Test B Intermediate

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READING COMPREHENSION Read the passage and answer the following questions: The key to a successful job interview is preparation. This means that you should start by focusing on your CV and doing some pre-interview research. It is very important to make sure your CV is up-to-date and free of mistakes. Also, you should make use of the Internet , as well as magazines and newspapers, in order to gather information about the company or organization you are applying to. Furthermore, you must know some things about the specific job position, including general responsibilities and daily duties. Next, it is helpful to prepare for the interview itself by answering typical interview questions. Interviewers will usually ask you about what interests you in the company and the position you are applying for. You can try answering these questions in front of a friend or family member. Videotaping yourself might help you as well. Seeing your facial expressions, gestures, and body language can help you decide how to improve your answers and how to express yourself. 1. Why do you think preparation is important for a successful job interview? 2. What information can a CV include and why is it important for it to be up-todate and free of mistakes? 3. In what way can the Internet be useful in the preparation stage? 4. How can videotaping help in achieving a successful interview? B. VOCABULARY 1. Explain the following words in English or write a sentence making their meaning clear. a. expression b. gesture c. nervous d. upset 2. Choose make or do ________an excuse ________my best ________plans _________a favour 3. Complete with the correct form of the word a. The postman brought an ___________________ (invite). b. We are finished with all the party _____________ (arrange).

a. b. c. d.

C. GRAMMAR 1. Complete the sentence using the word given and 3 to 5 words

a. I would prefer to stay home tonight.


I ______________________________stay home tonight. b. You should ask your parents for permission. (had)

You _______________________________your parents for permission. c. I found these old photographs in the attic. (came)

I ______________________________ these old photographs in the attic.

2. Complete with Present perfect Continuous or Simple past. Chris ______________________(teach) Maths since 1998. Last week he ________________(put) a test which his students ____________(find) quite difficult. Chris ______________________(listen)to complaints since he started his teaching career.

D. WRITING Write a short job interview (dialogue) between a potential employee and employer concerning the vacancy as a hotel receptionist. If you wish, you may choose another job. Remember to be polite and to use the appropriate language and style in order for the interview to be successful.

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