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Presented January 2011 by Charles Savoie An Initiative to Protect Private Property Rights of A erican Citi!

!ens "A #I#A$%IC C&$SPIRAC' (AS )&R*+, I$ -&$,&$ A$, $+( '&R. %& ,+*&$+%I/+ SI-0+R1 222*artin (albert3 "%he Co ing 4attle5A Co plete 6istory of the $ational 4an7ing *oney Po8er in the 9nited States1 :1;<<=

>A Secret Society gradually absorbing the 8ealth of the 8orld?> 222 -ast (ill @ %esta ent of dia ond onopolist Cecil Rhodes

"6+R+ A$, +0+R'(6+R+1

AR+ '&9 I$%+R+S%+, I$ PR&%+C%I$# '&9R &($+RS6IP RI#6%S I$ PR+CI&9S *+%A-SA %6+$ P-+AS+ R+A, %6IS3 %A.+ (++.S %& C6+C. &9% %6+ ,&C9*+$%A%I&$ I) '&9 ,ISP9%+ I%3 A$, ,& +0+R'%6I$# '&9 CA$ %& +$C&9RA#+ %6+ (I,+S% P&SSI4-+ R+A,+RS6IP )&R I%B %6IS *+P6IS%&P6+-+S A$, 6IS ASS&CIA%+S A$, S9CC+SS&RS *9S% 4+ S%&PP+, )R&* 9SI$# %6+ PR+SI,+$% %& S+I/+ SI-0+R A$, #&-,B

:%here is no Si on %e plar halo over his headB=

%ed 4utler3 the ost 8idely follo8ed silver co entator3 has often said to easurably ore insidious3 far buy and hold physical3 because that puts you beyond C&*+C rule changes? %hatDs correctB 6o8ever3 there re ains an i reaching entity that can change rules2229ncle Sa 3 and heDs tightly in the grasp of the sa e forces 8hoDve depressed silver for generations? 9ncle Sa nationali!ed gold and silver in the )ran7lin Roosevelt ad inistrationE this is subFect to a repeatB $o8 that the price canDt be suppressed3 8hatDs neGtA )&R4I, &($+RS6IPB 'ou have hours for professional sports and %0 tal7 sho8sE ho8 about so e ti e for your property rights3 8ithout 8hich you can go bro7eA (hether the eGcuse cited is $orth .orea3 the *iddle +ast or other3

the actual reason is to brea7 us and prevent capital for ation on our partB Please read and act on 8hat follo8s222 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH "(hat an a8ful thought it is that if 8e had not lost A erica3 or if even no8 8e could arrange 8ith the present and our 6ouse of Co e bers of the 9nited States Asse bly ons3 the peace of the 8orld is secured for all eternity?

(e could hold federal parlia ent five years at (ashington and five at -ondon? %he only thing feasible to carry this idea out is A S+CR+% &$+ :S&CI+%'= #RA,9A--' A4S&R4I$# %6+ (+A-%6 &) %6+ (&R-, %& 4+ ,+0&%+, %& S9C6 A$ &4J+C%? %here is 6irsch 8ith t8enty do 8ith his oneyE and so one illions3 very soon to cross the un7no8n border3 and struggling in the dar7 to 7no8 8hat to ight go on ad infinitu ?1 :"Cecil John Rhodes31 %he A erican *onthly Revie8 of Revie8s3 $e8 'or73 *ay 1<023 pages IIJ2IIK describes the lifeDs 8or7 and globalist a bitions of South African dia ond cartelist Cecil Rhodes3 a an financed both by %he Cro8n and the Rothschilds3 out of 8hose 8ills ca e the subversive Rhodes Scholars3 the Royal Institute for International Affairs in -ondon3 the Council on )oreign Relations in $e8 'or73 and others3 all under the concealed supervision of the controlling organi!ation222%he Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain and %he Pilgri s of the 9nited States3 the hidden Senate of the transatlantic super2 rich3 founded in 1<02 and 1<0L3 respectively3 dra8ing into itself the pro inent "robber baron1 dynasties of the 1< th century and the financiers of the centuries old 4ritish + pire? %heir last ace in the hole for global control is the 9nited $ations3 and if it fails3 they fail?= "It 8ould have been better for +urope if $apoleon had carried out his idea of 9niversal *onarchyE he ight have succeeded if he had hit on the idea of granting self govern ent to the co ponent parts? Still3 I 8ill o8n tradition3 race3 and diverse languages acted against his drea E all these do not eGist as

to the present +nglish spea7ing 8orld3 and apart fro

this union is %6+

SACR+, ,9%' &) %A.I$# %6+ R+SP&$SI4I-I%' &) %6+ S%I-- 9$CI0I-I/+, PAR%S &) %6+ (&R-,? %he trial of these countries 8ho have been found 8anting222such as Portugal3 Persia3 even Spain222A$, %6+ J9,#*+$% %6A% %6+' *9S% ,+PAR%3 A$, &) C&9RS+3 %6+ (6&-+ &) %6+ S&9%6 A*+RICA$ R+P94-ICS? " :%his "secret one1 or society3 8hich sprang into eGistence a fe8 onths after Rhodes death3 is the only organi!ation that ans8ers to the descriptions conceptuali!ing it in this rarely seen article buried deep on unfreMuented library shelves? $otice they ad itted to trying to recruit into their ran7s 8ealthy en and ta7e control over their fortunes after their death for their eans of (orld (ar I3 (orld eaning3 cease to eGist as globalist vision? %heir definition of "uncivili!ed parts of the 8orld1 includes any areas they 8ish to bring under control3 by their Fudg ent that certain nations (ar II3 regional 8ars3 and the %hird (orld (ar3 still to co e? %hey spea7 of ust "depart31 sovereign statesB %hat includes all of South A erica3 8ith its silver producing beltsB %his presentation 8onDt try to convince the reader that their global reach is still an influence that 8ill override all others3 such as China and Russia? %hey unMuestionably do possess the eans to start (orld (ar IIIE is that influence enoughA %here is no 8ay to 7no83 but it should be supposed3 that in eGporting A ericaDs industrial base overseas3 they retained o8nership3 and hold vast assets else8here? %he effort is to convince you of their do estic control over these 9nited States and by eGtension3 Canada3 and if the $orth A erican 9nion ateriali!es3 *eGico? %here is no threat to your gold and silver o8nership re otely as severe as that presented by %he Pilgri s Society of the 9nited States3 based in $e8 'or7 CityB= "(6A% A SC&P+ A$, (6A% A 6&RI/&$ &) (&R. )&R %6+ $+C% %(& C+$%9RI+S3 %6+ 4+S% +$+R#I+S &) %6+ 4+S% P+&P-+ I$ %6+ (&R-,E P+R)+C%-' )+ASI4-+3 49% $++,I$# A$ &R#A$I/A%I&$3 for it is

i possible for one hu an ato

to conte plate anything3 *9C6 -+SS S9C6

A$ I,+A R+N9IRI$# %6+ ,+0&%I&$ &) %6+ 4+S% S&9-S &) %6+ $+C% 200 '+ARS? %here are three essentials222 :1= %he plan duly 8eighed and agreed to :2= %6+ )IRS% &R#A$I/A%I&$ :L= %6+ S+I/9R+ &) %6+ (+A-%6 $+C+SSAR'?1 :6ere on page IIK they ad it that the year 2002 for their drea conspiratorial indsE1 "first organi!ation1 ight be the half8ay point eans " ost eans of global Anglophile do ination? "4est souls1

eans %he Pilgri s Society of

-ondon and $e8 'or7E and "the sei!ure of the 8ealth necessary1

any planned disasters caused by govern ent actions negatively i pacting the 8ealth of non e bers3 and those outside the ran7s of such unofficial subsidiary organi!ations as the Council on )oreign Relations3 8hich has long served as a staffing agency for sei!ure of the 8ealth necessary1 8ith the decision of the Royal Co ultiple Presidential ad inistrations? "%he eans any particulars3 the first (orld (arE oney syste 3 starting in India in 1<2J ission on Indian CurrencyE the Crash of

4ritainDs attac7 on the 8orldDs silver

1<2<3 facilitated by )ederal Reserve policiesE the #reat ,epression3 caused by 4ritainDs attac7 on silverE 4ritainDs attac7 on gold in Septe ber 1<L13 eGacerbating the depressionE sei!ing gold fro A erican citi!ens in *arch 1<LL3 and sei!ing silver in August 1<LO to the eGtent of 11L30L13000 silver ouncesE driving China off its silver standard as of $ove ber L3 1<LI through the Silver Purchase Act of 1<LOE ),RDs socialist federal agenciesE the second (orld (arE the founding of the 9nited $ationsE the .orean 8arE the ending of silver coinage by the id 1<J0DsE the 0ietna 8ar and its 8ar anufacturers 8indfallsE and all the ensuing todayDs ortgage crisisE forcing the aFor financial dislocations since

that ti e to the crushing of the 6untPArab silver play in January 1<;0E to iddle class into apart ents :feudalis =E eGportation of industry and FobsE reduced standard of livingE )ood and ,rug Ad inistration tyrannyE the anticipation of hyperinflationE and concerns over a potential )ederal nationali!ation of precious etalsB It is to eGert against

that last eventuality that I present this essay3 to place this specific elitist organi!ation on public notice that they are no8 7no8nE a partial su record of their past attac7s on gold and silver partial list of specific identified Pilgri s Society years3 acting to suppress gold and silver as co ary oney and o8nershipE and a e bers involved over the oney and against the

odity prices of each3 and acting against citi!en o8nership of bothB= Pages IIK2II; feature this about Cecil Rhodes222

"6is original conception of his 8ill 8as to leave the 8hole of his property3 8ithout any restrictions3 to be ad inistered by the sole discretion of three personal friends? As for eight years I 8as one of three to 8ho his ind on this his illions 8ere left in Foint tenancy3 I have perhaps as good opportunities of 7no8ing atter as anyone? It 8as 8hile on board the stea er3 id8ay bet8een Cape %o8n and +ngland3 that the idea flashed into his ind of superseding his previous 8ill by another3 in 8hich part of his 8ealth 8ould be set apart for ad inistration by trustees for educational purposes? (hen he first told e about it3 the sche e 8as li ited to 4ritish colonies? "It is ad irable31 I said3 "but 8ould it not be still better if you could eGtend it so as to bring the A ericans into itA1 *r? Rhodes doubted 8hether his estate 8ould bear such an eGtension3 8ith 8hich in principle he entirely concurred? )urther eGa ination satisfied hi that it could be done3 and accordingly the 8ill contains the provision by 8hich every A erican State is offered t8o scholarships tenable for three years?1 :%he person spea7ing 8as (illia %? Stead3 Pilgri s Society3 8ho -ord $orthcliffe3 Pilgri s Society3 described as "the greatest living Fournalist31 page OI3 "Pilgri s and Pioneers1 :1<OJ= by Sir 6arry 4rittain3 founding e ber of %he Pilgri s Society? See Chapter 10 of this scarce volu e3 "(e Co e Into 4eing31 pages 10L21IL=?

"I doubt 8hether *r? Rhodes Muite reali!ed that by such an arrange ent A ericans 8ould receive I0 percent ore of his benefaction than 4ritish colonists? %his ho8ever 8ill probably soon be rectified by his eGecutors3 8ho have absolutely unrestricted o8nership of the residue3 8hich probably a ounts to a oiety of the estate? *r? Rhodes 8as a enable to y suggestion about the A erican eGtension of his scholarship 4+CA9S+ I% S& %6&R&9#6-' J9*P+, (I%6 6IS &($ I,+AS? "*y scholars co e to ust all y old university? I A* &$ %6+ -&&.&9% )&R %6&S+ (6& (I-C&*+?1 :President 4ill Clinton3 Pilgri s Society3 is a Rhodes ScholarE 4yron (hite3 a Supre e Court Justice 1<J221<<L3 8as a Rhodes ScholarE Alfred 6ayes3 president of the )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or73 Pilgri s Society3 8as a Rhodes Scholar222see "Paper *oney *obster Spea7s31 Archives of Silver Investor? %rustees of the Rhodes %rust are invariably Pilgri s Society e bersE the board of directors of the Council on )oreign Relations are largely Pilgri s Society Pilgri s Society 6arvard roo e bersE 4ilderberg and %rilateral 8ere founded by e bers :,avid Roc7efeller3 John J? *cCloy3 ,ean Rus73 e ber3 %rilaterals=? S7ull @ 4ones3 founded trade lin7s3 in no 8ay has

,& %6+ #&0+R$I$# &) %6+ $A%I&$S I$ %6+ '+ARS %6A% AR+ %&

Joseph +srey Johnson and othersE Roc7efeller and #eorge S? )ran7lin Jr?3 his ate and Pilgri s at 'ale in 1;L2 as another 4ritish front 8ith opiu

had the degree of influence as have had the Rhodes Scholars=? "$& *A$ I 6A0+ *+% R+#AR,+, (+A-%6 +CC+P%I$# AS A *+A$S 4' (6IC6 6+ C&9-, I$)-9+$C+ *+$ A$, C&$%R&- %6+ ,+S%I$I+S &) $A%I&$S?1 :Page IJ03 Stead on Rhodes?=

Cecil Rhodes3 financed by the Rothschilds and %he Cro8n in South African dia ond carteli!ation leading to the ,e 4eers conglo erate3 out of 8hose 8ills sprang "the first organi!ation31 %he Pilgri s Society of -ondon and $e8 'or73 referenced in y series "*eet %he (orld *oney Po8er1 and aFor concern to every etals "PI-#RI*S?1 %his Society should be of

investor3 as theyDve been controlling silverDs destiny as an organi!ation for ost of a centuryB %he follo8ing chronology is necessarily a t8o steps for8ard3 one step bac78ards progression3 as overlapping situations are the inevitable rule? )irst consider a state ent by a founder of %he Pilgri s Society3 Sir 6arry 4rittain in the &ctober 2<3 1<1< $e8 'or7 %i es page J3 "9rges )ir er 4ond )or +nglish Races1 subtitled "Sir 6arry 4rittain %hin7s the (orldDs )uture 6angs on 9nity of A ericans and 4ritish1 stated222 "Sir 6arry 4rittain3 Chair an of %he Pilgri s in -ondon and founder of the A erican &fficers Club in that city3 8ho has been called the "9nofficial 4ritish

*inister to the 9nited States31 arrived yesterday? "%he future is terribly uncertain? %he 8ar is over3 the 8ar clouds have been by no and the +nglish spea7ing 8orld ay have duties to perfor 8or7 interdependence 8ill be of vital eans dispelled3 together in 8hich

o ent? (hat the future holds for the

-eague of $ations 8e 7no8 not3 and can only hope for the best? (hatever ay happen3 it is inconceivable that a fir er basis for the 8orldDs future stability can be suggested than a close understanding bet8een the 9nited States and the 4ritish + pireE first3 for their utual benefit3 and second3 an7ind? %he 4ritish the capital of because of their great inherent strength for the benefit of

+ pire and the 9nited States practically control bet8een the

the 8orld3 the natural resources of the 8orld3 and the 8orldDs shipping3 and as the fore ost representatives of de ocratic principles 8e can best preserve these 7ey assets and do inate3 and the 8orld 8ould trust us to do this3 7no8ing 8ell that 8e 8or7 for such purposes as 8ould be for the 8orldDs advantage?1 "%here 8ill be countless opportunities for cooperation? A erica is going out for the 8orldDs trade 8ith the heavy 8eight of A erican capital and unbounded enterprise? (e 8ere 8orld traders 8hen the 8hite en first landed on this continent and have follo8ed that calling 8ith ever2gro8ing intensity in the centuries that have follo8ed up till today3 and it is not unthin7able that 4ritish eGperience ay be able to collaborate on an even larger scale than has already been the case 8ith the 8ealth and enterprise of the 9nited States? (e have ta7en over additional land in the shape of #er anyDs colonies3 but 8e already have to loo7 after so e 1L30003000 sMuare iles of the earthDs surface? It erely eans additional responsibility?1 ade unavoidable as O1O out of easures against :Sir 6arryDs co ents 8ere a veiled reference to the second (orld (ar3

8hich the 4ritish and A ericans by intent

OO0 clauses in the 1<1< %reaty of 0ersailles 8ere punitive

#er anyE 8hich is 8hy 6Fal ar Schacht of the #er an central ban7

announced that 8hile he believed gold should be used to bac7 currency3 he 8ould nevertheless go along 8ith anything the A ericans and 4ritish 8anted222$e8 'or7 %i es3 &ctober 223 1<2J3 page 1IB 6e indicated he hoped the -eague of $ations 8ould develop into a 8orld govern ent3 but than7s to opposition in the Senate led by silver Senator (illia Idaho3 the plan failed? $o 4orah of atter3 %he Pilgri s Society and %he Cro8n had

the 9nited $ations 8aiting to start after ((2B %he abandon ent of overt 4ritish control over India and other large territories after ((2 8as co pensated for by their inclusion in the 9nited $ations3 behind 8hich lur7s %he Cro8n3 sponsors of %he Pilgri s SocietyB 'eah3 the 8orld should trust the Anglo2A ericans to "do inate1 and control the natural resources of the 8orld3 such as silver3 so that silver producing nations canDt use their o8n silver resources for circulating 9nion in 1<0< for ediu B 4rittain founded the Co on8ealth Press anaged ne8s control3 and 8as a .night of the 4ritish

+ pire? 4rittain3 1;KL21<KO3 late in life= 222

John 4risben (al7er3 8ho founded Cos opolitan *aga!ine in 1;;<3 Society in 1<02 and 1<0L? 6is co


so e astonishing re ar7s about the sa e factions 8ho founded %he Pilgri s ents appeared in the $e8 'or7 %i es3 )ebruary L3 1<L13 page 2O in "Silver As A (orld Proble 1222 ",e oneti!ation of silver by +ngland 8as originally 8or7ed by a fe8 po8erful financiers 8ho sa8 an opportunity to ore than double the value of ortgages on property of propaganda ever of their personal fortunes if silver could be de oneti!ed in +ngland3 #er any and the 9nited States? 4ac7ed by those 8ho held double the value of their loans3 the unhesitating in their throughout the 8orld and 8ho sa8 in de oneti!ation the opportunity to ost po8erful syste organi!ed 8as put in operation? It involved the reiteration by propagandists ethods3 by the eGercise of every conceivable for political and financial pressure? +nglandDs action 8as one of co bination a ong A )+( P&(+R)9- I$,I0I,9A-S (6& (+R+ (I--I$# %& (R+C.

%6+ (&R-, I) %6+' C&9-, ,&94-+ %6+IR PRI0A%+ )&R%9$+S ? %here 8as an i ense fall of prices and eGtre e suffering resulted?1
(al7er3 8ho 8as born in 1;OK3 co ented on the bitter hardships forced :silver upon A ericans by the Cri e of KL3 of 8hich he 8as a victi de oneti!ation in the Coinage Act of 1;KL= 222 "As if they had been a ro8 of bric7s3 ban7s all over the 9nited States fell do8n? I ediately those 8ho had been living fro hand to outh began a struggle for eGistence? ,epredations occurred? I personally sa8 a procession of starving 8or7 en222esti ated to be 103000 in nu ber222tra ping along the Chesapea7e and &hio Canal begging for food3 ready to 8or7 for a 8age that 8ould barely 7eep body and soul together? %here 8ere four batteries of artillery sent do8n fro (ashington to protect the houses and property of the 4alti ore @ &hio Rail8ay? *+$ C&**I%%+, S9ICI,+ 4' %6+ %6&9SA$,? +very8here hopelessness and despair settled over the country? Pressure 8as eGerted by ban7s upon all 8ho refused to accept +nglandDs single gold standard? %he effect on India and China 8ill never be 7no8n in their fullest horror? %he i ediate depreciation of their only stoc7 of ,+A%6S?1 Prostitute historians 8hoDve received grants and fello8ships fro Po8er are intentionally silent on such aFor universities and author lengthy boo7s3 and leave out or in literally dragging the 8orld a8ay fro the use of silver as the *oney isrepresent oney at the atters? %heyDre on the faculties of oney3 silver3 stopped trade and starved 8hole provinces? I% CA9S+, *I--I&$S &)

aFor details? A nationalistic 6indu source has this to say about 4ritish actions close of the $apoleonic 8ars in 1;1J222 httpQPP888?scribd?co PdocP1021JK<P%he21;KK2#enocide2of2L02*illion2 6indus2by2the2Christian24ritish2Ruler1

"%he #old Standard Adopted by 4ritain222 ost of the developed and nearly developed 8orld follo8ed suit in the 1;K0s? As a result3 vast Muantities of de oneti!ed silver flooded the 8orld India and China3 the ar7et3 depreciating the currency of aFor nations outside the hege onic gold bloc? 9nder

4ritish do ination and the ne8 gold standard3 the value of IndiaDs silver standard rupee fell by over one third bet8een 1;KL and 1;<I? %he conseMuent inflation due to silver depreciation destroyed peasant savings and pushed peasant households into a usurious credit syste ? %he 4ritish taG syste too7 uch and gave bac7 little? %he planned neglect of irrigation and other infrastructure by the 4ritish 8as to push Indian far ers into the production of cash crops? %his and other si ilar policies dra atically under ined village and regional econo y? It should also be noted that during the period fro 1KIK to 1<OK there 8as no increase in per capita inco e?1 ints to the free 6enry P? )it! aurice :1;OI21<2K= the Ith *arMuess of -ansdo8ne3 8ho 8as 4ritish 0iceroy of India3 1;;;21;<O3 closed the Indian passB &n &ctober 1I3 1<0L3 %he *arMuess 8as at a of #reat 4ritain honoring the coinage of silver as of June 2J3 1;<L? %he legislation too7 one session to eeting of %he Pilgri s issionE e bers of the Alas7an 4oundary Co

before being 0iceroy of 4ritish India3 he 8as #overnor #eneral of Canada 1;;L21;;; and )oreign Secretary3 1<0021<0I222

-ord Cur!on 8as 0iceroy of 4ritish India3 1;<<21<0I3 and let stand -ansdo8neDs decision to close Indian ints to the free coinage of silver222

&n ,ece ber ;3 1<1<3 the Allied Supre e Council delineated the Cur!on -ine3 the +astern boundary bet8een Poland and 4olshevi7 Russia? 6e beca e )oreign Secretary3 1<1<21<2O and leader of the 6ouse of -ords3 1<2O21<2I? 6e also beca e a "*arMuessE1 isnDt that Fust s8ellA Read about this Cro8n loyalist +nglish aristocrat at

"Pilgri s and Pioneers1 :1<OJ= rare volu e3 states on page 110 that -ord Cur!on 8as "A *&S% S9P+RI&R P+RS&$?1 %hese "superior persons1 of %he Pilgri s Society need to be 7no8n to the 8orld3 instead of being the only aFor globalist organi!ation refusing to release a roster into the public do ainB

4aron 4rassey of 4ul7eley :1;LJ21<1;=3 charter

e ber in 1<023 Pilgri s

Society of #reat 4ritain3 8as the son of %ho as 4rassey3 8ho built railroads in +ngland3 +urope3 India3 Australia3 Canada and the 9nited States? 4aron 4rassey 8as a e ber of Parlia ent3 1;JI21;;JE e ber3 -ords of the Ad iralty3 1;;021;;OE president3 Institute of $aval Architects3 1;<L21;<IE and #overnor of 0ictoria Province3 Australia3 1;<I21<003 :<13KO< sMuare iles=? In 1;<I 4aron 4rassey chaired the Royal Co by a7ing ission on &piu 3 another 8hite8ash by the 4ritish establish ent Fustifying their looting of China illions of Chinese drug addicts? %his 8as started generations otive 8as to start 8ithdra8ing huge a ounts of silver the 8orld silver the 8a7e of the first &piu the Second &piu 1;;0Ds3 opiu ar7et? At page L of (ar of 1;LK :8on by 4ritain= 222 earlier as a govern ent approved trade based in 4ritish India? 4esides cold blooded profit3 the fro China so the Cro8nDs international financiers could continue to control

httpQPP888?drugpolicy?orgPdoc9ploadsPopiu Rindia?pdf 8e read that in "%he Ning authorities refused to legali!e the sale of opiu ? %his policy led to (ar of 1;IJ21;J0 in 8hich a 4ritish force occupied ost valuable co odities in international 4eiFing and forced the Ning + peror to legali!e the i port of opiu ? 4y the 8as one of the trade? In an average year3 eGport opiu %&$S? %his staggering a ount 8ould opiu basis3 and any leaving Calcutta and 4o bay eet the annual needs of 1O illion

averaged over <03000 chests C&$%AI$I$# *&R+ %6A$ I3O00 *+%RIC consu ers in China and Southeast Asia 8ho s o7ed opiu on a daily

ore if less intense use 8ere assu ed? +ach year3 &PI9* I$,IA C&))+RS?1

R+0+$9+S P&9R+, <L?I *I--I&$ SI-0+R R9P++S I$%& #&0+R$*+$% &) %he reason 4ritain did not invade A erica 8hen Andre8 Jac7son shut do8n the second 9nited States 4an73 as it had done in response to President *adisonDs closure of the first 9nited States 4an7 in 1;11 8ith the (ar of 1;123

8as because 4ritain dee ed it lac7ed resources to invade both nationsE that their opiu business 8as ore profitableE and they feared attac7ing A erica as long as their greatest ne esis3 Andre8 Jac7son3 8as aliveB 4aron 4rassey3 Pilgri s Society3 apologist for silver stealing 4ritish &piu %rade222

Pages OO2OI of the lin7ed pdf state222 "%he Royal Co i perialis of the opiu ission on &piu 3 reflecting the vie8s of both the ost infor ed Indians3 reFected the cultural refor ers? &n this issue -ansdo8ne and other high #overn ent of India and

officials involved cha pioned the interests of the people of India against 8ell

eaning interference? %he #overn ent of India 8as better attuned to Indian opinion than the opiu refor ers?1 business e ber3 %hat sho8s ho8 depraved the 4ritish establish ent and its apologists 8erePare222co passionate persons 8ho 8anted to end the opiu business that 8as i perialistic beyond beliefE 8hen Pilgri s Society silver stealer 0iceroy -ansdo8ne cha pioned opiu very tiny seg ent of IndiansE fro Indian officials222not that of the 8ere slandered as culturally i perialisticE 8hen in fact3 it 8as the opiu interests3 it 8as that of a

ostly 4ritishers residing there3 and their corrupt aFority of Indians 8ho derived !ero inco e

that filthy3 death2dealing businessB

httpQPP888?drugpolicy?orgPaboutP7eystaffPboardofdirecP sho8s this organi!ations current Rothschild connectionsE and that Pilgri s Society e bers #eorge Shult! of the %reasury ,epart ent and Paul 0ol7er of the )ederal Reserve are board e bersB (hitela8 Reid :1;LK21<12=3 Pilgri s Society3 long ti e editor of %he $e8 'or7 %ribune3 8as senior diplo at at the %reaty of Paris of 1;<;3 at 8hich Spain surrendered control over the Philippine Islands :i portant for long history of silver i portation= to the 9nited States? Reid 8as A bassador to )rance3 1;;<21;<2 and to 4ritain3 1<0I21<12222

6is son and t8o grandsons :see later= beca e silver suppressing Pilgri s Society e bers? an3 A$, +0+R' ,R&P "#reat 4ritain could count upon every dollar3 every

&) 4-&&, I$ A*+RICA?1222(hitela8 Reid3 A bassador to +ngland3 cited in %he Congressional Record3 August 213 1<O0? %hat 8as a fe8 scant years before 8e bac7ed 4ritain in engineering (orld (ar I in their unending drive for global control? -y an Judson #age :1;LJ21<2K3 Pilgri s Society charter e ber 1<0L= 8as onetary %reasury Secretary in the cabinets of Presidents *c.inley and %heodore Roosevelt3 1;<K21<023 in 8hich capacity he opposed silver in the syste ? 4efore going to %reasury he 8as president of the )irst $ational 4an7 of Chicago3 and after (ashington he beca e president of 9nited States %rust Co pany on (all Street? 6e 8as a three2ti e president of the anti2silver A erican 4an7ers Association :as7 any re oneti!ation of silverE their onthly e ber ho8 they feel as to aga!ine3 4an7ing3 April 1<JI3 page

11K3 called for cri inali!ation of silver accu ulationsB= #age 8as first president of the Chicago 4an7ers Association3 t8ice president of the Civic

)ederation of Chicago and a trustee of the Carnegie Institution of (ashingtonE he 8as a got hi e ber of the anti2silver Stable *oney Association? #age too7 the financial editor of the Chicago %ribune3 )ran7 0anderlip3 and into the ban7ing business as his assistant at %reasury? Recall that e ber 0anderlip 8as at the Je7yll Island3 #eorgia eeting Pilgri s Society

8here the *organ2Roc7efeller :Pilgri s Society= interests finali!ed plans for the )ederal Reserve Syste B 0anderlip 8rote "%o orro8Ds *oney1 :1<LO= #age222

4an7er and financier *orris .? Jesup3 a founder of %he Pilgri s Society of the 9nited States in 1<0L and sponsor of Arctic eGpeditions3 headed the $e8 'or7 Cha ber of Co erce at the ti e? %he Cha ber opposed silver ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 $ove ber erce 9rges oneyE as one eGa ple3 see Co

1<3 1<O23 page 1;0K in the article3 "$?'? Cha ber of Co Passage of Silver )or (ar 9se1 222

"%he silver bloc is opposed to any legislation 8hich ight lessen the onetary sacredness of silver? %here 8as no sound econo ic reason 8hy an ounce of silver should be held as onetary bac7ing?1

,ocu ent belo8 sho8s Jesup in Pilgri s

anage ent? ,uncan 8as chair an

of the *obile Alaba a @ &hio Railroad3 Choate 8as a functionary of the huge 0anderbilt railroad interests? )our 4ritishers are seen here3 illustrating Cro8nPRoyal fa ily connections of the organi!ation? R?A?C? S ith 8as Co issioner of ,oc7s for the Port of $e8 'or7 and had sugar and railroad e ber of the Royal interests in Cuba? Ja es Speyer 8ill be described later? 6unter (y7es3 described as a bro7er :securities or insurance= 8as a

%ha es 'acht Club of +ngland3 and the anti2silver 4an7ers Club in *anhattan? (hitridge3 of I< (all Street3 arried an +nglish8o an and 8as appointed by %heodore Roosevelt on *arch L13 1<0J to be the representative of the 9nited States at the 8edding of the .ing of Spain? 6e 8as a director of Chicago %er inal +levatorE *anhattanville Rail8ayE $orthern &hio Rail8ayE $iagara ,evelop ent Co panyE $iagara )alls Po8erE %hird Avenue Rail8ayE (ashington County Rail8ayE (estchester +lectric RailroadE and 8as related by arriage to the ,elafields3 a significant Pilgri s Society fa ily issioner for $e8 'or7 :a 8hose fortune traced to Colonial land grantsE his son Arnold appeared in the lea7ed 1<J< list of %he Pilgri s3 and 8as Art Co great taG dodge3 else so any aFor useu s 8ouldnDt eGist=E +d8ard ercial Cable Co pany3 according

,arrell of International *ercantile *arine3 4er uda -ight @ Po8er and #eneral %ruc7ingE #eorge (ard of Co to the June 1J3 1<22 $e8 'or7 %i es3 8as "the dean of the sub arine cable profession?1 6e 8as decorated by the + peror of #er any in 1<00 and the + peror of Japan in 1<0J and laid the first cables across the Atlantic3 a7ing arbitrage transactions possible bet8een the -ondon and $e8 'or7 Stoc7 +Gchanges? According to (i7ipedia3 "#eorge 4rinton *cClellan 6arvey :)ebruary 1J3 1;JO 2 August 203 1<2;= 8as a diplo at3 Fournalist3 author3 ad inistrator for electric rail construction and o8ner and editor of several ne8spapers3 all positions that brought hi great 8ealth?1 6e 8as A bassador to +ngland3 1<2121<2L and a director of (indsor %rust Co pany3 na ed after the Royal fa ily? John (? #riggs 8as $e8 Jersey #overnor and 9nited States Attorney #eneral and a e ber of the (orld Court in the $etherlandsE John J? *cCoo73 a close friend of %heodore Roosevelt3 8as a director of A erican Surety Co panyE +Muitable -ife AssuranceE International 4an7ing CorporationE and (ells )argo? 6e 8as "deeply interested in the Pan2Isla ic ove ent31 having been an eGpert on Persia :Iran= and ArabiaE ushers at his 8edding included John Saltonstall3 a relative of *assachusetts Senator -everett Saltonstall :1<OI21<JK= 8ho did so

uch to assist the Silver 9sers Association3 and $icholas 4iddle3 descendant of the original $icholas 4iddle of the gold and silver stealing second 9nited States 4an7B

R?A?C? S ith and #eorge %? (ilson 8ere governors of the anti2silver 4an7ers Club of A erica? Choate 8as a 0anderbilt fa ily agent and ,uncan 8as a railroad tycoon? &thers of these en 8ill be entioned as 8e progress? ittee of %he Pilgri s Cassius *ilton (ic7er :1;OJ21<1L=3 eGecutive co

Society as of 1<0K3 8as son in la8 of Augustus )rench3 #overnor of Illinois :1;OJ21;IL= and 8as president of the 4an7ers *oney Association :hint222their oney isnDt silver=E chair an of the 4an7 of ,iscountE director of Aetna Insurance and 8as involved 8ith railroads in $e8 'or73 *assachusetts3 &hio3 Illinois3 Colorado and %eGas222

Ja es R? .eene :belo8= charter Pilgri s Society JI<222"beca e

e ber in 1<0L3 had this in ining

his listing in the (ho (as (ho In A erica3 1;<K21<O23 page iner in California and $evada3 later speculator in

stoc7sE accu ulated SJ30003000 during bonan!a period of the 1;K0DsE 8as president San )rancisco Stoc7 +GchangeE since 1;KK an operator on (all Street?1 According to httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPJa esRR?R.eene "Such 8ere his talents at J?P? *organ and (illia ar7et anipulation that he 8as soon engaged by anage funds for the and .eene Roc7efeller to co

e erged as a 8ealthy and po8erful force in the $e8 'or7 financial unity?1

J?P? *organ :1;LK21<1L=3 Pilgri s Society3 8as described by biographer John *orton 4lu as "al ost -ord of creation?1 *organ played a central role in oney3 bla ing ogul and his the Panic of 1;<L3 8hich 8as largely an attac7 against silver silver for dislocations caused in reality by the ban7ing

associatesE and again played a central role in the Panic of 1<0K3 8hich 8as launched against the tyranni!ed public for the purpose of "educating1 the that 8e needed a central ban7? A erica "needed1 a )ederal Street onetary authority in 8hich po8er 8ould be centrali!ed3 "in order to th8art (all alefactors31 8as the typical cant fed to the public? *any naTve e ber3 people 8anted to believe the 8rapper in 8hich such conniving proposals 8ere labeledB Ja es Still an3 probably another Pilgri s Society

head of the $ational City 4an73 8as a pro inent participant 8ith *organ in both panics? Still anDs father ade a SO illion fortune in *eGican silver any railroad3 ban7ing oney fro iningB %8o ining in the 1;I0Ds and parlayed it into o8nership in nothing3 8as understood to be

and insurance organi!ations? Central ban7ing222creating ore profitable than silver

Still ans appeared in the lea7ed 1<J< list of %he Pilgri s3 as did 6enry Sturgis *organ3 J?P? *organ Sr?Ds grandson 8ho appeared on the board of

silver user3 industrial colossus #eneral +lectric? "%he *irrors of (all Street1 :1<LL=3 page OI3 said of *organDs fir 222"%here is hardly a spot on the globe 8here civili!ation has bla!ed a trail that the fir does not reach for its tithe?1 anipulators in history222 J?P? *organ3 a ong a handful of the greatest gold

Page I<2 of "6istory of the #reat A erican )ortunes1 :1<0<= spo7e of *organDs "ever eGpanding po8er1 and page J2; recounted222

"%he Panic of 1<0K s ashed lesser fortunes right and left3 but *organ e erged 8ith far greater possessions? 4efore dealing 8ith his financial dictatorship3 ention should be ade of his autocracy over great nu bers of 8or7ing people?1 (hoDs (ho In )inance3 4an7ing @ Insurance :1<11=3 page JL;3 features this in *organDs listing222 "6as any ti es rendered valuable service to the 9nited States govern ent floated the SJ230003000 gold bonds since the Civil (ar3 notably in flotation of govern ent bonds in 1;KJ3 1;KK and 1;K; and also 1;<I3 8hen his fir issued by the Cleveland ad inistration to restore nor al %reasury surplus of S10030003000 A$, %6+R+4' SA0+, %6+ %R+AS9R' )R&* A SI-0+R 4ASIS?1 4y attac7ing silver and shoving it out of onetary atters3 the 8ay 8as cleared for gold to be attac7ed Ja es J? Still an3 subFect of "%he )irst 4illion222%he Still ans and the $ational City 4an71 :1<LO= had this said of hi 3 in connection 8ith )ederal Reserve planner3 Pilgri s Society e ber )ran7 0anderlip :page 1;<= 222 "%here 8as reason for S%I--*A$DS +C%R+*+ S+CR+C'? 6+ (AS PR+PARI$# %& +C%+$, %6+ CI%' 4A$.DS P&(+R &0+R %6+ +AR%6 A$, )9--' R+C&#$I/+, %6A% %6IS A*4I%I&$ (&9-, ,RA( 6I* I$%& %6+ (+4 &) I$%+R$A%I&$A- C&**+RCIA- I$%RI#9+ A$, +SPI&$A#+1222

Still an 8anted the City 4an7 to "beco e a great central institution li7e the old 9nited States 4an73 8hich 8as destroyed by Andre8 Jac7son at the co and of the people1 :page 200=? %he City 4an7 :no8 Citigroup= traced to June 1J3 1;123 and 8as founded in response to the eGpiration of the charter of the first :4ritish influenced= 9nited States 4an7? Still anDs t8o daughters both (illia arried Roc7efellers? Roc7efeller :1<1;21<<0=3 Pilgri s Society3 8as a long ti e director of elted for &neidaDs benefit in the ban7er 8ar against the original (illia Roc7efeller3

&neida -i ited3 a silver user for table8are and other obFects? Innu erable silver coins 8ere onetary silver? 6e 8as descended fro

seen belo8 :1;O121<223 younger brother of John ,? Roc7efeller= 8ho page 1<<I of the 1<1I (hoDs (ho sho8ed as a director of OK corporations3 railroads but also copper Pilgri s ining and public utilities and a ostly e ber of five

clubs after 8hich "etc?1 8as stated3 leaving open the chance he 8as a e ber and 8as too big a 8heel to not be222

#eorge 4? Cortelyou3 %reasury Secretary 1<0K21<0<3 Pilgri s Society e ber3 advocated a central ban7ing syste after the Panic of 1<0K3 8hich his pals in %he *ost Secret of Secret Societies arranged222

As 8as intended fro

the beginning3 the central ban7ing syste


ilitate against the use of precious

etals in the pay ents structure until ittee? *any of e bers 8ere arch to8ards

everything 8as fiatB Cortelyou beca e president of Consolidated #as Co pany and chair an of the Republican $ational Co these late 1<th century to early 20th century Pilgri s Society bac7 of the #old Standard Act of 1<003 8hich facilitated the fiat currency by :1;J121<1I=3 a financial co ove ent led by (illia

ini i!ing silver? -etDs loo7 briefly at Charles Arthur Conant entator and econo ist 8ho 8as a delegate to e berA I

the #old ,e ocratic Convention of 1;<J3 organi!ed against the silver Jennings 4ryan? (as Conant a Pilgri s have found no such proofE he ay have been related to Ja es 4? Conant

:Pilgri s list 1<J<= 8hich see later in discussion of silver used in the *anhattan ProFect? Charles 8as treasurer of *orton %rust Co pany3 1<0221<0JE thatDs

the Pilgri s Society connection? -evi P? *orton :1;2O21<20= 8as a charter Pilgri s Society e ber in 1<0L? *orton 8as a e ber of Congress3 1;K<2 1;;1E *inister to )rance3 1;;121;;IE 0ice President of the 9?S?3 1;;<21;<LE and #overnor of $e8 'or73 1;<I21;<J? According to )erdinand -undberg in "A ericaDs J0 )a ilies1 :1<LK3 page I<= noted the association of *orton %rust Co pany 8ith the J?P? *organ interests and said -evi *orton 8as "long entangled in any shady dealsE1 and co ented on page JJ that %heodore agnate3 Cro8n loyalist Roosevelt 8as "a virtuoso at deception1 and had the bac7ing of -evi P? *orton3 +lihu Root :Pilgri s Society3 helped steel e ber Andre8 Carnegie organi!e his dangerous foundations= and Chauncey ,epe83 0anderbilt fa ily attorney 8ho helped found %he Pilgri s Society? -evi P? *orton3 dishonest financial operator3 silver Pilgri s Society222 e ber of the anti2

6aving established bac7ground for Charles Conant3 letDs consider his actions against silver as Conant 8as a oneyE itDs reasonable to regard hi as a Pilgri s Society ay appear? ission on functionary? So eday 8hen full lists beco e 7no8n his na e of President %heodore RooseveltDs :Pilgri s Society= Co

e ber of the anti2silver A erican +cono ic Association and

International +Gchange 8hich "advised1 various govern ents to drop silver and go to a gold only basis httpQPP ises?orgPdailyPL;2L the rub being :as 8e 8ill see later3 the sa e thing happened in 4ritish India= that citi!ens of those nations couldnDt readily eGchange their paper notes for hard goldB Conant "persuaded1 the Philippines after the Spanish2A erican 8ar3 to go cold on silver3 and did the sa e thing 8ith so e8hat lesser success in *eGico

and Pana a? :I have a 1<J2 Republic of Pana a ",eci o de 4alboa31 actually produced for the by the 9?S? *int3 having the sa e specifications and content as a 1<J2 Roosevelt di e=? &f course3 various sources have entioned people li7e Charles Conant and his actions against silverE none of the located or identified3 uch less opened3 the 9n7no8n Source of onetary subversion to 8hich he 8as connected222%he Pilgri s SocietyE hence the desperate necessity of this docu entary? Conant co plained about "the delusive Muic7sands of international bi etallis 1 :$e8 'or7 %i es3 ,ece ber L03 1<023 page I= sho8ing his anti2silver stance? %he $e8 'or7 %i es3 July K3 1<1I3 page 113 "+G2%reasurer of *orton %rust Co pany Acted for %his #overn ent in the Philippines and Pana a31 calling hi a "noted financial eGpert1 and na ed hi currency1 and "father of the Philippine entioned222 ission of the (ar ,epart ent to a7e a

"In 1<01 he 8as appointed to a special co report on the Philippine

the Philippines3 being selected by Secretary of (ar +lihu Root to

onetary and financial conditions PR+-I*I$AR' %&

%6+ R+*&,+-I$# &) %6+ S'S%+*? Conant 8as also a director of the *anila Railroad3 the $ational 4an7 of $icaragua and the Credit Clearing 6ouse? (hile connected 8ith the *orton %rust Co pany he 8as invited to *eGico to aid in the plans for Co onetary refor then being underta7en by the ade a e ber of the ade a erce *eGican #overn ent3 and in 1<0L he 8as e ber of the special co on Currency Refor

ission on International +Gchange of the 9nited States? 6e 8as ission of the $e8 'or7 Cha ber of Co

in 1<0J? %6IS C&**ISSI&$ R+P&R%+, I$ )A0&R &) easure for the Pana a Republic si ilar to the

A C+$%RA- 4A$.? Conant also assisted the 9nited States #overn ent in suggesting a currency Philippine easure3 and in 1<10 and 1<12 he visited %he 6ague as technical

delegate of this govern ent at the International Conference on 4ills of +Gchange?1 +lihu Root :1;OI21<LK=3 Pilgri s Society3 set up Andre8 CarnegieDs Secretary of State3 1<0I21<0<? 6is son3 8ho probably beca e a ultiple e ber3 globalist foundations and 8as appointed by President %heodore Roosevelt to later appeared on the boards of *utual -ife InsuranceE )iduciary %rust of $e8 'or7E %eachers Insurance @ AnnuityE A erican S elting @ Refining :ASARC&=E and A%@%? Anti2silver activist +lihu Root222

%he Philippines3 Pana a and the ,o inican Republic all deposited "reserve funds1 8ith *orton %rust Co pany after accepting the "refor s1 Conant suggested? 6enry Clay Pierce3 charter e ber of %he Pilgri s Society in 1<0L3 8as a director of %he International 4an7ing Corporation3 profiled in the $e8 'or7 %i es of January 23 1<023 "International 4an7ing CorporationDs )ar Reaching Plans1 as operating in the i portant silver countries of China and the Philippines? Pierce 8as considered one of the four richest after the end of the 1< century httpQPP888?picturehistory?co PproductPidPJ1OL ? In "A ericaDs J0 )a ilies1 :1<LK= )erdinand -undberg citing other sources stated "6? C-A' PI+RC+ P9% 9P %6+ *&$+' 4+6I$, :)RA$CISC&= *A,+R& A$, S%AR%+, %6+ R+0&-9%I&$1 :the *eGican revolution of 1<10= 222

en in A erica Fust

Pierce had huge holdings in *eGico including $ational Rail8ays of *eGicoE *eGican Central Rail8ayE *eGican Pacific Rail8ayE Central *eGican

Rail8ayE *eGican A erican Stea ship Co panyE *eGican @ $orthern Stea ship Co panyE *eGican $ational Construction Co panyE *eGican )uel Co panyE 4an7 of Co erce @ Industry3 *eGico CityE and %a pico 6arbor Co pany? Additionally he o8ned Pierce &il Co pany that later erged into the Roc7efellers Standard &il? Pierce had interests in %ennessee Central RailroadE %ennessee Construction Co panyE 4alti ore @ &hio South8estern RailroadE A erican Central InsuranceE *ercantile )ire @ *arine InsuranceE %itle #uaranty %rust Co panyE *ississippi 0alley %rust Co panyE $ational 4an7 of Co erce and others? ItDs of potential significance that this aFor silver countries and onetary silver? large scale financier had large operations in three as 8e 7no83 ban7ers are unfriendly to

+lias ,e -i a3 Pilgri s Society3 (hoDs (ho In )inance3 4an7ing @ Insurance :1<11=3 page IIJ3 8as as of 1<10 " anaging director of *eGican 4an7 of Co erce @ Industry 8ith 8hich pro inent *eGican interests3 ,eutsch 4an7 leading A erican financial en are identified1222 of 4erlin3 the international ban7ing house of Speyer @ Co pany and other

%he *eGican 4an7 of Co

erce @ Industry 8as interloc7ed 8ith silver

producer and refiner3 Penoles :+ngineering @ *ining Journal3 Septe ber 123 1<1O3 page O<2=? ,e -i a 8as a director of the anti2 onetary silver $e8 'or7 4oard of %rade? Ja es Speyer3 international financier 8ith ban7ing interests in )rance3 #er any :personal friend of .aiser (ilhel =3 4ritain and A erica3 e ber of %he Pilgri s3 8as a supporter of the so2called Stable *oney Association3 and president for 1<1221<1O of the +cono ic Club of $e8 'or7 :docu ented to be another anti2silver organi!ation3 see "%he S1I0 Cufflin7s31 Silver Investor archives?= Speyer3 J?P? *organ3 the Still ans3 Roc7efellers and Rothschilds :all Pilgri s Society interests= for ed a syndicate in 1;<O21;<I 8hich e ptied the 9?S? %reasury of S12< bearing bonds to the illion in gold3 then co pelled the 9?S? to issue interest in return for supplying goldE it 8as a %reasury raid ittee3 Pan

:"6istory of the #reat A erican )ortunes1 pages IK;2IK<=? Speyer 8as penetrating ban7ing circles in South A erica :eGecutive co

A erican Society of the 9?S?= and *eGico 8ith the *eGican 4an7 of Co erce @ Industry :and vice president3 *eGico Society of $e8 'or7=

Speyer 8as a director of 9nion %rustE Allian! Insurance of 4erlinE )rench2 A erican )inancial SocietyE 4an7 of *anhattanE %itle #uarantee @ %rustE $orth 4ritish @ *ercantile InsuranceE Provident -oan SocietyE Corn Products RefiningE #eneral Che icalE -ac7a8anna SteelE Roc7 Island Co panyE Iron *ountain @ Southern Rail8ayE 4alti ore @ &hio RailroadE *issouri Pacific Rail8ay and othersE e ber3 co ittee on finance and currency3 $e8 'or7 State Cha ber of Co erce :See (hoDs (ho3 1<1O3 page 220OE 1<2;3 e ber +d8in #ould :1;JJ21<LL= inherited

page 1<ILE and 1<O03 page 2O2<=? Charter Pilgri s Society ega illions fro ost hated his infa ous father3 Jay #ould3 possibly in his ti e the ar7et corner in 1;J< and control of any

an in the country httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPJayR#ould Jay iles of railroads? "6istory of the #reat A erican )ortunes1 illions of and31 a staggering su in post Civil (ar ti es? %8o

#ould is fa ous for a gold thousands of

:1<0<=3 page O<O3 spo7e of the #oulds having "hundreds of dollars at their co

#oulds 8ere listed in the lea7ed list of %he Pilgri s3 1<J<? +d8in #ould 8as a director of half a do!en railroad corporations operating in *issouri3 Ar7ansas3 %eGas and ColoradoE a vice president of %he International 4an7ing Corporation and 8as a e ber of the Je7yll Island Club and chaired 4o8ling erger into +Muitable %rust 8hich in turn #reen %rust Co pany until its

erged in 1<L0 into silver suppressor Chase $ational 4an7222

&n $ove ber 1<3 1<0;3 in an address before the Co .ansas City3 $icholas *urray 4utler in "(hy Should (e Change &ur )or

ercial Club of

ade the follo8ing re ar7s as recorded &f #overn entA1 :1<123 Charles

ScribnerDs Sons3 $e8 'or73 pages JL2JI= 222 "%he nation 8as started on the right path by AleGander 6a ilton3 and no states an since his ti e has understood ore clearly or stated ore cogently of than he the funda ental principles 8hich control a sound national syste

ban7ing and currency? 6a iltonDs funda ental ideas of a national ban7ing


supervised by the govern ent and a national ban7 currency3 are today? 49% JAC.S&$ A$, 4+$%&$ ight have been ade the

incorporated into our syste

,+S%R&'+,3 I$ %6+IR S9CC+SS)9- (AR 9P&$ %6+ S+C&$, 4A$. &) %6+ 9$I%+, S%A%+S3 the institution 8hich controlling factor3 under govern ent direction3 in giving to the business of the nation a sound and elastic currency syste ?1 :%ho as 6art 4enton3 1K;221;I;3 *issouri Senator3 8as called "&ld 4ullion1 due to his eGpressed conte pt for any use of ban7notes? 4utler repeated the ban7er claptrap about elastic currencyE ")ro eaning3 inflatableB= ade to the ti e of 6a iltonDs great report on the public credit3

Congress in 1K<03 and his opinion on the constitutionality and desirability of a national ban73 that great genius advanced steadily in the co pleteness of his grasp upon the proble s 8hich the financial necessities of the ne8 nation and the proper conduct of the peopleDs business presented? #allatin in 1;113 ,allas in 1;1O3 Calhoun and Clay in 1;1J3 and *arshall3 in 8hat is perhaps the ost i portant single opinion the Supre e Court of the 9nited States has ade in the case of *cCulloch vs *aryland in 1;1<3 all supported and sustained 6a iltonDs vie8?1 :%oo bad the duel 6a ilton had 8ith Aaron 4urr3 8hich 6a ilton lost3 didnDt ta7e place earlierE it could have saved the young nation fro ore 4ritish ban7ing influence 8ith 6a ilton as a chief conduitB John C? Calhoun beca e a leading political adversary of Andre8 Jac7sonE %6+ $A*+ J&6$ C? CA-6&9$ APP+AR+, I$ %6+ 1<0L C6AR%+R -IS% &) %6+ PI-#RI*S I$ $+( '&R.B %6IS (AS %6+ #RA$,S&$ &) &$+ &) JAC.S&$DS %&P &PP&$+$%SB %he 1<0L Calhoun eGecutive co Albert #allatin3 arried -innie3 grand niece of Richard *? Johnson3 0ice President of the 9nited States3 1;LK21;O1E he chaired the ittee of Central Railroad @ 4an7ing Co pany of #eorgia222 e ber of %he Pilgri s in $e8 'or73 a director of the )rance2 (hoDs (ho3 1<1O3 page LJ2? Page 1002 of the 1<O0 (hoDs (ho sho8s ever rendered3

A erica Society and 1;1O and

e ber of the $e8 'or7 )ederal #rand Jury3 great

great grandson of Albert #allatin3 8ho 8as Secretary of the %reasury3 1;012 inister to )rance and +ngland3 and a bac7er of the ancestor of the )ederal Reserve3 the 4an7 of the 9nited States3 over 8hich 4ritain invaded us in the (ar of 1;12 because 8e let the 4an7Ds charter eGpireB= "%he financial troubles and difficulties of the 9nited States began 8hen the principles of 6a ilton 8ere forgotten3 and the nation started out on the uncharted sea of rec7less financial eGperi ent? %here is no8 sitting a *onetary Co ission clothed 8ith the authority of la8 to a7e careful and eGtensive inMuiry into the ban7ing and currency Muestion3 and to for ulate a report for action by Congress? %his Co underta7en to study3 8ith an open ission has gone about its 8or7 in the 8isest possible 8ay? (ithout preconception or prepossession3 it has ind3 the practices and eGperiences of out of the foundation3 to ay other civili!ed peoples? &ut of it there is al ost certain to co e a proposal for legislation that 8ill ta7e our ban7ing and currency syste unsatisfactory condition in 8hich it no8 is3 and put it on a fir the end that business ay be carried on 8ithout fear of

oney fa ine or

financial panic3 and the legiti ate needs of every portion of the country be eMually served? $othing could be Muestion to beco e a partisan one?1

ore unfortunate than to allo8 this

%he 1<1O (hoDs (ho3 page LI03 sho8s $icholas 4utler3 central ban7ing advocate3 a vice president of %he Pilgri s as of 1<1L and president of Colu bia 9niversity since 1<02E he 8as president of %he Pilgri s Society3 $e8 'or73 1<2;21<OJE his listing in various (hoDs (ho volu es is stunning for length and detail222


*anchester in "%he #lory and the ,rea 1 :1<KL3 pages JK2J;= said of 4utler222

"$icholas *urray 4utler told his students that "%&%A-I%ARIA$ R+#I*+S 4R&9#6% )&R%6 *+$ &) )AR #R+A%+R I$%+--I#+$C+3 )AR S%R&$#+R C6ARAC%+R3 A$, )AR *&R+ C&9RA#+ %6A$ %6+ S'S%+* &) +-+C%I&$S31 and if anyone represented the A erican establish ent then it 8as ,r? 4utler3 8ith his $obel Pri!e3 his LO honorary degrees3 and his L0 year tenure as president of Colu bia 9niversity?1 %he 7ing a7ers of %he Pilgri s Society have the President of the 9nited States aFor in their hip poc7et3 by controlling the no inating process of both 1<2O3 and a long ti e director of $e8 'or7 -ife Insurance? +d8ard Julius 4er8ind :1;O;21<LJ= 8as a charter associate of Pilgri s Society e ber of %he Pilgri s in agnate? An $e8 'or7 in 1<0L and the 8orldDs leading coal producing

partiesB %hey had 4utler as president of the )rance2A erica Society3 1<1O2

e bers J?P? *organ senior and Funior3 4er8ind

8as a director of Atchison3 %ope7a @ Santa )e Rail8ayE Santa )e3 Prescott @ PhoeniG Rail8ayE #ulf3 Colorado @ Santa )e Rail8ayE $e8 'or7 @ Nueens

County Rail8ayE Cuba Railroad Co panyE Cuba Co panyE 6avana Coal Co panyE (il ore Stea Indies Stea Stea Ship Co panyE Interborough Rapid %ransitE $e8 'or7 @ -ong Island %raction Co panyE Sub8ay RealtyE Atlantic3 #ulf @ (est Ship -inesE Rapid %ransit Sub8ay Construction Co panyE Clyde Ship Co panyE -ong Island +lectric Rail8ayE Puerto Rico Coal

Co panyE *ariti e Coal Co panyE International Coal Co panyE *utual -ife InsuranceE $e8port %rust Co panyE Archer Coal ,epotE &cean Coal Co panyE $ational 4an7 of Co erceE #irard %rust of PhiladelphiaE 4er8ind 4an7E #uaranty Safe ,eposit Co panyE $orth 4ritish @ *ercantile InsuranceE International *ercantile *arineE #uaranty %rust Co pany of $e8 'or7E and others? 6e 8as a e ber of the *etropolitan Club in the ,istrict of e ber of the Colu bia3 li7ely for the purpose of buying legislationE and a anti2silver 4an7ers Club of A erica222

$otable 8as the fact of 4er8indDs directorship in #irard %rust3 na ed for Stephen #irard3 ain do estic po8er in the first 4ritish controlled 9nited an in A erica at the end of the States 4an73 4ritish loyalist and 8ealthiest

1;th century and 8ell into the 1<th century? #irard 8as a large stoc7holder in the second 4an7 of the 9nited States and endo8ed #irard College in PhiladelphiaE (i7ipedia esti ated his fortune as the O th largest in A erican history based on ratio to gross do estic productE in "6istory of the #reat A erican )ortunes31 1<0K3 pages KJ2KK3 #irardDs co plicity 8ith the 4ritish and his over8hel ing financial po8er 8as elucidated? %he 4er8ind fortune as of 1<2O 8as rated the 1Kth largest in the 9nited States :"A ericaDs J0 )a ilies31 1<LK3 page 2J=

%he $e8 'or7 %i es3 ,ece ber 2L3 1<0; reported "Jacob 6? Schiff3 A? 4arton 6epburn and &thers Say the Silver Agitation Cannot be Revived?1 4elo83 Alon!o 4arton 6epburn3 Pilgri s Society :(hoDs (ho In A erica3 1<1O3 page 10<2= 8ho held regulatory positions in ban7ing for $e8 'or7 State beginning in 1;;0 and in 1;<221;<L 8as Co ptroller of the Currency in the 6arrison and Cleveland ad inistrations3 after 8hich he ca paigned against silver in the $ational Sound *oney -eague? 6epburn beca e president of the Roc7efellerPAstor Chase $ational 4an7 in 1;<< and chair an in 1<11222

%he A erican 4an7ers Association set up a currency co chaired by Pilgri s Society

ission in 1<0J3

e ber 6epburn3 fighting for another central

ban7? Anti2silver activist 6epburn ran the $e8 'or7 Cha ber of Co


after JesupDs tenure? 6epburn 8as placed on such boards as 4an7ers %rustE Colu bia .nic7erboc7er %rustE )idelity %rustE *aryland %rustE )irst $ational 4an7E $e8 'or7 -ife InsuranceE )irst Security Co panyE A erican Car @ )oundryE A erican Agricultural Che icalE A erican Cotton &il Co panyE Safety Car 6eating @ -ighting Co panyE Re ington %ype8riterE Sears Roebuc7 @ Co panyE Studeba7er CorporationE (ool8orth Co panyE %eGas Co pany :%eGaco=E and 9nited Cigar *anufacturers? 6epburn chaired the anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or73 1<0K21<0< and 8as a 9?S? delegate to the Pan A erican )inancial Conference of 1<1I3 8here silver of A erica3 along 8ith various other Pilgri s Society li7ely oney 8asnDt discussed :see later=? 6epburn 8as a governor of the anti2silver 4an7ers Club e bers3 and highly aFor e ber of large e ber AleGander J? 6e phill3 director of at least 2I

corporations3 8hose son Clifford3 a financier and board corporations3 surfaced as a L<J=?

e ber :(hoDs (ho in the +ast3 1<IK3 page

Jacob 6? Schiff3 Pilgri s Society3 partner in .uhn3 -oeb @ Co pany invest ent ban7ers3 8as a founding e ber of %he Pilgri s Society of the 9nited States :page 1IO3 "%he Pilgri s of the 9nited States31 200L= and 8as a director of $ational City 4an7 of $e8 'or7E Central %rust Co panyE (estern 9nionE $e8 'or7 )oundationE and $ational + ploy ent +Gchange222

%he Schiffs and (arburgs : ore to follo8= are related3 and John *? Schiff :director of large corporations= beca e treasurer of %he Pilgri s $e8 'or73 1<J;21<;I? 6is son ,avid %? Schiff beca e a e ber? "(eDre ostly fa ily in %he Pilgri s SocietyB1 4efore any unFust person plays the religion card3 rest assured this is a financial inMuiry3 not a religious oneE and greed3 I believe3 transcends all deno inations? %he pattern I 8ant to establish is this222Fust after the end of the 1<th century a Secret Society of financiers and aristocrats on both sides of the Atlantic 8as for ed3 calling itself %he Pilgri s3 8ith branches in -ondon and $e8 'or7E though the Society had no official eGistence until 1<023 its founders 8ere active against silver in so e cases3 generations beforehandE ancestors of so e silver and gold as oney bac7 into e bers 8ere active against edieval ti es? %hat can be the subFect of

another historical probe? %his report is concerned 8ith de onstrating a pattern that attac7s against silver first3 and gold secondly3 since the da8n of the 20th century3 have been coordinated fro a Pilgri s SocietyB %hey are in control of the highest levels3 and bac7 of assive 8all of silence and secrecy3 by this organi!ation calling itself %he aFor central ban7s3 and 8ant the

8orld on a global fiat basisB %hey oppose private property rights in silver3 gold and landB %he land issue is also a atter for another investigationE ore A ericans are ortgage foreclosure ho8ever3 since the )ederal Reserve 8as established3 living in apart ents :feudalis =3 ho eless3 and in a

crisis3 than ever beforeB %here is the intent to abolish private o8nership of land on the part of all but this feudalistic3 4ritish Cro8n allied organi!ation of leftist international financiersB 6o8ever3 this deprivation does not eGtend to the E (illia considered the A herst 0anderbilt Cecil3 Pilgri s Society3 as of this ansion usually ost lavish residence in the (estern he isphere? 6is na e arriages of the railroad 7ingpin 0anderbilts 8ith the thousand yearsB "&thers1 opposed to silver Society Pilgri s Society oney referred to by the article included Pilgri s ore of to e ber3 Rhode Island Senator $elson Aldrich3 grandfather of e ber $elson Aldrich Roc7efeller :8hich see ission that docu entaryDs release still o8ns 4ilt ore3 a 2II roo reflects the transatlantic

Cecils3 one of 4ritainDs traditional five ruling fa ilies dating bac7 over half a

follo8=? Aldrich chaired the $ational *onetary Co

propagandi!ed for a central ban73 hollering about the need for an "elastic currency1 :endlessly inflatable and not redee able in silver or goldB= Al ost all the Je7yll Island personalities have been identified as having been Pilgri s Society e bers222

