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What is Storage Group?

Storage Group is a grouping of Mai !ox and"or #u! ic $o der %ata!ases& which shares a sing e !ac'up schedu e and a sing e set of (ransaction og fi es) Storage Groups are *anaged using their separate server process and the idea !ehind sp itting data!ases up in Storage Groups is pri*ari + to reduce the overhead that resu ts fro* *u tip e sets of transaction og fi es)

What are the storage group and data!ase si,e i*itations in Exchange 200-& co*pared with Exchange 200.?
Exchange Server 200. Standard edition supported 1Storage Group and 2 Stores / one Mai !ox and one #u! ic $o der Store 0when exc uding the 1ecover+ Storage Group of course2) Exchange Server 200. Enterprise Edition supported a tota of 3 Storage Groups each containing a *axi*u* of 4 store data!ases per Storage Groups 0thus *axi*u* 20 data!ases per server2) (he i*it of a data!ase si,e in Exchange Server 200. Standard edition was 15G6 0a though raised to -4 G6 when Exchange 200. Service #ac' 2 was app ied2) (here was no i*it on a data!ase si,e when ta 'ing a!out Exchange Server 200. Enterprise edition 7we actua + there is a 15(era!+te i*it !ut this i*it is caused !+ hardware2) Exchange Server 200- co*es in two f avours& a standard edition and an enterprise edition& 8ust i'e previous versions of Exchange) (he Mai !ox Server when ta 'ing a!out the Exchange Server 200- Standard edition supports a tota of 4 Storage Groups and 4 data!ases) 9n i'e Exchange 200. and previous versions of Exchange there:s no onger a data!ase storage i*it in the standard edition) (he Mai !ox server in the Exchange 200- Enterprise edition supports up to 40 Storage groups and a *axi*u* of 40 data!ases per server) Exchange 200- a ows +ou to create up to 4 data!ases in each Storage Group as is the case with Exchange 200.& !ut !est practice is to create 1data!ase per Storage Group) So wh+ shou d +ou have a one to one re ationship !etween storage groups and data!ases? We pri*ari + !ecause +ou: !e up and running a ot faster considering disaster recover+ scenarios& etc) ;o Storage Groups In Exchange 2010)<< Exchange 2010 has on + *ai !ox data!ases and the+ are organi,ationa o!8ects in EM=) Mai !ox data!ases no onger connected to the server o!8ect the+ !eco*e >#eers<) %ata!ase *anage*ent has a so !een *oved fro* Server configuration node in exchange conso e EM=) (he *ai !ox data!ases are p aced in the ?rgani,ation =onfiguration /@Mai !ox ocation in the conso e rather than the server eve in exchange 200-) (he data!ase na*es has to !e uniAue through out the exchange organi,ation as we ) (his *eans that we can:t have dup icate *ai !ox data!ase na*es i'e in 200- 0in different storage groups& of course2) As there are no storage groups& this wi a so *ean that the data!ase wi have its own ogs as we ))) ?ne of the goa s of ESE in Exchange 2010 is to reduce the cost of *aintaining and *anaging a data!ase) %ata!ase *aintenance is co*prised of severa tas's that *anage and 'eep the integrit+ of +our *ai !ox data!ase) %ata!ase fo owingB *aintenance Is divided Into the

Store *ai !ox *aintenance Created by Aslam Kader

ESE data!ase *aintenance In Exchange 200-& ESE data!ase *aintenance was dis'/intensive) In Exchange 2010& i*prove*ents have !een *ade to increase perfor*ance) In Exchange 2010& on arge or ver+ heav+ profi e servers& the store *ai !ox *aintenance tas' on + asts approxi*ate + 34 *inutes& whi e ESE data!ase *aintenance usua + too' fro* six to eight hours per
night to co*p ete on arge Exchange 200- data!ases 02 G6 Auotas2) In Exchange 2010& i*prove*ents have !een *ade to support !oth arge *ai !oxes as we as to support C6?% storage and storage without the use of 1AI%) Microsoft Exchange architectureB < < < Server 2010 inc udes *an+ i*prove*ents to the Exchange data!ase

#u! ic fo der reporting has !een enhanced) %ata!ases are no onger associated with storage groups) Storage groups have !een re*oved) Invest*ents in store sche*a and Extensi! e Storage Engine 7ESE2 opti*i,ations have reduced ?#S !+ -0 percent)

%escri!e the differences in the per*ission *ode !etween Exchange 200. and Exchange 2010)
Exchange Mode 200. Securit+ and #er*issions

(o he p si*p if+ *anage*ent of per*issions& Exchange Server 200. provided predefined securit+ ro es that were avai a! e in the Exchange 200. Ad*inistrative %e egation Wi,ard) (hese ro es were a co ection of standardi,ed per*issions that cou d !e app ied at either the organi,ation or the ad*inistrative group eve ) In Exchange 200.& the fo owing securit+ ro es were avai a! e through the %e egation Wi,ard in Exchange S+ste* ManagerB Exchange $u Ad*inistrator Exchange Ad*inistrator Exchange Diew Ad*inistrator (his *ode i*itationsB had the

?n +

fo owing

A ac' of specificit+) (he Exchange Ad*inistrator group was too arge& and so*e custo*ers wanted to *anage their securit+ and per*issions *ode at the individua server/ eve ) A perception that the Exchange Server 200. securit+ ro es on + differed in su!t e wa+s) (here was no c ear separation !etween ad*inistration of users and groups !+ the Windows 0Active %irector+2 ad*inistrators and Exchange recipient ad*inistrators) $or exa*p e& to perfor* Exchange recipient re ated tas's& +ou had to grant Exchange ad*inistrators high eve per*issions 0Account ?perator per*issions on Windows do*ains2) Exchange Mode 200Securit+ and #er*issions

(o i*prove the *anage*ent of +our Exchange ad*inistrator ro es& which were ca ed Esecurit+ groupsE in Exchange 200.& the fo owing new or i*proved features have !een *ade to the Exchange securit+ and per*issions *ode B

;ew ad*inistrator groups)

ro es that is si*i ar to the !ui t/in Windows Server securit+

Fou can use the Exchange Manage*ent =onso e 0for*er + Exchange S+ste* Manage*ent She to view& add& and re*ove *e*!ers fro* an+ ad*inistrator ro e)

Manager2 and the Exchange

What:s ;ew in Exchange Server 200S# ?

Fou can insta Exchange 200- S# on a co*puter that is running the Windows Server 200G operating s+ste* I*prove*ent in Microsoft ?ut oo' We! Access 0?WA2 1ecover %e eted Ite*s Hoca %istri!ution Hist S"MIME feature #u! ic $o der 1u es Month + view ;ew the*es

What:s ;ew in Exchange Server 200- S#2?

Fou can dep o+ Exchange Server 2010 in +our organi,ation once a of the = ient Access servers in +our organi,ation have !een upgraded to Exchange Server 200- Service #ac' 2 0S#22) Exchange 200- Service #ac' 2 inc udes a DSS p ug/in for Windows Server 6ac'up to support Exchange !ac'ups) ?nce S#2 is insta ed& +ou can use Windows Server 6ac'up to !ac' up and restore +our Exchange 200- S#2 data!ases) ;ew Exchange auditing events and audit og repositor+ ena! e Exchange ad*inistrators to *ore easi + audit the activities occurring on their Exchange servers)

What:s ;ew in Exchange Server 200- S#.?

Windows Server 200G 12 Support Exchange Server 200- S#. supports a Exchange 200- ro es on the Windows Server 200G 12 operating s+ste*) Windows - Support Exchange 200- S#. supports the insta ation of the Exchange 200- *anage*ent too s on a co*puter that is running Windows -) Additiona +& Exchange 200- S#. provides support for the insta ation of the Exchange 200Manage*ent (oo s together with the Exchange Server 2010 Manage*ent (oo s on the sa*e Windows -/!ased co*puter) I*proved #assword 1eset $unctiona it+ Exchange 200- S#. introduces password reset functiona it+ for Internet Infor*ation Services 0 iS2 -) 9pdated Search $unctiona it+ Exchange 200- S#. inc udes updates to the Exchange Search 0MS/Search2 co*ponent) Support for 1ight/to/Heft %isc ai*er (ext Exchange 200- S#. inc udes support for 1ight/to/Heft text in e/*ai *essage disc ai*ers in a right/to/ eft anguage& such as Ara!ic)

What are the *a8or changes in the wa+ Exchange 2010 stores wor'? ;a*e so*e of the changes in co*parison with Exchange 200. and Exchange 200-)
(he fo owing is a ist of core store functiona it+ that:s inc uded or has !een changed in Exchange 2010B

Created by Aslam Kader

< < < < <

%eprecated storage groups Mai !ox data!ases no onger connected to the server o!8ect I*prove*ents in Extensi! e Storage Engine 0ESE2 for high avai a!i it+& perfor*ance& and data!ase *o!i it+ $ attened ?ut oo' store sche*a Enhanced reporting with pu! ic fo ders

In Exchange 2010& the store sche*a has !een changed to re*ove the dependenc+ of *ai !ox data!ases on the server o!8ect) In addition& the new sche*a has !een i*proved to he p reduce data!ase 1/0! per second 0 ?#S2 !+ refactoring the ta! es used to store infor*ation) 1efactoring the ta! es a ows higher ogica contiguit+ and oca it+ of reference) (hese changes reduce the store:s re iance on the secondar+ indexes *aintained !+ ESE) As a resu t& the store is no onger sensitive to perfor*ance issues re ated to the secondar+ indexes) Store resi ience and hea th has a so !een i*proved !+ adding severa features re ated to detecting and correcting errors and providing a erts& such as the fo owingB < < < Mai !ox Auarantine on rogue *ai !oxes (ransport cut/off to data!ases with ess than 1G6 of space (hread ti*e/out detection and reporting

;a*e the s+ste* prereAuisites for insta ing Exchange 200- in +our existing Active %irector+ forest)
Windows Server 200."12 x53 S#2 Windows Server 200G x53 Microsoft );E( $ra*ewor' Dersion .)0"Microsoft );E( $ra*ewor' Dersion 2)0 0with update"S#12 Microsoft Windows #owerShe Microsoft Manage*ent =onso e 0MM=2.)0 ;etwor' ;ews (ransfer #rotoco 0;;(#2 service *ust not !e insta ed) Si*p e Mai (ransfer #rotoco 0SM(#2 service *ust not !e insta ed) iS 7for?WA2

;a*e the s+ste* prereAuisites for insta ing Exchange 2010?

1/ Genera #rereAuisitesB Ma'e sure that the functiona eve of +our forest is at east Windows Server 200.& and that the Sche*a Master is

running Windows Server 200. with Service #ac' 2 or ater) (he fu insta ation option of Windows Server 200G S#2/53!it or Windows Server 200G 12/53!it *ust !e used for a servers running Exchange 2010 server ro es) 6oth Windows Server 200G S#2/53!it or Windows Server 200G 12/53!it Standard I Enterprise are supported and we can use the* to insta Exchange 2010) %;S *ust configure correct + in +our Active %irector+ forest) A servers that run Exchange Server 2010 *ust !e a! e to ocate Active %irector+ do*ain contro ers& g o!a cata og servers& and other Exchange servers) $or a server ro es other than the Edge (ransport server ro e& +ou *ust first 8oin the co*puter to the appropriate interna Active %irector+ forest and do*ain) 2/ ?perating S+ste* =o*ponents #rereAuisitesB

Microsoft );E( $ra*ewor' .)4 Service #ac' 10S#12 Windows 1e*ote Manage*ent 0Win1M2 2)0 Windows #owerShe D2 iS AS#);E ( In addition to the a!ove& we need to insta the fo owing windows co*ponents 0features2B 1SA(/A%%S 0reAuires a re!oot2 We!/Server We!/ISA#I/ Ext We!/Meta!ase We!/H)gc+/Mg*t/=onso e We!/6asic/Auth

Created by Aslam Kader

We!/%igest/Auth We!/Windows/Auth We!/%+n/=o*pression ;et/J(I#/ Activation 1#=/over/J(I#/#rox+ ./ Software #rereAuisitesB $or Ju! (ransport or Mai !ox server ro e& Microsoft $i ter #ac' is reAuired to !e insta ed) Fou can down oad the Microsoft $i ter #ac' fro* the Microsoft we!site)

Jow wou d +ou easi + insta a the Windows Server 200G 12 ro es and features reAuired for Exchange 2010?
Exchange Server 2010 Service #ac' 1a ows us to insta Auto*atica + insta option wi a ?perating S+ste* prereAuisites using 8ust the Exchange Setup wi,ard) When we use the Exchange Server 2010 S#1 Setup wi,ard& there is a new option ca ed Windows Server ro es and features reAuired for Exchange Server) Cust !+ c ic'ing on that !e insta ed a prereAuisites auto*atica +)

Insta ing Exchange Server 2010 #re/1eAuisites on Windows Server 200G $irst& insta the fo owing software co*ponents) );I( $ra*ewor' .)4 Service #ac' 1 );I( $ra*ewor' .)4 $a*i + 9pdate Windows 1e*ote Manage*ent and Windows #owerShe 2)0 200- ?ffice S+ste* =onverterB Microsoft $i ter #ac' 0for Ju! (ransport and Mai !ox Server ro es on +2 1un the fo owing fro* an e evated co**and pro*pt) =BK@sc config ;et(cp#ortSharing startL auto ;ext we need to insta ServerManager=*d)exe for each of the server ro es) Each fi e re ates to a specific Exchange 2010 dep o+*ent scenario) exchange/a )x* / a server ro es exchange/!ase)x* / on + the reAuire*ents for $orest and %o*ain prep operations exchange/cad!)x* / =entra Ad*in %ata!ase ro e exchange/cas)x* / = ient Access Server ro e exchange/eca)x* / =entra Ad*in ro e exchange/edge)x* / Edge (ransport Server ro e exchange/hu!)x* / Ju! (ransport Server ro e exchange/*!x)x* /Mai !ox Server ro e exchange/t+pica )x* / (+pica Exchange server 0= ient Access& Ju! (ransport& and Mai !ox Server ro es2 exchange/u*)x* / 9nified Messaging ro e Execute an+ of the answer fi es using ServerManager=*d)exe and the /input#ath para*eter 0that can !e shortened the operating s+ste* co*ponents) (he Exchange source fi es contain a series of answer fi es in MMH for*at that can !e used to insta the operating s+ste* pre/reAuisites


2) .) 3)

to /ip2) Jere Ia* insta ing the pre/reAuisites for a E(+pica E Exchange 2010 server)

server*anagerc*d /ip exchange/t+pica )x* /restart /restart option used to restart server auto*atica +

How would you check your Exchange configuration settings to see if they're right?
1un Microsoft Exchange 6est #ractices Ana +,er too )

Looking to install Exchange 2007 on Windows Server 200 ! What S" version do you need? #nd for $2?
Exchange Server 200- S# reAuired for insta ation on Windows Server 200G and Exchange Server 200- S#. reAuired for Windows Server 200G 12)

