said The trip to La Med was short and the landing Geyser. We had taken precautions and removed was smooth as silk. Thanks to Ian Labuschagne what we could on Friday night. But the storms and John Pocock of CHC for not only extreme force about 3 a.m. was much more than assisting us in our time of need, but for we had bargained for. You had to see the power some brilliant flying! of the water to believe it. The severity of the storm caused the boat to become totally unhooked. The boat at times was hitting the ceiling so hard that all the windshield deflectors broke off and the boat literally broke through the ceiling boards. It was declared that unless the boat was removed before the next high tide, it would definitely be lost. Only a small window of opportunity existed for personnel to winch the boat The storm in Bakhoven was the worst the Station Commander had seen in out of the trailer and shed and 28 years. Thanks to CHC, the NSRI boat was saved despite the complete then hook it up for take-off. destruction of the base.

CHC Scotia has been awarded a five-year contract, plus options for another five years, for the sole use of two AS365N Dauphin aircraft based at Blackpool, a holiday town in northwest England made famous by its golden mile of arcades and amusements. The contract, which was awarded in August after a competitive bid process, is in support of offshore East Irish Sea oil & gas operations for Hydrocarbon Resources Limited and BHP Billiton. Despite Blackpools reputation as Britains most popular seaside holiday town, the CHC base is no vacation spot. Last summer, CHC Scotia crews flew more than 300 flights a month, nearly a quarter of which were unplanned (less than 24 hours notice). Thats an average of 10 flights every day of the month. The base moves more than 1,000 men and women and about 10,000 kg of freight outbound monthly, all with two relatively small aircraft. They also average about one deck landing every nine minutes flying time, keeping pilots, engineers and support staff hopping. As usual they work all hours to keep the aircraft serviceable and can only work on the A/C in the evenings or weekends.

June 1 marked the opening of a new terminal facility, as well as the completion of renovations of Scotias hangar at the Aberdeen base. We were waiting with eager anticipation for the opening of the new terminal. There has been a lot of hard work from members of staff who deserve our thanks for a job well done. We moved during the day and overnight Friday 31 May ready to take passengers and aircrew on the Saturday morning 1 June. The passengers checked-in on the Saturday and were sent happily on their way. Although there are still the obvious minor problems to sort out, overall the whole exercise has been a success. The staff enjoy working in the new surroundings and are settling in well, said Karen MacConnell of CHC Scotia.

CHC Scotia


CHC Helicopters International has secured three important contracts in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. In Songkhla, Thailand, PTTEP (the Thai Government Petroleum Authority) has extended CHC Helicopters Internationals contract for one year plus six option months. Also in Thailand, Chevron Offshore (Thailand) Ltd. is taking delivery of a second S76 in the Gulf of Thailand to replace their crew boats. The contract value is $5.5 million CDN over 18 months. In the middle East, CHI has been awarded a contract to support AGIP Offshore from Kish Island in the Persian Gulf with one primary Sikorsky S76A++ and one back-up Bell 212. The contract will commence November 2002and is valued at $15.5 million CDN over 30 months.

THE NOVA SCOTIA offshore gas industry is heating up, and CHC Helicopters International (CHI) is positioned for growth with a proposed new helicopter hangar and common-use passenger terminal at Halifax International Airport.

CHI announced construction of the new $3.5 million, 32,500 ft2 CHC Complex at a well-attended press conference July 16. Representatives from all major local media attended the launch and it received coverage in newspapers, radio and television. It was a great success with five or six TV crews there; we couldnt have asked for better coverage, said CHIs Business Development Manager in Halifax, Barry Clouter, who organized the news conference. Clouter also couldnt have asked for better timing. Less than a month after CHI made headlines, Marathon Oil Company announced a deepwater offshore gas discovery 345 kilometres south of Halifax.

