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What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

What the Blank Do We Know About The Bible?

A Journey of Discovery

Bettye Johnson

What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

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Copyright Bettye Johnson 2011 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, Including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and Retrieval system, without the written permission of Bettye Johnson.

Bettye Johnson Living Free Press P.O. Box 97 Rainier, WA 98576

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What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

Dedication For the seekers of truth. For the seekers of knowledge.


Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 In the Beginning The Power of Twelve The Great Deluge The Great Exodus The Evolution of the Old Testament What Jesus Taught The Disciples The Contemporaries Mary Magdalene Unanswered Questions The Meaning of Amen Bettye's Comments Bibliography About Bettye Writers Digest Commentary

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What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

What the blank do we know about the Bible? There are those who think they know a lot about the Bible and have reputations as being experts, but are they really experts? I have been on an odyssey for many years researching and learning what the Bible is all about. I am an ordained minister of Divine Science now retired. I discovered another history of the Bible while researching the background for my book Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls. Since its publication, I have continued to research and over the years have learned that most of the Bible is all about distorted history, false claims, codes and much more. I have discovered that most experts have missed the broader picture. It has been the unobvious obvious. The DaVinci Code has triggered an interest in wanting to know what these characters of history are all about and this includes, Mary Magdalene, Jesus, the Catholic Church, and religion along with Leonardo DaVinci. Who is right? Who is wrong? It depends on what and whom one wants to believe. There is even a greater interest with the revelation of the Gospel of Judas, which has recently been re-discovered. In doing research, I learned that most of the documents, which biblical scholars base their views on contain truths and half-truths as well as lies. I have kept in mind that in ancient times there were no computers and no spell check. Anyone who has written a book knows how valuable editors are and even then, a glitch manages to get by. In ancient times, not all the scribes were well educated. Research is very much like unraveling a puzzle or one could say it is following Ariadnes Web. James Cameron who wrote the Introduction to The Jesus Family Tomb wrote a profound statement: "I came to realize that

What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

history is a consensus hallucination. It is a myth upon which we all agree to agree." I interpret his statement using the word hallucination in the context of perceived reality or a false or mistaken idea. During my odyssey, I have learned that the Bible is in actuality a book about control meaning the control of the human mind. It is known that elephants not living in the wild are tamed by hobbling them to a stake. The elephants are strong enough to pull up the stake, but do not. They allow themselves to be chained. Why? It is due to their programming/training. Humans are much like elephants. They allow themselves to be hobbled to belief systems given to them by someone outside of themselves. They have hobbled minds. The Bible is one such tool and the hobbling has been reinforced for eons by religion with its origins thousands of years ago. In all probability, I will be stepping on many beliefs and I make no apologies. I offer here another view of the Bible. It is time to unhobble our minds and realize that history is a fluid movement and as a river flows, it changes its course from time to time. Over the thousands of years, the stories in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament have been passed down and re-translated over-and-over with numerous words being changed or omitted. Even today, there are changes. The New International Version is reverting back to a male-oriented version by changing the words human beings and people back to man and mankind. Another change is reverting brothers and sisters back to brothers. In addition, an archeological find of a portion of the Hebrew Bible is carbondated back to the 10th century BCE instead of the alleged 600 BCE. When I was researching for Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls, I learned that there was no such establishment as a 'church' until Constantine created the church, as we now

What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

perceive it to be. During the time of Jesus and Mary Magdalene there was a temple in Jerusalem, however in the outlying areas there were ekklesias. In the classical Greek, the word ekklesia meant "an assembly of citizens summoned by the crier." The criers were also called presbyters. There were gatherings; however, there were no churches until Constantine. Until that time, there were men and women who had papyruses or scrolls who would go to the town centers and read from them. Constantine created the Council of Nicea. He wanted to create a new religion and thus was born Christianity along with its many facets. His disciples could not have written the texts about Jesus, however the Book of Matthew was supposedly written about 75 CE, Mark 73 CE, Luke 89-90 CE, John 105 CE with the dates being something like a labyrinth. Therefore, many of the texts that were being passed around were omitted from the New Testament and some have surfaced. From my perspective, it is to pick out what resonates and leave the rest. The reader can either accept or reject what I have discovered regarding the Bible, however I want to think the reader has an open mind. Welcome to the journey of discovery.

Bettye Johnson

November 2011

What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

Chapter 1

The beginnings of the Bible begin with the Old Testament. In the Book of Genesis, there is a verse about the creation of the human and it states, Let us make man in our image (Genesis 1:26). This one verse should cause bells to ring in our brain. However, most theologians and so-called experts ignore it and claim it is a mistranslation or scratch their heads while thinking what the blank is this all about? The late Zechariah Sitchen questioned much of the Hebrew Bible when he was a young boy and as he wrote, the rabbi told him not to question and only to accept. This began Sitchen on a trail to find out more about the beginnings of the Hebrew Bible and this led him to the Sumarian Tablets. He wrote numerous books on the findings of our ancient history going all the way back to Genesis. In Genesis, the Elohim are mentioned and Annunaki alluded to as giants. Much of Genesis was taken from the Sumarian tablets. From my research, I conclude that the Sumarian tablets and the Old Testament are intertwined as coming from the original source with bits and pieces of information. The word Elohim is from the Hebrew and most theologians and religions allege it means the Jewish and Christian God. However, this is a misinterpretation because Elohim is derived from the word eloah, which is feminine. It comes from eloah goddess plus im, which makes it a plural ending. To remove the ah and adding im, this becomes plural and through the ages the patriarchs of the Jewish religion and Christian religions have assumed it means a male God. From the website of Hebrew4Christians, it gives Eloah as the singular

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form of Elohim meaning God. In the Hebrew Tanakh (The Jewish Bible), the word Eloah is mentioned 70 times. The Anunnaki although not called by this name, represents a group of Sumerian mythological and Akkadian deities. However, were they myths? Great scholars have translated ancient Sumerian texts that tell the story of the Anunnaki coming to planet Earth from another planet that some call Nibiru. The head of these Anunnaki was Anu, chairman of a high council of 12 gods with the Earth being divided into 12 sectors with one sector to each of these 12 gods or so the story goes. There is nothing set in concrete, therefore one must tread carefully through the mind-field of research. Zechariah Sitchen has done an admirable job with his books, The Earth Chronicles, which are his interpretations of the translations of the Sumerian texts. His research indicates Nibiru was the 12th planet in our planetary system. From this planet came a council of 12 with each member given a piece of the Earth. One might ask why did they come to this planet and what was their intent. According to Sitchen, scouts were sent out to find a planet containing gold. Nibiru has an extremely long orbit and the further away from the sun the life of the planet diminishes. Therefore, gold is needed to seed their atmosphere and bring light to the planet. All of this supposedly happened approximately 450,000 years ago with the advance party finding gold. The Anunnaki began to mine it and transport it back to Nibiru. Their first landing is reportedly in the Mesopotamia area that became the base of their operations. After some thousands of years, the Anunnaki workers became tired of mining for gold and ask that other workers be secured to take their place. In those days, an Anunnaki year was equal to approximately 3600 of ours and perhaps it still is.

What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

In Genesis 6:1-18 there is reference to the Nephilim and this word has been translated to mean giants or mighty men. The verses go on to tell of the Sons of God and the Daughters of men who mated and bore children. Now what the blank does this mean? Already living on Earth was a strain of entities similar to apes that were evolving at their own pace. According to most of the Sumerian scholars, Anu had two sons named Enlil and Enki by different mothers and a daughter named Ninhursag. There are many variations of their relationships; however, the overall thread I have found is that Ninhursag was a great scientist a geneticist and Enki also a scientist. As the story goes, Ninhursag, the geneticist began experimenting with the local entities to create slave labor. Perhaps this is where the Centaurs came from or the Pegasus. None of this happened overnight. There were many experiments but none could reproduce. One could call this first being Adam, however it could not reproduce. The great Mother Goddess ( Eloah) Ninhursag chose to fertilize the eggs of the female entities with the sperm of the Anunnaki. The female Anunnaki became surrogate mothers and carried these fetuses to birth. Here we have the first surrogate births. Thus created were Adam and Eve plus a host of others with each female reproducing. The Eve was an evolution of the Adam. The eve-o-lution. There really could not be only one Adam and Eve because who would Cain marry? Where did his wife come from? Over a period, the new humans being born were refined in the laboratories of Ninhursag. Another part of the story in the Bible is the stories that Eve ate an apple and insisted Adam eat of it also. Eve became the bad girl and much blame placed on her. What happened, according to my research and I am choosing that which makes the most sense -is that the serpent represents knowledge. In the Sumerian tablets,


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Enki is represented as a serpent and the god of wisdom. He gave them knowledge. Enki is said to have given his sperm to create the hybrid worker. It is most likely Ninhursag, who in all probability is the Eloah, had a laboratory for genetic engineering in each of the 12 sectors given to the Council of 12 members. It is possible that those humans who did not meet the standards she was after for slave labor were turned out of the Garden of Eden, with the Gardens of Eden being the laboratories for genetic engineering. Yes, they were evicted rather than being exterminated. Perhaps Ninhursag could not bear to kill off her creations. Now what did they do? They learned to become self sufficient and multiplied. Those who migrated to the hot regions developed a pigment in their skin that made their skin very dark. Others migrated to areas where it was cooler and their skin became lighter. The greatness of Ninhursag is that she, along with the team of scientists helped her develop a magnificent computer brain for the new humans. The only drawback is that it was a divided brain with the potential of becoming unified and filled with unlimited neuro networks. A brilliant woman! To add to this, the human was given a great DNA and now scientists are realizing that there is much more to the so-called junk DNA. From my perspective, it means we have the genes of not only the gods, known as the Anunnaki, but also the primitive female of 100,000 years ago. Sitchen has given a timeline in his book The Twelfth Planet: in 445,000 B.C., the Annunaki arrived on Earth led by Enki; Earth undergoes interglacial period; 300,000 B.C., the Anunnaki mutinied and Ninhursag with Enki began creating an entity to be a worker. It was not until approximately 100,000 B.C. that the workers were created to where they could propagate. At one point in time, the