What's a $ollu% &%date? What's the latest $& for Exchange 2007' 20(0?
An update ro up is a tested& cu*u ative set of hotfixes& securit+ updates& critica updates& and updates that are pac'aged together for eas+ dep o+*ent) A ro up genera + targets a specific area& such as securit+& or a co*ponent of a product) At the ti*e of this writing& 9pdate 1o up 3 for Exchange Server 200- Service #ac' 2 and 9pdate 1o up 10 for Exchange Server 200- Service #ac' 1are avai a! e)

How can you easily integrate a $&in the Exchange 2007'20(0 installation )edia?
(he Exchange insta ation fo der inc udes an 9pdates fo der) When +ou perfor* a new Exchange insta ation& +ou can cop+ an update ro up to the 9pdates fo der) In this scenario& the update ro up pac'age is app ied during the insta ation of Exchange) (he 9pdates fo der supports on + new insta ation of Exchange server)

*a)e a few reasons for using +,'-it hardware and .S version for Exchange 2007'20(0!
53/!it hardware provides the s+ste* architecture that is reAuired to support the increased *e*or+& storage& and enhanced securit+ reAuire*ents in a *ore cost/effective *anner) (rends indicate that de*ands on *essaging s+ste*s wi continue to grow and 53/!it servers provide the s+ste* architecture to *eet these de*ands whi e reducing costs within organi,ations through server and dis' storage conso idations) With a arger addressa! e space& the Exchange servers can uti i,e *ore *e*or+ there!+ reducing the reAuired input"output per user 0 ?#S2& ena! ing the use of arger dis's as we as ow cost storage such as SA(A2 drives)

Exchange 2007 ca)e in -oth /2'-it and +,'-it versions! *a)e a cou%le of reasons for ever needing the /2'-it version!
Fou need exchange 200- .2!it to export *ai !ox into #S( fi e)

Wanting to )anage Exchange 2007 ' 20(0 fro) a re)ote co)%uter0 na)e a few of your )anage)ent o%tions!
(here are a few options for *anaging Exchange 200- servers re*ote +) $irst o "!+ou can insta the Exchange 200*anage*ent too s onto a separate *achine fro* +our Exchange server& as ong as that *achine is running either Created by Aslam Kader

the .2/!it or 53/!it version of Windows Server 200. Service #ac' 10S#12 or ater& Windows Server 200. 12& or Windows M# S#2 or ater) ;ote that insta ing an+ of the server ro es 0c ient access& *ai !ox& edge& and so on2 on .2/ !it hardware is not supported in production environ*ents& !ut is supported for insta ing the *anage*ent too s on a

.2/!it *achine) A so note that as of the initia re ease of Exchange Server 200-& the *anage*ent too s are not supported on Windows Dista) In so*e organi,ations& the I( depart*ent creates a sing e server to !e the *anage*ent server& insta ing a the necessar+ *anage*ent too s for various products on this server) (hen the ad*inistrators who need to use those too s access the *anage*ent server via (er*ina Server so the+ can perfor* re*ote ad*inistration) In other settings& users insta the *anage*ent too s on their own des'tops) $ro* the conso e or she +ou can perfor* operations on the servers in +our organi,ation) In the conso e& the servers are visi! e so +ou can perfor* operations on an+ of the* re*ote +) In the she & *an+ of the tas's support a fi tering f ag i'e /server if +ou want to scope an operation to a sing e server) (here are a few exceptions& however& for co**ands that *ust !e run oca +& such as the Get/;etwor'=onnection nfo co**and)

What is the 1#L?

(he G o!a Address Hist 0GAH2 a so 'nown as Microsoft Exchange G o!a Address 6oo' is a director+ service within the Microsoft Exchange e*ai s+ste*) (he GAH contains infor*ation for a e*ai users& distri!ution groups& and Exchange resources)

What is the .#2? When is it used?

An ?ff ine Address 6oo' is a container that stores a co ection of ?ff ine Address Hists) ?ut oo' users can choose which off ine address ists the+ want to down oad) 9sers who wor' off ine connect to Exchange Server co*puters and down oad ?ff ine Address Hists to o!tain infor*ation a!out other users in their organi,ation) When an Ad*inistrator creates an ?ff ine Address 6oo'& the address ist wi !e converted to a separate set of fi es and stored in an Exchange #u! ic $o der) ?ff ine Address 6oo's t+pica + contain at east one address ist that represents the g o!a address ist 0GAH2) 9sers who are wor'ing off ine with their ?ut oo' c ients can use this g o!a address whi e the+ are on the road)

What is "owerShell andwhy do we care?

Windows #owerShe is a tas'/!ased co**and/ ine she and scripting anguage designed especia + for s+ste* ad*inistration) 6ui t on the );E( $ra*ewor'& Windows #owerShe he ps I( professiona s and power users contro and auto*ate the ad*inistration of the Windows operating s+ste* and app ications that run on Windows) 6ui t/in Windows #owerShe co**ands& ca ed c*d ets& et +ou *anage the co*puters in +our enterprise fro* the co**and ine) (he Exchange Manage*ent She & !ui t on Windows #owerShe techno og+& provides a powerfu co**and/ ine interface for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 that ena! es auto*ation of ad*inistrative tas's) With the She & +ou can *anage ever+ aspect of Exchange) Fou can ena! e new e/*ai accounts& configure SM(# connectors& store data!ase properties& store transport agents& and *ore) (he She can perfor* ever+ tas' that can !e perfor*ed !+ the Exchange Manage*ent =onso e and the Exchange We! interface in addition to tas's that can:t !e perfor*ed in those interfaces) In fact& when a tas' is perfor*ed in the conso e and the We! interface& those interfaces use the She to perfor* the tas')

*a)e )a3or -enefits of "owerShell v2 over 4l

"owerShell $e)oting B 9sing WS/Manage*ent& #owerShe 2)0 a ows scripts and c*d ets to !e invo'ed on a
re*ote *achine or a arge set of re*ote *achines) Created by Aslam Kader

6acAround Co!s B A so ca ed a #SCo!& it a ows a co**and seAuence 0script2 or pipe ine to !e invo'ed as+nchronous +) Co!s can !e run on the oca *achine or on *u tip e re*ote *achines) A #SCo! cannot inc ude interactive c*d ets) (ransactionsB Ena! e c*d et and provider deve opers to perfor* transactiona operations) #owerShe 2)0 inc udes transaction c*d ets for starting& co**itting& and ro ing !ac' a #S(ransaction as we as features to *anage and direct the transaction to the participating c*d et and provider operations) (he #owerShe 1egistr+ provider supports transactions) Script=*d etsB (hese are c*d ets written using the #owerShe scripting anguage) ;?(EB (he preferred na*e for script c*d ets is now Advanced $unctions) Steppa! e#ipe inesB (his a ows the user to contro when the 6egin#rocessing72& #rocess1ecord02 and End#rocessing02 functions of a c*d et are ca ed) Modu es B (his a ows script deve opers and ad*inistrators to organi,e and partition #owerShe scripts in se f contained& reusa! e units) =ode fro* a *odu e executes in its own se f/contained context and does not affect the state outside of the *odu e) Modu es can define a restricted runspace environ*ent !+ using a script) (he+ have a persistent state as we as pu! ic and private *e*!ers) %ata Hanguage B A do*ain/specific su!set of the #owerShe scripting anguage& that a ows data definitions to !e decoup ed fro* the scripts and a ow oca i,ed string resources to !e i*ported into the script at runti*e 0Script Internationa i,ation2) Script %e!uggingB It a ows !rea'points to !e set in a #owerShe script or function) 6rea'points can !e set on ines& ine I co u*ns& co**ands and read or write access of varia! es) It inc udes a set of c*d ets to contro the !rea'points via script) EventingB (his feature a ows istening& forwarding& and acting on *anage*ent and s+ste* events) Eventing a ows #owerShe hosts to !e notified a!out state changes to their *anaged entities) It a so ena! es #owerShe scripts to su!scri!e to ?!8ectEvents& #SEvents& and W*iEvents and process the* s+nchronous + and as+nchronous +) Windows #owerShe ntegrated Scripting Environ*ent 0ISE2 B #owerShe 2)0 inc udes a G9I/!ased #owerShe host 0for*er + 'nown as Graphica Windows #owerShe 2 that provides integrated de!ugger& s+ntax high ighting& ta! co*p etion and up to G #owerShe 9nicode/ena! ed conso es 01unspaces2 in a ta!!ed 9 & as we as the a!i it+ to run on + the se ected parts in a script) ;etwor' $i e (ransfer B ;ative support for prioriti,ed& thrott ed& and as+nchronous transfer of fi es !etween *achines using the 6ac'ground Inte igent (ransfer Service 06I(S2) ;ew =*d etsB Inc uding ?ut/GridDiew& which disp a+s ta!u ar data inthe W#$ GridDiew o!8ect) ;ew ?peratorsB /Sp it& /Coin& and Sp atting 0N2operators) Exception Jand ing with (r+/=atch/$ina + B 9n i'e other );E( anguages& this a ows *u tip e exception t+pes for a sing e catch ! oc') ;esta! e Jere/StringsB #owerShe Jere/Strings have !een i*proved and can now nest) 6 oc' =o**ents B#owerShe 2)0 supports ! oc' co**ents usingOP andP@ as de i*iters) ;ew A#isB (he new A#is range fro* handing *ore contro over the #owerShe parser and runti*e to the host& to creating and *anaging co ection of 1unspaces 01unspace#oo s2 as we as the a!i it+ to create 1estricted 1unspaces which on + a ow a configured su!set of #owerShe to !e invo'ed) (he new A#is a so support participation in a Windows #owerShe *anaged transaction)

In the insta ation fo der root +ou see setup)co* and setup)exe) Which wou d +ou use and when?
Setup)co* is used for a preparation wor'Q !asica + it ca s different !ac'end procedures) Setup)co* is a so used in disaster recover+ to reinsta a ex2'- ro es) Setup)exe insta ation) is used for GI9

What are the Exchange 200-"2010 server ro es?

Exchange 200- introduces a new concept to Exchange organi,ations& the concept of server ro es) Si*i ar to how a

Windows server can host one or *ore ro es) Server ro es a ow an ad*inistrator to sp it the functions of an Exchange

Created by Aslam Kader

server and p ace each ro e& or a co*!ination of ro es& on different servers in the organi,ation) With current Exchange servers +ou can *a'e a server a $ront/End server& or a 6ac'/End server and that is a!out it) Exchange 200- introduces five ro es to the Exchange organi,ation) Edge (ransport/ (he ast hop of outgoing *ai and first hop of inco*ing *ai & acting as a Es*art hostE and usua + dep o+ed in a peri*eter networ'& Edge (ransport provides *ai Auarantine and SM(# service to enhance securit+) ?ne advantage of this ro e is that is does not reAuire Active %irector+ access& so it can function with i*ited access to the corporate networ' for increased securit+) Ju! (ransport/ (he Ju! (ransport ro e hand es *ai s !+ routing the* to next hopB another Ju! (ransport server& Edge server or *ai !ox server) 9n i'e Exchange 200. 6ridgehead that needs Exchange ad*in defined routing groups& Exchange 200- Ju! (ransport ro e uses A% site info to deter*ine the *ai f ow) (he Ju! (ransport and Edge (ransport servers are ver+ si*i ar and in fact& one can forgo the Edge (ransport server and configure the Ju! (ransport to accept *ai fro*& and send *ai to& the Internet) = ient Access /(he = ient Access server ro e provides the other *ai !ox server protoco access apart fro* MA#I) Si*i ar to Exchange 200. $rontEnd server& it ena! es user to use an Internet !rowser 0?WA2& .rd part+ *ai c ient 0#?#."IMA#32 and *o!i e device 0ActiveS+nc2 to access their *ai !ox) Mai !ox/ (he Mai !ox server ro e is responsi! e for hosting *ai !ox and pu! ic fo der data) (his ro e a so provides MA#I access for ?ut oo' c ients) ;ote that there is a so a variation of this ro e ca ed = ustered Mai !ox ro e& for use with high/avai a!i it+ MS=S c ustering of *ai !ox data) When = ustered Mai !ox ro e is se ected& other server ro es cannot !e co*!ined on the sa*e ph+sica server) 9nified Messaging/ (his ro e ena! es end users to access their *ai !ox& address !oo'& and ca endar using te ephone and voice) I#/#6M or Doi# gatewa+ needs to !e insta ed and configured to faci itate *uch of the functiona it+ of this server ro e)

What are the !enefits of using ro es& vs) the wa+ Exchange 2000"200. wor'ed?
Server ro e is a ogica concept used to organi,e Exchange 200- services and features across one or *ore servers) Whi e Exchange 200. provided pri*itive server ro es ca ed 6ac'End server and $rontEnd server& Exchange 200- has *ore granu ar divisions) %ividing Exchange features a*ong severa server ro es has advantagesB More f exi! e dep o+*ent topo og+B $or a s*a or *ediu* co*pan+ that has on + hundreds of *ai !oxes and a users are centra i,ed& custo*er can insta a reAuired ro es on one ph+sica server) $or a arge enterprise where tens of thousands of *ai !oxes span *u tip e ph+sica ocations& custo*er can choose to dep o+ each ro e on a separate server or even *u tip e servers per ro e to provide !etter perfor*ance and fau t to erance) 6etter hardware uti i,ation and sca a!i it+B 6ecause each ro e on + insta s !inaries and runs services for a specific feature set) 9n i'e o der versions of Exchange& configuring a server that has on + one or two ro es wi reduce Me*or+& =#9 and dis' space reAuire*ents for this server) In addition& ro es are sca a! e so ad*in can oad !a ance wor' of one ro e to *u tip e servers) Eas+ to *aintainB 9pgrading& app +ing hotfix& or other server changes that cou d cause server outage can !e iso ated to one server ro e) (his reduces *aintenance down ti*e and end user i*pact) Ad*in can a so insta or uninsta ro es on a server as needed)

What are the Exchange 200. eAuiva ents of the various Exchange 200-/2010 ro es?

Exchange 200200.


Created by Aslam Kader

Edge (ransport Ju! (ransport = ient Access Mai !ox 9nified Messaging

6ridgehead server $ront/End server 6ac' End server

(he *ain differences !etween Exchange 200- and Exchange 2010)

$eature %ata!ase torage Groups #u! ic $o ders 1We! Services %es'top = ients %1 (echno ogies 0ut oo' c ients connect to

Exchange 200# et E%6 data!ase F es Auto*atica + created E x? HE % 6& = % ? EM &W e!% AD &EW S ?ut oo' 200$" ?ut oo'

xchange 2010 et E%6 data!ase ;one& on + data stores Manua creation Exchange We! Services 0EWS2 ?ut oo' 200#"!?ut oo' 2010 %ata!ase Avai a!i it+ Group 0%AG2 = ient Access Server

?ut oo' 2010 IS==&==1&S=1 Mai !ox Server

Wh+ not insta %=?