The successful wildcat well encountered approximately 30 metres feet of net gas pay over several zones, and opens a whole new area in the Nova Scotia offshore sector. Marathon senior vice president of Worldwide Exploration, Phil Behrman, called the discovery an important first step in developing deepwater play offshore Nova Scotia. The new CHC Complex will easily accommodate increased helicopter traffic. The hangar will have room for four helicopters (compared to two at the current facility), and will feature a large state-of-the-art passenger facility capable of handling all of the regions offshore passengers. The new passenger terminal will include a

CHC Helicopters International

will require an estimated 26 wells over its life to produce reserves of both liquids and gas. The field life is estimated to be 25 years, with first liquids production planned to commence in late 2003. CHC Helicopters (Australia) is providing two Super Puma AS332 helicopters the aircraft of choice for the offshore oil industry for the development stage of the project, scheduled to be completed at the end of 2004. The CHC base is currently in Dili, the capital of East Timor, though it is expected to be relocated to Baucau towards the end of this year. Due to the temporary status of the Dili base, CHC have had to operate without a hangar, permanent workshop or office facilities. However, with some Aussie ingenuity, the base is able to support a seven-day, 24-hour Super Puma operation with the resourceful use of portable cabins and shipping containers. Due to the extended and unexpected duration of the base of operations being in Dili, Phillips are to provide a temporary hangar structure which will provide shelter and protection for the Super Puma operation.

CHC Australia offshore Super Puma over Dili, E. Timor.

SHORTLY AFTER MIDNIGHT on May 20 2002, East Timor became the worlds newest nation as the United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, handed over authority to East Timors new government elect. CHC Helicopters have had a presence in East Timor for over four years by way of a multi-aircraft contract with the United Nations, and as of March 2002, through a contract with Phillips Petroleum Pty Ltd, the developers of the world-class BayuUndan field. The Bayu-Undan field is located in the central Timor Sea about 500 kilometres northwest of Darwin, Australia and about 250 kilometres south of East Timor. The field measures approximately 25 km by 15 km and

separate check-in area, passenger waiting area, security clearance, luggage room, safety-video viewing room, suit up area, drug and alcohol testing room, indoor vented smoking room, washrooms, as well as a flight coordinators office and communications room. The administrative and operational offices on the second level will consist of a training facility, flight simulator, pilots lounge and flight planning facility, administrative and accounting offices and a lunchroom. The facility enables CHC to remain at the forefront of increasing offshore operational demands on the East Coast of Canada, Barry said. Construction is underway.

CHCs Halifax terminal facility is taking shape. Contractors used the tilt-up fabrication method: concrete walls are poured on the ground (overtop of a specially created mold of the CHC logo), and then each slab is tilted upright to create a wall. The facility is expected to be completed by the end of the year and operational by January, 2003.

President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and CHPII crew with RP-C176. At left: Captain Ed Bonavente; center, a very cheerful President, and at right; First Officer Rodel Caringal.

On the 27th of September, CHC Helicopters International had the honor of flying the First Lady of the Philippines, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, the First Gentleman Mike Arroyo and other dignitaries from El Nido Resort, Palawan to the Malampaya Platform.


SARQUIP INTERNATIONAL continues to gather momentum since its inception in 1996. The continued growth has seen Tony Hall as the one man work place grow to a five person workplace, four on the workshop floor and one in the office. The new personnel are Graham Dale Business Manager, Adam Wills Life Support Controller, Chad Plumeier Trim Assistant and Gill Leadbeater Administration Officer. With continued growth we can expect to see additional staff join the team to keep up with demand. The continued efforts of the staff at Head Office along with Tony saw the first ATSO certified approval of the Wander Lead and, soon to follow, other items Tony has developed over his time with Sarquip International. These items are all associated with the rescue aspect of the

work performed by rescue crews in the helicopter industry throughout the world. Once the ASTOs for other items are approved, Sarquip International will also endeavour to distribute these throughout the industry worldwide. Sarquip International recently despatched their first consignment overseas with a shipment of Specialised Search & Rescue equipment to China. There is a good possibility of additional orders being placed in this area of Sarquips expertise. The signing of the Alpha Helmets Contract making Sarquip International the exclusive supplier and service centre for Australia and New Zealand for the maker of the Alpha Helmets being Helmets Integrated Systems Limited. Sarquip International are also specialists in the fitting of lightweight interiors for the Sikorsky S76