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souls and spirits, i.e. the Holy Spirits were invited to enter these new hybrids. A Pravda article dated October 11, 2005 states that researchers claim that centaurs were for real. A familiar name such as Noah must have been a hybrid offspring of the Anunnaki or Nephilim and the daughters of the primitive-like beings. It is perfectly plausible that the famous Ark Noah built was a type of submarine and instead of taking two by two animals and birds, Noah took with him a genetic bank including DNA so these animals and birds could be recreated again once the deluge subsided. How could anyone take a pair of horses, cows, elephants, etc. on a boat? Over many thousand years, each sector developed under the rule of one of the Council of 12 and flourished. Archaeology is discovering more and more artifacts each year. There are the great pyramids with the most famous ones being those located in Egypt. Pyramids have been located in Mexico, Yucatan, Bosnia, China, and there are the mysterious mounds in the United States. Could it be that Stonehenge and other formations along with the flattop pyramids were landing pads for the space ships of the Anunnaki? The Old Testament has within it many references to space ships with the Book of Ezekiel being the most noted.


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

Chapter 2


Zechariah Sitchen published The 12th Planet in 1976 and this was a beginning of awareness being brought forth to the public. Since that time, there have been many scholars and many translations that have enhanced this research. Sitchens works are well worth reading for those who seek to know more. Another interesting book published in the 70s is Ruth Montgomerys The World Before. Since then information has burgeoned. For a glossary of the Sumerian gods, I suggest reading The Lost Book of Enki by Sitchen. Returning to the use of number 12, I have had a desire to understand the meaning of the number 12 for many years. We have the 12 tribes of Israel, 12 Apostles, 12 Days of Christmas, 12 signs in the Zodiac, 12 months in a year, 12 members of a jury, and now the 12th planet along with the 12 sectors or 12 regions and a council of 12. I finally found an understanding in John Michells book New Light on the Ancient Mystery of Glastonbury. In his book, Michell writes of Platos own account of how the culture of early civilization began when the gods reigned on earth in his writing titled Law. When they departed, they initiated certain people into the secrets of their law. Michell writes, These civilizations were built upon an esoteric code of law. Essentially it was a code of number, representing the mathematics of creation, and from it were derived all the art forms and institutions of the nation, its music, the proportions of the temples and even its constitution. This indicates a great foundation. Michell goes on to write that the gods who first ruled were 12 in number. Here are the 12 again.


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

There were 12 gods with each governing the 12 regions of the earth, and this occurred over thousands of years. As Plato had written in his Law, there came a time when the gods knew they had to depart and selected and trained people in the secrets of their laws, the Earth was placed in the care of kingships. In each region, 12 tribes were created. From the 12 regions each with its 12 tribes, we have a total of 144 tribes. Note the number 144. Each tribe had a king and each region or sector corresponded to zodiacal signs and the months of the year. At last, I had an answer that resonated within me. As long as the standards set forth were upheld, the societies flourished and when the societies began ignoring the standards, decadence set in. It would appear we have gone downhill instead of evolving. However, we have had our peaks and now with current events happening in the world we appear to be in a deep valley. From the translations of the Sumerian tablets, not all of these gods were benevolent. There became a time when some were fighting among themselves for control over the Earth and there was jealousy and hate. One only has to read the Old Testament to realize how vicious and vile the god Jehovah was. However, who was Jehovah? He must have been a descendent of the original members of the Council of 12. There are records from the Sumerian tablets that among the Annunaki there was a great war, which today we would describe as nuclear. This is also given in ancient Indian texts. Could this be why we have the Dead Sea where there is no life in it? The Great Salt Lake in Utah also has so much salt that fish cannot survive in it.


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

Chapter 3


According to Sitchen, it was around 13,000 years ago when the Annunaki departed and the humans survived the great deluge. Thus, the Old Testament creates a storyline of the 12 Tribes of Israel. Apparently, these 12 tribes were created over many thousand of years and for anyone to claim a lineage from the names in the Old Testament is indicating a lack of knowledge. When one considers that calendars do change such as the Julian, Gregorian, Ethiopic and Mayan, it is difficult to pin a correct year down much less the accuracy of the lineage given in the Old Testament (O.T.) How faithful are the ancient writings to what actually happened? From archeological finds in Africa, the first female skeleton found was in Ethiopia and given the name Lucy, a hominid living 3.2 million years ago. Perhaps Lucy and her species were the primitive beings found by the Annunaki when they arrived. Since the archaeological find of Lucy, other skeletons have been found of advanced beings named Homo sapiens or homo-erectus dated 300,000 to 400,000 years ago. They were found near Greece, Southern France and Germany as well as other places. Perhaps I am getting too far afield, however my point is that the change from the hominid to Homo sapiens indicates a change in the construction of the skull. The research is there to find if one is interested. All of this is pertinent to the Old Testament (O.T.) because it is a collection of books written at different periods of history and much of it has been handed down by word of mouth and if you have ever played the whispers game, then you do have a working knowledge of how things do get distorted. Dates become changed and names get changed.


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

Some scholars claim that Noahs Ark and the Flood never happened as reported in the O.T. There is archeological proof that a flood happened in Mesopotamia in 2900 B.C.E. but it was never as great to flood the entire Earth. In one sense, they are correct. I will accept that there was a flood, however if one looks at what is called the myth of Noahs Ark, there is another plausible explanation. According to the Sumerian texts, one of the first kings was Ziusudra later to be known as Noah. He was a favorite of Enki because Enki was the co-creator with Ninhursag of the primitive worker and now some of them had been educated and were ready to rule over the evolved primitive workers. In the story of Adam and Eve, there were many Adams and Eves because the laboratories of Ninhursag produced artificial insemination to birth the original prototypes until they could procreate together. Who knows, Enki could have fathered the predecessors of Ziusudra/Noah. Apparently, the Annunaki knew a massive change in the Earths pole shift would result in instant flooding and Enlil was prepared to let the primitive workers perish. Enki, because he helped Ninhursag create them did not want this to happen and even though he took an oath with the Council of 12 not to inform the workers, he managed to get the information to one of his favorites, Ziusudra/Noah. There is a Sumerian tablet with a drawing of Enki speaking through a screen to Ziusudra/Noah giving him information. The Annunaki were very advanced beings in technology. They had underwater vessels, which today we call submarines and apparently used them extensively in exploring this planet. Ziusudra/Noah was told to build an underwater vessel and take on board the DNA/gene seeds of all the animals, flora and fauna, which he did. When the vessel reached land, it was on top of Mt. Ararat as the story goes. With the DNA, in laboratories the


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animals, fowls, and other creatures could be re-created. It is reported in the Sumerian texts that the Annunaki also brought grape vines and other plants to establish on this planet. Therefore, there could be some truth that Noah did get drunk on the wine he made. In attempting to re-construct these events time wise, there is a very important event that hasnt been taken into consideration because in many circles it is considered a myth and that is the sinking of the continent Atlantis. Could it be that the great flood was actually the demise of Atlantis? There is a possibility that Lemuria perished centuries before Atlantis became submerged. Events not understood have a way of being relegated to myths. One such is the Pantheon of the Annunaki gods who became known as the pantheon of the Greek gods and then the Pantheon of the Roman gods and so on. As humankind evolved, names changed and dates possibly changed. Returning to the O.T., some researchers say that the Book of Psalms originated from the Egyptians. I mention this because in Psalms 82:6 it states: know ye that ye are gods? The same verse is re-stated by Jesus in John 10:35. Isaiah 41:23 also refers to this. Truth has a way of weaving itself through distortion and disinformation. If the Annunaki are gods, then by having their DNA and genes in the homo-erectus (us), then it means that we are also gods. An interesting thought to contemplate. What intelligence is operating our bodies? Meanwhile, back to Ziusudra/Noah, the O.T. states that Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. They must have brought their wives with them on the submarine because Shem had 5 sons and it is recorded that this family went on their way and settled Persia/Iran, Assyria and Syria and possibly onward Eastward. Ham, whose name in Hebrew means burnt, black had four sons and this family migrated to Africa, which included Cush/Ethiopia, Egypt, Libya and Palestine. The third


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son was Japheth and he had seven sons and according to the historian Flavius Josephus (circa 93 C.E.), this branch of the family migrated to France, Spain, Wales, Germany and other parts of Europe. They spread out and multiplied. However if Noah and his family brought others with them and it was very likely they did, and then we can see how fast the population swelled. There are myths of a great flood in other parts of the world and one being from the Eskimos. One would think it possible that there were other survivors in other parts of the world. Perhaps one day, information and verification will arise that this is true. It is something to think about. Apparently, it was after the return of Noah that the gods/Annunaki also returned. It was easy for them to vacate the planet because they had spaceships and a home planet to return to. In the Sumerian texts, it tells of a disagreement among the descendents of Enki and Enlil and they fought among themselves. They had the technology of nuclear weapons. It was Ninurta who pushed the button resulting in a nuclear blast and thus the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Archaeologists have found evidence of five cities being destroyed within sight of the Dead Sea. The cities had become white ash. There is also a ziggurat on a platform that is nothing but white ash. Balls of calcified brimstone have also been found. Lots wife did not heed the warning not to look back and she became a pillar of salt. In other words, she became white ash. Perhaps this is why the Dead Sea cannot sustain life. Hams name translates as burnt and black, which is an indication of the color of his skin. Therefore it would be plausible that Noah and all his family were black. The Sumerian texts refer to the Primitive Workers as black hair. In the O.T., using Strongs Bible Concordance, the words Ethiopia and Ethiopian are mentioned 39 times. Ethiopians have long been known to have black skin. In the Book of Numbers 12:1, it refers to Moses wife as