+d8ard 4utterfield 0reeland3 1;IJ21<LJ3 Pilgri s Society3 8as a Congress an fro superintendant fro $e8 'or7 :1;<<21<1L= 8ho 8as a public school 1;KK to 1;;2? 6e studied la8 and 8as ad itted to the ittee on 4an7ing and Currency3 and acted as vice ission3 1<0<21<123 lobbying for a

bar in 1;;13 but engaged in ban7ing and in the oil and insurance business? 6e chaired the 6ouse Co chair an of the $ational *onetary Co

4ritish affiliated central ban7222

Jefferson *onroe -evy :1;I221<2O=3 charter

e ber in 1<0L of %he Pilgri s odore 8ho

Society3 8as nephe8 of 9riah -evy3 a 9nited States $avy Co do!en court

ade a fortune in $e8 'or7 City real estate in the 1;20Ds and faced a half artials in his naval careerB 9riah -evyDs great2great grandfather founded the city of Savannah3 #eorgia? Jefferson -evy " ade a fortune in real estate and stoc7 speculation? 4y the turn of the century he 8as one of the 8ealthiest en in A erica1 888?saving onticello?co 6e bought %ho as JeffersonDs ho e3 *onticello3 in 1;K< after his uncle originally bought it in 1;LO? (ho (as (ho in A erica3 1;<K21<O23 page K2O3 8as silent as to -evyDs status as a e ber of %he Pilgri s SocietyE it did state his e bership in the 9nited States 6ouse of Representatives in 1;<<21<01 as leader of the

#old ,e ocrats :anti2silver3 8hich eventually also again he 8as a Reserve 4an7 bill31

eans anti2gold=E and

e ber of Congress3 1<1121<1I3 "author and first to introduce eaning3 the central ban7 8e 8ere saddled 8ith in 1<1L5

Sir 4yron +d und (al7er :1;O;21<2O=3 Pilgri s Society3 Co Pilgri s Society? According to

ander Royal

0ictorian &rder .nighted in 1<10 by .ing #eorge 03 Royal Patron of %he httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP4yronR+d undR(al7er "(al7er is 7no8n for developing the first set of 8ritten regulations for dividing a ban7 into a co pleG array of depart ents and is 8idely credited for the revision of the Canada 4an7ing Act that gave Canada a centrali!ed3 panic2 proof ban7ing syste ? (al7er 8as also professionally respected internationally? As vice2president of the A erican 4an7ers Association he 8as invited by a 9?S? congressional co ittee to advise on the drafting of the

)ederal Reserve legislation? 6e held

any 7ey national and international

positionsE chair an of the ban7ersU section of the %oronto 4oard of %rade fro 1;<12<2E vice2president of the Canadian 4an7ers Association :8hich he helped found in 1;<1= in 1;<L and its president fro 1;<< Royal Co 1;<O2<IE chair an of the ission on the financial position of the province of &ntarioE

and chair an of the Section of *oney and Credit for the 1<0O 9niversal +Gposition in St? -ouis? 6e 8as a fello8 of the Institute of 4an7ers of +ngland and fello8 of the Royal +cono ic Society of +ngland? In 1<0J he 8as elected director of the Canadian 4an7 of Co erce? 6e served as president fro 1<0K until his death is 1<2O?1222

:'ou have to laugh at "panic proof ban7ing syste E1 (al7erDs ban7 is no8 7no8n as Canadian I perial 4an7 of Co erce or CI4C3 and has issued

bearish state ents on silverE all entities 8ith 8hich (al7er 8as associated 8ere anti2 onetary silver?= Sir Robert 4orden :1;IO21<LK=3 Pilgri s Society3 organi!ed the Canadian 4ar Association in 1;<J and is on CanadaDs S100 fiat note today? 6e 8as Pri e *inister3 1<1121<20 and Chancellor of *c#ill 9niversity3 1<1;21<20? In 1<1O 4orden got his 8ish 8ith the (ar *easures Act3 giving the govern ent s8eeping e ergency po8ers si ilar to our 1<1K %rading (ith the +ne y statuteE the + ergencies Act of 1<;; replaced it3 to 8hich %he Cro8n gave "Royal Assent?1 As of 1<KK 8e have the obnoGious International + ergency +cono ic Po8ers Act3 a tool by 8hich %he Pilgri s Society can "sei!e the 8ealth necessary?1 4orden conscripted a half a for his Pilgri illion Canadians to go fight Partners in -ondon3 to 8hich )rench Canadians strenuously 4orah3 "%he #reat &pposer31

obFected but 8ere overruled? 4orden led Canada into the -eague of $ations3 8hich Idaho Silver Senator (illia successfully fought in our Senate? 4orden 8as chancellor of NueenDs 9niversity3 1<2O21<L0 and president of Cro8n -ife Insurance3 1<2;21<LKE he 8as a director of the 4an7 of $ova Scotia :history as silver suppressor= and president3 1<2<21<LK of 4arclays 4an7 Canada :silver suppressor=222

President #rover Cleveland3 an opponent of

onetary silver e ber of

httpQPP888?britannica?co PbpsPadditionalcontentP;P11J;J1P,ocu ent2 #rover2Cleveland2Against2a2)ree2Silver2Policy beca e a charter %he Pilgri s Society and a trustee of the +Muitable -ife Assurance Society222

Contrast Cleveland 8ith onetary heroes IDve entioned3 8ho 8ere also overflo8ing 8ith courage as ilitary en222Andre8 Jac7son and Sa 6oustonB 9nder the Conscription Act of 1;JL3 Cleveland :born 1;LK= paid S1I0 to #eorge 4ennins7y to serve in his placeB Cleveland 8as a big an3 but so 8as Sa 6oustonE and I i agine that had they been conte poraries in a bra8l3 6ouston 8ould have savaged Cleveland to the tune of sMuealing oansB %hese Pilgri s Society e bers3 as Presidents and #enerals and Ad irals3 have sho8n eGpertise in both (orld (ars3 .orea and 0ietna and else8here3 in ordering troops to face deathE yet they the selves re ained safely out of rangeB In >(ho (as (ho In A erica3 1;<K21<O23> page 2L13 8e find222

>In 1;<J the ,e ocratic Party having declared for the free coinage of silver in the platfor of its $ational Convention3 *r? Cleveland 8ithheld his support fro the tic7et and endorse ent?> Charter Pilgri s Society e ber in 1<0L3 attorney John #? *ilburn 8ith offices at IO (all Street chaired the anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or73 1<1021<12? According to his listing on page 1J1; of the 1<1O (hoDs (ho3 *ilburn 8as a trustee of $e8 'or7 -ife Insurance Co pany starting in 1<0KE president of the Pan2A erican +Gposition at 4uffalo in 1<01E and " e ber of the Co issioners of Statutory Consolidation3 8hich consolidated all general 1KKK1 and "President *c.inley 8as ta7en to his statutes of $e8 'or7 fro

house after fatal assault and died there?1 *ilburn 8as president of the $e8 'or7 State 4ar Association3 1<0221<0OE president of the Association of the 4ar of the City of $e8 'or73 1<1<21<21E and a director of silver suppressor Chase $ational 4an7 and A erican +Gpress and a Colu bia 9niversity trustee222

According to httpQPP illercenter?orgPacade icPa ericanpresidentP c7inleyPessaysPbio graphyPO 222 "A ong the ost i portant do estic issues that President (illia *c.inley had to deal 8ith during his presidency3 bi etallis loo ed large? %hrough bac7ing for the bi etallis and tariff legislation

ost of 1;<K3 the *c.inley ad inistration pursued an

international agree ent to include silver3 along 8ith gold3 as an acceptable aFor +uropean currencies? *c.inley indicated his support for failed in late 1;<K3 *c.inley if +ngland3 )rance3 Russia3 and Italy 8ould go along? (hen

negotiations 8ith these nations over bi etallis

began advocating a gold2based currency? In 1<003 he signed the #old

Standard Act3 8hich for ally placed 9?S?

oney on the gold standard? All

currency 8as fully bac7ed by gold3 8ith a fiGed price at S20?JK an ounce?1 *c.inley 8as fatally shot 8hile at the Pan A erican +Gposition3 on Septe ber J3 1<013 dying on the 1Oth? As *c.inley fell3 his secretary3 #eorge 4? Cortelyou3 8ho 8e already sa8 earlier as a Pilgri s e ber3 8as apparently the first to reach the fallen President httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP(illia R*c.inley Could it be that as *c.inley sho8ed support for silver earlier on3 %he Pilgri s Society could not trust hi again to not stray fro their anti2silver traFectoryA ItDs beyond ere chance that t8o of these 8orthy gentle en 8ere right there on the spot3 and *c.inley 8as even ta7en to *ilburnDs residenceB (ere (illia and J). both assassinated due to tendencies to8ards y fir 8ar convictionB -et these synthetic *c.inley onetary silverA %hatDs

oney creators of %he Pilgri s Society

be sentenced to cli b *ount *c.inley3 Alas7a3 barefootB %he cold should be co pared to their iciness3 and the pea7 rises higher over its base than any other land based ountain on +arth? oneyE and no

,onDt forget that on July 23 1;;13 President Ja es #arfield 8as fatally shotE the sa e #arfield on record as stating222"A ban7note is not po8er on earth can a7e it Rutherford 6ayes? In "%he )ederal Reserve and &ur *anipulated ,ollar1 :1<KI3 *artin -arson= page << 8e find222 "&n t8o occasions assassins atte pted to 7ill *c)adden 8ith gunfireE later he died3 a fe8 hours after attending a banMuet3 and %6+R+ IS -I%%-+ ,&94% %6A% 6+ (AS P&IS&$+,?1 -ouis %? *c)adden :1;KJ21<LJ= 8as a Republican Congress an fro Pennsylvania 8ho introduced 6ouse Resolution 1I;3 calling for i peach ent of the %reasury Secretary3 t8o of his lieutenants3 the board of governors of the oney?1 6e 8as succeeded by ban7er puppet

)ederal Reserve Syste

and the officers and directors of the 12 )ederal O0I;?

Reserve branch ban7sE Congressional Record3 *ay 2L3 1<LL3 pages O0II2

Chunilal Suraya3 an Indian financier 8ho accu ulated so e ;00 tons of silver and operated the Indian Specie 4an73 8as driven into ban7ruptcy by %he Pilgri s Society3 -ondon branch3 and co itted suicide in 1<1L? In "%he International Silver %rade1 by %ho as Patric7 *ohide :(oodhead Publishing3 Ca bridge3 +ngland 1<<2= page 12; re ar7ed222 "%he Indian govern entDs agents in -ondon set a trap for hi ? 'ear after year he sold his silver at a handso e profit to the India &ffice? So e8hat iffed3 the India &ffice eventually bought silver secretly through *ocatta for a 8hole year and did not need to buy it fro Suraya? 6o8ever3 Chunilal Suraya had counted on the India &ffice as a custo er again? (hen they did not buy3 he 8ent ban7rupt in 1<1L and co itted suicide?1 :(hy 8as the India &ffice3 headed by %he *arMuess of Cre8e3 iffed over this IndianDs silver dealingsA Inescapably3 it 8as because %he (orld *oney Po8er doesnDt approve of silver as oney3 and it routinely s ashes 8ealthy individuals outside its influence circlesB %he *arMuess 8as probably a Pilgri s e berE frag entary infor ation doesnDt allo8 for co plete detailsE ho8ever3 he 8as a cabinet officer in the govern ent of Pri e *inister 6erbert 6? AsMuith3 also 7no8n as %he +arl of &Gford and AsMuith3 8ho 8as a Pilgri s Society e ber222"Pilgri Partners31 1<O23 page JJ=? AsMuith3 a 7no8n Rothschild associate3 had his subordinates in the 4ritish India &ffice "set a trap1 for Indian silver dealer Suraya to 8rec7 his operations222

According to httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP6enryRJarec7i the Indian Specie 4an7 8as "rescued1 :ta7en over= by *ocatta @ #olds id3 -ondon222another Pilgri s Society interest222upon SurayaDs ruin? A line fro fits AsMuith222 "6e 8as the ildest annered an 8ho ever scuttled ship or cut a throat?1 4yron :1K;;21;2O=

At httpQPPen?8i7iMuote?orgP8i7iP(oodro8R(ilson 8e read "Since I entered politics3 I have chiefly had privately? So e of the biggest co erce and enUs vie8s confided to e en in the 9nited States3 in the field of

anufacture3 are afraid of so ebody3 are afraid of

so ething? %hey 7no8 that there is a po8er so e8here so organi!ed3 so subtle3 so 8atchful3 so interloc7ed3 so co plete3 so pervasive3 that they had better not spea7 above their breath 8hen they spea7 in conde nation of it?1 (as (ilson spea7ing of %he Pilgri s SocietyA 6e could not have been spea7ing of a group representing only one fro aFor university222S7ull @ 4ones aFor elitists co e e ber ,avid Society of 'ale? 9nless3 that is3 so eone believes that no any8here else other than 'ale3 including Pilgri s Roc7efeller3 fro as 8ell as nonetheless

6arvardB %he Pilgri s is transatlantic and enco passes 'ale ar7edly inferior in po8er? %he overlap is strong3 and Pilgri s financial basis of 4ones?

any others? Predating %he Pilgri s by K0 years3 S7ull @ 4ones is

e bers li7e )rancis )? Russell superintended the Russell %rust Association3 (ilson 8as president of Princeton 9niversity :a aFor Pilgri s Society

institution= 1<0221<10 and $e8 Jersey #overnor3 1<1121<1L? 6e 8as president for 1<10 of the A erican Political Science Association and received a $obel Pri!e in 1<1<? 6e set up the (ar Industries 4oard Pilgri s Society anaged by ultiple e bers such as Clarence ,illon and +d8ard Stettinius Jr? to enrich e bers including Andre8 *ellon?

(ilson 8as President3 1<1L21<213 signing into la8 the )ederal Reserve Act and getting the country into (orld (ar I 8ith the "Pilgri (arburg to its anti2precious escaped by Pilgri s Society sent Pilgri s Society Partners31 the e ber Paul 8orld8ide 4ritish + pire? (ilson appointed Pilgri s Society

etals board and favored the SiGteenth a!es of trusts and foundations? 6e

A end ent allo8ing for a progressive )ederal Inco e %aG3 8hich 8as e bers via e bers to Paris in 1<1< to help 4ritish Pilgri s Society

e bers i pose the %reaty of 0ersailles on #er any3 intentionally guaranteeing the second (orld (ar3 highly desired by %he Secret &rgani!ation? (ilson cha pioned the Cro8nDs -eague of $ations3 another Pilgri s Society atte pt at universal tyranny?

%he %rading (ith %he +ne y Act of 1<1K3 signed by (ilson3 is often regarded as a large part of the alleged basis of )ran7lin RooseveltDs sei!ure of gold and silver? (ilson practiced la8 after leaving office? 6e 8as a partner of Pilgri s Society e ber 4ainbridge Colby3 8ho 8as his Secretary of State3 1<202 1<21222

Colby 8as a

e ber of the 9?S? Shipping 4oard during (orld (ar I3 e ber of the A erican *ission to the Inter2Allied

benefitting the transoceanic shipping interests represented in %he Pilgri s Society and 8as a Conference at Paris in 1<1K? 6e helped found the Progressive Party in Chicago in 1<123 8as a friend of %heodore Roosevelt and handled litigation relating to public utilities and +Muitable -ife Assurance and the A erican $e8spaper Association? 6e 8as also special advisor to the Attorney #eneral? )rederic7 +ugene )arns8orth3 Pilgri s Society3 8as general secretary of the anti2precious etals A erican 4an7ers Association3 1<0K21<1<? )arns8orth 8as assistant to *ichigan #overnor Cyrus -uce3 1;;K21;<1 and 8as 8ith 9nion $ational 4an7 of ,etroit3 1;<;21<0L? -uce 8as earlier associated 8ith the (hig Party :1;LL21;IJ= 8hich supported the second 4an7 of the 9nited States in the second Andre8 Jac7son ad inistration3 and again supported a

central ban7 during the John %yler ad inistration :1;O121;OI=3 going so far as to instigate a riot outside the (hite 6ouse over %ylerDs refusal to support the unconstitutional plan222see "%he %e investor?co
per %antru

1 in Archives at 888?silver2 of Art in 1<0K? As of the

)arns8orth founded the ,etroit *useu

1<2J (hoDs (ho3 page J;K3 he 8as president of Co bustion Specialties CorporationE treasurer3 $ational 4ond @ *ortgage CorporationE and president3 Anglo -atin )unding Co pany222

"6its #lass &n Silver1 subtitled "+G2Senator Cannon Charges %hat 6e Caused Price 4rea7 In 1<1<1 8e find222)ebruary 113 1<L23 page L $e8 'or7 %i es222 ",enver3 )ebruary 10 :Associated Press= 222)ran7 J? Cannon3 for er Senator fro 9tah and no8 president of the $ational 4i etallic Association3 8ith headMuarters in ,enver3 charged in an address at a Foint session of the Colorado #eneral Asse bly today that Senator #lass of 0irginia 8as responsible for brea7ing the 8orld price of silver in 1<1< 8hen he 8as Secretary of the %reasury? "#lass authori!ed the du ping of 2<30003000 silver dollars in the &rient for the ostensible purpose of regulating our eGchanges 8ith silver using countries3 49% )&R %6+ AC%9A- P9RP&S+ &)

S*AS6I$# %6+ (&R-, PRIC+ &) SI-0+R31 said *r? Cannon? 6e declared that he hoped *r? #lass 8ould not beco e Secretary of the %reasury in the Roosevelt cabinet?1
(as #lass a Pilgri s e berA ,ocu ents available at this ti e donDt sho8 itE ho8ever3 he 8as associated 8ith Paul (arburg3 according to +lgin #roseclose in ")ifty 'ears of *anaged *oney31 1<JJ3 page <;E (arburg is I,Dd as a Charter Pilgri s Society e ber? e ber #eorge )isher 4a7er :1;O021<L1=3 chair an

of the )irst $ational 4an7 of $e8 'or7 as of 1<0< :predecessor to Citigroup= 8as according to httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP#eorgeR)isherR4a7er a director of 22 corporationsE yet in his listing on page <; of the 1<1O (hoDs (ho3 he lists IJ boards he 8as on "and various other corporations31 8ith an a a!ing list of railroad corporations? %hey 8ere correct in referencing 4a7er as "one of the Society ost i posing figures in ban7ing history?1 6e 8as on the cover of %i e *aga!ine3 April 1O3 1<2O? 6is son and grandson beca e Pilgri s e bers? Current #eorge )? 4a7er Professor of +cono ics at 6arvard 9niversity is *artin )eldstein httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP*artinR)eldstein 8ho received an a8ard fro

the anti2silver A erican +cono ic Association and served as its president in 200O? )eldstein has served as a director of such silver antagonists as A erican International #roup and J?P? *organ @ Co pany and is a contributor to the (all Street Journal? Pilgri s Society 7ingpin 4a7er left one of the largest estates on record in 1<L1222

Charter Pilgri s Society

e ber )ran7 0anderlip played i portant role in iddle

founding the )ederal Reserve Syste 3 set up to syste atically loot the Club of $e8 'or7 in 1<1J21<1;? Read about hi at 222

class3 eventually reverting it to feudalis 3 chaired the anti2silver +cono ic httpQPP888?Fe7yllclub?co Pne8sP8ebne8s2nov0K?ht

%he 1<1O (hoDs (ho3 page 2O003 sho8s 0anderlip 8as "president of $ational City 4an7 and director of Riggs $ational 4an7E Seaboard Rail8ayE Chesapea7e @ &hio Rail8ayE &regon Short -ine RailroadE $orfol7 Southern RailroadE *issouri3 .ansas @ %eGas Rail8ayE etc?1 %he 1<J< lea7ed list of %he Pilgri s sho8ed )ran7 0anderlip Jr? a e ber? %he $e8 'or7 %i es3 April ittee on *ental eans "7eeping %he 2K3 1<LL3 reported 0anderlip Jr? 8as chair an of the "Co 6ealth $eeds of $e8 'or7 City1 8hich translated

Pilgri s Society out of the national a8areness and forcing co pliance 8ith govern ent vie8points?1 6e held interests in Palos 0erdes Corporation3 California3 "the ost eGclusive residential colony in the nation31 built on 1J3000 acres his father acMuired in 1<1L3 "and other corporations1 and 8as a director of the $ational *unicipal -eague? John 4assett *oore :1;J021<OK=3 Pilgri s Society3 8as an eGpert on international la8 and held nu erous university3 govern ent and diplo atic posts and 8as a po8er in any international conferences3 8as :(hoDs (ho3

1<LL3 page 1JI2= "counselor ,ept? of State3 8ith po8er to sign as secretary of state3 1<1L21<1O? *e ber of Per anent Court of Arbitration3 %he 6ague since 1<12E Fudge Per anent Court of International Justice3 1<2121<2;E delegate to Pan A erican )inancial Congress of 1<1I?1 %hat catalogued in a KI1 page docu ent in 8hich silver 8asnDt onetary Muantity httpQPPiaJ00L0O?us?archive?orgPIPite sPproceedingsfirs00confgoogPproc eedingsfirs00confgoog?pdf *oore 8as a director of +Muitable -ife Assurance SocietyE honorary president3 Pan A erican Society of the 9nited StatesE president3 A erican Political Science Association3 1<1L21<1O and 8as a8arded the Roosevelt ,istinguished Public Service *edal in 1<2K5 eeting 8as entioned as a

(illia Ca eron )orbes3 Pilgri s Society :1;K021<I<=3 8as #overnor #eneral of the Philippines3 1<0;21<1L3 an i portant silver country? 6e 8as the son of the president of 4ell %elephone Co pany and grandson of fa ous essayist Ralph (aldo + erson? )orbes 8as A bassador to Japan3 1<L02 1<L2 and disturbingly3 chair an of the A erican +cono ic *ission to the )ar +ast in 1<LI3 the sa e year %he Pilgri s Society3 9nited States branch3 drove China off her centuries old silver oney standard3 as of $ove ber L3 1<LI222

)orbes 8as honorary president of the China Society of A ericaE e ber India 6ouse Club3 $e8 'or7E trustee3 Carnegie Institution of (ashingtonE &verseer3 6arvard 9niversity3 1<1O21<20E sent by the President to investigate conditions in the Philippines3 1<21E receiver3 4ra!ilian Rail8ay Co pany3 1<1O21<1<E partner3 J?*? )orbes @ Co panyE director3 Copper Range Co panyE 4oston *etal InvestorsE Stone @ (ebsterE A erican %elephone @ %elegraphE 9nited )ruit Co panyE *assachusetts )ire @ *arine InsuranceE *assachusetts 6ospital -ife InsuranceE Co ercial CreditE Petroleu 6eat @ Po8er Co panyE &ld Colony %rustE Arthur ,? -ittle IncorporatedE and others :(hoDs (ho3 1<O03 page <I0E (hoDs (ho3 1<I23 page ;2K=? %he Pitt an Act of 1<1;3 authored by $evada silver Senator .ey Pitt an3 allo8ed for elting 2K032L23K22 silver dollars for bullion conversion into aintain approGi ately 20<*&/ httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPPitt anRAct %he bullion 8as then sold to #reat 4ritain3 in order that they could control over 4ritish India3 8here de ands 8ere strident for pay ent in silver relating to eGpenses of (orld (ar I :*ining Congress Journal3 )ebruary 10IK3 page 11K=? Senator Pitt an insured that the silver 8ould be replaced at S1 an ounce222then ore than ar7et prices222and partly as a result3 the 1<21

*organ silver dollars 8ere coined3 all ;J3KL03000 of the ? Senator Pitt an 8asnDt a hatchet an for silver suppressors3 he 8as loo7ing out for silver producers interestsE but the silver 8as used to control 4ritish India? In the *ining Congress Journal3 )ebruary 1<IK3 (?*? 'ea an3 president of Clayton Silver *ines3 8riting in an article titled3 "Silver Again In %he Spotlight1 co ented on the 4ritish crisis in 7eeping control of India at the close of (orld (ar I :page 11K=222 "In the state ent sub itted by Senator *alone he revie8ed the use of silver as oney throughout the 8orld and referred particularly to the crisis that illion ounces of silver to be coined paper rupee notes (6IC6 developed in India in 1<1; 8hich pro pted the 4ritish govern ent to urge the 9nited States to supply India 8ith 200 into rupees to enable the 4an7 of India to redee

(+R+ 4+I$# &))+R+, A% S9C6 A$ A-AR*I$# RA%+ )&R R+,+*P%I&$ I$ SI-0+R that the authorities feared the "run1 8ould cause the closing of the ban7s3 (I%6 R+S9-%A$% RI&%S A$, R+0&-9%I&$ 4' %6+ $A%I0+S in the event of failure to eet the de and for note rede ption?1 ented on the crisis In "Silver Serves %hroughout the (ar1 :*ining Congress Journal3 )ebruary 1<OJ3 page II= $evada Silver Senator *cCarran co that started in 1<1; over rede ption of paper rupee notes222 "9nder the ter s of the Pitt an Act of April 2L3 1<1;3 approGi ately 2I;3I;03000 silver dollars 8ere ounces of silver derived therefro elted do8n and 20030003000 fine sold at S1 an ounce to the 4ritish in silver their paper rupee notes a7e good their rede ption

#overn ent to relieve the strain on ban7s in India? %he natives of India3 true to their tradition3 8ere atte pting to redee and there 8as not enough silver on hand to hand3 and agreed to

pledge? %he 9nited States #overn ent did not have sufficient bullion silver on elt do8n enough silver dollars to yield 20030003000 fine ounces for ship ent to India? $o publicity 8as given the enact ent of this

legislation AS I% *I#6% 6A0+ CA9S+, #R+A% 4RI%AI$ %& -&S+ )AC+ 4' A,*I%%I$# %6+ I$,ISP+$SA4I-I%' &) SI-0+R *&$+'?1 Russell Cornell -effing8ell :1;K;21<J0=3 Pilgri s Society3 'ale 1;<<3 8as assistant Secretary of the %reasury3 1<1K21<203 8hen 200*&/ silver 8as sent to 4ritish India under the Pitt an Act of 1<1; for purposes of 4ritish control? 6e 8as a aintaining e ber3 1<2021<2L3 of 8hat beca e Cravath3

S8aine @ *oore3 a leading Pilgri s Society la8 fir E neGt he Foined J?P? *organ @ Co pany3 rising to chair an3 retiring in 1<I0? 6e 8as a trustee of the Carnegie Corporation of $e8 'or73 one of Pilgri s Society e ber Andre8 CarnegieDs foundations eGisting for Anglo2A erican 8orld e pire purposes via the 9nited $ations? -effing8ell 8as president of %he Pilgri s unofficial subsidiary3 the Council on )oreign Relations3 1<OO21<OJ3 then chair an into 1<IL? 6e 8as decorated by the govern ent of Italy and 8as a e ber of the anti2silver A erican +cono ic Association and a fello8 of the anti2silver Royal +cono ic Society222

-ucy -effing8ell Pulling :1<0K21<K<=3 RussellDs daughter3 8as evidently related to %ho as -ivingston Pulling of Citigroup3 on %he Pilgri s SocietyDs eGecutive co ittee as of 200L? -effing8ell 8as son in la8 of #eneral J?C? Cha berlain? %he +arl of Reading3 4ritish A bassador to the 9nited States 1<1;21<1<3 Pilgri s Society e ber3 obtained silver for 4ritish control over India? 6e 8as 4ritish 0iceroy of India3 1<2121<2I and as 4ritish )oreign Secretary in 1<L13 assisted his govern entDs ca paign to depress 8orld silver valuations by du ping elted rupees on the 8orld ar7et222

"%6+ 4RI%IS6 #&0+R$*+$% ,+%+R*I$+, %& ,+S%R&' SI-0+R AS *&$+'1

222$evada silver Senator .ey Pitt an3 Muoted in China (ee7ly Revie83 Shanghai3 January L13 1<L13 page L1;?

Robert -ansing3 Pilgri s Society3 Secretary of State 1<1I21<203 relative of first head of the Central Intelligence Agency3 Allen ,ulles3 Pilgri s Society3 8or7ed 8ith the +arl of Reading to get A erican silver into 4ritish India to help his "Pilgri Partners1 aintain control for another generation222

Robert -ansing founded the A erican Society for International -a8 :read "8orld govern ent1= in 1<0J? 6e 8as a trustee of the Carnegie +ndo8 ent for International Peace3 funded by 4ritish Cro8n loyalist3 Pilgri s Society e ber Andre8 Carnegie of the original steel trust? -ansingDs nephe8s 8ere John )oster ,ulles :Pilgri s Society= 8ho beca e Secretary of State and Allen

(? ,ulles :Pilgri s Society=3 Central Intelligence Agency director? -ansing 8as a e ber of the A erican Co ission to $egotiate the Peace3 1<1;2 1<1<3 8hich along 8ith 4ritain3 intentionally i posed such harsh ter s on #er any at the close of (orld (ar I3 that they purposefully assured a second (orld (arE that 8as the planned obFective? 6enry Algernon ,uPont :1;L;21<2J=3 Pilgri s Society3 8as the largest subscriber to the Anglo2)rench -oan of 1<1J3 relating to (orld (ar I finance :>Pilgri Partners> 1<O23 page 110= and in addition to holdings in silver user ,u Pont had interests in (il ington @ $orfol7 Railroad? +leuthere du Pont3 8ho appropriately died on 6allo8een in 1;LO3 8as a director of the second 9nited States 4an7 :s ashed by Andre8 Jac7son=E an anti2silver and anti2 gold forerunner of the )ederal Reserve Syste ? %he 1<;K21<O2 (ho (as (ho in A erica3 page LO<? 6as ,u Pont stating his "&PP&SI%I&$ %& %6+ )R++ A$, 9$-I*I%+, C&I$A#+ &) SI-0+R?1 ,u Pont 8as a Republican Senator fro ,ela8are3 1<0J21<1K 8ho voted for the )ederal Reserve Act of 1<1L222

,8ight (? *orro83 Pilgri s Society3 8as a J?P? *organ @ Co pany partner3 1<1O21<2K3 appearing on the usual agglo eration of corporate boards? 6e 8as A bassador to *eGico3 al8ays a 7ey part of the silver scene3 1<2K2 1<L0? %he $e8 'or7 %i es3 *arch 23 1<2K3 page 2<3 "*eGico 6alts Silver Coinage1 stated3 "%he #overn ent has ordered the int to stop coining silver e ber *orro8 peso and half peso pieces?1 ,eter ining if Pilgri s Society that

had so ething substantial to do 8ith that is on a lengthy list of investigations ay necessitate revie8 of *eGican ne8spaper archives3 4an7 of *eGico or %reasury docu ents3 if available222

*orro8 played a role in supervising the ,e la 6uerta2-a ont %reaty of 1<223 secured by %ho as (? -a ont of J?P? *organ @ Co pany and %he Pilgri s Society3 as head of the International Co ittee of 4an7ers on *eGico3 under 8hich eGport of *eGican silver to A erica 8as increased3 allegedly to bac7 the pesoB 6o8 does specie bac7 a currency if eGported across the borderA -a ont 8as also the representative of the %reasury ,epart ent section of the A erican Co ission to $egotiate the Peace at Paris in 1<1< and chair an e bers of the International Consortiu for Assistance to of the A erican arranging a S100 several

ChinaE in 1<2J he facilitated *ussoliniDs rise to dictatorship in Italy by illion financing for the )ascist leader3 8hich contributed to #reece222 illion deaths during (orld (ar II and the Italian attac7 against

In "A ericaDs J0 )a ilies31 1<LK by )erdinand -undberg3 page LL3 8e find222 "An eGtraordinarily co pleG and resourceful personality li7e %ho as (? -a ont3 8ho has been the brains of J?P? *organ and Co pany throughout the post8ar period and 8as a single ter entor of (oodro8 (ilson in (ilsonDs second ad inistration as 8ell as of President 6erbert 6oover throughout his fateful in the (hite 6ouse3 6AS +C+RCIS+, *&R+ P&(+R )&R %(+$%' '+ARS I$ %6+ (+S%+R$ 6+*ISP6+R+3 6AS P9% I$%& +))+C% *&R+ )I$A- ,+CISI&$S )R&* (6IC6 %6+R+ 6AS 4++$ $& APP+A-3 %6A$ A$' &%6+R P+RS&$? -a ont has been the )irst Consul de facto in the invisible directory of post8ar high finance and politics3 consulted by presidents3 pri e inisters3 governors of central ban7s3 the directing intelligence behind the ,a8es and 'oung Plans? -a ont is ProteanE he is a diplo at3 an editor3 a 8riter3 a publisher3 a politician3 a states an222an international presence as 8ell as a financier?1

&ther sources clai ed Andre8 *ellon or John ,? Roc7efeller Jr? 8ere tops on the tote pole? (hat difference did it a7eA All three 8ere Pilgri s Society e bersB -a ontDs input into President 6oover noted3 recall that 6oover refused to call an international conference on silverB Pilgri s Society policy is that silver 8ill not be e ployed as co oney and recogni!ed only as a odity to be fed at suppressed prices to the Silver 9sers AssociationB -a ontDs son %ho as3 Pilgri s Society3 8as also 8ith J?P? *organ @ Co pany and a director of corporations such as $estleE %eGas #ulf SulphurE International *inerals @ Che icalE $orth 4ritish @ *ercantile InsuranceE Atchison3 %ope7a @ Santa )e Rail8ay and Phelps ,odge? 6is younger brother Corliss3 a cesspool of festering reactionary vie8s3 authored :1<L<= "'ou *ight -i7e Socialis 222A (ay &f -ife )or *odern *an?1 In "%8enty +ight 'ears In (all Street1 :1;;I3 $'C= by 6enry Cle8s highly li7ely Pilgri s Society e ber :1;O021<2L=3 page 1IK3 he ad itted that the Panic of 1;LK too7 place because very po8erful interests :the Cro8n3 the Rothschilds3 Astors and ,u Ponts= 8ere unhappy that the charter of the 9nited States 4an7 8as allo8ed to eGpire2


arried the grandniece of President *adison? At the start of the Civil for the

(ar %reasury Secretary Sal on P? Chase contracted 8ith Cle8s fir

sale of bond issues 8ith 8hich to continue the 8ar? :Chase $ational 4an7 8as na ed after Chase?= $eGt Cle8s 8as appointed by President #rant as fiscal agent of the govern ent for all foreign nations? 6e 8as "advisor and agent in organi!ing ne8 financial syste of Japan :on reco endation of President #rant=1222(hoDs (ho3 1<1O3 page OJ1? Cle8s 8as decorated 8ith the &rder of the Rising Sun in 1<0;E founded Cle8s @ Co pany in 1;KKE trustee3 $orthern &hio 9niversityE treasurer3 A erican #eographic SocietyE treasurer3 International Peace )oru E president3 A erican Peace and Arbitration -eagueE director3 Japan Peace Society and +cono ic Club of $e8 'or7 :8hich 8as and re ains opposed to silver oneyB= I suspect *r? entioned his Cle8s3 born in Staffordshire3 +ngland3 8as a 8ar onger? 6e Ja es 4? Cle8s3 8as

start in ban7ing after the Panic of 1;IK? &ne of his relations3 a nephe83 entioned in the Congressional Record3 August 203 e ber of %he Pilgri s Society? Also tracing his arried into the -ivingston dynasty3 arried :including J?P? *organDs son3 e bers 1<O03 as being a 7no8n into 8hich

ancestry to Staffordshire3 Ja es Cle8s any other Pilgri s

6enry3 born in 1<003 8ho 8as a #eneral +lectric director=? %he -ivingstons 8ere Cro8n loyalists in Revolutionary (ar ti es 8ho received huge land grants fro the .ing? Ja es Cle8s said of hi self "In ban7ing of 6enry Cle8s @ Co panyE president any ob is oney business since 1;<0? 6ead fir

%oledo3 Ann Arbor @ $orth *ichigan RailroadE director of corporations?1 :(hoDs (ho3 1<L13 page IL2=? %he paper

highly inter arried? %here could still be considerable -ivingston influence in the 4an7 of A erica :$e8 'or7 %i es3 January 123 1<2K3 page LL3 "+?C? ,elafield and Associates Retain Control at Annual *eeting of Stoc7holders?1= (hoDs (ho3 1<2;3 page J2;3 sho8s ,elafieldDs -ivingston ancestry as president of 4an7 of A erica3 e ber of Pilgri s Society3 and gli pses into vast real estate o8nership? 4an7 of A erica 8as on the Silver 9sers

Association roster circa 200O? ItDs a using that they do not Prudential Insurance? 9nion Carbide3 of poison gas infa y3 Che ical?

aintain a list of erged into ,o8

eG2 e bers3 li7e the $orth A erican *irror *anufacturers Association and

"Silver As Standard ,oubted 4y #erard1 ran in the $e8 'or7 %i es3 &ctober <3 1<L13 page 1J222 "%here is little possibility that the nations of the 8orld 8ill adopt silver as a onetary standard3 because the production of silver is largely o8ned or controlled in the 9nited States and *eGico3 Ja es (? #erard3 for er a bassador to #er any3 told an audience yesterday? "%hat seriously the nations 8ill ta7e up silver I do not believe31 *r? #erard declared? "%hey 8ill not do it because three2fourths of the 8orldDs silver production is in *eGico or the 9nited States or by co panies o8ned in the 9nited States?1 Ja es #erard :1;JK21<I1= 8as a bassador to #er any3 1<1L21<1K 8ho 8as listed on page <00 of the 1<L0 (hoDs (ho as treasurer of the ,e ocratic $ational Co ittee and a 4ritish .night3 &rder of the 4ath :reference is to cere onial purification bath by +nglish 7night after 7illing an adversary for the Cro8n=? #erard beca e chair an of the ,e ocratic $ational )inance Co ittee in 1<LO3 a post he held to beyond 1<O0 :1<O1 (hoDs (ho3 page 102J3 listing his office at O0 (all StreetE he 8as sent as A erican representative to the coronation of .ing #eorge 0I3 patron of %he Pilgri s Society=? A bassador #erard attended a dinner for -ord 6alifaG on April 223 1<OJ? %his 8as the sa e 6alifaG 8ho presided over the du ping of Indian silver on 8orld his Pilgri ar7ets3 causing the #reat ,epression3 during 8hich buddies Fu ped all over the opportunity to eGpand their global

holdings? A bassador #erard 8as also the son in la8 of *arcus ,aly3 "Copper .ing of *ontana1 :1;O121<003 see belo8=3 8ho 8as the sole o8ner of Anaconda Copper *ining Co pany of *ontana3 and 8ho sold out to John ,? Roc7efeller :Pilgri s Society= in 1;<<? (hile these Pilgri s donDt ind

a7ing gains in

ining invest ents3 they sure as hell donDt 8ant to see "nationali!ationB1


as the basis of eGchangeE unless they ended up o8ning all

etals after a

A bassador #erardDs vie8s as to 8hy he predicted the 8orld 8ould not return to silver long as before that3 fro oney 8ere certainly ho7eyB ,id the 8orld shun dia onds as ca e fro South Africa3 or earlier3 fro 4ra!il3 and odity #olconda in IndiaA :$oB= %he sa e principle holds for ost of the

Australian opalsE 4ur a rubiesE Colu bian e eraldsE or any other co

8hose production is concentrated in li ited regions? (here do 9?S? fiat notes co e fro A Just one country issues these3 correctA So based on his logic3 the 8orld should not use the because they originate in Fust one nationB

,ishonest3 slithering lo8life Pilgri s Society vice president Ja es #erard222

%he $e8 'or7 %i es ran an obituary in late June 1<;K3 evidently of a descendant of #erard222

"4rigadier #eneral Ja es (? #erard3 a retired Ar y officer and real2estate eGecutive3 died of 7idney failure on Saturday? 6e 8as KL years old and lived in *anhattan and -uGe bourg? June 2;3 1<;K deceased? #eneral #erard3 8ho 8as born in *anhattan3 attended Ca bridge 9niversity and the 9niversity of #renoble? In 1<LK3 he enlisted in the Ar y and served in (orld (ar II and the .orean (ar and on the staff of the Pentagon fro In 1<KI3 he resu ed his 1<I2 to 1<IK? 6e retired in 1<J1? ander of the 0eteran Corps ilitary career as co

of Artillery of the State of $e8 'or7 and retired again in 1<;J? 6e and fa ily e bers also o8ned Aeon Realty3 a *anhattan holding co pany? 6e is survived by his 8ife3 Jean3 9nited States A bassador to -uGe bourgE a son3 Ja es (?3 of (ashingtonE a daughter3 6arriet C?3 of *anhattan3 and three brothers3 C? 6? Coster #erard3 Su ner #erard and John %rain3 all of *anhattan?1 John %rain3 as 8e 8ill see later3 is a Pilgri s Society Pilgri s eGecutive co e ber? "%he Pilgri s of the 9nited States31 200L3 page 1OJ3 sho8ed Ja es (? #erard 0 as on %he ittee3 along 8ith Citigroup official %ho as -ivingston ore Pilgri s Society genealogies Pulling? %he -ivingstons are probably in

than any otherE they trace to Cro8n loyalists in Colonial ti es? According to "6istory of the #reat A erican )ortunes31 1<0<3 pages OO @ OI222 "Robert -ivingston3 progenitor of a rich and potent fa ily 8hich for generations eGercised a profound influence in public affairs3 contrived to get together an estate 8hich soon ran7ed as the second largest in $e8 'or7 and one of the greatest in the Colonies? 6e loaned govern ent contractor he oney at frightfully usurious rates and hounded his victi s 8ithout a vestige of sy pathy? As a trader and ade enor ous profitsE such 8as his collusion 8ith ultitude high officials that co petitors found it i possible to outdo hi ? 4y a

of underhanded and ignoble artifices he finally found hi self the lord of a

anor siGteen

iles long and t8enty four broad? (hen he died in 1K2; he left

an estate (6IC6 (AS C&$SI,+R+, &) S9C6 C&-&SSA- 0A-9+ %6A% I%S %R9+ (&R%6 (AS C&$C+A-+, )&R )+AR &) )9R%6+R +$RA#I$# %6+ ,ISC&$%+$%+,? 6+ (AS I$ C&--9SI&$ (I%6 CAP%AI$ .I,,3 %6+ S+A PIRA%+?1 %he -ivingstons first arriage connection to other i ense 8ealth 8as the 4ee7 ansE the Astors3 Roosevelts and 4ush fa ilies follo8ed httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP-ivingstonRfa ily Charles *? Sch8ab3 Pilgri s Society3 chaired 4ethlehe /inc S eltingE 0anadiu also a Steel and 8as a director of + pire %rustE *etropolitan -ifeE %onopah +Gtension *iningE 9nited CorporationE Chicago Pneu atic %oolE A erican Surety et al :8hose brother in la83 Alva C? ,in7ey of Carnegie Steel3 8as e ber=3 Sch8ab 8as a director of the silver suppressing Chase $ational 4an7 :1<2; (hoDs (ho3 page 1;IL= 222

Pilgri s Society

e ber #eorge (? (ic7ersha

:1;I;21<LJ= of O0 (all

Street :president of the Association of the 4ar of the City of $e8 'or73 1<1O2 1<1K= 8as noted in the $e8 'or7 %i es3 $ove ber I3 1<L23 page O3 "policies of the 6oover ad inistration 8ere defended by #eorge (? (ic7ersha ?1 In this conteGt3 6ooverDs policy of refusing to call an international silver conference because #reat 4ritain opposed it222

President 6oover appointed hi Co

to 8hat beca e 7no8n as the (ic7ersha ittee of the

ission :on la8 and order= 8hich is sardonically a using to consider

given his cri inality? 6e 8as chair an of the eGecutive co

)rance A erica Society3 a Pilgri s Society front eGtending influence into that aFor +uropean stateE he 8as president of the A erican Society of the )rench -egion of 6onor and e ber of the anti2silver +cono ic Club? )rance turned against silver in )rench Indo2China 8hen 4ritain started du ping IndiaDs silver? 6e 8as president of the Council on )oreign Relations3 1<LL21<LJ3 one of any proofs the C)R is under Pilgri s Society anage ent? 6e 8as e ber of the Attorney #eneral in the %aft ad inistration3 1<0<21<1L and beca e a trustee of the Carnegie Institution of (ashington and 8as a Co ission on Reorgani!ation of $e8 'or7 State govern ent3 1<2I21<2J ?

6e 8as a principal in Cad8alader3 (ic7ersha 8as a partner? (illia

@ %aft3 po8erhouse la8 fir

at O0 (all Street dating to 1K<2 in 8hich 6enry %aft3 President %aftDs brother3 %aft 8as A erican governor of the Philippines3 1<012 beca e president of the A erican -a8 Institute in e ber of the Co ittee for Progressive 1<0L? Alphonso %aft3 father of the %aft brothers3 8as Attorney #eneral3 1;KJ21<KK? (ic7ersha (ic7ersha 1<2L and 8as president of the A erican Prison Association in 1<20? In 1<2O 8as appointed a Codification of International -a8 of the -eague of $ations and 8as a trustee of the 9niversity of Pennsylvania3 1<2021<2J? %he +arl of 4alfour3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 8as Secretary of State for )oreign Affairs in 1<1J21<1<3 in 8hich capacity he India222 ade a contribution to his govern ent obtaining A erican silver in order to Muell unrest in 4ritish

4alfour 8as a

e ber of the sardonically na ed anti2silver Stable *oney

Association? %his 8as the sa e aristocrat 8ho3 in cooperation 8ith the Rothschilds3 issued the 4alfour ,eclaration of 1<1K 8hich beca e the political basis for creation of the State of Israel? -ord *ilner3 another Pilgri s Society e ber and a 7ey financier of the Soviet Red Revolution of 1<1K in Russia3 8as the third e ber of that triu virate httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP4alfourR,eclarationRofR1<1K

%he 4ritish :a source 8ithin *idland 4an7= even called for a so2called "super ban71 to be organi!ed that 8ould control all the gold and silver ined by

co panies based in the 4ritish Co unit for the 8orld222the "ReG1 :-atin

on8ealth and the 9nited States :$e8 eaning "7ing1= 222na ed of course3 for

'or7 %i es3 *ay 1K3 1<L13 page <= 8hich 8ould then issue a ne8 currency .ing #eorge 0 of +ngland222then Patron of %he Pilgri s Society222

It should be unsettling to 7no8 that %he Pilgri s -ondon list for 1<;0 included -ord Corn8allis3 an heir to the title held by an invading 4ritish redcoat general in our Revolutionary 8arB %he Pilgri s Society staged a assive nationali!ation222read "confiscation1 depredations of their inflationary of gold and silver3 *arch 1<LL into early 1<LK3 dispossessing A ericans of their natural right to protect the selves fro

govern ent? See "Metals Confiscation Facts And Prospects31 a L12 page pdf file in Archives at 888?silver2investor?co fro the Co 8ith original source aterial ercial @ )inancial Chronicle and the $e8 'or7 %i es and etals fro A ericans? )ran7lin Roosevelt3 e ber 222

other sources3 covering in depth 8ee7 by 8ee7 over a four year span )ran7lin RooseveltDs sei!ure of precious PI-#RI*S S&CI+%'

6erbert 6oover at left3 in 7eeping 8ith the "long standing tradition1 of 9nited States Presidents being "honorary1 e bers of %he Pilgri s Society :"%he Pilgri s of the 9nited States31 Profile 4oo7s3 200L3 page L0= refused to call an international conference on silver unless the 4ritish did so firstB 6oover

7ne8 the 4ritish attac7 against

onetary silver caused the depression and still

refused to help his country222

President 6oover3 in his address before the A erican 4an7ers Association at Cleveland3 on &ctober 23 1<L03 bla ed the fall in silver prices on "overeGpansion of production1 in order to shift obvious bla e a8ay fro his 4ritish palsE ho8ever3 7no8n production of 1<22 through 1<L0 inclusive averaged 21;3OKO320K ounces per annu 222and there certainly 8as no "overeGpansion of productionE1 indeed3 Royal Co ine output 8as falling after the issionDs report ca e out in 1<2J222China (ee7ly Revie83 January L13 1<L13 page LLK?

Correcting 6ooverDs intentional falsehood 8as Senator Pitt an of $evada3 co enting in the China (ee7ly Revie83 January L13 1<L13 page L1K3 co ented222

"%6+ A*A/I$# 9$I)&R*I%' &) %6+ A$$9A- PR&,9C%I&$ &) SI-0+R %6R&9#6&9% %6+ (&R-, *I-I%A%+S A#AI$S% A$' %6+&R' %6A% A$ &0+RPR&,9C%I&$ &) SI-0+R C&9-, P&SSI4-' 6A0+ 4R&9#6% A4&9% %6+ ,+PR+SSI&$? %here 8as a ti e 8hen certain financiers and econo ists i agined that there 8as an unli ited a ount of silver so e8here that ight be ined and du ped upon the 8orld3 but the 8orldDs annual production for L0 years proves the fallacy of any such presu ption?1
%he China (ee7ly Revie8 January L13 1<L13 cited $evada silver Senator .ey Pitt an222page L1I222 "In 1<2J the 4ritish #overn ent for India adopted the gold standard for India and co enced to elt and sell as bullion on the 8orld ar7et the silver oney of India? I**+,IA%+-' %6+ PRIC+ &) SI-0+R C&**+$C+, %&

,R&P 9$%I-3 ,9RI$# 1<L03 I% 6AS A0+RA#+, AR&9$, LO C+$%S A$ &9$C+3 &R A4&9% &$+26A-) &) I%S $&R*A- PRIC+ ?1
"I% IS A*A/I$# %6A% )&R+I#$ I$)-9+$C+ CA$ 4+ 4R&9#6% %& 4+AR &$ S9C6 6I#6 A*+RICA$ &))ICIA- CIRC-+S? I% IS 9$)&R%9$A%+ %6A% %6+ SC6+*+S &) &$+ #&0+R$*+$% C&9-, 4+ P+R*I%%+, %& 4-&C. A C&$)+R+$C+ &) A-- $A%I&$S &$ S& 0I%A- A S94J+C%?1222$evada Silver Senator .ey Pitt an3 $e8 'or7 %i es3 June <3 1<L13 p? O< %he Co ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 January L03 1<L23 page KJJ "President 6oover 8as accused by Senator Pitt an :,e ocrat $evada= of "tying the hands of the Senate1 in failing to call an international conference on silver3 follo8ing an ;0 8hite inute speech in favor of re oneti!ation of the etal by Senator (heeler :,e ocrat *ontana=? "%he President has no eGcuse for not calling such a gathering1 Pitt an asserted?1

"President 6oover3 ,9+ %& 4RI%IS6 &PP&SI%I&$3 has refused to ta7e any steps to8ard calling a silver conference?1 222China (ee7ly Revie83 June 203 1<L13 page ;I? "-eaders of the silver industry are understood to entertain little hope that the President 8ill ta7e the lead in calling a conference to restore silver1 :Co ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 $e8 'or73 April 1;3 1<L13 page 2;J<=E "%he President has no intention of calling a :silver= conference3 it 8as authoritatively asserted1 :$e8 'or7 %i es3 Septe ber L3 1<L13 page LI=? ,ean of 4oston 9niversity3 6o8ard -eSourd3 said after (orld (ar II222 "&ur State ,epart ent see s to have no the 4ritish on ind of its o8n 8hen it deals 8ith atters of 8orld policy? +ven our President bac7s do8n at the suggestion of the Pri e *inister of +ngland?1 :$e8 'or7 %i es3 $ove ber 213 1<OI3 page 2=? *artin -arson in his fine eGpose3 "%he )ederal Reserve and &ur *anipulated ,ollar1 :1<KI=3 stated on pages <J2<K222

"(e are living in an age in 8hich it is i possible for anyone to reach the highest office in the 9nited States 8ithout S+R0I$# I$%+R+S%S A$, P&(+RS %6A% AR+ I$+CPR+SSI4-' +0I-1 222

"J9S% -&&. A% %6+ (A' (+ #&%%A 6I,+ (6A% (+DR+ ,&I$#B1 222fro 1<JK hit song "I thin7 8eDre alone no81

6arry P? -eonard 8rote to the $e8 'or7 %i es3 &ctober 1I3 1<LL3 section I0 page I3 "In the hasty 8or7 of last *arch constitutional rights and la8 8ere overloo7ed?1 %hat 8as in response to )ran7lin RooseveltDs illegal3 anti2Jac7sonian order of *arch 1<LL that A ericans had to turn in gold notes and hard goldB ore i portantly3


+ len Roosevelt 8as a director of Che ical 4an7 :associated 8ith ost li7ely another Pilgri s e ber?

the che ical industry3 silver catalyst users=3 several railroads3 I%% Corporation and other entities and 8as Society ),RDs %reasury Secretary3 6enry *orgenthau Jr?3 second generation Pilgri s e ber 8hose father 8as A bassador to the &tto an + pire3 e ber of the &rder of the 4ritish e ber of the anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or73 director of the +Muitable -ife Assurance Society and a + pire holding a fortune in real estate in 6erald SMuare Realty3 presided over %6+ SIC.+$I$# PR+CI&9S *+%A-S )&R)+I%9R+ CRI*I$A--' I*P&S+, &$ 9$I%+, S%A%+S CI%I/+$S222

6is father 8as 7no8n to be in contact 8ith 0iscount Reginald +sher :Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain= 8ho 8as associated 8ith the Cro8n and the Rothschilds?

%he Cri e of DKL :1;KL= in 8hich -ondon interests bribed Congress to de oneti!e silver for all pay ents of over SI traces to these sa e ele entsB %hat action caused 8idespread isery ignored by ainstrea historians3 8ho are bought off by corrupted scholarships3 fello8ships3 appoint ents3 tenure at Society do inated universities3 and o8nership of teGtboo7 publishers? *orgenthau Senior 8as offered to be A bassador to *eGico in 1<20? Junior 8as a e ber of the anti2silver 4an7ers Club in *anhattan?

$e8s8ee73 August 1;3 1<LO3 page 2< co


"9sing the right of e inent do ain in confiscating the etal3 %reasury officials could legally set any price they desired?1 %he Co ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 ,ece ber 213 1<LI3 page L<OI3 Muoted %reasury Secretary *orgenthau stating that the silver nationali!ation 8as "in the interest of the public?1 %he $e8 'or7 %i es3 August 103 1<LO3 front page222

4usiness (ee73 )ebruary 2K3 1<LK3 page LI stated222 "A-- %6+ SI-0+R C&**A$,++R+, A% %6+ %I*+ SI-0+R (AS $A%I&$A-I/+, (AS A% I0 C+$%S A$ &9$C+? %6+ (&R-, PRIC+ %6+$ S&AR+, %& %6+ K0s?1 #old 8as nationali!ed at S20?JKPounce and then revalued to SLIE silver holders 8ere li7e8ise fro!en out of future gains? It 8as not the )ederal

#overn ent ta7ing precious

etal fro

the citi!enry222it 8as %he Pilgri s

Society222the Cro8nDs concealed net8or7 of financiers doing the stealing3 using the President and the %reasury Secretary to do it3 hiding behind appeals to "national necessity?1

)ran7lin Roosevelt3 gold and silver stealer3 aristocrats 8ere leaders3 faulted precious

e ber of 8ealthy (all Street "trade1 in 8hich 4ritish onetary base :page 13

dynasty 8ith a fortune partly based in the opiu

etals as a

$e8 'or7 %i es? ,ece ber 2L3 1<LL= 222 "S+A S6+--S (I%6 6&-+S I$ %6+* AR+ A *&$+%AR' 4AS+ I$ %6+ S&9%6 S+AS?1 ")+,+RA- A#+$%S S6&9-, 4+ +*P&(+R+, %& S9P+R0IS+ %6+ &P+$I$# &) +AC6 ,+P&SI% 4&C A$, S9**&$ )&R P+$A-%' A--

%6&S+ (6& CA$$&% SA%IS)AC%&RI-' +CP-AI$ %6+ P&SS+SSI&$ &) S+N9+S%+R+, *&$+'?1222$e8 'or7 %i es3 *arch <3 1<LL3 page 2 "%6+ PR+SI,+$% IS A ,IC%A%&R A)%+R *9SS&-I$IDS &($ 6+AR%?1222 $e8 'or7 %i es3 *arch 103 1<LL3 page ; %i e *aga!ine3 June 2O3 1<LI3 reported that *ussolini sei!ed silver coinsB %hey 8ere needed for such purposes as paying Italian troops 8ho unsuccessfully invaded #reece3 and the +thiopian invasion? See 8hat %he Pilgri s Society thin7s about their boy )ran7lin Roosevelt httpQPP888?pilgri society?orgPhistory?ht See *ay O3 200L $e8 'or7 %i es httpQPPMuery?nyti es?co PgstPfullpage?ht lA resV<O02+0,,1LLC)<LKALIKIJC0A<JI<C;4JL ,avid -loyd2#eorge3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 also 7no8n as %he +arl of ,8yfor3 e ber of Parlia ent3 1;<021<OI3 for erly Pri e *inister3 President of the 4oard of %rade3 *inister of *unitions3 Chancellor of the +GcheMuer and Secretary of State for (ar3 praised ),RDs gold and silver stealing ca paign :$e8 'or7 %i es3 April 2L3 1<LL3 page 2K=222 "Already in his short ti e in office he has sho8n resolution and courage3 and has proved hi self to possess that rare and invaluable co bination of Mualities in a states an222a clear vision of the national need and the courage to act?1 "$ational need1 is the sa e code language as "national e ergency1 and "8arti e e ergency1 and is Pilgri s Society lingo for "the sei!ure of the 8ealth necessary?1 Pilgri s Society e ber %he +arl of ,8yfor3 opponent of gold and silver o8nership on the part of the classes they intend to rule over3 8as 4ritish Pri e *inister during the Indian crisis of 1<1; in 8hich his Pilgri

Partners in A erica arranged for 200

illion ounces of silver to be sent for

purposes of preserving 4ritish control222

"-&$,&$ 4A$.+RS C&$SI,+R %6+ PR+S+$% PRIC+ AS 6I#6 +$&9#6? 4A$.+RS 6+R+ AR+ S%I-- 9$)A0&RA4-+ %& R+*&$+%I/A%I&$?1 222$e8 'or7 %i es3 January O3 1<L23 page L0 %he $e8 'or7 %i es3 *arch J3 1<LL3 page 23 reported222

"6&AR,+RS3 I$ %6+ &PI$I&$ &) %6+ R+0+R+$, ,R? C6RIS%IA$ )? R+IS$+R3 pastor of the 4road8ay %e ple *ethodist +piscopal Church3 1KOth Street and 4road8ay3 AR+ %RAI%&RS A$, S6&9-, 4+ ,+PRI0+, &) CI%I/+$S6IP?1222$'%3 *arch J3 1<LL3 page 2 :%his inister received S2I03000 in 1<2< fro Pilgri s Society e ber John ,? Roc7efeller Sr?= 222
httpQPPfa ous8onders?co Prichest2 en2of2all2ti e2top2102listP 222

AdFusted for inflation3 John ,? Roc7efellerDs net 8orth is reportedly up8ards of 9S, SJJL billion222

"$e8spapers Issue Scrip31 $e8 'or7 %i es3 *arch K3 1<LL3 page L reported222 "-ouisville3 .entuc7y222-ouisvilleDs first scrip3 issued by the Courier2Journal and %i es3 8ill appear to orro8? + ployees 8ill receive their salaries in part scrip and part cash? %he scrip can be used at stores that advertise in the ne8spapers? %he erchants 8ill use their scrip to pay advertising bills3 but for no other purpose?1 :Robert (? 4ingha 3 Pilgri s Society ne8spaper? 6is second Society e ber seen belo83 o8ned that arriage 8as into the )lagler fa ily of Pilgri s

e bers and Standard &il and railroad heirs? 6is second 8ife died

8ithin a year3 he got her 4ingha

illions3 and ru ors abounded she 8as


8as ),RDs a bassador to 4ritain3 1<LL21<LK? 6e

ade state ents

to the effect that it 8as good for the +nglish people that 4ritain abandoned gold in fall 1<L1? "A bassador Attributes Re2e ploy ent of J003000 %here to Nuitting #old Standard13 $'%3 ,ece ber 2O3 1<LL3 page I?=

6enry *? )lagler 8as a founding partner in Standard &il3 and later built the )lorida +ast Coast Railroad and hotels 8ith O03000 roo s3 including one 8ith 13100 roo s? 6e lived in a II roo ansion and divorced his second 8ife on ? the ruse of "incurable insanity1 httpQPP888?volusia?orgPhistoryP)lagler?ht the -ouisville Courier Journal and %i es3 the International Press Institute and the +nglish Spea7ing 9nion of the 9nited States and 8as seen 8ith %he Nueen and Prince Philip on July <3 1<KJ :"%he Pilgri s of the 9nited States31 200L3 page 1O2=?

4ingha Ds son 4arry Jr?3 Pilgri s Society3 &rder of the 4ritish + pire3 chaired

Ja es Aloysius )arley3 Pilgri s Society3 ran )ran7lin RooseveltDs $e8 'or7 gubernatorial and presidential ca paigns and chaired the ,e ocratic $ational Co the ittee fro 1<L221<O03 after 8hich he chaired Coca Cola oney under +Gport Corporation222I< Co7e plants 8ere built by taGpayer httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPJa esR)arley 6e 8as a

isleading aegis of "+uropean reconstruction1 after (orld (ar II e ber of the

subversive A erican Acade y of Political and Social Science and the anti2 silver $e8 'or7 4oard of %rade? 6e 8as Post aster #eneral3 1<LL21<O0 and ordered notices posted at all post offices as to )ran7lin RooseveltDs +Gecutive &rder J102 co pelling A ericans to turn in their gold to the %reasury ,epart ent222

-ord .indersley3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain :1;K121<IO= beca e chair an of the fa ous international financial house of -a!ard in 1<1< and chair an of Rolls Royce? 6e 8as a director of the 4elo83 inner circle Pilgri s Society etals suppressing 4an7 of +ngland3 1<1O21<OJ and had huge holdings in Canadian $ational Rail8ay? e ber 0incent Astor 8ith )ran7lin entions Roosevelt? In "),R1 :200;= by Jean S ith3 ;;0 pages3 page 2<J AstorDs 2JL foot yacht?

