Canvas Migration Status Report: April 19, 2013

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Summer B Migration Update - 04/19/13

The Summer B migration has been extended a few more days, in order to complete the list of 20 scheduled courses. During the week of April 22 six courses will be migrated, with two remaining for the week of April 29.

The eLearning team is currently planning the shift to migration of 600-plus Fall semester, on-campus courses into Canvas, beginning on April 24. The strategy includes development of a basic template and migration tasks, along with the selection of 25 content-heavy courses to work on. In order to develop the most efficient processes for this substantial migrationand targeted training for on-campus facultywe need to get our feet wet with a content-rich sample of the total.

Quiz and Question Bank Importing from Angel to Canvas

We are also coordinating with the Canvas/Angel administrator, to devise methods for a one-time bulk import of the oncampus courses into a template that will be ready for faculty to organize and update.

After a month of intensive effort, the eLearning Department has determined that importing quizzes and question banks from Angel to Canvas is often not workable. The Angel question banks migrate over to Canvas in a disorganized and jumbled manner and it is difficult to search for questions. We have concluded that Angel question banks exist as outdated source content and they are simply not compatible with Canvas. What does this mean for faculty who would like to use the quiz feature in Canvas? Here are our recommendations: 1. We recommend that faculty consider using quizzes and question banks available with the latest version of the text they have adopted. Book publishers including Pearson, McGraw-Hill and Cengage offer excellently designed online resources with their textbooks and include quizzes and question banks that can be imported directly from these online sources. eLearning has already done this in the Canvas environment and it is a terrific solution. 2. Quizzes and associated question banks can be rebuilt in Canvas manually from the Angel import. However, faculty should add extra time for course development and updating before the Fall semester. We suggest faculty contact eLearning for time estimates before choosing this option, as it can be extremely time-consuming and frustrating. 3. For faculty who want to create their own quizzes, there are several training options. The eLearning Department is offering extensive training for faculty, including how to manage assessments and question banks. Training information is available on eLearnings web page, and has been emailed to all faculty and operations managers. Where they can access these Canvas tutorials: Faculty can go here: On-Campus Faculty (pdf with links) Online Faculty (pdf with links) Or click Canvas Quick Start Guide (left hand side menu)

Migrated Courses:
ACCT-140 ACCT-280 ACCT-350 CFDI-340 CMIT-140 COMM-130 CRIM-121 CRIM-225 CRIM-230 MKTG-200 MGMT-260 PHIL-340

Migration Status:
20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
04/01-04/05 04/08 - 04/12 04/15-04/19 04/22-04/24 Totals

Target Number of Courses Courses Completed (Cumulative)

Dates for Preparing CPS Summer B Courses (subject to change)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Email Goes Out to Course Instructors Training Webinar with Instructure eLearning Training Course Start Welcome Letters Production Time for Instructors Final Quality Check Student Email Goes Out Enrollment Course Start Date Course End Date


04/15 05/09 05/17 05/20 to 05/27 05/20 until quality check begins 06/10 to 06/21 Determined by CPS 06/28 07/01 08/16

Due Date

Questions about Migration? Contact Migration Coordinator Joanna Cummings at:

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