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

Ethiopian. In all likelihood, Moses was Egyptian. It would be doubtful if the Pharaoh accepted him into his household if he had been fair-skinned. During those days, their skin was dark ranging from cinnamon color to black. Another clue as to the skin color is the word leprous. behold his skin is white as snow, (Exodus 4:6) and Miriam became leprous, white as snow, (Numbers 12:10). The pigment in light skin people turn dark where the skin is leprous and in dark skin people, the skin turns white as snow. Therefore, it stands to reason that in the O.T. the major characters were of dark skin or black skin and not white as many paintings portray them. If one looks at the statues of Egyptian pharaohs, they are usually of a dark hue. This would include the Israelites. Over the past two thousand years, there has been

intermarriage and the skin hues have gotten lighter except in places of Ethiopia. The third son of Noah named Japheth took his family to what is now Europe, Scandinavia, and due to the climate their skin became white. The O.T. is in actuality filled with clues. There also appears to be two gods with the most predominant one being Jehovah. Who is Jehovah? He certainly is not the God. In the O.T., there is a god that is mean and evil and who causes plagues, death and destruction. There is also a god that is loving and in the Book of Micah 6:8, He has shown you, O man, what is good, And what the Lord requires of you: Only to do justice And to love goodness, And to walk humbly with your God. This is important because it is implying to walk humbly with your God, meaning that God is within each individual. Perhaps this was Enki giving instructions. Many researchers of the O.T. and the Sumerian texts have concluded Jehovah was the Annunaki god Enlil and on the surface, it would appear to be so. He had a dislike for


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his half-brother Enki and his sister Ninhursag because they brought forth the human form, as we know it today. He wanted to the supreme ruler. He also had the technology for inventing a device to communicate with the humans on Earth and this device could be what is called the Ark of the Covenant. However, there are researchers who claim one of Enkis offspring became Jehovah. Whoever it was, as Jehovah he usually arrived in a pillar of cloud, which indicates a spaceship. The Book of Ezekiel has many references to spaceships because extraterrestrials seeded this planet. From my research, Inanna was given the area we know today as India. The vimana's or ancient UFOs of Ancient India are referred to in Indian Vedic literature. Raymond Powers authored an article in the India Time, April 9, 2003 about ancient Sanskrit documents written in the 4th Century BC discovered in Tibet and Lhasa by the Chinese. The documents were sent to Dr. Ruth Reyna, University of Chandigarh, for translation and special comments. Dr. Reyna's findings are eye opening. She declares that the manuscripts contain the following: 1. Directions for building interstellar spaceships with a method of propulsion that are essentially anti-gravitational. The method was similar to that of laghima, the power of man's ego. It is described as 'a centrifugal force strong enough to counteract all gravitational pull'. Hindu Yogis claim it is a man's laghima that allows his body to levitate (rise defying gravity). It is important to realize that the so-called 12 tribes of Israel also had a god overseeing them. In the Old Testament/Talmud the foremost god name is Jehovah although it is sometimes erroneously given the name of Yahweh. Yahweh was a separate god. There was a battle between gods using nuclear weapons and thus we have the devastation of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lots wife was said to have looked back and turned into a pillar of


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salt. Today archaeologists are finding in their digs evidence of nuclear residue near those two former cities. We only have to realize what happened in Hiroshima to know that this was possible. We can also understand why the Dead Sea is devoid of life and has been monitored for its radioactivity. The Indian Vedic literatures also have referrals to similar nuclear wars. It would appear that when the Council of Twelve along with the Annunaki departed the planet they felt the kings/pharaohs they had trained and put in place could govern well with one exception, and that would be the one who assumed the name Jehovah. There possibly came a time when he also departed and this could be when the O.T. was accumulated and put together. There is much speculation among researchers and no one has all the answers. It is really up to us individually to sort this out according to our understanding and beliefs. The Sumerian texts tell of Enlils granddaughter Inanna being given dominion over the area known as India. Inanna is also known as Ishtar. Archaeologists in 1922

discovered the ancient city of Harappa and other cities in and near the Indus Valley. The people of that era had huge planned cities with straight streets; brick homes with private baths and each house had its own bathroom and private well. The sewers ran under the streets. These sites are dated approximately 5,000 years ago. Perhaps this was one of the 12 sectors because Inanna was a member of the Council. China could also be another one of the 12 sectors. There have been skeletons found that are dated 3 million years ago. The first written documents were created and began around 3600 years ago.


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

There is so much history yet to be revealed regarding South America, the North American continent as well as Asia. Our history is not just the O.T. There were great civilizations on the continents of Atlantis and Lemuria and most of it is under the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Archaeologists are determining that there is evidence of skeletons dating as far back as 50,000 years or beyond. information, we get an entirely different perspective. When we open our minds to new


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

Chapter 4


My understanding of the great Exodus from the Hebrew point of view is that the Jews had been enslaved and wanted to be free of the tyranny of Egypt. Under the guidance of Moses, they departed Egypt and after the Red Sea parted for them, they wandered for 40 years until they came to the Promised Land. Have you ever wondered where they spent those 40 years when it only takes about three hours to travel by SUV from the Nile Delta to Palestine? Have you wondered who the Canaanites were? You know - those people who God gave the Israelites permission to ravish, kill and take-over. There are researchers who question the validity of the Exodus story as written in the Old Testament (O.T,) and Talmud. Published on October 29, 1999, Zeev Herzog wrote an article titled Deconstructing the walls of Jericho in Haaretz, the leading newspaper in Israel, that after 70 years of intensive excavations in Israel, archaeologists learned that Israelites did not sojourn to Egypt or make an exodus. They did not wander in the desert. If there is no evidence of Israelites being in Egypt, then what is the Exodus all about? What if the Israelites were not known under the name as given in the O.T.? If one were to research Egyptian history as given in hieroglyphics, paintings and other ancient writings, then another picture begins to unfold. This is very much like cracking a hidden code. The Jewish scholars who promote that the world is only 5764 years old could be right from the point of view that the Jewish or Hebrews had no beginning prior that time. Since this is the year 2011 AD, this would place the beginning of the Jewish race to around 3757 BC. What was happening around 3757 BC? When I began researching, I learned that even


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

Jewish history scholars are unable to agree upon the timelines when important events took place such as the Exodus. In The Gift of the Jews by Thomas Cahill, he writes that the Talmud came into being from oral history and there is no reliable record of written Hebrew before the 10 th century BC. If you have ever played the whisper or telephone game, you have an idea of how garbled the original statements become. Immanuel Velikovsky researched Egyptian history and the O.T. history extensively and even though there were parallels in both histories, the dates of the events did not agree. He finally realized that the Hebrews and the Egyptians counted time differently and when he learned how to reconcile the differences in times, he realized that their histories were practically the same. When in the O.T. it is written that Abraham journeyed south into Gerar, it could be he was traveling into Egypt because the names Gerar and Egypt were the same. What has been revealed is that the Hyksos were also the Israelites. Where did the Hyksos come from? Some say they came from Babylonia and other say Anatolia or Asia. From what I can ascertain, the Hyksos came to Lower Egypt bringing with them chariots and horses, which had been unknown before then in Egypt. They were not ignorant people. For approximately a span from 1780 BC to 1560 BC, Egypt was separated in two. The north (next to the Mediterranean) was ruled by Hyksos pharaohs during this period and the south (including Ethiopia and Nubia) ruled by Egyptian pharaohs. The pharaohs and kings of ancient Egypt had many different names. According to Velikovsky, there was the birth name, throne name, a name for different countries and it was usual to change the name - by royal decree the name of the person so that it would sound more agreeable to the


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

ears of foreign people. As an example: A pharaoh of the Middle Kingdom changed the name of Joseph mentioned in Genesis 41-45, to Zaphnaph-Paaneah. Therefore, it is a challenge to know who was who. During the time of Moses, it is interesting to note that moses was the ending to the name of Tuthmose I through the Tuthmose IV. Instead of the O.T. Moses being found in a reed basket along the Nile River, he could have been one of the sons of Tuthmose I and he became Amenhotep IV with his half-brother being Tuthmose II. On the other hand, it could have been vice-versa. There is a great possibility that Moses was Amenhotep IV who changed his name to Akhenaton and created the monotheism religion of Egypt dedicated to the god Aten or Aton. He even went so far as to establish a city dedicated to this new god and moved his city of power there. This would also mean that Moses aka Akhenaton was a Hyksos. What if the Pharaoh of Upper Egypt wanted to rid Egypt of Akhenaton and his monotheism and over a period of time offered to pay him to move out of Egypt? There are possibilities that this could have happened. There is some validation that the Pharaoh of Upper Egypt paid a hefty price for the Hyksos to leave Lower Egypt and when the Hyksos left, they took the tribute paid and destroyed property as they departed. Regarding the plagues that came to Egypt, the volcano on the island of Thera in the Mediterranean erupted and the famine, a river running red and diseases were the results of the eruption. The volcano eruption and the devastation is written about in Charles Pellegrinos book Ghosts of Vesuvius. Therefore, the story of Moses taking enslaved Israelites out of Egypt and wandering in the desert for 40 years is a made-up story and a myth. It could be that Moses was following the instructions of his god Jehovah. Jehovah had created an Ark of the Covenant


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so that he could commune with his people. Jehovah was and is a vengeful god. The atrocities committed in the name of Jehovah are legion. The god Jehovah in Exodus 21:7-11 gives this orderAnd if a man sells his daughter to be a maid-servant (slave), she shall not go out as the men-servants do. If she please not her master, who hath espoused her to himself, then shall he let her be redeemed: to sell her unto a foreign people he shall have no power, seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her Is this a loving God? No. The O.T. is filled with Jehovah commanding people to slaughter. In Deuteronomy 13:6, 8-15 Jehovah commands his people to kill anyone who would entice him or her to go and serve other gods. Who is Jehovah? This is the sixty-four dollar question. At this point one can only make assumptions. It could be Enlil, who in all probability hated his sister Ninhursag. On the other hand, it could be the offspring from one of the gods in the pantheon. Whoever he is, he is not the supreme God because there is no supreme God. He is an entity who never incarnated as a human. Who is the god the Muslims pray to? If there was one supreme God, then humanity is and has been in a heap of trouble. It does not matter how many prayers are offered, one side will end up the victors in a war and that is usually the side, which is the most powerful. It is up to each of us to connect with the divine within each of us. I call it the Holy Spirit. We do not need anyone to intercede for us nor do we need to listen to priests, pastors or preachers. The ancient Egyptians had a code of ethics that is as valid today as it was in ancient times. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Coming into Day, Chapter 125, The Judgment of the Dead, the following excerpts read: I have committed no evil upon men.