),RDs 11 day cruise in 1<L23 the year before ),RDs gold grab3 on 0incent

John Jacob Astor 8or7ing 8ith us in the opiu


Just loo7 at us ban7ers3 8eDre a real sic7 paradeB 9nder titles and du7edo s 8e asMuerade3

4ad legislation in your Congress3 youDre betrayedB

0incent Astor3 descended fro

John Jacob Astor :1KJL21;O;= the "landlord of a7e its "convertible1

$e8 'or71 8ho 8as a director of the second 4an7 of the 9nited States :s ashed by Andre8 Jac7sonB= %he 4an7 8or7ed to notes inconvertible by reMuiring presentation of notes of branches at branches ost distantB AstorDs A erican )ur Co pany that defrauded native tribes and its o8n trappers 8as part of the 4ritish opiu trade in China httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPJohnRJacobRAstor %hatDs 8ho Astoria3 &regon is na ed forB AstorDs fortune s8elled to a 6i alayan scale 8ithin several years after he and his 4ritish associates caused the Panic of 1;LK by suspending specie rede ption of aFor ban7sB 0incent AstorDs 8ido83 e bers3 8as a e ber 4roo7e3 8ho beca e one of the fe8 fe ale Pilgri s Society of *rs? -yndon JohnsonDs 4eautification Co to re e ber ho8 -4J subtracted fro the lea7ed 1<;0 list3 five Astors 8ere 4ritain3 8ith -ord Astor as president? A

trustee of Roc7efeller 9niversity :(hoDs (ho3 1<;03 page 11;= and a

ittee in ,?C? (e are pro pted

the beautification of our coinage? As of e bers of %he Pilgri s of #reat e ber of the Royal %ha es 'acht

Club and the Je7yll Island Club :of )ederal Reserve infa y=3 0incent Astor 8as a director of Chase $ational 4an7E International *ercantile *arine Co panyE (estern 9nionE #reat $orthern Rail8ayE City @ Suburban 6o esE 9?S? %rust of $e8 'or7E and :8hy go through a list as long as your forear = the $e8 'or7 Cha ber of Co for eGa ple %he )oru erce3 an anti2silver oney organi!ation :see *aga!ine3 ,ece ber 1;<13 pages OK2 through OKJ=?

#uilt by associationA In this case3 100W absolutely correct? According to httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP0incentRAstor his grand other Caroline Astor "reigned over A erican society?1 0incent and ),R 8ere boyhood friendsE 0incent arried a Roosevelt relative in 1<O0B )ar fro and too7 orders fro being an ene y of those greater than (all Street3 ),R 8as one of the hi self? (eDll see cause of ),RDs discussed i

ore on these Astors laterB Could Astor have been a pages <L to 1KIB

etals theftA "6istory of the #reat A erican )ortunes1 :1<LJ= ense frauds eGecuted by the Astors fro

According to httpQPP888?ne8yor7socialdiary?co PnodePJ1J 0incent Astor "I$6+RI%+, PR&P+R%' A-- &0+R *A$6A%%A$ %6A% %&,A' (&9-, PR&4A4-' 4+ (&R%6 &0+R A 69$,R+, 4I--I&$?1 %he lin7 also entions that 0incent Astor and )ran7lin Roosevelt 8ere distant cousins? ),R and his eGtended fa ily have seen eGtensive interaction 8ith Pilgri s Society e bersE theyDve been trustees of Roosevelt 6ospital :4ayard any eGa ples ,o inic7 II3 governor of the $e8 'or7 Stoc7 +Gchange and associate of Avery Roc7efeller Jr?3 Pilgri s Society3 late 1<I0DsE there are such as Stuart Croc7er chair an of Colu bia #as Syste and director of

*organ #uaranty %rustE Ralph %? Reed3 chair an of A erican +Gpress and )rancis Pli pton3 A bassador to the 9nited $ations3 1<J121<JI and vice president of %he Pilgri s Society=E directors of Roosevelt Stea ship Co pany3 also 7no8n as Roosevelt -ines :6oyt A idon3 Pilgri s Society3 9nited States an of 0incent Astor3 Pilgri s %rust Co pany3 OI (all Street3 right hand eGecutive co

Society=E today 8e notice %ho as -? Pulling3 retired Citigroup official on the ittee of %he Pilgri s Society3 as a governor of the )ran7lin and e ber of the silver stealing +leanor Roosevelt Institute3 along 8ith a

*orgenthau fa ilyB Several glaring 4ritish connections are noticed 8ith the including Rivington (inant3 son of John ,? (inant3 Pilgri s Society3 once #overnor of $e8 6a pshire and A bassador to 4ritain :1<O121<OJ=? Isaac Roosevelt3 ),RDs grandfather3 started the 4an7 of $e8 'or7 in 1K<0E itDs no8 4an7 of $e8 'or7 *ellon3 a 7ey Pilgri s Society institution? In the horrifically perverse Roosevelt genealogy including the ,elano fa ily of opiu 8e additionally notice (illia hideous Sale dealers Stoughton3 prosecutor and Fudge of the

(itch %rials of 1J<221J<L3 in 8hich nineteen people 8ere

hung3 another 8as crushed to death3 and still others died in confine ent httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPJa esRRoosevelt3RSr?

%he Co

ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 *arch L03 1<LI3 page 210O3

reported ),R 8as a guest on 0incent AstorDs yacht "$our ahal1 also featuring 6is Royal 6ighness Prince #eorge of %he 6ouse of (indsor3 %he ,u7e of .ent3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain222

%he Co

ercial @ )inancial Chronicle reported on August 13 1<LJ3 page 8as $or an Ar our3 A erican diplo at in

JK23 ),RDs visit 8ith -ord %8eeds uir3 Pilgri s Society3 then 4ritish #overnor #eneral of CanadaE 8ith the eGecutive co ittee Canada3 8hose na e surfaced in the 1<J< lea7ed list of %he Pilgri s as an e ber? %he )ran7lin Roosevelt ad inistration has not been chronicled by any establish ent historian as a Pilgri s Society ad inistration222to do so 8ould be to forfeit tenure3 pensions3 grants and boo7 publishing dealsB

%he outgoing 6oover ad inistration 8asnDt in conflict 8ith the inco ing ),R ad inistrationE 6oover appointed $icholas Roosevelt 9nited States *inister to 6ungary in 1<L0? %he 1<2; (hoDs (ho3 page 1K<J sho8ed )ran7lin RooseveltDs office as I2 (all StreetE he 8as 8ith Pilgri s Society e ber John #? *ilburnDs la8 fir 3 1<0K21<10? %he 1<1O (hoDs (ho3 page 200;3 sho8ed ),R 8as a ban7er at that ti e3 on the board of )irst $ational 4an7 of Pough7eepsie3 $e8 'or7? ),RDs cousin3 #eorge + len Roosevelt3 al ost certainly a e ber of %he Pilgri s Society3 and at the start of the ),R ad inistration 8as a director of #uaranty %rust3 )rench2A erican 4an7ing3 Che ical 4an73 assorted railroad and other corporationsE and appeared on the #uaranty %rust board 8ith at least half a do!en confir ed Pilgri s Society e bers interloc7ing it in spider8eb fashion 8ith %aylor Call on Roosevelt1 Muoted Pilgri s Society re ar7ing222 "'&9 .$&( I CA$$&% %+-- '&9 (6A% I %A-.+, A4&9% (I%6 %6+ PR+SI,+$%?1 *organDs associate in that closed Society3 eeting 8as *yron C? %aylor3 Pilgri s e ber of the anti2silver 4an7ers Club in *anhattanE chair an of any other po8erful e ber J?P? *organ Jr? interests? %he $e8 'or7 %i es3 $ove ber 1K3 1<LL3 page 23 "*organ and

9nited States SteelE director )irst $ational 4an7 of $e8 'or7E *utual -ife InsuranceE $e8 'or7 Central RailroadE Atchison3 %ope7a @ Santa )e Rail8ayE A erican %elephone @ %elegraphE in 1<L< he beca e ),RDs personal representative 8ith ran7 of a bassador to the 0atican in Ro e until 1<I0 :an entity 8hich has its o8n do ain and has been in conflict 8ith 4ritain since 1ILL= 222

%aylor 8as a trustee of Cornell 9niversity and the A erican Acade y in Ro e? (i7ipedia says of ),RDs friend %aylor222 "*yron Charles %aylor :January 1;3 1;KO X *ay I3 1<I<= 8as one of the aFor figures in A erican life during the first half of the t8entieth century? 6e 8as probably A ericaUs leading industrialist and later a 7ey diplo atic figure at the hub of any of the ost2i portant geopolitical events before3 during3 and after (orld (ar II?1 Irving %? 4ush :1;J<21<O;=3 Pilgri s Society3 inherited illions fro his father and travelled around the 8orld in his yacht "Coronet1 in 1;;;21;;<? In spite of his inheritance3 he 8or7ed for Roc7efellerDs Standard &il Co pany as of 1;<0? 6e started 4ush %er inal Co pany in 1<02 8ith 12I 8arehouses3 ; piers and 1; buildings up to L0 stories tall covering L0 city bloc7s in South 4roo7lyn and recruited over L00 corporate tenants? %o this he added a short line railroad and the 4ush 4uilding in -ondon3 a Pilgri s Society land ar7? 6e 8as a e ber of the India 6ouse Club and the anti2silver $e8 'or7 State

Cha ber of Co the

erce? %he $e8 'or7 %i es3 *arch K3 1<LL3 page 23 oney? 6e had around 2I3000 e ployees

"+ ployees %old $ot to 6oard1 4ush sent a circular to his e ployees urging not to hoard httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPIrvingR%?R4ush 6is Pilgri s Society buddies 8ere Fust then assaging a ban7ing crisis helping their boy )ran7lin Roosevelt to sei!e gold fro A ericans222

Irving 4ush3 descended fro

a ,utch an 8ho arrived in $orth A erica in erce Co pany3 holding original odern otion pictures3 the

1JJ23 8as chair an of Continental Co

patents on %ho as +disonDs forerunner of

7inetoscope3 opening the 8orldDs first

ovie parlor in 1;<O in -ondon? 6e 8as

a large scale operator in the banana i porting business3 and during (orld (ar I chaired the (ar 4oard of the Port of $e8 'or7? 6e 8as a ong the founders in 1<22 of #rand Central Art #alleries and 8as rated a ong the O0 8ealthiest A ericans? (hen the 4ush 4uilding 8as finished in 1<2< in -ondon3 it 8as the 8orldDs ost eGpensive building httpQPP8i7i apia?orgP1KO0OP4ush26ouse and has long been headMuarters of the 4ritish 4roadcasting Corporation :Pilgri s Society=? Irving 4ush 8asnDt related to the presidential 4ush fa ily :Pilgri s Society=? Statues seen belo8 are at entrance to the 4ush 6ouse in -ondon3 representing the utual 8orld conspiracy of the "Pilgri Partners1 222

Clarence *ott (oolley3 :Pilgri s Society3 no photo=3 8as a

e ber of the

anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or73 organi!ed A erican Radiator Co pany in cooperation 8ith the J?P? *organ interestsE it controlled the aFority of indoor heating fro ar7et in A erica? 6e 8as a director of %he Pilgri s SocietyDs direct subsidiary3 the Council on )oreign Relations :C)R= 1<L221<LI and a director of the anti2silver )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or7 and 6otel (aldorf AstoriaE #old ,ust CorporationE Atlantic *utual InsuranceE Atchison3 %ope7a @ Santa )e Rail8ayE Continental InsuranceE ,ela8are3 -ac7a8anna @ (estern RailroadE *utual -ife InsuranceE %eGas #ulf SulphurE trustee Colu bia 9niversityE St? -a8rence 9niversityE e ber India 6ouse Club3 Japan Society :(hoDs (ho3 1<O13 page 2;L0=?

-e8is -atha

Clar7e :born 1;K13 no photo=3

e ber of %he Pilgri s Society3

beca e a governor in 1<1I of the anti2silver 4an7ers Club of A erica? 6e headed A erican +Gchange $ational 4an7 8hich beca e Irving %rust Co pany at 1 (all Street? 6e chaired .en!el Corporation :na ed after his 8ifeDs fa ilyDs interests= and also $e8 'or7 @ 6onduras Rosario *ining Co pany3 a gold and silver producer in t8o central A erican nationsE director of 6o e Inde nity Co panyE 6o e Insurance Co panyE 4alti ore A erican InsuranceE $ational -iberty Insurance Co panyE City of $e8 'or7 InsuranceE $e8 'or7 %itle @ *ortgageE #ibraltar )ire @ *arine InsuranceE %el2Autograph CorporationE Postal %elegraph CableE S8ift @ Co pany ChicagoE 4o8ery Savings 4an7E (orthington Pu p @ *achineryE Co ercial CableE A erican -oco otive Co panyE *ontreal -oco otive (or7sE 6udson @ *anhattan RailroadE *ontana3 (yo ing @ Southern RailroadE $orfol7 @ Southern RailroadE Shell 9nion &il Co panyE Sprec7les Sugar CorporationE S8eets Co pany of A ericaE :assorted (hoDs (ho volu es=? %he $e8 'or7 %i es3 August 1I3 1<LO3 page 2I3 "President 6ears 4an7ing +Gperts1 reported #eorge -? 6arrison of the )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or7 conferred 8ith ),R3 8ho later appointed 6arrison3 Pilgri s Society3 an overseer of the silver using *anhattan ProFect that developed the ato ic bo b? 6arrison 8as in on the decision to deploy it 8ithout 8arning against Japan222

%he 1<I2 (hoDs (ho3 page 10II3 sho8s 6arrison a eGecutive co

e ber of %he Pilgri s

itteeE a director of )irst $ational City 4an7E 6arper @ 4rothers e ber $e8 'or7 State 4an7ing 4oardE trustee Colu bia onetary proble s to the +cono ic Cooperation Policy Co ittee on Ato ic +nergy? e ber of the deviously na ed

PublishersE RCA CorporationE -ife Insurance Association of A ericaE Institute of -ife InsuranceE co 9niversityE )oreign Service +ducational )oundationE chair an advisory ittee on fiscal and Ad inistration and chair an Interi

)rederic7 6? +c7er3 Pilgri s Society and

$ational Security -eague3 beca e chair an of *etropolitan -ife Insurance in 1<LJ3 and a director of Chicago3 Illinois @ (estern RailroadE Chicago @ +ast Illinois RailroadE ,enver @ (estern Rio #rande RailroadE Saint -ouis @ San )rancisco Rail8ayE (estern Pacific RailroadE Interborough Rapid %ransitE (heeling @ +astern Rail8ayE $e8 'or7 Casualty Co panyE Provident -oan SocietyE 9nion ,i e Savings 4an7E Consolidated +dison of $e8 'or7E #reater $e8 'or7 )undE and the anti2silver $e8 'or7 State Cha ber of Co erce and the silver suppressing Chase $ational 4an7E additionally3 he 8as a director of 9nited States @ )oreign Securities Corporation3 fro

8hence ca e Pilgri s Society Secretary ra7ed in

e ber ,ouglas ,illon3 8ho as %reasury ban7s in the id 1<J0Ds222

ega illions of silver coins fro

I hope this is starting to catch the readerDs interest3 as the land ar7 L12 page su er 200< ite on ),RDs gold and silver sei!ure 8as ignored by the etals organi!ation 8hich evinces that it regards gate7eeper of a particular

itself :hi self= as the top site in the P* universeE yet3 nothing distantly co parable has been offered any8here else? IDve heard privately fro e bers positive state ents about y 8or7E thatDs 8hat atters of i atters3 not etals personality issues? (e should all 8or7 together to prevent a second nationali!ation rather than bic7ering about

easurably less ethods of

i portance? Actually it 8ould be a PRI0A%I/A%I&$ because this private :secret= group 8ould be behind it222%he Pilgri s Society 8ith their includes destruction of potential co petitors by "sei!ing the 8ealth necessary1 for their neo24ritish + pire purposes3 8hich eans of prevention of capital for ation outside the sphere of their influenceB 6ereDs a s all

eGa ple of the content of the Su

er 200< ite 3 L12 pages3 "*etals the Co ercial @ )inancial

Confiscation )acts And Prospects31 fro Chronicle222

$ot only did the secret organi!ation use the President and %reasury Secretary to "sei!e the 8ealth necessary31 they caused to be published the "6oarders of Silver1 docu ent :see Archives of Silver Investor=? 4y the ti e frightened A ericans had been sMuee!ed of all the silver :gold 8as sei!ed first= the nationali!ation had clai ed so e 11L30L13000 ounces of silverB %hat 8ould be li7e ordering 11L30L1 investors :silver savers= today holding 13000 ounces each to turn it in? $o one3 not the Silver 9sers Association or the %reasury3 7no8s Fust ho8 today? I believe itDs uch silver A ericans o8n ore than 11L*&/? %he bad boys 8ould have a better

idea than any of us3 but 8ould intentionally overstate the a ount? (as all the silver o8ned by A ericans turned in under ),RDs illegal3 anti2Jac7sonian orderA $ot at allE ho8ever3 there is no 8ay to 7no8 ho8 uch 8as 7ept bac7? (hile coin silver 8as eGe pted then3 it 8ould certainly not be eGe pted if %he Pilgri s Society pulls this "sei!ure of the 8ealth necessary1 stunt again? At the ti e ),R said the silver 8as needed in the %reasury so as to for a specified ratio to gold as onetary base for the currency? 'et3 as of those for hard goldB %here the very start of his felonious ad inistration in *arch 1<LL3 A ericans couldnDt even retain gold notes3 let alone redee is no Pilgri s Society onetary base if convertibility is deniedB Isaac Selig an3 charter e ber in 1<0L3 international financier 8ith Rothschild lin7s3

had a 7id brother na ed +d8in :1;J121<L<= 8ho 8as an econo ics professor at Colu bia 9niversity under the tenure of $icholas *urray 4utler3 then also president of %he Pilgri s 9nited States? 6ereDs 8hat +d8in had to say about unbac7ed paper currency :$e8 'or7 %i es3 $ove ber 13 1<LL= 222 ",eclaring that even a larger issue of paper currency need not cause alar 3 Professor Selig an predicts restoration of the nationDs econo ic eMuilibriu ? In all probability3 there 8ill be no uncontrolled inflation3 Professor Selig an predicts?1 Selig an stated222

"It is true that there

ay be in store for us a larger issue of paper currency and

that3 too3 before very long? 49% %6IS $++, 9PS+% $& &$+? $&R $++, A$'&$+ )+AR 49,#+%AR' I$)-A%I&$ &$ %6+ #R&9$, %6A% %6+ #&0+R$*+$% IS SP+$,I$# 69#+ S9*S A$, 4&RR&(I$# %6+ *&$+' %& ,& S&?1 $ationali!e gold and silver3 then flood the nation 8ith inflation notes3 gradually reducing the iddle class to serfdo over a ulti2generation oney econo ist3 periodE this has transpiredB Professor Selig an3 fiat brother of a Pilgri s Society inflation= 222

e ber :the hidden faction that benefits fro

%his corrupt professor 8as president of the anti2silver A erican +cono ic Association3 1<0221<0OE finance consultant to the -eague of $ations3 1<222 1<2LE and a e ber of the anti2silver Royal +cono ic Society? #eorge )oster Peabody3 Pilgri s Society3 and )ran7lin Roosevelt 8ere friendsE naturally their vie8s agreed? Peabody 8as a partner in Spencer3 %ras7 @ Co pany3 8hich played a leading role in financing electric lighting corporations and railroad construction in the (est and in *eGico? Peabody held large interests in +dison +lectric and beca e a director of #eneral +lectric and any other corporations including *eGican *etallurgical Co pany3 *eGican -ead Co pany3 *eGican Co7e @ Coal Co pany3 4road8ay Realty3 and Southern I prove ent Co pany? 6e 8as a director of the )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or73 1<1O21<21? 6e 8as a trustee of the 9niversity of #eorgia and treasurer of the Southern +ducation 4oard and a director of John ,? Roc7efellerDs :Pilgri s Society= #eneral +ducation 4oard? ,uring 1;<J21<0I he 8as treasurer of the ,e ocratic $ational Co ,efends the President3 ,eclaring Roosevelt Seldo +rrs1 222 ittee? %he ,ece ber 103 1<LL $e8 'or7 %i es3 section II3 page O3 "Peabody ",uring his career in ban7ing and policies3 *r? Peabody added3 6+ 6A, A PAR% I$ ,+)+A%I$# 4I*+%A--IS* and reached the conclusion that it is absurd to depend on a Roosevelt has etal not possible of eGpansion or contraction as a ista7es as any an IDve heard of?1 the onetary and bust31 8hich is standard of value? %he ban7er re ar7ed that he called hi self a radical? *r? ade as fe8 4y "defeating bi etallis 1 he eant3 "eGcluding silver fro eant "boo

syste ?1 4y "eGpansion or contraction1 he necessary31 as in the &ctober 1<2< stoc7

of course a great 8ay for Pilgri s Society financiers to "sei!e the 8ealth ar7et crash? Pilgri s Society e ber #eorge )oster Peabody 8as according to httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP#eorgeR)osterRPeabody "an unofficial counselor to any govern ent officials1 :he passed 8ord to the as to 8hat

to do= and 8as on the eGecutive co against silver populist (illia

ittee of the Indianapolis *onetary

Convention of 1;<K3 an anti2silver event3 and bac7ed the "#old ,e ocrats1 Jennings 4ryan? Peabody3 Pilgri s Society silver stealer222

Just after

e bers of %he Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain 8rec7ed the 8orld ar7ets and A ericansB eans of the ining interests3 e bers of %he Pilgri s

econo y by de oneti!ing IndiaDs silver and du ping it on 8orld going off the gold standard in Septe ber 1<L13 Society of the 9nited States oved to sei!e gold and silver fro

%hey additionally conspired to drive China off its centuries old silver standard3 badly da aged by #reat 4ritainDs attac7 against silver3 by Silver Purchase Act of 1<LO3 8hich 8hile helping A erican suc7ed so abandoned silver

uch silver out of China that by $ove ber L3 1<LI3 China oney? 6uge a ounts of silver 8ere still 8idely dispersed

in China3 later sei!ed by the Co onto 8orld

unists3 and gradually du ped :leased= e bers 8ith their

ar7ets at the behest of these Pilgri s Society

control over the offices of the President and the Secretary of State3 and helped along by Council of Co eans of front organi!ations such as the China2A erica erce @ Industry :%ho as J? (atson Sr? of I4* and %he AleGander 6e8itt3 Pilgri s Society3 director arried into the ,eere fortune of anufacturers= 222

Pilgri s Society= and successor organi!ations including the $ational Council for 9?S?PChina %rade :(illia Chase *anhattan 4an7 and A?%? @ %? 8ho agricultural eMuip ent

I canDt buy the concept that anyone in China has used JP*organChase as "dupes1 in silver? ItDs these Anglo2A ericans 8ho are deeply conspiratorial3 far ore so than "inscrutable &rientals?1 In any case3 itDs our do estic e bers 8ho stand atop the A erican establish ent 8ho etals o8nership rights and Pilgri s Society

8e have to be concerned about concerning our

planned attac7s against those rights fro

eGcessive taGation to

nationali!ation? I agine sei!ing precious assets of fantastic tangible 8orth and "paying1 for those assets in paper credits they have the )ederal Reserve conFure out of nothingB %his can be avoidedE eGpose the B I) C+R%AI$ *+%A-S SI%+S ,&$D% -I$. %6IS3 AS. %6+* %& S94&R,I$A%+ P+RS&$A-I%' ISS9+S %& PR&P+R%' RI#6%SB Re e ber I have nothing to sell and accept no contributions222this is a 100W nonprofit effort on y part? Ja es ,? /irin3 (all Street attorney 8ith Sidley Austin --P :13J00 attorneys=3 8ho gave SIKO3<L; to &ba a 200; see 888?opensecrets?org is currently on the eGecutive co ittee of %he Pilgri s3 $e8 'or73 served as a 9nited States Attorney for the Southern ,istrict of $e8 'or7 under Robert *? *orgenthau3 son of this gold and silver stealing %reasury SecretaryE Robert *orgenthau gre8 up 7no8ing )ran7lin RooseveltB Robert also 8as 8ith the Pilgri s Society la8 fir of Patterson3 4el7nap @ (ebb :200 attorneys=? e ber Cyrus *orgenthau recently retired at age <0 as ,istrict Attorney of $e8 'or7 County3 succeeded by Cyrus 0ance Jr?3 son of Pilgri s Society 0ance3 Secretary of State3 1<KK21<;03 son in la8 of John Sloane3 another e berB /irin :seen 8ith his 8ife *arlene 6ess of the A erada 6ess oil and gas fortune3 previously supervised by Pilgri s Society Roc7efeller )oundation and is a e ber (illia S? Renchard of Che ical 4an7= has 8or7ed for *errill -ynch3 Citiban7 and the e ber of the eGecutive co ittee of %he Pilgri s Society currently222

*uch has been said of 4lythe *asters of JP*organChase being the 7ey string puller in the silver short fraud? ItDs troubling enough that sheDs fro +ngland3 but consider also that httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP4lytheR*asters stated her as a director as of *ay 2010 of the $ational ,ance Institute :8hatDs that got to do 8ith silver stealers222P-+$%'B= At httpQPPcityfile?co PprofilesPFenny2 orgenthau 8e see Jenny *orgenthau3 granddaughter of Pilgri s Society e ber3 grand scale silver stealer 6enry 8e notice a Rothschild on *orgenthau Jr? is an $,I director and also at httpQPP888?nationaldance?orgPaboutRboard?ht

the $,I board? In scouting for an i age of 4lythe3 I received a $orton Anti2 0irus notice several ti es that an attac7 on event sheDs under orders fro 8ould be head of such a silver stealing Pilgri s Society y co puter 8as bloc7edB In any y last !inc cent is a e ber Ja ie ,i on3 8ho IDd bet aFor

e ber? As any Pilgri s Society

iddle class s ashing institution li7e etals )ederal Reserve 4an7 of e bers ta7ing actions

JP*organChase3 heDs also a trustee of the Roc7efeller controlled 9niversity of Chicago and a director of the anti2precious $e8 'or7? $,I could provide for contact in an innocuous setting? %here are enough instances of Pilgri s Society against silver to establish a decisive pattern of planned intent to cripple silver prices3 to destroy silver as currency3 to inhibit o8nership of gold and silver fro the highest official levels3 that 8e 8ill resu e sho8ing a procession of these revolting thieves as follo8s3 and it is no co plete listing3 for in addition to concerns of li itations of readers ti e3 infor ation on 8ho these Pilgri s are re ains frag entary? -ea7ed lists3 a fe8 rare volu es3 one instance of Congressional testi ony on August 1<3 1<O0 and a fe8 other sources such as (hoDs (ho volu es are all 8e have to go on? I a grateful to *r? Joel 0an e ,er ReiFden of the Institute for the Study of #lobali!ation for for8arding to

a 1<;0 list of %he Pilgri s in eGchange for the 1<J< Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain list I 8as able to provide to hi ? 6e in turn appreciates his Muiet source in the 9?S? 8ho ca e across the list and 8as so thoughtful as to for8ard it to hi ? (e are hopeful of additional cooperative efforts in ti es to co e? I 8as entioned at httpQPP888? ail2archive?co Pcia2 drugsYyahoogroups?co P sg0OJO<?ht l 222 "Just before I 8anted to upload all the updates3 including those done in the 1001 and the Jason #roup e bership lists3 Charles Savoie3 the $o? 1 Pilgri s Society researcher3 decided to share so e ne8 info he had co e across? &ne of those things is this si ple :Muite a using= $e8 'or7 ,aily $e8s gossip article3 8hich confir s the e bership of Richard C? 6olbroo7e

and Peter #? Peterson? As you can see in

y intro article3 I have long e ber? %al7 about having ay the

suspected Peterson of being a Pilgri s Society so e good luc7?1 If you as7

e3 0an ,er ReiFden is the nu ber 1E so3 by such eGa ples3 unity

etals co

a7e their goals the pri ary i portance3 rather than ost i portant functionary? I offer SI3000 for any ore recently3 subFect to verification by

personality contests or popularity ran7ings? Peterson is possibly ,avid Roc7efellerDs single Pilgri s list dated 2000 or

genealogy3 institutional3 corporate and diplo atic connections? (e need to 7no8 8ho the high Cro8n agents are currently in $orth A erica? %his is no incite ent to any illegal actE you 8ill be as7ed ho8 you ca e by the docu entB %he ost appropriate eans to obtain the list is by Congressional refuse and be subpoena3 since the organi!ation is not cooperative? -et the incentive stands? Sir 6enry Stra7osch3 Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain and chair an of 9nion Corporation of South Africa3 gold the Royal Co iners3 starting in 1<2O3 8as a e ber of ended ission on Indian Currency and )inance that reco

held in conte pt of CongressB %his is the best route to follo8E other8ise the

IndiaDs silver be de oneti!ed and the country s8itched to a fa7e gold standard3 under 8hich only persons holding the eMuivalent of over S;3000 9?S? in paper rupees could eGchange the for gold? China (ee7ly Revie8 $ov 1I3 1<L03 page L<I stated222 "%6+ 4RI%IS6 6A0+ %A.+$ S%+PS %& PR+0+$% %6+ $A%I0+S )R&* 6&AR,I$# #&-, and thus draining e pire vaults? I$,IA$ C9RR+$C' IS R+,++*A4-+ I$ #&-, 49% &$-' I$ -AR#+ A*&9$%S? I) &$+ 6AS S;3000 I$ PAP+R *&$+' 6+ CA$ #& %& %6+ 4A$. A$, #+% I%S +N9I0A-+$% I$ #&-,? 49% $&% *A$' I$,IA$S AR+ -I.+-' %& ACC9*9-A%+ AS *9C6 AS S;3000?1

%he *ining Congress Journal3 Septe ber 1<L03 page J;13 reported that the 4ritish + pire controlled K1?O percent of 8orld gold outputE undoubtedly in their rationale for attac7ing silverB Stra7osch 8as a e ber of the anti2silver Stable *oney Association3 along 8ith silver user #eorge +ast an of +ast an2.oda7B

6ilton 'oung3 the first 4aron .ennet3 Pilgri s Society3 headed the Royal Co ission222

4aron .ennet later chaired the IraM Currency 4oard going into (orld (ar II3 had railroad3 real estate and ti ber interests3 Foined the boards of +nglish +lectric and 6udsonDs 4ay Co pany and 8as a friend of funny econo ist John *aynard .eynes3 8ho testified before the Royal Co that silver 8as no longer needed222 oney ission

%he report of the Royal Co oversee the

ission on Indian Currency and )inance 8as ar7et

sub itted to -ord Ir8in3 then 4ritish 0iceroy of India3 8ho proceeded to elting and du ping of Indian silver rupees on the 8orld by the hundreds of illions of ounces3 crashing the silver price to an all ti e aFority of the buying po8er of India and the A erican industry could no longer eGport ine 8or7ers to choose banditry as the urder of A erican silver ine o8ners

historical lo8 of 2O?I cents per ounce in )ebruary 1<L13 triggering the #reat ,epression by 8iping out the )ar +ast and China3 to 8ho goods3 thro8ing

illions of 8or7ers out of Fobs and into the free!ing cold in

8interti e3 forcing *eGican silver corn they could subsist on3 inciting the

only alternative to starvation after their govern ent couldnDt send in enough by laid off 8or7ers :$e8 'or7 %i es3 June L3 1<L03 page L2= A$, CA9SI$#

I$%+$%I&$A- S+0+R+ ,A*A#+ %& SI-0+R 6&-,+RS A$, *I$+RS A-&0+R %6+ (&R-,222

"+$#-A$, 6AS CA9S+, %6IS 6A0&C %& %6+ (&R-,DS )I$A$C+S1

222John 4risben (al7er3 founder of Cos opolitan *aga!ine3 $e8 'or7 %i es3 )ebruary L3 1<L13 page 2O?

"SI-0+R *I$+RS %6R&9#6&9% %6+ (&R-, AR+ 4A,-' 6I%1

222China (ee7ly Revie83 January 1K3 1<L13 page 2OO? "$&$+ .$+( 4+%%+R %6A$ +$#-IS6*+$ %6A% SI-0+R AS %6+ P+&P-+DS *&$+' (AS 4+I$# R9I$+,1 222letter to $e8 'or7 %i es3 Septe ber 1O3 1<L23 page 20? -ord Ir8in :above=3 #rand Co ander of the Star of India3 beca e %he +arl of 6alifaG and 8as president of %he Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain3 1<I021<I;? 6is grandfather 8as 4ritish Secretary of State for IndiaE his fa ily looted India and China for generations3 and facilitated their looting for their blue blooded cronies? %he first +arl of 6alifaG3 1JJ121K1I3 beca e -ord of the %reasury in 1J<2 and according to (i7ipedia "the national debt originated fro his proposalE1 he introduced the bill creating the 4an7 of +ngland in 1J<O and beca e Chancellor of the +GcheMuer? Sir 4asil 4lac7ett3 Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain3 authored "Planned *oney1 :1<L2= and 8as a director of ,e 4eers Consolidated ,ia ond *ines and the 4an7 of +ngland? 6e 8as a the Anglo2)rench )inancial Co ission and an earlier Royal Co e ber of ission on

Indian )inance and Currency3 1<1L21<1O3 8hich paved the 8ay for the sabotage against silver done by the successor co chair an of the Senate )inance Co ission in 1<2I21<2J? "Responsibility for the lo8ered value of silver is bla ed by Reed S oot3 ittee upon "a great po8er31 8hich he did not na e?1222$e8 'or7 %i es3 &ctober 13 1<L03 page 2;

"%he fact that the 4ritish #overn ent for India had S+0+RA- 69$,R+, *I--I&$ &9$C+S %6A% I% *I#6% ,9*P &$ %6+ *AR.+%S &) %6+ (&R-, $&% &$-' R+,9C+, %6+ PRIC+ &) SI-0+R &$+26A-) 49%3 4' I%S %6R+A% %& )9R%6+R I$,+)I$I%+-' R+,9C+ S9C6 PRIC+3 ,+S%R&'+, I%S 0A-9+ )&R CR+,I%? %he result 8as inevitable? PA$IC +CIS%S A*&$# *&R+ %6A$ 6A-) %6+ P+&P-+ &) %6+ (&R-, (6&S+ 49'I$# P&(+R IS *+AS9R+, S&-+-' I$ SI-0+R? It has cut in t8o the purchasing po8er of China3 *eGico3 South A erica3 Asia and several +uropean countries? It has ade credit transactions 8ith such silver using countries practically i possible? %he reaction has been felt throughout the 8orld?1 $e8 'or7 %i es3 ,ece ber K3 1<L03 section III3 pages 122 "*inister .ung Reco ends Adoption of #old Standard222.uo *in $e8s Agency222$an7ing3 January 1I3 1<L0222Peace and general security throughout the country so as to give i petus to trade and industry in the funda ental and Industry3 Co ost effective easure for relieving the present financial ar7et3 ,r? 6?6? .ung3 *inister of crisis in conseMuence of the declining silver

erce and -abor3 said at a press intervie8 today? *inister

.ung further stated that the #overn ent had been infor ed that C+R%AI$

9$SCR9P9-&9S *A$IP9-A%&RS I$ S6A$#6AI 6A, 4++$ P9RP&S+)9--' 9PS+%%I$# %6+ SI-0+R *AR.+% )&R P+RS&$A- #AI$S and the report is no8 under investigation so that the culprits ay be properly dealt 8ith?1
:.ung 8as another version of Charlie Soong3 .ungDs father in la8 :1;JL2 1<1;=3 the first international student at ,u7e 9niversity3 endo8ed by charter Pilgri s Society e ber 4enFa in ,u7e of the A erican %obacco Co pany fortuneE ,u7e +nergy3 a giant utility3 is their fortuneDs cornerstone todayE later Soong transferred to 0anderbilt 9niversity3 site of the anti2silver A erican +cono ic Association? &ne of SoongDs sons beca e chair an of the 4an7 of

Canton? %he (orld *oney Po8er3 preparatory to destroying ChinaDs silver syste %here 8as no proble proble installed its agents in 7ey positions?= of 4ritish India deluging 8orld ar7ets 8ith silver in

order to 8rec7 pricesB %he profiteers referred to in Shanghai2228hat 8as the 8ith the 2228ere they long silverA .ung 8as a 'ale 9niversity 6arvard? .ung beca e graduate222sa e effect as Soong co ing fro

*inister of )inance3 1<LL21<OOE Pre ier of the Chinese Republic3 1<L;21<L<E and governor of the China Central 4an73 1<LL21<OI? And guess 8hatB .ung 8as SoongDs brother in la8B 6?6? .ung3 betrayer of his people to anti2silver (estern ban7ing interests of %he Pilgri s Society3 8ho in 1<LI as head of the Chinese central ban7 prohibited the circulation of silver dollars A$, 4A$$+, PRI0A%+ &($+RS6IP &) SI-0+R and then the "Pinyin1 8as issued3 a fiat paper note eaning "legal tender1=22

%he April I3 1<L1 China (ee7ly Revie83 page 1JO noted222 "+ven in 1<L0 8hen silver had reached the then all2ti e lo8 of LO cents an ounce3 4RI%IS6 I$,IA 9$,+R S9C6 P&-IC' %6R+( &$ A$ A-R+A,' SA%9RA%+, *AR.+% 2<3I003000 &9$C+S &) SI-0+R? %6+ -AS% %6R+A, &) C&$)I,+$C+ A$, 6&P+ I$ %6+ *I$,S &) %6+ P+&P-+ &) %6+ SI-0+R 9SI$# C&9$%RI+S (AS 4R&.+$ A$, SP+C9-A%&RS I$ A-C&9$%RI+S C&**+$C+, %& ,9*P SI-0+R &$ %6+ *AR.+%?1 Sir Philip Sassoon3 Pilgri s Society3 8hose inherited a other 8as Caroline Rothschild3 trade3 in 8hich the (arsE assive fortune founded in the 4ritish opiu

drug gro8n in India 8as sent into China3 8hich caused the t8o &piu violence3 4ritish forces opened fire after pay ent in silver 8as 9sers And &piu 1 at Silver Investor Archives= also

pay ent for the drug 8as de anded in silverE in one large scale incident of ade3 8hen their assurance 8as given to not attac7 if the silver 8as delivered :See "Silver httpQPPinpursuitofhappiness?8ordpress?co P200KP10P01Pthe2sassoon2 opiu 28arsP and httpQPPlyndonlarouche?orgPlarouche2britishI?pdf and httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPSassoonRfa ily I 8ould have phrased so e accounts differently in placesE ho8ever the actual facts stand as is222the Sassoons dealt in tens of thousands of chests of opiu B :(eight un7no8n but considerable=? %he $e8 'or7 ,aily $e8s3 &ctober 1I3 1;I; ade reference to the >Parlia entary 4lue 4oo7> 8hich clai ed that 4ritish eGport2i port trade 8ith Fust the t8o cities of Canton and Shanghai3 for the years 1;OO through 1;IJ3 a ounted to fantastic su E this3 fro syste B 4ritish opiu ore than OLK3K003000 pounds sterling3 a truly oney the people 8ho today control the 8orldUs

"eGports1 into China pea7ed in 1;;0 8ith 10I3I;0 urderous business3 as 8e

chestsB %he Sassoons 8ere not alone in that filthy3

8ill see laterB )a ily entities included the Sassoon 4an7ing Co pany of China @ -ondonE +astern 4an7E 4an7 of ChinaE I perial 4an7 of PersiaE 4an7 of China @ JapanE 4ritish 4ur a Petroleu and others? %?0? Soong3 son of

Charlie SoongDs sellout ban7er fa ily 8e Fust read about 8as the Sassoon agent running the 4an7 of China? (e can only guess at the i of silver suc7ed out of China during the opiu ense a ounts trade and ho8 they 8ere used silver that 8as the

to depress silver valuationsE instead of bla ing Co stoc7 -ode silver for the Panic of 1;<L3 it could actually have been 4ritish opiu source of asserted oversupplyE the ain cause 8as coordinated ban7er

8hipsa8ing of the financial syste 3 8hich they and their pet econo ists then bla ed on silverB %he Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain lea7ed list3 1<;03 sho8s %he ,u7e of -einster3 a Sassoon relation? %he (i7ipedia entry on Sir Philip Sassoon has no ention of his opiu and silver fortune222

%his organi!ation3 %he Pilgri s Society3 7no8n to so fe8 outsiders3 has dragged the 8orld to8ards fiat currencies3 destabili!ed silver and gold as oney3 annihilated the finances of billions3 and 8ill stop at nothing till its goal is reali!edE and 8hat is thatA %o be able to say and have carried out things such as "I (A$% %6A% *A$ .I--+,1 and "4RI$# %6A% (&*A$ %& *+E1 absolute po8er3 thatDs all the dignified bastards 8antB Revie8 the follo8ing Muotations and be convinced as to their 8ar on onetary silver222 "%he natural la8 of supply and de and3 reasonably constant over a period of a century3 (AS %6R&($ I$%& C6A&S 4' %6+ SI-0+R ,+-9#+3 A$, )A--I$# PRIC+S R&44+, (I%6I$ A '+AR &$+ 6A-) &) %6+ 69*A$ RAC+ &) &$+ 6A-) &) %6+IR (+A-%6 A$, %6+IR P9RC6ASI$# P&(+R?1 222$evada Senator .ey Pitt an3 China (ee7ly Revie83 January L13 1<L13 page L1; "49% %6+ (&RS% IS '+% %& C&*+3 4+CA9S+ %6+ 4RI%IS6 #&0+R$*+$% )&R I$,IA S%I-- 6AS S+0+RA- 69$,R+, *I--I&$ &9$C+S &) SI-0+R *&$+' %6A% I% I$%+$,S %& CAS% 9P&$ %6+ *AR.+% &) %6+ (&R-, I$ %6+ )&R* &) 49--I&$? %6+ *AR.+% CA$$&% C&$S9*+ I%? %6+R+ IS $&% A ,+*A$, )&R I%3 A$, S9C6 A %6R+A% (I-- 6&-, ,&($ %6+ PRIC+ &) SI-0+R A$, I) CARRI+, &9% *A' A4S&-9%+-' ,+S%R&' I%S 0A-9+ AS A *+AS9R+ &) (+A-%63 AS *&$+'3 A$, AS A$ I$S%R9*+$% )&R %6+ CARR'I$# &$ &) %RA,+ A$, C&**+RC+?1222 C(R3 January L13 1<L13 page LLJ $evada Senator .ey Pitt an3 in the China (ee7ly Revie83 January L13 1<L13 page LLJ3 stated222 "%6+ 4RI%IS6 #&0+R$*+$% )&R I$,IA 4' I%S P&-IC' 6AS S%R9C. ,&($ %6+ (+A-%6 &) I$,IA A$, ,+S%R&'+, %6+ P9RC6ASI$# P&(+R &) I%S S94J+C%S? It has not only inFured its o8n subFects but it has

eMually and in the sa e

anner destroyed the purchasing po8er of China3

South A erica3 *eGico3 and every silver using country in the 8orld? %his has disastrously reduced the eGport trade of the 9nited States and every other country? %he producers of silver3 although a s all group by co parison 8ith all of the other groups affected3 have suffered even producers of other co ore deeply than the odities? *I$+S %6R&9#6&9% %6+ (&R-, 6A0+

4++$ C&*P+--+, %& C-&S+3 A,,I$# 69$,R+,S &) %6&9SA$,S &) I,-+ *+$ %& %6+ 6&R,+ &) 9$+*P-&'+,?1 "+))&R%S (+R+ *A,+ %& I$,9C+ %6+ 4RI%IS6 #&0+R$*+$% )&R I$,IA %& *&,I)' S9C6 P&-IC'3 49% S9C6 +))&R%S )AI-+,?1222China (ee7ly Revie83 January L13 1<L13 page LLJ "%6+ PR&#RA* &) %6+ 4RI%IS6 #&0+R$*+$% )&R I$,IA 6AS 4++$ ,+S%R9C%I0+ &) %6+ (+A-%63 P9RC6ASI$# P&(+R A$, PR&SP+RI%' $&% &$-' &) %6+ P+&P-+ &) I$,IA 49% &) +0+R' C&9$%R' %6A% 9S+S SI-0+R )&R *&$+' A$, I$J9RI&9S %& %6+ PR&SP+RI%' &) %6+ (&R-,?1222$evada Silver Senator .ey Pitt an3 China (ee7ly Revie83 April O3 1<L13 page 1JO "A -AR#+ $9*4+R &) C6I$+S+ AR+ )&RC+, %& -&&% %& -I0+?1222 Senator .ey Pitt an3 China (ee7ly Revie83 April I3 1<L13 page 1JO In )oreign Affairs3 publication of the Council &n )oreign Relations :C)R3 direct unofficial subsidiary of %he Pilgri s Society=3 flun7y 6erbert 4? +lliston3 in "%he Silver Proble 31 April 1<L13 pages OO12OIJ vo ited out the follo8ing ban7er blather222 "%he history of the de oneti!ation of silver goes bac7 over a hundred years? I% 6AS *ARC6+, 6A$, I$ 6A$, (I%6 %6+ I*PR&0+*+$% &) -I0I$# S%A$,AR,S?1


lapping shit bag econo ists li7e +lliston have no scruples as to lyingE 8e already sa8 that the silver de oneti!ation of 1;KL "caused illions of

deaths1 by starvationB 6e had no gripe over the 4ritish suspending conversion of paper rupee notes into silverB In A erica3 the une ployed relied on soup 7itchens to subsist222

Another convincer of Pilgri s Society attac7s on silver causing Foblessness222

After the 1<1; unrest over note rede ption3 4ritish

ilitary presence in India

8as increased so as to be able to scre8 silver overB +lliston3 8hile at the C)R3 8or7ed for John (? ,avis3 president of the C)R3 1<2121<LL? ,avis3 Pilgri s Society e ber3 8as Solicitor #eneral of the 9nited States3 1<1L21<1;3 arguing for the govern ent at the Supre e CourtE and 8as A bassador to +ngland3 1<1;21<213 during 8hich ti e he helped i ple ent the Pitt an Act of 1<1;3 providing his "Pilgri they could Partners1 8ith 200 illion ounces of silver so aintain control over 4ritish India? ,avis 8as chief counsel to J?P? 8as ,avis3 Pol7 @ (ard8ell3 8hich today

*organ @ Co pany3 trustee Roc7efeller )oundation and director of A erican %elephone @ %elegraph? 6is fir "8or7s 8ith any of the leading co panies of the 8orld1

httpQPP888?davispol7?co Pfir P %he boss of anti2silver activist 6erb +lliston3 John (? ,avis3 8as the 1<2O ,e ocrat candidate for President222

As of the 1<I2 (hoDs (ho3 page KLJ3 +lliston 8as a

e ber of the C)R and

the Cos os Club in ,?C? plus the anti2silver Royal +cono ic Society and the anti2silver A erican +cono ic Association and 8as editor of the (ashington Post 8ith a Pulit!er Pri!e in 1<O<? "%6+ C&**ISSI&$ #A0+ I%S I*PRI*A%9R %& %6+ PR&P&S+, A4&-I%I&$ &) %6+ -+#A- RI#6% %& C&$0+R% $+( $&%+S I$%& SI-0+R R9P++S?1222)oreign Affairs3 $e8 'or73 April 1<L13 page OOI Silver certificate rede ption 8as halted in su er 1<J;E in India the 4ritish sMuashed it over LK years earlierB "+$#-A$, IS C&$SI,+R+, 4' %6&S+ I$%+R+S%+, I$ %6+ SI-0+R N9+S%I&$ AS 4+I$# -&A%6 %& 9$,+R%A.+ S9C6 A S%9,'?1222$e8 'or7 %i es3 *ay <3 1<L13 page 11 "#R+A% 4RI%AI$ (AS +CP+C%+, %& %A.+ %6+ I$I%IA%I0+ 49% %6+ 4RI%IS6 A%%I%9,+ IS RA%6+R %& ,ISC&9RA#+ %6+ 6&-,I$# &) S9C6 A C&$)+R+$C+?1222China (ee7ly Revie83 June 1L3 1<L13 page IL

"C6I$A IS 6A0I$# %6+ 6AR,+S% %I*+ %6A% A$' C&9$%R' 6AS +0+R +CP+RI+$C+,?1222China (ee7ly Revie83 June 1L3 1<L13 page IO "PR+SI,+$% 6&&0+R3 ,9+ %& 4RI%IS6 &PP&SI%I&$3 6AS R+)9S+, %& %A.+ A$' S%+PS %&(AR, CA--I$# A SI-0+R C&$)+R+$C+?1222China (ee7ly Revie83 June 203 1<L13 page ;I "%he 4ritish #overn ent of India co enced selling silver in 1<2K? 4' %6+ +$, &) *ARC6 1<L1 APPR&CI*A%+-' 10130003000 &9$C+S 6A, 4++$ S&-,?1 Page ;11 Asia *aga!ine ,ece ber 1<L1 %he Pan A erican 9nion had a ore accurate tally222

"Silver in the (est and the +ast31 4ulletin of the Pan A erican 9nion at (ashington3 ,?C?3 ,ece ber 1<L23 page ;LI reported222 "Sales co enced in 1<2K and by *arch L13 1<L23 12K3I;O3IJO ounces of 1<00 inclusive through 1<2<3 ;JL?O*&/ 8as silver had been sold? C-+AR-'3 %6IS I$J9R+, %6+ PRIC+ &) SI-0+R?1 %he feature noted that fro used for coinage in 4ritish IndiaE recall that at least 200*&/ of that ca e via the Pitt an Act of 1<1;? %he sa e 4ulletin3 ,ece ber 1<L23 page ;OK co ented222 "SI-0+R 6AS C&*+ 9P&$ +0I- ,A'S3 A$, I%S )9%9R+ IS S9RR&9$,+, 4' 9$C+R%AI$%'?1 Silver leasing or silver du ping has certainly been around for any3 any years? According to a for er a bassador to #er any3 the 4ritish du ped JO030003000 silver ounces out of India3 causing an ;0W drop in purchasing po8er of silver currency countries :$'%3 &ctober <3 1<L13 page 1J=? %he eGact figure 8ill never be 7no8n and the JO0*&/ figure could be overblo8n3 but it 8as ore than a ple to achieve 4ritish plans to drive the 8orld closer to full fiat? 4efore the du ping out of India started3 silver 8as JI cents an ounce?

%he fall in silver valuations caused the #reat ,epression? %he crash of the 9?S? stoc7 ar7et in &ctober 1<2< 8as Fust another blo8 on the 8ay do8n3 caused by a sudden tightening of credit on the part of the 4ritish lin7ed central ban7? (ith over half the 8orldDs people on a silver basis3 their use of silver as oney 8as struc7 at hard by the appalling 4ritish conspiracy? People in any nations 8ere thro8n out of 8or7 because silver using peopleDs ability to pay had been sabotaged? &f course this also 8rec7ed their basis for use of silver as credit? %he $'%3 *ay L03 1<L13 page 2222 "In spite of a reMuest by the 9nited States Senate that the President ta7e steps to call an international conference to consider the silver proble 3 the ad inistration has3 for reasons that are undoubtedly 8ell considered3 ta7en no action?1 )or reasons that are undoubtedly Pilgri s Society related3 6oover too7 no actionB Sir Austen Cha berlain3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 8as )oreign Secretary3 1<2O21<2< and bac7ed the Royal Co reco 8orld Chancellor of the +GcheMuer in 1<20 shoveled K0 1<L13 page 1;=? %he silver ca e fro issionDs endations222this 8as the sa e Austen Cha berlain 8ho as illion ounces of silver onto ?<2I

ar7ets for price suppression purposes :%he %i es3 -ondon3 January 1I3 4ritainDs coinage debase ent fro to ?I00 silver content as of 1<20222

"(+ 6A0+ )&--&(+, A P&-IC' %6A% 6A, )&R I%S P9RP&S+ %6+ ,+S%R9C%I&$ &) SI-0+R 0A-9+S?1 222$e8 'or7 %i es3 April 2L3 1<LL3 section 23 page K? %he +arl of 4ir7enhead 8as Secretary of State for India3 and bac7ed -ord Ir8in? 4ir7enhead3 Pilgri s Society3 8as described as "S&*+&$+ %& 4+ A0&I,+, AS A$ +$+*'1 on page 1JJ of the rare :6utchinson @ Co pany3 -ondon= volu e "Pilgri s And Pioneers1 :1<OJ= by Sir 6arry 4rittain3 a founder of %he Pilgri s Society? %he +arl of 4ir7enhead3 seen belo8 in his earlier post as -ord Chancellor in causing the boundless edieval accoutre ents3 played his role in isery of %he #reat ,epression by s ashing the silver

oney syste s of India and China222

"4RI%IS6 *A$IP9-A%I&$ &) SI-0+R 6AS CA9S+, #R+A% 6AR*?1

222S?R? 4o anFi3 Indian silver leader3 $e8 'or7 %i es3 *ay K3 1<L13 page 1<? According to a $e8 'or7 %i es article3 *ay J3 1<L13 page 1I3 S?R? 4o anFi3 Indian delegate to the International Cha ber of Co representative in -ondon of the Indian Cha ber of Co erce and erce222

"+$#-A$, *&S% C+R%AI$-' 6AS ,+)RA9,+, I$,IA?1 "%6+ +$%IR+ 49SI$+SS *AC6I$+R' &) C6I$A IS I$ C6A&S?15China (ee7ly Revie83 January 113 1<L03 page 200

"SI-0+R 6AS R+AC6+, %6+ -&(+S% P&I$% I$ 6IS%&R' (I%6 %6+ R+S9-% %6A% %6&9SA$,S &) C6I$+S+ A$, )&R+I#$ C&$C+R$S (+R+ R9I$+,?1222China (ee7ly Revie83 January 2I3 1<L03 page 2K1 "%6+ C&$%I$9I$# ,&($(AR, %R+$, &) SI-0+R PRIC+S C&$S%I%9%+S A #RA0+ *+$AC+ %& (&R-, %RA,+? Silver in 8orld lo8est price in history? $o industry is suffering levels than is the nonferrous etal ore fro ar7ets is at the declining price

ining industry? (e have advocated the

calling of an international conference on silver by those countries 8hich produce four fifths of the 8orldDs silver222Peru3 4olivia3 *eGico3 Canada and the 9nited States?1222*ining Congress Journal3 April 1<L03 page 2;O "%6+ SI-0+R *AR.+% IS A$ A4S&-9%+ C-&S+, *&$&P&-' AS I% IS $&( C&$,9C%+,3 C&$%R&--+, 4' -&$,&$? 49% I% IS )R+N9+$%-' SAI, 4' SI-0+R PR&,9C+RS %6A% %6IS IS A$ AR4I%RAR' +C+RCIS+ &) %6+ *&$&P&-IS%IC C&$%R&- &) $+( '&R.?1222Colorado Congress an (illia R? +aton spea7ing in the 6ouse of Representatives3 *ay 13 1<L0 :$e8 'or7 %i es3 *ay 113 1<L03 section III3 page I=? 4oth beliefs applied222-ondon and $e8 'or73 each having branches of a nearly un7no8n t8o part organi!ation of ega2thieves 8ho "sei!e the 8ealth necessary31 have suppressed silver for generationsB "%6+ )AC% IS %6A% A )&&-IS6 ,9*PI$# P&-IC' I$ I$,IA IS ,ISR9P%I$# %6+ *&$+%AR' S'S%+* &) 6A-) %6+ P+&P-+ &) %6+ (&R-, A$, A,,I$# %& %6+ S%A#$A%I&$ &) %RA,+ +0+R'(6+R+? %6A% IS %6+ ,IR+C% CA9S+ &) %6+ (&R-, ,+PR+SSI&$? %6IS ,9*PI$# A$, %6R+A% &) 9$-I*I%+, ,9*PI$# ,&+S $&% &$-' C9% I$ %(& %6+ 49'I$# P&(+R &) 6A-) %6+ P+&P-+ &) %6+ (&R-,3 49% I% 6AS ,+S%R&'+, %6+ CR+,I% &) +0+R' SI-0+R 9SI$# P+&P-+?1222$evada Senator .ey Pitt an3 $e8 'or7 %i es3 *ay 1;3 1<L13 page 12

%he $'%3 July 103 1<2;3 page L23 ")rench -ose &n Silver31 subtitled "#overn ent (ill Pay but O0 Cents on ,ollar for ,e oneti!ed Coins1 noted222 "Paris222%he silver coins hoarded for years by )rench peasants in their proverbial 8oolen soc7s 8ill not be redee ed at par3 but at t8o2fifths of their pre28ar value? %he #overn ent has fiGed the ratio3 effective neGt *onday3 for the silver pieces 8hich have been de oneti!ed under the stabili!ation bill3 the value being set on the basis of the bullion value?1 :%he lo8ered bullion value 8as attributable 100W to the 4ritish du ping silver out of India that started over a year before that222and to no other causeB 'ou can be sure that the authors of the stabili!ation bill 7ne8 8hat 8as ta7ing placeE aybe any of the even approved of itB= "ConseMuently3 )R+$C6*+$ (6& ,I, $&% %R9S% 4A$.S3 %6I$.I$# %6A% A$' 6AR, *&$+' (AS A-(A'S (&R%6 PAR3 (I-- #+% &$-' )&R%' C+$%S &$ %6+ ,&--AR )&R %6+IR SI-0+R C&I$S?1 :Sic7 tric7s such as this 8onDt 8or7 today222there isnDt any silver of any agnitude left to du p? +ven if all the into the ar7et3 8ith etal in 4arclayDs +%) "seeped1 out uch for very long? It could ore investors reali!ing the best silver is that 8hich they

privately hold3 it couldnDt dent the price by too

frighten out the uninfor ed3 ho8everB= %he $'%3 Septe ber 1J3 1<2;3 page 1K3 ")rance #ets 6oarded #old31 subtitled3 "<K %ons of it and I00 %ons of Silver 6ave 4een %urned in by Peasants1 revealed222 "Paris5:AP=5)ive hundred tons of silver coins have been turned into the )rench %reasury since stabili!ation of the franc 8as decreed3 and Pre ier Poincare announced that the silver 13 2 and I franc pieces 8ere $& -&$#+R -+#A- %+$,+R? $inety2seven tons of gold coin li7e8ise have found their 8ay

into the coffers of the %reasury? 4an7 officials say that the peasant hoarders prefer gold to silver and ust still have billions of gold francs buried in their gardens and cellars?1 %he ,ece ber 2O3 1<2< $'%3 page 2L stated222 "Although it is eGpected that it 8ill be as a any years before silver is abandoned onetary unit3 reports have been current in ban7ing circles that )rance ay insist on the gold standard for Indo2China?1 (hat 8e find in )rench Indochina :8hat 8e no8 7no8 as 0ietna 3 Ca bodia and -aos3 8hich colonial e pire ended in 1<IO= 8ere coins of !incE copperE nic7elE and alu inu 6o8ever3 as regards the opiu httpQPPart2 hanoi?co PcollectionPiccoinsP1<OL?ht l trade in those areas3 silver 8as still tael httpQPPart2 de anded as pay ent and 8as called the opiu

hanoi?co PcollectionPiccoinsPtael?ht l %he ,ece ber 223 1<L0 $'%3 page L03 sho8s the corrupting 4ritish influence in )rench financial circles222 "It is also believed that any concerted plan in the direction of supporting silver 8ould ean reversion to the bi etallic theory3 (6IC6 $& -&$#+R 6AS

A$' S9PP&R% I$ )RA$C+3 A$, (6IC6 IS C&$SI,+R+,3 I$ 0I+( &) )I$A$CIA- C&$,I%I&$S &) %6+ P+RI&,3 %& 4+ A$ A4S9R,I%'?1
:Silver had huge support in )rance3 but not a ong the corrupted3 infiltrated3 bought2off leadership? Adverse financial conditions of the period 8ere caused by de oneti!ation of silver? %hen the croo7s bla ed the victi for the cri eB= 'es3 any ban7ers any8here 8ould be te pted to act against hard oney3 even had 4ritain never eGisted? It 8ould ta7e another essay to discuss the -atin *onetary 9nion3 8hich lasted fro 1;JI to 1<2K :8hen #reat 4ritainDs silver attac7 intensified=? %hese nations used silver and gold coins for

currency and included 4elgiu E ItalyE S8it!erlandE AustriaE #reeceE 4ulgariaE Ro aniaE SerbiaE *ontenegroE 0ene!uelaE San *arinoE 0atican StateE and )rance?= "Silver Reaches A $e8 -o8 -evel31 China (ee7ly Revie83 *arch ;3 1<L03 page O<222 "+Gchange3 by 8hich is during recent eant the price of silver in ter s of gold3 and vice ain points of business in China has uch ore than ordinary atter of versa 8hich has al8ays been one of the onths beco e a

i portance3 o8ing to the continued decline of the price of silver? $o8 on top of a still further decline there have co e sudden Fer7s up8ards and do8n8ards3 so that business en3 i porters3 eGporters3 bro7ers and ban7ers3 are 7ept 7eyed up to high tension3 not 7no8ing fro is li7ely to happen neGt?1 "%he price of bar silver dropped to 1<?12I pence per ounce in -ondon3 *arch 1? %6IS (AS %6+ -&(+S% PRIC+ +0+R R+AC6+, SI$C+ R+C&R,S 6A0+ o ent to o ent 8hat

4++$ .+P%? In Shanghai 8here all i ports and eGports have to go through an eGchange transaction3 and 8here in addition there is huge speculation in gold bars3 the rates for a short ti e 8ent so lo8 that a gold dollar 8as 8orth a little ore than three *eGican dollars? %6+ S9,,+$ ,R&P (AS A%%RI49%+, %& %6+ A$$&9$C+*+$% %6A% I$,IA ,+CI,+, %& -+0' A %AC &$ SI-0+R?1
-ord Arthur Salter3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 e ber of Parlia ent oney and 8ho beca e 4aron Salter of .idlington in 1<IL3 opposed silver as Political Science Nuarterly3 Septe ber 1<L1=222

argued against an international silver conference :"%he Silver Proble 31

"I% IS *&$S%R&9S %6+ (A' '&9 6A0+ ,+PR+SS+, %6+ PRIC+ &) SI-0+R?1
222Journal of Political Science3 Septe ber 1<L13 page L2<? -ord Ja es Stanhope3 the 1Lth +arl of Chesterfield3 son in la8 of the Jth *arMuess of Sligo3 8ho beca e leader of the 6ouse of -ords3 8as another Pilgri s Society against e ber atop the 4ritish establish ent 8ho had icy feelings estate? %he %i es3 -ondon3 onetary silver? 6e o8ned a 1OI roo

,ece ber ;3 1<L23 page K3 had this to say222 "-&R, S%A$6&P+ SAI, %6+ #&0+R$*+$% ,I, $&% %6I$. 4I*+%A--IS* (AS &) S9))ICI+$% I*P&R%A$C+ %& 4+ P-AC+, I$ %6+ )&R+)R&$% &)

*A%%+RS %& 4+ C&$SI,+R+, A% %6+ (&R-, +C&$&*IC C&$)+R+$C+?1 %he Co ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 ,ece ber 103 1<L23 page L<IO3 *ove3 4loc7s Atte pt to Put Issue 9p a7ing a "4ritish 6ouse of -ords 4ars 4i2*etalis

to (orld +cono ic Conference1 reported -ord Stanhope

declaration that "if 8e could get 1300030003000 ounces of silver out of China and India1 letting slip 4ritish intentions to continue silver du ping so prices could be anaged at lo8 levels3 in their effort to discredit silver as oneyB Silver suppressor -ord Stanhope had his 8ay3 as the 1<LL (orld +cono ic Conference3 su er 1<LL3 held in -ondon at the #eological *useu 3 8as a Pilgri s Society farce benefitting %he *oney Po8er at dear cost of grief and poverty to the 8orld :a subFect for a 8hole other eGtensive research3 for 8hich I have tons of info and little ti e= 222

4elo83 Pilgri s Society

e ber Andre8 *ellon3 revealed in Congressional ore than L00 corporations

proceedings to be a heavy holder of shares in

and 8hose property :source5%eGas Congress an (right Pat an= 8as alleged to be "+N9A- %& %6+ +$%IR+ 0A-9+ &) A-- %6+ PR&P+R%' I$ %6+ S%A%+ &) %+CAS1 : entioned in boo73 cover of 8hich is seen later on=3 as %reasury Secretary 1<2121<L2 acted as a silver suppressorB *ellon 8as the only an to hold off the Roc7efellers in oil :#ulf &il= and J?P? *organ in steel A erican iners that the illion in :8ith 9nion Sharon Steel=? %he $e8 'or7 %i es3 *arch <3 1<2J3 page LJ3 reported that Secretary *ellon rebuffed pleas fro provided for in the Pitt an Act of 1<1;3 cheating revenues : a aFor su %reasury co ply 8ith the balance of silver purchases at S1 per ounce iners out of S1O in those days=222

(hile A bassador to 4ritain 1<L221<LL3 *ellon refused to as7 +ngland to ollify its attac7s on the silver priceB 6e 8as chair an of the (ar )inance Corporation and is 7no8n to have reaped colossal profits fro )ro %he %i es3 -ondon222 (orld (ar I?

