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1 Linear Motion Displacement

rx r = rxi ryj ry


r r2 r1


Velocity Average velocity is defined as the change in displacement over the time, t
v r t

Instantaneous velocity is called the limit of x/t as approaches zero or the derivative for x with respect to time, t
v lim

r dr t dt

Direction of v is a tangent to the path at that Magnitude of v is the speed

point in the direction of motion


Acceleration Average acceleration define as the ratio of the change in the velocity !"!2#!1 to the time interval t"t2#t1
a v t

Instantaneous acceleration limit of !/t as approaches zero or the derivative for x with respect to time, t
a lim

v dv t dt

$ $

Magnitude change of v only # 1D motion Direction change of v only # circular motion Uniform motion

,radient " v " uniform t v t v t a"

&rea " vt " r

2.2 Motion with %onstant a & constant acceleration means that the acceleration does not depend on time'

(ntegrating this e)uation, the velocity of the o*+ect can *e o*tained

where v is the velocity of the o*+ect at time t " . -rom the velocity, the position of the o*+ect as function of time can *e calculated'

where x0 is the position of the object at time t = 0 Graph of velocity vs time with a constant

t v vo t
Displacement " graph area 1 S = /vo + v.t = vt 2 graph gradient " acceleration a= v vo t

velocity at any later time t, Displacement s, at any later time t,

s = vo t + 1 2 at 2
v = vo + at


v 2 = v 2 o + 2as

2.0 -ree falling motion 1hat you understand a*out freely falling *odies 2 -ree -all 3)uation 4he 3)uation of Motion for the 1#D motion of an o*+ect in free fall near the 3arth5s surface are o*tained from e)uations
v = vo + at

s = vot +

1 2 at 2

x a
v 2 = vo 2 + 2as

y g

(f we use the coordinate system shown,then,when su*stituting into e)uation a " g " #6.7 ms#2 8ince g points down

+y g y= 0


4his is a nice example of constant acceleration /gravity.' (n this case, acceleration is caused *y the force of gravity' 9sually pic: y#axis ;upward< &cceleration of gravity is ;down<'

=ro*lem 2.1.1 8tone was thrown straight upward at t" with >2 . m/s initial velocity on the roof of a ? . m high *uilding, -ind the time the stone reaches at maximum height /v" . -ind the maximum height

-ind the time the stone reaches its original height -ind the velocity of the stone when it reaches its original height -ind the velocity and position of the stone at t"?. s

1. v f = vyi + ayt = +2 . 6.7 t = .

t= 2 . = 2. @ s 6.7


yf = yi + vyit +

1 ayt 2 2

1 /6.7 . / 2. @. 2 2 = ? . + 2 .@ = A .@/ m. = ? . + 2 2. @ +

0. t = 2. @ 2 = @. 7s @. vyf = vyi + ayt = 2 . + / 6.7 . @. 7 = 2 . / m / s . 5-Velocity vyf = vyi + ayt = 2 . + /6.7 . ?. = 26. / m / s. 1 yf = yi + vyit + ayt 2 2 = ? . + 2 . ?. 1 + /6.7 . /?. 2 . 2 = +2A.?/m.


1000 m

=ro*lem 2.1.2 $ 4he pilot of a hovering helicopter drops a lead *ric: from a height of 1 m. Bow long does it ta:e to reach the ground and how fast is it moving when it gets there2 /neglect air resistance.


1000 m

y y=0

-irst choose coordinate system. Crigin and y#direction. Dext write down position e)uation'
y = y +v y t 1 2 gt 2

Eealize that v0y = 0.

y=y 1 2 gt 2

y=y #

1 2 gt 2

1000 m

y y=0

8olve for time t when y = 0 given that y0 = 1000 m.

t= 2y = g 2 1 m = 1@.0s 6.71 m s 2


2 v2 v12 = 2a/ x2 x1 .

vav =

1 /v1 + v2 . 2

8olve for vy:

v y = 2 gy = 1@ m / s

=ro+ectile Motion & 2#dim motion of an o*+ect under the gravitational acceleration with the assumptions -ree fall acceleration, #g, is constant over the range of the motion &ir resistance and other effects are negligi*le

vx = ux + axt vy = uy + ayt X = xo + vx t + (1/2)ax t2 Y = yo + vy t + (1/2)ay t2

$ & motion under constant accelerationFFFF 8uperposition of two motions

Borizontal motion with constant velocity and !ertical motion under constant acceleration 8how that a pro+ectile motion is a para*olaFFF
a = a x i + a y j = g j v xi = vi cos , v yi = vi sin i x f = v xi t = vi cos i t 1 ( g )t 2 2 1 = vi sin i t gt 2 2 y f = v yi t +


xf vi cosi

xf 1 xf y f = vi sin i v cos 2 g v cos i i i i g = x f tan i 2v 2 cos 2 i i 2 x f

3xample @.1

& *all is thrown with an initial velocity v"/2 i>@ j.m/s. 3stimate the time of flight and the distance the *all is from the original position when landed. 1hich component determines the flight time and the distance2

Flight time is determined by y component, because the ball stops moving when it is on the ground after the flight.

1 ( g )t 2 = m 2 t ( 7 gt ) = yf =@ t + t = or t = 7 7 sec g

Distance is determined by x component in 2-dim, because the ball is at y=0 position when it completed it s flight.

x f = v xit = 2 7 =1H


Borizontal Eange and Max Beight Gased on what we have learned previously, one can analyze a pro+ectile motion in more detail Maximum height an o*+ect can reach Maximum range


!t the ma"imum height the ob#ect s vertical motion stops to turn around$$
v yf = v yi + a y t = vi sin gt A = t A = vi sin g

y f = h = v yi t +

1 ( g )t 2 2 1 vi sin i 2 g g

vi sin i = vi sin i g 2 vi sin 2 i = 2 g R = v xi 2t A = vi sin i 2vi cos i g 2 vi sin 2i = g

%ince no acceleration in ", it still flies at vy&'

Maximum Eange and Beight 1hat are the conditions that give maximum height and range in a pro+ectile motion2

vi sin i h= 2g
2 2

)his formula tells us that the ma"imum hieght can be achieved when i&*'o$$$

vi 2 sin 2i R = g

)his formula tells us that the ma"imum hieght can be achieved when 2i&*'o, i.e.,
vi 2 sin 2i R = g


3xample @.2 ( & stone was thrown upward from the top of a *uilding at an angle of 0 o to horizontal with initial speed of 2 . m/s. (f the height of the *uilding is @?. m, how long is it *efore the stone hits the ground2
v xi = vi cos = 2 . cos 0 v yi = vi sin i = 2 . sin 0 y f = @?. = v yi t

=1A.0m / s =1 . m / s

1 2 gt 2 gt 2 2 . t 6 . = 6.7 t 2 2 . t 6 . = 2 6.7 t = 2.17s or t = @.22 s t = @.22 s t= 2 .

( 2 ) 2 @ 6.7

/ 6 .

1hat is the speed of the stone +ust *efore it hits the ground2

v xf = v xi = vi cos = 2 . cos 0 v = v xf +v yf
2 2

=1A.0m / s

v yf = v yi gt = vi sin i gt =1 . 6.7 @.22 = 01.@m / s = 1A.02 +( 01.@ ) = 0?.6m / s

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