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I have not oppressed the members of my family. I have not wrought evil in the place of right and truth. I have had no knowledge of useless men. I have brought about no evil. I did not rise in the morning and expect more than was due to me. I have not brought my name forward to be praised. I have not oppressed servants. I have not scorned any god. I have not defrauded the poor of their property. I have not done what the gods abominate. I have not caused pain. I have caused no man to hunger. I have made no one weep. I have not killed. I have not given the order to kill. I have not inflicted pain on anyone. I have not stolen the drink left for the gods in the temples. I have not stolen the cakes left for the gods in the temples. I have not fornicated. I have not polluted myself. I have not diminished the bushel when I've sold it. I have not added to or stolen land. I have not encroached on the land of others. I have not added weights to the scales to cheat buyers.


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I have not misread the scales to cheat buyers. I have not stolen milk from the mouths of children. I have not driven cattle from their pastures. I have not captured the birds of the preserves of the gods. I have not caught fish with bait made of like fish. I have not held back the water when it should flow. I have not diverted the running water in a canal. I have not put out a fire when it should burn. I have not violated the times when meat should be offered to the gods. I have not driven off the cattle from the property of the gods. I am pure. I am pure. I am pure.

If one could honestly say this upon death, then a life was lived righteously. This was written before the time of Moses. The current O.T. version of the Ten Commandments, Exodus 21-23, is supposed to have been written by Moses. It is time for each of us to move from a slave mind into a spirit mind. This excerpt from the Egyptian Book of the Dead mentions the gods repeatedly because these gods are the Annunaki who gave them the human form, and gave them a creed to live by.


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Chapter 5


The King James Version of the Bible has an interesting history. Queen Elizabeth I purportedly read over 145 editions of the Bible. When she died, the Puritans approached King James I to have one official edition in English. King James created a council of 47 learned men of biblical knowledge. He divided this council into groups and gave each group a section of the entire Bible to translate. He appointed Sir Francis Bacon to be the editor. In 1611 C.E., Bacon completed his editing for the original King James Bible. It is said that when asked of the King why he was having the Bible translated into English, he is said to have replied that it was for the common person. Sir Francis Bacon also has an interesting history. He had a love for codes and encoded parts of the Bible. The 46th Psalm, verses 3 and 9 are encoded with his humor. Verse 3 has the word shake and verse 9 with speare. Bacon allegedly wrote under the nom de plume of William Shakespeare. The Old Testament (O.T.) could be called a historical treasure hunt while the New Testament (N.T.) is supposedly about a great man named Jesus or Yeshua ben Joseph. Even in the N.T. it takes discernment to understand it and very few scholars have the education or the research background to see the obvious unobvious. I personally believe that Jesus lived and that he came to give us a new way of thinking and living. Any documentation of his actual life is a hodgepodge or mishmash of books in the N.T. None of the four gospels, i.e. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were written during his lifetime. It is


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even doubtful that the authors of the four gospels were actually named Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. Researchers are realizing this now more than ever. The travesty that has been perpetuated upon humankind is beyond measure. For the sake of power and misinformation along with mistranslations, the teachings of Jesus have almost been lost. The Christian churches of today teach more about Jesus and his crucifixion instead of his message of how to live our lives. The church I grew up in and what I have experienced and observed is that Christianity has become a religion of bigotry, prejudice, hatred, and hypocrisy. This is not what Jesus taught. I find very little tolerance and love coming from a host of those who profess to be Christians. Today there is a proliferation of churches claiming to be Christianeach with their own interpretation and condemning those who do not believe as they do. The basis of the message of Jesus is in the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew (chapters 5, 6, 7). Jesus also is quoted as saying greater things than I you can do also. (John 5:20. This was altered in some Bibles.) Also in John, Jesus said, Dont you know your laws say you are gods? (John 10:34 and Psalms 82:6). It is interesting how these important words have been changed, ignored and glossed over. It was Paul (if there was ever a Paul) who made Jesus into the only Christ god and Paul never heard Jesus teach or personally knew him. In Tony Bushbys book The Crucifixion of Truth, he lays out with almost impeccable documentation how these books of the N.T. were constructed, and how the church has fraudulently changed them. This documentation comes from suppressed church manuscripts. To quote the back cover of his book, Using the scroll discovery, papal statements and the evidence of history, Tony Bushby takes his readers into the shady world of


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ecclesiastical dishonesty where, for centuries, an unprincipled church plotted and schemed its stratagem to perpetrate and maintain a false faith and exploit a gullible public. As much as I admire Bushbys research, I do not go along with his allegation that Jesus was born in Britain and that Mary Magdalene was a Celtic princess. My research indicates otherwise. There are too many signposts throughout the years that point to her being black and yes, she was of royalty. If one would reason it, Jesus and his family also had dark skin. It is doubtful that when as a baby the family would have fled to Egypt and been accepted if they had not been of black skin. Another informative book published in 2005, is Bart D. Ehrmans book Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why. Ehrman takes a softer stance and in some instances attributes it to church scribes who either did not read well or chose to change it. Ehrman has a background of being a Born Again Christian, a Fundamentalist, and an Evangelical Christian who now is a scholar of textual criticism. He attributes much of the mistranslations and misinformation to their humanity. Textual Criticism is described as a field of biblical criticism to establish the original wording or form of the biblical text insofar as this is possible. (My underline.) Dishonesty is still dishonesty when present day clergy and scholars allow the lies to continue to be perpetuated upon the unsuspecting public. I say fraud is fraud and if one allows the fraud to continue, then he or she is as guilty as the ones who created the fraud. What is refreshing are the books being acknowledged today revealing the fraud of the Bible. Dan Browns book The DaVinci Code written, as a novel is so powerful that the Church became alarmed after it took the world by storm. Why didnt the Church become as upset when Michael Baigent and his co-authors wrote Holy Blood, Holy Grail? Books


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have even been written about breaking the DaVinci code. Another book that is now before the public is Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross. She appeared on the television Prime Time program about Pope Joan with Diane Sawyer. This was made into a movie some years ago and is now re-made into a movie in 2009, along with The DaVinci Code. I say hooray for them. Yes, there was a female pope. My own book, Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls is the result of extensive research and much of it is not covered in either of the two books mentioned above. I also brought out information about Pope Joan with documentation. In the Prime Time program the naysayers could not accept that there had been a female pope and called it a myth. What they do not realize is that there is always truth in myths. There is a possibility that Leonardo DaVinci was a woman and when further evidence is uncovered, you can bet that there will be a huge hullabaloo--and why not? As Sawyer said on the Pope Joan program, women have masqueraded as men for centuries and she showed examples. Leonardo came in at a time when a woman was considered to be little more than a breeding bitch or something for pleasure and to serve. Two different computer tests have been made on the paintings of DaVinci and the findings indicate that the Mona Lisa is a self-portrait of Leonardo. I have this documented in my book. Is the N.T. all bad? Not at all. It is reading it with discernment and separating the wheat from the chaff. Jesus said, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If everyone lived this, we would not have so many wars, murders, wife beatings, child abuse and so on. Jesus also said, Love the lord, your god with all your heart and soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself. If each of us practiced this, we would not have theft or jealousy or greed.


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The Bible, meaning the Old Testament and the New Testament has been and is currently being used to suppress women and to perpetuate the ills that are rampant in this world. It would behoove us to look beyond and to actively live what Jesus taught.