%he *ining Congress Journal3 $ove ber 1<2<3 page <12 reported the A erican Silver Producers Association lost its la8suit to force the govern ent to co plete its agreed silver purchases under the 1<1; Pitt an Act? 1I illion ounces at S1 per ounce 8as in arrearsE the %reasury refused to honor the re aining provisions of the Act 8hen the 8orld price 8as falling to 8ell under half that level3 than7s to 4ritish actions in IndiaE and a corrupt Supre e Court led by Pilgri s Society ,epart ent against the (illia e ber (illia 6? %aft upheld the %reasury iners? %he (i7ipedia entry on decisions handed

do8n by the %aft Supre e Court censored that fact out of its enu eration? 6? %aft3 1;IK21<L03 8as tapped for S7ull @ 4ones Society at 'ale3 as ore po8erful society? See the ad ission 8as his younger brother3 6enry (? %aftE both beca e Pilgri s Society e bers3 the senior and by far the

by 6enry %aft on page 2I21 of the 1<O0 (hoDs (ho? %he elder %aft 8as #overnor of the Philippines3 1<0121<0L3 8hich 8e too7 after the Spanish2 A erican (arE he 8as Secretary of (ar3 1<0O21<0;E previously he 8as Solicitor #eneral of the 9nited States3 8ho represents the #overn ent at the Supre e Court3 1;<021;<2E as a )ederal Fudge in 1;<L he ruled in favor of *ellonDs alu inu trustE he beca e President of the 9nited States3 1<0<2 %aft 1<1L3 supporting the )ederal Reserve Act into and fighting for the 1J th A end ent inflicting the Inco e %aG on A ericans? In 1<20 (illia a Cro8n organi!ation al8ays run by Pilgri s Society function is to succeeded hi beca e the first president of the +nglish Spea7ing 9nion of the 9nited States3 e bers 8hose a7e +nglish the universal language in a 8orld govern ent? In as Chief Justice in 1<L0 and also beca e a silver suppressing Pilgri s Society e ber222

1<10 %aft appointed Charles +vans 6ughes to the Supre e Court3 8ho

%he %i es3 -ondon3 January 13 1<2<3 page 1; reported222 "In the su er the Supre e Court at (ashington reFected the application of the A erican Silver Producers Association to co pel the 9nited States %reasury to purchase 1O3I003000 ounces still re aining under the Pitt an Act? I% IS 0+R' I*PR&4A4-+ %6IS P9RC6AS+ (I-- +0+R %A.+ P-AC+?1 %he *ining Congress Journal3 *arch 1<2<3 page 2L<3 reported that a preli inary Fudge3 (endell Stafford3 gave his opinion that the silver producers "did not have sufficient interest to bring the suit?1 I 8ish I could have been there to tell the Fudge he didnDt have sufficient interest to su e ber of the Cos os Club in ,?C?3 a net8or7 organi!ation? "$+(S %6A% 4RI%IS6 AR+ 9$(I--I$# %& +$, SI-0+R ,9*PI$# 4' I$,IA A,,S %& ,+PR+SSI&$?1 222$e8 'or7 %i es3 )ebruary 1O3 1<L13 page 2O? %he 1;<K21<O2 (ho (as (ho in A erica3 page ;2;3 *ellon 8as "chair an eG2officio )ederal Reserve 4oard3 )ar of Pan A erican 6igh Co and dealings 8ould -oan 4oard3 9?S? Section ission3 also director 9?S? Railroad Ad inistration a7e for an eGtensive investigationB on firefighters if his house 8ere abla!e? %he dec7 8as stac7edE Stafford 8as a

e ber board Reconstruction )inance Corporation?1 %he R)CDs gold

9nited States Secretary of State3 1<2I21<2< )ran7 4? .ellogg3 Pilgri s Society3 had no issue 8ith 4ritish actions in silverE he called silver "unsound oney1 :$e8 'or7 %i es3 ,ece ber 123 1<LL3 page 2= and that it represented "inflation1 :$e8 'or7 %i es3 ,ece ber O3 1<LL3 page2= 222

.ellogg3 a for er Senator and A bassador to +ngland and president of the A erican 4ar Association 1<1221<1L3 beca e a Fustice of the globalist (orld Court3 1<L021<LI? In the *ining Congress Journal3 Septe ber 1<L03 )rancis 4ro8nell3 chair an of A erican S elting and Refining3 had an article3 "%he Silver Situation?1 -etDs read so e of his co ents222 "%he fall in the price of silver of nearly 1I cents per ounce during the spring of 1<L0 caused rapidly increasing de orali!ation3 particularly in China and *eGico? *eGico and other silver countries eGperienced a disastrous effect fro the fall in the price of silver? %he purchasing po8er of all silver countries odities of the beca e seriously i paired and their ability to acMuire co

9nited States and +uropean countries substantially lessened?1 :page JKK= (hat 8as behind the collapse in the silver price at that ti eA Reading 4ro8nell further 8e find222

"In 1<2J3 a Royal Co

ission on IndiaDs

onetary syste


ended that ar7et

India go to a gold eGchange standard and gradually sell on the open the eGcess stoc7s of silver3 consisting of several hundred the su

illion ounces then

o8ned by the Indian govern ent? At the ti e of publication of that report in er of 1<2J3 silver 8as selling at about JI cents per ounce? A RAPI, )A-- I$ %6+ PRIC+ )&--&(+,3 and in ,ece ber of the sa e year the price averaged less than IL and a half cents? )or a ti e after the (ar3 8hen confidence in the onies of +uropean nations had been so greatly destroyed3 onetary purposes 8ould it see ed possible that a greater use of silver for

be necessary? 49% (6+$ %6+ R&'A- C&**ISSI&$DS R+P&R% 4+CA*+ .$&($3 %6IS %+$,+$C' S%&PP+,? %he +uropean nations either greatly reduced or entirely abandoned the use of silver for subsidiary coinage?1 %he entire upper echelons of the 4ritish establish ent 8ere arrayed against silver as oneyE and re ains soB

"$eville Cha berlain3 Chancellor of the +GcheMuer3 said 6+ ,I, $&% %6I$. A$' 9S+)9- P9RP&S+ (&9-, 4+ S+R0+, 4' CA--I$# A$

I$%+R$A%I&$A- C&$)+R+$C+ &$ SI-0+R?1 222Pilgri s Society $ove ber 1;3 1<L13 page 11

e ber

Cha berlain3 (orld *oney Po8er spo7es an3 Muoted in $e8 'or7 %i es3 %he sa e dis al resistance to an international silver conference222to re edy the price collapse in silver intentionally caused by the 4ritish establish ent :as al8ays3 Pilgri s Society e bers=3 8as encountered fro Pri e *inister Ra say *ac,onald :belo83 the truculent loo7ing conspirator=? %he April 2L3 1<LL $e8 'or7 %i es3 page 2K3 noted "%6+ S%RA$#+ C&I$CI,+$C+ &) *R? *AC,&$A-,DS 0ISI% (I%6 A*+RICADS ,+PAR%9R+ )R&* #&-,?1

"%6+ PR+S+$% -&( PRIC+ &) SI-0+R A))+C%S J0 P+RC+$% &) %6+ (&R-,DS P&P9-A%I&$?1

222"Silver and Prosperity31 *ining Congress Journal3 July 1<L03 page IO<? According to httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPAbeR4ailey Sir Abe 4ailey3 1;JO21<O03 8as an associate of Cecil Rhodes and "beca e one of the 8orldDs 8ealthiest en1 due to sei!ing dia ond bearing lands in Rhodesia? a7ing this bi!arre ercenary state ent222 "I a surprised to see responsible states en advocating the re oneti!ation C&$)ISCA%I&$ A$, R+P9,IA%I&$?1 PI-#RI*S S&CI+%' e ber3 anti2silver financier3 dia ond tycoon Sir Abe 4ailey222 of silver3 8hich 8ould add very little to currency A$, IS A )&R* &) %he %i es3 -ondon3 August 2O3 1<L13 page 12 had 4ailey

"#R+A% 4RI%AI$ IS %6+ #R+A%+S% &))+$,+R I$ %6+ SI$IS%+R (&R. &) ,+4ASI$# SI-0+R?1 2229tah Silver Senator :fro %he Co 1<1K21<O1= (illia 6? .ing3 $e8 'or7 %i es3 June 1O3 1<L13 page 22? ercial @ )inancial Chronicle of ,ece ber 103 1<L2 page L<IO Muoted *ontana silver Senator 4urton .? (heeler stating222 "#R+A% 4RI%AI$ (&9-, $&% A#R++ %& *A.I$# SI-0+R A 9$I0+RSA- C9RR+$C' 4AS+?1

Stri7ing out fro

-ondon li7e an octopus that stranglesB

6idden financial alliances3 danger that entanglesB (or7ing secretly to ta7e our silver a8ayB (6A% AR+ %6+S+ 4A$.+R -&(-I)+S P-A$$I$# %&,A'A %he 11th *arMuess of -othian3 Philip 6enry .err3 8ho 8as 4ritish A bassador to (ashington in 1<L<21<O03 8as another Pilgri s Society silver out of 4ritish India onto 8orld it as e ber? As 9ndersecretary of State for India in 1<L121<L2 his input 8ent into du ping ar7ets3 7illing silver values and attac7ing oney in order to lead the 8orld do8n hellDs road to8ards full fiat222

"69#+ ,+CR+AS+S I$ %6+ (&R-,DS %RA,+ AR+ ,9+ %& %6+ ,R&P I$ %6+ PRIC+ &) SI-0+R?1

222+l +cono ista3 *eGico City3 Muoted in the $e8 'or7 %i es3 *arch 103 1<L13 page 12? Secretary of State3 Pilgri s Society e ber 6enry -? Sti son :belo8= Muoted in the $e8 'or7 %i es3 June O3 1<L23 page I3 declared222 "I 6A0+ $&% )+-% %6A% %6+ CA--I$# &) A C&$)+R+$C+ &$ SI-0+R 4' %6+ 9$I%+, S%A%+S (&9-, S+R0+ A$' 9S+)9- P9RP&S+?1 ItDs as if 8hat $eville Cha berlain and 6enry Sti son said to sMuelch a 8orld silver conference 8as scripted for the by a Rothschild or a Roc7efeller or a (indsor or Astor or so e suchB 'es3 8ithin %he Pilgri s Society there eGists a hard inner core of globalists3 the others being their lieutenants3 functionaries and tag2alongsB Sti son222

"%6+ P9RC6ASI$# P&(+R &) &0+R ;0030003000 P+&P-+ (AS S9,,+$-' A$, ,RAS%ICA--' -&(+R+, 4' #&0+R$*+$%A- AC%I&$ I$ R+#AR, %& SI-0+R?1 222$e8 'or7 %i es3 *ay 113 1<L13 page 2? It 8as 4ritainDs attac7 against silver oney that caused the #reat ,epressionB 'et 8e still see alleged etals co entary carelessly stating that the stoc7 ar7et ere secondary eGperts in precious

crash of &ctober 1<2< 8as the cause3 8hen in fact it 8as a

causative agentB Please do your historical ho e8or7 before parroting state ents propagated by fiat currency activistsB If stoc7 price do8nturns

cause depressions3 8hy 8orry about the absence of gold and silver fro onetary structureA


"%he silver countries or three fourths of the 2 billion of the people that live on earth3 have been deprived of their purchasing po8er?1222R?J? Cro ie3 publisher3 0ancouver Sun3 Muoted in China (ee7ly Revie83 &ctober 1;3 1<L03 page 2LJ? "%he buying po8er of silver countries lies dor ant and AS A R+S9-% (&R-, 49SI$+SS IS PARA-'/+,?1 :ibid= Anyone revie8ing these docu ented details 8ho still &ctober 1<2< stoc7 suspect of being in the fiat aintains that the ust be ar7et crash caused the #reat ,epression have been 8rong? "%he decline in silver prices has caused losses esti ated as high as SL300030003000 to Indian silver holders? Price declines in silver long preceded the general 8orld depression?1222Current 6istory3 *ay 1<L23 pages 1KJ21KK "%he evil influence of silver depreciation has been felt by all the countries of the 8orld?1222'ue .8ei2/un3 director3 %ung 'ih 4an73 Shanghai3 China (ee7ly Revie83 June 113 1<L23 page O<? "%6+ (&R-, *&$+' S'S%+*3 (6IC6 6A, 4++$ )9$C%I&$I$# )R&* %I*+ I**+*&RIA- &$ %6+ %(& C'-I$,+RS &) #&-, A$, SI-0+R3 IS $&( 4+I$# AS.+, %& )9$C%I&$ &$ &$+ C'-I$,+R &$-'?1222$e8 'or7 Congress an Andre8 So ers3 $'%3 front page3 *ay 1I3 1<L2 "%6+ R+S9-%S &) %6+ SI%9A%I&$ 4R&9#6% A4&9% 4' %6+ ,+S%R9C%I&$ &) SI-0+R AR+ 0+R' AC9%+ A$, AR+ RAPI,-' #R&(I$# (&RS+?12226ouse Subco ittee on Coinage3 $'%3 *ay 1I3 1<L23 page 2J

oney ca p3 or so eone too proud to ad it to

%he $e8 'or7 %i es3 June 2K3 1<L23 page 2I3 "Cheap Silver Adds to ,epression1 222 "Colonel 6arden and *r? %ho as agreed that the effects on A erican gro8ers 8ere tragic? "In one day recently31 said *r? %ho as3 "L03000 C&%%&$ )AR*S I$ *ISSISSIPPI (+R+ S&-, 9$,+R %6+ 6A**+R?1 *illions of previously self supporting A ericans 8ere forced out into the streets3 into tent cities and ca ping out in 8oodlands3 and into ric7ety shac7s unreliable for shielding fro stor s222

httpQPP888?fundinguniverse?co Pco pany2historiesP*illi7en2a pE2Co2 Co pany26istory?ht l indicates that large consolidated interests acMuired failing teGtile operations during the ,epression? *illi7en @ Co pany 8as connected to $ational City 4an73 a top tier Pilgri s Society ban7? %8o *illi7ens 8ere listed as charter Pilgri s Society e bers in 1<0L? %he 4ritish attac7 on silver that started in India in 1<2J 8as a repeat of the Cri e of DKL3 the Coinage Act of 1;KL that virtually de oneti!ed silver and 8rec7ed the finances of illions3 allo8ing concentration of 8ealth in the hands of gold ed fro the 4an7 of +ngland and its subversive lobbying of Congress during 1;K2B "SI-0+R +$J&'S A PR+S%I#+ &9% &) PR&P&R%I&$ %& I%S I*P&R%A$C+?1222"9ni portance &f Silver31 (orldDs (or73 $?'?3 August 1<L13 page 213 by prostitute econo ist Joseph S? -a8rence3 e ber of anti2 holdersB It of course ste

silver A erican +cono ic Association3 financial 8riter for $e8 'or7 6erald %ribuneE o8ned by &gden R? Reid :1;;221<OK= a director of 6arri an $ational 4an73 second generation Pilgri s Society A bassador to +ngland222 e ber 8hose father 8as

6is sons (hitela8 Reid and &gden R? Reid beca e Pilgri s Society e bersE both e bers of 4oo7 and Sna7e Society of 'aleE (hitela8 ran e ber of the 9?S? $ational Co ission the publishing e pire and 8as a

for the 9nited $ations +ducational3 Scientific @ Cultural &rgani!ation :9$+SC&=E &gden 8as A bassador to Israel :1<I<21<J1=3 director of *assachusetts *utual -ife InsuranceE trustee of the :4ritish front= Atlantic Council of the 9?S?E Congress an fro $e8 'or73 1<JL21<KI3 during 8hich

critical period he voted for everything the Silver 9sers Association 8anted? &n July 1O3 1<JI3 &gden Reid3 Republican fro $e8 'or73 voted for the Coinage Act of 1<JI3 ter inating <0W silver coinage? %he $e8 'or7 %i es3 &ctober 113 1<L13 page L3 reported that the 9nited States delegate to the Pan A erican 9nion opposed that organi!ationDs proposal for a 8orld conference on the onetary rehabilitation of silver? %he Pan A erican 9nion3 no8 7no8n as the &rgani!ation of A erican States3 represented silver producing nations in the Southern part of the (estern he isphere? All A erican delegates to international conferences are subFect to the orders of the Secretary of State? 6enry Sti son of %he Pilgri s Society actively opposed an international conference for restoration of silver oneyB %he reasonE the Society included those in control of central ban7s3 8ho 8or7ed to send silver into the toilet3 and to lo8er gold reserve reMuire ents eventually to !eroB Sti sonDs entor 8as Pilgri s Society e ber +lihu Root3 called "the ost brilliant ad inistrator in A erican history1 8ho assisted Pilgri s Society e ber3 Cro8n loyalist Andre8 Carnegie set up the astonishingly virulent Carnegie )oundations3 8hich3 li7e the Rhodes %rust3 the Roc7efeller3 *ellon3 )ord and other foundations3 are ad inistered by Pilgri s Society 1<L121<LI and played his role in du ping Indian silver onto 8orld +GcheMuer222 e bers? ar7ets3 0iscount Si on3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 8as )oreign Secretary3 causing the #reat ,epressionE after8ards he beca e Chancellor of the

"%6+ ,+*&$+%I/A%I&$ &) SI-0+R 4' +$#-A$,3 ,9*PI$# I$,IADS SI-0+R &$ %6+ *AR.+% 4R&9#6% &$ %6+ (&R-, ,+PR+SSI&$?1 222$e8 'or7 %i es3 April 2I3 1<LL3 page 1J? %he ,ece ber 2;3 1<L2 $e8 'or7 %i es3 page 2I3 featured "South Africa $otes &ff #old Standard31 8ith subtitles3 "%reasury #ives Reserve 4an7s Right to Refuse to Redee in Sovereigns1 and "#old +Gport Is Curbed1 and Capital1222 "Pretoria3 South Africa222S&9%6 A)RICA3 %6+ #R+A%+S% #&-, "Restrictions (ill See7 to Prevent )urther 6oarding and )light of CountryDs

PR&,9CI$# C&9$%R' I$ %6+ (&R-, 6AS 0IR%9A--' A4A$,&$+, %6+ #&-, S%A$,AR,? %his 8as the purport of an official state ent issued by the %reasury tonight relieving the Reserve 4an7 fro responsibility for

redee ing notes in gold? Po8ers for this action 8ere ta7en under e ergency financial regulations passed by Parlia ent last year?1 %he ove against gold convertibility 8as ade by %he Jth +arl of Clarendon e ber of :#eorge 6erbert 6yde 0illiers=3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 #overnor #eneral of South Africa3 1<L121<LK222

the Privy Council to the Cro8n and the 6ouse of -ords 8ho 8as 4ritish

6is grandfather 8as a three ter +arl of $or anton3 8as follo8ed i

)oreign SecretaryE his father 8as a

e ber

of Parlia ent and the Privy Council to the Cro8nE his grandfather 8as the L rd e ber of Parlia ent? %he 4ritish led attac7 against silver ediately by an attac7 on gold3 8ith their Pilgri Partners

)ran7lin Roosevelt and 6enry *orgenthau Jr? scre8ing A ericans out of gold Fust as soon as ),R invaded the (hite 6ouse 8ith his diabolical3 de oni!ed presence? %he Pilgri s Society of -ondon and $e8 'or73 the fiat (orld *oney Po8er3 opposes silver and gold as the public3 even if treated only as co syste etals fro oney and o8nership thereof by oditiesB (hen the present synthetic

they i posed fails3 theyDll offer as a "re edy1 the ta7ing of precious (e %he People a second ti eB *a7ing others a8are of their

eGistence and operations is the best 8ay to frustrate their intentionsB

Charles ,a8es3 Pilgri s Society3 authored the ,a8es Plan under 8hich #er an currency 8as reorgani!ed after the 1<2L (ei ar hyperinflation debacle into the "Renten ar731 the ne8 paper currency 8as allegedly "bac7ed1 by all the land in #er any? ,a8es3 a natural gas agnate3 beca e A bassador of +ngland3 1<2<21<L2 and 8as tapped to head the S2 billion Reconstruction )inance Corporation in 1<L2? %he R)C had huge anipulative gold activities :evidence is in nu erous $e8 'or7 %i es ne8s stories3 I hope to revie8 8hen ti e allo8sE for eGa ple3 $ove ber K3 1<LL3 page LK "R)C #old 4uying a Substantial Su but .eeps %otal a Secret1= 222

In 1<2I ,a8es 8on the $obel Pri!e 8ith Sir Austen Cha berlain3 Pilgri s Society3 silver suppressor? ,a8es authored "%he 4an7ing Syste of the 9nited States1 in 1;<2 and organi!ed Central %rust Co pany of Illinois in 1<02? ,a8es 8as director of the 4ureau of the 4udget in 1<21 and tre endous Muantities of 8ar related products and achinery 8as "auctioned1 to such as Andre8 *ellon for pennies on the dollar? ,a8es3 vice President of the 9?S?3 1<2I21<2<3 beca e A bassador to 4ritain till 1<L2 and 8as inducted into the &rder of the 4ath3 tracing bac7 centuries to a ti e 8hen ilitary leaders acting for the Cro8n 8ould ta7e a cere onial bath after dispatching the .ingDs ene ies? Adolph Augustus 4erle Jr?3 Pilgri s Society3 8as special counsel to the covert gold dealing Reconstruction )inance Corporation3 1<LL21<L;3 helped found the St? -a8rence Sea8ay and the International Civil Aviation &rgani!ation and 8as A bassador to 4ra!il3 1<OI21<OJ? %he $e8 'or7 %i es3 $ove ber 13 1<LL3 page 103 described 4erle as "a e ber of the 4rain %rust and one of entioned those for ulating President RooseveltDs progra ?1 %he story also Pilgri s Society

ReGford %ug8ell as part of ),RDs "4rain %rustE1 %ug8ell later surfaced as a e ber 8ith a long list of connections? *e bers of %he ense detri ent for over a e bership roster3 as they do indeed have e ber of A erican Pilgri s have guided our national destiny to our i centuryE but they 8onDt release a an over8hel ing nu ber of itDs all happened by rando

anipulations to hide222they 8ant us to believe chanceB 4erle 8as a

delegations to international conferences in Argentina3 Peru and Cuba222

Albert 6? (iggin3 Pilgri s Society3 organi!ed 4an7ers %rust Co pany and in 1<1K beca e chair an of Chase $ational 4an73 in 8hich he 8as instru ental in bringing in e bers of the Roc7efeller fa ily as investors? (iggin appeared on over seventy :K0Z= corporate boards3 including such large entities as #eneral *otors3 (estinghouse +lectric3 4?)? #oodrich and $e8 ont *ining? (iggin 8as a delegate to the Pan A erican )inancial Conference of 1<1I3 8here of the anti2silver Chase3 netting over SO onetary silver 8as ignored? 6e 8as a e ber oney 4an7ers Club of A erica? 6e sold short shares of illion in that deal alone3 8hich 8as set up via a Canadian entity to be taG free httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPAlbertR6?R(iggin 222

%he $e8 'or7 %i es3 April 2I3 1<LO3 page O3 bra!enly contradicted itself first by saying "4an7s have no interest in the price of silver1 and in the sa e story stating "%he Chase $ational 4an7 has had i portant relationships 8ith the silver ar7ets in any countries3 including the )ar +ast?1 (iggin 8as treasurer and trustee of the %heodore Roosevelt *e orial Association :(hoDs (ho3 1<O23 page 2LL<=? *yron %? 6erric73 Pilgri s Society :(ho (as (ho In A erica3 1;<K21<O23 page III= 8as chair an of 9nion Carbide @ Carbon Co pany :industrial silver user=3 e ber Republican $ational Co ittee3 A bassador to )rance3 #overnor of &hio3 director $e8 'or7 -ife Insurance and president A erican 4an7ers Association :anti2silver= 222

Cordell 6ull3 Pilgri s Society3 8as Secretary of State and chaired the A erican delegation to the (orld *onetary @ +cono ic Conference of -ondon fro June 12 to July 2K3 1<LL3 held at the #eological *useu 3 in 8hich his 4ritish pals in %he Pilgri s Society agreed on behalf of their sinister govern ent that it 8ould li it its silver du ping out of 4ritish India to LI to I0*&/ per annu :Co ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 ,ece ber 2L3 1<LL3 page OOO0= 222

%he %i es3 -ondon3 June 2;3 1<LL3 page < said222 "%he Pilgri s organi!ation had beco e reno8ned throughout the 8orld 4' C+*+$%I$# 4+%%+R

R+-A%I&$S 4+%(++$ A-- %6+ $A%I&$S?1 'et3 the Society re ains 7no8n to very fe83 and the eGtre ely rare references to the in the public record apparently function to fend off the allegation that they are a Secret Society?
6ull 8rote the )ederal Inco e %aG statute of 1<1L and its 1<1J revision and the inheritance taG la8 of 1<1J? %he 7ing eGe pt fro a7ers behind hi 7ne8 theyDd be inheritance taG via their foundations and trustsE another 8ay to

prevent capital for ation outside %he Society? 6ull 8as the longest serving Secretary of State3 1<LL21<OO and 7no8n as "the father of the 9nited $ations1 httpQPP888?cordellhull?orgPenglishPAboutR9sP4iography?asp another giant organi!ation of eGtre e i portance tracing bac7 to a Pilgri s Society e berB 6erbert 4? S8ope3 Pilgri s Society3 8as a 9?S? delegate to the (orld *onetary @ +cono ic Conference of 1<LL at -ondon in 8hich silver 8as again dealt blo8s 8hile being given lip service only? 6e 8as chief

correspondent of %he $e8 'or7 (orld at the Paris Peace Conference of 1<1< and 8as a e ber of the (ar Industries 4oard? %he 1<O0 (hoDs (ho3 page a " e ber of eGecutive co ittee of Colu bia 2I1; sho8s hi

4roadcasting Syste 3 4roo7lyn *anhattan %ransit and $?'? Rapid %ransitE and director Nueens %ractionE Refor E Co co eGecutive co e ber Council3 $ational Civil Service e ber State and City e ber eGecutive ittee3 1<L2 e ber e ber $?'? State Planning 4oardE vice chair an $?'? State ittee of $ational Recovery Ad inistrationE

ittee on + ergency Public (or7s3 1<L221<LLE

ittee Senator (agnerDs and #overnor -eh anDs ca paignsE delegate e ber eGecutive co

to $ational ,e ocratic Convention and

and 1<LJE for er director $ational Public 6ousing ConferenceE

eGecutive co eGecutive co

ittee3 $?'? 9ne ploy ent Relief3 1<L221<LLE ittee 0oluntary ,efenders -eagueE

e ber

e ber A erican Society

of $e8spaper +ditors :one of the founders=E Council on )oreign Relations? Address222L0 Roc7efeller Pla!a1222

6erbert S8ope once 8on SOK03000 in a single po7er ga e in a s all eGa ple of ho8 Pilgri s Society e bers "sei!e the 8ealth necessary1 httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP6erbertR4ayardRS8ope %he 1<O; (hoDs

(ho3 pages 2O2;22O2< sho8s he beca e "chair an of &verseas $e8s AgencyE consultant to Secretary of (ar3 1<O221<OJE received 2 Pulit!er Pri!esE e ber 9?S? delegation to 9nited $ations Ato ic +nergy Co ission e ber? 8hich prepared plan for Ato ic ControlE Pilgri s?1 6is older brother #erard S8ope3 president of #eneral +lectric3 8as also a Pilgri s Society %he earlier volu e sho8ed 6erbert as a e ber of the Co ission of Cri e

Control in $e8 'or7? (hat a laughB %hey sabotage silver to i poverish the 8orld then sho8 the selves public spirited citi!ens by cla ping do8n on s all scale cri inalsB %he 1<LO boo73 "%he *oney *uddle1 by Ja es (arburg3 revie8ed in %i e *aga!ine3 *ay 213 1<LO3 revealed the vie8 of his father3 Pilgri s Society e ber Paul (arburg3 7no8n as the "father of the )ederal Reserve Act31 that oneti!ation of silver is 8rongB %hey are an i portant fa ily dynasty of %he Pilgri s Society and Sir Sieg und (arburg3 the creator of the +urobond ar7et3 8as entioned by 4usiness (ee7 *aga!ine in "A +uropean Prefers (all Street31 $ove ber 2L3 1<KO3 pages <22<L222he "C&9$%S A*&$# 6IS )RI+$,S S&*+ &) %6+ *&S% P&(+R)9- *+$ I$ %6+ (&R-,1 222

-ondon financiers3 leaders of a group of 8ould2be godsB *anipulating gold3 silver3 currencies3 and opiu podsB

9niversity econo ists lying for the 3 getting their nods3 %elling us paper S?#? (arburg @ Co pany oney is 8ealth3 iserable clodsB

erged into S8iss 4an7 Corporation in 1<<I? %ed

4utler has often alleged S8iss ban7s to have sold huge a ounts of unbac7ed silver certificatesE this of course in addition to serious fraud 8ould represent another aFor ele ent of silver price suppression? As of late 2010 8e see reports of large ban7s stalling 8hen called on by clients to ta7e delivery of stored :A= silver3 and offers of cash insteadB (arburgDs fello8 Pilgri s Society e ber3 -ord Roll of Ipsden3 8as a governor of the 4an7 of +ngland3 1<J;2 1<KK3 and chaired the SocietyDs unofficial subsidiary for indoctrinating transitory heads of state3 the 4ilderberg eetings3 fro 1<;J21<;<? oney creators3 .ing +d8ard 0III3 ,u7e of (indsor3 Royal Patron of the fiat %he Pilgri s Society3 8ith 6itler in 1<LK222

%he Co ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 January 13 1<L;3 page OI3 noted that )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or7 official3 (? Randolph 4urgess3 in a speech to the A erican +cono ic Association :ban7er prostitute professors= advocated lo8ering the price of silver? Page OK3 in continued coverage of the speech3 noted that in place of gold pay ents3 4urgess suggested 8hat he called "%6+ S%A%IS%ICA- +N9I0A-+$% &) #&-,?1 6o8 can ere nu bers substitute for physical co odityA 4urgess chaired the anti2silver A erican 4an7ers Association in 1<OO21<OI and 8as an eGecutive of the predecessor to Citigroup? ItDs unclear 8hich year 4urgess beca e a Pilgri s Society e berE he never so stated in any (hoDs (ho volu e but appeared in the lea7ed 1<J< list? ,oes the Society care to disavo8 any na es as e bersA $o3 the Society 8ants to re ain silent3 and in the dar7B At that ti e silver

8as federally fiGed :)ascis = at KK?IK cents per ounceE as of the January ;3 1<L; Co ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 the %reasury responded to this central ban7erDs suggestion by lo8ering the silver price to JO?JO cents per ounce :)ascis B= -ife *aga!ine sho8ed 4urgess at the A erican + bassy in Paris3 )rance3 circa 1<IK3 the year he beca e 9?S? A bassador to the $orth Atlantic %reaty &rgani!ation :$A%&= hob2nobbing 8ith Rhode Island Senator3 Silver 9sers Association ally %heodore #reenE belo8 heDs seen 8ith silver price suppressor3 $e8 'or7 Senator Jacob Javits : ore on Javits later onB= 222

"%6+ +AS%+R$ 4A$.+RS 6A0+ %6+ I,+A %6A% SI-0+R 6AS $& P-AC+ I$ %6+ *&$+%AR' S'S%+*?1 222Ari!ona Congress an John *urdoc73 $e8 'or7 %i es3 Septe ber 213 1<O23 page 2J %he Saturday +vening Post3 &ctober L13 1<O23 gave the ban7er shill3 (alter Spahr3 a sounding board for his attac7 on silver oney? %he article 8as titled

"Silver Scandal1 and the A erican +cono ic Association e ber vilified onetary silver as a tool of "currency eGpansionists1 8hich is li7e calling a protective parent an ally of child olestersB %he Saturday +vening Post 8as o8ned by publishing agnate Cyrus Curtis3 Pilgri s Society :1;I021<LL= 8hose Saturday +vening Post and -adies 6o e Journal once accounted for O0W of all aga!ine advertising revenues in A ericaE his fortune in 200; dollars 8as rec7oned to be SOL?2 billion httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPCyrusR6er annR.ot!sch arRCurtis 222

In "*ore Sense About Silver1 on ,ece ber 2O3 1<O23 page 1O3 the $e8 'or7 %i es spo7e of etal1 referred to silver as being "a etal of declining onetary usefulness?1 At that ti e the publisher of the great ne8spaper 8as Arthur 6ays Sul!berger3 Pilgri s Society3 8ho also had hydroelectric po8er interests and 8as a Roc7efeller )oundation trustee fro 1<L< to 1<IK222

-eft to right3 $e8 'or7 %i es publishers3 all ta8dry Pilgri s Society e bers222Adolph S? &chs :1;<J21<LI=E Arthur 6ays Sul!berger :1<LI2 1<J1=E &rvil +? ,ryfoos :1<J121<JL=E Arthur &chs Sul!berger :1<JL21<<2=E and Arthur &chs Sul!berger Jr?3 1<<2 to present? (hile the great ne8spaper is a pri e source of infor ation on silver history3 its editorial slant has been oriented against silver for 8ell over a centuryE three eGa ples 8ill suffice222%he $e8 'or7 %i es3 January 2L3 1;K;3 page O3 called silver coins a "drug1 and the silver trade dollars :1;KL21;;I= a "nuisance?1

"SI-0+R *9S% 4+ R+#AR,+, AS A 0+R' %6R+A%+$I$# C-&9, &$ %6+ &%6+R(IS+ C-+AR 6&RI/&$ &) %6+ $A%I&$A- )I$A$C+S?1222$e8 'or7 %i es3 July <3 1;K;3 page O "%6+ )9%9R+ 6IS%&RIA$ (I-- R+#AR, %6+ SI-0+R ,+-9SI&$ I$ %6IS C&9$%R' )&R %6+ -AS% )+( '+ARS AS &$+ &) %6+ *&S% I$+CP-ICA4-+ A$, 9$R+AS&$A4-+ 6A--9CI$A%I&$S (6IC6 +0+R %&&. P&SS+SSI&$ &) A C&**9$I%'?1222"%he Silver 6allucination31 editorial3 $e8 'or7 %i es3 &ctober 113 1;K;3 page O

%he $ation3 the oldest 8ee7ly

aga!ine in continuous publication in the

9nited States since 1;JI3 featured and article "Silver (ithout Sense1 in its *ay 23 1<LO editionE page O<O refers to "%6+ SI-0+R *A$IACS1 and stated222 "SI-0+R IS $&% +0+$ 4' %6+ #R+A%+S% S%R+%C6 &) %6+ I*A#I$A%I&$ A 4ASIC C&**&,I%'?1 %hatDs such a richly poisonous allegation by a synthetic oney band8agon e berB )ran7lin Roosevelt3 Pilgri s Society gold and silver stealer3 8as a contributor to %he $ation? &n $ove ber J3 1;KL3 %he $ation posted an anti2 silver article3 "*inisters of )inance?1 &ther contributors have included Co unist -eon %rots7y and confetti currency advocate John *aynard .eynes? Pilgri s Society e ber Richard %? +ly :(hoDs (ho3 1<O03 page ;J2= 8as a e bers as 6enry %? 6eald3 John J? founder in 1;;I of the anti2silver A erican +cono ic Association? :%he )ord )oundation3 led by such Pilgri s Society *cCloy and Paul #? 6off an3 has supported the A+A=? %he A+A has 1;3000 e bers3 at least half are university professors3 and itDs sponsored by the 0anderbilts3 a founding fa ily of %he Pilgri s Society? %he A erican +cono ic Association listed as Richard %? +ly -ecturers the follo8ing anti2silver individuals222Andre8 )? 4ri er :1<;2= eG2)ederal Reserve governor3 e bers=3 C&*+C governor in director of ,u Pont :Silver 9sers Association

January 1<;0 8hen liMuidation only in silver 8as ordered3 destroying the 6untsE #eorge P? Shult! :1<<I= for er Secretary of State3 eG2 director of J?P? *organ @ Co pany3 Pilgri s Society Su e berE *artin S? )eldstein :1<<J= e ber=E and *ervyn A? e ber=? %he 6arvard Professor3 director A erican International #roupE -a8rence 6? ers3 anti2gold %reasury Secretary :probably a .ing :200O3 governor of the 4an7 of +ngland :very li7ely a A erican +cono ic Association eGecutive co

ittee has featured +llen R?

*c#rattan of the )ederal Reserve 4an7 of *inneapolis? %a7e cover of A+A

Journal3 la inate3 and place in botto

of your toilet bo8l? +ly222


S8ing a dead chic7en3 utter a voodoo chant3 4ut 8ithout gold @ silver3 you really canDt3 )iG the oney syste 3 hear the stupid rant3 &f the prostitute econo ist3 8ho sho8s his slantB

As the econo ist 8ipes the pus fro

his eyesE

(e loo7 at hi 3 and heDs covered 8ith fliesB 6e stands in supre e disgraceE -ying for ban7ers all over the placeB

*yers in >6istory of the #reat A erican )ortunes3> :first edition 1<0K=3 page LJ;3 noted of the 0anderbilts 222 >%6A% %6+IR +C%&R%I&$S R+AC6+, 69$,R+,S &) *I--I&$S &) ,&--ARS A '+AR (AS A PA%+$% +$&9#6 )AC%?> %hat 8as bac7 in the 1<th centuryB Cornelius 0anderbilt III 8as on %he Pilgri s eGecutive co of the Pilgri s Society ittee :"%he Pilgri s of the 9nited States31 200L3 page 102= as 8as 6erbert Satterlee3 son in la8 e ber 8ho 8as called "al ost -ord of Creation1 :J?P? *organ= and 8as present at a reception in $e8 'or7 for the Prince of (ales on $ove ber 213 1<1<? &f 0anderbiltDs grandfather financial historian #ustavus *yers said3 "%he i pact of his vast fortune 8as 8ell2nigh resistless1 and reported his legali!ed theft of SOO illion in 1;J<B 0anderbilt III 8as a director of so e 22 entities involved in ban7ing3 railroads3 sub8ays3 real estate3 life insurance and steel3 so e operating in *eGico and the Philippines :(hoDs (ho3 1<1J3 page 2I1I=? %he 0anderbilts have had other representation in %he Society3 including beco ing a son in la8 of Pilgri s Society e ber ,onald Platten in 1<;J3 then chair an of Che ical 4an7 $e8 'or73 no8 part of "Jive Pig *oron +raseB1 Robert *? .indersley3 1st 4aron .indersley :1;K121<IO=3 Pilgri s Society3 &rder of the 4ritish + pire3 8as a business an3 stoc7 bro7er3 serving as its president fro savings in other than precious 1<2021<OJ3 egging on co erchant ittee3 ban7er and central ban7er 8ho organi!ed the $ational Savings Co

oners to hold

etals so he and his Pilgri s Society inflation

7ingpin pals could continue to slash at their financial security222

.indersleyDs father 8as fro

a 8ealthy fa ily 8ho had been a Captain in the erchant ban7

4ritish Indian Ar y? 6e Foined the -ondon Stoc7 +Gchange in 1<013 beco ing a partner in ,avid A? 4evan @ Co pany in 1<02 and the -a!ard 4rothers in 1<0I3 a fir 8ith 8hich he 8as connected for the rest of his

life and of 8hich he beca e chair an in 1<1<? 6e 8as #overnor of the

6udsonDs 4ay Co pany fro

1<1I to 1<2I and a director of the gold and 1<1O to 1<OJ? In 1<2O he 8as the ittee3 chaired by Charles

silver suppressing 4an7 of +ngland fro ,a8es3 Pilgri s Society? 6e 8as a

senior 4ritish representative on the ,a8es Co

aFor shareholder in Canadian $orthern

Rail8ayE the to8n of .indersley3 Sas7atche8an3 is na ed for hi ? Page 22LL of the 1<O1 (hoDs (ho sho8s John +? Rovens7y3 Pilgri s Society3 of II (all Street3 as a vice president of $ational City 4an7 of $e8 'or73 a predecessor of Citigroup? Rovens7y3 for 8ho dia ond is na ed3 8as an eGecutive co Association of A erica? +d8in .e ittee a fa ous OJ?I0 carat e ber of the Stable *oney oney activist

erer3 anti2silver

econo ist3 8as a president of the Stable *oney Association? 6e 8as associated 8ith 9?S? @ )oreign Securities Corporation3 later run by anti2silver coinage Pilgri s Society ".e e ber ,ouglas ,illon :8hich read about later=? In erer stated222 erer on *oney1 :1<LO3 John C? (inston Co pany3 Philadelphia=3 page 11J3 .e

"SI-0+R (I-- P+R)&R* $& 9S+)9- *&$+%AR' )9$C%I&$ I$ %6+ 9$I%+, S%A%+S?1 According to httpQPP8i7ico pany?orgP8i7iP<11Q.nightsRofR*alta[Pilgri RSocietyR e b ers .e erer 8as a Pilgri s Society e ber and a ne8 entry to y lists222

&ther high level propagandists against silver in the so2called Stable *oney Association included Paul (arburg3 Pilgri s Society3 of the 4an7 of *anhattan3 a predecessor to current silver price antagonist JP*organChase3 e ber of the anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or7E no inee to the board of the (ar )inance Corporation 8hose niece )ederal Reserve Act 8ho beca e a arried a RothschildE director3 Council on )oreign Relations3 1<2121<L2 and 7no8n as the )ather of the e ber of the )ederal Reserve 4oard3 1<1O21<1;222

(arburg3 8ho 8as a (ells )argo director also chaired International Acceptance 4an7 and had considerable holdings in railroad and silver using as catalyst che ical industries and 8as a trustee of the anti2silver 4roo7ings Institution in the ,istrict of Colu bia? Read Acceptance 4an7 and its ties to Soviet Co ore on the International unist develop ent

httpQPP888?refor ation?orgP8all2st2fdr2chJ?ht l Page 1J< of the report of the proceedings of the Pan A erican )inancial Conference of 1<1I httpQPPiaJ00L0O?us?archive?orgPIPite sPproceedingsfirs00confgoogPproc eedingsfirs00confgoog?pdf features this state ent fro Society inner circle Pilgri s of e ber Paul *orit! (arburg222

"%he 9nited States has a gold stoc7 a ounting to the pheno enal su

about S13;<0300030003 of 8hich so far only S;0030003000 in round figures have been concentrated in the )ederal Reserve ban7s? %6+ )+,+RA- R+S+R0+ 4A$.S $++, &$-' C&$%I$9+ %6+ PR&C+SS J9S% 4+#9$ &)

S94S%I%9%I$# )+,+RA- R+S+R0+ $&%+S )&R %6+ #&-, A$, #&-, C+R%I)ICA%+S $&( I$ CIRC9-A%I&$3 I$ &R,+R %& #AI$ C&$%R&- &) 0AS% A,,I%I&$A- )I$A$CIA- P&(+R (6IC6 $&( -I+S I,-+? (e confidently eGpect to find a ple process of perfecting our organi!ation and asse bling our idle gold?1 httpQPP888?ans8ers?co PtopicPpaul28arburg notes that (arburgDs son 8as an advisor to ),R? Paul (arburg attended the Pan A erican )inancial Conference in ,?C? in 1<1I222 ay eans to handle this business by the si ple

PA9- *A$IAC (AR%6&# 8as candid as to the gold absorption conspiracy he 8as part of222ripoff gold fro precious the citi!enry in return for bastardi!ed ban7er issued paper FinGed to catch fire as to purchasing po8er? %hey regard etal outside their control as "idle1 and itDs "ours31 said (arburgB


eeting 8as 1O years and 10

onths before RooseveltDs gold sei!ure ost of

orderE evidently threats of penalties 8ere dee ed necessary to get the dictates of their septic tan7

the rest of the gold dee ed "idle1 by %he Pilgri s Society? And according to entalities3 having cri inali!ed private onths had elapsed? o8nership of gold3 they couldnDt help the selves but to also go after silver3 8hich they did after a pheno enal 1K Another Pilgri s Society e ber at that 1<1I conference 8as John 4assett

*oore3 8ho 8as president of the A erican Political Science Association3 honorary president of the Pan A erican Society 8ho beca e a Fudge at the Per anent Court of International Justice at %he 6agueE director +Muitable -ife Assurance Society 8ho gave as his address in the 1<LL (hoDs (ho3 page 1JIL3 as Chase $ational 4an7? Also of the anti2silver Stable *oney Association 8as &8en ,? 'oung3 Pilgri s Society3 onetary silver suppressor3 founded Radio Corporation of A erica in 1<1<E trustee Roc7efeller )oundation 1<2;21<O0E director )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or73 1<2L21<O03 ending as chair anE chair an of #eneral +lectric3 1<2221<L< and 1<O221<OOE director3 Council on )oreign Relations3 1<2K21<O03 a front by 8hich *anpo8er Co any influential persons are brought e bersE e ber3 (ar into %he Pilgri s Society orbit 8ithout actually being

ission3 1<O221<OI3 and creator of the 'oung Plan for

#er an reparations3 8hich gave rise to the 4an7 for International Settle ents in 4asle3 S8it!erland3 in 1<L0 httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP'oungRPlan 222

Pilgri s Society

e ber #ates *c#arrah3 originally a Chase $ational 4an7

eGecutive3 beca e chair an of the $e8 'or7 )ederal Reserve 4an73 and 8ent to be first chair an of the 4an7 for International Settle ents in 1<L0E he 8as an Astor fa ily operative as an Astor )oundation trustee? 6is grandson Richard 6el s beca e CIA director? *c#arrah 8as succeeded by Pilgri s Society e ber -eon )raser3 another anti2silver activist 8ho 4-A*+, 9?S? ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 *ay 1;3 1<LI3 page LL0J=? SI-0+R C&I$A#+ )&R C&$%RI49%I$# %& %6+ (&R-,DS *&$+' %R&94-+S :Co 6e 8as a 9?S? representative at the 1<LL (orld *onetary @ +cono ic Conference in -ondon 8here silver 8as denied its full status? After 4IS he beca e president of )irst $ational City 4an7 of $e8 'or7 and a director of #eneral +lectric3 9?S? Steel3 *utual -ife Insurance and )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or7? 6e 8as a trustee of Colu bia 9niversity3 9nion College3 A erican Acade y in Ro e and the A erican 6istorical Association and

director3 Council on )oreign Relations3 1<LJ21<OI? %he reason for those trusteeships is clearE it he caused those institutions to of si ply not


ust be suspected that in his capacity as trustee3 aintain an anti2silver slant? %hat could consist e ber in the

entioning silverB Still another Pilgri s Society

anti2silver Stable *oney Association 8as financier &tto 6? .ahn :1;JK21<LO= 8ho o8ned a 10<3000 sMuare foot ansion on -ong Island httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP&ttoR6er annR.ahn 6e 8as sent to -ondon by ,eutsche 4an7 for five years and thence to (all Street in 1;<L? 6e 8as a director of the Council on )oreign Relations fro 1<2121<LOE PI-#RI*S S&CI+%' *+*4+RS S9P+RI$%+$, %6+ 4+%%+R .$&($3 49% I$)+RI&R &R#A$I/A%I&$B 6e 8as decorated by )rance3 Spain3 Italy and 4elgiu and 8as a director of 9nion Pacific Railroad and +Muitable %rust :chaired by Pilgri s Society e ber Alvin (ilhel .rech=? +Muitable %rust 8as co2leader 8ith Chase $ational 4an7 in the Soviet credit business222

"&%%& 6? .A6$ S++S C&$%R&- &) +0+R' I$S%R9*+$%A-I%' (6IC6 ,+A-S (I%6 *&$+'1 222$e8 'or7 %i es3 June L03 1<LL3 front page headline?

%his secret organi!ation of gold and silver stealers and 8ar ongers has had the country by the throat for over a centuryB 6ereDs the (orld (ar II several personalities anage ent of %he Pilgri s Society :1<O2= featuring entioned in %he Silver Stealers? As president of

Colu bia 9niversity3 4utler praised totalitarian regi esE 6erbert Satterlee of O< (all Street 8as son in la8 of J?P? *organ :Pilgri s=E %ho as -a ont 8as C+& of the *organ interests on (all StreetE #eorge 6arrison 8as an official of the $e8 'or7 )ed 4an7E 8e Fust had a loo7 at &8en ,? 'oung and -eon )raserE Alfred Ai7en 8as 8ith the )ederal Reserve 4an7 of 4oston3 1<1O21<1K3 and headed $e8 'or7 -ife InsuranceE )ran7 Pol7Ds daughter +li!abeth arried a 0anderbilt relativeE he represented the $orthern Pacific Rail8ay3 *utual -ife Insurance and 9?S? %rust interests3 and as co issioner of the aFor 9nited States delegation to the 0ersailles Conference of 1<1<3 bore

responsibility for intentionally inciting #er any to start (orld (ar IIE 6arry (ard :'ale 1<01= of Irving %rust at 1 (all Street 8as associated 8ith the anti2 silver A erican Institute of 4an7ingE #ano ,unn :they isspelled as "#unn1= 8as 8ith the J?#? (hite +ngineering and construction interests3 profiteers in both (orld (ars and director of Panhandle +astern Pipeline and Radio Corporation of A ericaE Ja es 6arbord 8as a brigadier general 8ho chaired Radio Corporation of A erica at L0 Roc7efeller Pla!a and sat on such boards as $e8 'or7 -ife InsuranceE 4an7ers %rust Co panyE Atchison3 %ope7a @ Santa )e Rail8ayE (estern RailroadsE he headed the A erican *ilitary *ission to Ar enia in 1<1<222

&n June 1J3 1<L13 +li!abeth -ee Saltonstall beca e daughter in la8 of Pilgri s Society e ber August 4el ont Jr? %he original 4el ont 8as a Rothschild operative 8ho helped finance the $orth during the Civil (ar :7no8n by so e as the (ar of $orthern Aggression= 4el ont Jr?222

In 1<02 4el ont founded the Interborough Rapid %ransit Co pany3 ta7ing advantage of a trend that did uch to add to his 8ealth :or as %he Pilgri s *assachusetts3 Society says3 it "absorbs1 or "sei!es1 8ealthB= -everett Saltonstall 8as *assachusetts #overnor3 1<L<21<OI and a Senator fro Association 8anted? In "Silver At %he Crossroads31 *ining Congress Journal3 )ebruary 1<OK3 page ;O3 an unidentified correspondent spo7e of #reat 4ritain and "6+R P9RP&S+ &) ,+0A-9I$# SI-0+R %6R&9#6&9% %6+ (&R-,?1 #R+A% 4RI%AI$DS C6I+) I$%+R+S% IS %& 9%I-I/+ 6+R -+$,2-+AS+, SI-0+R I$ A *A$$+R ,+SI#$+, %& $&% &$-' ,+CR+AS+ %6+ (&R-, PRIC+ &) SI-0+R 49% %& ,ISC&9RA#+ I%S 9S+ AS *&$+' %6R&9#6&9% %6+ (&R-,? %6IS 6AS 4++$ 4RI%AI$DS A%%I%9,+ SI$C+ 1;1J?1 :pages ;O2;I= 1<OI21<JK3 in 8hich capacity he fought for everything the Silver 9sers

#eneral -ord (avell3 4ritish 0iceroy and #overnor2#eneral of India at the ti e silver coins 8ere again attac7ed there3 8as another Pilgri s of #reat 4ritainE he co #rand Co e ber of %he anded 4ritish forces in *iddle +ast in ((2

and 8as 0iceroy of India3 1<OL2OK3 &rder of the Star of $epal3 .night ander of the &rder of the Star of India and &rder of the Indian + pire222

"It see s strange to A ericans that #reat 4ritain after having been greatest beneficiary of the lend2lease progra

ade the

no8 plans a step 8hich is

,+-I4+RA%+-' I$%+$,+, %& -&(+R %6+ 0A-9+ &) &9R %R+AS9R' SI-0+R A$, %& ,ISC&9RA#+ %6+ 9S+ &) %6IS *+%A- AS *&$+' %6R&9#6&9% %6+ (&R-,? %his brief analysis of the latest ove by the

4ritish #overn ent I$ A )9R%6+R +))&R% %& ,+%6R&$+ SI-0+R AS *&$+' indicates very clearly that it is the purpose of that #overn ent to continue its ove a8ay fro the use of precious etals as oney and in the direction of paper :pro ise to pay= standard?1 :page ;I= "In 1<20 4ritain 8aged a si ilar fight against silver by drastically reducing the silver content of her coins fro ?<2I fine to ?I00 fine and A9C%I&$I$# ar7et? %his action elted do8n and an a ount of paper uch of the resultant silver on the Shanghai bullion #overn ent in 1<1; 8hereby silver dollars 8ere 4ritain and coined into Indian rupees in order to redee

follo8ed another philanthropic act on the part of the 9nited States 20030003000 fine ounces of residual silver 8ere sold at S1 an ounce to #reat rupees in circulation beyond the capacity of the silver reserves of the 4an7 of India? %his generous action by the 9nited States #overn ent )&R+S%A--+, A R+0&-9%I&$ I$ I$,IA3 according to -ord Reading3 then 4ritish A bassador to the 9nited States?1 :page ;I= :So i portant to Indians 8as sound3 solid silver oney that the 4ritish paper purveyors had to get the cooperation of A erica to supply silver? %his 8as in connection 8ith the Pitt an Silver Act of 1<1; by 8hich the govern ent silver thus for7ed over to the 4ritish3 so that they could retain possession of India3 8ould be replaced by ne8ly ined $evada silver? -ord Reading3 8ho beca e 4aron Reading of +rleigh3 8as also Chief Justice of 4ritain3 1<1L2 1<21E A bassador to 9nited States 1<1;21<1< :all 4ritish A bassadors are Pilgri s e bers=E and beca e 4ritish 0iceroy over India in 1<21? Shortly aneuver against silver3 and the article continues= 222 ove 8as to R+,9C+ %6+ (&R-, PRIC+ &) after8ards3 he i prisoned Indian nationalist *ahat a #andhi? As al8ays3 the 4ritish continued to "%he effect of this unfortunate

SI-0+R A% -+AS% I0 P+RC+$% 8ithin a period of about a year? %6+ S6A$#6AI SI-0+R *AR.+% (AS S(A*P+, (I%6 4RI%IS6 SI-0+R? Auction sales of silver follo8ed 8hich had a far2reaching effect upon the econo y of

China3 then on a silver standard? %6+ *&*+$%9* &) %6+ PRIC+ ,+C-I$+ %6A% +$S9+, CARRI+, %6+ (&R-, PRIC+ %& A$ A--2%I*+ -&( :in 1<L2= of 2O?I cents an ounce?1 :pages ;I2;J= %he unna ed author tells us :page ;J= that in 1<LI3 the 4ritish #overn ent sent Sir -eith Ross to China "at 8hich ti e the Chinese #overn ent 8as induced to abandon the silver standard?1 Sir Sa uel 6oare3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 8as the 4ritish )oreign Secretary 8ho sent Sir -eith2Ross to China to "reason1 8ith the uch of 8hat re ained after the 4ritish opiu to abandon China their silver syste 3 after the Silver Purchase Act of 1<LO re oved fro

trade suc7ed a8ay huge

a ounts of silverB Sir Sa uel 8as elevated to 0iscount %e ple8ood222

Sir )rederic7 -eith2Ross published in 1<J;5"*oney %al7sQ )ifty 'ears of International )inance3 %he Autobiography of Sir )rederic7 -eith2Ross :-ondon3 9.Q 6utchinson=? 6utchinson published the very difficult to find "Pilgri s and Pioneers?1 A 8eb page on hi stated "-eith2Ross3 )rederic73 Sir3 born 1;;KE International financeE +cono ic history2220th centuryE Capitalists and financiers54iography?1 "If the International *onetary )und gives i partial consideration to proposals of the interested e ber nations and a7es an earnest effort to correct the evils of the past century P+RP+%RA%+, 4' #R+A% 4RI%AI$ I$ PAR%IC9-AR in their A%%+*P% %& ,+PRI0+ SI-0+R &) I%S RI#6%)9- P-AC+ I$ *&$+%AR' S'S%+*S %6R&9#6&9% %6+ (&R-,3 it is conceivable that an opportunity ay soon be afforded to restore to silver a position of dignity and usefulness that should prevail throughout the 8orld for an indefinite period?1 :page ;J=

Paul ,? Cravath3 charter Pilgri s Society

e ber in 1<0L3 of 8hat is today

the i portant la8 fir 3 Cravath3 S8aine @ *oore in *anhattan3 chaired the anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or73 1<LJ21<L;? 6e 8as the representative of the %reasury ,epart ent at the Inter2Allied (ar Conference at Paris in ,ece ber 1<1K and a represented 4ethlehe e ber of the A erican delegation to the Inter2Allied Council on (ar Purchases and )inance in -ondon in 1<1;? 6e Steel3 4alti ore @ &hio Railroad3 SMuibb and Che ical 4an73 a ong others? 6e 8as president of the *etropolitan &pera Association and decorated by )rance3 Italy and Ro ania and 8as a director of the A erica2Italy Society? Cravath 8as a director3 1<2121<O03 of %he Pilgri s SocietyDs ost i portant unofficial subsidiary3 the Council on )oreign ad inistrations222 Relations 3 8idely recogni!ed as a virtual staffing agency for Presidential

Pilgri s Society

e ber ,avid Sarnoff founded the $ational 4roadcasting 1<1< to 1<K0 e ber of

Co pany and led Radio Corporation of A erica :RCA= fro

and director of $ational 4roadcasting Co pany :$4C=3 chaired the anti2 silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or73 1<O021<O2? In 1<I< he 8as a a Roc7efeller 4rothers )und panel? 6e 8as a trustee of %ho as +dison )oundationE %he +ducational AllianceE Pratt InstituteE $e8 'or7 9niversityE and e ber of elite clubs including India 6ouse3 *etropolitan and Ar y2 eetings of the Silver 9sers Association222 $avy in the ,istrict of Colu bia3 site of recent

Son of Senator $elson Aldrich3 legislative leader for the )ederal Reserve Act3 second generation Pilgri s Society e ber (inthrop (? Aldrich chaired the e ber of financial district clubs anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or73 1<O221<OO? At that ti e he 8as chair an of Chase $ational 4an7 and heavily interloc7ed 8ith %he Pilgri s Society3 including 6arvardE .nic7erboc7erE 4ondE 4road StreetE Piping Roc7E %he 4roo7E CenturyE -in7sE %he Cree7E $e8 'or7 'acht and others? (inthrop 8as a trustee of %he Roc7efeller )oundationE 4arnard CollegeE #eneral +ducation 4oard? A

e ber of the advisory co

ittee of the anti2silver A erican Institute of

4an7ing and vice president of %he $ational Institute of Social Sciences3 Aldrich 8as a director of Roc7efeller CenterE *etropolitan -ifeE A erican %elephone @ %elegraphE (estinghouse +lectric and ,iscount Corporation of $e8 'or7 :(hoDs (ho3 1<O13 page 1IK= 222

%ho as J? (atson Senior3 Pilgri s Society3 8as called "one of the richest


of his ti e1 httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP%ho asRJ?R(atson and founded International 4usiness *achines :I4*=? %he 1<IL (hoDs (ho3 page 2IOI sho8ed (atson3 then decorated by L0 foreign govern ents3 8as a of the Je7yll Island3 #eorgia Club and the anti2silver e ber oney 4an7ers Club of

A erica3 president of the anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or7 and a director of *organ #uaranty %rust and the )ran7lin Roosevelt *e orial )oundation222

%he 1<JK (hoDs (ho sho8s his sons3 %ho as J? and Arthur .? (atson both Pilgri s Society e bers? Arthur 8as a )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or7 :anti2silver= director and decorated by < foreign govern ents and a trustee of the Carnegie +ndo8 ent for International Peace3 8hich used to fund the 4ilderberg eetingsE %ho as 8as a director of 4an7ers %rust :anti2silver= and a Roc7efeller )oundation and +isenho8er +Gchange )ello8ships trustee? %he sa e volu e3 page 10I03 sho8s the (atson brothers in la83 John $? Ir8in II3 Pilgri s Society3 a director of I4*3 ,efense ,epart ent consultant3 1<IK2I;3 a8arded e bership in the Philippine -egion of 6onor3 and advisor to the ission in 1<OK? &bviously3 that Joint 9nited StatesPPhilippine )inance Co

8as Fust after the close of ((II 8ith the eGtensive silver leasing by the 9nited StatesE connection to silver leasing by the Philippine Central 4an7A I regard it as al ost a certaintyE but docu ents confir ing central ban7 silver leasing activities are3 li7e Pilgri s lists3 eGtraordinarily difficult to co e by? %i e

*aga!ine3 June 1O3 1<<<3 called (atson Jr? the "greatest capitalist in history1 and one of the 100 ost influential persons of the 20 th century? 6e late &ctober 1<K< to January 1<;1 8as A bassador to the Soviet 9nion fro

during the critical period of the silver run up and its suppression3 and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan? Arthur .? (atson 8as A bassador to )rance3 1<K021<K2 and the first 9nited States liaison to Red China :silver leasingA= 6e 8as a e ber of the Co ission on Critical Choices for A ericans3 a e ber $elson Roc7efellerE and propaganda group run by Pilgri s Society Co

in 1<J; co2founded3 8ith Pilgri s 7ingpin ,avid Roc7efeller3 the + ergency ittee on A erican %rade3 including do!ens of the largest corporations httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPArthurR.?R(atson %he Pilgri s Society ban7ers fed the national silver to the industrial users 8hile aintaining a propaganda In the Co achine about it? ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 *ay <3 1<OJ3 page 2I1K3 8e

notice a state ent by Republican Congress an )rederic7 C? S ith of &hio222 >PR+S+$% S%A%9%+S +*P&(+R %6+ #&0+R$*+$% %& C&$%R&- %6+ SI-0+R *AR.+%?1 'ou should have a sense of "8ho1 runs the govern ent in the ,istrict of Colu biaB %hat 8as at a ti e 8hen the &ffice of Price *anage ent :&PA3 a )ascist federal agency= dictated the silver price to be K1?11 cents per ounce3 about 8hich 9tah Senator Abe *urdoc7 said :Co ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 June 1L3 1<OJ3 page L2O<= 222 "Silver cannot be produced profitably at K1?11 cents per ounce?1 %he last ti e silver prices 8ere fiGed by )ederal edict 8as during the "%ric7y ,ic71 $iGon ad inistration? -est anyone reading this feel that govern ent actions against silver are no concern to the 3 be advised that a ong a 8ide range of other nefarious activities3 the &PA had "rent control1 policies i posed on landlords? %he purpose 8asnDt to help struggling rentersE the

purpose 8as to hurt s aller real estate operators so that larger entities could gro8 bigger? $evada Silver Senator Patric7 *cCarran3 one of the 8orldDs all ti e onetary greats3 reported :$e8 'or7 %i es3 ,ece ber 23 1<OI3 page L<= a letter had surfaced in 8hich the "ill advised sender3 *r? *cCarran testified3 threatened to "co e to (ashington and 7ill anony ous3 threatening hi e if certain events occurred?1 Andre8 Jac7son received an average of IOI letters per annu 3 all 8ith assassination over his intent to end the oney to end convertibility proble sB= 9nited States 4an7 :see "Andy 4y #od Jac7son31 ArchivesE Jac7son proposed to entirely do a8ay 8ith paper President John %yler :1;O121;OI= 8as 8arned of plots to assassinate hi httpQPPFohntyler?orgP because he as7ed the Muestion about a bill222 ",&+S I% 0I&-A%+ %6+ C&$S%I%9%I&$ 4' CR+A%I$# A $A%I&$A- 4A$. %& &P+RA%+ &0+R %6+ 9$I&$A1 Pages 1K21; @ L; "%he Pilgri s of %he 9nited States1 :200L= 222"-othian 8as succeeded in January 1<O1 by 0iscount 6alifaG3 until then the Secretary of State for )oreign Affairs3 at a ti e 8hen the -end2-ease 4ill 8as going through Congress3 and the Pilgri s decided that they should postpone their 8elco e dinner 9$%I- %6+ 4I-- 6A, 4+C&*+ -A(3 I$ CAS+ A$'%6I$# 6A-I)AC SAI, C&9-, 4+ I$%+RPR+%+, AS 4RI%IS6 PR&PA#A$,A A$, *I#6% +$,A$#+R %6+ PASSA#+ &) %6+ -+#IS-A%I&$? &$C+ %6+ AC% (AS PASS+,3 %6+ A*4ASSA,&R (&9-, 4+ A4-+ %& SA' A$'%6I$# 6+ (A$%+,?1 0iscount 6alifaG3 Pilgri s Society3 personally triggered %he #reat ,epression by du ping Indian silver on 8orld ar7ets3 no8 ca e to A erica as %he Cro8nDs A bassador to loot %reasury silver ostensibly o8ned by the A erican public222

+d8ard R? Stettinius Jr?3 Pilgri s Society by Pilgri s Society

e ber 8hose father 8as a partner e ber=3 8as appointed in 1<O1

in J?P? *organ @ Co pany :probably also a

e ber )ran7lin Roosevelt to head the -end2-ease

Ad inistration3 8hich transferred ;;30KL3;K;?21 silver ounces to #reat 4ritain for price suppression purposes :*ining Congress Journal3 )ebruary 1<OK3 page ;O3 "Silver At %he Crossroads1= 222

Stettinius 8as Secretary of State3 1<OO21<OI3 and headed the A erican delegation to the 9nited $ations Conference on International &rgani!ation at San )rancisco in 1<OI3 the second atte pt of %he Pilgri s Society to create a (orld #overn ent? 6is listing in the 1<O1 (hoDs (ho3 page 2OI< reveals he 8as a director of 9nited States Steel and *etropolitan -ife and a trustee of Roosevelt 6ospital :along 8ith I4* founder3 Pilgri s Society eGecutive co ittee e ber %ho as J? (atson Sr?= and the 9niversity of 0irginia and ittee on Social Security? %he total silver used in e ber of the advisory co

-end2-ease a ounted to O0;*&/3 according to $evada Silver Senator Patric7 *cCarran :*ining Congress Journal3 )ebruary 1<OJ3 page IJ=? Sa uel *ontagu @ Co pany of -ondon esti ated "al ost O11 ounces1 :Co illion ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 April 1<3 1<OI3 page 1KO;=?