Exchange on the sa*e *achine as a

(here are so*e *a8or reasons !ehind not insta ing Exchange Server on %o*ain =ontro er& so*e of the* are as !e ow) < 1edundanc+ and Sta!i it+B If !oth of these are running on the sa*e s+ste*& it *a+ reduce the perfor*ance and sta!i it+ of server) If in an+ case Exchange Server services fai s& the who e %= wi fai & which *a+ create critica pro! e*s) < < < #ort =onf ictB %o*ain =ontro er I Exchange Server !oth uses port .GR for H%A# Aueries& which creates conf ict) %isaster I 1ecover+B %isasterI 1ecover+ can not !e perfor*ed) %SAccessB %SAccess& %S#rox+ and *an+ other services wi perfor* we )

Jow do +ou prepare the A% sche*a for Exchange 200-/ 2010?

As with Exchange 2000! and 200$"! the forest and do*ain needs to !e prepared with sche*a extensions) Jowever& un i'e the previous versions& Active %irector+ does not need to !e prepped !eforehand& it is done auto*atica + during setup& !ut the option does exist to a ow for *anua sche*a upgrades) %uring the setup process the server wi connect to the Sche*a Master in an effort to update the sche*a and this reAuires that the Sche*a Master is avai a! e and that the account +ou are running setup with has per*issions to *odif+ the sche*a) If +ou wish to prep the do*ain *anua +& +ou can do so with the "#repareA% switch on an+ server in the sa*e do*ain that the Sche*a Master is in !ut it is reco**ended to do this on the Sche*a Master) ?nce +ou have co*p eted this& +ou wi have to wait for the sche*a updates to rep icate throughout the forest !efore +ou insta an+ additiona Exchange 200#!servers in the organi,ation) #reparing Active %irector+ *anua + offers *ore options than !efore and there *a+!e *ore co**ands for +ou to

run& depending on +our current environ*ent) If +ou are current + running an+ Exchange 2000!or 200$! server the first co**and +ou *ust run is Setup)co*

Created by Aslam Kader

"#repare esac+Exchanse#er*issions (he next co**and wi prepare the sche*a& and this *eans the account +ou run this co**and fro*& *ust !e a *e*!er of the Sche*a Ad*ins group as we as the Exchange Ad*ins group) Setup)co* "#repareSche*a (he third co**and that +ou need to run preps the current do*ain& adds the Exchange 9niversa Securit+ Groups and configures the Exchange o!8ects with A%) Setup)co* "#repareA% (he fina step is optiona and is on + reAuired to run if +ou have *u tip e do*ains within the forest) (his co**and configures the other do*ain& or do*ains& in the forest) It does not need to !e run on the do*ain that +ou run "#repareA% in& !ut an+ additiona do*ains wi need this co**and run) Fou have three co**and ine options with this co**and) Setup)co* "#repare%o*ain/ #repares the current do*ain Setup)co* "#repare%o*ainB$Q%; of target do*ain to !e prepped Setup)co* "#repareAII%o*ains/ #repares a do*ains in the forest)

What t+pe or per*issions do +ou need in order to insta the first Exchange server in a forest? In a do*ain?
(he fo owing per*issions are reAuiredB < (o run the Setup "#repare egac+Exchange#er*issions co**and& +ou *ust !e a *e*!er of the Enterprise Ad*ins securit+ group) Wh+ 1un "#repare egac+Exchange#er*issions Setup

Essentia +& +ou *ust run the setup "#repare egac+Exchange#er*issions co**and so that the Exchange 200. or Exchange 2000 1ecipient 9pdate Service functions correct + after +ou update the Active %irector+ sche*a for Exchange 200-) < (o run the Setup "#repareSche*a co**and& +ou *ust !e a *e*!er of the Sche*a Ad*ins and Enterprise Ad*ins securit+ groups) < (o run the Setup "#repareA% co**and& +ou *ust !e a *e*!er of the Enterprise Ad*ins securit+ group)

(o run the Setup "#repare%o*a n& setup "#repare%o*a nBO$Q%;@ co**and or the Setup "#repareAII%o*a ns co**and& +ou *ust !e a *e*!er of the Enterprise Ad*ins group or +ou *ust !e a *e*!er of the %o*ain Ad*ins group in an+ do*ain that +ou wi prepare)

Fou have an Exchange 4)4 organi,ation and fina + decided to *ove forward and upgrade to Exchange 200-"2010) What:s +our next o!vious step?
Insta an inter*ediar+ Exchange 200. server) (hen *ove *ai !oxes fro* Exchange 4)4 to Exchange 200. using Exchange 200.:s too set& and then *ove fro* Exchange 200. to Exchange 2010 using its too set)

Fou:re oo'ing to insta Exchange 200-/2010 and ?ut oo' on the sa*e *achine) Shou d +ou do that? Wh+?
We need Exchange 200-"2010 .2!it and ?ut oo' 200. Service #ac' 2 0S#22 or ?ut oo' 200- insta ed on sa*e

*achine to export *ai !ox data to a )pst fi e)

Jow wou d +ou verif+ that the sche*a was in fact updated?
Fou can verif+ that +ou are read+ to start nsta 111 Ichange 2JX11 !+ oo' n6 for ti e fo ow nr) 1.!%he!&icroso t!'chan(e!S+ste*s )'*ects!container!con'llns!a e o'aleroup!called!(chanp!12! +omain ,ervers 2. %he!E,-.!has!the!Ewd anp 12!+omain!,ervers!slo'al!group!as!a!mem'er. <%he!E,-.!will!have!permissions !to!the!&an/e !Audltln( !and!,ecurit0! Hoc set fi:IISon!all!%=s In!all!domains ! tllatthe ! eommands ! were!!nan!! aplnst.

Jow W?KIId +ou chec' +our Exchange cBonfiiuration settings What t+pes of

to!see! if the01re ! right?

permissions!are conffaura! e for !chan) e?

2Exchange ull!admln-! ull!control!over!tile!exchange!orpnl3atlon !Including!permission 24Exchanse !Admin! &anage !ever0thing !wltllln !tile!orsanl3atlon ! except !011permission. ! $4Exchanse !view!onl0!admlnlstratnr!read onl0!administrative !access !to!Exchanse ! )56anl3.a-on

can!0ou!pant!access!for an!administrator! to!access all! *ai !oxes on!a! specificB server7

-se!the! ollowlll !command!to!srant!aale,, !to!*ust!one!mail'ox: A dd:& all'ox;errnlsslon! ! :Identit0 !22-user !<- seror. roupldenllt0= ! -A a:ess9*( hts ! >- IIaa:ess !-lnherltance%?!pe all
;oteBthe 9ser para*etercan in aet!'e!either users or groups& the para*eter na*e user5!is a 'it!*is eadins

A dd:& all'ox;errnlls( !:Identit0 lon !5%est 5 -- ser !A dm inistrator !:A ccess9 ights !>- IIacoess !-lnherttance%?!all pe

Createdby Aslam Kader

?r If I!want!to!add!tile!securit+ .roup!.roup2:

A dd-& all'ox;erm lls( ! lon :Identit0 !5%est 5 -- ser !. roup2 !:A ccess9 I( hts !>ullaccess !-lnherttanc:a%?!pe all

G : nt


11 1anal

*a !%iaSs

9sethe fo ow ns co**and to! IC:ant access to! a *ai !oxesB

. et-& al'ax ! IAdci/M a !a d@enn saian /9 serO9 serarG roup dent t+@ -A a:ess lllhts !$u aa,ss )fnher!

iS(+pe all

Exam ple:
.et-&al'ax ! IAdci/MIII!a d@enn saian /9ser A h ratntor-Aa3llllt2h' ! >ullaccess ! /Inheritanc e%0pe! al

@ote:!In!the!screenshot!'elow!I!received!a!*essAe sa0in6!that!Adminis'1lltor!alread0!have!access to!the!mail'ox!%est!0Fe ow text message4.

Ahat! Is! the! permission7



9se Send As penn ss ons 1+! conf ure a! *ai !ox so that users other than 1he! *ai !ox owner can usethat *ai !ox 1+!send *e s After this per*ission Is aranted& an+ *esnaes that are sent fro* the!*ai !ox wi appear as If the+ were!sent !+ the *ai !ox owner) 1he Send As! per*ission Isn:t sranted unti after rep ication has! occurred) 1ep ication 9*es depend on! +our E: chanIe and netwolk! oonfiprat on) (o fint the per*ission **ec ate +& stop! and then restart the Microsoft E SchanIeh fonna9on S ore service. A so& !efore +ou perfor* this procedure)!e aware! that +ou cannot send e/*ai *ess111es on!eha f o ! a *ai !oxI !the! * ai !oxIs!hiddenfro* addre44lists.!W hen sendinga!* essase&E SchanIereAuiresthat an e/*ai addressIs reso vedin the $ro* fie d) Inthe case where a!messase ! is sent on !eha f of a!mal'ox! 1that! is hidden Createdby Aslam Kader

fro* address ists& 1he! SM # address Is Interpretedas an addressthat Isn:t fro* +our ?f an ,at on0'nown as a fore n address2 and is! re8e>OS)>or! infor*ationa!out how! to change +our *ai !ox set inss& see =?nfi ure9ser and 1e)sourceMai !ox #ropeE es)

In ?ut oo'& users wi receive the fo owing errors when atte*pting to send a *essage on !eha f of a *ai !ox that is hidden fro* address istsB < ?n ine *ode When users press Send& the+ wi receive the fo owing errorB EFou do not have per*ission to send on !eha f of the specified user)E < =ached Exchange Mode ?ut oo' initia + sends the *essage& !ut users wi receive a non/de iver+ report

0;%12 containing the fo owing *essageB EFou are not a owed to send this *essage !ecause +ou are tr+ing to send on !eha f of another user without per*ission to do so) # ease verif+ that +ou are sending on !eha f of the correct sender& or as' +our s+ste* ad*inistrator to he p +ou get the reAuired per*ission)E

Ahat! are! the! di erent ! Exchange ! 9ecipient ! t0pes7

1ecipient t+pe %escription %+na*ic distri!ution group/ A distri!ution group that uses recipient fi ters and conditions to derive its *e*!ership at the ti*e *essages are sent) EAuip*ent *ai !ox / A resource *ai !ox that:s assigned to a non/ ocation specific resource& such as a porta! e co*puter pro8ector& *icrophone& or a co*pan+ car) EAuip*ent *ai !oxes can !e inc uded as resources in *eeting reAuests& providing a si*p e and efficient wa+ of uti i,ing resources for +our users) Hegac+ *ai !ox/ A *ai !ox that resides on a server running Exchange Server 200.) Hin'ed *ai !ox/ A *ai !ox that:s assigned to an individua user in a separate& trusted forest) Mai contact/ A *ai /ena! ed Active %irector+ contact that contains infor*ation a!out peop e or organi,ations that exist outside the Exchange organi,ation) Each *ai contact has an externa e/*ai address) A *essages sent to the *ai contact are routed to this externa e/*ai address) Mai forest contact/ A *ai contact that represents a recipient o!8ect fro* another forest) Mai forest contacts are t+pica + created !+ Microsoft Identit+ Integration Server 0Mi S2 s+nchroni,ation) I*portantB Mai forest contacts are read/on + recipient o!8ects that are updated on + through Mi S or si*i ar custo* s+nchroni,ation) Fou can:t use the EM= or the She to re*ove or *odif+ a *ai forest contact) Mai user/ A *ai /ena! ed Active %irector+ user that represents a user outside the Exchange organi,ation) Each *ai user has an externa e/*ai address) A *essages sent to the *ai user are routed to this externa e/*ai address) A *ai user is si*i ar to a *ai contact& except that a *ai user has Active %irector+ ogon credentia s and can access resources) Mai /ena! ed non/universa group/ A *ai /ena! ed Active %irector+ g o!a or oca group o!8ect) Mai /ena! ed non universa groups were discontinued in Exchange Server 200- and can exist on + if the+ were *igrated fro* Exchange 200. or ear ier versions of Exchange) Fou can:t use Exchange 2010 to create non/universa distri!ution groups) Mai /ena! ed pu! ic fo der/ An Exchange pu! ic fo der that:s configured to receive

Createdby Aslam Kader

*essages) Ma /ena! ed universa distri!ution group / A *ai /ena! ed Active %irector+ distri!ution group o!8ect that can !e

used on + to distri!ute *essages to a group of recipients)

5ail'ena-led universal security grou% /A *ai /ena! ed Active %irector+ securit+ group o!8ect that can !e used
to grant access per*issions to resources in Active %irector+ and can a so !e used to distri!ute *essages)

5icrosoft Exchange reci%ient /A specia recipient o!8ect that provides a unified and we /'nown *essage
sender that differentiates s+ste*/generated *essages fro* other *essages) It rep aces the S+ste* Ad*inistrator sender used for s+ste*/generated *essages in ear ier versions of Exchange)

$oo) )ail-ox' A resource *ai !ox that:s assigned to a *eeting ocation& such as a conference roo*& auditoriu*&
or training roo*) 1oo* *ai !oxes can !e inc uded as resources in *eeting reAuests& providing a si*p e and efficient wa+ of organi,ing *eetings for +our users)

Shared )ail-ox' # *ai !ox that:s not pri*ari + associated with a sing e user and is genera + configured to a ow
ogon access for *u tip e users)

&ser )ail-ox / A *ai !ox that:s assigned to an individua user in +our Exchange organi,ation) It t+pica + contains
*essages& ca endar ite*s& contacts& tas's& docu*ents& and other i*portant !usiness data)

Linked user' ;ew in Exchange 2010& a in'ed user is a user that resides in one forest whi e their *ai !ox resides
in another forest)

What are 6yna)ic6istri-ution grou%s?

A d+na*ic distri!ution group is a co ection of *ai !ox users& other distri!ution groups& *ai /ena! ed users& and *ai ena! ed contacts) 9n i'e regu ar distri!ution groups that contain a defined set of *e*!ers& the *e*!ership ist for d+na*ic distri!ution groups is ca cu ated !ased on the fi ters and conditions that +ou define) When an e/*ai *essage is sent to a d+na*ic distri!ution group& it is de ivered to a organi,ation that *atch the criteria defined for that d+na*ic distri!ution group) recipients in the

What ty%e of grou%s would you use when configuringdistri-utiongrou%s in a )ulti%le do)ainforest?
9se 9niversa distri!ution groups in a *u tip e/do*ain environ*ent) (he *e*!ership of universa distri!ution groups is rep icated to each g o!a cata og server in each do*ain)

What are resource)ail-oxes?W hen would you use the)?