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Chapter 6


The primary teaching Jesus gave was his Sermon on the Mount, Matthew chapters 5, 6, 7. It is in Chapter 7 where Jesus gave the Beatitudes when he taught the multitude of people. These were general principles and Emmett Fox wrote a great book titled, The Sermon on the Mount where he wrote that when Jesus gave general principles that "he knew that if one's mental states are right, everything else much be right too, whereas if these are wrong, nothing else can be right." Fox goes on to write, " he gives us no detailed instructions about what we are to do or not to do; he does not tell us either to eat or to drink, or to refrain from eating or drinking certain things; or to carry out various ritual observances at certain times and season. Indeed, the whole current of his teaching is anti-ritualistic, antiformalist." In another great passage where he teaches one to be the 'salt of the earth,' be the 'light of the world' and told the people "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which in heaven." If you notice, he says, "your Father which is in heaven." Throughout the primary chapters ascribed to the disciples, Jesus talks about his Father in heaven. Who is the Father? The Holy Spirit and we each have our own sacred Holy Spirit. In another passage, John 14:12, "the works that I do shall ye do also; and greater works than these shall he do" One really has to comb the gospels to find the gems. Over the many years, these books have been translated and what I learned when I was in a Divine Science Ministerial School, is that monks in the monasteries were the ones to copy


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the bibles because it would be some years before the printing presses came into being. Often, they would make comments in the margins and then the next monk to copy it would insert the comment. Much of what Jesus taught came from ancient Egyptian, Babylonian, Greece and Chinese. It is only when the teachings were placed in a book named The Bible that men created the church and began polluting what the true teachings were. In Egypt, That which you hate to be done to you, do not do to another. From the Chinese: Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself. Confucius. From ancient Greece, Do not to your neighbor what you would take ill from him . - Pitticus. Socrates and others said similar statements. In Chapter 6, verses 6 - 7, Jesus spoke a profound truth. 6:6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. The 'closet' is not what is in your bedroom. The closet came into being during numerous translations. It actually means 'your mind,' or your 'quiet space.' You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? If you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than


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others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. One of the most profound statements Jesus gave has never been understood by the churches or for the majority of people for that matter. In John 10:34, Jesus said, I have said ye are gods, and all of your sons of the Most High. He emphasized his point by adding a significant statement: And the scripture cannot be broken. The first statement can also be found in Psalms 82:6. So much of the Bible has been distorted and mis-translated. There are numerous versions of the Bible. Regarding the background of Jesus, I doubt if he was born in a manger. If one researches that era, he could have been born in a home because people did open their homes to others in time of need. The story of Jesus turning water into wine is plausible with his abilities, however it very possible that it was his mother who asked him to create the wine for his own wedding to Mary Magdalene. For Jesus to be called rabbi, He would have had to been married. There is also another interesting point about him being from the lineage of David. To know this, one would think that he would not have been born into a poor family. King David birthed King Solomon and as the lineage moves down the line, there are interesting possibilities.


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Chapter 7

The Catholic Church named Peter as the first Pope of Rome posthumously and following him and early so-called popes were also named posthumously. There is no authentic documentation that Peter was the one chosen by Jesus to head his church. The word church did not come into being until a few hundred years later. The word church evolved from the original word ecclesia, which is Greek for gathering. Jesus probably never meant for anyone to establish a church in his name. What he wanted, if people would read the texts from Nag Hammadi, would be that people lived what he taught. The name Peter meant rock and a rock is dense and heavy. Therefore, this is another interpretation, which is Peter was slow to understand and therefore Jesus would have to build his teachings so that even the densest of minds could understand. There is so much that hidden from the public such as Thomas Didymus being Jesus twin brother. If one visits the small church at Rennes-le-Chateau in France, one would notice the two statues flanking the altar. One is Mother Mary holding a baby and the other is Father Joseph holding another baby. Each is holding a twin. Most researchers have ignored this. The Book of Thomas is the writings of the twin of Jesus. The newly revealed Gospel of Judas gives an entirely different picture of Judas Iscariot. He was not a traitor. By order of Jesus, he was asked to betray him. There is little understanding of what an Initiate chooses to do in order to become God/Man realized or God/Woman realized into a Christ. Judas sacrificed his own personal beliefs in order to assist Jesus into becoming. Judas should be respected as a hero.


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Even though Paul also known as Saul - was not a disciple of Jesus, theologians revere him and many think the books possibly written by Paul are true. He is reportedly the founder of Christianity. Noted author Ralph Ellis has written in his book Jesus Last of the Pharaohs an interesting discovery regarding Paul and his connection to Josephus, the most quoted Jewish historian. Josephus was a Jew and was born approximately 36 AD after the crucifixion of Jesus. In his autobiography, he writes he was raised in Jerusalem, educated as a Pharisee, and became a Rabbi. Josephus was against the revolutionaries who were in revolt of Roman control. During the revolt against the Romans, he was called a traitor, however the Romans saved him. He was taken to Rome where he became a Roman citizen. Ralph Ellis uses the name Saul in his book, and discovered that the life stories of Saul/Paul are almost identical to the life story of Josephus. Ellis lists twenty points of almost identical events in the life of Paul/Saul and Josephus. In the 19th point, Ellis writes that Paul while in Rome wrote many letters to Christian communities in Europe. Josephus writes that he wrote letters to communities in Europe promoting his books. The 20th point reveals that Paul/Saul's letters from Rome were published by Epaphroditus, a secretary to Emperor Domitian. From Josephus, The 'publisher' of his works in Rome was Epaphroditus, secretary to Emperor Domitian. After reading the coincidences of Josephus and Paul/Saul, I began questioning if Josephus, a traitor to the Jewish cause in Jerusalem had an awakening after he was 'captured' and taken to Rome where he became a citizen of Rome. The only known record of the burning of Jerusalem comes from the historical writings of Josephus Flavius where he gives a first-hand account of Rome's assault on the Jewish Temple. Josephus writes that


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he was a former leader of the Jewish revolt and he surrendered to the Romans. By this act, he earned the favor of Emperor Vespasian and was made citizen of Rome. Josephus took on the family name of Vespasian and became known as Josephus Flavius. While researching information for my book Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls, I searched for information regarding Mary Magdalene and Jesus in a translation of Antiquities of the Jews by Josephus Flavius. I found no mention of them in the first translation. Later I wanted to verify this information and searched another translation. In the second translation, I found a small one paragraph regarding Jesus. There was no mention of Mary Magdalene. Based on the information given by author Ralph Ellis, I wonder if Josephus after he became a Roman citizen had a spiritual revelation and in order to absolve his guilt from betraying the Jewish Revolt created his alter ego Paul/Saul? From, there is an article, "Who was Paul in the Bible?" Before Paul's 'conversion,' he was a Pharisee and persecuted the people of the new Jewish movement, which led into Christianity. The article goes on to say that, many of Paul's writings are contradictory and it is wondered if he actually wrote the books in the N.T. attributed to him. It appears to be evident that Josephus created Paul/Saul and this is a hoax perpetuated on believing Christians. It really is not necessary to throw the baby out with the bathwater, as there are some worthwhile verses in both the O.T. and the N.T., which I will delve into, further into this book.


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Chapter 8

Few researchers of the Bible have delved into the two contemporary teachers of Jesus. One whose name is Simon Magus has very little history. However, the revered Catholic theologian, Irenaeus was allegedly a disciple of the Apostle John. Irenaeus lived from 115 202 C.E. and since the Church had never been formed until the Council of Nicea in 323 C.E., I doubt that he was part of a church that had not be created. Irenaeus is alleged to be one of the founders of Gnosticism. It is also doubtful that he was a disciple of the Apostle John. SIMON MAGUS Simon Magus called himself Son of God, which could mean that both he and Jesus were Sons of God each a son of the God within. The followers of Simon were known to cast out demons, lay hands on for healing and perform magical rituals. He was a Samaritan and according to the New Testament, Samaritans were avoided by the Jews, i.e. the parable on The Good Samaritan. He was known to levitate, to heal, and do most of the miracles that Jesus did. Simon had a female companion named Helen who traveled with him and I find it interesting that they have labeled her as a 'prostitute.' One of the popes also labeled Mary Magdalene as a prostitute. From his teachings came the formulations of the Simonians. "The Simonians were a Gnostic sect of the 2nd century which regarded Simon Magus as its founder and traced its doctrines, known as Simonians, back to him. The sect flourished in Syria, in various


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districts of Asia Minor and at Rome. In the 3rd century remnants of it still existed, [1] which survived until the 4th century." Much of what he taught and what he contributed has been destroyed. In the Book The Acts of the New Testament, chapter 8, verses 9 13, there is a Simon mentioned and this is in all probability Simon Magus. But there was a certain man, Simon by name, who beforetime in the city used sorcery, and amazed the people of Samaria giving out that himself was some great one" Simon Magus has been given labels of sorcery and magician by doing and creating the same as Jesus. "In the Philosophumena of Hippolytus, Simon's doctrine is recorded according to his reputed work, The Great Declaration, and it is evident that we have the doctrinal opinions of the Simonians as they had developed in the 2nd century. As Hippolytus himself in pointed out, it is an earlier form of the Valentinian doctrine, but there are things reminiscent of Aristotelian and Stoic physics. "The whole book is a mixture of Hellenism[and Hebraism, in which the same method of allegory is applied to Homer and Hesiod as to Moses. Starting from the assertion of Moses that God is "a devouring fire" (Deuteronomy 4:24), Simon combined therewith the philosophy of Heraclitus which made fire the first principle of all things. This first principle he denominated a "Boundless Power," and he declared it to dwell in the sons of men, beings born of flesh and blood. But fire was not the simple thing that the many imagined, and Simon distinguished between its hidden and its manifest qualities, maintaining, like John Locke, that the former were the cause of the latter. Like the Stoics he conceived of it as an intelligent being. From this ungenerated being sprang the


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generated world of which we know, whereof there were six roots, having each its inner and its outer side, and arranged as follows:" (See the diagram below.)


