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83 Rousham Road BS5 6XN, Bristol

07889 826267

I am an engineer who, during my studies, successfully combined gaining knowledge with activities in student organisations and learned the engineering approach to problem-solving, attention to detail and logical thinking. During my work career I learned that the biggest successes are earned in a group, where all people have a common goal and vision of reaching it. This knowledge allowed me to open my rst business - training company in which I shared my skills and experience with other people. I believe that life is too short to sit still in one place, so after 4 years of work in Poland I decided to look for new challenges in the UK. The average person spends 75,000 hours during 40 years in their job so I would like this to be a time for me where I can fully utilise my skills and learn a lot of new ones. Throughout my career I have held a lot of positions students a airs, organisation of events and conferences , promotion of projects, human resources and conducting trainings. I was successful in all these roles and I believe that further developing myself in this direction can give tremendous bene ts to my future employer.

Responsibilities: Entering data in the supply chain to the database Checking the quality and quantity of supplies delivered
Supply Chain Data Operator
Nov 2013 - Jan 2014


Achievements: E ective work during the holiday shopping season E ective collaboration in a multicultural environment Responsibilities: Planning and organisation of training Promoting the company's activities Training delivery (topics: motivation, fundraising, savoir-vivre, project managenent) Preparing graphics and website development ( Achievements: Beginning my rst business Cooperation with non-governmental organisations Conducting commercial trainings Responsibilities: Coordination of educational projects Raising funds for projects Recruitment and supervision

Feb 2013 - Nov 2013


Project & HR Manager
Jan 2013 - Mar 2013

Achievements: Helping with the foundation's rst steps and activities Recruitment of people working in the foundation to the present day Responsibilities: Preparation and development of annual students activity plan Supervision and caring for the student activity support events ( Students Activity Forum , Students Science Conference ) Analysis of the possibility of raising funds for student activities Coordinating the volunteers work Curator of eStudent newsletter Conducting training for students (motivational and fundraising from outside the university) Achievements: University Rector Award for signi cant achievements in social activities among students and for the glory of the university (2011, 2012) Transforming the Students Science Conference from local to international Active participation in the creation and development of the Students Information Point Organising and managing a group of 25 volunteers Being a speaker during the poster session at the NASPA-ACPA Gulf Conference , 1-2 February 2012, Doha - Quatar

Department of Students A airs Senior clerk for Student A airs

Jan 2010 - Dec 2012

Wroclaw University of Technology

83 Rousham Road BS5 6XN, Bristol

07889 826267

Academic title: Master of Science Final grade: 5 (equivalent to a 2:1) Master Thesis: Multisensor system for the human vital function monitoring graded at 5.5 (equivalent to a 1st) About studies: The main reason for starting my studies on this specialisation was a passion for computer science and electronic devices. However, the most valuable thing I gained during the studies was not academic knowledge but the knowledge I learned from activities in student organisations such as Academic Movie Club where I was Vice-President for Logistics and Finance. I learned how in theory and practice how to manage my time and people, negotiate with the university authorities and how to eciently be leader of the project. These skills have allowed me to be the coordinator of the biggest university-wide project LipDub PWr ( and then to seamlessly start working in the Department of Students A airs of Wroclaw University of Technology

Electronics and Telecommunication Specialty: Electronic Devices Tittle: Master of Science


Wroclaw University of Technology




Teamwork, Social Media (Management of Facebook Polish (national), Teambuilding, and Twitter funpages), English ( uent in writing and speaking), Ability to recognise the potential in people Graphics (Adobe Photoshop & Lightroom, German (basic). and developing it, Corel Draw), Working under time pressure, Coaching, Web design (Wordpress platform), Planning and organization of conferences Inspiring people, Microsoft Oce , and events, Group managing and motivating. Communication (email, Google tools, Skype) Organisation and conducting trainings (topics: motivation, fundraising, savoir-vivre, project managenent), Fundraising.


Teaching and inspiring. I love to meet and talk to people, get to know their opinions and concerns and solve them. The greatest joy for me is when after some time, people come back to me telling me that my training or advice really helped them and have had a big impact on them.

Sports and travel. I can not sit still in one place. I visited almost all of Europe - mainly by hitchhiking with a tent in a backpack. As a child I wanted to be a football player, but on the road I faced severe injuries. Today, after a hard day of work I like to watch a good match with the company of friends. Technology and IT. I am a lover of gadgets, who checks my email on my phone several times a day. I like creative events and advertising - especially involving social media. As soon as I have free time I take my camera and I set out to take pictures, which of course later I share online.


Dr Zbigniew Sroka Vice-Rector for Student A airs of Wroclaw University of Technology Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw (Poland) Tel. +48 71 320 4123, email:

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