?rgani,ations had a need to *a'e !oo'ings for *eeting roo*s or eAuip*ent) (he s+ste* shou d ena! e organi,ers to re ia! + find and !oo' an avai a! e resource in one atte*pt and ater confir* the reservation whi e *ini*i,ing attendee confusion) (his is acco*p ished in Exchange Server 200- with the he p of resource *ai !ox functiona it+

Exchange Server 2007 7ntroduced two ty%es of resource )ail-ox8 $oo) 5ail-ox' (hese are intended for ocations such as *eeting roo*s and training roo*s) 1oo* *ai !oxes can
!e inc uded as resources in *eeting reAuests& providing a si*p e and efficient wa+ of organi,ing *eetings for +our users)

E9ui%)ent 5ail-ox' (hese are intended for ite*s such as poo cars& video pro8ectors& or an+ other shared
porta! e ite*) EAuip*ent *ai !oxes can !e inc uded as resources in *eeting reAuests& providing a si*p e and

Createdby Aslam Kader

efficient wa+ of uti i,ing resources for +our users)

Fou created a *ai !ox for a user& +et the *ai !ox does not appear in ESM) Wh+?
Genera + when +ou create a *ai !ox for a user& the user:s e/*ai address wi !e updated in the GAH during the regu ar update interva ) 6ut in order to !e a! e to view the *ai !ox& the user has to access the Exchange server 7either through MS out oo' or ?WA2) (hen +ou wi !e a! e to view the user:s *ai !ox) ?1 if +ou send a test *ai to that id then the *ai !ox wi !e popu ated in the ESM (his situation happens !ecause the securit+%escriptor o!8ect 7*sExchMai !oxSecurit+%escriptor2 Active %irector+ unti the user first ogs on to the *ai !ox or the *ai !ox is sent an ite* of *ai ) is not read fro*

Fou wanted to change *ai !ox access per*issions for a *ai !ox& +et +ou see the SEH$ per*ission a one on the per*issions ist) Wh+?
In Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server or Microsoft Exchange Server 200.& when +ou create new *ai !ox/ena! ed accounts in Active %irector+& the+ do not have inherited *ai !ox rights) (he on + o!8ect that is granted per*ission is Se f& which is granted fu *ai !ox access and read rights) (o view *ai !ox rights& fo ow these stepsB In Active %irector+ 9sers and =o*puters& c ic' Advanced $eatures on the Diew *enu) ;oteB (his is not necessar+ on Exchange Server 200. !ecause of the fact that the Exchange Advanced ta! is exposed !+ defau t) 9nder Active %irector+ 9sers and =o*puters& c ic' the account& c ic' the Exchange Advanced ta!& and then c ic' Mai !ox 1ights) (he rights are disp a+ed in the #er*issions for account na*e dia og !ox) L 6ad I (his !ehavior occurs !ecause the *ai !ox securit+ descriptor is not read fro* the Active %irector+ account o!8ect unti the user ogs on or gets *ai ) (he 1ecipient 9pdate Service 719S2 does not sta*p the inherited per*issions when the *ai !ox is created) After the *ai !ox is created in the store& the store ca cu ates inherited *ai !ox rights) (o reso ve this !ehavior perfor* one of the fo owing actionsB Hog on to the *ai !ox +ou:ve created) Fou can do so !+ opening an ?ut oo' profi e for the new user and running ?ut oo'& or !+ opening a ?WA session the the destination *ai !ox !+ t+ping httpB""serverna*e"exchange"userna*e the address !ar of +our !rowser)


;oteB ?pening ?ut oo' reAuires +ou to !e ogged on as the destination user& whi e ?WA does not reAuire +ou to !e ogged on as the user) Jowever& !oth *ethods reAuire that +ou 'now the destination user:s password) Send a *essage to the *ai !ox) ;oteB (he second *ethod is Auic'er and easier to perfor*& that:s wh+ +ou: need to 'now how to Send Mai fro* Script and to (est SM(# Service in 114 and Exchange) When the *ai !ox is created in the store& the store itse f ca cu ates the inherited per*issions and sta*ps the* on the store:s cop+ of the *ai !ox securit+ descriptor) LGood I

What are Quer+ 6ased %istri!ution groups?

Createdby Aslam Kader

In Exchange Server 200.& d+na*ic distri!ution groups were ca ed Auer+/!ased distri!ution groups) %+na*ic distri!ution groups provide the sa*e functiona it+ as *ai /ena! ed distri!ution groups) Jowever& instead of containing a static group of recipients& the *e*!ership ist for d+na*ic distri!ution groups is ca cu ated !ased on their configuration each ti*e the+ are used) When a *essage is sent to a d+na*ic distri!ution group& it:s de ivered to a recipients inthe organi,ation that *atch the criteria defined for that d+na*ic distri!ution group)

How 6oes a :uery'2ased 6istri-ution 1rou% Work?

< < < < < < An e/Mai is su!*itted to the su!*ission Aueue of the Exchange store driver or through SM(# (he *essage categori,er deter*ines that the recipient is a Quer+/!ased %istri!ution Group (he categori,er sends an H%A# reAuest to an g o!a cata og server (he contacted g o!a cata og server executes the Auer+ and returns the addresses that *atches the Auer+ After receiving the co*p ete set of addresses *atching the Auer+& the categori,er generates a recipient ist containing a the users) After the categori,er sends the co*p ete& ist of recipients to routing& the nor*a *essage de iver+ process continues& and the e/*ai *essage is de ivered to the users *ai !oxes)

How can you grant access for an ad)inistrator to access all )ail-oxes in your organi;ation?
Get/Mai !ox /?rgani,ationi9nit EM+?9E I Add/Mai !ox#er*ssion/9ser E9ser?rGroupE /Access1ights $uiiAccess Add/ Mai !ox#er*ission /identit+ E:Coe Ada*sE /Access1ights $uiiAccess /user E8aneaE 6esides $uiiAccess& the fo owing *ai !ox per*issions can !e granted using Add/ Mai !ox#er*issionB

SendAs 2) ExternaiAccount .) %e ete te* 3) 1ead#er*ission S)=hange#er*i ion 5) =hange?wner

What ty%e of grou%s would you use when configuringdistri-utiongrou%s in a )ulti%le do)ainforest?
9niversa %istri!ution Group)

*a)e a few configuration o%tionsfor Exchangereci%ients!

Exchange 1ecipient para*ents are va aues"attri!utes which can change exchange recipients *essage !ehavior) Types: 1.! MicrosoftExchange1ecipient1ecipientE*aiiAddressesB this para*eter specifies one or *ore e*ai address for sa*e user)*a+ !e interna e*ai associated with externa e*ai ) 2) MicrosoftExchange1ecipientE*aiiAddress#o ic+Ena! edB(his para*eter specifies whether the defau t e/*ai

address po ic+ is auto*atica + app ied to the Microsoft Exchange recipient) .) MicrosoftExchange1ecipient#ri*ar+S*tpAddress)

3) MicrosoftExchange1ecipient1ep +1ecipient)

Createdby Aslam Kader

;a*e a few configuration options re ated to *ai !ox stores)

< < < < < < < < < < < < Managing *ai !ox setting =hanging e/*ai addresse =onfiguring *ai !ox per*issions %e eting *ai !oxe Moving *ai !oxes 1econnecting a disconnected *ai !ox in Active %irector+ Jiding a *ai !ox fro* the G o!a Address Hist 0GAH2 Specif+ing storage i*its) Specif+ing de iver+ restrictions on a *ai !ox) $orwarding *ai !oxes to other e/*ai addresses) =onfiguring and *anaging contacts) =hange the status of Exchange features for *ai /ena! ed o!8ects

What are S+ste* #u! ic $o ders? Where wou d +ou find the*?
S+ste* pu! ic fo ders 0a so 'nown as the ;onTI#MTSu!tree2 9sers can:t access these fo ders direct + !+ using conventiona *ethods) = ient app ications such as ?ut oo' use these fo ders to store infor*ation such as free and !us+ data& ?A6s& and organi,ationa for*s) ?ther s+ste* fo ders contain configuration infor*ation used !+ custo* app ications or !+ Exchange) (he pu! ic fo der tree contains additiona s+ste* fo ders& such as the E$?1MS 1EGIS(1F fo der& that don:t exist in genera purpose pu! ic fo der trees) S+ste* fo ders inc ude the fo owingB < E$?1MS 1EGIS(1F and Events 1oot 6+ defau t& one content rep ica of each of these fo ders resides in the defau t pu! ic fo der data!ase on the first Exchange server insta ed in the first ad*inistrative group) (his is the ocation where organi,ationa for*s are stored for egac+ ?ut oo' c ients 0c ients using an ?ut oo' version ear ier than ?ut oo' 200-2) ?ff ine Address 6oo' and Schedu eU $ree 6us+ (he ?ff ine Address 6oo' fo der and the Schedu eU $ree 6us+ fo der auto*atica + contain a su!fo der for each ad*inistrative group 0or site2 in +our topo og+) 6+ defau t& a content rep ica of a specific ad*inistrative group fo der resides on the first server insta ed in the ad*inistrative group) (hese fo ders are used to store egac+ free and !us+ infor*ation and ?A6 data for egac+ ?ut oo' c ients) Hegac+ ?ut oo' c ients don:t support the new features in Exchange 2010 or Exchange 200- that *anage free and !us+ infor*ation and ?A6 data) 0(hese features inc ude the Avai a!i it+ service& the Autodiscover service& and ?A6 distri!ution on = ient Access servers)2 ?WAScratch#ad Each pu! ic fo der data!ase has an ?WAScratch#ad fo der& which is used to te*porari + store attach*ents that are !eing accessed !+ using Microsoft ?ffice ?ut oo' We! App) %on:t *odif+ this fo der) StoreEvents Each pu! ic fo der data!ase has a StoreEvents fo der& which ho ds registration infor*ation for custo* Exchange data!ase events) %on:t *odif+ this fo der) ?ther fo ders (o support interna Exchange data!ase operations& a tree *a+ contain severa other s+ste* fo ders& such as sche*a/root) %on:t *odif+ these fo ders)



< <

Jow wou d +ou p an and configure #u! ic $o der redundanc+? Jow can +ou i**ediate + stop #$ rep ication? Jow can +ou prevent #$ referra across s ow WA; in's? What t+pes of #$ *anage*ent too s *ight +ou use?

What are the differences -etween ad)inistrative %er)issions and client %er)issions in "<? How can you configure "< re%lication fro) the co))and %ro)%t in Exchange 200/? What are the )essage hygiene o%tions you can use natively in Exchange 200/? What are the configuration o%tions in 75<? What are virtual servers? When would you use )ore than one? *a)e so)e of the S5=" 4irtual Server configuration o%tions!
1ep ace s*tp virtua server on exchange 200. !ac'end with 2010 hu! transport) (he hu! server wi perfor* this ro e) 6ut if +ou i'e it can do it a so i**idiat +& 8ust create a send connector and per*it the server to connect to servers on the internet on port 24)

What is a 5ail $elay? *a)e a few known )ail relay software or hardware o%tions!
?ften referred to as an e/*ai server& a device and"or progra* that routes an e/*ai to the correct destination) Mai re a+s are t+pica + used within oca networ's to trans*it e/*ai s a*ong oca users) 0$or exa*p e& a of the student and facu t+ e/*ai of a co ege ca*pus)2 Mai re a+s are particu ar + usefu in e/*ai a iasing where *u tip e e/*ai addresses are used !ut the *ai re a+ forwards a *essages to the specified e/*ai addresses to one sing e address) A *ai re a+ is different than an open re a+& where an e/*ai server processes a *ai *essage that that neither originates or ends with a user that is within the servers oca do*ain 0i)e)& ocaii# range2)

What is a S)art Host? Where would you configure it?

A s*art host is an SM(# server that receives out!ound SM(# *essages fro* another SM(# server and forwards the SM(# *essages to the correct destination after reso ving the MM do*ain na*e) (he s*art host ta'es the responsi!i it+ for reso ving MM do*ain na*es fro* the origina SM(# service to the s*art host:s SM(# service) $or exa*p e& suppose our Exchange Server is responsi! e for *ai in the *+do*ain)co* do*ain) (he Exchange Server receives a *essage for a user in the otherdo*ain)co* do*ain) (he SM(# service does not tr+ to reso ve the MM do*ain na*e for otherdo*ain)co*) Instead& the Exchange Server:s SM(# service forwards a *ai not destined to the *+do*ain)co* do*ain to the s*art host) (he *essage for the user at otherdo*ain)co* is sent to the s*art host) (he s*art host reso ves the MM do*ain na*e for otherdo*ain)co* and forwards the *essage to the SM(# server responsi! e for the otherdo*ain)co* *ai ) =here are several advantages to using a s)art host8 (he Exchange Server does not need to generate traffic %;S na*e reso ution traffic) Fou do not need to configure a %;S server on the interna networ' to reso ve Internet host na*es) Fou do not need to configure the Ex Server:s SM(# service to use a custo* externa %;S server) In Exchange 200.& it:s possi! e to configure a s*arthost on the %efau t SM(# Dirtua Server !ut& if +ou do it this wa+& +ou can on + set a sing e s*arthost) (he preferred *ethod& therefore& is to use an SM(# =onnector for +our outgoing e*ai s which does a ow *u tip e s*arthosts to !e specified)

Createdby Aslam Kader

$or Exchange 200-"2010 there:s on + one wa+ to configure a s*arthost which is on the Send =onnector)

What are 1outing Groups? When wou d +ou use the*? What are the t+pes of =onnectors +ou can use in Exchange? What is the cost option in Exchange connectors? What is the Hin' State (a! e? Jow wou d +ou view it? Jow wou d +ou configure *ai transfer securit+ !etween 2 routing groups? What is the 1outing Group Master? Who ho ds that ro e? Exp ain the configuration steps reAuired to a ow Exchange 200. to send and receive e*ai fro* the Internet 0consider a one/site *u tip e server scenario2) What is %S2M6? What is $or*s 6ased Authentication? Jow wou d +ou configure ?WA:s settings on an Exchange server? W hat is %SA==ESS?
Exchange needs access to Active %irector+ do*ain contro ers for a variet+ of reasons) < < < =onfiguration infor*ation for the organi,ation) 1ecipient infor*ation in the G o!a =ata og) 1ecipient infor*ation in a do*ain)

An Exchange service ca ed %SAccess has the tas' of finding do*ain contro ers and G o!a =ata og servers suita! e for use !+ Exchange) %SAccess 'eeps an open connection to each server in the %SAccess profi e) (his avoids the expensive chore of !ui ding up and tearing down 1#= and (=# connections each ti*e the Exchange server needs infor*ation) ?ther Exchange services& such as the SM(# 1outing Engine =ategori,er and %S#rox+& send their H%A# and ;S#I reAuests to %SAccess& which se ects a target do*ain contro er or G o!a =ata og server fro* its profi e and forwards the reAuest to that server) It uses a round ro!in se ection process for oad !a ancing) 6ecause a H%A# Aueries funne through %SAccess& Exchange dra*atica + i*proves perfor*ance !+ caching the Auer+ resu ts) 6+ defau t& Exchange gives 3M6 of ph+sica *e*or+ to the %SAccess cache) %SAccess uses %;S to ocate do*ain contro ers and G o!a =ata og servers)

What are 1ecipient #o icies?

