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Three Poems

by Frater Pyramidatus

A Game of Cards
We opened the silky deck of our charms, Then ventured a milky dream of our art, Glanced at each other through a mosaic veil, And hatched our scheme to escape this hell. The Club sought our presence, it is true, With glasses of wine and sky so blue, Our money soon spent, we had to leave, or greener pastures on the morrow eve. We worked the fields with !pades of brass, "ecause we were so upper class, And the deep earth was slowly dug, We found our pri#e and had a hug. After all our toil and grief, "y dew soaked lawn and tender leaf, We$d earthed a %iamond of our art, A %iamond that unites our &earts.

A rose by any other name, 's still a rose, A game with any other aim, 's still unknown, These black and white candles intertwine, (o angel stirs from the pinnacle thereof, These black and white flowers intertwine, A piece of dust and all is lost, Words escape me once more, A drop of blood falls on the floor, rom this thumb and mercy thorn, A rose for ever more...

)ou look like you$ve seen a ghost* "ut of that ' wouldn$t boast* A friendly spirit that seemed so nice+ &opefully not a poltergeist* Was it the ghost of Aleister Crowley+ %id it make you feel less homely+ &ave you seen an apparition+ )ou really are in some condition* A headless knight upon the stairs* Giving sideways, lilting, creepy glares+ Was it the ghost of someone holy+ Who left the ,arth through mandrake and moly+ )our face is one that$s seen a spirit* At the moment you aren$t -uite with it* A grey robed monk, an awful spectre+ A phantasm peered at through a mirror+ %id you have a word with the ghost of Crowley+ %id you know that ghosts are lonely+

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