%here can be no doubt that the leasing of silver during (orld (ar II for ed

the basis of eGperience upon 8hich the silver leasing since the early 1<;0Ds 8as dra8n3 by the li7es of J? Aron @ Co pany3 at that ti e a #old an Sachs division3 and other bullion ban7s? Rhode Island Senator %heodore #reen :1<LK21<J1= 8as a great friend to the Silver 9sers Association? (as he a Pilgri s Society e berA I ay be able to procure a lea7ed list dated 1<I0? #reen 8as a trustee of 4ro8n 9niversity for so e years concurrent 8ith Colgate 6oyt3 Pilgri s Society :$e8 'or7 %i es3 July 213 1<123 online states no page nu ber= 8hose daughter arried Sir Ronald -indsay3 Pilgri s Society3 A bassador to A erica? Colgate 6oyt arried -ida Sher an3 niece of &hio Senator3 %reasury Secretary John Sher an3 8ho 8as a functionary for Rothschild gold anipulations3 and 8ho 8as brother of #eneral Sher an 8ho devastated #eorgia at the close of the Civil (ar? 6oyt 8as a director of 9nion Pacific Rail8ayE Chicago @ $orthern Pacific Rail8ayE *issouri3 .ansas @ %eGas Rail8ayE (isconsin RailroadE &regon Rail8ayE and others? Senator #reen got his #reen Act passed in 1<OL after $evada silver Senator Patric7 *cCarran staged a filibuster in ,ece ber 1<O2 to 7ill it? 9nder the #reen Act of 1<OL3 a )ederal price cap of K1?11 cents per ounce 8as i posed on (estern silver ine outputE he helped a7e possible the -end2-easing of silver by 8hich 4ritain could retard prices 8orld8ideE and he arranged for his silvers ithing3 Fe8elry and industrial silver using pals to grab OL3JK23000 silver ounces :Co ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 January 2I3 1<OI3 page O2K= 222

%he $e8 'or7 %i es3 June 2L3 1<OJ3 section III3 page 23 colu n one :Sunday edition= reported that #eneral +lectric 8as "unable to buy silver1 since the #reen Act eGpired? #?+? 8asPis a board and obtaining silver in a free and open aFor Pilgri s Society corporation3 and its iners and taGpayers222 ar7et 8as an obFectionable procedure to anage ent 8anted to feed off

antico petitive interests? %he #reen Act rene8al 8as bloc7ed by the Silver SenatorsE unfortunately3 that victory 8as only te porary3 as the *oney Po8er never MuitsB Sir Ronald -indsay3 Pilgri s Society3 son of the 2Jth +arl of Cra8ford3 8as A bassador to the 9nited States during the critical silver 1<L021<L<3 and 8as son in la8 of Pilgri s Society anipulative period3 e ber Colgate 6oyt of

II (all Street :one of

any transatlantic

arriages in %he Society= 8ho 8as

associated 8ith silver stealing Senator %heodore #reen 8hile on the board of 4ro8n 9niversity at Providence3 Rhode Island222

$evada silver Senator *cCarran :in office 1<LL21<IO= 8as outspo7en in placing bla e for attac7s on silver oney on #reat 4ritain? In "Silver Serves %hroughout the (ar1 :*ining Congress Journal3 )ebruary 1<OJ3 page IJ= he charged2 "%he purpose of lend2leasing silver for onetary and industrial uses abroad 8as chiefly to enable #reat 4ritain to control the price at a lo8 level?1

Robert 6enry 4rand3 4aron 4rand3 Pilgri s Society3 a relative of the incredibly subversive Astors3 8as 4ritish representative to the silver price suppressing 9nited States %reasury3 1<OO21<OJ? 6e 8as director of -loydDs 4an7? (arti e )ederal &rder -220; :*ining Congress Journal3 )ebruary 1<OK3 page K<= 8as discussed in an article titled "#old *ining in the ,oldru s1 by $eil &D ,onnell3 vice president3 Idaho *ines Corporation222 "%8o dates in recent ti es are re e bered 8ell by gold first is &ctober ;3 1<O23 8hen all gold rescinded? %8o facts are even ine operators? %he ines in the 9nited States 8ere closed anaging director of -a!ard 4rothers and chaired $orth 4ritish @ *ercantile Insurance and a

by -i itation &rder -220;? %he other date is July 13 1<OI3 8hen the order 8as ore vividly re e bered? %he first is that ence ent ining is econo ic loss 8as brought to the industry by -220;3 and the second fact is that the cost of production of gold has risen so high since the co of the 8ar that the aFority of ine operators have found that gold

either a business 8ith greatly reduced profits3 or an unprofitable business? Although -220; passed into history on July 13 1<OI3 the effects of its eGistence are still 8ith us? (hen the gold iners 8ere ordered to close their properties ade to lighten the inevitable burden ine operator ca e on &ctober ;3 1<O23 no provision 8as

8hich 8as to descend on their shoulders? $o gold

through the LL2 onth period of closure 8ithout suffering serious losses3 A$, I$ *A$' CAS+S %6+ *I$+ &($+R (AS R9I$+, )I$A$CIA--'? If any lesson is to be learned fro the issuance of -220;3 it is that A S69%,&($ &R,+R IS A (+AP&$ &) )+AR)9- P&%+$%IA-I%'? %he passage of this order and the subseMuent R+)9SA- &) %6+ #&0+R$*+$% %& I$,+*$I)' %6+ &P+RA%&RS is an occurrence 8hich should give not only ine operators3 but all citi!ens pause to consider? A PR+C+,+$% IS +S%A4-IS6+, (6IC6 *I#6% %&9C6 $&% &$-' *I$I$# C&$C+R$S3 49% A$' CI%I/+$? (6& S6A--

SA' $& %&*&RR&( I) A 49R+A9 &) %6+ )+,+RA- #&0+R$*+$% &R,+RS '&9R 49SI$+SS C-&S+, )&R LL *&$%6SA1 %he people staffing these high echelon levels of the govern ent today 8ill be of the sa e character as that of 1<O2? %hey 8ill be front 7no8n as the Council on )oreign Relations? %he e bers of the public ost elite of the 8ill be

e bers of %he Pilgri s3 8ho in the 8ords of their founder Cecil Rhodes3 eGist to carry out "the sei!ure of the 8ealth necessary1 :A erican Revie8 of Revie8s3 *ay 1<023 pages IIK2II<=? 9sing )ederal po8er to destroy those in their crosshairs is nothing ne8? It re ains a truly serious threat to anyone 8ith sta7es in gold and silver? %he invo7ing of illegal3 unconstitutional3 anti2 Jac7sonian3 4ritish Cro8n inspired orders is set to coincide 8ith the creation of "e ergency conditions1 in order to allegedly Fustify tyranny? %he enace is not based in *osco8 or 4eiFing or %eheran but in $e8 'or7 and -ondon? -2 20; 8as not issued 8ith acco panying eGplanation to the effect that %he Pilgri s Society insinuated its e bers into the #overn ent in order to ta7e actions to 8rec7 people outside their circlesE they cannot be so straightfor8ard as to their pillaging activitiesE it 8as issued clai ing that gold ining 8as diverting anpo8er and achinery a8ay fro 8ar construction aterials such as copper? In 1<OL 9tah alone produced L2L3<;<3000 short tons of copper httpQPPhistorytogo?utah?govPutahRchaptersP iningRandRrailroadsPcopper i ning?ht l %here 8as no need to shut do8n gold iningE it 8as a onetary attac7 against gold and a govern ent forced consolidation of 8ea7 interests into stronger ones after the (ar? %he Pilgri s Society doesnDt acMuire 8ealth 8ith free ar7et ethodsE it installs its e bers in #overn ent so it can "sei!e the 8ealth necessary?1 )erdinand +berstadt of the (ar Production 4oard that issued -i itation &rder -220;3 surfaced in the lea7ed 1<J< list of %he Pilgri s? +berstadt founded +berstadt @ Co pany3 invest ent ban7ers3 and Che ical )und? 6e arried

into the 0an Arsdale fa ily3 descended fro

,utch lando8ners3 and 8as a

e ber of such internationalist clubs as -yford Cay :4aha as=? +berstadtDs papers3 stored in the archives of Princeton 9niversity -ibrary3 reveal his dealings 8ith the anti2silver ,illonsE Nueen +li!abeth3 Patron of %he Pilgri s SocietyE )rancis 4iddle3 once 8ith the )ederal Reserve 4an7 of Philadelphia3 and e ber of the 4iddle fa ily :Pilgri s Society= associated 8ith the second oves in the ,epression against an international e ber John ,? Roc7efeller Jr?E Averill ,onovan of &ffice e bers Allen ,ulles 4an7 of the 9?S?E Illinois Senator Paul ,ouglas :anti2silver=E President 6erbert 6oover3 8ho bac7ed 4ritish silver conference in *eGico CityE Cyrus +aton3 notorious Soviet trade pro oter associated 8ith Pilgri s 6arri an of -end2-easeE *ellon fa ily operative (illia of Strategic Services :forerunner to the CIA=E Pilgri s

:CIA chief= and John )oster ,ulles :International $ic7el Co panyE 4an7 of $e8 'or7E Roc7efeller )oundationE Secretary of State=E John %? Connor3 a Pilgri s e ber on the Coinage Co ission that reco ended the cupronic7el slugsE Senator Stuart Sy ington :Pilgri s= 8ho as Secretary of ,efense 8rec7ed $orthrop Aviation 8hen it refused to an unfavorable ta7eover 8ith Atlas Corporation :Convair= controlled by )loyd &dlu :Pilgri s=E Clifford Carver :Pilgri s= of the A erican (haling Co pany and other interests 8ho arried 6elena3 daughter of #eneral Sir John *aG8ell :Pilgri s= in 1<1<E and any others? ittee on ,epart ent of

+berstadt consulted 8ith the Roc7efeller Co

,efense &rgani!ation in *arch 1<IL3 8hich probably had to do 8ith defense contractors looting the public? +berstadt spo7e at the +cono ic Club of $e8 'or7 :anti2silver= on *arch 1I3 1<JI3 8hile this paper (ill %o -oot1222 oney ob 8as finishing off silver coins? +berstadtDs boo7 8ould have been better titled "%he

$evada Senator Patric7 *cCarran again3 in the *ining Congress Journal3 )ebruary 1<I13 page 10I revealed222 "In July 1<I0 the Cuban govern ent announced it 8ould de oneti!e about J030003000 ounces of silver in the for in their stead? %he %reasury and )ederal Reserve 4oard is to be sold in the $e8 'or7 of pesos and issue paper ban7 notes endations of a recent ission to Cuba? %he de oneti!ed silver ar7et?1 ove 8as in line 8ith reco

ar7et over a period of years and in such a 8ay the public in order to not suppress

as to not disturb abruptly the operation of the Silver suppressors donDt sei!e silver fro silver pricesB

Pilgri s Society

e ber ,ean Acheson 8as Secretary of State3 1<O<21<IL

and is so eti es called the ")ather of $A%&1 :$orth Atlantic %reaty &rgani!ation=3 an atte pt at regional 8orld govern ent 8ith #reat 4ritain? 6e 8as 8ith the Pilgri s Society la8 fir of Covington @ 4urling? A e ber of the Scroll @ .ey Society of 'ale3 Acheson 8as decorated by S8eden3 *eGico3 4ra!il3 Colu bia3 4elgiu 3 Japan3 Ca bodia and the 9nited States? In "Present At %he Creation1 :1<J<222the creation of $A%&= he print any8here222 entions 4ilderberg and %he Pilgri s Society3 one of the eGtre ely rare instances in

,ean Acheson and his fello8 Pilgri s Society conspirator 6enry *orgenthau Jr?3 gold and silver stealer3 8ere leaders of the A erican delegation at the

4retton (oods Conference in 1<OO3 fro

8hich sprang the International

*onetary )und and the (orld 4an7? %he *ining Congress Journal3 )ebruary 1<OI3 page <L gri ly reported222

"$& )RI+$,S &) SI-0+R (+R+ I$0I%+, %& A%%+$, %6+ C&$)+R+$C+S A% 4R+%%&$ (&&,S?1
Co enting in the *ining Congress Journal for )ebruary 1<O<3 page 10<3 report on silver222 "I% IS $&% +CP+C%+, %& C&$%AI$ A$' R+C&**+$,A%I&$S )A0&RA4-+ %& SI-0+R AS *&$+'?1 (arren -ee Pierson3 Pilgri s Society3 8as an advisor to the A erican delegation at the 1<OO 4retton (oods Conference3 at 8hich 8as eGcluded fro their reco endations222 onetary silver Senator *cCarran declared of the pro ised3 but intentionally delayed3 I*)

Pierson chaired All A erica Cables @ RadioE appeared on boards of %rans (orld AirlinesE Investors ,iversified ServicesE (ah Chang CorporationE *olybdenu he 8as a CorporationE Ionics IncorporatedE 9?S? IndustriesE International ercial CableE 0erientes Ca aguey SugarE e ber of RooseveltDs $ational + ergency Council3 1<LO21<LJ? *eGico3 4ra!il3 )inland3 )rance3 Italy3 #er any %elephone @ %elegraph I%%E Co 6e held decorations fro

and Portugal? 6e 8as advisor to A erican delegation at Inter2A erican Conference on Proble s of (ar and Peace3 *eGico City3 1<OI? 6e 8as president of the International Cha ber of Co erce3 1<II21<IK? -aurence John Cadbury3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 #overnor of the 4an7 of +ngland3 1<LJ21<J13 due to his position 8ould have been involved

8ith -end -ease silver and the start of the -ondon #old Pool? 6e beca e treasurer in 1<LJ of the Population Investigation Co ittee3 another evidence of %he Society intending to reduce 8orld population by 8arfare and other eans :including forced vaccinationsB= Pilgri s Society e ber (illia Averell 6arri an beca e chief overseas atters the ad inistrator of -end2-ease in 1<O13 supervising a ong other

disburse ent of %reasury silver out of his office in -ondon? 6e 8as A bassador to the Soviet 9nion3 1<OL21<OJ and helped despotic Soviet boss Joseph Stalin increase the industriali!ation of RussiaE Stalin outla8ed gold o8nership on the part of his tyranni!ed subFectsE under his ad inistration reports reached the (est that 6IS S94J+C%S (+R+ S6&% A$, I*PRIS&$+, )&R 6&AR,I$# SI-0+R A$, +0+$ )&R +$C&9RA#I$# &%6+RS %& ,& S& :$e8 'or7 %i es3 August 1;3 1<L03 page J and August 2L3 page O= 222

6arri an3 seen belo8 in #eneva3 S8it!erland 8ith Soviet boss $i7ita .hrushchev3 8as heir to the great 9nion Pacific Railroad fortune and the invest ent ban7 of 4ro8n 4rothers3 6arri an @ Co pany at I< (all Street? 6arri an 8as A bassador to the Soviet 9nion3 1<OL21<OJE to +ngland for several onths in 1<OJE Co erce Secretary3 1<OJ21<O;E director3 Council on )oreign Relations3 1<I021<IIE #overnor of $e8 'or73 1<II21<I;E and held interests in PolaroidE Southern Pacific RailroadE Illinois Central RailroadE Aviation CorporationE A erican 6a8aiian Stea ship Co panyE 6a burg A erican -inesE Soviet #eorgia *anganese ConcessionsE *erchant Shipbuilding CorporationE (estern 9nion %elegraphE *anhattan Co panyE #uaranty %rustE and held any diplo atic posts and Presidential appoint ents3 including A bassador At -arge3 1<JI21<J< and developed Sun 0alley resort area in Idaho222

6arri anDs second heirs and

arriage 8as into the (hitney fa ily of Standard &il arried a Churchill fa ily relative in 1<K1?

4aron 4eaverbroo73 Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain :belo8= 8as the 4ritish representative to the -end2-ease progra ? In 1<0O he 8as near anager of the Canadian based Royal Securities Corporation and by 1<10 had a assed onopoly control over the ce ent business in Canada3 8hereupon he sold out :8ith a dar7 cloud over his activities= and left for +ngland? In 1<11 he 8as 7nighted by .ing #eorge 03 Royal Patron of %he Pilgri s Society? 4y 1<1; he founded the Sunday +Gpress 8hich by 1<LO achieved daily circulation of 13K0;30003 yielding hi 6arri an assive inco e? In 1<O1 4eaverbroo7 and et 8ith Joseph Stalin and3 according to (i7ipedia3 the 4aron 8as

" uch i pressedE1 8hy not3 Stalin opposed gold o8nership by his subFect peoplesB 4y 1<OJ his ,aily +Gpress attained L3K0J3000 daily circulation3 easily a7ing hi one of the 8orldDs I0 ost influential en222

$evada Silver Senator .ey Pitt an3 in a 4an7ing and Currency said :Co >Silver is a 8ar

e o to the Senate Co

ittee on

ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 *arch 2L3

1<O03 page 1;I<= stated222 etal? ,uring every great 8ar3 the de and for silver3 chiefly for the purpose of paying soldiers3 has increased and the price has risen? %a7e as an eGa ple the effect of the last great (orld (ar upon the de and for silver and its great increase in price? In 1<1L the 8orld price of silver 8as J1?2 cents per ounce? In 1<1I3 one year after the 8ar co enced3 the price 8as JK?1 cents per ounce? In 1<1K it 8as ;O cents per ounce? In 1<1;3 it 8as <;?O cents per ounce? After the 8ar 8as over3 in 1<1<3 it 8as S1?12 per ounce? %hen the 9nited States #overn ent ade available to eGporters of

silver I030003000 of standard silver dollars for the purpose of beating do8n the price of silver3 under the eGcuse that the silver bullion price had gone above the onetary price in the 9nited States? %6+ #&0+R$*+$% I$%+$,+, A$, ,I, ACC&*P-IS6 %6+ 4+A%I$# ,&($ &) SI-0+R )R&* S1?L; A$ &9$C+ %& J0 C+$%S A$ &9$C+?1 %he #overn ent he referred to 8as chiefly3 the President and the %reasury Secretary222Pilgri s Society e bers? %he $e8 'or7 %i es3 August L13 1<O23 page 2I3 ")ree Silver Stoc7 ,iverted %o (ar1 reported that 1?LI4&/ :13LI030003000= silver ounces 8ere leased by the %reasury ,epart ent for use in 8ar Pilgri s Society anufacturing plants o8ned by Pilgri s Society controlled interests? e ber 6enry -? Sti son :belo8 right= 8ith President %ru an after dropping ato ic bo bs on Japan in August 1<OI? As Secretary of (ar3 1<O021<OI3 Sti son had full control over the *anhattan ProFect that developed nuclear 8eapons? %he *anhattan ProFect used 1O3K00 tons of silver222about OK0*&/ in electrical conducting "busbars1 and other construction to enhance technological processes in "calutrons1 httpQPP888?ato icarchive?co P6istoryP pPpOsO?sht l

entioned the huge silver busbars in "(ar And Silver1 :Archives= as also being used in alu inu anufacturing plants for aircraft fuselages? %he industry is very electric intensive3 and the *ellon fa ily of Pilgri s e bers 8ith A-C&A do inated :and still does= the do estic

alu inu


industry? 4iG (eir had an insightful article as to 8here silver to cover deficits could have co e fro 222the sa e silver used by the (ar ,epart ent in the *anhattan ProFect httpQPP888?silverbearcafe?co PprivatePsilver ystery?ht l In all events3 another case of a Pilgri s Society e ber influencing events affecting silver at the highest levels? Page 1OO of "%he Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain1 :2002= sho8ed that on June 213 1<IJ3 6arry %ru an3 for er President of the 9nited States3 8as guest of honor at a eeting of %he Pilgri s Society of #reat ission on Indian 4ritain in -ondon? It 8as presided over by %he +arl of 6alifaG3 for erly -ord Ir8in3 4ritish 0iceroy of India3 8ho sponsored the Royal Co Currency that the 8orld ade the decision to de oneti!e IndiaDs silver and du p it on

ar7et3 collapsing 8orld trade3 causing the #reat ,epression and

the inevitable events that led up to the second (orld (ar?

"%6+ )AI-9R+ %& R+S%&R+ SI-0+R AS A *&$+%AR' *+,I9* -+, %& %6+ S+C&$, (&R-, (AR A$, %6+ C&--APS+ &) C6I$A?1 222%he *ining Congress Journal3 )ebruary 1<IK3 page 11;? %he Sunshine *ining Co pany annual report for 1<;L3 page I3 features this co entary fro ,allas resident #? *ichael 4os8ell Muoted a diplo atic source as ad itting222 "*ore crucial than strategy 8ere silver coins 8ith 8hich to pay the troops? %hey did not 8ant gold 'uan3 but four silver dollars per t8o of these 8ould sustain their onth apiece or even orale? &%6+R(IS+ C&**9$IS% A#+$%S

C&9-, 49' %6+* &)) (I%6 6AR, *&$+'?1 *i7e 4os8ell3 8hose co pany 8as later savagely destroyed by vicious silver shorts3 then personally added this222 "In 1<LK China 8as attac7ed thus beginning a struggle that 8as not concluded until the Co unist victory in 1<O<? A aFor factor in the failure of Chinese resistance 8as the then current silver fa ine? I% (AS C6IA$# .AI2 S6+.DS I$A4I-I%' %& PA' 6IS %R&&PS I$ SI-0+R C&I$S %6A% (AS #R+A%-' R+SP&$SI4-+ )&R C6I$ADS -&SS &) I%S *AI$-A$, %& %6+ C&**9$IS%S?1 -ord 6alifaG3 Pilgri s Society3 the sa e fiend 8ho unleashed the #reat ,epression on the 8orld by presiding over du ping silver out of 4ritish India3 8as close2in on the action 8ith Sti son3 as 6alifaG 8as A bassador to the 9?S?3 1<O021<OJ? "#R+A% 4RI%AI$ 6AS C&$%I$9+, %& SA4&%A#+ SI-0+R AS *&$+'?1 222$evada silver Senator Patric7 *cCarran3 *ining Congress Journal3 )ebruary 1<O;3 page <2?

Ja es 4? Conant :1;<L21<K;= appeared in the lea7ed 1<J< list of %he Pilgri s? 6e 8as an advisor to the Roc7efeller )oundation and president of 6arvard 9niversity3 1<LL21<IL? 6e 8as A bassador to (est #er any3 1<IL21<IK and later chaired the Co 8ar onger front organi!ation? )ro $ational ,efense Research Co Ato ic +nergy Co ittee on the Present ,anger3 a 1<O121<OJ he 8as chair an of the ittee 8hich played a 7ey role in the ission3 1<OK21<I2222

*anhattan ProFect and input into the silver usedE he 8as an advisor to the

In the Co

ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 *ay 1J3 1<OJ3 page 2K0L3 the ittee on *onetary Policy called for lo8ering the ining silverB

+cono ists $ational Co

silver price? $aturally3 none of these fiends 8ere involved in Chicago? Another 8as (illia

&ne of these econo ists 8as Ivan (right3 eG of the )ederal Reserve 4an7 of (? Cu berland3 Pilgri s Society :(hoDs (ho in A erica3 1<OJ3 page ILK=? Cu berland 8as appointed governor of the Reserve 4an7 of Peru for 1<2L21<2O in an eGtraordinary eGa ple of foreign influence in a silver producing country and held si ilar posts in 6aiti and $icaragua before Foining (ellington @ Co pany3 na ed after the ,u7e

of (ellington3 brother in la8 of #eneral -ord Pac7enha 3 bulldo!ed at $e8 &rleans by Andre8 Jac7son in 1;1O and sent bac7 to -ondon in a cas7et of ru ? Cu berland appeared on such boards as St? -ouis @ South8estern Railroad and A erican /inc3 -ead @ S elting Co pany? %he +cono ists $ational Co ittee on *onetary Policy additionally called for the conspiratorial SLI price cap on gold to be continued on a per anent basis :see "%he Conspiracy Against #old31 Archives=? -eland ReG Robinson3 Pilgri s Society :(hoDs (ho3 1<I23 page 20J1= 8as vice president of the +cono ists $ational Co ittee on *onetary Policy3 and 8as 8ith 4ritish e ber of the Co ission to Study the International Co pany and a

&rgani!ation of Peace :8orld govern ent=? 6enry *? (riston3 Pilgri s Society3 8as president of 4ro8n 9niversity in Providence3 Rhode Island :silver using state=3 and 8as another +cono ists $ational Co e ber of the ittee on *onetary Refor ? 6is son (alter beca e

a significant gold price suppressor and second generation Pilgri s Society e ber? (riston senior 8as a governor of the $e8 'or7 Stoc7 +Gchange3 and president of %he Pilgri s SocietyDs unofficial subsidiary3 the Council on )oreign Relations3 fro 1<I121<JO222

9nder 4ritish Pri e *inister Cle ent Attlee3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 silver content of 9?.? coins 8as reduced to !ero as of 1<OK? %he eGcuse given 8as that silver 8as needed to repay -end2-ease silver fro It provided a convenient eGcuse for the synthetic 4ritain off silver coinage222 the 9nited States? oney creators to ta7e

In "Silver At %he Crossroads1 :*ining Congress Journal3 )ebruary 1<OK= by an unidentified "special correspondent1 featured details of so e of the 4ritish attac7s on silver as oney222 "(ithin a fortnight follo8ing the battle on silver in the 9nited States3 Sir 6ugh ,alton3 Chancellor of the +GcheMuer3 announced that legislation 8ould soon be offered in the 4ritish Parlia ent designed to 8ithdra8 fro purpose of elting the circulation all silver half2cro8ns3 florins3 shillings3 siG2pences and three2pences for the do8n and eGtracting the silver to provide a stoc7pile for sale to silver using industries in the 4ritish Isles? %he silver coins to be 8ithdra8n fro circulation are co posed of I0 percent silver3 O0 percent copper3 I percent nic7el and I percent !inc? %he ne8 substitute coinage of the sa e deno inations 8ill be co posed of KI percent copper and 2I percent nic7el? %he agree ent under 8hich this silver 8as lend2leased to

4ritain reMuires repay ent in 7ind to the 9nited States #overn ent 8ithin five years after the President declares (orld (ar II to have ended? 4ritish statisticians esti ate that a total of 22130003000 fine ounces of silver 8ould be recovered as a result of this 8ithdra8al? %hey also esti ate that the progra of de oneti!ation 8ill yield at the rate of approGi ately and that four and one2half years 8ill be I030003000 ounces per annu

reMuired to co plete the de oneti!ation progra ?1 :page ;O= "%here is at present an industrial de and in the 4ritish Isles for 1I30003000 ounces annually? Also it is eGpected that so e of this silver 8ill be eGported to India and other Colonial possessions to de ands? 9nder this progra eet coinage and industrial for repay ent of her silver the 4ritish #overn ent 8ould be able to

allocate LI30003000 ounces of silver per annu

lend2lease debt to the 9nited States and still have 1I30003000 ounces for sale to industry? If this schedule is adhered to3 at the end of five or seven years 4ritain 8ill have repaid her silver lend2lease obligation of ;;30KL3;K;?21 ounces and to have sold for industrial uses KI30003000 ounces3 a7ing a total of 1JL30003000 ounces of silver? %6IS (&9-, -+A0+ A S%&C.PI-+ &) I;30003000 &9$C+S (6IC6 4RI%AI$ C&9-, A$, PR&4A4-' (&9-, 9S+ %& S(A*P 49--I&$ *AR.+%S %6R&9#6&9% %6+ (&R-, I$ &R,+R %& R+,9C+ A$, *AI$%AI$ %6+ (&R-, PRIC+ A% A -&( -+0+-?1 :page ;O= "%he danger in this situation lies in the possibility that 4ritain ay not elect to repay her silver lend2lease debt before the eGpiration of five or seven years after the 8ar is officially declared to have ended? In that event 4ritain 8ould have LI30003000 ounces of silver per annu %& %6R&( 9P&$ %6+ *AR.+%S A% S9C6 %I*+S A$, P-AC+S AS (&9-, 4+ ,++*+, *&S% +CP+,I+$% I$ &R,+R %& CARR' &9% 6+R P9RP&S+ &) ,+0A-9I$# SI-0+R %6R&9#6&9% %6+ (&R-,?1 :page ;O=

Sir 6ugh ,alton 8as AttleeDs Chancellor of the +GcheMuer? ,altonDs father 8as personal chaplain to the Royal fa ily? 6e 8as Society e bership records? ,alton 8as a ost li7ely a Pilgri s e berE the organi!ation is unresponsive to reMuests for full e ber of the )abian Society3 a Pilgri s

Society front3 attended the Pilgri s Society run -ondon School of +cono ics3 beca e president of the 4ritish 4oard of %rade3 1<O221<OI3 Chancellor of the +GcheMuer3 1<OI21<OK and briefly head of the (orld 4an7? 6e co suicide on )ebruary 1L3 1<J2222 itted

Ja es Ivers3 8riting in the *ining Congress Journal3 )ebruary 1<II3 page 1O0 reflected222 "%he passing of Senator Pat *cCarran of $evada3 on Septe ber 2;3 1<IO3 is a distinct loss to the cause of silver? 6e 8as ever vigilant in his efforts to i prove the onetary position of the 8hite etal and al8ays alert in eGchanging vie8s 8ith the +Gecutive branch of the #overn ent 8here he felt

the %reasury and State ,epart ents (+R+ 4+I$# I$)-9+$C+, 4' %6+ 4RI%IS6 #&0+R$*+$% %& A4&-IS6 SI-0+R :A$, #&-,= AS *&$+'?1 6enry Cabot -odge Jr?3 Senator fro *assachusetts :silvers ithing state= fro January 1<OK to January 1<IL3 of a very pro inent fa ily 8ith long history3 voted for everything the Silver 9sers Association 8anted? 6e served as a bassador to the 9nited $ationsE South 0ietna E #er any and 0atican State? 6is na e appeared on page 1I of the lea7ed 1<;0 list of %he Pilgri s3 $e8 'or7222


4enton3 chair an of +ncyclopedia 4ritannica fro

1<OL to 1<KL3 Connecticut

appeared in the lea7ed list of %he Pilgri s3 1<J<? +4 functioned as a tool influencing public opinion? 6e 8as a ,e ocrat Senator fro fro 1<O< to 1<IL 8ho loo7ed after the silver users interests222

*orris +? #arnsey3 Professor of +cono ics at the 9niversity of Colorado3 e ber of the anti2silver A erican +cono ic Association3 8riting in 6arperDs *aga!ine3 $e8 'or73 *ay 1<I03 pages <; and 1003 article titled3 "6eigh2 6o3 Silver1 belched out this conta inated blather22 "%hus3 on the evidence3 8e longer needed as ay conclude that in the 9nited States silver is no oney3 A$, I%S +CIS%+$C+ AS *&$+' IS AC%9A--' A$

+*4ARRASS*+$%? %his is the sad truth 8hich the silver advocates cannot understand? %he si ple fact is that silver has absolutely no place in the odern regulate the onetary syste of the 9nited States? %o depend upon silver to onetary supply or to aid the debtor (est is about as sensible as

to depend on a Colt ?OI to protect us against Fet propelled bo bers? &ur odern ban7ing syste 3 8ith its ability to create )ederal Reserve notes and

ban7 deposits on a fractional gold reserve basis3 has given us an eGtre ely fleGible oney supply? (e no longer need silver for the ore onetary purpose of oney today it can providing a specie reserve? If the (est needs

appeal to the regional )ederal Reserve 4an73 to the R)C3 or to any one of a do!en other federal credit agencies? SI-0+R )&R )IC%I%I&9S *&$+%AR' P9RP&S+S IS S6++R+S% (AS%+ A$, +C%RA0A#A$C+222%6+ SI--I+S% .I$, &) $&$S+$S+?1 #arnsey received a )ord )oundation grant in 1<IK21<I;3 8hen the )oundationDs president 8as 6enry %? 6eald of %he Pilgri s Society 8ho the cover of %i e *aga!ine3 June 103 1<IK222 ade

6enry 6eald 8as president of Illinois Institute of %echnology3 1<O021<I2E e ber $ational Co ission on Accrediting3 1<I021<IJE chancellor of

$e8 'or7 9niversity3 1<I221<IJE president of the )ord )oundation starting in 1<IJE as of the 1<JK (hoDs (ho3 page <2J3 he still headed that foundationE and 8as a e ber of the anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or7? 6e 8as a trustee of %eachers Insurance @ Annuity Association and a director of A erican %elephone @ %elegraphE 9nited States SteelE +Muitable -ife Assurance SocietyE and -ever 4rothers? -eonard Car ichael :1;<;21<KL=3 Pilgri s Society3 had one of the longest biographical profiles of anyone ever in (hoDs (ho? %he 1<JK edition3 page LO03 sho8ed he 8as 8ith the $atural Resources Planning 4oard3 1<O121<OL3 an agency established by Pilgri s Society fro 1<OK for over 20 years? 6e 8as a e ber )ran7lin RooseveltE its e ber of the Ar y Scientific apE he 8as president :1<L<21<O0= e bers3 8ho are eGe pt fro issionE director3 Research na e tells all? Car ichael 8as a trustee of the anti2silver 4roo7ings Institution Advisory Panel3 1<IJ21<J2 and a director of the (hite 6ouse 6istorical Association? Car ichael 8as all over the of the Muestionable A erican Psychological Association3 8hich 8orries about everyoneDs behavior eGcept that of its o8n "evaluationE1 e ber (ar *anpo8er Co CorporationE 'er7es -aboratoriesE

e ber $ational Research CouncilE

trustee Jac7son *e orial -aboratoryE $ational #eographic SocietyE %ufts CollegeE secretary3 S ithsonian InstitutionE decorated by Spain3 ,en ar73 #er any and Italy and a labyrinthine plethora of other stellar accolades222

President +isenho8er :1<IL21<J1= appeared in the lea7ed list of %he Pilgri s3 1<J<3 along 8ith $elson Roc7efeller :center= and Senator .enneth .eating :right=? In late January 1<IL3 +isenho8er ordered an "audit1 of gold stored at )ort .noG and the nation 8as infor ed "all accounted for?1 %his Pilgri s Society of global looters has a history of precious etals stealing activities the li7es of 8hich canDt be approGi ated 1W by any other organi!ation222

%he +isenho8er +Gchange )ello8ships3 established in 1<IL3 have the sa e (orld #overn ent indoctrination and obFectives as the are Pilgri s Society ore i portant Rhodes Scholars? Current co2chair an of the +isenho8er )ello8ship progra e bers #eorge 6erbert (al7er 4ush and 6enry .issinger? *arion 4? )olso 3 Pilgri s Society3 8as +isenho8erDs Secretary of the ,epart ent of 6ealth3 +ducation and (elfare3 1<II21<I;3 after 8hich he Foined the board of +ast an .oda7 Co pany :Silver 9sers Association3 silver stealers= 222


8as a

e ber of the anti2silver A erican +cono ic Association and

a trustee of the anti2silver 4roo7ings Institution and the anti2silver $ational 4ureau for +cono ic Research and a trustee of the 9niversity of Rochester :ho e base of +ast an .oda7=? 6e 8as 9nder Secretary of the %reasury in 1<IL and a personal friend of #eorge +ast anE silver users 8ere getting etal at taGpayer subsidi!ed rates fro e ber3 synthetic rubber #oodrich 8as listed as a the %reasuryB Pilgri s Society agnate John -yon Collyer of ,unlop %ire @ 4?)? e ber of *organ #uaranty advisory council and

a director of +ast an .oda7 :Silver 9sers Association3 silver stealers222 International 'ear 4oo7 @ States enDs (hoDs (ho3 1<J<3 page 1<L=? In testi ony before the Senate3 ,r? C?&? 6ardy of the Pilgri s Society front3 the 4roo7ings Institution3 said >SI-0+R C+R%I)ICA%+S AR+ J9S% AS *9C6 )IA% C9RR+$C' AS #R++$4AC.S?> :Co ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 June 2O3 1<L<3 page LKKL=? %hatDs li7e a car dealer saying "P6'SICA*&%&R 0+6IC-+S AR+ $& *&R+ S94S%A$%IA- %6A$ P6&%&S &) *&%&R 0+6IC-+S?1

In the *ining Congress Journal3 )ebruary 1<I03 page 10<3 $evada silver Senator Patric7 *cCarran 8rote222 "%he Reserve 4an7 of India 8ith reputed stoc7s of ;030003000 ounces of silver is in a position to s8a p the ar7et at any ti e3 as it did in July? It is esti ated that J030003000 ounces of the 4an7Ds holdings ca e fro the seigniorage fund of the 9nited States %reasury under lend2lease during the 8ar? %6IS SI-0+R IS 6+-, &0+R %6+ 4&*4A' *AR.+% AS A %6R+A% %& A 6I#6+R PRIC+? %6IS IS A ,IS#RAC+)9- SI%9A%I&$?1 %he Reserve 4an7 of India3 its central ban7 still har fully in operation today3 8as established httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPReserveR4an7RofRIndia as part of the reco endations of the 6ilton 'oung Co ission3 other8ise 7no8n as the Royal Co ission on Indian CurrencyE 8hich as 8e read earlier3 8as responsible for du ping Indian silver on 8orld ar7ets3 causing the #reat ,epression and shoving the 8orld a8ay fro onetary silver222 ore Pilgri s Society subversionB %he Co ercial and )inancial Chronicle for April L03 1<IL3 pages 1;K22 1;KL3 featured the speech of retired rear ad iral ,onald J? Ra sey3 legislative counsel to the Silver 9sers Association3 to the *irror *anufacturers Association in Chicago3 on April 1K3 1<IL222 >%he silver users are very sy pathetic 8ith the proble s of the silver iners3 but do not feel that anyone should profit at the eGpense of our onetary syste ?> %ranslated222"(e the silver users are the illegiti ate child of the paper oney ob 8ho profits at the eGpense of the onetary syste and are opposed to people being paid in actual oney and have no sy pathy for the iners?1

proble s 8e and our sponsors cause the silver

Allan Sproul3 profiled here in ,ece ber 200< in "1<O< @ 200< Sa e Con *en31 8as president of the )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or7? 6e 8as Muoted in 0ital Speeches of the ,ay3 ,ece ber 13 1<O<3 pages 10;211O a7ing enacing re ar7s including222

"(+ 6A0+ %6+ N9+S%I&$ &) #&-, 9$,+R C&$S%A$% S9R0+I--A$C+? (+ 6A0+ 4++$ 9$,+R A%%AC. 4+CA9S+ &) &9R A%%I%9,+ %&(AR, #&-,? A )R++ #&-, *AR.+% IS 6+R+S'? %6+R+ IS $& S+$S+ I$ A *A.+ 4+-I+0+ )R++ #&-, *AR.+%? #&-, 6AS $& 9S+)9- P9RP&S+ %& S+R0+ I$ %6+ P&C.+%S &) %6+ P+&P-+? %6+R+ IS $& 6I,,+$ P9RP&S+? A-*&S% A$'%6I$# (I-- S+R0+ AS *&$+'?1
(hile he didnDt ention silver3 is there anyone out there 8ho thin7s his attitude 8ould have been different about itA SproulDs na e surfaced in the lea7ed 1<J< list of %he Pilgri s3 $e8 'or7222

$o 8onder Sproul turned up on the board of (ells )argo? Pilgri s Society e ber3 0anderbilt fa ily operative 6enry Clay AleGander :na ed after 6enry Clay3 one of Andre8 Jac7sonDs ban7ing adversaries fighting to preserve the second 9nited States 4an7=3 profiled here in "%ypical J?P? *organ Rac7eteer31 ade the follo8ing chilling declaration in an eeting at address before the Invest ent 4an7ers Association of A erica3

6olly8ood3 )lorida3 on $ove ber 2;3 1<J0 :0ital Speeches of the ,ay= 222

"&ur gold policy prohibits residents of the 9nited States fro

o8ning refined

gold in this country? %6A% P&-IC' S6&9-, 4+ +C%+$,+, %& PR&6I4I% %6+ &($+RS6IP &) #&-, A$'(6+R+ 4' 9?S? R+SI,+$%S? (hy do I place so uch stress on sound J?P? *organ official3 Pilgri s Society oneyA1 etals222 e ber 6enry Clay AleGander3

opponent of citi!en o8nership of precious

AleGander 8as a trustee of 0anderbilt 9niversity3 8hich sponsors the anti2 silver %he long list of oney A erican +cono ic Association? erged and consolidated to beco e 8hat is any Pilgri s Society e bers over the any3 egaban7s that

today JP*organChase had years in their upper na es unfa iliar to

anage ent and their boards of directorsE including any of you such as Albert 6? (igginE Paul *orit!

(arburgE Russell C? -effing8ellE Robert -ivingston Clar7sonE 6arold 6ol es 6el E John J? *cCloyE Robert %? 4arrettE 6ulbert Stratton AldrichE 6enry S? (ingateE #eorge R? 0ilaE Arthur 6? PageE (illia Shryoc7 RenchardE Richard .? Paynter Jr?E -ongstreet 6intonE #eorge Cha pionE -ord Sinclair of CleeveE #eorge %? PiercyE +ll ore Clar7 PattersonE John %? ConnorE +lvis J? Stahr Jr?E

0ictor +? Roc7hillE +d und %? Pratt Jr?E (alter 0? ShipleyE Sir ,ennis (eatherstoneE -e8is %? Preston Jr? and at least do!ens of othersB "-I.+ C&**9$IS% R9SSIA? %6+ 9$I%+, S%A%+S IS &$+ &) %6+ )+( #&0+R$*+$%S %6A% %RI+S %& PR+0+$% %6+ &($+RS6IP &) #&-, :A$, SI-0+R *A' 4+ $+C%B=1 222%he A erican *ercury *aga!ine3 Su (illia er 1<KL3 page 2J

-a bert .leit!3 Pilgri s Society3 president of #uaranty %rust e ber of the invest ent co ittee of the A erican

Co pany of $e8 'or73 chaired the anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or73 1<IJ21<IK? 6e 8as a Institute of *ining @ *etallurgical +ngineersE director of Inspiration Consolidated CopperE Royal -iverpool #roup of Insurance Co paniesE I4* (orld %rade CorporationE (ilson @ Co pany3 eatpac7ers3 ChicagoE e ber $e8 'or7 State 4an7ing 4oard :(hoDs (ho3 1<I23 page 1LJI=? %he detail that could not have been in that listing3 the years he chaired the +cono ic Club3 8as located at httpQPP888?econclubny?co Phistory?asp 6e 8as a e ber of %he SphinG 6ead Society of Cornell 9niversityE S7ull @ 4ones has a fair nu ber of analogues at other universitiesB %he 1<I;21<I< (hoDs (ho3 page 2K003 listing of +d8in Sher8ood Sto8ell Sunderland3 attorney at 1I 4road Street in *anhattan 8ho represented a half do!en aFor railroad holding corporations3 the 6arri an interests3 9nited aFor coal ining States %rust of $e8 'or7 at OI (all Street3 and a

co pany3 included "Pilgri s1 in his listing3 along 8ith "+cono ic31 the anti2 silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or7? Sunderland 8as father in la8 of Charles Scribner I0 :Pilgri s 1<J< lea7ed list=3 of an old2line publishing dynasty222 Charles ScribnerDs Sons :anyone care to chec7 to see if ScribnerDs ever published an eGpose of the )ederal ReserveA= Sunderland also stated e bership in another club "Je7yll Island :#eorgia3 director=?1 %he Je7yll Island Club 8as the site of the infa ous eeting of financiers222all but one of

8hich identified as Pilgri s Society

e bers222that resulted in the founding of in 1<1L? 0ie8 of the Je7yll Island

the notorious )ederal Reserve Syste


Pilgri s Society

e ber Joseph Ir8in *iller 8as the

ost pro inent

e ber

of President +isenho8erDs $ational Co

ission on *oney and Credit :1<IK2 etal in the A erican

1<J1=? %he $C*C found no place for either precious of IndianaE chair an of Cu

onetary syste ? *iller 8as chair an of Ir8in 9nion 4an7 @ %rust Co pany ins +ngine Co pany :diesel truc7 engines=E ission on *ultinational corporationsE director A?%? @ %?E trustee )ord )oundationE 'ale 9niversityE 9rban InstituteE *ayo )oundationE 9nited $ations Co and chaired the PresidentDs Co ission on %rade Relations 8ith the Soviet

9nion and +astern +urope in 1<JI222

&ne of the art8or7s held by *iller 8ent for S;0?O


httpQPP7ylecra8ford?blogspot?co P200;R0JR01Rarchive?ht l 8hich undoubtedly 8as acMuired for a tiny sliver of that su ? )ra!ar 4ullard (ilde3 Pilgri s Society3 chaired the anti2silver $ational Co ission on *oney and Credit? 6e 8as president of Connecticut #eneral e bers have a history of capturing control -ife Insurance222Pilgri s Society

of huge pools of invest ent capital represented by insurance giantsE the list is long? (ilde 8as a consultant in the early 1<J0Ds to the )ederal Reserve 4oard3 8here he probably helped the running the Co plan sabotage against silver coinage ission 8as the first since the and certificates222that 8ould be in step 8ith his 7no8n vie8s on silver 8hile ission on *oney and Credit? %hat co ission3 8hich reco aFor investigative body into the 9nited States currency syste infa ous Aldrich Co saddled 8ith in 1<1L? In 1<JI Pilgri s Society

ended the central ban7 8e got e ber -yndon Johnson3 anti2 ittee on International

silver activist3 appointed (ilde to the Advisory Co

*onetary Arrange ents :8hat the hell 8as that aboutA #old s8aps and silver leasingA *aintaining dollar hege onyA= 222

4usiness (ee7 *aga!ine3 July 123 1<KJ3 page OK3 called )rederic 6? 4randi "A S9P+RS%AR 4A$.+R1 and o itted the detail on his Pilgri s Society e bershipB It 8as 4randi 8ho3 8ith ,avid Roc7efeller3 too7 control of %rans (orld Airlines a8ay fro installed Pilgri s Society non e ber 6o8ard 6ughes3 after 8hich they e ber Charles %illinghast at the %(A hel ? 4randi

beca e chair an in 1<J2 of ,illon3 Read @ Co pany on (all Street 8hen ,ouglas ,illon3 Pilgri s Society and overseer of 6arvard 9niversity3 8ent to (ashington to be %reasury Secretary to help the Silver 9sers Association loot Constitutional silver coins fro against Pilgri s Society the public? 4randi li7ely concurred 8ith 6enry Clay AleGanderDs anti2gold senti ents3 but apparently it 8as never a plan e bers o8ning gold3 as 4randi 8as also a director of A erican South African Invest ent :ASA -td?= httpQPP888?asaltd?co PaboutPco pany?asp a closed2end gold and


ining invest ent co pany? It 8as originally proposed in the late ents intended to depress silver prices? 4randi 8as a

1<I0Ds by Charles +nglehard of +nglehard Industries3 8hich has faced la8suits over co director of Inter2Che ical Corporation3 a silver user for catalytic processes3 and of $ational Cash Register3 8hich helped cashiers handle the SocietyDs bastardi!ed paper notes foisted on hundreds of coast222 illions of people coast to

&ne of the ASA directors today 8as 8ith the 6o8ard 6ughes *edical Institute3 funded by 8ealth sei!ed fro 6ughes by %he Pilgri s organi!ation? .enneth Claiborne Royall3 Pilgri s Society3 chaired the anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or73 1<J121<JL? As a $orth Carolina State Senator in 1<2K he authored the 4an7 -iMuidation Statute3 chaired the $orth Carolina 4ar Association in 1<2<21<L0 and 8as a Presidential +lector fro $orth Carolina in 1<O0? Royall 8as a brigadier general3 1<OL21<OI and special assistant to the Secretary of (ar? In July 1<OK he 8as appointed Secretary of (ar3 rena ed Secretary of the Ar y3 1<OK21<O<? %he corruption ra ifications

surrounding %he Pilgri s Society are off any scale222as Secretary of the Ar y3 did Royall channel contracts to the "correct1 interests3 and 8ere they non2 co petitiveA 6e 8as a delegate at large to the 1<JO ,e ocratic $ational Convention? %he 1<JJ (hoDs (ho3 page 1;L1 sho8ed Royall a trustee of the J). -ibrary222

%he la8 fir

that Royall beca e a

e ber of 8as eventually absorbed by

ban7ing3 finance and capital fir

ar7ets specialist Clifford Chance --P 8hich e ber of the "*agic Circle1 of leading easured by

according to httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPCliffordRChance is a global la8 headMuartered in -ondon and a 9. la8 fir s? It is one of the ten largest la8 fir s in the 8orld both nu ber of la8yers and revenue?1 Pilgri s Society 8ere e ber John Jay *cCloy :1;<I21<;<= chaired Chase egaban7s en against the "silver the nationDs *anhattan 4an7 1<IL21<J1 during a crucial period 8hen the aneuvering 8ith their Congressional hatchet bloc31 :no bloc1 and its long ti e ally3 the "far

ore since Pilgri s Society

agribusiness giants sei!ed control= to have silver re oved fro

currency syste ? Chase $ational 4an7 and the other Cro8n allied $e8 'or7 ban7s boycotted the *organ silver dollars upon issuance in 1;K;3 and their perverse hatred against silver is nothing ne8222

*cCloy 8as na ed after John Jay3 second #overnor of $e8 'or7 and first chief Fustice of the 9?S? Supre e Court? 6e chaired the Council on )oreign Relations :Pilgri s Society front= fro son of silver stealer3 Pilgri s Society )ro 1<IO to 1<K0? 6enry *orgenthau III3 e ber 6enry *orgenthau Jr?3 8as

associated 8ith *cCloy httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPJohnRJ?R*cCloy 1<OK to 1<O< *cCloy 8as president of the (orld 4an7? 6e 8as a e ber3 agnate and silver user John *? &lin? *cCloy chaired the trustee of the John *? &lin )oundation3 na ed after Pilgri s Society che ical a

A erican Council on #er any and the )ord )oundation3 1<IL21<JI and 8as e ber of *ilban73 %8eed3 6ope3 6adley @ *cCloy3 international ultinational interests including +GGon? ,uring attorneys for Pilgri s Society

1<OJ21<O< and 1<IL21<I; he 8as a Roc7efeller )oundation trustee? *cCloy chaired *ercedes 4en! $orth A erica and 8as a director of A%@%E

*etropolitan -ifeE (estinghouse +lectricE SMuibb CorporationE and Allied Che ical :silver users=? 6e 8as often referred to as "Chair an of the A erican +stablish ent?1 *cCloy 8as a (arren Co 8as central to the ission e ber and I of the yth that -ee 6arvey &s8ald acted alone? A

vie8 that %he Pilgri s Society arranged the hitA Absolutely? %he ban7ers tried to rub Andre8 Jac7son out and tried again 8ith John %yler3 but succeeded in other instances? &n June O3 1<JL3 President .ennedy issued +Gecutive &rder 11110 8hich directed the %reasury Secretary ,ouglas ,illon to issue silver certificates against %reasury held silver? ,ouglas ,illon3 Pilgri s Society3 never carried out the order and on $ove ber 223 1<JL3 the bac7 of .ennedyDs head 8as blasted off in do8nto8n ,allas3 JacMueline holding a piece of his shattered s7ull over his profusely bleeding open brain222

-yndon 4aines Johnson then beca e PresidentE he

ade a nationally

broadcast speech repudiating silver coinage :see "-4J#(4 Silver31 Archives=?

.ennedy syste

ay have had an attac7 of conscience regarding the

onetary e ber

after his eGchange of correspondence 8ith Pilgri s Society

,avid Roc7efeller3 published by -ife *aga!ine3 July J3 1<J23 pages L02LO3 in 8hich J). pro ised %he Incarnation &f +vil that the 9nited States 8ould not raise the SLI per ounce price of goldB *any of the OLL3OJ03212 1<JO .ennedy half dollars 8ere sets? -ife *aga!ine3 July J3 1<J23 pages L02LO3 featured a letter eGchange bet8een Pilgri s Society e ber ,avid Roc7efeller and President .ennedy3 in 8hich Roc7y called for a "cooperative effort to da pen do8n the gold price3 and the strengthening of the International *onetary )und?1 .ennedyDs response appeared co pliantE but that 8as Pilgri s Society onths before +Gecutive &rder of Chase 11110 8as issued? e ber #eorge Cha pion 8as at the hel *anhattan 4an7 8hile its personnel 8ere 8inno8ing out silver coins for ship ent to the )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or7 and the %reasury ,epart ent222 intage elted and turned into sterling table8are

Republican Senator fro

$e8 'or73 1<I<21<JI3 .enneth 4? .eating

appeared in the lea7ed 1<J< list of %he Pilgri s3 $e8 'or7? (hile Senator he voted for everything the Silver 9sers Association 8anted? 6e 8as

A bassador to India3 1<J<21<K2 then to Israel3 1<K221<KI and a the Interparlia entary 9nion222

e ber of

#lenn %? Seaborg chaired the Ato ic +nergy Co

ission :A+C= fro

1<J1 to

1<K13 8hich had purvie8 8ith the ,efense ,epart ent over the calutronsE he 8as a scientist in the *anhattan ProFect and 8as discoverer and co2 discoverer of several ele ents and isotopes and a $obel Pri!e 8inning scientist and 8as involved 8ith the $ational Science )oundation? 6is na e appeared in the lea7ed 1<J< list of %he Pilgri s3 8hen he beca e a director of the (orld )uture Society and appeared again in the lea7ed 1<;0 list222

Seaborg had an office at -a8rence 4er7eley -aboratory at the 9niversity of California3 no8 operated in conFunction 8ith the ,epart ent of +nergy3 successor to the A+C? 4er7eley invented the cyclotron in 1<L<3 a silver using device? %he Co ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 $ove ber 1K3 1<JJ3 page entioned that there 8as JI illion ounces ission3 and that the silver 8as 1KIK in "%reasury Silver %oday31

of silver on loan to the Ato ic +nergy Co

radioactive3 apparently having been eGposed to active isotopes? (hat beca e of that silverA I have not found the ans8er yet despite persistent searches? *onroe +? Spaght3 Pilgri s Society3 chaired the anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or7 in 1<JO21<JI3 so e of the SocietyDs ost blit!7rieg years against onetary silver? 6e 8as director of the 9nited States Strategic 4o bing

Survey over Japan in 1<OI :after the 8ar to assess da age to industrial facilities= and beca e chair an of Shell &il Co pany and anaging director of %he Royal ,utch Shell #roup in -ondon in 1<JI? 6e 8as a Stanford 9niversity trustee and director of Stanford Research Institute and A erican Petroleu Institute of 8hich he beca e chair an? According to e ber 8as serving as university eeting3 Spaght 8ould httpQPPne8s?stanford?eduPprP<LP<L0J2<ArcL1<0?ht l 222 "&ne of his infor al tas7s as a board 8ho had been a trustee for inter ediary to Stanford alu nus and for er 9?S? President 6erbert 6oover3 any years? After each visit >the Chief> at his $e8 'or7 City ho e to report on Stanford affairs?1 %hat 8as the sa e President 6oover3 Pilgri s Society3 8ho refused to call an international silver conference due to 4ritish oppositionB Spaght 8as an advisor to Che ical 4an7 :na ed for silver users= and a director of (ells )argo and chaired the $e8 'or7 State Science and %echnology )oundation3 in addition to chairing the Institute of International +ducation and being president of the Society of the Che ical Industry :catalytic silver users=? Sir ,enys ColMuhoun )lo8erde8 -o8son3 Pilgri s Society3 -ord *ayor of -ondon3 1st 4aronet of (estla8sE *aster3 (orshipful Co pany of #old and Silver (yre ,ra8ers3 decorated by ,en ar73 )inland3 $or8ay and the $etherlands3 8as a utual fund and real estate operator in the 9?.?3 $e8 /ealand and Canada 8ho3 upon his death in 1<KO3 8as finally indicted for large scale financial fraud against thousands of investors3 8as a director of the 4an7 of $ova Scotia3 circa 1<JL to 1<K13 freMuently cited as pro inent on the short side of the global silver ar7et222

+ugene Robert 4lac73 Pilgri s Society3 8as 8ith Chase $ational 4an7 and beca e president of the (orld 4an7 :1<O<21<JL=3 succeeding John Jay *cCloy3 Pilgri s Society3 8ho 8as also associated 8ith Chase? 4lac7Ds father 8as chair an of the )ederal Reserve Syste 3 *ay 1<LL through August 1<LO? %he father could easily have been a Pilgri s e ber3 and the son chaired the anti2silver 4roo7ings Institution3 1<J221<J;? 4lac7 8as a special financial consultant to the 9nited $ations Secretary #eneral and the Shei7 of .u8ait and a )oreign Aid Progra s3 e ber of the Co ittee to +valuate 9nited States ost li7ely an entity set up to ensure that taGpayer

funds 8ere channeled into Pilgri s Society conduits overseas? 6e 8as a director of A erican +GpressE 4o8ery Savings 4an7E Chase *anhattan 4an7E Co unications SatelliteE Cu ins +ngineE +lectric 4ond @ ShareE )ran7lin PublicationsE International %elephone @ %elegraphE -a!ard )undE Royal ,utch ShellE (ool8orthDs and others? 6e 8as a trustee of the Atlantic CouncilE the Population CouncilE Johns 6op7ins 9niversity and the )ord )oundation 3 providing grants for "scholars1 to issue 8hite papers ridiculing silver222 onetary

#eorge ,? (oods3 Pilgri s Society3 chaired )irst 4oston Corporation3 a *ellon fa ily entity3 starting in 1<I1? )ro 1<JL21<J; he 8as president of the the infa ous 4retton (oods (orld 4an73 an institution that arose fro

Conference of 1<OO3 8here no friends of silver 8ere invited to attend222

(oods 8as a director of $e8 'or7 %i es Co panyE .aiser IndustriesE Spruce )alls Po8er @ PaperE trustee Roc7efeller )oundation3 .aiser )oundation3 $otre ,a e 9niversity and .ennedy -ibrary? %he 1<K1 (hoDs (ho page L;K3 sho8s ,aniel .? Chap an3 partner in ,u Pont @ Co pany3 1 (all Street3 lea7ed list of %he Pilgri s 1<J<3 Chicago 4oard of %rade3 trustee3 (illia s College? President -yndon 4aines Johnson3 8hose na e appeared in the 1<J< list of %he Pilgri s3 $e8 'or73 see ed cheerful as to his ad inistration overseeing the ter ination of Constitutional silver coinage 222 e ber

httpQPP888?ti e?co Pti eP aga!ineParticleP03<1K13;KJ01O300?ht l entions that the )ederal Co unications Co ission :)CC= gave the onopoly starting in 1<I2? Johnson broadcasting station in Austin3 %eGas3 a

%his is typical Pilgri s Society business operation222use the )ederal #overn ent to eli inate co petitorsB Johnson 8as secretary to Congress an Richard .leberg in 1<L121<LIE .leberg 8as an heir to the ;2I3000 acre .ing Ranch in South %eGas3 connected to the +GGonPRoc7efeller oil trust and that ay be -4JDs induction point into the anti2silver ove ent

httpQPP888?guardian?co?u7PpoliticsP200;PaugP01P8o en?usa and httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP.ingRRanch "%6+ #&0+R$*+$%DS C&$C+R$ &0+R SI-0+R 6AS A -&$# A$, C&-&R)9- 6IS%&R'1 2229?S? $e8s @ (orld Report3 ,ece ber 113 1<J13 page 10J

JohnsonDs %reasury Secretary3 Clarence ,ouglas ,illon3 son of Clarence ,illon3 8ho 4usiness (ee7 *aga!ine called "the brilliant financier of the e ber3 as 8as his father? In "%he *irrors of 1<20Ds13 8as a Pilgri s Society

(all Street1 :1<LL3 Putna Ds Sons=3 page 1;J3 8e discover that on the day ,illon Senior too7 over (?A? Read @ Co pany3 the founder diedE page 1;K states ",illon handled ore oney than did J?P? *organ in his career?1 elted and ,ouglas ,illon chaired the Roc7efeller )oundation and presided over the recall of <0W silver coinage to %reasury ,epart ent vaults3 to be Pilgri s Society donated to his pals in the Silver 9sers Association3 represented by such e bers as -eland Ira ,oan of ,o8 Che icalE 6o8ard 4iers3 .enneth Rush3 Ja es *? 6ester3 Robert +? *c$eill Jr? and 4irny *ason

Jr? of 9nion CarbideE -a

ot ,u Pont Copeland and Caesar Augustin

#rasselli of ,u Pont de $e ours @ Co panyE Philip ,? Reed and (alter 6oving of %iffany @ Co panyE and others? *c$eill 8as an ASARC& directorE *ason 8as a $e8 'or7 Stoc7 +Gchange director? )ro 1<JK to fall 1<K03 the users got 1<03OLI321K ounces of %reasury silver in #eneral Services Ad inistration "auctions1 :givea8ays5see "%he Silver Raiders1= and that doesnDt include %reasury sales and du ping outside those non2auctions? ,ouglas ,illon3 A bassador to )rance3 1<IL21<IK3 a founder in 1<I< of the Inter2A erican ,evelop ent 4an7 and 8as also a director of Chase *anhattan 4an7 and A erican %elephone @ %elegraph :A%@%= and an eGecutive co ittee e ber of %he Pilgri s Society 8hose daughter beca e Princess Joan of -uGe bourg222

,illon chaired the 4roo7ings Institution in the ,istrict of Colu bia beginning in 1<K03 an elitist thin7 tan7 and very rabidly anti2silver currency organi!ationB %he Society ay already have plans for ulated for a etals nationali!ation

on the part of one of their thin72tan7s such as 4roo7ings Institution :Ja es ,? Robinson III3 Pilgri s Society=E Rand Corporation :Philip -ader3 Pilgri s Society3 for er A bassador to +ngland=E or the Aspen Institute :6enry Catto3 Pilgri s Society3 for er A bassador to +ngland=?