Createdby Aslam Kader

(he e/*ai address recipient po ic+ concept in Exchange 200. is separated into two concepts in Exchange 200-B E *ai Address #o icies 0EA#2 and Accepted %o*ains) (his topic covers the re ationship of EA# and accepted do*ains in Exchange 200- and how the functiona it+ of e/*ai address recipient po icies in Exchange 200. *aps to EA# and Accepted %o*ains in Exchange 200-)

1e ationship of EA# and Accepted %o*ains in Exchange 200EA# defines the e/*ai prox+ addresses that are sta*ped onto recipient o!8ects) Accepted do*ains define the SM(# na*espaces for which an Exchange organi,ation routes e/*ai ) An+ accepted do*ain added to the s+ste* can !e in'ed to an EA# so that it wi generate recipient e/*ai addresses for this accepted do*ain) And ever+ EA# *ust in' to an existing accepted do*ain so that e/*ai s sent to e/*ai addresses that are defined !+ the EA# can !e routed !+ Exchange 200- transport servers) In Exchange 200-& authoritative and re a+ do*ains are *anaged together as accepted do*ains) In Exchange Manage*ent =onso e& the Accepted %o*ains ta! of Ju! (ransport node under ?rgani,ation =onfiguration wor' center is used to *anage a accepted do*ains defined in the organi,ation) E/Mai Address #o ic+ wi,ard provides the conso e G9I used to se ect an accepted do*ain for which a new e/*ai address po ic+ app ies) ?n + accepted do*ains defined in the Exchange 200- organi,ation can !e added to the ist in the EA#)

Jow wou d po icies?




*u tip e


What is the EissueE with tr+ing to re*ove e*ai addresses added !+ recipient po icies? Jow wou d +ou fix that? What 19S? is the

When wou d +ou need to *anua + create additiona 19S? What are Address Hists? Jow wou d +ou *odif+ the fi ter properties of one of the defau t address ists? Jow can +ou create *u tip e GAHs and a ow the users to on + see the one re ated to the*? What is a $ront End server? In what scenarios wou d +ou use one? What t+pe of authentication is used on the front end servers? When wou d +ou use ;H6? Jow wou d +ou achieve inco*ing *ai redundanc+? What are the 3 t+pes of Exchange !ac'ups? What is the %ia /(one server scenario?
Created by Aslam Kader

A dia tone recover+ invo ves creating an e*pt+ data!ase on a server to rep ace a fai ed data!ase) (his e*pt+& or dia tone& data!ase a ows users to send and receive e/*ai whi e the fai ed data!ase is recovered) 6+ using a dia tone recover+ approach& +ou can restore !asic e/*ai service to users 0providing the* with a Edia toneE2 and then restore users: previous data as it !eco*es avai a! e)

6asic stepsB

1.! =reate a new e*pt+ dia tone data!ase to rep ace the fai ed data!ase (his new data!ase wi a ow users
who had *ai !oxes on the fai ed data!ase to send and receive new *essages) Exchange 200- has a feature ca ed dia tone porta!i it+ that a ows +ou to point a user to a different data!ase without *oving the *ai !ox) If +ou created the dia tone data!ase on a different server than the server that housed the fai ed data!ase& +ou wi need to *ove the *ai !ox configuration to that new server) 2) 1estore the o d data!ase 9se whatever !ac'up and recover+ software +ou t+pica + use to restore the fai ed data!ase) If there is no !ac'up of the fai ed data!ase& recover the fai ed data!ase) If +ou are using the sa*e server for dia tone recover+& +ou need to restore the data!ase to a recover+ storage group) .) Swap the dia tone with the restored data!ase After the fai ed data!ase has !een restored& swap it with the dia tone data!ase) (his gives the users the a!i it+ to send and receive e/*ai and access a the data in the restored data!ase) If users were *oved to a dia tone data!ase on another server& +ou then need to *ove the *ai !ox configuration !ac' to the origina server) Merge data!ases the

(o get the data fro* the dia tone data!ase into the restored data!ase& *erge the data) Fou can do this with the %ata!ase 1ecover+ Manage*ent too inc uded in the Exchange Manage*ent =onso e) When wou d !ac'up? +ou use off ine

Jow do +ou re/insta intact?

Exchange on a server that has crashed !ut with A%

%u*pster ?1 Sing e Ite* 1ecover+ in Exchange Server 2010 What are the e??xxxxx) og fi es? What is the e??)ch' fi e? What is circu ar ogging? When wou d +ou use it? What:s the difference !etween on ine and off ine defrag? Jow wou d +ou 'now if it is ti*e to perfor* an off ine defrag of +our Exchange stores? Jow wou d +ou p an for& and perfor* the off ine defrag?

Ahat!is!the!eseutil !command7
(he Exchange Server %ata!ase 9ti ities 0Eseuti )exe2 is a too that +ou can use to verif+& *odif+& and repair an Exchange data!ase fi e) When a data!ase is corrupt or da*aged& +ou can restore data fro* !ac'up or repair it using Eseuti ) Eseuti is a co**and/ ine too that wor's with the Extensi! e Storage Engine 0ESE2& data!ase fi es& and og fi es associated with a Microsoft Exchange data!ase) Eseuti is ocated in the Exchange defau t insta fo der& which is Created by Aslam Kader

OS+ste*%rive@BK#rogra* $i esKMicrosoftKExchange ServerK6in)

Eseuti can !e used against an+ ESE data!ase in Exchange Server 200-) In the past& Eseuti cou d on + !e used with *ai !ox and pu! ic fo der ESE data!ases& !ut with Exchange 200-& Eseuti can !e used with ESE data!ases on the Exchange 200- Ju! (ransport and Edge (ransport server ro es as we ) Eseuti can !e run on one data!ase at a ti*e fro* the co**and pro*pt) Fou can use Eseuti to perfor* a range of data!ase tas's inc uding repair& off ine defrag*entation& and integrit+ chec's) (a! e ists the *ost co**on Eseuti switches) Eseuti exa*ines the structure of the data!ase ta! es and records at the ow eve of the data!ase 0Ese)d 2) Fou can use the defrag*entation *ode to co*pact a data!ase off ine) ?ther Eseuti *odes such as repair& recover+& and restore can !e used to repair a corrupt or da*aged data!ase) Modes i'e integrit+& fi e du*p& and chec'su* can !e used to verif+ the state of a data!ase) Eseuti switches Eseuti *ode %efrag*entation "% Switch %escription %efrag*ents the data!ase off ine !ut eaves the new& defrag*ented data!ase in the

te*porar+ ocation with or without overwriting the origina data!ase) (his *ode reduces the gross si,e on the dis' of the data!ase 0)ed!2 !+ discarding *ost e*pt+ pages and !+ re!ui ding indexes) 1epair


1epairs a corrupt off ine data!ase !+ discarding an+ pages that cannot !e fixed) In

repair *ode& the Eseuti too fixes individua ta! es !ut does not *aintain the re ationships !etween ta! es) 9se the Infor*ation Store Integrit+ =hec'er 7 sinteg)exe2 too to chec' and fix in's !etween ta! es if the repaired data!ase is a *ai !ox data!ase) or pu! ic fo der

1estore "= %isp a+s restore restoration fro* egac+ on ine !ac'ups) 1ecover+

og fi e 01estore)env

fi e2

and contro s

hard recover+ after


1ep a+s transaction og fi es or ro s the* forward to restore a data!ase to interna

consistenc+ or to !ring an o der cop+ of a data!ase up to date) Integrit+ Derifies the page eve and ESE eve ogica integrit+ of the data!ase) %oes not verif+ /G integrit+ at the app ication eve ) App ication/ eve ogica integrit+ can !e verified with sinteg for *ai !ox and pu! ic fo der data!ases) %isp a+s headers of data!ase fi es& transaction og fi es& and chec'point fi es) A so disp a+s data!ase page header infor*ation& and data!ase space a ocation and *etadata) =hec'su* =op+ $i e $i e %u*p




Derifies chec'su*s on a pages inthe data!ase& og fi es& and chec'point fi es) #erfor*s a fast cop+ of ver+ arge fi es)

What is the isinteg co))and?

Fou can use the sinteg)exe too to chec' and to fix the integrit+ of the infor*ation store data!ases inc uding the private infor*ation store& #riv)ed!& and the pu! ic infor*ation store& #u!)ed!) (o view the co**and/ ine he p a!out usage of sinteg)exe& t+pe the fo owing co**and ine fro* a co**and pro*ptB
Created by Aslam Kader

cBKprogra* fi esKexchsrvrK!in@isinteg


(o run sinteg)exe to fix and to chec' the integrit+ of the infor*ation store& run the fo owing ine fro* a co**and pro*ptB cBKprogra* fi esKexchsrvrK!in@isinteg /s serverna*e /fix /test a tests <or exa)%le8 exchsrvrK!inKisinteg /s server1/fix /test a tests *.=E8 Fou need to first start the infor*ation store service and dis*ount the data!asesQ +ou can on + chec' data!ases that are off ine)

/pri /pu! /fix

9sage is disp a+ed) =hec' private infor*ation store 0defau t2) =hec' pu! ic infor*ation store) 1epair infor*ation store)

/1 V ogfi ena*eW Store og infor*ation in ogfi ena*e)%efau t is isinteg)pri or isinteg)pu!)

/patch ?ff ine !ac'up restore patch)

How would you )onitor Exchange's services and %erfor)ance? *a)e 2 or / o%tions!
Enhance +our *essaging environ*ent !+ using the *an+ too s avai a! e with Microsoft Exchange Server) (his too s docu*entation provides detai ed infor*ation a!out too s that can he p +ou p an& insta & *anage& and trou! eshoot Exchange Server) < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < Microsoft Exchange Server Ana +,er Artic es Exchange 1e*ote =onnectivit+ Ana +,er (oo Auto Accept Agent %ep o+*ent and Ad*inistration Guide Microsoft Exchange Server Inte igent Message $i ter v2 ?perations Guide Microsoft Exchange Server 9ser Monitor Microsoft Exchange Server Quota Message Service %ep o+ing Exchange ActiveS+nc =ertificate/6ased Authentication Microsoft Exchange ActiveS+nc Mo!i e Ad*inistration We! (oo Microsoft Exchange Server MA#I Editor Microsoft Exchange Server Stress and #erfor*ance (oo Microsoft Exchange oad Generator Microsoft Exchange Server #u! ic $o der %AD/!ased Ad*inistration (oo Microsoft Exchange Server #rofi e Ana +,er Microsoft Exchange 200- Anti/Spa* Migration Microsoft Exchange Server Cetstress 2010 Microsoft Exchange Server Cetstress 200Inter/?rgani,ation 1ep ication (oo App ication Ana +sis Envisioning #rocess Microsoft App ication Ana +,er 2005 for Hotus %o*ino Exchange Server 200. =oexistence and Migration for Hotus %o*ino Mai
Created by Aslam Kader

< <

Migrating fro* Hotus ;otes to the Microsoft =o a!oration # atfor* Exchange 2010 9M (rou! eshooting (oo

< < <

?perations Manager Manage*ent #ac' for Exchange 2010 ?perations Manager Manage*ent #ac' for Exchange 2010 Guide ?perations Manager Manage*ent #ac' for Exchange 200-

*a)e all 2007>20(0!

< < < #?#. IMA#



conne dion




?ut oo' An+where 0for*er + 'nown as 1#= over J((#2)

What is 6irect "ush? What are the re9uire)ents to run it?

%irect #ush is a feature that:s !ui t into Microsoft Exchange Server 2010) %irect #ush 'eeps a *o!i e phone current over a ce u ar networ' connection) It provides notification to the *o!i e phone when new content is read+ to !e s+nchroni,ed to the *o!i e phone)

. verview
$or %irect #ush to wor'& the *o!i e phone or other *o!i e device *ust !e %irect #ush capa! e) (hese devices inc ude the fo owingB < < Mo!i e phones that have Windows Mo!i e 4)0 with the Messaging and Securit+ $eature #ac' 0MS$#2 or a ater version of Windows Mo!i e) Mo!i e phones that are produced !+ Microsoft Exchange ActiveS+nc icensees and are designed specifica + to !e %irect #ush co*pati! e)

6+ defau t& %irect #ush is ena! ed in Exchange 2010) Mo!i e phones that support %irect #ush issue a ong/ ived J((#S reAuest to the server running Microsoft Exchange) (he Exchange server *onitors activit+ on the user:s *ai !ox and sends a response to the device if there are an+ changes& such as new or changed e/*ai *essages or ca endar or contact ite*s) If changes occur within the ifespan of the J((#S reAuest& the Exchange server issues a response to the device that states that changes have occurred and the device shou d initiate s+nchroni,ation with the Exchange server) (he device then issues this reAuest to the server) When s+nchroni,ation is co*p ete& a new ong/ ived J((#S reAuest is generated to start the process again) (his guarantees that e/*ai & ca endar& contact& and tas' ite*s are de ivered Auic' + to the *o!i e phone& and the device is a wa+s s+nchroni,ed with the Exchange server)

How would you re)ote ""??

wi%e a

Microsoft Exchange Server 200- ets +ou send a co**and to a *o!i e device that wi perfor* a wipe of the device) (his process& 'nown as a re*ote device wipe& c ears a Exchange infor*ation that is stored on the device) Fou can use this procedure to c ear data fro* a sto en device or to c ear a device !efore assigning it to another user) 2efore@ou 2egin

Created by Aslam Kader

(o perfor* this procedure& the account that +ou use *ust !e de egated the Exchange Server Ad*inistrator ro e) $or *ore infor*ation a!out per*issions& a!out how to de egate ro es& and a!out the rights that are reAuired to ad*inister Exchange Server 200-& see #er*ission =onsiderations )

;oteB (o perfor* a re*ote device wipe on a device !+ using the Exchange Manage*ent =onso e& the user *ust !e assigned to an Exchange ActiveS+nc *ai !ox po ic+) $or *ore infor*ation a!out how to add users to an Exchange ActiveS+nc *ai !ox po ic+& see Jow to Add 9sers to an Exchange ActiveS+nc Mai !ox #o ic+) #rocedure (o use the Exchange Manage*ent =onso e to perfor* a re*ote device wipe 1.!! ?pen the Exchange Manage*ent =onso e) 2) 9nder 1ecipient =onfiguration& c ic' Mai !ox) .) In the Mai !ox window& se ect the user) 3) In the action pane& c ic' Manage *o!i e device or right/c ic' the user:s *ai !ox& and then c ic' Manage *o!i e device) 4) Se ect the *o!i e device fro* which +ou want to c ear a data) 5) In the Actions section& c ic' = ear) -) = ic' = ear again) (o use ?ut oo' We! Access to perfor* a re*ote device wipe 1.!! ?pen ?ut oo' We! Access) Hog on to the device owner:s *ai !ox) = ic' ?ptions) In the navigation pane& se ect Mo!i e %evices) Se ect the I% of the device that +ou want to wipe and re*ove fro* the ist) = ic' Wipe a data fro* device) = ic'?X) = ic' 1e*ove %evice fro* Hist)

2) .) 3) 4) 5) -) G)