helicopters. These interiors are able to reduce the weight of the aircraft by up to 100 kilograms, thereby increasing the efficiency and marketability of the aircraft. This service has been provided to a number of businesses including companies in Thailand and Indonesia. The Sarquip advantage in this area is that the work is performed on site and is able to be scheduled during on site refurbishment or routine maintenance. In addition to the fitting of lightweight interior, Sarquip International has the capability to retrim standard helicopter interiors including seats, flooring and linings. All of this makes for a very complete service for all helicopter users and a one stop service centre both within Australia and overseas, making Sarquip International a very special and unique division within CHC Australia.
Graham Dale, Sarquip Business Manager

Sarquip International manufactures SAR safety equipment (left) and refits lightweight interiors for the S-76 (centre, and right).

Loris Tomkinson

WHILE ON HOLIDAY, 1200 k from home, on the east coast of Australia, away from the daily routine, the office, and peak hour traffic. An obvious choice destination for a holiday is somewhere in the Sun! A last minute glance in the mirror, clad with bikini, reveals a terrifying truth: Thats not going to look so good on Cable Beach. Holidays begin like new years resolutions, with the best of intentions: Got to do something about that shape! A new view in the mirror, with brand spanking new designer gym and running gear, shoes, socks, three quarter track pants, appropriate T-shirt, brand name water bottle and hand weights; I am so serious about this. Now, to complete the look and the final statement about who I am and where I fit in this world - the CHC peak cap. All the right gear in the right place, steadfast and determined, I begin the fashionable circuit around Lake Munger, Perth, Western Australia. My partner in determination, with more experience and fitness, has completed her first circuit on blades and pushes off for her second, while the burning in my chest is becoming unbearable. The pounding of my own dear heart is deafening to my ears. No more breath left in me. This is it. I am going to have a heart attack right here, right now! Its not cool to die like this, so I

abandon the pace and reduce my efforts a level or three, maybe four, a pace more elegant and suitable to a woman of my position and grace. As I am strolling alongside the Lake, my heart rate slightly recovering, a young man begins to stare at me and then points in my direction. Fear and thoughts of horrible humiliation race through my mind in a hot rush as his point penetrates my line of sight. Its too late! I have started to die, and this man can see it happening! Oh No! I am ok. I dont know you; you dont know me! I am in a place where nobody is supposed to know me. Please dont be looking at me; please dont call an ambulance! I will never survive the humiliation after breaking a leg last holiday. No one would believe I could possibly do something as dumb as that again. His stare does not waiver, his look more curious than at first. Then he speaks: Where did you get that hat? My Dad works for CHC in Vancouver! Mike Roberts of CHC International, your boy says Hi! from Perth, sunny Australia. It was my pleasure to meet your son on that Sunday morning. A sense of family, familiarity and belonging came over me as we chatted and became friends. It struck a chord to muse over the global community in which we now work and live. As for my shape, beach balls look good on Cable Beach anyway!
Loris Tomkinson

CHC Helicopters (Australia)


CHC Helicopters (Australia) provides about the widest range of helicopter services in the group, everything from oil and gas support to seasonal fire fighting. Pictured here is almost everything in between. Top: the Victoria Police Dauphin AS 365N3 (VH-PVH). This aircraft is one of four helicopters owned and maintained by CHC for the Victoria Police Department. The N3 is slowly replacing the SA 365C1, pictured just below. (Note the subtle differences between the C1 and N3, plus different paint schemes.) Third from top: VH-UAH, a Bell 412 on RAAF deployment, with Air Force F-18 in background. Bottom: South Care VH-NSC Bell 412 EMS based in Canberra, seen here at Geehi airstrip on the western side of the Snowy Mountains (yes, it does snow in Australia), with pilot Ray Pearson and crewman Mark Delf at the controls. Photo by Phil McHugh, ACT Ambulance paramedic. Photos: Johan Petersen

CHC HS Super Puma Mk2 lands atop Statoils Gullfaks C, a concrete platform in production since 1990.