$evada Senator Alan 4ible 8rote a letter of protest to ,ouglas ,illon co plaining that "the %reasuryDs silver sales 8ere controlling the ar7et 8ith an unrealistic ceiling1 :$e8 'or7 %i es3 *arch 1<3 1<J13 page K;=? ,illonUs vie8 8as i placably against allo8ing silver prices to rise in response to free ar7et forces and he 8anted to222

>ASS9R+ %6+ SI-0+R 9S+RS %6A% %6+ PRIC+ (I-- $&% RIS+ 4+'&$, I%S PR+S+$% *AR.+% )&R A -&$# %I*+ %& C&*+?> :(all Street Journal3 *arch 123 1<JL3 page O=?
,illonUs intent against silver prices 8as also reported overseas? %he +cono ist3 July 1L3 1<JL3 page 1JJ reported the %reasury ,epart ent helping the Silver 9sers Association :and the )ederal Reserve Syste =Q >,I--&$3 %6+ S+CR+%AR' &) %6+ 9?S? %R+AS9R'3 6AS SAI, %6A% SI-0+R 49--I&$ (&9-, 4+ R+-+AS+, &$ ,+*A$, %& PR+0+$% SI-0+R RISI$#?> %hat 8as eGactly parellel to #reenspanUs fa ous state ent about central ban7s leasing gold to prevent prices risingB %he difference is3 ,illonDs re ar7s preceded #reenspanDs by al ost eGactly LI yearsB 'es3 their first concern is to suppress silverB

%he +ngineering @ *ining Journal3 Septe ber 1<JL3 page KL3 said222 "%6+ A,*I$IS%RA%I&$ A$, %6+ %R+AS9R' (+R+ ,+A, S+% A#AI$S% A )R++ #&-, *AR.+% A$, A 6I#6+R PRIC+ )&R #&-,?1 ,illonDs 9ndersecretary of the %reasury3 Robert 0incent Roosa3 a Rhodes Scholar3 8as another Pilgri s Society e ber and director of the Council on )oreign Relations3 Prudential Insurance3 %eGaco3 a partner in 4ro8n 4rothers3 6arri an @ Co pany at I< (all Street? "People have a terrible ti e trying to understand 4ro8n 4rothers 6arri an3> says Partner %ho as *cCance3 JJ? >(e perfor an unusual set of services1 :%i e *aga!ine3 Septe ber 2K3 "the largest3 and by far the oldest 9?S? private ban7 .1= e ber on the 'ale 9niversity ,evelop ent 1<J;3 calling the fir

*cCance 8as a Pilgri s Society

4oard and director of S.) Industries3 8orld leader in rolling bearings and seals 8ith operations in K0 nations? Roosa chaired the anti2silver 4roo7ings Institution after ,ouglas ,illon? 6e 8as a Roc7efeller )oundation trustee and an advisor to the International )inance Corporation? Roosa helped dispense %reasury ,epart ent silver to the voracious Silver 9sers Association222

Roosa 8as additionally a director of A erican +Gpress and &8ens Corning )iberglass3 probably another silver userE and 8as president for 1<JK of the A erican )inance Association? Roosa 8rote "*onetary Refor +cono y1 :1<JI=3 presenting the puppet for the (orld asters vie8s on global finance?

Roosa 8as a driving force during 1<J1 for the for ation of the -ondon #old Pool3 a scandalous conspiracy by several central ban7s to cap the price of gold at SLI? It ended 8ith the te porary closing of the -ondon gold on *arch 1I3 1<J;3 on orders fro %he Pilgri s SocietyB A ong ar7et %he Nueen of +ngland3 Royal Patron of

any other positions3 Roosa 8as president of

the +cono ic Club of $e8 'or73 1<K021<K13 8here anti2silver vie8s have been presented by spea7ersE and eGecutive of the 9nited $ations AssociationE director3 $ational 4ureau of +cono ic Research and chair an $e8 'or7 Stoc7 +Gchange Advisory Co ittee on International Capital *ar7ets? 6is associate at the $ational 4ureau of +cono ic Research 8as Arthur )ran7 4urns3 Pilgri s Society3 8ho headed the anti2silver3 anti2gold

)ederal Reserve Syste


1<K0 to 1<K;3 8ith its correspondent

relationship 8ith the silver supplying 4an7 of *eGico222

"(6& %6+ 6+-- IS %6A%A &$+ 4AS%AR, #&+S I$3 A$&%6+R C&*+S &9%B1 222+li (allach in "%he #ood3 the 4ad3 and the 9gly1 :1<JI= 4urns succeeded (illia of the precious *cChesney *artin Jr?3 Pilgri s Society3 at the hel etals suppressing )ederal Reserve Syste 3 8ho ran it fro

1<I1 to 1<K0 and vo8ed to defend the for er SLI per ounce gold price

>do8n to the last ingot> :see >%he Conspiracy Against #old3> Archives of Silver Investor= 222

In the )ederal Reserve 4ulletin3 April 1<JL3 page OJ<3 8e notice the testi ony by (illia *cChesney *artin Jr?3 )ederal Reserve 4oard Chair an at a Congressional hearing222 >%he 4oard believes it is unnecessary to utili!e silver as part of the 9?S?

onetary syste ? Although so e concern has been eGpressed that re oving the silver >bac7ing> fro part of our currency not agree?> After leaving the )ed *artin chaired the Co ittee to Reorgani!e the $e8 'or7 Stoc7 +Gchange and appeared on such boards as Royal ,utch Petroleu 3 9?S? Steel3 #eneral )oods3 Caterpillar %ractor3 )reeport *inerals3 A erican +Gpress and ,o8 Jones @ Co pany and beca e a Johns 6op7ins 9niversity trustee? Construction agnate -ou Revere Crandall :1;<L21<K;=3 Pilgri s Society3 built the )ederal Reserve 4uilding in the ,istrict of Colu biaE the Supre e Court 4uildingE the ,epart ent of Justice 4uildingE the ,epart ent of the Interior 4uildingE the ,u Pont 4uildingE do!ens of othersE 2J 8ar anufacturing plants in (orld (ar IIE and the 9nited $ations 4uilding :(hoDs (ho3 1<JJ3 page OJ2=? (eDre eGcruciatingly acMuainted 8ith the fli sy shinplaster inflation notes these olded over silver stealing rac7eteers foist on the nation222 ight lo8er its value3 I 8ould

"$& *&%I0+ &) C&$0+$I+$C+ %& %6+ CI%I/+$ R+N9IR+S %6+ R+C+P%I&$ &) 4A$. PAP+R?1222President *artin 0an 4uren3 Special Session essage to Congress3 Septe ber O3 1;LK %he 9nited States *aga!ine @ ,e ocratic Revie83 $ove ber 1;O13 page OI1 said President 0an 4uren fought "%6+ %'RA$$' A$, )RA9, &) &9R A4&*I$A4-+ PAP+R *&$+' 4A$.I$# S'S%+*?1 %he absolute 8isdo of precious etals as the only valid currency for the 8orld 8as again confir ed in another $e8 'or7 %i es story3 dated July 1K3 1<2<3 page 2? In that feature 8e learn that the 4elgian $ational 4an7 in 4russels3 8hich held the physical volu e eMuivalent of 12I rail8ay cars of fiat currency notes belched out by the #er an central ban7 Fust J years before3 8ere to be 49R$+,B Nuantities of the cellulose trash " oney1 had already been burned for heat in furnaces and for coo7ing and used as 8allpaper?

As in the Jac7son ad inistration 8hile Andy 8as fighting the 9nited States 4an73 :Muote fro Co ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 April 2<3 1<JI3 page 1K<I= 222 "%hese notes of lo8 value 8ere held in conte pt by the public?1 %he (all Street Journal3 ,ece ber K3 1<JK3 page 13 reported that the 12 )ederal Reserve branch ban7s 8ere sifting through coinage :under orders fro Pilgri s Society e ber *artin= and re oving any re aining silver entioned coins for the benefit of the Silver 9sers Association? %he 1<JK (hoDs (ho in A erica3 page <IL3 featured Ja es *? 6ester3 8hose profile "Pilgri s 9?S?1 :the virtually spectral organi!ation under investigation here= and the fact that he 8as a Rhodes Scholar in 1<OK21<I0? 6e beca e president of $e8 'or7 9niversity in 1<J2? 6e 8as a ,anforth )oundation :Ralston Purina fortune= trustee and an advisor to the $ational )und for *edical +ducation? 6ester 8as a director of )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or7 :silver stealers= and 9nion Carbide Corporation :Silver 9sers Association3 silver stealers=E and Prudential Insurance222

6ester beca e rector of 9nited $ations 9niversity3 1<KI21<;0 and 8as a director of the International Association of 9niversities and the A erican Council on +ducation and a #uggenhei propagandi!ing students a8ay fro )oundation trustee? 6e chaired the PresidentDs %as7 )orce on Priorities in 6igher +ducation in 1<J<E 8as gold and silver part of thatA It sure 8as part of the (hite 6ouse agenda then as no8B 6o8ard Charles Petersen :1<1021<<I=3 Pilgri s Society3 8as counsel to the co ittee appointed in 1<O0 by )ran7lin Roosevelt to draft Selective Service 8as assistant Secretary of (ar3 1<OI21<OK and special assistant to the President on trade legislation3 1<J121<J2? 6e 8as president of )idelity 4an7 of Pennsylvania3 1<I021<JJ3 beco ing chair an in 1<JJ? %he 1<K0 (hoDs (ho3 page 1KK;3 sho8ed Petersen on the board of the )ederal Reserve 4an7 Regulations and 8as special assistant to the Secretary of (ar in 1<OIE he

of PhiladelphiaE Insurance Co pany of $orth A ericaE Pana a Canal Co panyE and Co co on8ealth -and %itle Insurance? 6e chaired the advisory ittee to the +Gport2I port 4an7 and 8as on the eGecutive council of the hoardingE e ber econo ics visiting co ittee of 6arvard 9niversityE

A erican 4an7ers Association3 8hich in 1<JI suggested outla8ing of silver trustee3 Carnegie +ndo8 ent for International Peace :8ar ongers=E governor3 *enninger )oundation :psychiatry222calling those they disapprove of " entally ill1 as a tool of social controlB= 222

0iscount 6arcourt3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 8ho 8as the great grandson of Junius S? *organ and great nephe8 of J?P? *organ3 chaired *organ3 #renfell @ Co pany :a partnership started 8ith J?P? *organ=? %he International 'ear 4oo7 @ States enDs (hoDs (ho3 1<J<3 page L;23 listed 0iscount 6arcourt as head of the 4ritish %reasury ,elegation in the 9?S? and for er director of the International *onetary )und and the (orld 4an7222all silver and gold suppressing entities222

.enneth Rush3 Pilgri s Society3 8as A bassador to (est #er any3 1<J<2 1<K2 and to )rance3 1<KO21<KK? 6e beca e president of 9nion Carbide in 1<JJ :Silver 9sers Association e bers3 silver stealers= 222

Rush 8as a director of +l Paso $atural #as3 A erican Sugar Co pany3 the )oreign Policy Association and 4an7ers %rust $e8 'or73 8hich later 8ith gold suppressor ,eutsche 4an7? 6e 8as a erged e ber of the $ational

Security Council3 1<KL21<KOE according to his listing on page 2;0K of the 1<K< (hoDs (ho3 he 8as "chair an of the Council on International +cono ic PolicyE PresidentDs Co PresidentDs )ood Co Co ittee on +ast2(est %rade PolicyE itteeE Joint PresidentialPCongressional Steering

ittee on InflationE Council on (age and Price Stability3 all 1<KO?1 %he

last t8o entities 8ere efforts to bla e inflation on factors other than the )ederal ReserveB 6e beca e a director of t8o propagandi!ing organi!ations in 1<KK3 the Alliance to Save +nergy and the Atlantic Council3 8hich Pilgri s Society front see7s to reunite A erica 8ith 4ritainB John %? Connor3 Pilgri s Society3 chaired Allied Che ical Corporation :a silver user for catalysts= and 8as a director of #eneral *otors3 #eneral

)oods3 A erican 4roadcasting Co panies3 (arner -a bert Phar aceuticals3 the anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or7 and Chase *anhattan 4an7 and on the Roc7efeller Co 8as on the Coinage Co ission that reco history222 ission to Investigate the CIA3 ended the transition to

cupronic7el slugs3 then he chaired SchroderDs 4an73 an entity 8ith a troubling

Pilgri s Society to at least

e ber -e8is (? ,ouglas3 for

any years :circa late 1<O0Ds

id 1<K0Ds= a vice president of the Society3 presented an article

sarcastically called "%he Case for *onetary Refor 1 in the *ining Congress Journal3 ,ece ber 1<JI? &n pages I2 and IO 8e note ,ouglas cro8ing222 "%here see s to be and probably ought to be3 resistance on 8ell2ta7en grounds to a sufficiently substantial increase in the price of gold? $o one3 certainly not I3 8ould denigrate the role 8hich the I*) has played?1

,ouglas :belo8= at the ti e he copper ining

ade his gold suppressive state ent 8as a

director of $e8 ont *ining CorporationB 6e 8as the son of an Ari!ona agnate 8ith holdings in Phelps ,odge Corporation? 6e 8as A bassador to +ngland3 1<OK21<I0 and chair an of *utual -ife Insurance of $e8 'or73 1<OK21<I<? 6e 8as a director of International $ic7el of Canada :I$C&=E 9nion Corporation of South Africa :gold=E (estern 4ancorporationE Continental &ilE #eneral *otors and othersE director3 Council on )oreign Relations3 1<O021<JO? 6e 8as a subsidiary see7ing to Shar an Co )oundation trustee3 liMuor e ber of the &rder of the 4ritish + pire and chaired the +nglish Spea7ing 9nion3 a Pilgri s Society a7e +nglish the 8orld language? 6is daughter agnate3 president 4ritish A erican Cha ber of arried Andre8 *? 6ay3 &rder of the 4ritish + pire3 Churchill

erce3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritainE the )ebruary ;3 1<<J $e8 'or7 %i es death notice on Shar an said she 8as a lifelong friend of 4ritish Royals? Andre8 6ay is no8 a director of -C) +d ond ,e Rothschild Securities httpQPP888?esu?orgPpage?aspApVKL2;

%he )ort (orth3 %eGas3 Star %elegra 3 Septe ber 2;3 1<;J3 page J2, featured these re ar7s about -e8is (? ,ouglas3 and of course 7ept in the dar7 the fact of his e bership in %he Pilgri s Society222 "6e helped launch the *arshall Plan3 $A%& and the creation of Israel? &0+RR9-I$# %6+ J9,#*+$%S &) C&$#R+SS3 -+#IS-A%&RS A$, +0+$ PR+SI,+$%S &$ %6+ *&S% C&$%R&0+RSIA- &) $A%I&$A- P&-IC'222 )R&* %6+ R&&S+0+-% S9PR+*+ C&9R% %& (A%+R#A%+3 he understood the internal dyna ics of co pleG things li7e the $e8 ,eal and $A%& better

than any other A erican? Shar an ,ouglas beca e a friend of Princess *argaret and 8as photographed 8ith diplo atic corps e bers of the Royal )a ily and the ore often than 8as her father3 (6& R+C+I0+, &R,+RS

A$, 6&$&RS )R&* A-- %6+ C&9R%S &) +9R&P+ )&R 6IS (&R. (I%6 $A%&? 6+ AC6I+0+, A(+S&*+ P&(+R I$ (AS6I$#%&$ A$, I$ %6+ C&9R%S &) %6+ (&R-,?1 (hile this report is about 8ho the grand scale silver stealers 8erePare3 itDs also about gold stealers3 since itDs the sa e faction? *any of these of en are fa ous3 but 8hatDs un7no8n is their association in this secretive organi!ation etals stealers? #old only and silver only investors are in the sa e boat3 to destroy us allB %he +arl of Cro er3 eGecutive co ittee3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 8as #overnor of the 4an7 of +ngland3 1<J121<JJ and a leader of the price depressing -ondon #old Pool? %he +arl 8as A bassador to the 9nited States3 1<K121<KO and e ber of %he &rder of the 4ritish + pire? 6e 8as etals International *onetary )und3 the also a director of the anti2precious and 8e best ro8 together3 because the sa e 7ra7en 8aits belo8 the 8aves

(orld 4an73 and the International )inance Corporation222

%he +arl of Cro er 8as son in la8 of 0iscount Rother ere3 press and Pilgri s Society e ber?


httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPIanR-a8sonRJohnston3R2ndR4aronR-u7e -ord -u7e of Pavenha 3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 8as a director of the IJ3000 e ployee -loyds 4an73 chaired by Pilgri s Society e ber Sir +ric &din )aul7ner? -ord -u7e 8as a director of gold hedger Ashanti #oldfields :International 'ear 4oo7 @ States enDs (hoDs (ho3 1<J<3 page IOL=? #eorge Ray ond 0ila3 Pilgri s Society3 chaired the anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or73 1<K221<KO? 6e 8as chair an of 9niroyal3 for erly 9nited States Rubber3 and a director of Che ical 4an7E 4endiG CorporationE Church @ ,8ight :ba7ing soda=E Conference 4oardE $ational Agricultural Che ical AssociationE Rubber *anufacturers AssociationE and *anufacturing Che ists Association? So e8here in all that 8e sniff "silver users31 as silver is an i portant catalyst? 0ila 8as a trustee of (esleyan 9niversityE %he Institute for the )utureE and the Center for Infor ation on A erica? 6e 8as a e ber of

the technical industrial intelligence co

ittee of advisors to the Joint Chiefs of a Che ical 4an7 annual report

Staff in (orld (ar 2? See %he Institute for the )uture on #lobal )ood &utloo7 httpQPP888?iftf?orgPglobalfoodoutloo7 )ro circa id 1<K0Ds222


the lea7ed 1<J< list of %he Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain 8e notice Sir (illia

J? .es8ic7 :1<0L21<<0=3 director of the 4an7 of +ngland3 Sun Alliance @ -ondon Insurance3 4ritish Petroleu 3 6udsonDs 4ay Co pany and the Jardine *atheson conglo erate? %he .es8ic7s have been associated 8ith Anglo2)ar +ast business since 1;II as principal o8ners and anagers of 6ong .ong @ Shanghai 4an7 :6S4C3 silver and gold short no8 being sued for price suppression=? %he .es8ic7s 8ere also o8ners of the Indo2China Stea $avigation Co pany3 the Canton Insurance &ffice -td3 6ong .ong @ .o8loon (harf3 Star )erry3 6ong .ong %ra 8ay3 the 6ong .ong -and Invest ent @ Agency Co -td3 and the 6ong .ong @ (ha poa ,oc7

Co pany? .es8ic7 chaired the Shanghai *unicipal Council during the crisis that led to 8ar 8ith Japan and 8as 8ith 4ritish Intelligence httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP.es8ic7Rfa ily After (orld (ar II he too7 over Jardine *atheson operations in -ondon? %he co pany has roots3 along 8ith 6ong .ong @ Shanghai 4an73 in the Chinese opiu so opiu addicts the -ordly 4ritish Aristocrats so trade3 in 8hich vast illion or Muantities of silver 8ere suc7ed out of China as pay ent for the O0 &ften Chinese 8ere entions its opiu

agnani ously supplied?

ade addicts at gunpoint? See "Silver 9sers And

&piu 1 for details? httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPJardineR*atheson also trade connections and the lin7 to the Rothschilds3 8ho 8ere suspected3 8ith the governors of the 4an7 of +ngland3 as responsible for the Cri e of DKL :silver de oneti!ation by the 9nited States Congress=? Jardine *atheson %o8er in 6ong .ong stands I2 stories and is also 7no8n as Connaught Centre3 after %he ,u7e of Connaught3 :Prince Arthur3 8ho 8as #overnor #eneral of Canada= and president of %he Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 1<1K21<O2222

%he opiu

addict3 eyes bulging out of his headB

(e ta7e tea and cru pets before 8e go to bedB Sooner or later he drops stone cold deadB )or hi 3 not one 4ritish tear is shedB

)ortunes founded on opiu 3 super Sabotaging silver and gold

egaton big shotsB

oney3 connect the dots3

+cono ists on board3 the %roFan horse trots3 Churning out unbac7ed paper till it rotsB

Alfred P? 6ayes3 Rhodes Scholar and Pilgri s Society $e8 'or7 )ederal Reserve 4an7 fro

e ber profiled at

Silver Investor Archives in "Paper *oney *obster Spea7s31 8as president of the 1<IJ to 1<KI 8hen he beca e fa ous for selling phanto chair an of *organ Stanley International3 a fir

silver and charging investors to store itE 6ayes chaired the anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or73 1<JI21<JJ and presided over the collection of <0W silver coins in the nationDs largest ban7ing district3 sending the %reasury ,epart ent for the predatory Silver 9sers Association in closed to the elting into bullion later "auctioned1 :i?e?3 gifted= to eetings conducted by the

servile flun7ies of the #eneral Services Ad inistration222

"I 6A0+ 6+AR, &9R S(APS CRI%ICI/+, AS C&0+R 9PS?1 222Alfred 6ayes3 lecture at +cono ic Club of $e8 'or73 April 223 1<JL

"I A* PAR%IC9-AR-' PR&9, &) %6+ )+,+RA- R+S+R0+ S(AP $+%(&R.3 I$ %6+ ,+0+-&P*+$% &) (6IC6 I (AS I$0&-0+, )R&* I%S I$C+P%I&$3 -I$.I$# %6+ )+,+RA- R+S+R0+ A$, 1O &%6+R C+$%RA4A$.S A$, %6+ 4A$. )&R I$%+R$A%I&$A- S+%%-+*+$%S? #&-, 6AS -&$# 4++$ 0I+(+, 4' *A$' AS A 4AR4AR&9S R+-IC A$, ,+*&$+%I/I$# I% A$, P6ASI$# I% &9% &) %6+ S'S%+* C&*P-+%+-' S++*S %& 6A0+ A #&&, ,+A- &) APP+A- I$ S&*+ N9AR%+RS?1 222Alfred 6ayes3 speech at International *onetary )und3 August L13 1<KI httpQPP888?hiltonpond?orgPthis8ee70L0<01?ht l 6ayes for so e reason re inds e of the 8heel bug3 8hose bite causes ore pain than a hornet sting and can actually ta7e onths to heal? 6ayes 8as president of -ingnan

9niversity3 Canton3 China3 1<OK21<IO :itDs no8 in 6ong .ong= and the reader ay 8onder if there 8as a silver connectionA %his researcher al8ays 8ishes he had ore ti e? Sir John 4alfour3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 for er A bassador to Argentina and Spain3 chaired the 4ritish @ )rench 4an7? At the sa e ti e 4ritain 8as flooding ar7ets 8ith bullion fro elted Indian silver rupees3 co2 )rench Indo2China? 4alfour also conspirators in )rance du ped silver fro

chaired 9nited 4an7 for Africa :International 'ear 4oo7 @ States enDs (hoDs (ho3 1<J<3 page II=? Republican Senator fro Pennsylvania3 1<I<21<KK3 6ugh Scott appeared on page 20 of the 1<;0 lea7ed list of %he Pilgri s? 6e 8as predictably3 another ally of the Silver 9sers Association3 voting "aye1 to the Coinage Act of 1<JI5

Republican Senator fro Pilgri s Society

$e8 'or73 1<IK21<;13 Jacob Javits3 an ally of

e ber $elson Aldrich Roc7efeller3 voted for everything the

Silver 9sers Association 8anted3 including the ter ination of <0W Constitutional silver coinage on June 2O3 1<JI? Javits 8as guest of honor at a eeting of %he Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain3 June 2K3 1<JKE "%he Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain31 20023 page 1<K? $o one is su 8ealth necessary1222 oned to address the Society or be honored by it3 8ho opposes their obFectives of "the sei!ure of the

,e ocrat Senator fro

Rhode Island :silvers ithing state=3 1<J121<<K3

Claiborne Pell3 great3 great grand nephe8 of #eorge ,allas3 8ho 8as counsel to the corrupt3 Cro8nPRothschild connected second 9nited States 4an7 in 8hich the Astors and ,u Ponts 8ere po8ersE heir to the -orillard tobacco fortune 8ho voting to end arried into the #reat Atlantic @ Pacific %ea fortune3 8as as good a friend on Capitol 6ill the Silver 9sers Association ever had3 ost silver coinage in 1<JI? PellDs na e3 along 8ith L other 'or7222 Pells3 appeared on page 1; of the lea7ed 1<;0 list of %he Pilgri s3 $e8

6is cousin3 John 6o8land #ibbs Pell3 Pilgri s Society3 8as president of (all Street Investing Corporation? Another cousin3 John %rain3 is a e ber3 and 8as adviser to three Presidents and authored the national best seller "%he *oney *asters1 :1<<O= 8hich breathes not a 8hisper about %he Society? %rain chairs *ontrose )inancial #roup and is a director of #enesis )unds in -ondon? %rainDs ancestry and associations are fascinating3 bi!arre3 and disMuieting? 4rigadier #eneral Charles +? Salt! an3 Pilgri s Society3 Rhodes Scholar3 &rder of the 4ritish + pire3 born in the Phillipines3 8as a partner of gold

antagonist #old an Sachs3 1<IJ21<KL3 thereafter re aining a li ited partner? 6e held decorations fro )rance3 Italy3 4ra!il3 Poland and *orocco? ission beginning in ission222 6e beca e national president of the +nglish Spea7ing 9nion in 1<J1? 6is father3 a *aFor #eneral3 chaired the )ederal Radio Co 1<2J3 8hich beca e the )ederal Co unications Co

&n August 1I3 1<K13 President Richard $iGon sla

ed shut the gold 8indo8 ove3 $iGon

at the %reasury ,epart ent so that foreigners holding 9nited States dollars could no longer eGchange these for hard goldE in that sa e additionally ordered a <0 day free!e on 8ages and prices :)ascis = 8hich3 8hen evidence beca e undeniable that the free!e 8as causing shortages of all anner of products and services3 8as reluctantly rescinded? "%he Pilgri s of the 9nited States1 :200L= page 1O1 features the letter $iGon sent to %he

Pilgri s in $e8 'or7 dated *arch 2O3 1<J<3 on (hite 6ouse stationary3 accepting their invitation to be honorary president of %he Pilgri s of the 9nited States? Richard $iGon3 Pilgri s Society agent 8ho ordered the gold 8indo8 at %reasury sla ed shut222

After this attac7 on gold :as in the i puted integrity of its largest holder= the $iGon ad inistration3 secretly another Pilgri s Society ad inistration3 i posed a )ederal price cap of S1?J1 per ounce on do estic (ay to go3 Pilgri s SocietyB $iGonDs daughter %ricia son of Pilgri s Society &n *ay 2O3 1<KL3 -ibya 1<KL 6unt a assed a attorney? oved against 4un7er 6untDs oil operations3 and the 1<K1 to odest 2003000 ounces of silver? (as his gro8ing 9?S? State ,epart ent refused to intervene on 6untDs behalf? )ro ined on silver via his Cost of -iving Council :(all Street Journal3 July 2O3 1<K23 page 1J=? arried +d8ard CoG3 e ber 6o8ard +llis CoG3 an i portant *anhattan

interest in silver the reason the State ,epart ent refused to actA 'esE ho8ever3 it 8ould not have acted in any case3 as he 8as "ne8 rich1 and an outsider to the $et8or73 8hich bro7e hi by 1<;J? (illia P? Rogers3

Pilgri s Society3 8as Attorney #eneral3 1<IK21<J1 and Secretary of State 8hen 6untDs -ibyan oil interests 8ere sei!ed222

Rogers 8as a 8as a and

e ber of the sa e la8 fir 8e also

:1<I021<IL= as Pilgri s Society ission on -a8 +nforce ent and

e ber .enneth Royall 8ho

ention as a silver suppressor? Rogers

e ber of the PresidentDs Co

Ad inistration3 1<JI21<JK and 8as a fello8 of the A erican 4ar )oundation e ber of the Alibi Club in the ,istrict of Colu bia? 6e 8as 9?S? ission to Investigate the Challenger e ber of Rogers @ (ells representative in 1<JK to the 9nited $ations #eneral Asse bly and in 1<;J he chaired the Presidential Co Accident? 6e had addresses such as ;K0 9nited $ations Pla!a in *anhattan and 1JJJ . Street in (ashington? Rogers 8as a :founded in 1;K1= 8hich represented *errill -ynch and had O00 attorneys?

At httpQPPboo7s?google?co Pboo7sA
idV406ae8uhMl7C@pgVPA20O@lpgVPA20O@dMVlouiseZauchinclossZboyer@sour ceVbl@otsVn9)RnM$J-4@sigV2aA)%spi0u7oJ0eC1y*/gC,y9O7@hlVen@eiVtaf8%. y#4s6flgfR<KyA,N@saVC@oiVboo7Rresult@ctVresult@resnu V10@vedV0C+ONJA +8C%g.[vVonepage@MVlouiseW20auchinclossW20boyer@fVfalse you can read

about -ouise Auchincloss 4oyer3 personal secretary to Pilgri s Society e ber $elson Roc7efeller? *rs? 4oyer fell :A= fro her 10 th floor apart ent 8indo8 on July O3 1<KO3 a 8ee7 after allegedly disclosing that the Roc7efellers 8ere involved in looting )ort .noG of the national gold hoard? At the ti e Congress an Phillip *? Crane3 Republican fro 4elo83 co bative Pilgri s Society Illinois3 unsuccessfully pressed for a Congressional inspection of )ort .noG gold? e ber $elson Aldrich Roc7efeller eeting in shooting the finger at student protesters at a Republican .ansas3 8ho 8as a long ti e beneficiary of funds fro

4ingha pton3 $e8 'or73 in 1<K0? Seen at left is Senator Robert ,ole of Archer ,aniels *idland agribusiness giant3 8hich is called the "super ar7et to the 8orld?1 A,* currently is interloc7ed 8ith J?P? *organDs national advisory board222

#erald )ord3 *ichigan Republican3 voted "aye1 on July 1O3 1<JI3 to the Coinage Act of 1<JI3 re oving ost silver fro A erican coins? )ord 8as happy in the (hite 6ouse 8ith his fello8 e ber of %he Pilgri s3 $elson

Aldrich Roc7efeller? )ord had eGperience as a globalist at the 1<I< and 1<J1 eetings of the Interparlia entary 9nion and 4ilderberg 1<J2? Pilgri s e ber3 anti2silver activist -yndon Johnson appointed )ord to the notorious (arren Co ission in $ove ber 1<JL 8hich painted -ee &s8ald as a lone assassin of J).? )ord 8as our only unelected presidentB 6e appointed seven e bers of %he Pilgri s Society to his ad inistration3 including the horrible gold and silver price suppressor (illia Si onB &n Septe ber ;3 1<KO3 he e ber 8ho closed the pardoned "%ric7y ,ic71 $iGon3 the Pilgri s Society

gold 8indo8 at %reasury over L years earlier? After the (hite 6ouse his Pilgri s associates placed )ord on such boards as %iger International3 Santa )e International3 Pebble 4each Corporation3 Shearson -oeb Rhoades and #. %echnologies and chaired the +isenho8er )ello8ships fro 1<;021<;J222

6o8ard (? *cCall Jr?3 Pilgri s Society :(hoDs (ho In )inance @ Industry3 1<KO3 page IOJ=3 8as president of Che ical 4an73 1<JJ21<K2? %he ban7 got its na e fro dealings 8ith the che ical industry3 including ,u Pont3 and 8as a predecessor to current silver short JP*organChase? *cCall 8as on the eGecutive council of the anti2silver A erican 4an7ers Association? Pilgri s Society e ber John *? *eyer Jr?3 .night of the 4ritish + pire3 head of J?P? *organ @ Co pany3 founded ,epository %rust Co pany of $e8 'or7 in 1<KL? &ther original directors 7no8n as Pilgri s Society e bers 8ere (illia Ira Spencer of Citiban7 and +lliott Averett of the 4an7 of $e8 'or7 at O; (all Street3 an official of the A erican Institute of 4an7ing and director of the 9nited $ations Association? If youDve occasionally 8ondered 8hy certain of your ining shares are chronically depressed3 you need to read

httpQPPecclesia?orgPforu PuploadsPbondservantP4an7ingSca ?pdf ItDs no8 7no8n as the ,epository %rust @ Clearing Corporation and is a e ber of the )ederal Reserve Syste E see discussion of ho8 the ,%C has turned bac7 concerns and investigations concerning na7ed short selling httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP,epositoryR%rustR W2JRClearingRCorporation ItDs ore Pilgri s Society subversion "sei!ing the 8ealth necessary?1 Carroll -? (ilson3 Pilgri s Society :1<1021<;L= 8as lin7ed to three fortunes222 the Roc7efellersE the Japanese *itsuisE and the 4ritish Cro8n? 6e 8as 8ith the &ffice of Scientific Research @ ,evelop ent3 1<O021<OJ and a State ,epart ent consultant in 1<OJ? 6e 8as 8ith the silver using Ato ic +nergy Co 9raniu ission3 1<OK21<I1 and 8as an eGecutive3 1<I121<IO 8ith Cli aG and Cli aG *olybdenu and 8as president of *etals @ Controls

Corporation3 1<IJ21<I;? ,uring 1<IK21<I; he 8as on the Roc7efeller 4rothers )und Panel on International Security and 8as inducted into the &rder of the 4ritish + pire3 a Pilgri s Society subsidiary? %he 1<;1 (hoDs (ho3 page LIOO listed hi as being a director of *illipore Corporation3 Rhode Island 6ospital %rust Co pany3 Procor Corporation and others and since 1<KO he held a *itsui Professorship in Proble s of Conte porary %echnology at *assachusetts Institute of %echnology? %he *itsui group of co panies traces to 1JKLA, Japan? *itsui eans "%hree (ells1 and the huge corporate e ber ission3 organi!ation is a Silver 9sers Association surprisingly (ilson listed hi self as a founded in 1<K1 by Pilgri s Society S? )ran7lin Jr?3 Roc7yDs roo

httpQPP888?silverusersassociation?orgPdirectoryP e berR itsui?sht l $ot e ber of the %rilateral Co e bers ,avid Roc7efeller and #eorge

ate at 6arvard :not at 'ale and S7ull @ 4onesB= e ber e ber

6e also listed hi self as chair an of the (orld Peace )oundation at 4ostonE trustee of (oods 6ole &ceanographic InstitutionE Pilgri s Society $elson Roc7efellerDs Co ission &n Critical Choices )or A ericansE Royal S8edish Acade y of +ngineering SciencesE

e ber A erican

Acade y of Arts and SciencesE senior advisor to 9nited $ations Conference on 6u an +nviron entE Cos os Club ,istrict of Colu biaE co e ber eGecutive e bers ittee3 Club of Ro e222another instance of Pilgri s Society e berE

superintending other elitist organi!ations including the Council on )oreign Relations3 of 8hich he 8as also at that ti e a board pri!e selection co e ber energy e ber ittee of the .rupp )oundation3 +ssen3 #er anyE

Century Association $e8 'or7E science and technology advisor to +cono ic and Social Council of the 9?$?3 1<JO21<K0E co e ber scientific research e ber ittee of &rgani!ation for +uropean Cooperation and ,evelop ent3 1<J121<K0E trustee Institute of Advanced Study3 Stoc7hol E A erican Institute of *ining3 *etallurgical @ Petroleu +ngineers222

%he Associated Press release3 *ay 1J3 1<KK3 "(orld &il *ay 4e #one 4y \;11 had (ilson calling for "8arti e urgency1 in an international energy progra in 8hich he spo7e of "the critical interdependence of nations1 and eant "8orld govern ent under oney urged "an unprecedented degree of international collaboration31 8hich both code phrases translated into plain language the Cro8n and the Pilgri s Society of the anti2silver oguls of %he Pilgri s SocietyB1

e ber Ja es (? ,avant chaired the anti2silver

+cono ic Club of $e8 'or73 1<KJ21<KK? As of 1<JJ he beca e a governor oney 4an7ers Club of A erica? 6is daughter Patricia Jean erged 8ith 9nion 4an7 of S8it!erland3 one of the un8ary investors222 arried into the ,u Pont :silver users= lineage? 6e headed Paine (ebber @ Co pany 8hich in 2000 S8iss giants li7ely referred to as having sold unbac7ed silver certificates to

Caryl Par7er 6as7ins3 Pilgri s Society3 for

any years consultant to the

,efense ,epart ent3 8as president of the Carnegie Institution of (ashington3 1<IJ21<K1 and a trustee of the Rand Corporation and the Carnegie Corporation of $e8 'or7E he 8as a long ti e S ithsonian Institution regent3 director of the Population Council and the Council on )oreign Relations3 1<J121<KI? In addition to nu erous other positions3 he 8as director or trustee of the Asia )oundationE the Pacific Science Center )oundationE the A erican Acade y of Arts and SciencesE %he PresidentDs Science Advisory Co itteeE Joint 9?S?PJapan Co ission on Scientific CooperationE 4ureau of +ast Asian and Pacific Affairs of the State ,epart entE &ffice of Scientific Research and ,evelop entE (oods 6ole &ceanographic InstitutionE %ulane 9niversityE +ducational %esting ServiceE *arlboro CollegeE $ational #eographic SocietyE Schenectady %rust Co panyE 6as7ins -aboratoriesE and Center for Advanced Study in 4ehavioral Sciences :"conspiracy theorists are entally ill1=? 6as7ins 8as a director of ,u Pont de $e ours @ Co pany :Silver 9sers Association3 silver stealers= 1<K121<;1? ,u Pont 8as involved 8ith silver leasing :page 1L03 "4eyond #reed222%he 6unt )a ilyDs 4old Atte pt to Corner the Silver *ar7et31 1<;23 by Astor e ployee Stephen )ayB= ,u Pont3 one of the 8orldDs three largest silver users3 had a director na ed Andre8 4ri 8ith the )ederal Reserve3 1<JJ21<KO? 4ri er3 a er 8ho 8as e ber of the Council on

)oreign Relations :Pilgri s Society subsidiary= 8as on the C&*+C board 8hen silver crashed? 6as7ins222

Second generation Pilgri s Society (illia

e ber (alter 4? (riston :8e visited his

father already3 also a silver suppressor= as head of Citigroup predicted during Si onDs tenure as %reasury Secretary that gold prices 8ould fall bac7 S10L?I03 8here Si on bo bed it do8n to fro the to SLI per ounce3 fro

S200 level httpQPP888?7itco?co PindP,o8nsPaug0O200O?ht l 222

"+0+R' 4A$. &))ICIA- I$ $+( '&R. CI%' (AS S94J+C% %& ARR+S% )&R %6+ *&S% S+RI&9S )RA9,S A$, CRI*+S 49% %6+ A9%6&RI%I+S %&&. $& AC%I&$?1 222"6istory of the #reat A erican )ortunes1 :1<LJ3 page 1LO3 chapter I0 "%he Ra ifications of the Astor )ortune=? (riston authored :1<<K= "%he %8ilight of Sovereignty31 adding to at least hundreds of confir ations that %he Pilgri s Society see7s a 8orld govern ent? 6e chaired ReaganDs +cono ic Policy Advisory 4oard3 1<;22

1<;< and 8as a director of #eneral +lectric and #eneral *ills? Steve )orbes3 son of a Pilgri s Society e ber3 said he regretted (riston 8as never %reasury Secretary or chair an of the )ederal Reserve Syste httpQPP888?forbes?co P200IP01P21Pc!RsfR01218riston?ht l Steve )orbes an advocate of free ar7etsA $ot reallyB Roy -? Ash3 8ho 8as a #eorge )? 4a7er Scholar at 6arvard in 1<OK3 beca e ,irector of the &ffice of *anage ent @ 4udget in the )ordPRoc7efeller ad inistration3 1<KO21<KI3 8ent bac7 to run -itton Industries3 a silver user3 and built it into a S2 billion annual volu e conglo erate? 6e 8as a director of 4an7 of A erica :listed at one ti e on the Silver 9sers Association roster=E #lobal *arineE 9?S? Cha ber of Co InstituteE Pacific *utual -ifeE erceE Consolidated )oodsE 9rban e ber 9?S?PJapan Advisory Council and a

trustee of California Institute of %echnology? 6is na e surfaced in the 1<;0 list of %he Pilgri s222

%he 1<K; (hoDs (ho in A erica3 page 2IJ;3 sho8ed %ho as -? Phillips3 born in Istanbul3 as president of Raytheon Corporation3 a contractor and high tech silver user3 fro aFor defense 1<JO21<KI3 at 8hich ti e he

beca e chair an until 1<<1 and director until 2000? 6e received the *eritorious Public Service A8ard for creating the Sparro8 III *issile Syste for the $avy? Phillips3 a e ber of the $ational Acade y of +ngineering3 8as a director of John 6ancoc7 -ife InsuranceE State Street Invest ent %rust :currently the largest holder of apeG silver price suppressor C*+ #roup=E ,igital +Muip entE .night Ridder $e8spapersE $ational Sha8 ut 4an7 of 4ostonE and SRA International3 K3000 e ployees3 a defense and technology contractor contracting for the ,epart ent of 6o eland Security? 6e 8as a trustee of $ortheastern 9niversity3 #ordon College3 *assachusetts #eneral

6ospital and Joslin ,iabetes )oundation? Also in his listing 8as "Pilgri s of 9?S?1222

)our star #eneral AleGander *? 6aig3 Pilgri s Society3 beca e president of 9nited %echnologies Corporation :silver user= in 1<K<? 6e 8as $ational Security Advisor3 1<J<21<K2 under 6enry .issinger3 Pilgri s SocietyE in 1<KL2 1<KO 6aig 8as (hite 6ouse Chief of StaffE Supre e Co A erica &nlineE he had decorations fro ander of $A%&3 1<KO21<K<E Secretary of State3 1<;121<;2E 6aig 8as a founding director of South 0ietna 3 (est #er any and Saudi Arabia? 9nited %echnologies is currently interloc7ed 8ith ,u Pont3 Silver

9sers Association? 6aig 8as on %he Pilgri s eGecutive co

ittee as of 1<;L e bers3

and 8as an advisor to the (ashington Institute for $ear +ast Policy3 8hich appears to be 8ar ongersE loo7 at these seething Pilgri s Society one conniving3 the other vicious3 a lethal co bination222

Idaho ,e ocrat Senator )ran7 Church 8ho voted to give a8ay the Pana a Canal :left3 1<IK21<;1=3 Rhodes Scholar 8ith %eGas Republican Senator John %o8er3 Pilgri s Society e ber3 at Senate hearing on clandestine ittee starting in e ber of the ar a ents? %o8er chaired the Senate Ar ed Services Co Intelligence Advisory 4oard3 1<<021<<1? %o8er 8as also a Senate 4an7ing Co of 1<JI re oving ost silver fro

1<;1 and 8as a Senator3 1<J121<;I? %o8er chaired the PresidentDs )oreign ittee :and uncoincidentally voted for the Coinage Act our coinage= and a trustee of South8estern

9niversity and S*93 Southern *ethodist 9niversity3 ,allas? *e bers of

Congress 8ho are involved 8ith *oney Po8er3

ilitary oversight 8ho have ties to the

ust be suspect of 8illingness to use e inent do ain against private o8nership of silver222

%hree Pilgri s Society

e bers conferring in the (hite 6ouse222%eGas

Senator John %o8erE President Ronald ReaganE and Secretary of State +d und SiGtus *us7ie? *us7ie 8as #overnor of *aine3 1<II21<I<3 a state friendly to silver users and therefore inevitably hostile to higher silver prices benefitting inersB &n June 2O3 1<JI3 Senator *us7ie voted "aye1 to the ost Constitutionally andated silver fro our coinage222 Coinage Act of 1<JI3 re oving

Pilgri s Society

e ber (alter 6oving3 supercilious president of %iffany @

Co pany snob Fe8elers :Silver 9sers Association3 silver stealers= denounced the 6unt2Arab silver play as "unconscionable1 :"4eyond #reed3 %he 6unt )a ilyDs 4old Atte pt to Corner the Silver *ar7et31 1<;23 page 1JO=? 6oving arried *ary &sgood )ield3 a descendant of Sa uel &sgood :1KOK21;1L= the first Post aster #eneral of the 9nited States? 6ovingDs son %ho as3 a director of I4* (orld %rade Corporation3 daughter of Pilgri s Society arried $ancy *elissa 4ell3 e ber +lliott 0? 4ell3 8ho 8as a director of

Chase *anhattan 4an7 and a trustee of the 4roo7ings Institution3 both silver suppressors? %iffany @ Co pany3 aggravated price gougers 8hoDd sell you their snot for your silver if they could3 8as profiled at Silver Investor in "%he S1I0 Cufflin7s?1 (alter 6oving3 silver stealer222

Silver users say222people 8ho hoard silver are really badB 4ut loo7 at silver users cri es222star7 raving $o adB

ore silver stoc7pile3 A erica youDve been hadB oney 8as only a fadB

%hey 8ant you to thin7 silver Pilgri s Society e ber Philip ,unha

Reed3 (hoDs (ho3 1<JJ21<JK3 page

1KI03 8as a director of %iffany @ Co pany :Silver 9sers Association3 silver stealers=? Reed had been chair an and long ti e director of #eneral +lectric :another probable silver user=E director of 4an7ers %rustE +urofundE *etropolitan -ifeE &tis +levatorE 4igelo8 SanfordE $ational ,airy ProductsE and $ational +ducational %0 @ Radio CenterE and in 1<J0 he beca e chair an of the silver stealing )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or7 and a trustee of the +isenho8er +Gchange )ello8ships starting in 1<IL :another propaganda conduit= 222

J? Carter 4acot3 Pilgri s Society3 O; (all Street3 beca e president of 4an7 of $e8 'or7 in 1<KO3 pri ary ban7 for %iffany @ Co pany? 4acot 8as also a director of A erican International #roup3 i plicated by 4utler as a long ti e silver price suppressor? 4acot 8as also a director of other silver suppressing entities as )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or73 %i e (arner :biased ne8s coverage= and 8as a e ber of the anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or7222

Pilgri s Society

e ber Peter #? Peterson3 7no8n billionaire3 7ey associate

of ,avid Roc7efeller3 chaired the anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or73 1<;121<;L? 6e founded %he 4lac7stone #roup in 1<;I and chaired the )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or73 1<<<2200L? In 1<K221<KL he 8as Co erce Secretary and beca e a trustee of the A erican Institute of +cono ic Research3 a thin72tan7 friendly to the )ederal Reserve? 6e 8as chair an of 4ell @ 6o8ell3 1<JL21<K13 a silver user? 6e succeeded Pilgri s Society e ber ,avid Roc7efeller as chair an of the Council on )oreign suppression to follo8222 Relations in 1<;I and re ains a director? *ore on his role in silver


+? Si on3 profiled at Silver Investor in "%reasury &fficial -ies About e ber and as %reasury Secretary3 bo bed

#old31 8as a Pilgri s Society

the gold price for al ost a I0W declineE he pro ised select Congress en a tour of )ort .noG to inspect the gold inventory3 but characteristically renegedE as a C&*+C governing board e ber3 Si on too7 part in the destruction of id2January 1<;0222 the 6untPArab silver play Fust after

According to the Australian -eague of Rights at 888?alor?orgP0olu e11P0ol11$oLO?ht onetary reserves? (e believe that the 222 "%he 8orldUs *oney Rulers are trying to phase out gold as the basis of ost po8erful group of International )inance operators is ai ing to have International *onetary )und Special ,ra8ing Rights :S?,?R?s= accepted as the (orld Reserve Currency? %his does not please such people as the )rench >du ping> gold in the 8orldUs bullion the %reasury3 *r? (illia onetary authorities 8ho are sitting on ar7ets? %he 9nited StatesU Secretary of large gold reserves? %he International *onetary )und has very recently been Si on3 intends that the role of gold 8ill be phased

out of international

onetary dealings? *R? SI*&$ R+PR+S+$%S %6+ *&S%

P&(+R)9- #R&9P &) I$%+R$A%I&$A- )I$A$C+ &P+RA%&RS?1 $ations such as Russia and China are loading up on gold reservesE this defiance of synthetic oney could be the real reason for (orld (ar III 8hich %he Pilgri s Society has undoubtedly long been planning3 possibly at thin72 tan7s such as the Carnegie +ndo8 ent for International Peace and the International Institute for Strategic Studies in -ondonB &ther Pilgri s Society e bers involved in the 1<;0 silver crash include John erce in +thelbert -eslie3 chair an of 4ache #roup starting in 1<KJ3 director of the )rance2A erica Society3 president of the Austrian Cha ber of Co out the 6unts positions starting on *arch 2J3 1<;03 to silver prices crashed222 eet $e8 'or7 City and governor of the 9nited $ations Association? 4ache sold argin calls as

4ache @ Co pany 8as founded by Pilgri s Society

e ber Jules Se on

4ache3 1;J121<OO3 8hose to b is a replica of the %e ple of Isis3 8as

president of ,o e *ines :later Placer ,o e3 acMuired by 4arric7 in 200J= fro 1<1< to 1<O2 and "beca e i ensely 8ealthy1 httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPJulesR4ache additionally holding a large bloc7 of Chrysler Corporation shares222

John A? Roosevelt3 a son of gold and silver stealer )ran7lin Roosevelt3 8as 8ith 4ache 6alsey Stuart Shields and a Pilgri s Society e ber :(hoDs (ho3 1<K<3 page 2KJIE feel free to research any of these na es in such volu esE it runs into a great deal of ti eB= John A? Roosevelt 8as a director of the 4oy Scouts of A erica3 a trustee of +isenho8er +Gchange )ello8ship )oundation :I7e 8as also a Pilgri s Society consultant to the 9nited States Senate Co e ber=3 and a trustee of Roosevelt College :Chicago= and State 9niversity of $e8 'or7 and a ittee on #overn ental Affairs3 the forerunner to the ,epart ent of 6o eland Security222

httpQPP888?corbisi ages?co P+nlarge entP9J2;JO<AC*+?ht l John Aspin8all Roosevelt 8as associated in business in the 1<I0Ds 8ith Pilgri s Society e ber )loyd &dlu in the Standard 9raniu Co panyE &dlu 3 in concert 8ith Secretary of the Air )orce Stuart Sy ington of + erson +lectric 8ho later beca e a Pilgri s Society episode of corruption si ilar to Pilgri s Society e ber :both seen in lea7ed e bers )rederic 6? 4randi 1<J< list=3 bro7e Jac7 $orthrop out of $orthrop Aviation and ruined hi 3 in an of A erican South African #old and ,avid Roc7efeller destroying 6o8ard 6ughes3 as described in ",avid5Report on a Roc7efeller1 :1<K2= by (illia 6off an3 8ho identified 4ilderberg but 7ne8 nothing of %he Pilgri s Society? After the %(A ta7eover they installed Charles %illinghast3 Pilgri s Society3 at the %(A hel B In 1<KO21<KI %illinghast chaired the anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or7? %illinghastDs son ,avid R? surfaced in the 1<;0 list and 8as an official of the International )iscal Association? John A? RooseveltDs cousin on the (illia + len Roosevelt side of the fa ily3 Julian .ean Roosevelt3 8as a e ber3 invest ent ban7er in Sterling3 #race @ Co pany ost li7ely Pilgri s Society

and president of the A erican 6istorical Association3 his interest

being in having teGts and telecast docu entaries produced painting out of the picture the overriding role played by the financial elite in inflicting hardships on the 8orld? ,ating fro 1<J< and 1<;03 the t8o ost recent years that ore verified3 authenticated lists of %he Pilgri s Society have lea7ed out3 definite infor ation establishing 8ho specific e bers are has beco e frag entaryE ho8ever3 itDs reasonable to assu e itDs 1<KL21<;1 and ade it ore of the sa e?