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The above diagram is public domain that I found on Wikipedia, along with this commentary: The Great Declaration

APOLLONIOUS OF TYANA The second great contemporary of Jesus was Apollonius of Tyana. Unlike Simon Magus, there is more information regarding his birth and upbringing. Records show that he was born in 4 B.C. and this does make him a contemporary of Jesus. The legend is that his birth was marked by great wonders. He received a gift of physical beauty, as were most of the males in Greece. He grew up in the province of Cappadocia and his father was a wealthy man, therefore he was surrounded by luxury. Growing up in this atmosphere, he enjoyed it. When he was fourteen, he became aware of the existence of two paths and chose the path not of riches, but to use his mind and seek knowledge. From what is known, he became a student of the Epicurean master Euxenes at Aegae where there was a temple of Asclepius. The priests were doctors and philosophers of the Pythagorean School. Apollonius traveled with a man named Damis who was his companion for the rest of his life. Having learned from the Pythagoras School, he went on to be initiated in the Hermetic School in Egypt. Could Jesus, Simon Magus and Apollonius attended the same school? It is a possibility. Apollonius was a noted traveler and traveled to India and it is reported that after his last visit that the borders were closed and thus began the dark ages with the fall of Rome and the rise of Christianity. He traveled often to Rome and be befriended many


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Roman statesmen and the Emperor Vespasian. He was noted for his numerous miracles, healings and be ability to bi-locate. This is documented. The Roman author Flavius Philostratus wrote of the life of Apollonius in 220 AD. The book disappeared in the Arab world and resurfaced in the 1500's according to the website On this website, one may purchase a copy of Apollonius of Tyana by Philostratus. From the Theosophy Trust, Memorial Library: "When Nero launched a severe persecution of philosophers in Rome, Musonius of Babylon was imprisoned and Apollonius sailed for Italy to see what could be done. Though thirty-four companions sailed with him, only eight dared to enter Rome with Apollonius. When interviewed by the sympathetic but frightened Telesinus, Apollonius refused to adjust his speech and public behavior to avoid confrontation with the emperor. Instead, he visited temples and sparked a spiritual revival in Rome. Tigellinus, Nero's chief henchman, arrested Apollonius and charged him with impiety against the emperor. Unrolling the scroll on which the charges had been written, Tigellinus found it utterly blank. He quickly released the sage. Apollonius met a funeral procession passing through the streets and discovered that the deceased had died in the hour she was to have been married. Apollonius ordered the bier set down, bent over and whispered into her ear, and the girl immediately awoke. He refused any reward for the act. The most famous of his deeds was his incarceration. "Euphrates went to Rome to convince the emperor that the sage was involved in a conspiracy against the throne. Domitian sent an order to the governor of Asia for the sage's arrest, but Apollonius'


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foreknowledge allowed him to depart for Rome before the order arrived. As Apollonius sailed up the Tiber to Rome, Aelian, a counsellor to Domitian who had met the sage in Egypt, outlined the charges and described the travesties of justice in the court. According to agreement, Aelian arrested Apollonius and put him in prison. Rather than prepare a defense, Apollonius spent his time encouraging the other prisoners. Damis protested that "it is a mistake to talk philosophy with men so broken in spirit as these". "Nay," answered the sage, "they are just the people who most want someone to talk to them and comfort them." Apollonius wrought such a transformation among the prisoners, though he was chained and his head shaven, that Domitian rapidly advanced the date of the trial. Damis worried that Apollonius would not have sufficient time to prepare his defense. "Are you going to defend your life ex tempore?" Damis asked. "Yes, by Heaven, for it is an ex tempore life that I have always lived. Damis wept to see his master cruelly fettered, but Apollonius insisted, "So far as it rests with the verdict of the court, I shall be set at liberty this day, but so far as depends upon my own will, now and here." Then, effortlessly slipping his foot out of the tight fetter, he added, "Here is proof positive to you of my freedom, so cheer up." Damis wrote that only then did he realize that Apollonius was not merely blessed by the gods, but was divine himself. Just before his trial, Apollonius sent Damis away by land to Dicaearchia, "for there you shall see me appear to you". "Alive, or how?" "Alive," Apollonius smiled, "but you will believe risen from the dead." The court was full to overflowing, for Domitian wanted many witnesses to see Apollonius revealed as a conspirator. Apollonius was not allowed to defend himself; rather, Domitian asked leading questions. "Why is it men call you a god?"


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"Because every man that is thought to be good is honored by the title of god." "What suggested your prediction to the Ephesians that they would suffer from a plague?" "I used a lighter diet than others, so I was the first sensible to the plague." Domitian, embarrassed at the effect such answers had on the audience, tried to adjourn the court but the sage interrupted: "Accord me opportunity to speak. If not, send someone to take my body, for my soul you cannot take. Nay, you cannot take even my body for thou shall not slay me, since I tell thee I am not mortal." And Apollonius vanished before the eyes of all. Domitian was so stunned he refused to order a hunt for the sage. At Dicaearchia Apollonius appeared to Damis, told him all that had happened and made plans to sail for Hellas. Thus, Apollonius shed his shackles and there is one possibility is that he arrived in India. Apollonius lived to be approximately 100 years. However, it was Jesus that the Council of Nicea chose to have as their Messiah.


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

Chapter 9

Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalenes history has been almost eradicated. In the New Testament, there are 12 times that her name is mentioned, according to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. It is assumed that when other women are mentioned that she is one of the unnamed women. Now is the time for the revelations of Mary Magdalene to be known. There are clues and these are what I have strived to decipher from the clues and false trails laid down by the Catholic Church and the Christian churches. I chose to write about Mary Magdalene in Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls because I sensed her time had come to be resurrected and her greatness known. Her name conjures different images for people. We can thank the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail for bringing it out into the open that Mary Magdalene and Jesus was married and they had children. This was in the 1980s and the book created a minor furor. There have been a number of fictionalized books written about her and the problem with those is that they use the New Testament gospels as the foundation for their plot and never give her the status she deserves. The DaVinci Code has been instrumental in shedding new information regarding her life however it really isnt new information. My book Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls gives a portrait of the Magdalene that is in all probability the closest to what her life was like. In my research, I have connected dots that others have missed.


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

Unfortunately, there are naysayers who want to hold on to their empty beliefs that have no real foundation. For the most part, there are scholars primarily men who are unwilling to accede that she was the wife of Jesus and bore children from their marriage. I have an issue with the so-called authorities who want to pick at the dry bones of the first four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. One scholar named Bart D. Ehrman wrote a book titled Truth and Fiction in The DaVinci Code and I have not read it. However, I have read two of his other books one of which is Peter, Paul, Mary Magdalene and he writes of what he tells people during his lectures and speaking engagements regarding The DaVinci Code. I quote: There are in fact mistakes all over the place, some of them howlers and some of them simply rooted in a misunderstanding of, or more likely an ignorance of what our ancient sources actually say about Jesus (and Mary Magdalene) . Ehrman goes on to say: But when it comes to Mary Magdalene, there are always two or three people who want to insist he meaning Dan Brown must have gotten it right. These are never people who are historians, who know the ancient sources and read them in their ancient languages Greek and Latin, for example. They are just regular folk who think it must have to be right: Jesus and Mary must have been married with kids, just because it makes sense. These quoted statements from my perspective indicate that Ehrman is spouting recycled ignorance and picking at the dry bones. The winners or those in power write history. History is slanted to the writers who want people to know what these writers want them to know. So many of the ancient texts whether they are in Greek, Latin or even Aramaic are biased because many of them were written by early men of the church. And they certainly didnt want to write the praises of a woman such as Mary Magdalene.


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No, they attempted to eradicate her and Pope Gregory I even went so far as to condemn her as a prostitute based on his own bigotry and prejudice. Even now, some people think she was and it was all a made up condemnation. The New Testament in its current forms is one of the most unreliable documents there is. Some well-known writers allege she was of the Hasmonean dynasty in order to give her status of royalty. The Hasmoneans were not what I would call a great dynasty. There was absolutely no proof that Mary Magdalene came from that lineage. In my research, it appears that the Hasmoneans were from the tribe of Levi. It is also alleged that Jesus was of the Davidic lineage, which the Hebrews claim come from the Tribe Judah. King Solomon being the son of King David was also of that lineage. It is also alleged that Mary Magdalene was from the tribe of Benjamin. During my research, I noted that in the N.T. that Mary and Joseph took Jesus to Egypt when King Herod was killing all the male children. Why would they go to Egypt unless they had relatives there? Why would Mary Magdalene go to Egypt when Jesus was crucified unless she had relatives there? Sarah, their daughter is called Sarah, the Egyptian and the fable is that she was the black maid that came with Mary Magdalene. As an aside, even though the gypsies claim Saint Sarah to be their own, it stands to reason that when Sarah became an adult that she followed in her mother's footsteps and also was a powerful woman. According to my research, the gypsies did not come from Egypt. Their origins were from India. After a few hundred years, they made it to what is now called Turkey and after the Emperor had them given the seeds of the plague, he sent them to Greece to take the plague to his enemy there. From there they spread out and


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wanting to have a name, claimed they were Egyptians and it was shortened to gypsies. Their origins was once noble until around 900 AD when they were captured from their homeland and made into slaves in Afghanistan. I have given the basis for what I purpose as James Cameron wrote in his Introduction to The Family Tomb of Jesus and that was history is a consensus of hallucination. And that is pretty much what we have been fed through the centuries. I am re-writing history as herstory. I am saying that Mary Magdalene was in all probability a member of royalty but not of the Hasmonean dynasty. My research indicates she could have been originally from Ethiopia and Egypt. For Jesus to teach what he did as given in the first four gospels he would have had to be an initiate in an ancient school of mystery and perhaps she was too. Why am I saying this? One has only to go to the Languedoc region of southern France and note the number of churches dedicated to Mary Magdalene. The Knights Templar was one of her champions. I noted that there were few churches dedicated to Jesus and in some areas of southern France, there are churches dedicated to John the Baptist. There is one thing that historical scholars never recognized. It wasn't until recently that science discovered the mitochondria. What are the mitochondria? It is a powerhouse of the cell and the mitochondria also carries within it the DNA for reproduction through the mother the matrilineal ancestor. It is the female who carries the lineage of the ancestry not the male, although the ancestry charts always use the male as the primary ancestor and in times past, the name of the mother was omitted. Therefore, it would be impossible to have a true bloodline if the mother's name is not given in the genealogy chart.


