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MCR 3U EXAM REVIEW St. Thomas of Villa Nova, King City UNE !

"#3 $INA% EXAM

E&am R'vi'( ) M*lti+l' ,hoi,'

1. Which of the following are answers to 2CosA + 1 = 0 ? a. 45 b. 30 c. 150 d. 225

2. If f ( x) = x is verticall stretched b a factor of 2! reflected in the "#a"is! shifted left 1 and down 3! what is the new e$%ation? a. f ( x) = 2 x +1 + 3 c. f ( x ) = 2( x +1) 3 b. f ( x) = 2 x +3 +1 d. f ( x ) = 2 x +1 3 3. Which of the following are the a&'lit%de and 'eriod of y = 2Sin ( x + 3) 2 a. (&' ) 2! 'eriod ) 3*0 b. (&' ) d. (&' )
1 ! 'eriod ) 1+0 2 1 ! 'eriod ) ,20 2 1 2

c. (&' ) 2! 'eriod ) ,20

4. What is the e$%ation of the following -osine f%nction? a. y = , sin 2 ( x + ) 3 b. y = , cos ( x ) + * c. d.

1 2 y = 5 cos 2( x 2 ) + 2 1 y = 5 cos ( x 2 ) + 2 2

5. What is the si.e of angle theta? a. b. c. d. 51 3/ 1+ 2/



a. b. c. d.

. / +1 3 *

,.01000 invested for 3 ears into an acco%nt that 'a s 41 'er ann%& co&'o%nded &onthl is worth?

e. f. g. h. +.

01124.+* 01120.00 04103./3 0112,.2, is e$%ivalent to? c. 5 2 d. 1/ 2

32 + + 2

a. 2 2



/. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a 'eriodic f%nction a. b. c. d. has a 'attern of re'eating val%es the 'eriod of each c cle is the sa&e each c cle &a or &a not have an a&'lit%de the 'eriod is re'resented b the val%es of the gra'h

10. If o% are solving a triangle for a &issing angle and o% have 2 sides and a contained angle! o% wo%ld %se the following2 a. b. c. d. 3ine 4aw -osine 4aw 356 -(6 75( 8 thagorean 7heore&

R'vi'( of s/ills f0om Cha+t'0 # 1 ! 1. 9actor b the &ost a''ro'riate &ethod. 3olve for ". a2 &! 3-& 3 4" . " 52 3&! 6 #"& 6 3 . " 2. 3i&'lif . 3tate an restrictions on the variables.
x 2 3x + 2 + x + + x 2 + 3x + 2 4 x + m 2 3m 4 m 2 , m + 12 2 m 2 + 5m m + 2m 15

,2 !&! 6 7& 6 ## . "



3. 3i&'lif . a) 20 + 40 45 + /0

b) 5 2, 4 12 +0 + 3 45

,2 2 20 + 4 125 3 500 + 45

C8A9TER 3 : EX9;NENTIA% $UNCTI;NS 1. :sing e"'onent laws si&'lif each of the following e"'ressions! 'ositive e"'onents onl 2 a. d.

( 2 x

y )( 20 x y 4 x 1 y +
3 4

b. e. (2a 2 b 3 )

2x 4 c. 3 x

2. Write the following in e"'onential for& and si&'lif .


5t 3

52 5
1 2

1 x4

,2 3 b. ( +)
4 3



)( x )

3. ;val%ate each of the following e"'ressions with rational e"'onents2 a. 4/ c.

25 2 4

4. 3olve each of the following e"'onential e$%ations! re&e&ber to get the bases to be the sa&e! then set e"'onents e$%al to one another2 a. 4 x +1 = 2 x 1 b. / 3 x +1 = 2, x c. 1* 2 x = + 3 x
2 n +1 = d. 5

1 125

e. 2(3 y 2 ) = 1+ h.

f. 4 x +3 + 4 x = 2*0 i. 4 x


4 y 2 + 2 = 1+

(/ x +3 )(33 x ) 2 = +12 ( 2, x 1 )