THE SKIES OFF BERGEN remained clear Sunday Aug. 4, providing a perfect backdrop for the shooting of a new safety video for CHC Helikopter Service. Video producer Jan Borg and CHC HS Communications Manager Johan Petersen flew out in a Super Puma from Bergen to meet up with a recently repainted Super Puma Mk 2 bound for Statoils Gullfaks field. Thanks to the flying skills of CHC HS aircrew and the invaluable assistance of other staff, as well as the helpfulness of Statoil management and staff, CHC HS was able to shoot some excellent footage for the new Mk 2 passenger video. The photographers followed the Mk 2 on its regular revenue flight, hovering to one side while it unloaded passengers on Statoils Gullfaks A, before flying on to Gullfaks C. The video photographer was dropped off there ahead of the Mk2s arrival, CHC HS Super Puma Mk2 takes off from Statoils Gullfaks C, a concrete platform in production since 1990. Any division interested in obtaining outtakes of the video footage, or digital images, should contact Chris Flanagan or Johan Petersen.
Johan Petersen

The Bod job then ceased to be a Bod job: I worked in Bod during the winter and in summer travelled with the onshore helicopters as they moved around Norway. I recall logging 296 days of travel in a single year. That was in 1964. Jan called founder director Morten H. Hancke and suggested a base in Stavanger, as HS flew a great deal in support of power grid construction in South Western Norway. Hancke agreed and a temporary facility was found at Stavanger Airport. S-61 engineer One Wednesday in May 1966, as we were ferrying construction crews to a power development in the mountains, a call came through from Hancke, instructing me to get myself back to Stavanger and catch a plane to Oslo. I had no time to finish work on the foundations of our new house and left the rest of the job for my wife. By the time we got back from the USA with two brand new Sikorsky S-61Ns three months later, the house was ready to be moved into. In fact, Morten Hancke had told no one in the company except Hans Heen (future Technical Director) of his plan to acquire S-61s and fly for Exxon, which was about to start exploring the Norwegian continental shelf. This was to be the first stage of an incredible growth for HS as oil was found and fields were being developed. By the time we flew the Sikorskys home, Hancke had set up a base at the German wartime air base at Forus, with concrete runways and three large repair and overhaul hangars built during World War 2. The RNoAF took over possession when the Germans left in 1945 but by 1966 had reduced its presence to an engine shop, a vehicle repair shop and a watch keeping platoon. One day, Hans Heen, driving the passenger bus to the embarkation point, accidentally ran over a row of rifles neatly laid out on the ground while the soldiers were exercising. By 1971, the company employed 94 people. In the less busy periods offshore, search and rescue services were contracted to the Norwegian Rescue Co-ordination Centres in Stavanger and Bod (1970-73). Staff numbers had reached 850 seven years later. Quality controller Jan started his career in the company as an engineer, initially in northern Norway. Moving south, he worked as a licensed engineer on offshore helicopters at Forus, leaving HS for two years but returning to become a technical inspector in 1970. From 1972, he worked as a quality controller and subsequently was appointed Quality Manager in 1978. He took charge of the companys fixed-wing overhaul and repair section in 1986, remaining there until it was closed down in 1990. From then on, Jan has been engaged in the sale and marketing of technical services, transferring to Astec when the company was spun off from CHC Helikopter Service in 2001. Aviator Jan Linderuds interest in aviation began early. I started making model airplanes from a tender age, graduating with two Norwegian freeflight radio controlled model airplane championships, Jan recalls. By devious means I tricked my father into letting me take a glider pilots course. Jan then flew gliders until his transfer to Bod in 1958. He maintained his interest in flying, being a founding member of Helikopter Service Flying Club from its establishment in 1983. The flying club at one stage operated five planes. Jan served as chairman through most of the clubs existence an ideal combination with managing the companys fixed wing repair shop until its merger with Sola Flying Club. For a while, Jans interest in planes and flying brought him to team up with colleague Harald Sekkelsten in acquiring and constructing a Pitts airplane. However, the project had to be shelved and the aircraft sold when it was about 75 per cent complete after Jan went through a period of serious illness a couple of years ago. For medical reasons, Jan no longer holds a valid pilots license, but has the approval of the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority as an inspector of home-built planes, made and flown by local enthusiasts including former colleagues Mike Boxhill and Leif Furuheim, both retired veteran offshore pilots. Sportsman As a youngster, Jan played bandy and ice hockey for many years while living in the eastern part of the country. After moving to Stavanger, he was involved in the running of the ice hockey division of well-known sports club Viking. Nowadays his main sports interest is golf, which he says he plays at least three times a week - an interest that he shares with his wife Eva. Any holiday that does not take a golfer anywhere near a green is no holiday at all, he states categorically. Eva and I plan our holiday trips accordingly.
Johan Petersen

