The Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry1

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THE TWELVE PRINCIPLES OF GREEN CHEMISTRY Anastas and Warner have developed the Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry

to aid one in assessing how green a chemical, a reaction or a process is.


1. It is better to prevent waste than to treat or c ean !" #aste a$ter it is $or%e&. '. S(nthetic %etho&s sho! & be &esi)ne& to maximize the incorporation of all materials !se& in the "rocess into the $ina "ro&!ct. *. Where+er "racticab e, synthetic methodologies sho! & be &esi)ne& to !se an& )enerate s!bstances that possess little or no toxicity to h!%an hea th an& the en+iron%ent. -. Che%ica "ro&!cts sho! & be &esi)ne& to preserve efficacy of function while reducing toxicity . .. The !se o$ auxiliary substances /e.). so +ents, se"aration a)ents, etc.0 should be made unnecessary whenever possible an&, innoc!o!s #hen !se&. 1. Energy requirements sho! & be reco)ni2e& $or their en+iron%enta an& econo%ic i%"acts an& should be minimized. S(nthetic %etho&s sho! & be con&!cte& at a%bient te%"erat!re an& "ress!re. 3. 4 ra# %ateria feedstock should be renewable rather than &e" etin) #hene+er technica ( an& econo%ica ( "ractica . 5. Unnecessary derivatization /b oc6in) )ro!", "rotection7&e"rotection, te%"orar( %o&i$ication o$ "h(sica 7che%ica "rocesses0 sho! & be avoided #hene+er "ossib e. 8. Catalytic reagents /as se ecti+e as "ossib e0 are superior to stoichio%etric rea)ents. 19. Che%ica products should be designed so that at the en& o$ their $!nction the( do not persist in the en+iron%ent an& break down into innocuous degradation products. 11. 4na (tica %etho&o o)ies ne e& to be $!rther &e+e o"e& to a o# $or real-time in-process monitoring and contro "rior to the $or%ation o$ ha2ar&o!s s!bstances. 1'. S!bstances an& the form of a substance !se& in a che%ica "rocess should chosen so as to minimize the potential for chemical accidents, including releases, explosions, and fires.

EXPO !"G T#$E"T TO G%EE" C&E'! T%( !n )***, $aryle +,sch, former president of the American Chemical ociety said -Green chemistry represents the pillars that hold ,p o,r s,staina.le f,t,re. !t is imperative to teach the val,e of green chemistry to tomorrow/s chemists

Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry

1. revent waste! :esi)n che%ica s(ntheses to "re+ent #aste, ea+in) no #aste to treat or c ean !". '. "esign safer chemicals and products! :esi)n che%ica "ro&!cts to be $! ( e$$ecti+e, (et ha+e itt e or no to;icit(. *. "esign less hazardous chemical syntheses! :esi)n s(ntheses to !se an& )enerate s!bstances #ith itt e or no to;icit( to h!%ans an& the en+iron%ent. -. Use renewable feedstocks! <se ra# %ateria s an& $ee&stoc6s that are rene#ab e rather than &e" etin). Rene#ab e $ee&stoc6s are o$ten %a&e $ro% a)ric! t!ra "ro&!cts or are the #astes o$ other "rocesses= &e" etin) $ee&stoc6s are %a&e $ro% $ossi $!e s /"etro e!%, nat!ra )as, or coa 0 or are %ine&. .. Use catalysts, not stoichiometric reagents! Mini%i2e #aste b( !sin) cata (tic reactions. Cata (sts are !se& in s%a a%o!nts an& can carr( o!t a sin) e reaction %an( ti%es. The( are "re$erab e to stoichio%etric rea)ents, #hich are !se& in e;cess an& #or6 on ( once. 1. #void chemical derivatives! 4+oi& !sin) b oc6in) or "rotectin) )ro!"s or an( te%"orar( %o&i$ications i$ "ossib e. :eri+ati+es !se a&&itiona rea)ents an& )enerate #aste. 3. $aximize atom economy! :esi)n s(ntheses so that the $ina "ro&!ct contains the %a;i%!% "ro"ortion o$ the startin) %ateria s. There sho! & be $e#, i$ an(, #aste& ato%s. 5. Use safer solvents and reaction conditions! 4+oi& !sin) so +ents, se"aration a)ents, or other a!;i iar( che%ica s. I$ these che%ica s are necessar(, !se innoc!o!s che%ica s. 8. %ncrease energy efficiency! R!n che%ica reactions at a%bient te%"erat!re an& "ress!re #hene+er "ossib e. 19. "esign chemicals and products to degrade after use! :esi)n che%ica "ro&!cts to brea6 &o#n to innoc!o!s s!bstances a$ter !se so that the( &o not acc!%! ate in the en+iron%ent. 11. #nalyze in real time to prevent pollution! Inc !&e in>"rocess rea >ti%e %onitorin) an& contro &!rin) s(ntheses to %ini%i2e or e i%inate the $or%ation o$ b("ro&!cts. 1'. $inimize the potential for accidents! :esi)n che%ica s an& their $or%s /so i&, i?!i&, or )as0 to %ini%i2e the "otentia $or che%ica acci&ents inc !&in) e;" osions, $ires, an& re eases to the en+iron%ent.

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