= 211 x

5. 7he half#life of th roid hor&one 74 is abo%t *.5 da s. If a dose of 74 was not followed b re'eat doses how long wo%ld it ta<e %ntil onl *.251 of the original dose wo%ld re&ain in the bod ? *. 3odi%&#24 is %sed to diagnose circ%lator 'roble&s. 7he half#life of sodi%& #24 is 14./h. ( hos'ital b% s a +0&g sa&'le. (fter how long will onl 10&g re&ain? ,. ( rare sta&' was '%rchased for 0500 and increases in val%e b *1 each ear. 6ow &%ch is the sta&' worth 5# ears fro& the date of '%rchase? +. ( car de'reciates in val%e according to the following e$%ation V = 25000(0./0) n ! where = is the val%e of the car after n ears. i. What is the '%rchase 'rice of the car? ii. What ann%al rate is the car de'reciating? iii. What is the val%e of the car after 3 ears? iv. What is the val%e of the car after * ears and * &onths? /. >ra'h the following f%nctions on the gra'h below! then answer the following $%estions2 a. i. ii. iii. iv.
1 b. y = 2 3

c. y = 3(2 2 ( x 1) ) +1

>rowth or ?eca ? @#interce't? Aange? ;$%ation of the hori.ontal as &'tote.

10. 3tate the transfor&ations that have been a''lied to the given base f%nction.

i. ii.

2 x 1 Base = 2 x ! New = 2( 2)
+2 1 1 2 Base = ! New = 3 2 2

11. -reate an e$%ation for the following2 i. a base of 1B3! stretched verticall b 4! reflected in the a"is! co&'ressed hori.ontall b C! hori.ontall translated left 5 and verticall translated down 1. ii. a base of 4! reflected in the " a"is! co&'ressed verticall b C! stretched hori.ontall b 3! hori.ontall translated right 2 and verticall translated %'

12. 7he 'o'%lation of (stro 6ill over a 'eriod of * ears is shown below2 ear 0 1 2 3 4 5 * 8o'%lation 1500 15,5 1*54 1,3* 1+23 1/14 2010

a. Da<e a scatter 'lot for the data. ;"'lain wh the relationshi' a''ears to be e"'onential? (loo< at first differences and sha'e of gra'h)

b. ?raw in a c%rve of best fit and find an e"'onential e$%ation for the c%rve. Ae&e&ber2 9irst enter the data into list 1 ( ears) and list 2 ('o'%lation). 4ists are fo%nd %nder the 37(7 b%tton and then %nder ;?I7. 5nce data is in lists then %nder 37(7 b%tton choose -(4- o'tion and then choose E0 ;"'Aeg! then '%sh enter for the e"'onential e$%ation. c. ;sti&ate the 'o'%lation of (stro 6ill after 10 ears. d. ;sti&ate how long it will ta<e for the 'o'%lation to reach 3000.

C8A9TER 4: TRI=;N;METR> 1. 3olve the triangle. a)

2. 9ind F-! to the nearest centi&etre.

3. 9ind G@! to the nearest tenth of a centi&eter.

4. 7o g%ard against falls! an e"tension ladder sho%ld &a<e an angle of ,5 or less with the gro%nd. What is the &a"i&%& height that an +#& ladder can reach safel ? 5. 7he 'oint (5! 12) lies on the ter&inal ar& of angle " in standard 'osition. 3<etch the angle in standard 'osition. 9ind the e"act val%e for sin"! cos" and tan" and all the 'ossible angles for ".

*. 9ind the length of each indicated side! to the nearest tenth. a) b) c)

,. 9ind the &eas%re of the indicated angle! to the nearest tenth of a degree. a) b)

+. If -os()

1 2

! find the e"act val%e of 3in(! 7an( and all the 'ossible val%es for ( if

0 A 3*0 .

/. 9ind the e"act val%e of cos 225 " cos 45 10. 7he boo& of a crane can be &oved so that its angle of elevation changes. 7he &ini&%& angle of elevation is 45o and it can &ove to a &a"i&%& angle of elevation of *0o. If the boo& is 10& long! find the e"act change in height of the boo& when it &oves fro& the &ini&%& 'osition to its &a"i&%& 'osition.

*0 45 10. 7own ( is 55 <& fro& 7own F is ,5 <& fro& 7own -. 7he angle between 7own ( and 7own - (angle F) is 4+o. What is the distance between 7own ( and 7own -?