(o use the Exchange Manage*ent She to perfor* a re*ote device wipe 1.!! 1un the fo owing co**and to o!tain the identit+ of the deviceB Get/ActiveS+nc%eviceStatistics/ Mai !ox8effha+s 2) 1un the fo owing co**andB = ear/ActiveS+nc%evice /Identit+ WMT8effha+es ;oteB Inthese co**ands& O8effha+es@ represents the actua identit+ of the device owner)



What are the issues with connecting ?ut oo' fro* a re*ote co*puter to +our *ai !ox? What is 1#= over J((#? What are the reAuire*ents to run it?
In Microsoft Exchange Server 2010& the ?ut oo' An+where feature& for*er + 'nown as 1#= over J(I#& ets c ients that use Microsoft ?ffice ?ut oo' 2010& ?ut oo' 200-& or ?ut oo' 200. connect to their Exchange servers fro* outside the corporate networ' or over the Internet using the 1#= over J(I# Windows networ'ing co*ponent)
Created by Aslam Kader

?ut oo' An+where and Exchange 2010

(he Windows 1#= over J(I# #rox+ co*ponent& which ?ut oo' An+where c ients use to connect& wraps re*ote procedure ca s 71#=s2 with an J(I# a+er) (his a ows traffic to traverse networ' firewa s without reAuiring 1#= ports to !e opened) In Exchange 2010& as in Exchange 200-& it:s eas+ to dep o+ and *anage this feature) (o dep o+ ?ut oo' An+where in +our Exchange 2010 *essaging environ*ent& +ou need to ena! e ?ut oo' An+where on at east one = ient Access server using the Ena! e ?ut oo' An+where wi,ard in the Exchange Manage*ent =onso e) 6enefits An+where



?ut oo'

?ut oo' An+where offers the fo owing !enefits to c ients that use ?ut oo' 2010& ?ut oo' 200-& or ?ut oo' 200. to access +our Exchange *essaging infrastructureB < < 9sers have re*ote access to Exchange servers fro* the Internet) Fou can use the sa*e 91H and na*espace that +ou use for ?ut oo' We! App and Microsoft Exchange ActiveS+nc) Fou can use the sa*e Secure Soc'ets Ha+er 0SSH2 server certificate that +ou use for !oth ?ut oo' We! App and Exchange ActiveS+nc) < < < 9nauthenticated reAuests fro* ?ut oo' can:t access Exchange servers) Fou don:t have to use a virtua private networ' 0D#;2 to access Exchange servers across the Internet) Fou don:t have to configure an+thing in Exchange 2010 when +ou:re using SSH session I% oad !a ancing on the = ient Access server with ?ut oo' An+where) < If +ou a read+ use ?ut oo' We! App with SSH or Exchange ActiveS+nc with SSH& +ou don:t have to open an+ additiona ports fro* the Internet) < Fou can test end/to/end c ient connectivit+ for ?ut oo' An+where and (=#/!ased connections !+ using the (est/?ut oo'=onnectivit+ c*d et) %ep o+ing An+where ?ut oo'


%ep o+ing ?ut oo' An+where for +our organi,ation is straightforward) (he fo owing reco**endations shou d !e fo owed to successfu + dep o+ ?ut oo' An+whereB < 9se at east one = ient Access server per site In Exchange 2010& a site is a networ' ocation with high !andwidth connectivit+ !etween a co*puters) We reco**end that +ou insta at east one = ient Access server in each site to provide c ient access to the Mai !ox server) Jowever& +ou can have *u tip e = ient Access servers in each site for increased perfor*ance and re ia!i it+) < Ena! e ?ut oo' An+where on at east one = ient Access server We reco**end that +ou have one = ient Access server in each site that has ?ut oo' An+where ena! ed) (his ets c ients that use ?ut oo' 2010 or ?ut oo' 200- connect to a user:s *ai !ox through the = ient Access server in the site) 9sers wi connect !+ using J(I#S to the = ient Access server that:s in the site where the user:s *ai !ox is ocated) (his reduces the ris' associated with using 1#=s across the Internet) 9sing 1#=s across the Internet can adverse + affect perfor*ance)





Created by Aslam Kader


=ached Exchange Mode& avai a! e in ?ut oo' 2010& 200-& and 200.& is si*i ar to off ine fo ders in previous versions of ?ut oo'& though easier to use) =ached Exchange Mode a ows +ou to wor' with +our Exchange account data when +our connection to the Exchange server is interrupted or unavai a! e) =ached Exchange Mode stores a cop+ of +our *ai !ox on +our co*puter !+ auto*atica + creating and using an off ine fo der fi e 7an )ost fi e2& into which it down oads and *aintains a s+nchroni,ed cop+ of the ite*s in a the fo ders of +our *ai !ox) ?ut oo' auto*atica + *anages +our server connection and data updatesQ when +our connection is restored& ?ut oo' s+nchroni,es +our cached *ai !ox with +our *ai !ox on the server)

What are the !enefits and issues when using cached *ode? Jow wou d +ou tac' e those issues?
6+ defau t =ached Exchange Mode is on for *ai !ox and off for pu! ic fo der favorites) 6enefitsB =ached Exchange Mode iso ate the custo*er fro* inter*ittent connectivit+ issues fro* the Exchange I

G= servers) Since the user is pri*ar+ wor'ing out of the off ine address !oo' and ?S(& it *eans fewer round trips to the server when oo'ing at the sa*e *essage ots of ti*es) Hess round tripping to the server *eans that one shou d !e a! e to have a higher user per server count) =ached *ode is a so reAuired in order for the 8un' e*ai feature to wor' in ?ut oo') IssuesB (he !iggest draw!ac' is that it can ta'e up to 23 hours !efore the end user sees a change to the ist) (his is !ecause the defau t !ehavior of ?ut oo' 200. is to update the ?A6 once a da+)

g o!a address Mode)

If +our organi,ation have freAuent address !oo' changes than it is reco**ended to turn off =ached Exchange

What isS"MIME? What are the usage scenarios for S"MIME? What are the I#Sec usage scenarios for Exchange 200.? Jow do +ou ena! e ?WA? SSH on

What are the considerations for o!taining a digita certificate for SSH on Exchange? What are SA; certificates?
Su!8ect A ternative ;a*es protect *u tip e host na*es with a sing e SSH certificate) It a ows specif+ing a ist of host na*es to !e protected !+ a sing e SSH certificate) (he Su!8ect A ternative ;a*e extension has !een a part of the M40R certificate standard since !efore 1RRR& !ut on + recent + achieved widespread use with the aunch of Microsoft Exchange Server 200-/which *a'es good use of Su!8ect A ternative ;a*e to si*p if+ server configuration) What can a Su!8ect A ternative do? ;a*es

Secure host na*es on different !ase do*ains in one certificate) Dirtua Jost Mu tip e SSH sites on a sing e I# address) Josting *u tip e SSH/ena! ed sites on a sing e server t+pica + reAuires a uniAue I# address per site& !ut a certificate with Su!8ect A ternative ;a*es can so ve this pro! e*) Microsoft iS 5 and Apache are !oth a! e to Dirtua Jost Created by Aslam Kader

J((#S sites using 9nified =o**unications SSH certificate& a so 'nown as SA; certificates) SA; =ertificates secureB can

< Mu tip e fu + Aua ified do*ain na*es 0$Q%;2 with a sing e certificate) SA; =ertificates are often needed to secure Exchange 200- Server or ?ffice =o**unications Server 200-) < Instances where there is a need to secure *u tip e do*ains that reso ve to a sing e I# address 7such as in a shared hosting environ*ent2) 9sing a SA; certificate saves the hass e and ti*e invo ved in configuring *u tip e I# addresses on Exchange 200server& !inding each I# address to a different certificate& and running a ot of ow eve #owerShe co**ands 8ust to piece it a together)

*a)e a few /rd'%arties ?#s! What do you need to consider when using client'ty%e #4 softwareon an Exchange server? What are the different clustering o%tions in Exchange 200/? Which one would you choose and why! Why log file si;e reduced in exchange server 20(0?
(he transaction og fi es are a record of ever+ transaction perfor*ed !+ the data!ase engine) A transactions are written to the og first& and then a,i + written to the data!ase) 9n i'e Exchange Server 200.& the transaction og fi es in Exchange 2010 have !een reduced in si,e fro* 4M6 to 1M6) (his change was *ade to support the continuous rep ication features and to *ini*i,e the a*ount of data oss if pri*ar+ storage fai s)

What is the difference-etweenL?$0 ??$ and S?$?

(he origina 1(M re ease of Exchange Server 200- offered two different t+pes of continuous rep icationB oca continuous rep ication and c uster continuous rep ication) Hoca continuous rep ication provides a degree of fau t to erance on a sing e *ai !ox server) (he !asic pre*ise is that H=1 creates a secondar+ cop+ of an Exchange Server data!ase on a separate vo u*e than the server) In contrast& ==1 uses a si*i ar *ethod to create a separate cop+ of the data!ase and stores it on a separate Exchange server) When Microsoft re eased Service #ac' 1for Exchange Server 200-& it introduced a third t+pe of continuous rep ication 'nown as stand!+ continuous rep ication 0S=12) S=1 is si*i ar to ==1Q however& ==1 can on + create one rep ica of a protected data!ase) S=1 can create *u tip e rep icas of a data!ase) Even though Exchange Server 200- provides three different t+pes of continuous rep ication& a three wor' in !asica + the sa*e wa+) =ontinuous rep ication is !ased on a techniAue ca ed og shipping& which invo ves cop+ing each og fi e to the ocation where the !ac'up data!ase is stored whi e the og fi e is !ui t) (he og fi e is then rep a+ed against the rep ica data!ase& !ringing the data!ase into a current state) Microsoft c assifies continuous rep ication as a storage group/ eve operation& !ut I thin' it:s *ore accurate to c assif+ it as a data!ase/ eve operation) Hog fi es reside at the storage group eve & !ut continuous rep ication& in an+ for*& i*its the protected storage group to a sing e data!ase) (herefore& continuous rep ication cou d !e considered a data!ase/ eve operation !ecause it invo ves a sing e data!ase)

W hat is S? ? ?
Created by Aslam Kader

A sing e cop+ c uster 0S==2 is a c ustered *ai !ox server that uses shared storage in a fai over c uster configuration to a ow *u tip e servers to *anage a sing e cop+ of the storage groups) (his feature is si*i ar to the c ustering features in previous versions of Microsoft Exchange) Jowever& there are so*e significant changes and i*prove*ents that have !een *ade) (he wa+ in which +ou !ui d& *anage& and trou! eshoot an sec! is co*p ete + different fro* the wa+ in which previous versions of Exchange c usters were !ui t and *anaged) In addition& the out/of/!ox fai over !ehavior has changed significant + in Microsoft Exchange Server 200-) S==s reAuire the use of a shared/nothing architecture& which inc udes shared dis' storage) In a shared/nothing architecture& a though a nodes in the c uster can access shared data& the+ cannot access it at the sa*e ti*e) $or exa*p e& if a ph+sica dis' resource is assigned to node 1of a two/node c uster& node 2 cannot access the dis' resource unti node 1is ta'en off ine& fai s& or the dis' resource is *oved to node 2 *anua +) In an S==& an Exchange 200- Mai !ox server uses its own networ' identit+& not the identit+ of an+ node in the c uster) (his networ' identit+ is referred to as a c ustered *ai !ox server) If the node running a c ustered *ai !ox server experiences pro! e*s& the c ustered *ai !ox server goes off ine for a !rief period unti another node ta'es contro of the c ustered *ai !ox server and !rings it on ine) (his process is 'nown as fai over) (he storage hosting the c ustered *ai !ox server:s storage groups and data!ases is hosted on shared storage that is avai a! e to each possi! e host node of the c ustered *ai !ox server) As the fai over occurs& the storage associated with the c ustered *ai !ox server is ogica + detected fro* the fai ed node and p aced under the contro of the new host node of the c ustered *ai !ox server) In addition to fai over& an ad*inistrator can *anua + *ove a c ustered *ai !ox server !etween nodes in a c uster) (his process is 'nown as a handoff) A handoff shou d on + !e perfor*ed using the Move/=iusteredMai !oxServer the Exchange Manage*ent =onso e) c*d et in the Exchange

Manage*ent She & or& if running Exchange 200- S# & !+ using the Manage = ustered Mai !ox Server wi,ard in

@ou have installedExchange2007 $=5 and are lookingto ena-leS?$ -ut cannotfind the o%tionto do so in the E5? or in "S! W hy?
Stand!+ continuous rep ication 0S=12 is introduced with Service #ac' 1&+ou have to insta S# of higher to use S=1)

How do L?$?

you ena-le

(o use the Exchange Manage*ent =onso e to ena! e H=1 for an existing storage group

1.!!!!!!!! Start the Exchange Manage*ent =onso e)

2) .) 3) Expand Microsoft Exchange& expand Server =onfiguration& and then se ect Mai !ox) In the resu t pane& se ect the Mai !ox server that contains the storage group that +ou want to ena! e for H=1) In the wor' pane& right/c ic' the storage group that +ou want to ena! e& and then se ect Ena! e Hoca =ontinuous 1ep ication) (he Ena! e Storage Group Hoca =ontinuous 1ep ication Wi,ard wi start)

4) 5)

?n the Introduction page& c ic' ;ext) ?n the Set #aths page& +ou can specif+ the ocations for the H=1 og fi es and H=1 s+ste* fi es !+ c ic'ing 6rowse for the appropriate fie d) = ic' ;ext to continue)

Created by Aslam Kader


(he data!ase page appears with the na*e of the data!ase in the storage group) 9se 6rowse to specif+ the path for the H=1 data!ase fi e) = ic' ;ext to continue)


1eview the =onfiguration Su**ar+ infor*ation on the Ena! e page& and verif+ that the correct paths have !een configured) After +ou have verified the paths& c ic' Ena! e to ena! e H=1 for the storage group)


After the storage group and data!ase have !een ena! ed for H=1& c ic' $inish to c ose the wi,ard) (o use the Exchange Manage*ent She to ena! e H=1 for an existing storage group 1. ! ! ! ! ! ! ?pen the Exchange Manage*ent She )


1un the fo owing co**andB Ena! e/%ata!ase=op+ OServ er@OStorageG roup@O%ata!ase@ =op+E%6$i e#athBO$uii#ath nc uding%ata!ase$i e;a*e@ /Identit+


After the Ena! e/%ata6ase=op+ co**and has successfu + co*p eted& run the fo owing co**andB Ena! e/StorageGroup=op+ /Identit+ OServer@OStorageGroup@ /=op+ og$o der#athBO$uii#ath@

=op+S+ste*$o der#ath BO$u #ath@ ;oteB (he account +ou use to perfor* this operation *ust !e de egated the Exchange Server Ad*inistrator ro e and oca Ad*inistrators group for the target server) After H=1 has !een ena! ed for a storage group& it wi initia + report a status of Initia i,ing) (he storage group wi change fro* a status of Initia i,ing to a status of Jea th+ after one transaction og fi e has !een generated) H=1 cannot !e ena! ed on a Mai !ox server that contains one or *ore stand!+ continuous rep ication 0S=12 targets) A though H=1 can !e ena! ed on a Mai !ox server that is configured as an S=1 source& H=1 and S=1 targets cannot !e co*!ined on the sa*e Mai !ox server)

What Exchange edition version do +ou need for H=1? What Windows edition version do +ou need for H=1?
Exchange 200- 1(M or higher S# eve & Windows 200. or higher)

Jow do +ou recover fro* a store corruption when using H=1? ;a*e the procedures +ou wou d use)
(o !ring the H=1 rep ica data!ase on ine right/c ic' on the 0Sever =onfiguration L@ Mai !ox L@ %ata!ase Manage*ent2 storage group and choose 1estore Storage Group =op+) =o*p ete the wi,ard to ena! e the passive cop+) (his process chec's that the rep ica og fi es have !een !rought co*p ete + up to date and rep a+ed into the rep ica data!ase so that it is read+ to !e *ounted) 6efore the passive cop+ can !e !rought on ine it *ust !e p aced in the ocation of the origina production data!ase) $or a arge data!ase fi e cop+ing it fro* one ocation to the other wou d !e ver+ ti*e consu*ing) Instead +ou shou d *odif+ the drive etter and fo der path of the passive cop+ so that it *atches the origina active cop+) $or exa*p e& if the passive cop+ was in $BSG1%ata/H=1& use %is' Manager to re/assign that vo u*e to the drive etter EB and then rena*e the path to SG1%ata)

;ote that this is not necessar+ if during the 1estore Storage Group =op+ wi,ard +ou tic'ed the !ox to update the data!ase paths to *atch the passive cop+ ocation) (his *ethod *eans that +ou can i**ediate + *ount the data!ase without having to re*ap an+ vo u*es& however it *a+ cause confusion for ad*inistrators ater on when the+ encounter an active data!ase in what the+ thought was a passive rep ica ocation) (he activation of the passive cop+ is co*p eted !+ si*p + *ounting the data!ase) ?nce the data!ase is !ac' on ine +ou then need tore/ena! e H=1 to protect it fro* future fai ure situations

6 escri-e6 #1 in Exchange 20(0!