JAN LINDERUD, SALES MANAGER with Astec Helicopter Services, is probably our longest serving employee anywhere. At 61, Jan has worked in what was to become Astec since 1958. Excluding his two years as a freelance engineer, he has 42 years of service! My ICAO engineer certificate arrived in the mail on my 21st birthday, he says, explaining that this required a little planning including footwork in the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority. In 1958, Jan was employed by Norwegian air operator Wideres Flyveselskap, which was contracted to maintain Helikopter Service aircraft, taking his licensed engineer exam around Christmas 1958. Jan was offered an engineer job at the base in Bod in northern Norway. Wedding plans had to be changed because Eva and I decided to marry before moving north. Our friends did in fact wonder why our wedding day suddenly had to be moved forward, Jan says with a laugh. Anyway, it turned out that I could not sign for the airworthiness of an aircraft until I was of age at 21, unless I brought my father. Another laugh. So we arranged for my certificate to arrive on my 21st birthday in June. By that time we were settled in Bod. Jan transferred to HS when the company took charge of its own maintenance activity in 1963.

Astec Helicopter Services

WELCOME ABOARD CHC Scotia, Aberdeen: William Welsh, Ground Support Worker; Daniel MacLean, Accounts Assistant (Temp); Sam Brown, HR Officer; Gordon Wilson, Desktop Support Analyst; Nigel Griffiths, Tax Accountant; Blackpool: Paul Turnbull, Ground Support Worker; Denmark: Morten Rasmussen, Pilot; Tom Larsen, Pilot; Jan Boennelykke, Pilot; Keld Andersen, Operations Officer; Dublin: David Carolan, Aircrewman; Kevin Daunt, Co-Pilot; Ken Byrne, Certifying Technician; Humberside: Ken Bryars, Operations Officer (Temp); North Denes: Kevin Gray, Certifying Technician; Shannon: John Hassett, Certifying Technician; Waterford: Mark Donnelly, Co-Pilot; Barry OConnor, Co-Pilot; Simon Cotterill, Chief Pilot; Stuart Dixey, Certifying Technician; James Duffy, Certifying Technician; Ian Grosz, Co-Pilot; Finbarr Stack, Mechanic. CHC Helikopter Service: Frans van Dommelen, Co-pilot (Bergen); Ulla Aretorn, Co-pilot (Bergen); Ann Elin L. Karlsson, Traffic Assistant (Sola) (ex-temp.); Nina Johansen, Traffic Assistant (Sola); Asta Kristin Thorsteinsdottir, Temporary Traffic Assistant (Kristiansund); Cathrine B. Kleivane, Temporary Traffic Assistant (Bergen); Elisabeth K. Naa, Temporary Traffic Assistant (Bergen); Gunn Kristin Eide, Temporary Traffic Assistant (Bergen). Astec Helicopter Services: Nina Sundgren, Skilled Worker; Michelle Francis, Controller; Stein Ole Hansen, Asset Controller. CHC International: Douglas Mitchell, Contract AME; Charles Houle, Shipper Clerk; Jed Hansen, Pilot; Lou-Ann Gillard, Tech Records; John Hyndman, Contract AME; Jason Duncan, Apprentice AME; Nirondon Ragan, Base Manager / Pilot (Thailand); John Larsen, Avionics Engineer; Sharon Stafford, Travel Coordinator; Marina Eglis, Tech Library; Lee Ellis, Stores Assistant. A welcome to our summer help: Claudine Ranger, Logistics Assistant; Vlad Goldenberg, MIS Assistant; Andy Wu, Accounting Student. CHC Africa: Randy Leitch, Pilot (Angola); Eric Brossier, Pilot, (Angola); Francois Marais, Engineer (George Base); Douglas Smith, Engineer (George Base); Louis Schutte, Engineer (CT Operations). CHC Composites: Tony Coates, Assembly Technician; Donald Hollett, Materials Laboratory Technician; Paul Ryan, Procurement Specialist; Fred Baxstrome, Inventory Control Manager; Nelson Marsh, Instrumentation Technician. Welcome as well to William Purcell and Peadar Tiernan, students from University College Dublin, Ireland, who joined CHC Composites on June 3, 2002 for summer internships. William and Peadar are working in the Production Engineering Department until September. CHC Corporate: Jason Hillyard, Project Officer; Jennifer McBeath, Receptionist/AP; Laura Janes, Communications Work Term