11. 7wo radar stations that are 150 <& a'art located an %nidentified 'lane that vanished fro& their screens at the sa&e ti&e. 7he first station indicated that the 'osition of the 'lane &ade an angle of 44o with the line Hoining the stations. 7he second station indicated that the 'lane &ade an angle of 5*o with the sa&e line. 6ow far is each station fro& the 'oint where the 'lane disa''eared! to the nearest <ilo&etre?


1.. ?eter&ine the e$%ation for the f%nction in the for& of y = a sin b( x h) + k and
y = as cos b( x h) + k



2. 3tate the a&'lit%de and 'eriod of each f%nction. a) y = 3cos

1 2

b) y = 2sin

c) y = *sin

2 3

d) y = cos 0.*

1 4

3.3tate the transfor&ations a''lied to do&ain and range for each f%nction. a)
y = 3sin x + 2

) sin" or b)

) cos"and deter&ine the a&'lit%de! 'eriod!

1 1 1 y = sin x + 3 3 3


) 3cos x 2

d) y = 2 cos 2 x 2 + 2

4. 3<etch one c cle of the gra'h of each of the following. 3tate the transfor&ations! a&'lit%de! 'eriod! do&ain! and range! of the c cle. a) y = sin 3( x 45) + 2
1 2

b) y = 2 cos ( x + /0) 3

1 2

5. 8rove each identit . a)

sin cos = 1 sin 2 tan

b) sin cos =

1 cos 2 tan

*. 3olve each e$%ation for 0 3*0. ;"'ress answers as e"act and a''ro"i&ate val%es. a) 4 cos + 2 = 0 b) 2 cos 2 5 cos + 2 = 0

,. ( ferris wheel with a radi%s of 10 & rotates 3 ti&es ever &in%te. 7he ferris wheel is 1 & off the gro%nd. >ra'h the &ove&ent of a rider for 2 &in%tes if the rider starts at the botto& of the wheel. ?eter&ine a sine and cosine e$%ation for the gra'h.

+. ( water wheel has a radi%s of + & and rotates once ever 40 seconds. ( nail is at the botto& of the wheel and is 2 & %nderwater. >ra'h the &ove&ent of the nail for one c cle if the nail starts at the botto& of the wheel. -reate a sine and cosine e$%ation for the gra'h.

/. :nderstand the difference between trig identities and trig e$%ations.

C8A9TER @: C;M9;UNA INTEREST ANA ANNUITIES 42. 7eresa has 02000 to invest. 7he c%rrent rate of interest is *.51. 3he has 3 o'tions for investing her &one 2 co&'o%nding ann%all ! co&'o%nding &onthl ! and co&'o%nding dail . -alc%late the a&o%nt she will have at the end of 3 ears %nder each of her o'tions. Which is the better o'tion and wh ?

43. 6arold and 8atricia (bernath &ade a loan to their son! Iason. 7o re'a the loan! Iason will &a<e 'a &ents of 02000 at the end of each ear for 10 ears. If the interest rate on the loan is ,1! co&'o%nded ann%all ! what was the a&o%nt of the original loan?

44. (t the end of grade /! 8a%l set %' an ann%it to save for %niversit . (t the end of each &onth! he invests 0200 into an acco%nt bearing interest at *.251 'er ann%&! co&'o%nded &onthl . 6ow &%ch &one will he have at the end of grade 12?

4,. Iesse is arranging a &ortgage for 0,+!000 to b% a lot in the co%ntr . 6e &ade a down 'a &ent of 151. 7he rate is +.51 '.a. co&'o%nded se&i#ann%all ! a&orti.ed over 25 ears. a. What was the down 'a &ent? b. What are IesseJs &onthl &ortgage 'a &ents? c. If Iesse <e't the &ortgage for 25 ears! how &%ch wo%ld he 'a in total? d. 6ow &%ch interest (cost of borrowing) wo%ld he 'a ? 4+. 3a& '%rchased a Ding vase 20 ears ago. It has a''reciated in val%e b 251 each ear since he '%rchased it. If he recentl sold it for 0150!000! what did it cost hi& 20 ears ago?

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