A %AG is a set of up to 15 Mai !ox servers that provide auto*atic data!ase/ eve recover+ fro* fai ures that affect individua data!ases) An+ server in a %AG can host a cop+ of a *ai !ox data!ase fro* an+ other server in the %AG) When a server is added to a %AG& it wor's with the other servers in the %AG to provide auto*atic recover+ fro* fai ures that affect *ai !ox data!ases& such as a dis' fai ure or server fai ure) Each Mai !ox server can host as *an+ as 100!data!ases& and each data!ase can have as *an+ as 15 copies)

?onsidering 6#1s in Exchange 20(00 why does 5icrosoft clai) that you can run raidless?
Exchange 2.010!has a new 1/0!pattern that resu ts in #0!percent ower 1/0!reAuire*ents than Exchange 2.00#! 0and Exchange 2.00#!had #0!percent ower 1/0!reAuire*ents than Exchange 2.00$14. !(his reduced 1/0!pattern& than's to opti*i,ations that *a'e it so writes don:t co*e in !ursts an+*ore& co*!ined with advance*ents in SA(A drives& *eans SA(A is now a rea istic storage p atfor* for Exchange 2.010.!SA(A was previous + 8ust for des'top s+ste*s) In addition& with the new data!ase avai a!i it+ group 0%AG2 for high avai a!i it+ of *ai !oxes& the new guidance fro* Microsoft is that if +ou have data!ases rep icated on at east three servers in the %AG& +ou don:t even need 1AI% on the storage an+*ore) 6ecause +ou have !ac'ups of the data in essentia + rea ti*e on the *ai !ox dup icates and Ju! (ransport du*pster& +ou can use 8ust a !unch of dis's 0C6?%2 configurations) If +ou don:t use %AG or have on + two servers rep icating a data!ase& +ou shou d sti use 1AI% for the data!ase) 1AI% was previous + used for 1/0 purposes in addition to high avai a!i it+& !ut !ecause of the drop in 1/0! reAuire*ents& sing e dis's are now an option) Microsoft is suggesting one dis' per data!ase"transaction og going forward& providing +ou have the data!ase rep icated !etween at east three servers)

Would yourun A2acku%'lessA even when i)%le)enting 6#1s in Exchange20(0? Why?

<or a -acku%'less environ)ent to -e feasi-le you )ust8 < < Jave at east three %AG *e*!ers across two ph+sica ocations Jave at east one agged data!ase cop+ 0this is a cop+ that E agsE !ehind at a set interva !efore co**itting rep ication data to the data!ase2 Jave circu ar ogging ena! ed for a of the data!ases Jave +our archive and retention settings fu + i*p e*ented and opti*i,ed to prevent per*anent de etion of
Created by Aslam Kader

< <

data < Jave +our 1o e/6ased Access =ontro fu + oc'ed down to prevent inexperienced ad*inistrators fro* destro+ing the %AG itse fthrough error or *a icious intent)

< <

;ot !e using #u! ic $o ders 0which are not protected !+ %AGs2 ?!vious + that a !eco*es co*p ex in its own right& not to *ention potentia + ver+ expensive) Mu tip e

ph+sica ocations *ean *ore data/centre costs& and the nu*!er of %AG *e*!ers increases the nu*!er of expensive Enterprise Edition icenses reAuired for Windows Server 200G) < Even with a of the co*p exities understood and the expenses afforda! e for an organi,ation& there sti re*ains so*e ris' of co*p ete oss of e*ai data through a disaster) With that in *ind it is *ore feasi! e that a ess co*p ex %AG dep o+*ent can si*p + !e used to reduce the freAuenc+ of !ac'ups& rather than e i*inate the* entire +)

2rick level -acku%s B<ro) Ex)erge to 7)%ort'5ail-ox>Ex%ort'5ail-oxC

6ric'/Heve *ai !ox !ac'up is a *ethod in which the !ac'up progra* ogs on into each *ai !ox on the store 7!+ using MA#I& 8ust i'e ?ut oo' does2 and then !ac's/up the contents of the *ai !oxes to the tape device) Each *ai !ox is !ac'ed up individua +& and thus restoring a specific *ai !ox in case it has !een de eted and purged fro* the data!ase is easier than !efore) ?n + few !ac'up software support 6ric'/Heve !ac'ups) (he *ain reasons for the ac' of 6ric'/Heve that a 6ric'/Heve !ac'up is not designed to fu + protect an Exchange server& 8ust one *ai !ox at not an a ternative to a *ono ithic 0fu 2 !ac'up"restore) A 6ric'/Heve restore cannot !e used to Infor*ation Store after a disaster) If used& a 6ric'/Heve !ac'up *ust !e uti i,ed in con8unction with !ac'up in order to fu + protect the server) support are a ti*e) It is recover the a *ono ithic

In order for an+ .rd/part+ !ac'up software to !e a! e to do 6ric'/Heve !ac'ups& the product wou d have to !ac'up *u tip e copies of the sa*e *essage) In other words& it wou d have to change the Exchange Sing e Instance architecture data!ase) 1e*oving the Sing e Instance architecture is possi! e !ut it wou d *ean onger !ac'up ti*e and greater tape usage)

?an you use Ex)erge in Exchange 2007' 20(0? Why?

Ex*erge can !e used with Exchange 200-& !ut it is not reco**ended) Export/Mai !ox c*d et introduced with Exchange 200- to do the sa*e tas')

How do you ex%ort )ail-ox content in Exchange 2007' 20(0?

Export/Mai !ox can !e used to export *ai !ox data fro* one& or *an+ *ai !oxes& to another *ai !ox or #S( fi e& !ased on fo ders& *essage 'e+words& attach*ent fi e na*es or dates) It can a so !e used to de ete origina content fro* the *ai !ox once it has !een extracted) (he Export/Mai !ox co**and can extract *ai !ox data fro* Exchange 2000 0S#. or ater2& Exchange 200. 0S#2 or ater2 or Exchange 200- servers) Jowever& +ou *ust *ove extracted data to an Exchange 200- server) $or exa*p e& +ou cannot use the Export/Mai !ox co**and to *ove Exchange 200- data to an Exchange 200. server) #revious +& an ad*inistrator using Ex*erge had to grant hi*se f per*ission to access a user:s *ai !ox !efore !eing a! e to extract infor*ation) (his is a so true for the Export/Mai !ox co**and) Fou cannot export a *ai !ox:s contents without first granting +ourse f per*ission to do so) 9se Add/Mai !ox#er*ission c*d et to grant fu access rights to ad*in user id 0it is reco**ended to use separate user account2 used for exporting *ai !ox)
Created by Aslam Kader

Add/Mai !ox#er*ission /Identit+ O*ai !ox9ser@ /Access1ights $uiiAccess /user Oad*in@NOdo*ain)ext@ ;ow 1un as Exchange Manage*ent She co**and2 and run the fo owing co**and with ad*in user id 0to who* access rights granted in previous

Export/Mai !ox /Identit+ O*a !ox9ser@ /#S($o der#ath Opath(oSave#S(@ #S($o der#ath *ust !e a fu path pointing either to a director+ or to a 0)pst2 fi e)

What are strea*ing !ac'ups?

Strea*ing !ac'up is a !ac'up *ethod where copies of a desired data!ase fi es and the necessar+ og fi es are *ade during the !ac'up process) $i e copies *a+ !e saved direct + to tape or can !e *ade to an+ other storage device) ;o Auiescing of activit+ of an+ 'ind is reAuired with strea*ed !ac'ups) 6oth the data!ase and og fi es are chec' su**ed to ensure that no data corruptions exist within the data set during the !ac'up process) Strea*ing !ac'ups *a+ a so !e incre*enta !ac'ups) Incre*enta !ac'ups are ones in which on + the og fi es are copied and which can !e restored a ong with a previous fu !ac'up to !ring a data!ases to a recent state) Strea*ing !ac'up functions on Extensi! e Storage Engine 0ESE2 app ication progra**ing interfaces 0A#I2) (he strea*ing !ac'up techno og+ is used !+ Microsoft Windows Server 6ac'up as we as *an+ third/part+ products) (his techno og+ has !een avai a! e in a previous versions of Exchange and has a *ature feature set)

What are !ac'ups?


(he Do u*e Shadow =op+ Service provides the !ac'up infrastructure for the Microsoft Windows M# and Microsoft Windows Server 200. operating s+ste*s& as we as a *echanis* for creating consistent point/in/ti*e copies of data 'nown as shadow copies) (he Do u*e Shadow =op+ Service feature in Microsoft Windows Server 200. can !e used to create app ications that !ac'up and restore Microsoft Exchange Server 200-) So utions !ased on DSS infrastructure can use the shadow copies to !ac'up and restore one or *ore Exchange Server 200- data!ases) DSS coordinates co**unication !etween DSS 1eAuestors 0for exa*p e& !ac'up app ications2& DSS Writers 0for exa*p e& the Microsoft Exchange Server 200-2& and DSS #roviders 0s+ste*& software& or hardware co*ponents that create the shadow copies2) (o use DSS to !ac'up Exchange Server 200-& the !ac'up app ication *ust inc ude an Exchange Server 200-/aware DSS reAuestor)

Jow wou d +ou !ac'up Exchange 200*achine without using .rd/part+ too s?

2010 on a Windows Server 200G


Exchange 200- Service #ac' 2 0a so avai a! e with Exchange 20102 inc udes a DSS p ug/in for Windows Server 6ac'up to support Exchange !ac'ups) ?nce S#2 is insta ed& +ou can use Windows Server 6ac'up to !ac' up and restore +our Exchange 200- S#2 data!ases) (he new p ug/in is de ivered in the for* of a sing e executa! e ca ed WS6Exchange)exe) (his p ug/in is auto*atica + insta ed !+ S#2 on a Exchange 200- Mai !ox servers) (he p ug/in ena! es Windows Server 6ac'up to !e a! e to *a'e Exchange/aware DSS !ac'ups)

What is a 1ecover+ Storage Group? Jow do +ou wor' with


Created by Aslam Kader

(he 1ecover Storage Group 01SG2 feature& which was origina + introduced !ac' in Exchange 200.& gives +ou as the Exchange ad*inistrator& the option of *ounting a second cop+ of a *ai !ox data!ase 0t+pica + a *ai !ox data!ase restored fro* !ac'up2 so that +ou can extract data fro* one or *ore *ai !oxes in the respective data!ase without affecting the production data!ases if +ou need to do so during wor'ing hours) 1SG is created using the Exchange (rou! eshooting Assistant 0Ex(1A2 in Exchange 200-& which is aunched via the %ata!ase 1ecover+ Manage*ent too & which is found under the Exchange (oo !ox wor' center& or !+ using the Exchange Manage*entShe 0EMS2) When *ounting a cop+ of a Mai !ox data!ase to an 1SG +ou can extract the data fro* a *ai !ox and then *erge the data with another *ai !ox ocated in a *ai !ox data!ase in a production Storage Group& !ut +ou can a so extract the data and then cop+ it to a specific fo der in another *ai !ox)

What !ui t/in too do +ou have to a ow +ou to *anage Exchange store recoveries?
(he fo owing !ui t/in too s are avai a! e with Microsoft Exchange Server 200-B 1)%ata!ase 1ecover+ Manage*ent (he %ata!ase 1ecover+ Manage*ent too uses the sa*e engine as the Exchange (rou! eshooting Assistant to progra**atica + execute a set of trou! eshooting steps to identif+ issues with the data!ase that +ou specif+) It then provides *u tip e wi,ards to guide +ou through possi! e so utions for a read+ identified issues) Y) (rou! eshooter %ata!ase

(he %ata!ase (rou! eshooter a so uses the sa*e engine as the Exchange (rou! eshooting Assistant 0Ex(1A2 to progra**atica + execute a set of trou! eshooting steps to identif+ the root causes of data!ase *ounting issues) (he too auto*atica + deter*ines the set of data that is reAuired to trou! eshoot the identified s+*pto*s and co ects configuration data& perfor*ance counters& event ogs& and ive tracing infor*ation fro* Exchange Server and other appropriate sources) (hen& it provide guidance for possi! e so utions with in's to re ated data!ase recover+ *anage*ent wi,ards) .) Exchange Server %ata!ase 9ti ities Exchange Server %ata!ase 9ti ities 0Eseuti )exe2 is a co**and/ ine too that wor's with the Extensi! e Storage Engine 0ESE2& data!ase fi es& and og fi es that are associated with an Exchange data!ase) Fou can use Eseuti to verif+& *odif+& and repair an Exchange data!ase fi e) When a data!ase is corrupt or da*aged& +ou can restore data fro* !ac'up or repair it using Eseuti ) 3) Infor*ation Store Integrit+ =hec'er (he Infor*ation Store Integrit+ =hec'er 0 sinteg)exe2 finds and e i*inates errors fro* the pu! ic fo der and *ai !ox data!ases at the app ication eve ) sinteg is not intended for use as a part of routine infor*ation store *aintenanceQ it is provided to assist in disaster recover+ situations) 6ecause the sinteg too wor's at the ogica sche*a eve & it can recover data that Eseuti cannot recover) (his is !ecause data that is va id for the Eseuti too at the ph+sica sche*a eve can !e se*antica + inva id at the ogica sche*a eve ) (he sinteg too tas'sB perfor*s two *ain

< It patches the infor*ation store after a restore fro* an off ine !ac'up) < Ittests and optiona + fixes errors in the infor*ation store)

Created by Aslam Kader

(hese too s co*prise the core disaster recover+ app ications for Exchange 200-) Fou can find the %ata!ase 1ecover+ Manage*ent too and the %ata!ase (rou! e/shooter in the (oo !ox of the Exchange Manage*ent =onso e) (hese too s provide a graphica user interface 0G9I2 for *an+ of the co**and/ ine too s used to trou! eshoot Exchange data!ases)

What is the difference -etween online and offline defrag?