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

Laurence Gardner wrote The Magdalene Legacy in 2005. At the back of the book, he gives an extensive Bloodline of the Holy Grail going all the way back to 1008 BC. It is quite a fancy list, however there are too many omissions such as date of birth, the mothers names omitted, and I do not know where he received this information. I have heard Gardner speak a few times and he was eloquent, however I consider this bloodline of "Ancestors and Descendants of Jesus from King David to King Arthur," to be a work of fiction. To protect the lineage of Mary Magdalene and Jesus, evidence indicates that the Knights Templar were responsible for the Magdalene churches. There is also a Priory of Sion that is now making it known by the book Priory of Sion by Robert Howell. In reading Patrice Chaplin's book, City of Secrets, I learned what the name Sion means. It comes from Egypt. S = Seth; I = Isis; O = Osiris = N = Nephytys. Seth is known to be the god of the desert, storms and violence. Isis is known for motherhood and immortality. Osiris represents the god of the Dead. Nephytys represents immortality. The word Priory is defined as a religious house. It is interesting that the Priory of Sion appear to be the protectors of the bloodline of Mary Magdalene and Jesus. Mary Magdalene and Sarah were the females to pass the lineage down and who that would be is an unknown. The Merovingians are alleged to be the carriers of the bloodline; however, there is no known female although Clovis I had sons until he married a female named Clotilda. She was Christian, and under her guidance, she had Clovis accept Christianity, and Gregory of Tours, a Catholic bishop crowned him king. Katherine Scherman writes in her book The Birth of France Warriors, Bishops and Long-Haired Kings, the following:


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

Regarding the marital customs of Merovingian royalty the Church largely ignored its doctrine of monogamy. Alliance with influential families and the procreation of sons were the prevailing concerns of the ruling kings. Provided they did not openly mistreat their wives, and provided the wives themselves remained unstained, the Church prudently sanctioned whatever conjugal arrangements suited their temporal lords. The Church even respected, perforce, traditional Frankish usage in royal concubinage; illegitimacy reflected no taint on the children. Merovingian blood was above stigma. It mattered not whether a child was the offspring of a princess or a serving maid, nor whether his mother was or was not orthodoxy married to his father. If the Merovingian father acknowledged his son, the child was a Merovingian too. I have also heard it said that the lineage comes from the Hapsburg dynasty. So far, I have been unable to trace the lineage back to the first century A.D. This is especially true of the female line. If the Priory of Sion has it, then I would hope that they would give the lineage of Mary Magdalene. Until then, I will continue to revere her and to love her. She is indeed an icon of greatness.


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Chapter 10

It is a time to wonder why the Church suppressed almost all knowledge of Mary Magdalene and venerated the mother Mary as a virgin. There was no virgin birth and the Church fathers knew this. It served their purpose to stay in control of their flock. There has been almost no true knowledge of the life of Mary Magdalene except for a few references to her in the N.T. She certainly is not mentioned as being a whore or prostitute. That came later when Pope Gregory in the 5 th century declared her to be so, or that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus and a great teacher in her own right. She bore him two children. So why anyone should be surprised that there was actually a Pope Joan? All through the ages, the Catholic Church has been rife with lies, fraud, pedophiles, transvestites and homosexuals as priests and popes. The Christian churches have also echoed what the Church perpetuated. It is time to wake up and see the other side. There is also a trend of modern day authors to use the Old Testament as proof of genealogy regarding Jesus and his bloodline. In my research, I have found almost nothing regarding the era from one C.E. until approximately the 5th century that would indicate a thread linking to a genealogy of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Perhaps the Merovingian lineage is a link to the lineage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, however if one researches history, there could be more than one line. As for Jesus being the Messiah based on his lineage from King David, if one would think of how extensive this lineage is it would be quite large. King Solomon was the son of King David according to the O.T. The Queen Makeda of the country named Sheba paid a


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visit to Solomon and became pregnant by him. The issue of that union was a son named Menelik. The line of Menelik has been traced down through Ethiopian history. It would appear then that not only the Queen of Sheba was black, but also King Solomon. The late Emperor Halle Selassie I of Ethiopia claimed ancestral descendant from King David through King Solomon, extending to Jesus himself. Selassie was an Ethiopian Coptic Christian and carried the title Lion of Judah (Israel). In the O.T., there are many clues as to the color of skin. In Leviticus 13:3-33, Jehovah spoke to Moses and Aaron and gave quite a dissertation on the effects of leprosy and that if the effects were visible and the skin turned white along with the hair turning white, then it would be leprosy and the individual would be unclean. In Numbers 12:10 the Jehovah is talking again to Moses and Aaron, and after Jehovah departed Moses wife Miriam, an Ethiopian, was struck with leprosy and her skin turned white as snow. It is known that the effects of leprosy leaves the skin white on a black or dark skin person and dark on a white skin person. At this time, the Christian world is not ready to accept the possibility that Jesus had black skin and all these hundreds of years, they perhaps have been worshipping a man whose skin is black. If his skin was dark, then so was his mother and fathers. Therefore, Mary Magdalene also had black skin as well as the Apostles. Through intermarriage, skin tones became lighter. The DaVinci Codes popularity has brought forth a large faction of naysayers. His research is being picked to pieces and this indicates the Church and Christian leaders are in fear that the greatest fraud perpetuated on humankind has been revealed and that the people may accept it. It is understandable because it would take away their power and


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authority of being the so-called experts. Science also has the same problem. Usually when a scientist makes a startling discovery, the naysayers come out of the closet. It is threatening to reputations and credibility. What kind of a world would this be if the majority of humanity woke up and rejected this fraud? Who would lose their power? Who would lose control? Who would gain their freedom? It is something to consider. Isnt it time we took Jesus down from the cross and took responsibility for our lives and our decisions? Isnt it time we took the sword he said he had brought the sword of truth and the meaning is to use it to conquer our own limitations and emotions? It can be a wonderful world.


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

Chapter 11

The Meaning of Amen

The word Amen is familiar to millions of English-speaking Christians, Jews and Muslims worldwide. Prayers of these three major monotheistic religions are typically closed with the word, "Amen." For many the word Amen means, "so be it," or "it is so." In the Western world of religion the credit for the word is given to the Hebrew texts of the Old Testament, or Jewish Torah. Christians adopted the word, as well as the Muslims. However, the origin of the word is under contention. It does not, says one Elizabeth City State University professor, trace its roots back to the Hebrew people; rather, the word can be traced to predynastic Egypt, in the area of Africa known as the Sudan. The word (Amen) pre-dates ancient Egypt, says history professor, Jahi Issa. It means the unseen principles of God. Issa is co-author with another scholar, Salim Faraji, of the book The Origin of the Word Amen: Ancient Knowledge the Bible Has Never Told, and it suggests far more than a simple origin of one of the most uttered words in the world. Issa started the journey toward his discovery when he began making trips to Africa, 26 in all so far. He would travel back and forth between Ghana and Egypt. Through his travels and studies, Issa says, he began to notice similarities between ancient Egyptian culture and contemporary Ghana. That observation led him to academic books on divine kingship and ancient cultures including one from an Oxford University professor who pointed him to the Akan people of Ghana.


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

In 1999 there was an article in the New York Times and the article, Issa says, reported on the "DNA connection between the Lemda [e.g. the correct spelling is Lemba, Fine's insert] people of southern Africa and the early Hebrew people." Through that article and other academic research, Issa came up with several realizations. One was that the origins of early biblical figures such as the Hebrews were most likely African, not Palestinian Arabs. Two, the word Amen is derived from a pre-dynastic Egyptian culture found in the Sudan. In essence, Issa is making the claim that there was an ancient kingship similar to Egypt that gave birth to the dynastic pharaohs of the Nile region who happen to be from the Sudan. Those people not only influenced the Egyptian dynasties, but they also migrated northwest to what is now Ghana and their culture can be seen in the West Africa to this day. What does this have to do with the word Amen? Issa suggests that the word Amen has its roots in the ancient name for the pharaoh or in some cases spelled Amun. In his book, he points out that the word Amen can be found in much of ancient Africa's culture and that it predates the Hebrew people. What does the book and its claims mean to contemporary society? The significance of the book is that historically when it comes to religion, because of Europe's 500-year dominance of the world, people have been misled to think the people of the Bible were European, and they were not. They were people of color, says Issa. In other words, if the origin of the word Amen is ancient Sudanese, it possibly means that the world's three major monotheistic religions owe their beginnings to that region and not what we know as


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the Middle East. It would also suggest that, as Issa puts it, Jesus was a black man with kinky hair. For many contemporary scholars, the idea that Jesus was likely akin to contemporary Palestinian people is not far-fetched. A few have gone so far as to maintain that Jesus had the same physical traits as a man from, say, Ghana. Isa, along with other scholars, is firm in his belief and is certain that even the origins of humankind, according to the Bible, can be found in Africa. Issa claims, Eden is in Ethiopia, and the Book of Genesis says this much. For Issa, it is a significant step toward bringing people together to convince them that yes, the world woes much of its cultural and religious origins to Africa. He hopes one say all churches will depict Jesus as a black man, and not asunder, because of the color of one's kin. Issa is certain that there are many scholars and people in the general public would give him and "Amen" on that point.


