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Submited By: Carl Marie A.


Submited To: Mr. Ernesto B. Arsula Jr.

Contour plowing is the practice in farming where they plow across the slope. This slows down water runoff and helps prevent erosion.

Terracing - A method of shaping land to control erosion on slopes of rolling land used for cropping and other purposes. In early practice the land was shaped into a series of nearly level benches or steplike formations. Modern practice in terracing, however, consists of the construction of low-graded channels or levees to carry the excess rainfall from the land at nonerosive velocities. The physical principle involved is that, when water is spread in a shallow stream, its flow is retarded by the roughness of the bottom of the channel and its carrying, or erosive, power is reduced. Since direct impact of rainfall on bare land churns up the soil and the stirring effect keeps it in suspension in overland flow and rills, terracing does not prevent sheet erosion. It serves only to prevent destruction of agricultural land by gullying and must be supplemented by other erosion-control practices, such as grass rotation, cover crops, mulching, contour farming, strip cropping, and increased organic matter content. The two major types of terraces are the bench and the broadbase. The bench terrace is essentially a steepland terrace and consists of an almost vertical retaining wall, called a riser, or a steep vegetative slope to hold the nearly level surface of the soil for cultivation, orchards, vineyards, or landscaping. The broadbase terrace has the distinguishing characteristic of farmability; that is, crops can be grown on this terrace and worked with modern-day machinery. These terraces are constructed either to remove or retain water and, based on their primary function, are classified either as graded or level.

Riprap is the man-made barrier formed using rocks and other materials along beaches, rivers, and other bodies of water that are meant to slow or stop erosion from water. Riprap is usually seen along the shoreline.

Crop stripping is a technique used by farmers to prevent soil erosion. What they do is plant more than one crop in a single field but do it in strips of several rows. It is also a good way for them to enrich the soil in their fields.

Tree planting is the most popular Earth Day event and one of the most common activities people associate with helping the Earth. Millions of trees are planted by Canadians each year. Planting is an act of putting down roots and contributing to the future. The simple act of planting a tree, helps the environment in so many ways.

Erosion affect the coliting the soil Pollutants make the soil poisonous to the plants, animals, and people Natural mineral of the soil are lost when chemical pollutant present on it Plants do not grow well in polluted soil.

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