Exchange Server 200- perfor*s an auto*ated dai + defrag*entation as part of the schedu ed data!ase *aintenance) (his process& 'nown as an on ine defrag*entation& is intended to 'eep the data!ases hea th+ and free fro* corruption& !ut it does not shrin' the ph+sica si,e of the data!ase) (he process rearranges *ai !ox store and pu! ic fo der store data *ore efficient +& e i*inating unused storage space) ?n ine defrag*entation *a'es additiona data!ase space avai a! e !+ detecting and re*oving data!ase o!8ects that are no onger !eing used) In an Exchange environ*ent& as *ore data is added to a data!ase& the data!ase grows in si,e) When *essages or *ai !oxes are de eted& however& the data!ase does not decrease in si,e& it si*p + frees up avai a! e EwhitespaceE that can !e overwritten !+ new *ai or *ai !oxes) A though this is not nor*a + a pro! e* for an environ*ent& there are scenarios in which it can create issues) $or exa*p e& if a data!ase was to grow extre*e + arge and& in an effort to redistri!ute the oad& an ad*inistrator was to *ove 40Z of the *ai !oxes to another server& the data!ase wou d sti re*ain the sa*e si,e) Even though the data!ase contains 40Z whitespace& it sti *ust !e !ac'ed up in its entiret+ and& in the event of a disaster& wou d have to !e restored as such) (he on + wa+ to shrin' a data!ase is to perfor* an off ine defrag*entation& which is a *anua process uti i,ing the eseuti "d co**and) (o deter*ine the a*ount of whitespace contained within a data!ase& view the app ication og of the Exchange server and fi ter on Event I% 1221) (his event shows how *uch free space exists within each data!ase) ?ff ine drag is a co*p icated process) %efrag actua + wor's !+ reading the origina data!ase& and cop+ing used data!ase pages into the !rand new data!ase fi e) When that is a done& de ete the origina data!ase fi e and rena*e the new one and cop+ it into origina data!ase fi e:s p ace) Fou need to ta'e +our data!ases off ine in order to run ?ff ine drag and it is a ti*e consu*ing process too) ?ff ine defrag is definite + not so*ething to do on regu ar !asis) And it is t+pica + not needed either) Fou usua + do it when +our exchange data!ase is growing to its i*its or +ou done a hard repair of the data!ase) ?n ine %efrag*entation %efrag the data!ase on ine ?ccurs auto*atica + as part of the data!ase *aintenance process %etects and re*oves data!ase o!8ects that are no onger !eing used& without changing the fi e si,e of the data!ase ?ff ine %efrag*entation Must dis*ount data!ase first 1un Eseuti "d *anua +) 1educe the data!ase) ph+sica si,e ofthe Exchange

In Exchange 2010& is there an+ change in the wa+ on ine and off ine defrags are used 0or shou d !e used2?
In Exchange 2010"!the architecture for on ine defrag*entation has changed) ?n ine defrag*entation was *oved out of the Mai !ox data!ase *aintenance process) ?n ine defrag*entation now runs in the !ac'ground 2Bx#.!Fou don:t need to configure an+ settings for this feature) Exchange *onitors the data!ase as its !eing used& and s*a changes are *ade over ti*e to 'eep it defragged for space and contiguit+) ?n ine defrag*entation is a so thrott ed so it doesn:t have a negative i*pact on c ient perfor*ance

What is (he Avai a!i it+ Service?

(he avai a!i it+ service in Exchange 200#! is arge + concerned with how users access the free"!us+ infor*ation of other users) (he avai a!i it+ service in Exchange 200#! is one of the new We! services) 6rief + spea'ing& the Exchange 200#! We! services a ow app ications to access *ai !ox contents via J((#& so c ear + app ication deve op*ent is ai*ed at these services in Exchange 200#.!As we wi discuss in detai & the free"!us+ infor*ation for a user hosted on Exchange 200#! is now stored direct + in the *ai !ox& so accessing free"!us+ infor*ation can !e achieved via the We! services and thus& specifica +& the Avai a!i it+ service)

Where does Exchange 200-"2010 get its routing topo og+ fro*?
(he Exchange 200#! routing topo og+ is derived fro* the Active %irector+ director+ service site topo og+) Interna *essage routing re ies on the configuration of Active %irector+ sites and I# site in's to deter*ine the fo owingB

Which Exchange servers can co**unicate direct +?

When *essages *ust !e re a+ed !etween Active %irector+ sites) When *essages are routed to externa do*ains& the+ *ust !e routed to Send connectors) If an Exchange 200#! organi,ation coexists with an Exchange 200$! or Exchange 2000! organi,ation& +ou *ust *aintain routing group connectors)

What protoco transport?

is used for the Mai !ox

to J(

Ju! (ransport server co**unicates with a Mai !ox Server using MA#I"1#=) If a *essage is sent !etween different Ju! (ransport servers in different Active %irector+ sites& the transport protoco used is SM(#) (his ho ds true for co**unication !etween an Exchange 200#!Ju! (ransport server and a egac+ Exchange routing group connector)

What is the E=# in Exchange 2010 ?WA?

(he Exchange =ontro #ane is a We! app ication that runs on a = ient Access Server providing services for the Exchange organi,ation) (his Exchange =ontro #ane is insta ed auto*atica + when +ou insta a = ient Access server) 6+ defau t& the Exchange =ontro #ane 91H is httpsB""+ourserver)+ourdo*ain)co*"ecp) (he E=# is pri*ari + targeted to !e used !+ End users #ersonne granted the authorit+ to se f/*anage aspects of their accounts such as the a!i it+ to trac' *essages the+ have sent and received& create and *anage distri!ution ists& or edit aspects oftheir persona account infor*ation)
Created by Aslam Kader

Josted tenants (enant ad*inistrators for hosted custo*ers) Specia ists #ersonne such as Je p %es' operators& %epart*ent Ad*inistrators& and e%iscover+ Ad*inistrators who have had the appropriate eve of access de egated !+ ad*inistrators)

It is i*portant to note the Exchange =ontro #ane is 16A=/aware& *eaning that ad*inistrative options are avai a! e on + to those who have the appropriate per*issions to uti i,e the*) E=# can show a user ogged in with fu ad*inistrative access severa ad*inistrative tas's 0note the Se ect What to Manage option in the top/ eft corner and the Manage +our ?rgani,ation option in the !otto*/right corner2 which show the sa*e interface as viewed !+ a standard user)

A user opens an ?WA session fro* an externa co*puter) Which ro e does that user conned to?
= ient ro e) Access server

What ports do +ou need to open !etween the %MY ho ding the Edge ro e and +our interna networ'?
(he reco**ended practice is to put the Edge (ransport server within a peri*eter networ') (o *a'e sure that the server can send and receive e/*ai and receive recipient and configuration data updates fro* the Microsoft Exchange Edge/S+nc service& +ou *ust a ow co**unication through the ports that are isted in the fo owing ta! e) =o**unication port settings for Edge (ransport servers ;etwor' interface In!ound fro* and out!ound to the Internet *ai f ow to and fro* the Internet) In!ound fro* and out!ound to the interna networ' *ai f ow to and fro* the Exchange organi,ation) Hoca on + oca connection to A% H?S) In!ound fro* the interna networ' Edge/S+nc s+nchroni,ation) ?pen port 24"(=# #rotoco SM(# ;ote (his port *ust !e open for



(his port *ust !e open for



(his port is used to *a'e a


Secure H%A#

(his port *ust !e open for

In!ound fro* the interna networ' ..GR"(=# 1%# ?pening this port is optiona ) It provides *ore f exi!i it+ in *anaging the Edge (ransport servers fro* inside the interna networ' !+ etting +ou use a re*ote des'top connection to *anage the Edge (ransport server)

What is resi ience?



In Exchange 200-& an interna co*ponent of Extensi! e Storage Engine 7ESE2 ca ed HH1 ena! es +ou to recover Exchange data!ases even if one or *ore of the *ost recent + generated transaction og fi es have !een ost or da*aged) 60! defau t& HH1 is ena! ed on a Exchange 200- *ai !ox servers) HH1 ena! es a *ai !ox data!ase to *ount even when recent + generated og fi es are unavai a! e) ?ne cause of unavai a! e og fi es is a ous+ fai over in a c uster continuous rep ication 0==12 environ*ent& which is a so 'nown as an unschedu ed outage) (he order of write operations of Exchange data is a wa+s *e*or+& og fi e& and then data!ase fi e) HH1 wor's !+
Created by Aslam Kader

de a+ing writes to the data!ase unti the specified nu*!er of og generations have !een created) HH1 de a+s recent updates to the data!ase fi e for a short ti*e) (he ength of ti*e that writes are de a+ed depends on how Auic' + ogs are !eing generated)

In the event of a fai over& the passive cop+ of the data!ases can !e auto*atica + *ounted !+ the Microsoft Exchange Infor*ation Store service if the nu*!er of ost ogs is fewer than the a owa! e a*ount as configured !+ an ad*inistrator) An ad*inistrator deter*ines the *axi*u* nu*!er of ogs that can !e ost !efore the data!ase cannot !e *ounted on a fai over !+ setting the Auto%ata!aseMount%ia para*eter) (his para*eter& which is represented in the Active %irector+ director+ service !+ an Exchange attri!ute ca ed *sExch%ata oss$orAuto%ata!aseMount& has three va uesB oss ess& Good Avai a!i it+& and 6est Avai a!i it+) Hoss ess is 0 ogs ost& Good Avai a!i it+ is . ogs ost& and 6est Avai a!i it+& which is the defau t& is 5 ogs ost)

What is the defau t rep ication s+nc?


for Edge

(he configuration and recipient data is 'ept up to date !+ periodica + s+nchroni,ing changes fro* Active %irector+ to Active %irector+ ightweight %irector+ Services 7A% H%S2) 6+ defau t& configuration data is s+nchroni,ed to A% H%S once ever+ hour& and recipient data is s+nchroni,ed to A% H%S once ever+ four hours) Fou can change these interva s using the Set/EdgeS+ncServicec*d et)

What is ?n ine Mai !ox Move in Exchange 2010?

Exchange 2010 ca*e up with a new feature ca ed :?n ine Mai !ox Move: that a ows end/users to !e on ine in their e*ai accounts during the *ove*ent of *ai !ox) ?n co*p eting the *ove users 8ust needs to reopen their ?ut oo' c ients) Mai !ox Move 1eAuests are a new feature set of Exchange 2010 and reAuires running a series of =*d ets to perfor* as+nchronous on ine *ai !ox *oves with the he p of a service agent ca ed Mai !ox 1ep ication Service 0M1S2) M1S is avai a! e on a Exchange 2010 = ient Access Servers) ;oteB ?n ine *ai !ox *oves are on + supported in the fo owing scenarios whi e *oving *ai !oxes within the sa*e forest or across forests) 6etween data!ases two Exchange 2010

$ro* Exchange 200-S#2 data!ase to Exchange 2010 data!ase

What is s+nchroni,ation?


(he Edge Su!scription process is the procedure that an ad*inistrator fo ows to esta! ish an Edge Su!scription for an Edge (ransport server) Fou su!scri!e an Edge (ransport server to an Active %irector+ site to associate the Edge (ransport server with the Exchange organi,ation)

Jow do +ou ena! e Edge su!scription? Jow to set up an Edge Su!scription

?pen the Exchange Manage*ent She on the Edge (ransport server& and enter this co**andB ;ew/EdgeSu!scription /fi e E=BKsu!scription)x* E

(ransfer EdgeSu!scription)x* to the Ju! (ransport server ?pen Exchange Manage*ent =onso e
Created by Aslam Kader

In the eft tree choose E?rgani,ation =onfiguration; and then EJu! (ranspo

In the Actions pane c ic' E;ew Edge Su!scriptionE =hoose active director+ site& if +ou have *u tip e sites though& then +ou shou d *a'e the Edge (ransport server a *e*!er of the site that has the fastest 0or *ost re ia! e2 networ' connectivit+ to the peri*eter networ') 9se the 6rowse !utton to !rowse for and se ect the su!scription)x* fi e) Derif+ that the Auto*atica + =reate A Send =onnector for this Edge Su!scription chec'!ox is se ected& then c ic' the ;ew !utton to i*port the MMH fi e and create the Edge Su!scription)

Ahere !does!Edge!role!store !its!settings7

(he Edge (ransport server uses Active %irector+ App ication Mode 0A%AM2 to store the reAuired Active %irector+ data& which is data such as Accepted %o*ains& 1ecipients& Safe Senders& Send =onnectors and a Ju! (ransport server ist)

Jow to turn on"off Exchange =ached Mode in ?ut oo' 200."200%ep o+ing Exchange Server 200- and ?ffice =o**unications Server 200- 12 0#art 1 6are *eta environ*ent %ata!ase Avai a!i it+ Group 0%AG /Exchange 2010 Wh+ %o Fou ;eed $orest#rep and %o*ai n#rep? %ifference !etween windows 200. and windows 200G %iscontinued $eatures fro* Exchange 200. I 200- to Exchange 2010 1(M What to =hec' When Exchange =annot Send E*ai to =ertain %o*ains %ia tone recoverv 2010 using EM= %ia (one 1ecoverv 2010 using #owershe %u*pster ?1 Sing e Ite* 1ecoverv in Exchange Server 2010 #repare Active %irectorv and %o*ains %own oad Microsoft Exchange (rou! eshooting Assistant v1)1 Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 (ransport Server 1o e Architecture %iagra*s Exchange 200-1nterview

Created by Aslam Kader

Exchange 2010 and S+*antec 6ac'up Exec 1estore Scenarios %ep o+ing S+*antec 6ac'up Exec ?ff/host 6ac'ups for Exchange Server 200S+*antec 6ac'up Exec 0(M 12)4 for Windows Servers Ad*inistrator:s Guide 7Eng ish2 =orporate i'e W pro) J# I J=H Interview Auestion and Answer Interview Auestion of 200."200-

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