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What's Our Problem?

June 5, 2008
Our problem is that we think we're so smart and know anything, when we haven't really got a

Our sin is our presumption to claim that we can actually see, when we are totally blind to what's
right in front of our noses.

Our sin is our unbelievable pride.

We discover the miracles of life with our electronic microscopes and say, "Nah, that's nuthin'.
Anybody could have made that, in fact, it probably

made itself."

We close ourselves off to true information that's all around us; messages from our Creator that
constantly shout, "Look around: I'm right here!"

But we willingly choose to ignore Him. We choose to be blind. And as He said Himself, "None are
so blind as those who refuse to see."

The complexity of the structure and modus operandi of a single cell and its integrated
communication system that makes all life possible are the greatest known single source of
information and intelligence in the known universe, but we just assume, "Aw, that's just a little
blob of chemicals that came to life once when struck by a lightning."

I personally never saw anything drastically improve from non-life to life by being struck by a
lightning, but I guess scientists who are paid for upholding a wobbly theory like Evolution are
forced to live in a different reality.

It's our arrogance that blinds us. Its our indifference toward our Maker that deprives us of the
privilege to live life to the full, the way it ought to have been lived. But we don't even know how to
live, because we constantly choose the path that seems right in our own eyes but turns out to be
the ways of death.

We congratulate ourselves for our "progress" and technical advances, when most of what those
"advances" result in is more death, more suffering for others, ever greater pollution and the
impending destruction of our planet, because with the same indifference and contempt we treat
out Maker we naturally also treat our fellowman and our environment. The art of war is still what
we're best at, and what our governments spend most of our money on. Wow, yeah, seems like
we really have learned something.

Knowing what we were going to be up to, the Bible promised 2000 years ago that "He will destroy
those that destroy the earth," when we were far from being capable of doing so.

Those smart alecs who are so dead sure they're smarter than everybody else, including God are
taking us all along for a ride on their highway to hell, and most of us don't even notice it, and
what's worse, most of us don't seem to mind. As long as we've got our fancy gimmicks to distract
us, we won't say a word, no, won't even so much as raise an eyebrow. After all, our TVs, our
Gameboys, our I-pods, our Big Macs and our BMWs are proof enough to us that the System is
working. Who the hell cares about 10.000 people in other countries starving each day, or a bunch
of Arabs killed by our guns? They're all terrorists anyway, right? Or, as one Abu Graib “war hero”
put it, "Anything that wears a turban is guilty."
Yes, people, we're really enlightened. It only looks to me like most of us are going to get a big
shock when God turns on the light for real, and we get a look at the way He sees things, namely
the way they really are, and not the pitiful concoction of our imagination we currently call reality...

When I say, “we,” I’m definitely including myself. I frequently find myself afflicted with the same
blindness to His views and REAL-ity, so I’m not just pointing a finger at everybody else. Like
Jonah I frequently find myself inside the darkness of the belly of the whale due to my own
stubbornness and insistence on running the opposite direction God tells me. But like Jonah I also
have found out time and again that it’s true, that “Salvation is of the Lord.” When we call on Him
when we don’t know what’s happening, or our own way of seeing things has driven us against a
stone wall and we need Someone to pick up and mend the pieces, He always comes through.

People don’t believe me when I say “God talks to me.” They just figure talking isn’t included in
God’s repertoire. That He’s incapable of communicating. That’s the arrogance I’m talking about.

How can we be so presumptuous to say that the divine Author of the entire, unfathomable sum of
information that lies embedded in His creation, the One Who has brought forth the universe by
means of mere utterance of His Words, should be incapable of communicating?

“Why should He bother with someone like you?” Because He loves me. Just as He loves you,
and He would really like to surprise you pleasantly by filling you in on some essential details
concerning life, if you’d just be willing to open your ears to His voice, your eyes to His views, and
your heart to His loving vibes and give Him a chance…

(Excerpts from the chapter “What’s Up?” in the free eBook “The Deeper Meaning of Everything.”)

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