Student; Elizabeth Payne, student returning for third Work Term with Human Resources. MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS CHC Scotia: Elaine Guthrie, Purchase Ledger Assistant, Aberdeen, to Douglas Mitchell on 27 April at Garthdee Church, Aberdeen. Congratulations to the both of them. CHC International: From Halifax Base, Jenna Campbell married fianc Brent McSween on May 25. At the Philippines Base, engineer Joselito Rodrigo (Lito to his friends) tied the knot with fianc Jocelyn Mendoza on 25 March. CHC Australia: A classy Castle wedding for Tyson Brown Touring (LAME) who married Kim 25 May. Congratulations Tyson and Kim. CHC Composites: Congratulations to Hayley Stockley, Composite Technician, and Chris Davis, who were married in Gander, Newfoundland on 22 June; Congratulations to Corey Torraville, CTA, who married Chasity Gillingham 6 July. BIRTHS CHC Scotia: Congratulations to Wendy, Traffic Officer, Aberdeen, and Gary Lawson on the arrival of Emma on 12 April. Congratulations to Barry, Management Accountant, Aberdeen, and Donna Davidson on the arrival of Matthew James on 24 May. CHC Helikopter Service: Congratulations to Siw V. Bergen on her adoptive son; Terje Soltvedt on the birth of a son on 5 March. Astec Helicopter Services: Congratulations to Heidi Kleppe and Roy Harbak on the birth of a son on 8 May. Congratulations to Mona Berakvam on the birth of a daughter on 14 May. CHC International: Benjamin Karl Hanschke was born March 8 to AME Andrew Hanschke and his wife Treena. CHC Australia: Finance department, Angela Goldings bundle of joy Tyson Alexander 8lb 4oz. arrived on Thursday night 23 May. Tyson and mum are doing well. CHC Composites: Congratulations to Bruce Oliver, Program Coordinator and his wife Tanya Oliver, on the birth of their baby girl Hannah, on April 12. Congratulations to Wanda Gillingham, Composite Technician and Truman Head, on the birth of their baby girl Kiana Merretta, on April 17. CHC Corporate: Congratulations to Tammy Sheppard, HR Specialist, and husband Scott Sheppard who welcomed baby girl Ashley Brianna on April 20. PROMOTIONS/CHANGES CHC Scotia: Aberdeen: Jide Adebayo, Area Manager (Scotland); Malcolm Paine, Managing Pilot (Scotland); Malcolm Alldritt, Senior Movements Controller; John Johnston, Senior Pilot Forties; Carol Murray, Ops Desk Controller; Koulla Manousou, Technical Clerk; Blackpool: Paul Shepphard, Operations Officer; Denmark: Terry Waldron, Chief Pilot; North Denes: Mike Handley, Managing Pilot (England). CHC Helikopter Service: Harald Sundfr, Traffic Assistant (Bergen); Terje Engum, Chief Pilot (Kristiansund); Odd Stlsvik, Line Maintenance Shift Leader (Sola); Siw E. Sviland, Ops. Centre Customer Support Officer; Frode Karlsen, Line Maintenance (Sola); Stig Ove Saure, Captain (Bergen); Bjrn Hovland, Captain (Kristiansund); Leif R. Hus, Captain (Bergen); Fridtjof Bjerks, Captain (Kristiansund); Runar A. Mathiesen, Captain (Bergen); Morten Caspersen, Captain (Bergen); Lars Bhn, Captain (Bergen). RETIRED CHC Scotia: Phil Fisher, 2 May 2002, Aberdeen Captain, after 23 years service; William Moreland, 30 May 2002, Aberdeen Ramp, after 20 years service. CHC Helikopter Service: Nils Klem Nilsen, Captain. DEPARTURES CHC Helikopter Service: Frank Haugland, Co-pilot (Bergen) (to Lufttransport). Astec Helicopter Services: Ole Jakob Johansen; rjan Vestrheim. AWARDS CHC Scotia: 30 Years: Aberdeen: Eddie Moores, Line Maintenance, 17 April; 25 Years: Aberdeen: Dave Hogg, Captain, 13 June; Andy Oxenford, Captain, 13 June; Keith Dawson, Captain, 13 June; 15 Years: Aberdeen: Ian McCabe, Base Maintenance, 2 July; David Murray, Overhaul, 6 July; Noel Osbourne, Captain, 6 July; Peter Prue, Line Maintenance, 27 May; Blackpool: Stuart Croft, Certifying Tech, 13 May; Humberside: Matthew Lawson, Captain, 20 July; Ken Reed, Engineer, 1 July; 10 Years: Aberdeen: Colin Lambert, Stores, 27 May. CHC Composites: 5 Years: Christine Penney, Quality Technician, 15 February.