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It was in 1978 when I began seeking some meaning to my life when I met a beautiful soul named Mary Peters. She introduced me to a new reality that some will label New Age or New Thought. I became a sponge soaking up what I was learning. Even though I grew up in the Methodist faith, I had no attachment to it. When I married and had children, I would take them to church now and then. They showed no attachment to religion. I taught them to be honest, do not lie, do not cheat and to be kind to others. Today, they are living what I taught. In 1980, I was asked to attend an evening class of a ministerial Divine Science School and I liked what I heard. In the fall of 1980, I enrolled as a student and in 1981 became an ordained minister of Divine Science. I learned much from this experience. It was a stepping stone to more knowledge. In 1982, my husband and I attended a spiritual week of workshops with Dr. Brugh Joy and David Spangler in Asilomar, California. One evening we were introduced to three people who would channel their entities. I was not into channeling and I lay back on the floor. (We had no chairs). The first two bored me and the third was a petit blonde from Tacoma, Washington. I did not realize that she was actually leaving her body until much later. The entity Ramtha took over her body and the moment 'he' said 'Indeed,' I sat up like a bolt of lightning. I cannot remember what he said, however I knew that I knew him and that he was a Master Teacher. In 1988 I became a student of the Ramtha School of Enlightenment, an Academy of the Mind, and I am still a current student applying what I have been taught and researching what I enjoy doing.


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I never fully understood the Bible until I began my odyssey into research when I began writing my book Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls in 2003. This book is a work of fiction based on information I uncovered. I discovered my love for research. I wanted to know and to understand. I am a seeker of truth. We are now living in the age of revelations and that which has been hidden is now being revealed. The books listed in the Bibliography are now in my personal library. Bettye Johnson November 2011


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

BIRKS, Walter and GILBERT, R.A., The Treasure of Montsegur, The Aquarian Press, UK, 1987 BUSHBY, Tony, The Bible Fraud, The Pacific Blue Group, Inc., Hong Kong 2001 BUSHBY, Tony, The Secret in the Bible, Stanford Publishing Group, Queensland, Australia, 2003 BUSHBY, Tony, The Crucifixion of Truth, Joshua Books, Queensland, Australia, 2004 CHURCH, J.R., Guardians of the Grail, Prophecy Publications, Oklahoma City, OK, Revised Edition: September 1989 DORESSE, Jean, The Secret Books of the Egyptian Gnostics; Inner Traditions, Rochester, VT. 1st U.S. Edition, 2006. EHRMAN, Bart D., Lost Christianities, Oxford University Press, New York, New York, 2003 EHRMAN, Bart D., Peter, Paul, & Mary Magdalene, Oxford University Press, New York, New York 2006. ELLIS, Ralph, Tempest & Exodus, Edfu, Books, Cheshire, U.K. 2nd edition 2006

ELLIS, Ralph Jesus Last of the Pharaohs, First published by Edfu Books, Cheshire in UK
1998, Adventures Unlimited, Kempton, Illinois, USA 1998. 4th Edition 2006 ELLIS, Ralph, King Jesus, Edfu Books, Cheshire, UK, 2008 ELLIS, Ralph, Solomon Falcon of Sheba, Edfu Books, Cheshire, U.K. 2002 FOX, Emmett, The Sermon on the Mount, Harper& Row, Publishers, New York and Evanston, USA 1938, 3rd Edition


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible GADALLA, Moustafa, Historical Deception, The Untold Story of Ancient Egypt, Tehuti
Research Foundation, Greensboro, NC, USA, 1999, 2nd edition GADALLA, Moustafa, The Ancient Egyptian Roots of Christianity; Tehuti Research Foundation, Greensboro, NC, USA 2007 GAFFNEY, Mark H., Gnostic Secrets of the Naassenes, Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont, 2004 GARDNER, Laurence, The Magdalene Legacy, Element, An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers, London, UK, 2005. GOODRICH, B.J., The Book of Jubilees, reprint from an edition, Oberline, Ohio 1888 HASKINS, Susan, Mary Magdalene, Myth and Metaphor, Harcourt Brace & Co., Orlando, Florida 1993 HOPKINS, Marilyn, SIMMANS, Graham & WALLACE-MURPHY, Tim, Rex Deus, Element Books Limited 2000, Boston, MA USA JACOBOVICI, Simcha and PELLEGRINO, Charles, The Jesus Family Tomb, Harper Collins, New York, New York. 2007 JOHNSON, Bettye, Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls, Living Free Press, Rainier, WA. 2nd edition 2005 KASSER, Rodolphe, MEYER, Marvin and WURST, Gregor, The Gospel of Judas, National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. 2006

Kenyon, J. Douglas, Edited by, Forbidden History, Bear & Company, division of Inner
Traditions International, Rochester, Vermont, USA 2005


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

KERSTEN, Holger, Jesus Lived in India, 1st Edition: Element Books Ltd, Shaftesbury, Dorset, England, 1986, 2nd Edition: Element, Inc., Rockport, MA 01966 1994 KEYS, David, Catastrophe, An Investigation Into the Origins of the Modern World , Arrow Books Limited, The Random House Group Limited, London, UK. 2000 LAURENCE, Richard, LLD, Translated from the Ethiopic Original, Reprint: The Book of Enoch. Original edition 1882 by John Thompson, Glasgow, Scotland, Publisher Artisan Sales, Thousand Oaks, CA. MITCHELL, John, New Light on the Ancient Mystery of Glastonbury , Gothic Image Publication, Glastonbury, Somerset, UK 2nd Impression 1992 PHILLIPS, Graham, 12 Tribes 10 Plagues the 2 Men who were Moses. Ulysses Press, Berkley, CA, USA, 2003

Osman, Ahmed; Christianity an Ancient Egyptian Religion; Bear & Company, Rochester,
Vermont, division Inner Traditions, International. 1998. Originally published in UK in 1998 by Century under title, Out of Egypt: The Roots of Christianity Revealed. 1998 OSMAN, Ahmed, The Hebrew Pharaohs of Egypt, Bear and Co., Rochester, VT, 2003, 2nd Edition OSMAN, Ahmed, Moses and Akhenaten, Bear and Co, Rochester, VT., 2002, 2nd Edition PICKNETT, Lynn, PRINCE, Clive, The Templar Revelation: Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ. Simon & Schuster, Touchstone, New York, New York 1998 PICKNETT, Lynn, Mary Magdalene, Christianity's Hidden Goddess, Carroll & Graf Publishers, UK, 2003 PICKNETT, Lynn & PRINCE, Clive, Turin Shroud, Harper Collins Publishers, New York, NY 2004, 1st U.S. Edition.


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

PINKHAM, Mark Amaru, Guardians of The Holy Grail, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois 2004 ROBINSON, James M., General Editor, The Nag Hammadi Library, Harper & Row Publishers, San Franco, CA,

Sabbah, Messod and Roger; Secrets of the Exodus; Helios Press, Imprint of Allworth,
Communications, New York 2003; First published in French by Jean-Cyrille Godefroy, 2000; First published in English by Thorsons, 2002 SALIBI, Kamal S., Who Was Jesus?, I.B. Tauris and Co. Ltd, New York, NY, 2nd Edition 2002 SCHERMAN, Katherine, Birth of France Warriors Bishops and Long-Haired Kings. Random House, Inc. New York, 1987. SITCHIN, Zecharia, The Earth Chronicles: The 12th Planet, Book I; The Stairway to Heaven, Book II; The Wars of Gods and Men, Book III; The Lost Realms, Book IV; Genesis Revisited; When Time Began, Book V; The Cosmic Code, Book VI; The End of Days; Divine Encounters. SITCHIN, Zecharia, There Were Giants Upon the Earth, Bear & Co., Rochester, VT. 2010 STRONG, James, S.T.D., LL.D., Strong's' Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, 1890, First edition printed April 1894. Thirty-sixth printing 1977. Abingdon, Nashville. TABOR, James D., The Jesus Dynasty, Simon & Schuster, New York, New York, 2006. THE HOLY BIBLE, Standard Edition, Thomas Nelson, Publishers, Nashville, Camden, New York, 1901. TWYMAN, Tracy R., The Merovingian Mythos. Dragon Key Press, Portland, Oregon, 2004.


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

VELIKOVSKY, Immanuel, Ages in Chaos: Ramses II and His Time, Doubleday, New York, New York, 1978 *My research encompassed numerous websites on Internet that were too lengthy to place in this bibliography.


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible


Moving from the cotton fields in Texas to the embassies of Paris and Tokyo, Bettye Johnson has a woven tapestry of experiences. Born in 1929, she has experienced the Great Depression along with an environment of bigotry, prejudice and with many moves became a free thinker. Employed in the Foreign Service of the U.S. State Department with tours at the embassy in Paris and the embassy in Tokyo, Johnson received a fascinating nonacademic education. She left the Foreign Service to further her experiences by becoming the wife of a career military man, mother of three sons, a government employee, Federal Womens Program Coordinator for a government district office, program director of a holistic health center, minister, and now an author. Bettye Johnson is the award-winning author of Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls, an Independent Publishers Book Award Winner 2006 and Mary Magdalene, Her Legacy, an Independent Publishers Book Award Winner 2008. Her other books are A Christmas Awakening and Awakening the Genie Within. Bettye is a popular speaker and has conducted workshops on various topics. Her website is and where she posts many of her articles. You can also follow Bettye on Facebook and Twitter.


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

To the Journey!


What the Blank Do You Know About the Bible

Writer's Digest Commentary

Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls ~ Judge's Commentary ~ 2007 What did you like best about this book? Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls is a tantalizing story depicting the discovery of ancient scrolls about Mary Magdalene and Jesus. Though it covers some of the same ground as the Da Vinci Code, the writing is infinitely better and far more believable. The heroines in the story are more realistic and the adventures described in a truer voice along with a possible time-linesomething much lacking in Dan Brown's tale. Whether the reader chooses to believe what is revealed in story form or not, the book is entertaining from beginning to end. How can the author improve this book? No suggestionsthe author knows how to write and tell a compelling and convincing Story. Hopefully the promotion for this book will be enough to make those who read the Da Vinci Code want to read the Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls.

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