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Flappers and non-Flappers Flappers Before we find out who or what is a flapper we must know what was the 19th amendment. The 19 amendment allow women to vote. Even though the amendment didn't do much for the women, still some women were leaving the traditional morals. They have cut their hair and wear short dress that only come down to there KNEE! and SMOKE! But who are this womens and what are they doing. So i decided to go find out and investigate. It turns out that they are called flappers. They want to be more equal like mens so they drink and smoke and divorce.Trying to change the standard of sex. They are having less kids which mean more money to spend on consumable goods. Flapper are also attending to ballroom and clubs dancing the new popular dance called Charleston. They were very influenced by the jazz music. Non-Flappers

Even though flappers are taking most of the intension the are only a small percentage and are mostly rich young womens. So I decided to also investigate what the common women is experiencing in today's society. It turns out not much has change for them. They still live their life as before. Despite the fact of new invention like the washing machine most family werent able to afford it, and didnt have the time and interest to dress up like a flapper. The only thing that change was the fact there were moving away from their house chores and finding jobs outside of homes.

Copy Rights to Apush Per.2 group 5 july, 26 1929


After the war, the US was better than ever. The economy was going up because there was a great boom during 1922-1927! Because of this boom, the US was the superpower economy wise since they had an increase because of all the productions.This caused for the US to be isolated from everyone else. They wanted to stay as the superpower and not have any problems to ruin this opportunity. There was an increase in most of the industries The Automobile industry was the largest industry during this time. About 26 million cars were on the road because more and more people were buying them since they were able to afford it. There was also the Electric Industry which provided many people with electricity to power household items that were used daily like vacuums and washing machines. Other industries were also booming. There were many radios were being sold so there was more radio broadcasting. Many Americans were benefitted from this boom. Factories had better working conditions and wages rose by 11%. Factory owners tried to convince workers that labor unions were radical organizations. They were manipulating them to not join unions. YellowDog Contracts forbade employees to join any labor unions. There was also Welfare Capitalism which was meant for owners to spend money to improve plant conditions and they won employee loyalty with pensions, paid vacations and company cafeterias. Mostly all factory workers were benefitted if they didnt join a labor union. Americans starting buying with credit. Companies started offering everyone to buy the item what they want and make payments a certain day until they finish paying the item. Americans started doing this because they wanted everything that was in the market since everything was less than it was before. Many found this as a great opportunity so mostly everyone started buying on credit in the 1920s. The 1920s didnt only bring many positive effects to Americans, it brought some negative ones as well. The farmers were having many problems because they did not have much production. During the war, farmers had a lot to grow to support the US and its Allies and now they were not able to produce much. They did not have anyone to grow crops for, only for the US. Since the other countries were growing their own crops, they had difficulty to sell them. Farmers had to move to urban areas to get jobs and live off of that. Also, many blacks still lived in poverty. They had jobs like collecting garbage, washing dishes and sweeping floors. They did not have as much luck as the rest of the Americans.


Laissez-faire is a policy that removes government control from all economic trades. Originally a notion from Adam Smith, laissez-faire was adopted in the 1920s in the US as consumerism continuously grew. Laissez-faire was known to cause the Great Depression. Several Republican presidents supported the policy, as they were economically conservative. They included Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover. Harding was well supported by the American people as he decided to prevent the government to interfere with the economy. He also lowered taxes and tariffs, which helped decrease the debt from World War II. Albeit many economic scandals, Harding was able to allow the economy flourish overall. After Harding died, Coolidge took the office. He supported many of Hardings ideas and kept the policies already established in office. However as time grew, the economy started to unravel. People selfishly developed policies for their own personal gain which led the whole structure to collapse. This brought the beginning of the Great Depression. When Hoover took the presidency, he did little to stop the economys demise. He strictly believed that without interference, the economy would be able to pick itself up and start running regularly again. Without overall government intervention, some government members tried to corrupt the economy even more by trying to find personal gains. This led to many scandals- the most famous one called the Tea Pot Dome scandal was when members of the cabinet were trying to use the Naval Oil reserve for their own gain. While the government overall lost power, some corrupt members of the government tried to gain wealth from the policy. Laissez-faire mostly caused a whole era of government scandal, collapse of social structure, and the beginning of the Great Depression. Although it was successful at first, people took

advantage of the freedom they were given which ended up causing the whole economy to descend into ruin. The failure of laissez-faire allowed modern society to develop an economy based on more control. After the Great Depression, the economy was much more stable which leads to a much better handled economic state today.

This picture shows the corruption of the laissez-faire policy. By taking advantage of the freedom, the whole economy seems to drown from the weight of the scandals.

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