THE CHC TRADE SHOW booth was a hit at two shows in Eastern Canada this summer, thanks to enthusiastic staff and raffles for a model CHC Super Puma AS332L. The models hand-carved in the Philippines, and sourced by CHC Helicopters International staff at the Malampaya base were among the most popular items at the shows. At the Newfoundland Ocean Industries Association annual Petroleum Show in St. Johns, more than 300 people dropped their business cards in the box hoping to take home a model for the kids. And at the Halifax Offshore Picnic, CHC International took home first prize for Best Pavilion, despite the modest size of the booth. Pilots and engineers from CHIs Halifax Airport Base dropped by to help Business Manager Barry Clouter, and a sparkling S-61N flew slowly over the Island in Halifax Harbour where the annual offshore gathering took place. Judges declared the CHC presence a true networking success, adding the business was well promoted. First prize was a boat cruise for 50

people, which Barry will use to further market the Company to customers and suppliers. Also popular were CHC temporary tattoos. In Halifax, one man saw the tattoos, and whipped off his shirt to display the real thing: a CHC hummingbird permanently tattooed on his right shoulder. Turns out Jeff Harrington had himself branded when he took a rotor wing flight training course with Canadian Helicopters in 1988. Too bad its the old logo Jeff, the CHC Brand Police would never let you get hired on with illegal body art. In St. Johns, Elizabeth Payne, Laura Janes and Jennie McBeath worked tirelessly over the two-day trade show to make CHC better known in its home market. Meanwhile, at the Newfoundland Offshore Conference, which took place in conjunction with the trade show, CHI President Christine Baird gave a presentation outlining CHCs operations around the world, and promising the oil industry audience they would soon be seeing a lot more of CHC in Eastern Canada. I WOKE UP IN THE MORNING hearing a faint swooshing noise that kept getting louder. I packed my bags, slowly walked towards the sound, and watched it land directly in front of me. I climbed into my ride, anxiously waiting to leave. As it ascended from the launch pad and soared over the cliff, my stomach dropped down to my knees. It was the first time I had flown in a helicopter and I was scared to death. The rotor on top of the helicopter sounded like a tornado. Put your headphones on! I could barely hear the pilot yell. I was off on my adventurous journey through the Canadian wilderness! I looked down and felt like I was a giant. Everything below me, the few houses and cars, and all of the trees, looked like ants from up high. Masses of water dotted with icebergs surrounded me. The pilot pointed out groups of caribou, appearing like little white dots speckled all over the ground. I spotted one that was brown and told him about it. All of a sudden, the helicopter jerked downwards and for a second I thought we were going to crash, but the pilot stopped twenty

