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The University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Global MBA Yangon Offshore Programme Batch 2

Final examination A!g!st 2"#$

Course code/title : BA 511 Marketing Management Lecturer : Dr Aaron Loh Date : Saturday, 2 th August 2!1"

Mark Allocations:
#his e$amination %a%er consists o& '() si$ *uestions+ Students to com%ulsorily ans,er -uestion 1 &ollo,ed .y any other ' ) &our *uestions &rom the remaining 5: /ach *uestion carries e*ual marks o& 2!0
Instructions: Answers to be submitted to the following email : DrAaronLohAug2013@gmail com latest b! "unda! 2#th 11 ##$m %lease kindl! note that # marks will be deducted for each da! after the submission deadline

&ase Article 'aht further slides against ( #1/ 2A#342, A5/2C3/S August 22, 2!1" 1:!! am )ALLI*+ ,- a one.!ear low !esterda! at 31 /20 the baht has suffered from de$reciation against the 1" dollar along with most currencies Com%ared ,ith this year6s %eak o& 270(2, registered on A%ril 18, the .aht has &allen .y 11017 %er cent0 3t has ,eakened .y %er cent &rom "!0(! at end92!120 :oreign in;estors are %ulling money out o& de;elo%ing economies amid s%eculation that the <S :ederal =eser;e ,ill %are stimulus that has &uelled demand &or emerging9market assets0 3n;estors %ulled <S>70 .illion &rom de;elo%ing9nation e$change9traded &unds this year as economies &rom 3ndonesia to 3ndia ,eakened ,hile the :ed is %ulling out o& its *uantitati;e9easing %rogramme0 At %ress time, the :ederal 4%en Market Committee6s minutes o& its ?uly meeting had not yet .een %u.lished0 A Bloom.erg sur;ey o& economists &ound that (5 %er cent o& res%ondents %redicted the :ed ,ould ta%er .ond %urchases ne$t month0 Data sho,ed that net9sells o& #hai .onds this month ha;e reached >5"! million or nearly Bt1(08 .illion0 Mean,hile, a&ter the single9day net9sell o& Bt110 .illion in #hai stocks on #uesday and then Bt50@ .illion yesterday, year to date, &oreign net9sells o& #hai shares reached Bt1!(0@ .illion0 ABasically, sentiment &or emerging9market assets is ,eak due to s%eculation a.out the :ed6s ta%ering,A #sutomu Soma, a manager o& the &i$ed9income .usiness unit at =akuten Securities 3nc in #okyo, told Bloom.erg0 A:unds are &lo,ing out &rom emerging markets0 4n to% o& that, #hailand6s gro,th concerns are adding do,n,ard %ressure0A A day a&ter the 2ational /conomic and Social De;elo%ment Board announced the second9*uarter economic data on Monday, the .aht &ell &rom "102! to "105"0 #he currency yesterday dro%%ed !05 %er cent to "1072 %er dollar as o& "0 1%m in Bangkok a&ter touching "107" earlier, the ,eakest le;el since ?uly 2!12, according to data com%iled .y Bloom.erg0

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The University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Global MBA Yangon Offshore Programme Batch 2

Final examination A!g!st 2"#$

1) 4n .asis o& your reading o& Case Article 1, descri.e your kno,ledge and
understanding o&: A) Bhat had gone on ,ith the economic de;elo%ment in the <nited States since the &inancial crisis that had led to the e;ents in the case articleC B) #he im%ortance o& the ne,s in the case article to a .usiness %ro&essional in the &ield o& Marketing Management C) :actors that can a&&ect the currency ;alue o& the #hai Baht 2) #he conce%ts o& marketing management are o& %aramount im%ortance to a .usiness %ro&essional in general0 A0 <sing a%%ro%riate e$am%le/s+ descri.e your understanding o& creating ;alue, deli;ering ;alue consistently and adding ;alue0 B0 /$%lain your understanding o& a .rand and its im%ortance to a .usiness organiDation0 C0 1o, does a .usiness %ro&essional trained in marketing looks &or customers ") #he :inancial Crisis ,as started in the <nited States0 Descri.e: A) Eour understanding o& the un&olding e;ents that had led to the crisis B) 1o, the general understanding o& the Fmacroeconomic en;ironment o& Go.s, consum%tion and economic sentiments contri.uted to the a.o;e un&olding e;ents descri.ed in 'A) C) Eour kno,ledge o& the economic situation in the /uro%ean countries today associated ,ith the same e;ents ) 4n the 1st o& ?anuary, 2!1(, all the countries in the region ,ill .egin the &ormal im%lementation o& FA/CH0

A) /$%lain your understanding o& the im%lementation, and descri.e ho, its im%lementation may ha;e great im%act to Marketing Management0 B) #he com.ined 5DIs o& Asean is Gust o;er <S> 2 trillion0 Scri..le a diagram sho,ing the countries in Asean , its ca%ital city, estimated %o%ulation and 5DI siDes0 C) #he im%lementation ,ill .e &urther enhanced .y FAsean J"H and FAsean J(H0 Assuming you are a young entre%reneur u%on com%leting your MBA, descri.e your %ath to,ards great .usiness success ma$imiDing on your kno,ledge in Marketing Management0

5) Customers o&ten are attracted to something &ree0 <sing a%%ro%riate e$am%le/s Descri.e, " di&&erent manners a .usiness %ro&essional can achie;e .usiness success .y marketing something F&reeH

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The University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Global MBA Yangon Offshore Programme Batch 2

Final examination A!g!st 2"#$

23 4ou ha5e 6ust com$leted a marketing management course at the +lobal M'A $rogramme at 1,&& Describe three 73 3 to$ics that !ou had also learned0 but do not howe5er0 ha5e a chance to show !our knowledge of the sub6ect in this written e8am in the abo5e 2 9uestions

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