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Admiralty Digital Catalogue End-user Licence Agreement

Attention: Please read the following text carefully, by clicking the "Next" button you agree to this licence.
The UKHO The United Kingdo !ydrogra"hic #ffice, for and on behalf of the $ecretary of $tate for %efence of the United Kingdo of &reat 'ritain and Northern (reland, of Ad iralty )ay, Taunton, $o erset, TA* +%N, United Kingdo . The "erson downloading the ,atalogue.


AUTHORISED USERS ,atalogue. eans those "ersons authorised by the -(,.N$.. to use the

CATALOGUE eans the Ad iralty %igital ,atalogue software that will be downloaded if the -icensee acce"ts the ter s of this Agree ent.


(n its own right and on behalf of ,hart)orld & b!, its successors or assigns the UK!# grants the -(,.N$.. the right to use one co"y of the ,ATA-#&U. on any single co "uter, "ro/ided that the ,ATA-#&U. is in use on only one co "uter at any ti e. The ,ATA-#&U. is in use on a co "uter when it is loaded into the te "orary e ory 0for exa "le the 1ando Access 2e ory, or 1A23 or installed onto a "er anent storage de/ice 0for exa "le the hard disk or a ,% 1#2 dri/e3 of that co "uter. The -(,.N$.. agrees to ensure that the AUT!#1($.% U$.1$ are ade fully aware of, understand and agree to abide by the ter s and conditions of this Agree ent before they are allowed access to the ,ATA-#&U.. The -(,.N$.. acce"ts full res"onsibility for the actions of its AUT!#1($.% U$.1$. #n behalf of ,hart)orld & b!, its successors or assigns the UK!# grants the -(,.N$.. the right to ake one 0*3 co"y of the ,ATA-#&U. solely for backu" or archi/e "ur"oses. This co"y shall re ain sub5ect to all ter s and conditions of this Agree ent.





(ntellectual "ro"erty rights 0including co"yright, database rights, trade arks, ser/ice arks and goodwill3 in the ,ATA-#&U. shall re ain at all ti es the "ro"erty of the 'ritish ,rown, the UK!#, ,hart)orld & b! or their licensors. The -(,.N$.. shall ac6uire no rights in any such aterial exce"t as ex"ressly "ro/ided in this Agree ent. The -(,.N$.. shall gi/e "ro "t notice to the UK!# if the -(,.N$.. beco es aware of any unauthorised use or ex"loitation of the whole or any "art of the ,ATA-#&U. by any third "arty.


7.* 7.+

The ,ATA-#&U. is not to be used by the -(,.N$.. for na/igational or other safety8 related "ur"oses. The -(,.N$.. shall not alter, erge, odify or ada"t the ,ATA-#&U. in any way, including by way of disasse bling or deco "iling it, and the -(,.N$.. shall not loan, rent or "ur"ort to lease or sub8license the ,ATA-#&U. or any co"y of it to any "erson.



This Agree ent shall co e in to force fro the date the -(,.N$.. downloads the ,ATA-#&U. and shall continue in force until ter inated in accordance with clause 9.+ below. This Agree ent shall ter inate forthwith if the -(,.N$.. or the AUT!#1($.% U$.1$ /iolate any of its "ro/isions. U"on ter ination of the Agree ent, or if the UK!# su""lies the -(,.N$.. with any re"lace ent /ersion of the ,ATA-#&U., the -(,.N$.. shall destroy all co"ies, including "artial co"ies, of the ,ATA-#&U. the sub5ect atter of this Agree ent.

9.+ 9.4


Neither the UK!# nor ,hart)orld & b! shall be liable for loss or da age due to the use, isuse or non8use of the ,ATA-#&U. by the -(,.N$.. or its AUT!#1($.% U$.1$ 0exce"t in case of death or "ersonal in5ury solely and directly attributable to any negligent co "ilation or transcri"tion by the UK!# of the ,ATA-#&U., unless this can be excluded under local law3, in contract, tort, under statute or otherwise and whether or not arising out of any negligence on the "art of the UK!# in res"ect of any inade6uacy of any kind whatsoe/er in the ,ATA-#&U..


Assignment and Sub-Licensing: The -(,.N$.. shall not be entitled to assign or sub8 license to any third "arty any of its rights or obligations under this Agree ent without the UK!#<s "rior written consent. The UK!# shall be entitled to assign or contract8out its rights and obligations under this Agree ent to any "erson, but the UK!# shall gi/e notice of such assign ent in writing to the -(,.N$... Severability: (f any "art, ter or "ro/ision of this Agree ent not being of a funda ental nature be held illegal or unenforceable the /alidity or enforceability of the re ainder of this Agree ent shall not be affected. Rights of third parties: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere in this Agree ent, no right is granted to any "erson other than ,hart)orld & b! who is not a "arty to this Agree ent in their own right and the "arties to this Agree ent declare that they ha/e no intention to grant any such right. Entire Agreement: This Agree ent su"ersedes and cancels all "re/ious agree ents and working arrange ents whether oral or written, ex"ress or i "lied between the "arties in res"ect of or in connection with the atters referred to in this Agree ent. No Waiver: No wai/er of any ter or condition of this Agree ent shall be effecti/e unless ade in writing and signed by the "arty against which enforce ent of the wai/er is sought. The wai/er of any breach of any ter or any condition of this Agree ent shall not be construed as a wai/er of any subse6uent breach of a ter or condition of the sa e or different nature.





;.; ;.=

Amendment: This Agree ent ay be a ended by the UK!# gi/ing not less than three onths< notice or at any ti e in writing signed by both "arties. Governing Law: To the extent that this Agree ent relates to the intellectual "ro"erty rights of the 'ritish ,rown or the UK!# it shall be go/erned by and construed and inter"reted in accordance with .nglish -aw and the "arties sub it to the exclusi/e 5urisdiction of the .nglish ,ourts. To the extent that this Agree ent relates to the intellectual "ro"erty rights of ,hart)orld & b! it shall be go/erned by and construed and inter"reted in accordance with &er an law and the "arties sub it to the exclusi/e 5urisdication of the courts of !a burg.

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