Laura Janes, Jennie McBeath and Elizabeth Payne draw for the model Super Puma AS332L at the Offshore Newfoundland Petroleum Show in St. Johns (above). Jeff Harrington shows off his hummingbird tattoo at the Halifax Offshore Picnic (left).

By Brian Kotloff

Brian Kotloff, 12, of Pennsylvania visited Newfoundland last summer with his Dad, Dr. Rob Kotloff, Mom Debbie, and two brothers Eric and Ethan. While visiting, they had the opportunity to travel via helicopter from St. Johns to central Newfoundland. Back at William Penn Charter School in Philadelphia, Brian was given an assignment to write From my Perspective, an essay conveying the sights, sounds and emotions associated with a special event. He chose to write about his helicopter trip, a testament to the indelible impression it left upon him, and the fond memories he has retained.

feet above the ground and I realized the brown dot was really a wild moose. Since we were so low to the ground, the grass below us blew so hard, as though a hurricane was overhead. The helicopter hovered over the moose so I could see a close-up image of the huge animal. Its antlers sprung from its head like branches on a tree. Finally, the moose dashed away into the forest and the helicopter reverted to its normal position about five hundred feet above the ground. Thirty minutes later, it was time to land. The helicopter started lowering to the ground, attempting to land on a landing pad next to the guesthouse. Everything on the ground gradually became bigger and bigger as the helicopter lowered down. When the helicopter finally landed, I took my headphones off and could hear the very loud rumbling of the rotor once again. As I exited, I thought the spinning rotor was going to chop my head off but, luckily, it didnt. My stomach, which had plunged down to my knees while in the helicopter, was now back to normal, ready to store a long-awaited meal.

CHC Scotia
Karen MacConnell Executive Assistant 44-1-224-846002

CHC Helicopters Astec Helicopter International Services

Susan McAlpine Executive Assistant 1-604-232-7353 Eidi T. Huseb Executive Assistant 47 51 94 18 16

CHC Composites
Valerie Dwyer Executive Assistant 1-709-651-5711

Corporate Office
Chris Flanagan Director of Communications 1-709-570-0749

CHC Helicopters CHC Helicopters CHC Helikopter (Africa) (Australia) Service

Cheryl Pedersen Commercial Executive +27 (0) 21 934 8628 Graham Bowles Onshore Sales & Marketing Manager 61 8 8372 7702 Johan Petersen Communications Manager 47 51 94 1820

Rotortales is a publication of CHC Helicopter Corporation. We welcome submissions, story ideas and letters. For questions, comments or concerns please contact: CHC Helicopter Corporations Director of Communications, Chris Flanagan by telephone at 709-570-0749, or by email at, or forward correspondence to Hangar No. 1, St. Johns Airport, P .O. Box 5188, St. Johns, Newfoundland A1C 5V5. For more information on the company, visit the CHC website at Rotortales is designed and produced by CCL Milestone, 709-739-9995 or

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