Sir Anthony %u7e3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 chaired 4arclays 4an7 ore profitable than any other ban7 in the 8orld? It ining ultinational? 8as involved in loans through 4ache connected to silver collateral put up by the 6unts? %u7e then Foined R%/3 a huge poly etallic 6e presided over the 1<KK International *onetary Conference 8hich 8as a

purely fiat affair? 4arclays has a lengthy record as a precious antagonist222

etals price

Pilgri s Society

e ber +d und %? Pratt Jr? chaired phar aceutical giant ost dangerous e ber of 4ig Phar a 8ith

Pfi!er Incorporated3 possibly the caused transposition of Pratt 8as a board

inFurious veterinary drugs li7e Ri adyl and for hu ans3 /oloft3 8hich has aFor cardiac arteries in infants httpQPP888?!oloft2 la8suit2birth2defects?co P!oloft2transposition2of2the2great2arteries2la8suitP e ber of silver antagonist Chase *anhattan 4an73 an erce and )inance and chaired the overseer of the (harton School of Co

anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or73 1<K<21<;1222

httpQPP888?code8it?co P8orldne8sPasiaP2OJL attorney general "in an effort to pressure hi

entions Pfi!er

operations in $igeria and ho8 it hired "investigators1 to "dig up dirt1 on its to drop a SJ billion la8suit erce and against the co pany?1 Pratt 8as also a #eneral *otors director and on the board of International Paper3 the $e8 'or7 Cha ber of Co hi 222 trustee of ,u7e 9niversity3 8here an engineering depart ent is na ed for

As of 20113 treasurer of %he Pilgri s Society in $e8 'or7 is Robin Chandler ,u7e3 8ido8 of a bassador Angier 4iddle ,u7e3 8ho 8as a descendant of $icholas 4iddle of the gold and silver antagonistic second 4an7 of the 9nited States and of 4enFa in ,u7e3 charter Pilgri s Society one tobacco e ber and nu ber agnateE the ,u7es control ,u7e 9niversity and ,u7e Po8er3 a

giant utility3 and 8ith the Reynoldses and Cull ans3 t8o other Pilgri s Society dynasties3 do inate finance in 0irginia and $orth Carolina? Robin ,u7e is for er a bassador to 9$+SC& and to $or8ay and has been a director of Roc78ell International3 A erican 6o e Products3 another e ber of 4ig Phar a3 and others? She chaired Population Action International for over 20 years3 8hich 8ants reduction in global census statistics? %oGic drugs are one ethod of pursuing such obFectiveE *s? ,u7e received degree fro 9niversity222 ,reGel

Chancellor of the +GcheMuer :1<K<21<;L= during the great silver and gold run2up of 1<K<21<;03 -ord 6o8e of Aberavon is a #reat 4ritain? A *e ber of Parlia ent fro e ber of %he Pilgri s of ons 1<JO21<<2 and Secretary of

State for )oreign Affairs3 1<;L21<;< and -eader of the 6ouse of Co

and ,eputy Pri e *inister3 1<;<21<<03 he has been a director of J?P? *organ @ Co pany and #laGo Phar aceuticals3 8hich in &ctober 2010 settled la8suits over its death and disability inducing phar aceuticals for SKI0 illion httpQPP888?salient2ne8s?co P2010P10Pgs72settles2KI02 ission :censorship=? 6e 8as instru ental in illion2la8suits2over2bad2productsP 6is 8ife has served as chair an of the 4roadcasting Standards Co 4ritain Foining the +uropean 9nion222

Central ban7er Robert -eigh2Pe berton3 4aron .ingsdo8n3 #overnor of the 4an7 of +ngland 1<;L21<<L3 director of the 4an7 for International Settle ents3 1<<J2200L3 appeared in the 1<;0 Pilgri s -ondon list222

%obie Roosevelt3 8ido8 of )ran7lin Roosevelt Jr?3 8ho passed on in 1<;;3 is a Pilgri s Society e ber a fa ily of httpQPP888?po8erbase?infoPindeG?phpP%obieRRoosevelt fro

silver suppressors? She heads the #ibraltar A erican Council3 another 4ritish + pire front3 and runs 8ith the ,u7e of 'or7 and Prince Andre8222Pilgri s Society e bers fro the Royal )a ily? Roosevelt Jr?Ds previous 8ife 8as +thel ,u Pont of the notorious 8ar onger silver user fa ily? Reuben )? Richards3 Pilgri s Society 8ho beca e chair an of %erra Industries agribusiness giant3 8as on the +ngelhard Corporation board3 late K0Ds to early ;0Ds and later beca e chair an? 6e 8as a director of ultinational ining giant *inorco in -uGe bourg3 related to Anglo2A erican and ,e 4eers ,ia ond *ines? 6is son is chair an of + core Corporation3 a silver user in solar po8er and electronics? +nglehard is based in Iselin3 $e8 Jersey3 na ed after a second tier Pilgri s Society dynasty :Iselin3 not +nglehardB=

,ennis (eatherstone3 Pilgri s Society3 8as chair an of the eGecutive co ittee of J?P? *organ @ Co pany 8hen in *ay 1<;0 it coordinated a syndicate of ban7s for a S1?1 billion loan to Placid &il3 a 6unt entity3 related to the January 1<;0 silver crash engineered by the sa e 8orthy gentle en on the short side? 4y 1<;J the 6unts 8ere bro7en out of I<*&/ physical silver due to i plications of that loan222

In 1<<0 (eatherstone 8as 7nighted by Nueen +li!abeth II3 Royal Patron of %he Pilgri s Society? )ro 1<<I to 2001 Sir ,ennis 8as on the 4oard of 4an7ing Supervision of the gold price depressing 4an7 of +ngland? (illia Ira Spencer of Citiban73 Pilgri s Society3 8as a pro inent figure in the 6unt loan? 4an7ers %rust $e8 'or73 then chaired by Pilgri s Society Alfred 4rittain III3 8as in on that loan syndication222 e ber

-ord Peter Carrington :belo83 8ith President Reagan=3 headed %he Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain starting in 1<;LE he beca e Secretary #eneral of $A%& 1<;O21<;; and chaired the 4ilderberg *eetings 1<;<21<<;? 6e chaired Australia @ $e8 /ealand 4an7 and 8as a director of Rio %into3 6a bros 4an7 and the huge 4arclayDs 4an7 organi!ation3 a long ti e silver suppressor httpQPP888?bloggersbase?co Pbusiness2and2financeP assive2 institutional2gold2 ar7et2changeP 222

%he (all Street Journal3 June I3 1<;13 page LK3 reported that President Reagan 8anted Congress to authori!e sale of silver fro the national defense ittee stoc7pile? %he a ount reMuested at that ti e 8as a hefty OJ?I*&/ to be sold over one year periodE the 6ouse Ar ed Services Co reco ended 10I?2*&/222

Congress at first said noB 6o8ever3 after 11 days3 they said &.B Silver prices fell sharply after the sale :du ping= 8as announced? It isnDt cynicis co pels unFustly profit? Apparently so e Pilgri s Society that e to thin7 the "right1 people had advance 7no8ledge thereby to oney 8as spread aboutB

As of $ove ber 2K3 20003 the national silver stoc7pile had been bled do8n to !eroE about 1I*&/ of its last silver 8ent to the 9?S? *int for silver +agles? %hat ove 8as a strategy to blunt criticis of the fact that the Silver 9sers etal? Ronald Association carted off the aFority of the precious high tech

Reagan3 Fust after stepping do8n fro

the governorship of California3 8as

hosted by %he Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain in -ondon3 on April K3 1<KI :"%he Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain31 20023 page 1<<=? Robert 6? .night3 Pilgri s Society3 descendant of +li (hitney3 inventor of the cotton gin3 8as general counsel to the %reasury ,epart ent in 1<J121<J2 8hile its attac7s on silver coinage 8ere intensifying3 8as 8ith the (all Street la8 fir of Shear an @ Sterling and a director of &8ens Corning )iberglass

Corporation? 6e 8as a director of the Asia )oundation :influence peddling= and the Institute for International &rder :"(orld #overn ent?1= .night 8as counsel to the board of 9nited %echnologies Corporation3 1<KO21<;IE a e ber of the International Satellite Arbitration Panel and a director of the $ational -eadership 4an7? 6e chaired the )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or73 1<KK21<;L3 covering the ti e of the great silver run2up and its orchestrated crash222

"C+$%RA- 4A$.+RS 6A0+ A PR+J9,IC+ A#AI$S% SI-0+R?1 222%he %i es3 -ondon3 $ove ber 1K3 1<L13 page 1I? Ros8ell -? #ilpatric73 Pilgri s Society e ber fro the (all Street la8 fir of Cravath3 S8aine @ *oore3 director of C4S3 +astern Airlines and others and a Roc7efeller 4rothers )und trustee3 8as .nightDs predecessor at the hel $e8 'or7 )ed222 of the

John 4rade as :Rhodes Scholar 1<IO= appeared in the lea7ed 1<;0 list of %he Pilgri s3 $e8 'or7? 6e 8as a ,e ocrat Congress an fro to the Coinage Act of 1<JI3 re oving e eritus? In 200O he beca e a ost silver fro Indiana3 1<I<21<;1 and *aFority (hip3 1<KK21<;1? &n July 1O3 1<JI3 he voted "aye1 coinage? 6e 8as president of $e8 'or7 9niversity3 1<;121<<13 8hen he beca e president e ber of the $e8 'or7 State 4oard of Regents? As a Congress an he cosponsored legislation creating the $ational +ndo8 ent for the Arts and $ational +ndo8 ent for the 6u anities in 1<JI? 6e holds OK honorary university degreesE the 200I (hoDs (ho3 page O<; and additional sources listed hi Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or7E as chair an of the anti2silver )ederal itteeE e ber anti2silver 4retton (oods Co

director $e8 'or7 Stoc7 +Gchange3 %eGaco3 Scholastic Incorporated and RCAP$4CE and an overseer of 6arvard 9niversity as 8ell as a Roc7efeller

)oundation trustee? Incredibly3 it also listed hi co ittee of the (orld Council of ChurchesE

as a

e ber of the central

e ber advisory council to the

College of Arts and -etters3 9niversity of $otre ,a eE trustee3 &nassis )oundationE trustee Spell an CollegeE board of visitors to ,epart ent of Political Science3 *assachusetts Institute of %echnologyE advisor to Carter Center at + ory 9niversityE e ber consulting panel to Co ptroller #eneral of 9nited StatesE director Center for $ational PolicyE chair an3 A erican ,itchley )oundation :direct lin7 to 4ritish Cro8n=E director Aspen InstituteE 4erlit! InternationalE CongressE e ber of council3 A erican Acade y of Arts and Sciences and co2chair an of its Center for Science3 %echnology and e ber S ithsonian Institution national boardE trustee Athens e ber $ational +ndo8 ent for ,e ocracyE ission on the $e8 (orldE e bership in %he Pilgri s College :#reece=E director A erican Council on +ducationE advisor to $ational Research CouncilE e ber %rilateral Co e ber Carnegie +ndo8 ent $ational Co ission :SI-+$% as to Society= 222

4rade as persuaded actress Paulette #oddard3 8ho died in 1<<03 to leave S20 (illia illion to $e8 'or7 9niversity? e ber Sterling &gden of Chase *anhattan 4an73 Pilgri s Society

and director of silver user #A) Corporation3 founded the Institute of International )inance in the ,istrict of Colu bia in 1<;O3 8hich calls itself "%he global association of financial institutions1 httpQPP888?iif?co P 8hose e bers are bitterly opposed to precious etals onetary syste ? Richard (augh of Scotiaban7 is on the II) board? 4aron Roll of Ipsden :1<0K2200I=3 .night Co and St? #eorge :1;1;= and ander3 &rder of St? *ichael e ber &rder of %he 4ath3 appeared in the oney advocate John

lea7ed list of %he Pilgri s3 -ondon3 1<;03 obtained a university professorship in econo ics in 1<LI 8ith the bac7ing of funny

*aynard .eynes3 and Pilgri s Society silver3 he 8as econo ic

e ber -ord Sta p of the 4an7 of

+ngland? ,uring 1<JL and 1<JO3 critical and absolutely pivotal years in inister at the 4ritish + bassy in (ashington3 ,istrict 1<J;21<KK3 ore of Colu bia? 6e left to head the 4ritish ,epart ent of +cono ic Affairs? 6e 8as elevated to a directorship in the 4an7 of +ngland fro crucial years in the Society etals suppression struggle? 6e beca e chair an of planners3 gold grabbers and ere politician

S?#? (arburg @ Co pany3 of the (arburg fa ily of 8orld finance Pilgri s e bers3 )ederal Reserve Syste (orld (ar profiteersE during 1<;J21<;< he chaired the 4ilderberg conferences3 another proof of the organi!ation being a indoctrinating subsidiary of %he Pilgri s Society3 %he (orld *oney Po8er222

Sir Crispin %ic7ell3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 8as A bassador to i portant silver producer *eGico3 1<;121<;L and Secretary of the &verseas ,evelop ent Ad inistration 1<;L21<;K and A bassador to the 9nited $ations 1<;K21<<0E director I4* 9?.? 1<<021<<I? A .night Co 6e advocates reducing 9nited .ingdo co population fro J2 ander of the Royal 0ictorian &rder3 heDs e eritus chair an of %he Cli ate Institute? illion to 20 illion httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPCrispinR%ic7ell and apparently itDs the oners3 not %he Pilgri s Society3 8ho are eGpected to be ter inatedE Population %rust? %ic7ell3 8ho is heDs also associated 8ith the &pti u

involved 8ith "tic7lish1 subFects3 is chancellor of the 9niversity of .ent222

See "6eDs Saving the Planet1 at httpQPP888?crispintic7ell?co PpageJL?ht l also his page on #lobal #overnanceB At httpQPP888?cli ate?orgPaboutPbod?ht l you see hi 8ith Ja es (itt3 8ho 8as director of )+*A3 )ederal + ergency *anage ent Agency3 1<<L2 2001? *anufactured crisis as in the depression and ),R days V po8er and control for %he Pilgri s SocietyB 'eah brother they gotta have all our silverB +CP&S+ %6+*B #eorgia Congress an -a8rence Patton *c,onald3 *?,? :a cousin of #eneral #eorge Patton 8ho slapped a soldier for co8ardice= 8as a supporter of the right to 7eep and bear ar sE opponent of foreign aid and 8elfare for the la!yE and argued in the 6ouse of Representatives for return to the gold standard? *c,onald and his biggest ally3 Congress an Steve Sy s of Idaho3 opposed silver disposals fro the strategic stoc7pile? *c,onald 8as a Co entor to Ron Paul and called for Congressional

investigation of the Council on )oreign Relations and the %rilateral ission :Pilgri s Society fronts= and 8as on board .orean Air -ines flight

00K 8hen a Soviet fighter Fet shot it do8n 8ith 2J< passengers aboard near Sa7halin Island on Septe ber 13 1<;L222

*c,onald 8as the &$-'

e ber of a LJ

e ber A erican delegation

heading for South .orea for the L0 th anniversary of the 9?S? .orea *utual ,efense Pact flying on a separate airlinerE the State ,epart ent played an overriding role in screening and travel arrange ents? Pilgri s Society e ber #eorge P? Shult!3 %reasury Secretary3 1<K221<KO3 8ho played a role in precious etals price suppression3 8as Secretary of State3 1<;221<;< and a %rilateralist? In $ove ber 1<KI *c,onald 8rote the intro to "%he Roc7efeller )ile31 alleging the fa ily to control trusts eGercising control over hundreds of billions in corporate assets? ,o I 8orry for protects yselfA $o? An angel y dogs again? en eB &n the other hand3 I ad it to hoping to see

%here are battles to be fought here? %a7e a glance at A ericaDs bravest

httpQPPpicasa8eb?google?co PlhPphotoPC0If$78fi2JRs'4AN#<PfA and httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP)ileQSa R6oustonRStatue?Fpg and fight onB

Shult! beca e president of 4echtel #roup3 a huge construction conglo erate3 director of )re ont #roup3 on International Advisory Council to J?P? *organ @ Co pany and held other posts3 including leader of the Co ittee on the Present ,anger3 another 8ar onger front for %he Pilgri s SocietyDs (orld (ar III plansE and a trustee of the 6oover Institution on (ar3 Revolution and Peace? 4elo83 #eorge Shult!3 yet another Pilgri s Society e ber3 eeting 8ith puppet President &ba a222

Caspar (einberger3 Pilgri s Society

e ber :an +piscopalianE &rder of the January 1<;1 to

4ritish + pire3 1<;;= 8as Secretary of ,efense fro illions of silver ounces fro

$ove ber 1<;K3 in 8hich capacity he presided over disposals of tens of the for er $ational Strategic Stoc7pile to the voracious Silver 9sers Association? 4y eventually e ptying the for er defense stoc7pile of strategic silver3 the Society created an eGcuse for a second silver nationali!ation? "(e are at 8ar 8ith Iran and $orth .orea3 8eDre calling in citi!en o8ned silver because of the national e ergency1 they can have their string2puppet President declareB It isnDt about reducing the national debt3 itDs about the for er silver stoc7pile being depleted by Silver 9sers Association raids3 for 8hich 8e3 the guiltless3 are eGpected to sufferB %hey can say3 "&ur oney has failed due to Chinese attac7s on the dollar3 e ber3 or a due to the national e ergency3 8eDre nationali!ing privately o8ned gold?1 (hoever the %reasury Secretary is3 8ill be a Pilgri s Society e ber of their direct subsidiary3 the Council on )oreign Relations3 and 8ill have an unpublished list of a fe8 thousand conspirators not to be touched as


etals o8nershipB In "%he Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain31 :2002=3 8e notice on

Caspar the unfriendly ghost addressed %he Pilgri s -ondon on January 2K3 1<<O :page 20L= and %he Pilgri s in $e8 'or7 held a reception for hi $ove ber L03 2000 :page 1KL of the 200L volu e for the 9?S?= 222

httpQPP888?dla? ilPataglance?aspG %he ,efense -ogistics Agency is under the Secretary of ,efense3 and has no silver etal in its holdings? ItDs been looted so the ban7ers could hold silver prices do8n for eGtended years? ItDs also been plundered so that those 8ho are so prudent as to hold silver to shield the selves fro the inflation these sa e ban7ers cause3 can later edia controllers in the oved into Constitutional bla e us for the shortage and denounce us as "unpatriotic hoarders and speculators?1 9nseen signal can be given to the Society to start blit! ca paign vilifying citi!ens 8ho

oney3 calling us a threat to national security? $ational security and national e ergency are al8ays the rationale cited for using officials3 especially the

President and Congress3 to brea7 co petitors out of their 8ealth so 8e 8onDt be able to accu ulate capital and beco e any threat to their supre acy? %he insert facing page ; of the rare volu e "Pilgri Partners222)orty 'ears of essage 4ritish A erican )ello8ship1 :6utchinson @ Co pany3 -ondon3 1<O2= by Sir 6arry 4rittain3 a founder and .night of the 4ritish + pire3 features a fro $icholas *urray 4utler3 president of %he Pilgri s 9nited States222 education of public opinion]1 &bserveB %he 9nited States citi!enry is and has been influenced in their thin7ing by an organi!ation that only an eGtre e fe8 of the have ever heard ofB I 8as luc7y to obtain this volu e as its scarcity is confir ed :thatDs a 8ood chip in the original page over the top right line= 222

"%he Pilgri s have played and 8ill continue to play an i portant part in the

(hile )orbes and )ortune lists of the big rich are contrived to sho8 8hat the po8ers 8ant us to believe3 the real list is very belo8 calls to ind dialogue fro uch other8ise? %he i age "6o bre1 a 1<JK (estern222

"(ell let

e have

y horse bac73 8ill you3 so I can get out of here before dar7A1 "(hatDs the atter3 you afraid of itA1

"6+--3 I ,&$D% -I.+ (6A% I S++ I$ %6+ ,A'-I#6% AR&9$, 6+R+B1

%his is fro the cover page of the 1<;0 lea7ed list of %he Pilgri s3 $e8 'or73 ost recent full list 7no8n to eGist in the hands of outsiders222 and this is the

In "%he + pire of %he City222(orld Superstate1 1<OJ by +?C? .nuth3 page < 8e find %he Pilgri s Society described as "%6+ *&S% P&(+R)9-

I$%+R$A%I&$A- S&CI+%' &$ +AR%63 %6+ PI-#RI*S3 IS S& (RAPP+, I$ SI-+$C+ %6A% )+( A*+RICA$S .$&( +0+$ &) I%S +CIS%+$C+ SI$C+ 1<0L?1 ,ialogue fro "6a8aii )ive2&1222

"(e had our best security on this operation3 have 8e been penetratedA1 "Colonel youDve been stabbedB1 "%he cooperation of 222Page ;I3 "Pilgri any inds has been necessary to give %he Pilgri s the assured position the Society occupies?1 Partners )orty 'ears of 4ritish A erican )ello8ship1 by Sir 6arry 4rittain 6utchison @ Co pany3 -ondon3 1<OL? (hat is their "assured position1A %he (orld )iat *oney Po8erB %he Christian Science *onitor3 April 1<3 1<O13 page O3 "Anglo2A erican Pilgri s Progress1 stated222 "%o go through the list of diners and dinners 8ould reveal a dossier of S&*+

&) %6+ #R+A%+S% *+$ &) &9R %I*+? "

"%6+ +-I%IS% PI-#RI* S&CI+%' S++.S %& *+R#+ %6+ 9$I%+, S%A%+S I$%& %6+ 4RI%IS6 C&**&$(+A-%6 AS A 4AS+ )&R (&R-, #&0+R$*+$%? %he aFor international ban7ing fir s on both sides of the Atlantic are 8ell Society?1222#ary Allen in "A -oo7 at +stablish ent represented in the Pilgri "%he Pilgri

$e8spapers31 A erican &pinion *aga!ine3 Septe ber 1<K03 page 1I Society3 so eti es called %6+ (&R-,DS *&S% S+CR+%

&R#A$I/A%I&$ has as its goal the reuniting of +ngland and A erica?1 222#ary Allen in "%eleslic731 A erica &pinion *aga!ine3 &ctober 1<K03 page 22

"%6+ S9P+R S+CR+% PI-#RI* S&CI+%'3 (6&S+ &))ICIA- -&#& IS +$%(I$+, A*+RICA$ A$, 4RI%IS6 )-A#S3 IS ,+,ICA%+, %& *+R#I$# 4RI%AI$ A$, A*+RICA?1 :page 2K3 ibid= 888?disinfor a!ione?itPpilgri s?ht said222"%he Pilgri s Society re ained 6I,,+$ until relatively recent years3 %& I,+$%I)' %6+ AP+C &) P&(+R?1 httpQPP888?Fordan aG8ell?co Pdocu entsPus2congressional2record2 1<O02british2israel28orld2S1?pdf features testi ony delivered in the 6ouse of Representatives on August 1<3 1<O03 by *ontana Congress an Jacob %hor7elson3 regarding %he Pilgri s Society and its intent to 4ritish controlled 8orld e pireB "%here are several curious things about these Pilgri functions? In the first place there is present at these dinners A$ ARRA' &) $&%A4-+S such as 8ould be difficult to bring together under one roof )&R A$' &%6+R P9RP&S+ A$, 4' A$' &%6+R S&CI+%'?1 *ontana Congress an Jacob %hor7elson3 Congressional Record3 August 1<3 1<O03 referred to an address by Joseph 6? Choate3 0anderbilt fa ily operative3 one of the founders of %he Pilgri s3 as saying that those 8ho 8ould any years later celebrate the start of the second century of %he Pilgri s Society in 200L222 "]8ill have cause to bless their fathers that they founded this Society A$, .+P% %6+ (&R-, &$ %6+ RI#6% %RAC.?1 %his very li ited edition boo7 ca e out in 2002 under Society auspices and 8as follo8ed up by a 200L volu e entitled "%he Pilgri s of the 9nited States?1 In neither volu e did the organi!ation choose to include a current roster? %hey 7no8 the dead cannot be intervie8edE clearly they have uch to hideB (e desperately need to 7no8 all their current identities including their erge us into a

8aiting list for

e bership3 so 8e can start neutrali!ing these anti2precious etals globalists222

Crossed 4ritish and A erican flags are also a eGerted itself for

ain sy bol of this po8er onetary etals in

cra!y organi!ation? #reat 4ritain is not our friendE 4ritish leadership has any generations to ruin the 8orldDs

order to 8rec7 the 8orld 8ith synthetic currencies and gain o8nership over the earth by eans of ever increasing debt? %hey directly caused both (orld etallic currencies and to atte pt 8orld govern ent (ars to destabili!e

after8ards3 first through the -eague of $ations and neGt through the 9nited $ations? %hese are descendants of the sa e people 8ho caused the (ar of 1;12 in 8hich our Presidential (hite 6ouse and %reasury building 8ere burned on August 2O3 1;1O by Ad iral Sir #eorge Coc7burn3 of the 4ath3 of 8hich various Pilgri s Society e bersE 8hat a country to have as our e ber &rder e bers today are also

ain ally3 huhA In the 1<;0 4ritish list

8e see -ord Corn8allis listed3 the sa e na e as the 4ritish redcoat general 8ho savagely attac7ed us in the Revolutionary (arE and in the charter e bers 8e note (illia of (illia $ottingha of Syracuse3 $e8 'or73 a descendant fro the ,utch in 1JJO3 after $ottingha 8as $ottingha 3 a lieutenant in the +nglish invasion force of the ,u7e

of 'or7 8ho 8rested control of $e8 A sterda

8hich it 8as rena ed $e8 'or7? %he recent (illia Syracuse %rust Co pany and Co

president for 1<12 of the $e8 'or7 State 4ar Association? 6e organi!ed ercial $ational 4an7 and held interests in Auburn @ Syracuse +lectric Railroad and #reat -a7es Stea ship Co panyE he 8as a trustee of Syracuse 9niversity and State 9niversity of $e8 'or7 :(hoDs (ho3 1<1J3 page 1;2O= 222

%he A erican eagle and the 4ritish + pire lion are incorporated into the sy bol3 originally created by the Illustrated -ondon $e8s? %he annual eeting of %he Pilgri s is on January 2J3 20113 site un7no8n3 and assu ed to be under eGtre ely heavy security including unifor ed and plain clothes ar ed guards3 debugging s8eeps3 uniMue I, passes and 2O hour infrared

surveillance? %his organi!ation is in the nature of a large nest of 8eb8or s eating a8ay at the life giving leaves of a large tree3 the tree being these 9nited StatesB +Gcerpts of their rules are as follo8s222 "%he na e of the Society shall be %he Pilgri s? %he obFect of the Society shall be the pro otion of the senti ent of brotherhood a ong the nations3 and especially the cultivation of good fello8ship bet8een citi!ens of the 9nited States and its dependencies and subFects of the 4ritish + pire? %he e bers shall be citi!ens of the 9nited States or its dependencies or subFects of the 4ritish + pire3 and others pro inent for their sy pathy for the obFects of the Society?1

%he i age above is fro a very old catch phrase

the +ncyclopedia of Associations? ,onDt bother eaning "eGploitation?1 As Scottish professor John ay also gather fro 8hat 8e have seen3 that

contacting the organi!ationE you 8onDt get any reply? ")oster brotherhood1 is Robison said in 1K<;222"(e %he neGt i age is fro

all declarations of universal philanthropy are dangerous?1 their letterhead circa late ,ece ber 1<KL3 8hen they +Gchange at ;J %rinity Place222 8ere headMuartered near %rinity Church3 and by the A erican Stoc7

-ord Astor of 6ever appeared in the lea7ed list of %he Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain for 1<;0 :see illustration belo8 this one=? 6is father 8as a e ber and a director of gold and silver suppressor 4arclayDs 4an7 fro 1<O221<I23 of 6a bros 4an73 an offshoot of 8hich today is %he Silver %rust3 an organi!ation for silver users3 of PhoeniG Insurance3 #reat (estern Rail8ay and so forth? -ord AstorDs aternal grandfather 8as the Oth +arl of *into3 Pilgri s Society3 8ho 8as #overnor #eneral of Canada3 1;<;21<0O3 and 4ritish 0iceroy of India3 1<0I21<103 8ho continued the silver suppression sche es of his predecessor 0iceroys? %hese Astors all trace to the original John Jacob Astor :1KJL21;O;=3 the "-andlord of $e8 'or731 top 4ritish collaborator in $orth A erican finance 8ho at his !enith 8as far and a8ay the 8ealthiest trade3 and an in $orth A erica and participant in the Chinese opiu ain do estic po8er in the gold and silver suppressing second e bers and inter arried 8ith other

9nited States 4an7 :8ith the ,uPonts=3 headed by $icholas 4iddle3 8hose descendants beca e Pilgri s Society e bers? %he Astors beca e po8ers in the Chase $ational 4an73 no8 a central part of silver antagonist JP*organChase222

-ord 6artley Sha8cross 8as instru ental in the founding of the 9niversity of SusseG and 8as its chancellor fro 1<JI21<;I? 6e 8as lead 4ritish oney pro oting prosecutor at the $ure berg (ar Cri es %ribunal and beca e Attorney #eneral of #reat 4ritainE he 8as a graduate of the fiat ",uring the co -ondon School of +cono ics? &f -ord Sha8cross3 (i7ipedia states222 ittal hearing for the suspected serial 7iller John 4od7in

Ada s in )ebruary 1<IK3 Sha8cross 8as seen dining 8ith the defendantUs lover3 Roland #8ynne at the (hite 6art 6otel in -e8es? %hey 8ere acco panied by -ord Chief Justice #oddard3 8ho had already selected Patric7 ,evlin as Fudge for Ada sU trial and then later phoned ,evlin 8hile the Fury 8as considering its verdict3 to reco end that Ada s 8as given bail urder? (hile driving ho e before a second trial for another count of

after8ards3 #8ynne crashed his car? 6e hadnUt been drin7ing? Ada s 8as acMuitted but 8as suspected by police of 7illing 1JL of his patients? -ater3 on 10 *ay 1<IK3 #oddard heard a conte pt of court case against $e8s8ee7 and (?6? S ith? &n 1 April during Ada sU trial3 they had respectively published and distributed an issue of the t8o paragraphs of Ada sU victi aga!ine containing aterial >highly preFudicial to the accused>3 saying that ade no ention of his conflict of interest?

count could be >as high as O00>? +ach co pany 8as fined &ther Cases

^I0? #oddard

,uring a rent tribunal case he referred to certain 8or7ers as >siG blac7 niggers?1 -ord Sherfield 8as son in la8 of ,8ight ,avis3 Secretary of (ar in the cabinet of President CoolidgeB SheffieldDs father 8as a brigadier general and *e ber of Parlia entE Sherfield held diplo atic posts 8ith the 4ritish govern ent including at 9?$? conferences until he beca e A bassador to A erica3 1<IL21<IJ? 6e 8as Joint Secretary of the :4ritish= %reasury3 1<IJ2 1<I<E he chaired the 9nited .ingdo Ato ic +nergy Authority3 1<J021<JOE chair an board of governors3 I perial College of -ondon3 1<J221<KOE chair an of the international invest ent ban73 6ill3 Sa uel3 1<JJ21<K0E chair an3 (ells )argo -ondon3 1<K221<;OE and Chancellor of the 9niversity of Reading3 1<K021<<2? Sir 6ugh (ontner3 .night #rand Cross3 &rder of the 4ritish + pire3 Co ander of the 0ictorian &rder3 &rder of the Cro8n of

*alaysia3 Royal S8edish &rder of the Polar Star3 &rder of Cisneros of Spain3 &rder of the +Muatorial Star of #abon3 &rder of ,annebrog :,en ar7=3 $ational &rder of the -eopard of /aire3 et cetera3 chaired the Savoy 6otel #roup fro for 1<O;21<;O3 facilitating arrange ents and security eetings of %he Pilgri s Society? 6e 8as -ord *ayor of the City of

-ondon3 1<KL21<KO and chaired the Savoy %heatre? Savoy is the +nglish version of )rench Savoie3 for 8hich t8o )rench provinces in the Alps are na edE Savoia is the Italian version and all refer to an old line of royalty? $otice %he Pilgri s organi!ation controls the Spea7er of the 6ouse of Co ons in addition to the do!ens of -ords 8ho are ittee of the global fiat e bers? oney forces3 in all If co plete infor ation 8as available3 8e could behold the full eGtent of anipulations by this Central Co its horrific3 Fa8 dropping hellish corruption? )rag entary details nevertheless provide enough insight into the frightening *achiavellian nest of &r8ellian conspirators so as to conclude that if this one organi!ation can be sMuelched3 at least <0W of our onetary 8oes 8ould be resolvedB 6enry %? *orti er3 in erger into JP*B the 1<;0 lea7ed list3 8as a 4ear Stearns director into the early 1<<0DsE one ust 8onder 8ho his successor 8as as of 200; before the organi!ation and its history ItDs challenging to get a grasp of the far2reaching ra ifications of this a7ing genealogiesB As only one of hundreds of eGa ples3 the $e8 'or7 %i es3 April 223 200K3 reported the death of John R? ,reGel III3 8hose na e appeared on page 11 of the lea7ed 1<;0 list222 "*r? ,reGel 8as a great2great2great2grandson of )rancis *artin ,reGel 8ho3 in 1;LK3 founded the ban7ing house of ,reGel @ Co pany? 6is great2great grandfather Anthony J? ,reGel 8as a partner of the financier J? P? *organ and founded ,reGel 9niversity in Philadelphia in 1;<1?1 %he lea7ed 1<J< list of %he Pilgri s3 $e8 'or73 sho8s John R? ,reGel III on their eGecutive co ittee?

%hen on page 1OJ of "%he Pilgri s of the 9nited States31 200L3 8e see John R? ,reGel I0 on the eGecutive co ittee of the society? 6e arried *ary JacMueline Astor3 of the lineage of John Jacob Astor3 "-andlord o@ $e8 'or71 in the 1;O0Ds and a po8er in the second 9nited States 4an7 along 8ith the ,u Ponts :crushed by Andre8 Jac7son because he 7ne8 it 8as an abo inationB= %he 4an7 set up barriers against convertibility because full fiat is 8hat they stood forB %he ,reGels and 4iddles inter arriedE $icholas 4iddle headed the second 9nited States 4an7B -oo7ing at the 1<;0 list for %he Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain3 8e find -ord Astor listed as presidentE there are al ost countless transatlantic threads in the organi!ation3 including the 0anderbilts fro arrying into the Cecils3 one of 4ritainDs five dynastic fa ilies *&$+' RAC.+%++RS222 edieval ti es? ,R+C+- A$, AS%&R3 4I/ARR+ A$, CR9+- PAP+R

(hat an +li!abeth 4athory and 0lad %epes of a coupleB "It can at once be seen in 8hat transcendent degree AstorDs 8ealth to8ered far above that of every other rich an in the 9nited States? AstorDs 8ealth 8as one2fifteenth of the 8hole a ount invested throughout the territory of the 9nited States? %he fortune held by the Astors3 so the facts indubitably sho8ed3 represented a succession of piracies and eGploitation?1 222"6istory of the #reat A erican )ortunes31 #ustavus *yers3 1<0K3 pages 1OJ21OK and 1K0? %he sa e volu e3 page IK<3 docu ented that in 1;;J3 ,reGel3 *organ @ Co pany accepted for deposit 103000 shares of 4road8ay Railroad stoc73 8hich the fir 7ne8 8as secured by briberyB httpQPP888?atlanticpartnership?orgPApV1JJ1 Ray ond Seit!3 Pilgri s Society3 8as A bassador to the 9nited .ingdo 3 1<<121<<O3 after 8hich he Foined the boards of co panies including 4ritish Air8ays3 Rio %into3 #eneral +lectric3 and silver short -eh an 4rothers222

Richard 6olbroo7e3 Pilgri s Society3 8as A bassador to the 9nited $ations3 1<<<22001E to #er any3 1<<L21<<O3 has held nu erous other high level posts3 served as vice chair an of Credit Suisse )irst 4oston3 and 8as President &ba aDs top consultant on Afghanistan and Pa7istan? In August 20003 Sunshine *ining @ Refining3 run by #? *ichael 4os8ell of ,allas :originally installed by the 6unts in 1<KK= filed for ban7ruptcy due to nonstop attac7s on the silver price by bullion ban7 shorts and silver leasing? In 2001 to 200; 6olbroo7e 8as a board e ber of AI# :A erican International aFor league silver price #roup=3 freMuently cited by %ed 4utler as a

suppressor and involved as a ringleader in silver leasing? 6e 8as chair an of the Asia Society :silver connection possible3 sorry3 no ti e to investigate3 other Pilgri s Society e bers have been Asia Society officials over the yearsE t8o Roc7efellers are current trustees httpQPPasiasociety?orgPaboutPpeoplePtrustees = 222

6olbroo7e passed a8ay on ,ece ber 1L3 2010E and 8ent3 8e to an unpleasant destination? httpQPPMuery?nyti es?co PgstPfullpage?ht lA resV<O0J+L,J1)L0)<LAALIKILC1A<JL<C;4JL

ust assu e3

&ne of AI#Us founding fathers and a giant of the international insurance industry Sir +d8in A?#? *anton3 Pilgri s Society3 Foined 8hat beca e A erican International #roup in 1<LL and passed a8ay in 200IE his na e appeared in the lea7ed list of %he Pilgri s3 1<J<222

In preparing this report I find that Reuben Jeffery III3 chair an of the C)%C fro July 113 200I to June 2K3 200K3 8ho shielded the silver price suppressors3 is presently a director of 4arclayDs ban73 8hich runs the silver +%) in order to retard prices : ore to follo8=B As of July 2K3 20103 Jeffery 8as na ed president of Roc7efeller (ealth *anage entE his previous years featured stints 8ith ,avis3 Pol7 @ (ard8ell3 a leading Pilgri s Society la8 fir 3 and 8ith #old an Sachs :Pilgri s Society=? Jeffery3 probably a Pilgri s Society e ber3 is a e ber of their subsidiary3 the Council on )oreign Relations? In 1<;K Rupert 6a bro3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 of an old2line ultinational ban7ing fa ily3 set up %he Silver %rust httpQPP888?silvertrust?co?u7Pabout?ht l an organi!ation of silvers iths 8ho understandably donDt 8ant to see silver going to onetary use222

httpQPParticles?balti oresun?co P1<<02102 21PfeaturesP1<<02<O1;IR1Rsilver2dalene2 ines2idahoP2 "Silver ,esigns Celebrate IdahoDs Sterling 6istory1 posted a co ent on +ric $or an Shrubsole by Robert *ehl an3 professor of decorative arts at $e8 'or7 9niversity222 >6eUs probably the pre2e inent dealer in -ondon and $e8 'or73> *r? Johnston eGplains? >6eUs the type of guy 8ho deals in SL003000 Paul Revere coffee pots?> Shrubsole appeared in the lea7ed 1<;0 Pilgri s listE another case of a silver user a7ing large profits 8hile iners are historically on a bread and 8ater basisB Sir ,avid Alan (al7er3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 8as chair an of *organ Stanley International and re ains senior advisor to it? *organ Stanley charged investors for storing noneGistent silver httpQPPne8s?silversee7?co P%ed4utlerP11<L1J101;?php apparently to prevent the fro buying and holding the real thing? 6e chaired3 1<;I2

1<;;3 Johnson *atthey 4an7ers and held a high post at the 4an7 of +ngland3 1<;121<<L222

Pilgri s Society silver coins fro

e ber Richard A? ,ebs 8as 8ith the )ederal Reserve 4an7 the largest ban7ing district in the nation for the eventual ittee on )iscal Agency &perationsE eaningE he 8as

of $e8 'or73 1<J021<KJ3 and as an official3 played his role in suc7ing up benefit of the Silver 9sers Association? At the )ed he chaired the )ederal ReserveP%reasury Co inti ately involved in the ca paign to dispossess the citi!enry of la8ful silver coinageB In 1<KJ he beca e president of *organ Stanley International3 a position he held into 1<;K222

,ebs re ains on the International Advisory 4oard to silver short *organ Stanley? At the 9?S?P*iddle +ast ProFect httpQPP888?us ep?usPus epPinternational2boardPrichard2a2debsP 8e find222 "4efore Foining *organ Stanley3 he 8as the Chief &perating &fficer of the )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or73 8here he also served as an Alternate *e ber of the )ederal &pen *ar7et Co ittee? 6e 8as the )edDs principal contact 8ith the &P+C countries 8ith regard to petrodollar issues in the K0Ds? ,uring his transition fro the )ed to *organ Stanley3 at the reMuest of ,avid Roc7efeller3 he served as a pro2bono financial advisor to President Sadat of +gypt? %hrough his consulting fir 3 R?A? ,ebs @ Co?3 for ed after he retired as president3 *r? ,ebs has been involved in variety of business and

philanthropic activities? A ong other business associations3 he has served as Chair an of the *alaysia )undE as a ,irector of I4J (hitehall 4an73 *i!uho Corporate 4an7 :9SA=3 Aubrey #? -anston @ Co?3 *i!uho Securities 9SA3 and #ulf International 4an7 :-ondon=E and as an advisor to the Industrial 4an7 of Japan3 ,ai2Ichi *utual -ife Insurance Co pany3 the $issho2I8ai Corporation3 and 4an7 Julius 4aer? *r? ,ebs is Chair an + eritus of the A erican 9niversity of 4eirut3 and serves on its International Advisory Council? 6e is also Chair an + eritus of Carnegie 6all and serves on its +Gecutive Co ittee? 6e also serves as a trustee of the Carnegie +ndo8 ent for International Peace3 the Institute of International +ducation3 the )ederation of Protestant (elfare Agencies3 and the 4arenboi Said )oundation? 6e is past Chair an and a e ber of the $e8 'or7 Stoc7 +Gchange International Co itteeE the 9?S? Chair an of the 4retton (oods Co issionE the 0ice Chair an of the 9?S? X Saudi 4usiness CouncilE and a e ber of the #roup of %hirty and Chair an of its Study #roup on +astern +urope? 6e has served on the $ational Co ission on the Public Service3 the Carnegie Co ission on the Role of the *ultinational ,evelop ent 4an7s3 the Russian2A erican 4an7ers )oru 3 and the 4oard of #overnors of the )oreign Policy AssociationE and on advisory co ittees of the )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or7E the (orld 4an7E the International *onetary )undE the +uropean 4an7 for Reconstruction and ,evelop entE as 8ell as visiting co ittees of Princeton3 6arvard3 and Colu bia 9niversities? 6e is a e ber of the Council on )oreign RelationsE the &verseas ,evelop ent CouncilE the +cono ic Club of $e8 'or7E the A erican Council on #er any and the Japan Society? 6e has been honored 8ith a8ards fro the )ulbright Association3 the %hird Street *usic School Settle ent3 the )ederation of Protestant (elfare Agencies3 the Arab A erican 4an7ers Association3 and the $ational Acade y of ,esign3 as 8ell as the #overn ent of Saudi Arabia3 8ith the .ing Abdul A!i! *edal3 and the #overn ent of -ebanon3 8ith the Cedars of -ebanon *edal?

,uring his 1J years at the )ederal Reserve3 he served as a e ber of the )&*C Co ittee on )oreign Currency3 and the Co ittee on International 4an7ing? 6e 8as also Chair an of the )ederal Reserve X %reasury Co ittee on )iscal Agency &perations3 8hich under his direction created the first boo72 entry syste for securities in 1<K0? 6e also served as an Advisor on the 9nited States delegations to the I*) and I4R, annual eetings? *r? ,ebs is arried to ,r? 4arbara .no8les ,ebs3 for er President of *anhattanville College and of %he $e8 'or7 6istorical Society?1 :+nd of credentials listing for Pilgri s Society Pilgri s Society e ber Ja es ,? Robinson III is a e ber ,ebs?= e ber of the anti2silver

4retton (oods Co by Pilgri s Society and a

ittee httpQPP888?bretton8oods?orgP e bersP and e ber -indsay Russell3 a 0anderbiltPRoc7efeller liaison=

8as chair an of A erican +Gpress? A director of the Japan Society :founded e ber of the anti2silver 4roo7ings Institution3 Robinson has been a Investors222

director of Coca ColaE 4ristol *yers SMuibbE $ovellE )irst ,ataE and RR+

Sir Christopher *eyer3 Pilgri s Society3 A bassador to the 9nited States3 1<<K2200L3 beca e a director in 200K of Arbuthnot 4an7ing #roup3

founded in 1;LL? 6e 8as A bassador to #er any briefly in 1<<K? According to httpQPP888?arbuthnotgroup?co P4oard?aspG heDs a non2eGecutive director of #.$ P-C 8ith L;3000 e ployees3 a concern involved in to 4ritish A erican 4usiness3 8hich 8as for ed by the A erican Cha ber of Co 9nited .ingdo ilitary and civilian aerospace :silver user= and is on the international advisory board erger of 4ritish erce erce and A erican Cha ber of Co

in 2000? %his organi!ationDs site sho8s the 4ritish flag flying

higher than the A erican flagE Fust li7e the A erican flag flies underneath the 9nion Jac7 at Allington Castle3 +ngland3 headMuarters of %he Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain :not open to the publicB= Several Pilgri s Society e bers are identified here httpQPP888?babinc?orgPaboutusPinternationaladvisoryboard in this organi!ation interloc7ed 8ith silver and gold antagonists 6S4CE *organ StanleyE JP*organChaseE 4arclaysE and 4an7 of $e8 'or7 *ellon? %8o Pilgri s Society e bers seen belo8222Sir Christopher *eyer and President 4ush 2nd222

In 200< Sir Christopher *eyer3 Pilgri s Society3 authored a I00 year history of 8orld8ide 4ritish "diplo acy1 revealingly entitled "#etting &ur (ay1 A ong the hard inner core e bers of %he Pilgri s Society are personages ade over O00 such as +d und -? ,e Rothschild3 1<1J2200<3 8ho

transatlanticPtranspacific flights in building up Rothschild interests in 4ritish $e8foundland Corporation :4rinco -td?= and their Japanese holdings3 acMuired *r? *arcus Agius as a son in la8E Agius beca e head of the entire

4arclayDs 4an7ing e pire of 1OK3000 8orld8ide e ployees 8ith its silver +%) holdingsB In 200< 4arclays #lobal Investors and 4lac7stone #roup to beco e 4lac7 Roc73 founded by Pilgri s Society Peterson3 top lieutenant of Pilgri s Society erged e ber Peter #?

e ber ,avid Roc7efeller? %he

S-0 silver +%) re ains under control of %he Society? Agius currently chairs the 4ritish 4an7ers Association? Rothschild of the centuries old fa ily of financiers of govern ents and 7no8n to be bac7 of the first and second 9nited States 4an7s and introduced "%he Rothschild Plan31 an attac7 against silver to enhance the value of their gold :$e8 'or7 %i es3 ,ece ber J3 1;<23 page I= at the International *onetary Conference in 4russels3 4elgiu 222

Suc7ing silver out of China3 pushing opiu

over there3

,e oneti!e silver in A erica3 RothschildDs a billionaire3 -et all the 8orldDs little people sin7 into despair3 (eDre the 8orldDs ban7ers222youDre in our cross2hairB "%6+ R&%6SC6I-,S (+R+ ACC9S+, &) 6A0I$# C&$SPIR+, %& ,+*&$+%I/+ SI-0+R A$, C&R$+R %6+ #&-, S9PP-'?1222$e8 'or7 %i es3 *arch ;3 1<L13 section <3 page L :reference to the Cri e of DKL=?

"6istory of the #reat A erican )ortunes1 1<0< :page IIJ tells us= 222 "%he Rothschilds long had a po8erful influence in dictating A erican financial la8s?1 httpQPPMuery?nyti es?co P e Parchive2freePpdfA resV)00K10);LAI)1LK1;,,,A,0A<O,+O0I4;I;C)1,L fro 1<0I3 the A erican A bassador? Peter John Charles *osse3 Pilgri s Society3 8as 8ith Rothschild interests3 1<K121<KJ and 1<;L21<<0 and a director of the #old Institute3 1<;I21<<0 and the Silver Institute3 1<;<21<<0? %he Independent :9?.?=3 April 1J3 200O3 decisively asserted this fa ily re ains the 8orldDs 8ealthiestE proof is subFective? A second eGa ple of the hard inner core of Pilgri s Society be Paul *ellon :1<0K21<<<=3 second generation e bers 8ould e ber and son of Andre8 June 2O3 entions an earlier -ord Rothschild of %he Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain and

*ellon3 greatest financial genius of the 20th century222

According to biographer (illia

6off an in his 1<KO eGpose3 "PA9-

C&$%R&-S %6&9SA$,S &) C&*PA$I+S1 :page 1;<=E his father 8as a director of I1 large corporations :page OI3 also (hoDs (ho volu es=E Andre8 *ellon3 according to %eGas Congress an (right Pat an3 :page I2= "*r? *ellon has violated ore la8s3 caused ore suffering A$, I--+#A--' ACN9IR+, *&R+ PR&P+R%' %& SA%IS)' 6IS P+RS&$A- #R++, %6A$ A$' &%6+R P+RS&$ &$ +AR%6E1 and that he held voting stoc7 in " ore than three hundred corporations1 :page I2=E that the *ellon fortune 8as :page II= "+N9A- %& %(&2%6IR,S &) A-- %6+ #&-, I$ %6+ +$%IR+ (&R-,1 and "billions3 !illions3 did not see 1LO=E *ellon o8ned unusual to Paul *ellon1 :page achine guns as ines featured private police carrying

of 1<2; :page 1OJ=E Paul *ellon beca e "the principal o8ner of such corporate giants as #ulf &il3 Alcoa3 and the *ellon 4an7 :page ;1=E ,re8 Pearson3 a nationally pro inent Fournalist of the 1<20Ds and 1<L0Ds :page OK= said "for eight years *ellon do inated the national capital? )or eight years Presidents served under hi ? So po8erful 8as his influence3 so great his prestige that he told the 8hat to do and his Fudg ent 8as final?1 PaulDs brother in la83 ,avid .?+? 4ruce3 8as a direct descendant of Robert the 4ruce3 .ing of Scotland? ,avid 8as A bassador to )ranceE #er anyE and to +ngland3 1<J121<J<3 during the critical ti es of the -ondon #old Pool and the 8ar on 9?S? silver coinageE he 8as a Pilgri s vice presidentE his older brother 8as a e ber and director of i portant corporations? %he 4an7 of $e8 'or7 *ellon as of 2011 clai s not S2I?I billion3 but S2I?I

%RI--I&$ under anage ent or custody?

A third eGa ple :and there are others a ong the Astors3 0anderbilts3 (arburgs and the (indsors3 the 4ritish Royals= of an inner core Pilgri s Society e ber is ,avid Roc7efeller :1<1I222=? (illia 6off an also 8rote an unauthori!ed biography of ,avid Roc7efeller in 1<K13 ",avid5Report &n A Roc7efeller31 8hich 8as follo8ed by a paperbac7 reprint on the bac7 of 8hich 8e find this co entary222 a7e "&ne President after another has done his bidding? 6is lifestyle 8ould

AleGander the #reat 8eep 8ith envy? %6+ P&(+R 6+ (I+-,S CR&SS+S A-- 4&R,+RS3 CA$ *A.+ &R ,+S%R&' #&0+R$*+$%S3 S%AR% &R S%&P (ARS3 PR&)&9$,-' I$)-9+$C+ +0+R'&$+DS -I)+3 including yoursB1 %he L0W argin increase in silver222and on no other co odity222on silver odities in ter s of alone3 8hose short profile !oo s above all other co

days of 8orld production :as this is 8ritten=222follo8ed by another increase3 i posed by the C*+ #roup in $ove ber 20103 8as typical considering the connections of assorted e bers of the C*+ board li7e Ja es $e8so e3

8ho as C)%C chief3 told the Silver 9sers Association "I loo7 for8ard to 8or7ing 8ith youE1 (illia P? *iller II3 8ho has served as a consultant to the Roc7efeller )oundationE and -eo *ela ed3 8ho 8as on hand 8ith ,avid Roc7efeller on April 2L3 200O3 at Roc7efeller Chapel of the 9niversity of Chicago httpQPP8882 ne8s?uchicago?eduPreleasesP0OP0O0O22?roc7efeller?sht l C*+ #roup aFor holders include 4lac7 Roc7E #old an SachsE State Street CorporationE and #eneral +lectric3 all Pilgri s Society lin7ed entities? Rothschild3 *ellon3 Roc7efeller3 and any other Pilgri s Society dynasties 8e 8onDt profile here3 eGe plify their ethic of "sei!ing the 8ealth necessary?1 ,avid Roc7efeller "persuaded1 John .ennedy to publicly state that the 9nited States 8ould not raise the SLI gold price :see "%he Conspiracy Against #old1= and 8as a pri ary organi!er of the 4ilderberg Conferences3 8hose purpose is to indoctrinate transitory heads of state? In his autobiography Roc7efeller entions 4ilderberg3 %rilateral Co ission and the Council on e bers being )oreign RelationsE he did not e bers3 and the ention %he Pilgri s Society nor his long ter

e bership in it3 and the fact of several of his fa ily

atter of at least several do!en Roc7efeller operatives li7e e bers? As of *ay 2010 Pilgri s e bers222

,etlev (? 4ron73 #eorge -? 6in an3 Richardson ,il8orth3 #eorge 6arrar3 ,ean Rus7 and 6enry .issinger being Society e ber ,avid Roc7efeller 8as received at the State ,epart ent by

6illary Clinton3 one of the fe8 fe ale Pilgri s Society


eeting 8as at the O0th annual (ashington Conference on the A ericas3 oving to a etallic syste 3 8hich 8ould

8hich li7ely has so ething to do 8ith the 9?S? preventing silver and gold ining nations to the South fro cripple Pilgri s Society influence over vast areas? %he Society can also have the President nationali!e gold and silver ining sites under the %reasury ,epart ent in order to ruin shareholders :insiders 8ill have been given a signal visible only to the 3 to sell beforehand=? %he President could say the nationali!ed gold deposits provide "bac7ing1 for the renovated currency? 'et as ever3 8ithout fully unhindered convertibility :unMualified rede ption rights for all note holders=3 there 8ould re ain no de facto bac7ingB

Roc7y calls to

ind .onrad 0on *arburg3 the 1Lth century InMuisitor 8ho3 ediate panic

8hen 8ord ca e that he 8as to pass through an area3 i

resulted httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP.onradRvonR*arburg %he Roc7efellers are related by ancestry to the 4ritish aristocrats3 the +arls of ,e -a (arr3 fro 8hose na e derives ",ela8are?1 %he 1<;0 list of %he Pilgri s any of #reat 4ritain features the na e %he +arl of ,e -a (arr on page OO of the lea7ed docu ent? %he SocietyDs ra ifications trace bac7 centuries to pro inent historical personages3 the co lust? Is President &ba a his "o8n anA1 ,onDt anyone be delusionalE heDs e bers3 referred to by essage board3 another puppet of %he Pilgri s Society3 8hose elitist on thread being greed and po8er

so eone ne8 to 7no8ledge of their eGistence posting on a &$+ 6AS 6+AR, &)?1

referred to as "A S+CR+% #R&9P &) 6I,,+$ ARIS%&CRA%S $+AR-' $& Spea7ing at the 9nited $ations on Septe ber 1O3 1<<O3 Pilgri s Society e ber ,avid Roc7efeller3 8hose fa ily donated the land on 8hich the 9?$? buildings stand3 re ar7ed222

"(e are on the verge of a global transfor ation? All 8e need is the right aFor crisis and the nations 8ill accept the $e8 (orld &rder .1 $otice the fist in the pal gestureB (hen Roc7efeller passes a8ay3 no alteration in goals need be anticipated on the part of the elitesB

In the globalist transfor ation3 be assured that private o8nership of precious etals 8ill not be a right3 eGcept for elitists such as PI-#RI*S S&CI+%' e bersB %heir otto "6ic +t 9biMue31 -atin3 "6ere And +very8here31 appliesB

In the Asian Currency Crisis of 1<<K21<<; South .oreans turned in "voluntarily1 so e 2K0 tons of )riends3 things are ostly gold Fe8elry httpQPP888?silverbearcafe?co PprivatePPconfiscation?ht l oving fast in the global silver sphere and in the etals price international gold arenaB I put it to you that the forces of and let free

suppression having operated for generations3 are not going to stand aside ar7et advocates have their final victory3 after 8eDve lost al ost all battles during this lengthy 8arB %hey do intend to pull &ba aDs strings3 or that of his successor3 and nationali!e :"C&$)ISCA%+1= gold and silver once again3 hollering "precedentB1 and "national e ergencyB1 as happened in the devilish ),R ad inistrationB 4elo83 ar ed )ederal guards posted on 8atch of over 103K003000 ounces of nationali!ed silver3 all in 13000 ounce ingots :%he -iterary ,igest3 August 1;3 1<LO3 page K= 222

&n a list of probable 9nited States Pilgri s Society

e bers as of 2011 8e

8ould anticipate encountering na es such as %i othy *ellonE ,avid Roc7efeller Jr?E %i othy #eithnerE 4enFa in 4ernan7eE #eorge SorosE (arren 4uffetE 4ill #atesE %ed %urnerE Robert .elly of 4an7 of $e8 'or7 *ellonE #ene *cNuade of CitigroupE -loyd 4lan7fein3 (illia (? #eorge3 Ja es A? Johnson and John 6? 4ryan of #old an SachsE Ja ie ,i on3 Ja es Cro8n and -ee Ray ond of JP*organChaseE John Stu pf of (ells )argoE *arcus Agius3 Sir Richard 4roadbent and Sir John Sunderland of 4arclaysE ,onald )? ,onahue3 ,epository %rust $e8 'or7E (illia ,udley3 )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or7E %ho as J? 6ealey of the Roc7efeller )oundationE and others the reader can loo7 up including Philip Anschut!E John ,? ArnoldE -ouis *? 4aconE Robert 4assE *ichael 4loo bergE ,avid 4onder anE +li 4roadE Anne CoG Cha bersE 4arry ,illerE -arry +llisonE Ja es #oodnightE (illia 6? #rossE A os 6ostetter Jr?E Carl IcahnE +d8ard Johnson IIIE Rupert Johnson Jr?E Paul %udor JonesE #eorge 4? .aiserE Peter R? .elloggE Randal J? .ir7E %ho as 6? -eeE ,onald 4? *arronE )orrest *ars Jr?E John )ran7lyn *arsE Craig *cCa8E #ordon *ooreE ,onald $e8houseE Sa uel $e8house Jr?E 6an7 PaulsonE John PaulsonE %ho as Prit!7erE Richard Rain8aterE Julian RobertsonE Sir Si on Robertson and Sir 4rian (illia son of 6S4CE Richard *ellon ScaifeE 6arold Si odds of onsE ,onald %ru pE *orti er 4? /uc7er an? %here is no being there are very high? Apologies to the rest3 but ay also be there? Also of e bershipB &f ore assurance that any of these na es 8ould be on a current listE ho8ever3 the any of the 8e are forced to deal in speculation? %here 8ould be an esti ated K00 na es? 4ritish dia ond dealer -aurence #raff note if available 8ould be the I0 to K0 na es on %he Pilgri s (aiting -ist? Co pliance 8ith Society obFectives is reMuisite to i portance than na es 8e can confir rac7eteers and 8ar ongers? Active fro ti es past as e bers3 and

those currently 8ho can be identified3 are current lists of these global e bers pose the ris7 to 8orld peace and prosperity?

In *ay 1<K< I confronted :he atte pted to evade

e3 8ith their e ble


y shirt and tape recorder in hand= Sir Ivor Se8ard Richard3 then 4ritish A bassador to the 9nited $ations 1<KO21<K<E +uropean Co the 6ouse of -ords3 1<<K21<<;? 6is Secretary of State 8ho e bership 8as never issioner for + ploy ent and Social Affairs3 1<;121<;IE and -ord Privy Seal and -eader of aternal grandfather 8as the sa e Russia in 1;JKB 6is ade the Alas7a Purchase fro

entioned in his introduction or speech at %eGas

Christian 9niversity in )ort (orth3 and the pro ised Muestion and ans8er session 8as abruptly cancelledE so eone else had seen %he Pilgri s e ble on y shirt? 6is e bership in %he +nglish Spea7ing 9nion and %he )abian entionedE Society of #reat 4ritain :e ble 2228olf in sheepDs clothing= 8as his Pilgri s

e bership had to be 7ept in the dar7? 6e 8as honored on *ay

1L3 1<KI at a Pilgri s reception in *anhattan? %6+S+ &P+RA%&RS AR+ S& %&CIC %6A% %6+ &$-' SA)+ (A' %& ACC&S% %6+* *A' 4+ 4' APPR&AC6I$# %6+* (I%6 '&9R 4AC. %9R$+,3 6&-,I$# 9P A *IRR&R (I%6 (6IC6 %& 0I+( %6+*B

Sir ,avid 6ardy3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 seen at the 9niversity of #reen8ich3 chair an of the $ational *ariti e *useu 3 8as a director of Sons of #8alia -i ited3 an Australian gold 8ith over S;00 iner that 8ent bro7e by 200O illion 9?S? hedging lossesE he 8as an advisor to silver and gold short 6S4C3 1<<I21<<K222

At httpQPPne8s?silversee7?co PSilverSee7P12<200O;2;?php find a ,ece ber 2010 release i plicating *organ Stanley3 international invest ent ban7 8ith J03000 e ployees3 as being a really enor ous silver short? It 8as founded in 1<LI by 6enry Sturgis *organ3 third generation Pilgri s Society e ber3 grandson of the original J?P? *organ3 8ho 8as "al ost lord of creation1222

)eliG #? Rohatyn3 Pilgri s Society3 is a trustee of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in (ashington3 ,?C? %he CSIS is interested in .orea3 Peru and *eGico 888?csis?orgPfilesPpublicationP100O2JRConleyR9SStrategicInterestsR(eb? pdf httpQPPcsis?orgPfilesP ediaPcsisPpubsP0J02Mn7Rs7?pdf httpQPPcsis?orgPblogPits2econo y2boo s2peru2eyes2asia any issues3 including silver resources in such diverse sites as the arctic3 $orth

Rohatyn 8as fir

anaging director of -a!ard )reres3 $e8 'or73 1<J021<<K3 a any positions

traditionally associated 8ith the Rothschilds? 6e has held

including director of $e8 'or7 Stoc7 +GchangeE Pfi!erE )iatE Schlu bergerE *CAE I%%E Co castE A erican *otorsE Sue!2-agardere #roupE beca e chair an international advisory co 8ho rescued $e8 'or7 City fro ittee to -eh an 4rothers3 Fust over t8o years before it crashedE bac7er3 &ba a for A ericaE 7no8n as the financier ban7ruptcyE A bassador to )rance3 1<<K2 2000? Ad iral Arleigh A? 4ur7e :1<0121<<J=3 Pilgri s Society3 chief of $aval &perations during the +isenho8er and .ennedy ad inistrations3 founded the Center for Strategic and International Studies in 1<J2 and 8as a director of %eGacoE ChryslerE $e8port $e8s ShipbuildingE )irst $ational 4an7 of (ashingtonE %hio7ol Che icalE )oster (heelerE )ederal Services )inancial and others? 6e 8as a e ber of the Ar y2$avy Club in ,?C? 8here the eetings222 pillaging Silver 9sers Association holds

ReG %illerson3 Pilgri s Society3 chair an +GGon *obil3 director of 9?S?PRussia 4usiness Council3 in 200K na ed one of the 2I ost po8erful people in " ilitary1 is entered in business by )ortune *aga!ine3 is a trustee of the Center for Strategic and International Studies httpQPPcsis?orgP 8here if the ter the search boG a considerable list co es up222

)rederic7 4? (hitte ore3 Pilgri s Society3 long ti e figure in silver suppressor *organ Stanley3 has been president of the Pacific 4asin +cono ic Council founded in 1<JK in 6ong .ong3 a director of .ey Phar aceuticalsE and as this is 8ritten3 is a director of Chesapea7e +nergy3 8hich Fust did a SO?KI billion deal 8ith 46P 4illiton3 Australian ining giant 8ith its share of Pilgri s Society connections? 6is father -aurence 8as president of the )ederal Reserve 4an7 of 4oston3 1<OJ21<O;? (hitte ore is also an Aspen Institute trustee3 8ith its o8n assorted connections to silver suppressors222

#eneral -ord #uthrie of Craigieban73 Pilgri s Society3 &rder of the 4ritish + pire3 #old Stic7 to the Nueen3 e ber 6ouse of -ords3 is the lin7 bet8een the International Institute for Strategic Studies in -ondon3 the leading thin72 tan7 in "global security1 :8arfare planning= httpQPP888?iiss?orgP 8here they say of hi 222 "6e is a ,irector of $ * Rothschild @ Sons -i itedE a Council *e ber of %he International Institute of Strategic StudiesE a 0isiting Professor and 6onorary )ello8 of .ingDs College -ondon 9niversityE Chair an of the %rustees of %he -iddell 6art Centre for *ilitary ArchivesE a *e ber of the Steering


ittee of %he Center for Strategic and International Studies3 (ashington ,C? 6e is President of %he Ar y 4enevolent )undE Action Research?1

Patric7 (? #ross3 Pilgri s Society :(hoDs (ho3 200I3 page 1;O0= is an advisor to the Center for Strategic and International Studies and a trustee of the Aspen Institute3 8hich has a "6o eland Security Progra ?1 6eDs a director of the ,efense 4usiness 4oard httpQPPdbb?defense?govPindeG?sht l 8hose slogan is "4usiness +Gcellence in ,efense of the $ation?1 So3 8hat is their position on the for er defense silver reserveA %hat the Silver 9sers Association should not be attached by court order to replenish the bul7 of it that they too7 8ith Pilgri s Society that there is no cause to even e ber Caspar (einbergerDs assistanceE ention the Silver 9sers Association in any such

discussionA %he ,44 8or7s 8ith the ,efense ,epart ent and its board is interloc7ed 8ith #old an Sachs3 the anti2silver +cono ic Club of $e8 'or73 and features a Rhodes Scholar? %he ,44 is connected to the Center for Strategic and International Studies by Roc7efeller flun7y John 6a re? #ross is a e ber of the (orld +cono ic )oru at #eneva3 S8it!erland and is a

e ber of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in -ondon and the +cono ic Club of (ashington3 8hich has been addressed by leading anti2 gold and silver spea7ersE Ja ie ,i on3 4en 4ernan7e3 Robert Rubin and 6enry Paulson3 li7ely all Pilgri s Society 8orldDs largest patent research co e bers? 6eDs been a director since unity31 Article &ne Partners 1<<J of the Council for +Gcellence in #overn ent? 6eDs a director of "the httpQPParticleonepartners?co P 222 6is bio at ,efense 4usiness 4oard states222 "Patric7 #ross is Chair an of %he -ovell #roup3 a private invest ent and advisory fir 3 8here he 8or7s 8ith a portfolio of venture capital bac7ed private technology and internet co erce co panies? 6e is engaged by the his eGtensive eGperience? venture investors to help the co panies gro8 to the neGt stage of develop ent and benefit fro )ro 1<K0220013 he 8as a founder and principal eGecutive officer of aFor corporations

A erican *anage ent Syste s3 Inc? :A*S= that provided infor ation technology services and enterprise soft8are solutions to and govern ent agencies? Prior to founding A*S3 *r? #ross 8or7ed on the staff of the Secretary of ,efense in the &ffice of Syste s Analysis3 popularly 7no8n in the press as "*c$a araDs 8hi! 7ids?1 6e has served as chair an of the board of t8o private eMuity2o8ned co panies? 6e has served on and chaired audit3 co pensation3 and governance and no inating co ittees? Currently3 he serves on t8o $'S+ co pany boardsQ Capital &ne )inancial Corporation and (aste *anage ent3 Inc? and three $AS,AN co pany boardsQ Career +ducation Corporation3 -iMuidity Services3 Inc?3 and %aleo Corporation? 6e is trustee and chair an of the research and policy co Co ittee of the ittee for +cono ic ,evelop ent :C+,=3 vice chair an of the Council for

+Gcellence in #overn ent3 vice chair an of the board of #eorgeto8n 9niversity 6ospital3 and co2founder and for er chair an of the (orld Affairs Council of (ashington3 ,?C? 6e is also a trustee of the Aspen Institute3 a trustee of the )ederal City Council3 a director of the All .inds of *inds Institute3 a director of the )oreign Policy Association3 and a an elected e ber of the advisory board of the Stanford Institute for +cono ic Policy Research? 6e is e ber of the Council on )oreign Relations3 International Institute +cono ic Club of (ashington?1 %he Aspen Institute sponsors an "Initiative on )inancial Security31 encouraging A ericans to hold savings in dollarsE that they intentionally officials occasionally addressing their )il :silver users=3 %rilateral Co isdirect little people is in character for the 3 inas uch as they have )ederal Reserve eetingsB Aspen is interloc7ed 8ith )uFi ission3 Pilgri s Society front organi!ation of Strategic Studies3 the (ashington Institute for )oreign Affairs3 and the

According to httpQPPsiepr?stanford?eduPaboutRsiepr "#eorge Shult! :Pilgri s Society= played an i portant role in for ing the Institute?1 %he John *? &lin Institute for Strategic Studies at 6arvard httpQPP888?8cfia?harvard?eduPolinP na ed for Pilgri s Society tan7? #old and silver price suppressor (illia e ber John *errill &lin of &lin Corporation3 is another apparent 8ar onger thin72 +? Si on 8as president of the &lin )oundation? &lin 8as a trustee of Cornell 9niversity3 Johns 6op7ins 9niversity3 (ashington 9niversity and *id8est Research Institute3 concerning itself 8ith "national security and defense1 888? riresearch?orgP 222

ore recent Pilgri s Society

e ber3 Charles Price II3 for er A bassador

to 4elgiu

:1<;121<;L= and +ngland :1<;L21<;<=3 8as a *id8est Research Sprint3 *ercantile 4an7 of .ansas City and others222

Institute trustee and a director of 4ritish Air8ays3 %eGaco3 $e8 'or7 %i es3

All these thin72tan7s and their concealed Pilgri s Society overlords 7no8 silver is a crucial 8ar A ericans for aterialE do they care to a7e public their "scholarly1 studies as to ho8 silver ust for a second ti e be eGpropriated fro

anipulative purposesA %hereDs also the Rand Corporation

httpQPP888?rand?orgP 8ith its (arburg :Pilgri s Society= lin7s? Rand stands for "research and develop ent?1
Charles )inch 4arber3 Pilgri s Society3 beca e chair an in 1<K1 of ASARC&3 A erican S elting @ Refining3 in 8hose early history the Roc7efellers too7 a hand3 8as a trustee in 1<;0 of the Council on +cono ics and $ational Security3 8hich sponsored a 10I page boo73 "Strategic *inerals222A Resource Crisis31 issued in January 1<;03 a crisis onth for gold and silver page O<222 uch suppressorsB 6ereDs an eGcerpt I 8as able to get fro

"4ut in the cases of palladiu 3 gold3 silver and the li7e3 8e need very

the considerations that are being developed here3 as Ad iral *ott and his associates have accented3 AS A *A%%+R &) ,++P P94-IC C&$C+R$?1

