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Creating this table

Way to understand how I'm getting on. To create an overview.

Try and see. Add relevant columns as go on.

How written up?

make sure I actually write them up.

Evaluation Tool
Peer review. Is it useful.

Started in 2012 Not touched in 2013. 2014 is the year. garden continues to develop Funding, event to build,

Learning s
Can I project manage myself? designs are not always followed. inspires people, signage needed. Plant choices PETTLS

Next steps
adapt to a visual circle map (like Nigel's) Community garden learnings several upgrades to herb spiral. What now?

Peoples Community Garden

create a community garden. maximise space. Learning about plant needs

Zoning, discussion of 1&1 web moving to options with colleague Weebly

observation of peoples use of site. herb choice, choice of materials. How would I do again.

Herb Spiral


Poster + herb list.

Zone 00Dano / life / diploma pathway

Eastern Gathering 2013

personal balance, new year questioning, financial independence, venn diagram, spending social purpose, career plans, direction person????2014news diploma designed convergence in the CEAP East. late night creative dream up new models fevour & action learning ideal models loop keep connected and playing not planning live permaculture initially. Make a plan, principles. Not a drain make labels, mulch and on my energy. Connect maintain many sites from past. Design a garden from scratch client interview, small gardens


Venn Diagram follows from East of East Permaculture Coop idea. th 10 Feb: The week to get is it realistic? comm gardening plan Spring Road, PCG, Transition PMI, relate garden to Allotments, CSA deisgns. oak tree, Normanston, Grow Our Own. SWOC client questionnaire improve with Feedback from clients and fellow permies. done initial Client Interview

drop box, cmaps

core groups implementation

Community Health Clubs

Weebly website


pursue in Norwich.


base map

label and make easy to maintain use for consultancy report improvements hard to format pictures.

Sideways Newbuild Garden

base map +

Permaculture Consultancy report

a professional way to tender for business template for herb tea garden. 2nd AIM: a future business with house, nursery, herb show gardens Using some designs or planning future chapters for diploma mark 2.

Joint planning with Steve

As the actual report.

draft report for Darsham job.

Herbal Tea Garden/ Nursery/


plants to use and sample designs



Herbaculture Business Plan Herbaculture Workshops, Education Teaching

focus energies. Help it be amazing design a new programme

Use exisiting business plans out there. OBREDAMET Planning Triangle, Aims methods, Resources

How written up?

Evaluation Tool
Would people lend me money (or equivalent) on it?


Learning s

Next steps

Page 1

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