(hat "considerations1 concerning palladiu 3 gold and silver 8ere "being developed1 by these people over L0 years agoA %hat of having the )ederal #overn ent relieve private citi!ens of o8nership of such etals at a future date3 under conditions of engineered crisisA %here is no "deep public concern1 on the part of ordinary people3 but these elitists3 apparently slaves of the Royal Plan3 al8ays have a deep concern as to ho8 to gut non e bersB %he 1<;0 (hoDs (ho sho8s 4arber on page 1K1 8ith no ention of his e bership in %he Pilgri sE his na e appears in the lea7ed iner and refinerE 4arber 8as ar7et 8hen in January 1<;0 1<;0 listE by 1<<O (hoDs (ho3 page 1K23 he stated "Pilgri s1 near the end of his listing? ASARC& 8as a big copper chair an into 1<;2E silver is a byproduct of copper? I 8onder if ASARC& played a role in helping silver shorts crash the sho8ed hi a that boo7 ca e out under 4arberDs auspicesB 6is 1<<O (hoDs (ho listing e ber of Roc7efeller 9niversity Council and a director of $ational -egal Center for the Public Interest3 another ban7er front? 6e 8as a director of Chase *anhattan 4an7E India )undE Asia %igers )undE Canthus )undE (histler )undE Stratigos )undE Salo on 4rothers Capital )undE + erging *ar7ets Inco e )undE *unicipal 6igh Inco e )undE /eniG Inco e )undE Continental CorporationE Industrial *inerals of *eGicoE Southern Peru CopperE A erican *ining CongressE A ericas SocietyE (oodro8 (ilson International Center for ScholarsE Copper ,evelop ent AssociationE International Copper Research InstituteE Shearson -eh an )und and others? (ith a na e li7e 4arber3 he haircuts3 and 8as a ay have given lots of little fol7s financial oney 4an7ers Club in ittee to the ing bac7 trusting e ber of the anti2silver

*anhattan? As of 1<<O he chaired the regulatory advisory co $e8 'or7 Stoc7 +Gchange3 probably for purposes of tri investorsB

Robert -? Sproull3 Pilgri s Society 1<;0 lea7ed list3 chaired the ,efense Science 4oard3 1<JI21<K2? %he ,S4 is a civilian panel of advisors to the ,efense ,epart ent? (e all 7no8 silver is critical to ilitary technologiesE

that Pilgri s Society

e bers have stolen silver fro

literally over one billion

people in the last centuryE that their boy3 )ran7lin Roosevelt3 stole silver to the eGtent of 11L30L13000 ounces fro and that Silver 9sers Association by A ericans3 effected on August <3 1<LOE ost of the for er defense silver stoc7pile3 1JI*&/ 8as fed to the e bers of %he Pilgri s Society li7e Caspar

(einberger? Sproull has been president e eritus of the 9niversity of Rochester since 1<;OE this university has strong connections to +ast an .oda73 Silver 9sers Association e bersB Sproull 8as lead physicist at &a7 Ridge $ational -aboratory in 1<I2 :silver users=E he 8as 8ith +uropean Research Association in 4russels3 1<I;21<I<E he has served as a director of 9nited %echnologies :silver user=E CeroGE Charles River -aboratoriesE advisory co su ittee to #eneral *otors3 1<K121<;0? 6e has contributed a seven figure to Cornell Center for *aterials Research and is a e ber of the $ational

Acade y of Sciences? 6eDs a trustee of the #eorge C? *arshall Research Institute :defense industries lobby= httpQPP888? arshall?orgP and beca e chair an in 1<<< of the +nviron ental -iteracy Council222


o ent 8hen 8e are at greatest ris7 of nationali!ation is during 8arti eE levels3 ay serve as 8ell? "%6+ (AR*&$#+RS31 1<K< nonfiction by oving the 8orld to8ard 8ar no8B1 6e e bersE and

ho8ever3 ),R style depressions3 as deter ined by very high une ploy ent 6o8ard .at!3 says on the bac7 cover222"%hey started (orld (ar I? %hey engineered (orld (ar II? %hey are entioned the Council on )oreign Relations on I of 2<1 pages? A revie8 of the indeG sho8s the anticipated assort ent of Pilgri s Society he does ention the lin7 bet8een fiat paper oney and 8arB &n the 8arfare

front3 8hat do 8e have todayA (e have the four highest position holders in the 9nited States 8ho are concerned 8ith 8ar3 are all Pilgri s Society e bers :honorary counts as full fledged in ter s of outco e=222the PresidentE the Secretary of StateE and the t8o co2chair en of the $ational (ar Po8ers Co ission222Pilgri s Society e ber Ja es Addison 4a7er III et 8ith and Pilgri s Society httpQPP illercenter?orgPpolicyPco e ber (arren Christopher issionsP8arpo8ers 8hich first

President &ba a on ,ece ber 113 200; :4a7er and Christopher= 222

4a7er 8as (hite 6ouse Chief of Staff3 1<;121<;IE %reasury Secretary3 1<;I2 1<;;E Secretary of State3 1<;<21<<2E and (hite 6ouse Chief of Staff3 1<<22 1<<L? 4a7er 8as appointed Special +nvoy to IraM in 200LE he beca e senior advisor to %he Carlyle #roup in 1<<L 8hich is clearly an association of defense contractors :8ar ongers= 8ho at so e point ust have silver for their the %reasury high tech syste s httpQPP888?conspiracydigest?co PcarlyleRgroup?ht l ? Surprise3 surprise2224a7er 8on the *orgenthau a8ard fro ,epart ent :(hoDs (ho3 200I3 page 200=? Christopher 8as a director of Southern California +dison and )irst Interstate 4ancorporation and Chevron3 8hich is a includes e ber of httpQPP888?iblf?orgP International 4usiness -eaders )oru 3 founded in 1<<0 by Prince Charles3 Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain3 and ining giants Anglo A ericanE 46PP4illiton and Rio %into? &n *arch 203 20113 Christopher passed onE nothing 8ill change? P-+AS+ disregard any appeals to personalitiesE perceived status ran7ings of co entators on the precious etals tote poleE infighting3 egos3 etals conference big shots3 co parison scales of prestige3 suits and ties3

and anything else that could be a bloc7 against this infor ation being 8idely circulatedB I have nothing to sell to any of youE I see7 no contributions3 ID spending personal funds to advertise this and 8ish greatly to see hard y fello8 oney advocates protected as to their property rights? %his Pilgri s

Society bac7 of the 9nited States President intends to ruin us by once again "S+I/I$# %6+ (+A-%6 $+C+SSAR'?1 %hey need only have one of their e bers such as Pilgri s Society vice president Paul 0olc7er :8ho bro7e the 6unts out of I<*&/ silver by 1<;J=3 trans it to &ba a to proceed 8ith a gold and silver nationali!ation decree in an +Gecutive &rderB R&$ PA9-3 6+-P 9SB "%R+AS9R' C-AI*S P&(+R %& S+I/+ #&-, A$, SI-0+R1 222 httpQPP888?Fac7bloodforu ?co Pphp44LPvie8topic?phpAfV2@tVIIKO

%hereDs no dispute as to 8hich of these characters is "largerB1 %he (all Street Journal3 ,ece ber L3 20103 page A21<3 "#overn ent 4y +Gecutive &rder31 re ar7ed222 "4ecause President &ba a 8ill no8 have a tough ti e getting his liberal agenda through a ore Republican Congress3 any ,e ocrats are 9R#I$#

6I* %& RA* I% %6R&9#6 9SI$# %6+ +C+C9%I0+ 4RA$C6DS 9$I-A%+RAP&(+R?1

Pilgri s Society vice president 0olc7er3 anti2silver activist 8ho bro7e the 6unts out of I< illion ounces3 tells &ba a 8hat to do on behalf of inner e ber ,avid Roc7efeller? %he sa e 8ill go for &ba aDs successor222 circle Pilgri s Society

%hereDs no need to have a Congress if a puppet of %he Pilgri s Society beco es dictatorB (e should re e ber that it 8as during a ,e ocrat ad inistration222),R222that gold and silver rights of A ericans 8ere abrogated by +Gecutive &rderB %his presentation doesnDt cover other severe ris7s 8e face including co pulsory vaccinationsE cri inali!ation of possession of nutritional supple entsE continued eGertions against firear o8nership rightsE bureaucrats deciding itDs ti e to euthani!e your elderly relativesE andatory " ental health1 eGa inations 8ith definitions that sho8 anything they 8ish to sho83 as in %he InMuisitionE restrictions on interstate travel by auto obileE co pulsory icrochippingE denial of Internet access for "unauthori!ed1 8ebsitesE orders that ho eless illegals be ta7en into your residenceE reMuire ents for lists of Fe8elry and precious stones be sub itted to the %reasuryE a7ing dissent illegalE suspension of habeas corpusE %reasury ,epart ent bounties paid to police depart ents for raiding citi!en o8ned


etalsE and

any other assaults against personal freedo to the planned return to feudalis ?

en route

&ther Pilgri s Society entities such as #old an Sachs #roup gave S<;03<OI to &ba a 200;E JP*organChase3 SJI03KI;E *organ Stanley3 SO<03;KLE and Citigroup3 SJIK32J; 888?opensecrets?org &ba a has an entourage of Pilgri s Society including 6enry .issinger3 for e bers surrounding hi 3 any years a Roc7efeller e ployeeE %i othy

#eithner3 &ba aDs %reasury Secretary 8as 8ith .issinger Associates3 1<;I2 1<;;3 and in 200L beca e president of the )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or7 :a post reserved for Pilgri s Society e bers=? See ho8 easy it 8ould be for .issinger or 0olc7er to slip 8ord to &ba a and #eithner3 "#o ahead and nationali!e gold and silver1222

6ey 6enry222is that your face3 or did your nec7 thro8 upA (hy donDt you get on a bottle cap and drift out to seaA %he #overn entDs silver and gold eagle progra through the 9?S? *int is no guarantee against nationali!ation? Charles 4ronson had a series of *afia

ovies? %hose characters are e bryos contrasted to the real life ")ee2)i2)o2 )u 1 giants of %he Pilgri s SocietyB In his speech to %he Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain :released by the State ,epart ent3 $e8 'or7 %i es3 ,ece ber 1L3 1<KL3 page 2;=3 .issinger spo7e of "the 8hole net8or7 of intangible connections that have been the real sine8s of the trans2Atlantic and especially the Anglo2A erican relationship?1 .issinger3 a vice president of %he Pilgri s Society3 declared &ba a the "architect of the ne8 8orld order1 on January I3 200<3 at the $e8 'or7 Stoc7 +Gchange? According to httpQPP888? aebrussell?co P*ae W204russellW20ArticlesP(hoW20.illedW20-arryW20*c,onald?ht l .issinger is responsible for the deaths of vast nu bers of Ca bodiansB I notice that as of 200; on the board of 8hat is currently the 8orldDs largest silver producer3 and *eGicoDs second largest gold producer3 )resnillo3 appears -ondoner -ord Cairns3 Co Co *e orial )und3 founder of the Co ander of the 4ritish + pire3 ander of the Royal 0ictorian &rder3 trustee of ,iana Princess of (ales on8ealth 4usiness Council3 for er

chair an3 &verseas ,evelop ent InstituteE Chair an3 /ain Africa and for er deputy chair an3 S?#? (arburg @ Co pany? %he -ord is al ost certainly a Pilgri s Society the e ber? 4ear in ind the ost recent lists 8e have fro is no8 L1 years old3 and it didnDt co e freelyE it had to be lea7ed? ission3 consisting of 10 persons selected by

%he )inancial Crisis InMuiry Co

e bers of Congress to "study1 the proble s of 200;3 is another false flag operation? *e ber Peter J? (allison httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iPPeterRJ?R(allison 8as counsel to Pilgri s Society e ber $elson Roc7efellerDs $ational Co ission on Critical Choices for A ericans during 1<KL21<KO and is no8 Arthur )? 4urns :Pilgri s Society3 )ederal Reserve Syste chair an= fello8 in financial policy studies at the A erican +nterprise Institute?

Please post as

any lin7s to this one essay as you canE and on

etals and

ining co pany

essage boardsE print out copy and send to your ayor and to anyone of i portance? (ith

Congress an3 your Senator3 and your State Representative and State SenatorB Send it to your adeMuacy of eGposure I do sincerely believe 8e can S%&P another )ran7lin Roosevelt style sei!ure of our gold and silverB %his infor ation can also serve to help Ron PaulDs drive to have our national gold holdings audited3 as it is this Pilgri s Society3 and no one else3 that has toyed 8ith our national gold as it has 8ith our silverB %hey gave us the and rising une ploy ent 8ith ortgage crisis3 the national debt3 high ass eGportation of Fobs3 and the derivatives night areB &n $ove ber 1O3 2010 this release appeared :corrected for O spelling errors= httpQPP888? ne8s?dePindeG?phpPenglish2ne8sPJKK<2Fa es2tur72gold2 ;0002hyperinflation2sure2prohibition2possible "According to %ur7 a gold confiscation could be possible if the price goes too high and reflects an alar signal that there is so ething 8rong in the financial ay be a prohibition again in the future? So you syste ? "A erica did that in 1<LL but they didnDt prohibit o8nership outside the 9nited States? And there need to diversify geographically3 different countries3 different political syste s and hold your gold at different places around the 8orld? In that 8ay you can ediate the ris7 of confiscation?1 So e intend to sidestep the entire issue by holding through the ost upstrea ostly dia onds? %hey best ta7e care to not tread do8n that path if they cannot acMuire the of sourcesE sightholders3 not resellers3 eGcept those dealing in distressed sales? After all that3 dia onds still arenDt good unless you can sell to end usersB ,ia onds have never been subFected to any blan7et 9?S? govern ent nationali!ation? I didnDt say sell your etals and buy dia onds? At his site )ran7lin Sanders3 one of the greatest of the greats in etals3 states his vie8 that the govern ent 8onDt ta7e gold againE they

8ouldnDt ris7 8idespread disobedience over a relatively s all pri!e? &nce the entality of these )eudal -ords is understood3 you edia po8er to ust reali!e they intend to allo8 no one outside their influence to beco e 8ealthy? %hey plan to use their a7e it appear as if its "hoarders and speculators1 against the #overn entE 8hen in reality3 it 8ill be %6+* using the #overn ent to Institutions a7e us their potential co petitors poor3 if they can pull it offB %heir nature is to disallo8 capital accu ulation outside their sphereB ost notably the 9niversity of %eGas +ndo8 ent )und have ta7en large positions in physical gold? It has been suggested this 8ill serve as a strong barrier against )ederal gold nationali!ation? I agree3 unless totalitarianis beco es unstoppable? It 8ill finally be said by un8illing of oney3 and therefore3 its o8nership etal can only reliably erceB Silver 8ill be treated ight actually be less difficult to sources that gold is the ulti ate for serve as

should be centrali!ed in the govern ent? 6o8ever3 oney if free to circulate in co differently because of its industrial uses? It

atte pt to nationali!e silver a second ti e3 if the notorious Silver 9sers Association disbands and closes do8n? In that event3 they 8ould reorgani!e after a nationali!ation and start tapping the centrali!ed supply3 after govern ent thievery had transpired? httpQPPne8s?silversee7?co PSilverStrategiesP12<1L11JJJ?php at this article 8eDve given reasons 8hy govern ents 8ill buy silver? Sadly3 that only applies to govern ents in 8hose Furisdictions silver isnDt producedB %he rest can si ply nationali!e silverB Spea7ing of price " anage ent1 rather than conspiracy is splitting hairsB ItDs li7e arguing 8ith a Scot that his 7ilt is a type of s7irt3 and he insists it isnDtB )ord *ustangs are still otor vehiclesB Start ost pinpoint calling spades3 spadesB It ta7es planning to effect this " anage entE1 and as the outco e has been bad for the 8orld3 conspiracy is the accurate descriptionB Spiriting off etals to other Furisdictions to avoid

nationali!ation spea7s of people 8ho have decided they are beaten because

the bad people have convinced the

the political battle in their o8n nation

canDt be 8onB %he tide of dar7ness can be reversed in 2011 by Ron Paul and his effort to audit 9nited States goldE denial of the audit 8ill tell A ericans itDs gone3 and the public should be in an i placable uproar over itB (6' #I0+ 9P (6+$ (+ CA$ (I$A Pull the pants do8n around the bad boys an7lesE spread 8ord of the eGistence of this Pilgri s SocietyB %hey canDt function in the dar7B People 8ho sell precious etals are great guysE they helped e acMuire 8hat I have? As a group they tend to dispute the idea that the govern ent 8ill :for the second ti e= nationali!e gold and silverE they have this stance because other8ise it places a da per on their businessB Instead of being in denial3 rather than thin7ing the nature of the beast has changed3 (6+$ I% CA$ $+0+R3 +0+R C6A$#+222letDs ready to counter nationali!ation plansB (e do so si ply by spreading about infor ation concerning 8ho the case3 the pen is ightier than the s8ordB anDs oralsE ho8ever3 that etals in etals suppressors have been all these long years? %hey canDt stand publicity? In this Ja es %ur7 is proof that having previously held positions in corrupt entities such as Chase *anhattan 4an7 need not spoil a is not the MuestionB %he Muestion is if you have physical precious

6ong .ong3 /urichE or in -ondon3 the ho e base of silver suppression since the 1Jth century 8hen Cro8n agent Sir )rancis ,ra7e 8as sei!ing Spanish silver on the high seasE ho8 8ill you be able to ta7e delivery of these precious etals if the 9nited States govern ent sets up an interception syste )+,+CE or other delivery serviceA Capital controls could consist of atrocious easures3 including3 you enter a sell order for your in its any Custo s ,epart entE the Postal Service :both of 8hich too7 place under ),R=E etal overseas3

funds are re itted to you electronically3 but the %reasury auto atically 8ithholds a 8indfall profits taG on the transferB Suppose you 8ant to reside

overseas and your passport is revo7ed3 the State ,epart ent giving any reason it cares toA After listing obFections to holding etals overseas there re ain reasons for oney to travel3 and a7es? I have no doing so3 but they apply to an ever di inishing faction222high fliers and people in the eGport2i port businessE re e ber3 it costs the ore of your overall budget it reMuires3 the less sense it 8ith 6olding y otive for this presentation? erit and

connection to any nu is atic coin dealers and that area has nothing to do etals in other political Furisdictions is a concept 8ith

disadvantages? %here re ains $&%6I$# li7e the real thing in your hand3 passed directly to another citi!en? In an e ergency3 8hat 8ill you doA &ffer a certificate to etals overseas3 or the actual etal3 to people 8ho have etals personality to 8hat you needA *etals are li7e guns3 in e ergency you have to have rapid physical accessB *r? %ur7 is certainly not the only pro ote the holding of 8ealth abroad? (hen you read the rationale of "hold gold overseas1 pro oters3 it boils do8n to one reason222the 9nited Sna7es #overn ent :credit to ,avid 4ond= ay cri inali!e gold o8nership here3 so ore free ar7et plan for that by holding it else8here? %his indicates an attitude of capitulation concerning refor ing our o8n govern ent by having proponents holding elected and appointed positionsB (hy3 I as73 should 8e give upA (&9-, A$,R+( JAC.S&$ 6A0+ +0+R #I0+$ 9PA I sincerely sub it to you that people holding their over those holding etals here 8ill have the advantage ost or all of it else8here? A gold nationali!ation could

also ta7e place on the part of #reat 4ritain3 in 8hich case your chances 8ould also be better hereB I also 8ould not trust the S8iss govern ent3 as for eGa ple large Muantities of silver coins 8ere shipped out for eventual delivery as bullion to the Silver 9sers Association3 before an eGport ban 8as i posed3 a to7en gesture in 1<J; after the bul7 8as spirited outB Reality also co pels ention of yet another ris7 of holding etal overseas222suppose the vault

7eeperDs fa ily is 7idnapped3 8hat thenA Can your custodians de onstrate i unityA (hat if the bad boys set up false operations222they say store overseas as protection fro 9?S? govern ent3 then these stoc7piles are spirited a8ayA %his is not any accusation against Ja esE 8e 7no8 for eGa ple that Central )und of Canada is trust8orthy3 8hereas *organ Stanley 8as notB It doesnDt a7e e a heel to bring these things upE ID etals there is validity in etal ust trying to protect you? In considering 8here to hold

deter ining 8hich Furisdictions have the greatest gun o8nership rightsE that ay not apply else8hereB %his argu entation of 8here to hold stand on its o8n 8ith high flying reco erits3 and not be Fudged in ter s of prestige co parisons etals personalities3 suits and ties or conferences or 8ho a7ing our countryDs future ore secure by eGpatriating our specieA "%6+ SI-0+R P+&P-+ $+0+R #I0+ 9P1 222A erican *aga!ine3 June 1<I03 page 122? 9?S? Senator fro Pennsylvania ,avid A? Reed3 a trustee of the *ellon influenced 9niversity of Pittsburg3 8ho called silver "inflationary31 denounced "%6+ )R+$/I+, SI-0+R A,0&CA%+S1 :$e8 'or7 %i es3 ,ece ber 2O3 1<LL3 section I03 page O=? A?*? Sa7ols7i of the C @ ) Chronicle3 April 2K3 1<OO3 pages 1K0J3 and 1K1;21K1<3 in an article titled3 "%he *enace &f Post2 (ar Silver1 called silver a "*&$+%AR' I$C949S1 :a de on 8ho rapes sleeping 8o enB= 6e 8as a e ber of the 0anderbilt sponsored A erican ust be opposed 8ith the fren!y etals dealers3 gold the etal they buy fro +cono ic Association? $ationali!ation could ta7e various for sE all of so eone fighting for his lifeB Coin dealers3 Fe8elers3 and silver eGchanges could be dictated to that all public ust be re itted to the %reasury ,epart ent3

ends 8hoB 6o8 are 8e

inus strictly accounted

for a ounts processed into value added Fe8elry3 that is3 altered a8ay fro traditional onetary for s of coins and bars? %he %reasury could atte pt to

ration silver to "legiti ate consu ers1 :(all Street Journal3 *ay 223 1<JK=? %he evil I0W taG on silver profits i posed under ),R 8as abolished in 1<JL3 allo8ing silver trading to resu e on June 12? %here is the ,epart ent of 6o eland Security and its concern for the Silver 9sers Association httpQPP888?financialsensearchive?co PfsuPeditorialsPsteerP200KP101;?ht l In "&ur *onetary Crisis and #old31 Percy -? #reaves Jr? 8rote in the *ining Congress Journal3 )ebruary 1<J23 page 11I222 "%hey 8ant to achieve national econo ic goals by 7eeping interest rates belo8 free ar7et rates 8here savings eMual borro8ings? %hey thus create a et by printing ore ore accounts in the ban7ing syste ? %here you have it? greater de and for borro8ing3 8hich is pro ptly dollars or opening our

(e are heading into a controlled econo y222one in 8hich politicians control oney? %hey do not 8ant A ericans to be free to o8n gold3 and 8eDre ust regain the onetary gold and never again let politicians print not free unless 8e can o8n gold? If 8e are to re ain free3 8e right to o8n and use

oney? %hat 8ould Muic7ly put an end to the spending policies? 4ut that is probably not the 8ay 8e are going to go? $obody 7no8s the future3 but 6IS%&R' I$,ICA%+S %6A% %6+' (I-- CR+A%+ A$ +*+R#+$C' &) &$+ %'P+ &R A$&%6+R A$, #& I$%& C&$%R&-S?1 %he +ngineering @ *ining Journal3 April 1<JI3 page 223 reported that the Johnson ad inistration 8as considering "controls on hoarding1 of silver coins? #&-, A$, SI-0+R IRA ACC&9$%S AR+ +C%RA&R,I$ARI-' P&&R 4+%S %6A% %6+ R9$A(A' 9?S? #&0+R$*+$% (I-- R+SP+C% '&9R RI#6%SB %6+' CA$ ,+C-AR+ "$A%I&$A- +*+R#+$C'1 A$, P&&)B I%DS +CPR&PRIA%+,B

States can resist and counteract unconstitutional federal la8s3 contact your state legislators and send the a copy of this docu entary on the silver and gold stealing activities of %he Pilgri s Society or a lin7 to itB httpQPP888?a a!on?co P$ullification2Resist2)ederal2%yranny2 CenturyPdpP1I<J<;1O<0WL)SubscriptionId WL,A.IAJP,C04A4L$+4C2(NW2JtagWL,a a!onsho8case2 20W2Jlin7CodeWL,G 2W2Jca pWL,202IW2Jcreative WL,1JI<ILW2JcreativeASI$WL,1I<J<;1O<0 Increasing a8areness of this predatory shado8 organi!ation hovering above the (hite 6ouse3 the )ederal Fudiciary and Congress 8ill tend to prevent recurrence of )ran7lin RooseveltDs abo inations? 4eyond nationali!ing silver3 a I0W transfer taG 8as slapped on silver3 sending futures trading $orth into Canada3 8ith penalties of up to siG onths i prison ent for nonreported transactionsE unlicensed eGport of silver carried a fine of up to S103000 and 10 years i prison ent? ),RDs rationale for nationali!ing silver barely K 8ee7s after the passage of the Silver Purchase Act of 1<LO 8as to have KIW of the total onetary base of the 9nited States in gold and 2IW in silver3 by values ore depressed than gold? President Jac7sonDs that can be relied at that ti eE and silver 8as

intention to guarantee convertibility of notes into gold and silver3 8as to totally eli inate the use of paper notesB %hatDs the syste onB 'ou need to onitor t8ice daily ne8s concerning ove against ining shares and be etals3 nations ready to enter sell order fast? If the 9nited States nationali!es south of here are li7ely to

ining concessions? Assu ing plans ove

are in place to do so3 itDs reasonable to believe such plans 8onDt be i ple ented until after the ines are built and in operation? A first against our rights by "our1 govern ent could negate that and constitute cause to sell sooner? %hey have an arsenal of sabotage? Re e ber the $ove ber 200K raid in Indiana on the -iberty ,ollar peopleA If you issed it

see this httpQPP888?nysun?co PnationalPus2raids2issuer2of2ron2paul2 coinsPJJIO2P %he Justice ,epart ent and the %reasury ,epart ent had e bers? Foint purvie8? Attorneys #eneral and %reasury Secretaries both have an :un7no8n= history of being Pilgri s Society

%he (all Street Journal3 )ebruary 2L3 1<J;3 page 1L3 had this to say222 "Internal Revenue Service officials have eGpressed that the %reasury could put special taGes on silver invest ents?1 %he $e8 'or7 %i es3 *arch J3 1<LL3 page 12 cited a Colu bia 9niversity la8 professor 8ho called for a personal property taG on gold hoardingB Robert *? *orgenthau3 son of the Pilgri s Society and silver fro Ja es ,? /irin3 currently on %he Pilgri s eGecutive co advisor to #lobal )inancial Integrity 8hose ai border and oney transfersE and oney could be such co e ber 8ho stole gold ittee3 is currently an odities as dia onds (hitehead3 A ericans in the ),R ad inistration and 8as associated 8ith is to prevent illegal cross2

etalsE in this capacity he also serves 8ith John Cunningha

of %he Pilgri s eGecutive co

ittee3 for er head of #old an Sachs and the

)ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or73 and a liaison bet8een the Roc7efeller and *ellon fortunes? %he Society is concerned about preventing those outside its circles fro being able to trans it 8ealth fro one nation to another? (hy not Fust hold your 8ealth here and fight for Constitutional conceptsA See httpQPP888?gfip?orgPindeG?phpA optionVco Rcontent@tas7Vvie8@idV1I@Ite idV1LJ At httpQPP888?8eforu ?orgPsAsV)ederalZReserve sources fro oney syste the $e8 'or7 )ederal Reserve 4an7 and JP*organChase tout the present synthetic 8hich eGcludes gold and silver? Ronald *? )ree an3 current of ,avos ost of 8hich chair an3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 8ho holds dual 9?S? and 4ritish citi!enship3 is senior advisor to the (orld +cono ic )oru S8it!erland? %he (+C has so e 13000 e ber corporations3

have annual volu e eGceeding SI billion httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP(orldR+cono icR)oru Pilgri s Society )ree an is a governor of the 9?S?P9nited .ingdo Roc7efeller agent3 ittee :after e ber 6enry .issinger is a pro inent (+C personality? )ulbright Co

an Ar7ansas Senator 8ho 8as a Rhodes Scholar=E a trustee of the A erican 9niversity in ParisE he 8as a long ti e eGecutive of Salo on 4rothers invest ent ban7ersE for erly 8ith the +uropean 4an7 for Reconstruction and ,evelop entE director of %he Atlantic Council3 Cro8n front see7ing to bring A erica bac7 under 4ritish ruleE director of 0olga #asE Polish %eleco E %roi7a ,ialogE .a a!3 the largest auto obile and heavy truc7 anufacturer in the Russian )ederationE and Severstal3 steel producer 8ith <23000 e ployeesE **C $orils7 $ic7elE advisor to Cli ate Change CapitalE eGecutive 8ith Citigroup Capital *ar7ets in -ondon222

,avid Roc7efeller :for er director of )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or7=3 ,aisy Soros :sister in la8 of #eorge Soros= and John C? (hitehead :for er chair an of )ederal Reserve 4an7 of $e8 'or7= and chair an since 1<<< of the #old an Sachs )oundation222

"(herefore do the 8ic7ed live3 beco e old3 yea3 are 222Job 21QK

ighty in po8erA1

httpQPPgenetichealth?FaG?orgPsupport2the2labPnational2 councilP e bers?ht l Silver anipulation la8suits have been filed in 9nited States )ederal district court in the Southern ,istrict of $e8 'or7 against Pilgri s Society institutions3 JP*organChase and 6S4C 4an7? (ho appoints )ederal FudgesA %he President3 8ho is al8ays a Pilgri s Society e berB It appears a "fiG1 is in at this courthouseE a revie8 of the L; Fudges there httpQPP8881?nysd?uscourts?govPFudges?phpAsho8Vdistrict sho8s three Fudges 8ere previously 8ith ,ebevoise @ Pli pton :Pilgri s Society la8 fir =E 2 8ere either 8ith ,avid3 Pol7 @ (ard8ell :Pilgri s Society la8 fir = or 8ere arried to a partner thereinE 2 Fudges 8ere 8ith Cahill3 #ordon3 Reindel :Pilgri s Society la8 fir =E of three other Fudges3 each 8as 8ith either (hite @ Case :Pilgri s Society la8 fir =E (ill7ie )arr @ #allagher :Pilgri s Society la8 fir =E or Strooc73 Strooc7 @ -avan :Pilgri s Society la8 fir =? Several

other Fudges have past e ploy ent as counsel to Pilgri s Society interests such as *arsh @ *c-ennan Co paniesE %i e IncorporatedE several Fudges are 'ale graduates222signifying they ay be e bers of such Pilgri s Society conduits as S7ull @ 4ones SocietyE Scroll @ .ey SocietyE 4oo7 @ Sna7e SocietyE 4er!elius SocietyE or (olfDs 6ead Society? Judge -ouis -? Stanton Jr? appears in the 1<;0 lea7ed Pilgri s listB Judge Peter .? -eisure is the son of Pilgri s Society e ber #eorge Stanley -eisure3 8ho 8as associated in the 1<IK21<<L? -eisure Senior 8as counsel to ,u Pont early 1<I0Ds 8ith the CIA and 8as a la8 partner in ,onovan3 -eisure3 $e8ton @ Irvine fro :silver stealers= in 1<LOE counsel to Roc7efeller oil interests in 1<LK and 8as president of 6arvard -a8 School Association :(hoDs (ho3 1<K13 page 1LO0=? Peter -eisure 8as 8ith 4reed3 Abbott @ *organ :Pilgri s Society la8 fir =? Judge Robert P? Patterson Jr? has silver la8suit3 case [102;1OJ and Judge #eorge 4? ,aniels :'ale 1<KI= has silver la8suit3 case [102;1IK? Patterson 8as 8ith ,onovan3 -eisure :Pilgri s Society la8 fir = 1<I021<I1? 6e 8as chair an of $ational Citi!ens for +isenho8er3 1<I<21<J0 :I7e 8as a Pilgri s e ber= and 8as a e ber of Roc7efeller 9niversity Council3 1<;J21<;;? e ber 8ho helped reshape +urope 8ith the 6e 8as also3 1<;K21<<L3 a trustee of #eorge C? *arshall )oundation3 after a pro inent Pilgri s Society *arshall Plan after ((II? -astly3 )ederal Fudge Paul Austin Crotty presides over cha bers in this courthouse3 and his na e appears in the lea7ed 1<;0 list of %he Pilgri sB See his resu e *I$9S *+$%I&$ of his Pilgri s Society e bership :silver stealers= at httpQPP888?fFc?govPservletPn#etInfoA FidVL0;L@cidV<<<@ctypeVna@instateVna 222

6eDs in the tradition of )ederal Judge 6arold R? *edina3 Pilgri s Society3 8ho in the Invest ent 4an7ers Case3 an antitrust la8suit against the 1K ost po8erful (all Street Invest ent ban7s3 ruled in favor of the defendants :1<I2= httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP6aroldR*edina no 8onderE the invest ent ban7s 8ere 8ell represented in %he Pilgri s Society3 and he 8as in their hip poc7etB (ith one Fudge a 'ale graduate and the other :senior= Fudge a Roc7efeller associate3 ho8 can 8e eGpect the to be i partial to8ards the silver plaintiffsA At a courthouse habituated by Fudges replete 8ith connections to %he Pilgri s Society3 the silver stealersA %he 1<K0 (hoDs (ho3 page 2<O3 sho8s )rederic7 0an Pelt 4ryan3 "9nited States ,istrict Judge for the Southern ,istrict of $e8 'or7 starting in 1<IJE director A erican Judicature SocietyE 9niversityE e ber &rder of the 4ritish + pireE trustee3 Colu bia is this secret organi!ation that even e ber %he Pilgri sE office 9?S? Courthouse )oley SMuare $e8

'or7?1 So insinuated into our legal syste

the Supre e Court building in the ,istrict of Colu bia 8as the creation of architect Cass #ilbert :1;I<21<LO=3 Pilgri s Society3 8ho 8as on their eGecutive co Cha ber of Co ittee3 and designed the 9?S? %reasury AnneG in ,?C?E the 9?S? erce in ,?C?E the )ederal Reserve 4an7 of *inneapolisE the

9niversity of *inneapolisE the #ibraltar 4uildingE $e8 'or7 -ife 4uildingE (est 0irginia State CapitolE Ar7ansas State CapitolE 9niversity of %eGas at AustinE and any others? 6is father 8as a 9nion general during the Civil e bers of %he Pilgri s 6? %aftE Charles +vans 6ughesE (arren +arl 4urgerE RehnMuistE and Sandra ,ay &D Connor? (ar? Supre e Court Fustices 7no8n to have been Society include (illia (illia

%he Silver Stealers have rigged the ga e since 8ay before any of us 8ere born? %hey al8ays use the po8er of govern ent to steal silver? %he only 8ay

they can be stopped fro

stealing silver :and gold3 and everything else3 li7e

private ho e o8nership in A erica= is to have their identities3 and their organi!ation3 to beco e 7no8n? %heir organi!ation is %he Pilgri s SocietyB 'ou can 7noc7 yourselves out Fust researching the eGcerpt fro Cullo increased his fir Ds capital ;3O;0 to one httpQPPMuery?nyti es?co PgstPfullpage?ht lA resV<A0I+1,)10L4)<L2ALIKIIC0A<J2<I;2J0 (inthrop *urray Crane Lrd 8as profiled in "%he Paper 6angers1 :Archives= as the provider of currency paper for )ederal Ripoff $otes? +li (hitney ,ebevoise3 superla8yer3 8as an associate of $elson Roc7efellerE his son is currently the 9nited States director for the (orld 4an7B Jarvis Cro 8ell3 a financier3 8as a trustee of Roosevelt 6ospital for O0 years? + ilio #abriel Collado3 a Roc7efeller oil trust e ployee3 8as eulogi!ed as "A Creator of the (orld *oney Syste 1 httpQPPMuery?nyti es?co PgstPfullpage?ht lA resV<<0C+O,)1IL))<LIA2IKI1C0A<JL<I;2J0 Arthur 6? ,ean arranged a S< billion deal 8ith Japan at age L0 and 8as an advisor to three Presidents and a creator of the Securities +Gchange Co ission and a paper hanger hi self as a director of A erican 4an7 $ote Co pany httpQPPMuery?nyti es?co PgstPfullpage?ht lA resV<40,+0,A1+L0)<L2ALIKI1C1A<J1<O;2J0@secV@sponV@page8ante dVall $orris ,arrell of Schroders 4an7 -ondon and a Churchill fa ily in la8 8as longti e president of the A erican -a8 Institute and 8as responsible for the Internal Revenue Code of 1<IOE Covering up these and 8ith silence 8as ne8s co co any ore details aFor ne8s entator (alter Cron7ite3 #ardner Co8les of the list? Shelby ,avis 8as an A bassador to S8it!erland and in a OJ year period

-oo7 *aga!ine and Robert ,evine of Readers ,igestB As7 any

entator about the organi!ation and a typical co ebac7 8ould be222 %6+R+ &$ %6+ *A')-&(+RA1

"PI-#RI*S S&CI+%'A &6 %6A% ,&+S$D% +CIS%B AR+ %6+' S%I-- &9%

Also in the list note silver suppressor -a

ot ,u Pont Copeland :,u Pont3 and arried Ja es

Silver 9sers Association3 silver stealers=3 8ho 8as decorated by 4elgiu )rance3 8as a Che ical 4an7 directorE his daughter -ouisa

4iddle3 of the sa e Pilgri s Society fa ily as $icholas 4iddle3 head of the second 9nited States 4an7 on 8hose board a ,u Pont appearedB Copeland 8as rated the 12th 8ealthiest inheritor in A erica as of 1<IK :"%he Rich and the Super Rich31 1<J<3 page 1L<= 222

,u Pont3 cover

an for %i e *aga!ine3 $ove ber 2K3 1<JO3 founded the ittee in 1<JI3 to 8or7 8ith govern ents to find 8ays

Population Crisis Co

to reduce overpopulation? %he ,u Pont Co pany3 long nic7na ed " erchants of death1 for gunpo8der and eGplosives3 has facilitated the deaths of tens of illions3 and is a aFor scale ground8ater polluter? See if the ,u Pont #ood itteesPdupont2good2 your Congress an or Senator has received gifts fro #overn ent )und httpQPP888?ca paign oney?co PpoliticalPco govern ent2fund?aspAcycleV0;

Richard A? 4oucher3 Pilgri s Society3

ultiple position office holder in the e ber

State ,epart ent3 is no8 ,eputy Secretary #eneral of the &rgani!ation for +cono ic Cooperation and ,evelop ent3 based in Paris? It has LO nations3 ; of 8hich are first to second tier silver producers? %he &+C, adopted its na e in 1<J1E previously it 8as 7no8n as the &rgani!ation for +uropean +cono ic Cooperation @ ,evelop ent3 since 1<OK3 8hen it 8as founded to ad inister %he *arshall Plan for +uropean Reconstruction? %he *arshall Plan allo8ed for the looting of 9?S? taGpayers for benefit of Pilgri s Society interests under the guise of hu anitarianis ? #eneral #eorge C? *arshall3 Pilgri s Society3 8as Secretary of State3 1<OK21<O< and ,efense Secretary3 1<I021<I1? According to httpQPP888? arshallfoundation?orgPsupportPindeG?ht l 222 "#eorge C? *arshall 8as a an of to8ering stature 8hose contributions to our nation and the 8orld cannot be overstated?1

%his Pilgri s Society Potsda allo8ed control3 fro

e ber *arshall 8as at the 'alta Conference and the unist

Conference after (orld (ar II3 at 8hich 4ritain and A erica ulti illions of people to be turned over to Soviet Co the partition of #er any3 to Poland and all of +astern +urope a7e to8ering contributions to infa yB At

eGcept #reeceE *arshall sure did

httpQPP888?oecd?orgPdataoecdP1LP<PO0IK;2J2?pdf 8e see the vie8 of 4oucherDs organi!ation that gold is a "shac7leE1 and silver is even un entionableB *arshall chaired the 9?S? delegation to the coronation of Nueen +li!abeth II in June 1<IL3 Royal Patron of %he Pilgri s Society222 A can 8ith a sinister label3 bulging at both endsB %his is %he Pilgri s Society3 they arenDt our friendsB *any lin7s to %he Cro8n3 tyranny it portendsB Secrecy and po8er is 8hat the devil co endsB

Sir Julian Crossley 8as a 4arclayDs 4an7 officialE a perennial gold and silver antagonistB httpQPP888?globalresearch?caPindeG?phpAconteGtVva@aidVI0OI CI*A3 the Cay an Islands *onetary Authority3 subFect to %he 4ritish Cro8n3 Royal Patron of %he Pilgri s Society3 oversees S2<?J %rillion in ban7ing3 insurance and hedge fundsB %6+ PI-#RI*S S&CI+%'222A #AR#A$%9A$ C&-&S%&*' 4A#B %6+' $++, A 6&R$+, ,+0I- S'*4&- %& 9S+ AS A )-A#B -+% I% R+A, "S940+RSI&$1 A$, "(&R-, (AR1 &$ %6+IR $A*+ %A#B -+% %6+IR SI-0+R SCA$,A-S 4+ 4R&A,CAS%3 %&$#9+S (I-- (A#B

4runo Schroder3 Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain3 is listed as holding the 8orldDs 2<2nd largest private fortune222probably an underesti ate httpQPP888?forbes?co PlistsP200JP10PLKR;?ht l as people control have otive to are those in control? SchroderDs -ondon 1;0O? It has relationships 8ith edia sources these ini i!e alleged 8ealth of the old rich5they anages S1;J billion and dates to aFor silver suppressors as the Roc7efellers

and the 4an7 of +ngland222

4aron Peter -evene of Portso7en3 chair an of -loydDs of -ondon since 20023 director of China Construction 4an7 since 200J3 for er -ord *ayor of -ondon3 is a descendant of 4ritish financial collaborator AleGander 6a ilton httpQPP888?sosne8s?orgPne8sfrontPApV1LJ and alleged to have huge holdings in 9nilever3 is ost li7ely a e ber of %he Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain? 6e fits the pattern very decisively3 but due to the SocietyDs refusal to allo8 a roster into the public do ain3 he can only be regarded as a highly li7ely e ber3 probability al ost 100W? 6eDs held a be8ilderingly eGtensive constellation of positions capable of influencing events at a high level3 including e ber (orshipful Co of Infor ation %echnologists3 a City of )rance3 #er any3 6ungary3 honorary citi!en -ondon guildE decorations fro

of Rio ,e Janeiro 4ra!ilE advisor to Pri e *inisterE advisor to 4oard of %radeE advisor to Secretary of State for ,efenseE chair an #eneral ,yna ics 9nited


since 2001E chair an ,efense *anufacturers AssociationE director illion custo ers 8ee7ly=E Alcatel :K;3000

9nited Scientific 6oldingsE 6ay ar7et #roupE Canary (harfE ,oc7lands Rail8ayE Sainsbury P-C :1< e ployees in 12< countries=E %otal SA :I th largest international oil @ gas producer3 <J3L;K e ployees3 operations in 1L0 countries=E 9?.? $ational Ar a entsE +uropean $ational Ar a entsE advisor to *organ StanleyE chair an 4an7ers %rust InternationalE vice chair an ,eutsche 4an7E chair an3 2000220103 International )inancial Services #roup of <0 +ngland222 e ber institutions including %he City of -ondon Corporation and the 4an7 of

Sir Robert (orcester3 for er chair an of %he Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 is a governor of the +nglish Spea7ing 9nion httpQPP888?esu?orgPpage?aspApVKL2; :please see= and a governor of %he ,itchley )oundation3 the pro2fiat3 anti2silver -ondon School of +cono ics @ Politics :<3000 enroll ent= and a trustee of the *agna Carta %rust? See hi at httpQPP888?youtube?co P8atchAvVSI64%$16d-+ 222

6ead of the -ondon School of +cono ics is probable Pilgri s Society

e ber

Sir 6o8ard ,avies3 a director of silver suppressor *organ Stanley? Current President of %he Pilgri s $e8 'or7 is >international financial adviser> *iner (arner3 a second generation e ber 8hose father 8as 8ith +uropean egaban7 consortiu ? e bership in %he A erican 4an7ing Corporation3 a "$o 8onder they call hi

%he Independent3 *arch 1<3 20113 said of Sir Augustine %ho as &D,onnell #od31 and o itted to state his Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain? 6e 8as the 9nited .ingdo Ds eGecutive director of the gold and silver antagonistic International *onetary )und and the (orld 4an73 1<<K21<<;3 and according to (i7ipedia3 "returning to the %reasury to serve as both ,irector of *acroecono ic Policy and Prospects and also 6ead of the #overn ent +cono ics Service3 8ith overall responsibility for the

professional econo ists in her *aFestyDs govern ent? In 1<<< he 8as appointed *anaging ,irector of *acroecono ic Policy and International )inance3 8ith responsibility for fiscal policy3 international develop ent3 and +uropean 9nion econo ic and "8e need to return to a precious be for etals to circulate as onetary affairs?1 If the elitists decide to state etal onetary syste 1 their eaning 8onDt

oney in public handsB %heyDd put it all a8ay in

vaults and leave us stuc7 8ith in7y ass28ipe paper and digital currency? %hen they could say3 "your oney is 8iped out due to the po8er failure1 :of utilities e bersB= 6eDs currently 6o e Secretary in o8ned by Pilgri s Society

charge of all govern ent bureaucrats in the 9?.?222

Sir Jere y #reenstoc73 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 8as 4ritish A bassador to the 9nited $ations during 1<<;2200L3 attending over 1I0 eetings of the Security Council and chaired its Counter %erroris 6e 8as 9nited .ingdo that Sadda Co ittee? special representative to IraM in 200L2200O? &n

*ay 1O3 200;3 he stated definitely that A erican and 9?.? leadership 7ne8 6ussein had no nuclear capability and no nuclear progra ? 6e 200O220103 an entity subversive of 8as a ,itchley )oundation trustee fro

9nited States national independence3 and has served as advisor to 4ritish

Petroleu ? 6eDs currently a director of ,e -a Rue3 founded in 1;213 8hich is the 8orldDs largest supplier of currency paper and note printing to 1OI nations3 having O3000 e ployees in 2O countries httpQPPen?8i7ipedia?orgP8i7iP,eR-aRRue )li sy irredee able ulticolored inflatable paper notes have been inflicted on the 8orldDs people by silver stealers 8hose ho e base is in 4ritain3 8ith A ericans li7e Crane @ Co pany :Pilgri s Society=3 suppliers of )ederal Reserve note paper in second place222

4aron Robert )ello8es3 currently on the eGecutive co fro

ittee3 Pilgri s Society

of #reat 4ritain3 8as director of Allen 6arvey @ Ross3 invest ent ban7ers3 1<J;21<KK? 6e 8as assistant private secretary to Nueen +li!abeth3 1<KK to 1<;J3 8hen he beca e deputy ander of the Royal patron of %he Pilgri s Society3 fro 0ictorian &rder in 1<;< and a

private secretary into 1<<0? 6e beca e .night Co

e ber of the Privy Council to the Cro8n in

1<<03 and 8as private secretary to Nueen +li!abeth3 1<<021<<< and inducted into the &rder of the 4ath in 1<<;3 beco ing a director of South African 4re8eries in 1<<<? In 1<K; )ello8es arried -ady Jane Spencer3 elder sister of ,iana3 Princess of (ales? 6e is first cousin once re oved of

Sarah3 ,uchess of 'or7? In &ctober 1<<< )ello8es beca e a

e ber of the

6ouse of -ords and beca e vice chair an3 then chair an3 of silver antagonist3 4arclayDs Private 4an7 of the huge 4arclayDs organi!ation? 6e beca e president of ,egre ont 9?.?3 a 8ater treat ent concern3 and has served as vice chair an of the Co on8ealth Institute3 and is president of the advisory council to #oodenough College? 6eDs a trustee of the (inston Churchill *e orial %rust3 the *andela Rhodes )oundation3 the Rhodes %rust :Rhodes Scholarships= and the (addeson %rust httpQPP888?8addesdon?org?u7P 8hich is a Rothschild operation sho8ing the five arro8s the fa ily incorporates into its crest222

)ello8es is another instance of transatlantic genealogy in this t8isted organi!ation222(illia )ello8es *organ :1;J121<OL=3 Pilgri s Society $e8 'or73 pioneered the use of refrigeration in 8arehouses 8ith *erchants Refrigerating Co pany3 and had interests in insurance3 ban7ing and sugar

refining? 6e 8as a

e ber of the Je7yll Island Club? (hat his (hoDs (ho ention3 8as his Pilgri s Society statusE

listing in 1<O03 page 1;JK3 didnDt

that ca e out in Congressional testi ony on August 1<3 1<O03 by Congress an %hor7elson of *ontana3 a silver advocateB It 8as inescapable that %hor7elson 8as s eared by the Pilgri s Society controlled net8or7? -ord .err of .inlochard3 Pilgri s Society3 &rder of St? *ichael and St? #eorge3 chairs :other Pilgri s are present= the Centre for +uropean Refor httpQPP888?cer?org?u7PaboutRne8PaboutRadvisoryboard?ht l and is a e ber of the 6ouse of -ords3 deputy chair an3 Royal ,utch Shell E he 8as 8ith the +GcheMuer3 1<;121<;OE 9nited .ingdo representative to the +uropean 9nion3 1<<021<<IE A bassador to 9nited States3 1<<I21<<KE director Scottish Po8er and R%/ #roup? 6eDs also chair an of the council of I perial College and Patron3 Aston Centre for +urope222 edia

Ian +? 4arlo83 current treasurer of %he Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain3 is a director of 4runner Invest ent %rust3 8hich recently reported holding 2?OW of 6S4C #roup3 a leading precious etals suppressing bullion ban7? 4arlo8 holds other positions including chair an of %hin7 -ondon3 8hich has for ed connections 8ith 13J00 plus co panies in O0 nations since 1<<O222

4aron Robert Janvrin3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 career diplo at to $orth Atlantic %reaty &rgani!ation3 succeeded -ord )ello8es as private secretary to %he Cro8n3 1<<<2200K? 6e arried +uropean aristocrat Isabelle de 4oissonneauG de Chevigny? In January 200; he beca e deputy chair an of 6S4C Private 4an73 of the silver and gold suppressing 6S4C :6ong .ong @ Shanghai 4an7ing Corporation3 4ritainDs old opiu ban7 for

China=3 8hose 9?S? subsidiary has been listed on the roster of the plundering Silver 9sers Association222

Political de agogue Al #ore see ingly gets

arching orders fro


%evele Schiff3 currently in 2011 on the eGecutive co e ber 8ho opposed silver as

ittee of %he Pilgri s

$e8 'or7? Schiff3 center3 is grandson of Jacob Schiff3 charter Pilgri s Society oney3 and in association 8ith -ord Alfred *ilner3 Pilgri s Society3 helped finance the Red Revolution in Russia in 1<1K? ,avidDs father3 John3 8as treasurer of %he Pilgri s circa late 1<J0Ds into the 1<K0Ds and a director of .ennecott Copper Corporation3 8hich has silver

supply contracts 8ith %iffany @ Co pany3 Silver 9sers Association he 8as also a board

e bersE

e ber of #etty &ilE (estinghouse +lectricE CI%

)inancialE *adison )undE 9niroyalE -os Angeles @ Salt -a7e RailroadE Provident -oan Society of $e8 'or7E #reat Atlantic @ Pacific %eaE advisor to Che ical 4an7? John :'ale 1<2I= Society arried +dith 4a7er3 daughter of Pilgri s e ber #eorge )? 4a7er Jr? of )irst $ational City 4an7 and enor ous e ber3 is li7e #ore3 on

railroad interests? #eorge 4a7er III appeared in the lea7ed 1<J< list of %he Pilgri s? (ard (oods3 right3 8ho could easily be a the 8arpath of using environ ental issues to 8rec7 national sovereignties httpQPP8oods?stanford?eduP8oodsPabout?ht l (oods 8as 8ith such Rothschild affiliates as .uhn3 -oeb @ Co pany and -a!ard )reres @ Co pany3 and has been associated 8ith 4esse er Securities @ %rust3 a Phipps fa ily interest tracing to the old Carnegie Steel and Pilgri s Society fa ilyE he has chaired %he )resh8ater Initiative? Al #oreDs daughter .arena #ore2Schiff arried into ,avidDs fa ily? %his is another case in point of %he aFor Presidential contenders 8ho3 8hen e bers of the tyrannical Pilgri s Society " anaging1

elected3 8ill un7no8n to the public3 be "honorary1 Cro8n -ife Insurance3 another

onopolistic Society? ,avid has been associated 8ith entities including anifestation of the organi!ation being the Cro8nDs financiers222

Joseph 6ooley :belo8= chairs State Street Corporation in 4oston 8hich anages S2?1 trillion :23100 billion= in invest ents3 and as this is 8ritten is the single largest holder at L?K2W of the silver price suppressing C*+ #roup3 o8ner of the notorious C&*+C? 6eDs a )oru e ber of the )inancial Services in the ,istrict of Colu bia3 representing 1; of the largest financial

services groups in the 9nited States :all anti2silver=E additionally heDs a e ber of the advisory council to the anti2silver )ederal Reserve 4an7 of 4oston? IDd bet oney that 6ooley is a e ber of %he Pilgri s as heDs too big eans of a 8heel to not be3 and State Street is too influential to not be represented? (e a8ait so e recent lea7ed list to surface3 or a list gained by Congressional subpoena? 6ooley is a trustee of %he Prince of (ales International 4usiness )oru 3 na ed for +nglandDs Prince Charles3 a leading e ber of %he Pilgri s of #reat 4ritain3 suggesting ho8 a e ber of the en :once Royal fa ily can suppress silver by hiding behind layers of front

again another indicator surfaces that -ondon is the ho e base of global silver suppression= 222

Sir Peter Sutherland3 Pilgri s Society of #reat 4ritain3 is a top tier globalist? 6eDs a .night Co ander of St? *ichael and St? #eorge3 a ilitary order the Cro8n established in 1;1; after the $apoleonic (ars? 6e chaired the huge 4ritish Petroleu 3 8orldDs Ith largest industrial co pany3 through August 200<3 having led the corporation for 1L years? 6eDs chair an of #old an Sachs International3 savage opponent of precious the +uropean section of the %rilateral Co conferences steering co aster organi!ation bac7 of etals? %he Sutherland School of -a8 at the 9niversity College of ,ublin bears his na e? 6e chairs ission and is on the 4ilderberg ittee3 another signal that %he Pilgri s Society is the ore 8idely 7no8n globalist groups? 6eDs a

director of .&C 6oldings3 %ur7eyDs leading conglo erate 8ith so e <03000 e ployeesE of Allian! in *unich3 #er any3 the 8orldDs 12 th largest financial services groupE he holds interests in the Chinese construction industryE he chaired Allied Irish 4an7s fro 1<;<21<<L and ore recently 8as a board

e ber of Royal 4an7 of Scotland #roup? 6eDs been decorated by Spain3 4elgiu 3 )rance3 *orocco3 %he 0atican3 4ra!il and $e8 /ealand and holds 1I honorary degrees? 6e 8as director general of #A%%3 #eneral Agree ent on %ariffs and %rade3 fro 1<<L21<<O3 beco ing director general of the (%&3 (orld %rade &rgani!ation in January 1<<I3 and has been ad itted to practice la8 before the 9nited States Supre e Court? #A%% has had interloc7s 8ith the 4ritish $orth A erican Co ittee3 another front for %he Pilgri s organi!ation? 6eDs on the advisory board of +li -illy @ Co pany3 giant phar aceutical :"6AR*AC+9%ICA-?1= 6is career started as Attorney #eneral of Ireland3 1<;121<;2? 6e received the ,avid Roc7efeller A8ard httpQPP888?trilateral?orgPgo?cf AdoVPage?0ie8@pidV2O 222

Suppose due to publicity the Society decides to not stage a second gold and silver nationali!ationA (e are under attac7 fro could co e do8n to psychiatric drugging of school children3 ever all anglesB %he 7ey to it all ore toGic phar aceuticals3 edicine and nutrition? )orced vaccinations3 forced

prohibition against use of nutraceuticals due to the "C&,+C1 conspiracy of the 9nited $ations3 the )ood and ,rug Ad inistration and the prescription drug industry3 all portend to be instru ents of population control and of draining 8ealth a8ay fro research has recently (e %he People to %he Pilgri s Society 8hose "ethic1 is to "sei!e the 8ealth necessary?1 Colu bia 9niversity dental ade possible regro8th of natural teeth by placing a cells and activate the ? In JL "scaffold1 in the soc7et 8here the original tooth 8as3 infusing the scaffold 8ith gro8th factor to attract the bodyDs ste days3 a fully functional natural tooth for s? Patents and provider net8or7 are being organi!ed? 4y controlling research and patents3 the organi!ation can soa7 the public? I agine 8hat they could charge for retinal restorationB 4y bringing nutraceuticals under C&,+C control3 prices can be raised J00 to 13000W if these beco e available only by prescriptionB %he Pilgri s Society has al8ays had so e *,Ds as e bers3 for three clear reasons222first3 older e bers could be a ris7 of lea7ed infor ation3 and itDs highly li7ely the e bers rely on the *,Ds in their ran7sE second3 they oversee the research and patenting processE third3 they 8or7 8ith the e bers overlording the drug industry3 to restrict or deny access to nutraceuticals3 and reMuire use of harsh drugs? Substances li7e cycloastragenol and pyrroloMuinoline Muinone3 proven to increase the nu ber of ti es cells can replicate the selves and regenerating 8ouldnDt give itochondria3 greatly eGtending lifespan3 are undoubtedly ost of their net 8orth to feel li7e OI at age K0A (ill they a7e targets of Pilgri s Society control so they can bleed everyone 8hite? (ho le ons available only by prescription3 since le ons are high in citric acid3 8hich can and 8ill re ove arterial calciu if used regularlyA %he 8ar card is ever ore po8er al8ays in their perverse dec7 to play3 giving the

after8ardsE the Southern border re ains unofficially open3 in 7eeping 8ith their $orth A erican 9nion plans? %he illustrious silver Senator fro Idaho3 (illia 4orah3 so eti es called "%he -ion of Idaho1 and appropriately nic7na ed >%he #reat &pposer3> for fighting RooseveltDs govern ent po8er grabs and successfully bloc7ing 9nited States entry into the 4ritish controlled -eague of $ations3 a patriot in the sa e spirit as #eneral and President Andre8 Jac7son3 Muoted in %he $e8 'or7 %i es3 &ctober 1L3 1<L23 page O3 re ar7ed222 >I$ A-- CA-*$+SS A$, ,+-I4+RA%I&$ I C&$SI,+R %6A% %6+ AC%I&$ &) %6+ I$%+R$A%I&$A- 4A$.+RS I$ ,+*&$+%I/I$# SI-0+R A$, 0IR%9A--' ,+S%R&'I$# %6+ P9RC6ASI$# P&(+R &) &0+R ;0030003000 P+&P-+ (AS &$+ &) %6+ *&S% 4R9%A- AC%S +0+R C&**I%%+, I$ 6IS%&R'?>

Senator 4orah also said :$e8 'or7 %i es3 April 2<3 1<LL3 page O= 222

"I) I 6A, SI3000 I$ #&-, I (&9-, ,+)' %6+ #&0+R$*+$% %& C&*+ A$, #+% I%?1 "(+ S6&9-, ,ISR+#AR, I$%+R$A%I&$A- 4A$.I$# I$)-9+$C+ I$ %6+ P9RS9I% &) &9R C&$#R+SSI&$A*&$+%AR' P&-IC'?1
222&7laho a Senator +l er %ho as3 Muoted in the Co ercial @ )inancial Chronicle3 ,ece ber 213 1<LI3 page L<OI?

"SI-0+R *&$+' IS *&R+ I*P&R%A$% %& %6+ (&R-, %6A$ #&-,?1

222Congressional ,igest3 $ove ber 1<L13 page 2;J? (e didnDt have the Internet over K; years agoE 8e have it no8E use it to spread about this docu entary so that the greatest o8nership rights that I a eaningful research piece of enace to our etals ost ay be chec7 atedB I regard this as easily the

y lifeti e and consider it of such i portance onths3 8hich 8ill

reMuesting ,avid *organ to allo8 it to run for siG

ta7e us to K; years beyond the date of ),RDs gold grab of *arch 1<LL? S%&P %6+ PI-#RI*S S&CI+%' )R&* S+I/I$# A$' *&R+ (+A-%6B +CP&S+ %6+IR 6IS%&R' A$, %6+IR ,+*&$S%RA%+, C&$%I$9+, I$%+$%I&$S )&R %6+ R+*AI$I$# <2 '+ARS &) %6+IR P-A$ %& R+%9R$ 9S %& CR&($ )+9,A-IS*B Joel 0an ,er ReiFden Institute for the Study of #lobali!ation re ar7222 ade this

"All of the ost i portant globalists3 even 8ith inco plete e bership lists3 can be traced to only a handful of societies3 +SP+CIA--' %6+ PI-#RI*SE all of the i portant globalists can be traced to the Roc7efeller2.issinger2Rothschild

triu virateE the influence of these organi!ations and people are seldo 3 if ever3 entioned by the ainstrea ne8s and has never been recorded in the history boo7sE everyone3 at least in the (est3 is afraid of the 8ord >conspiracy> 8hen the 8hole process of international relations see s to be one giant conspiracy3 not to ention all the other areas that are being affected?1

*&0+ %& S+I/+ SI-0+R3 (+D-- %6R&( I% A(A'B $& )R++ *AR.+%3 $& SI-0+R )&R '&9B
%he $ational Revie83 *arch 2L3 1<JI3 page 2LK3 co "If it is not ented222 ade illegal to do so3 A erican citi!ens 8ill buy silver as a hedge against further deterioration of the dollar?1 ining operator 6arry Sears3 addressing the $ational Speeches of the ,ay= stated222 ")&R *A$' '+ARS %6+ )+,+RA- R+S+R0+ 6AS 4++$ 9$)RI+$,-' %& #&-,? (+ AR+ C&$S%A$%-' 4+I$# %&-, &) %6+ I$IN9I%' &) CI%I/+$S (6& "6&AR,1 #&-,?1 In event of Presidential eGecutive order nationali!ing silver222or sic7ening Congressional action222 due to this docu entary3 it 8ill be .$&($ eGactly (6& is bac7 of the tyrannical theftB 1Kth century )rench 8riter Claude *ontandre declared222

California gold

(estern *ining Conference at ,enver on January 2<3 1<IO :recorded in 0ital

"%6+ #R+A% AR+ &$-' #R+A% 4+CA9S+ (+ CARR' %6+* &$ &9R S6&9-,+RSE (6+$

(+ %6R&( %6+* &)) %6+' SPRA(- &$ %6+ #R&9$,?1

%he President to alien invaders in "Independence ,ay1 :1<<J= 222

"(+ (I-- $&% #& N9I+%-' I$%& %6+ $I#6%?1

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