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How were African Americans and Mexican Americans treated during the 1940's?
During the time of war, African Americans were still mistreated. Only some were allowed to fight in the war while the others had to stay back and help with what they could. Those that were enlisted to fight in the war didn't mean they would be treated equal. They were discriminated when they fought because they didn't have the same rights as the whites. Those that were in the US were still discriminated because of the Jim Crow Laws. Except they started migrating to cities like Detroit, Chicago and New York. Although they were discriminated, they found a way to get out of this segregation. They starting finding ways of entertainment like art and music to forget about all of these things that were going on with them. They didnt suffer though as much as many think. On June 25, 1941, FDR passed executive order 8802 which prohibited employers from discriminating based on race, color or national origin.

Mexican Americans also served in the war. About 2.7% of them served in war and the rest stayed in the US to help out with the production of items they would need. Those who stayed in the US helped build railroads. This was thanks to the Bracero Program which brought Mexicans to the US to work primarily in agriculture and other industries that needed production. Since there werent any whites working, they had to take over the jobs and help with the production of materials for the war.

Although they did have a lot to do with the war, they were still discriminated. There werent laws against them that prohibited them from doing certain things like the blacks. They werent allowed in certain places because they were immigrants and Americans did not want any type of immigrants in their



Between the periods of 1940-1945, there were many foreign polices created that ended up benefiting the citizens of the United States. For example, President Roosevelt created the Four Freedom Points which were: Freedom of speech, Freedom of worship, Freedom from want, and the Freedom from Fear. Freedom of Speech: the right to communicate ones opinion and ideas using ones body to anyone who is willing to receive them. Freedom of Religion: supports the freedom of a private or public community, which allows them to manifest worship anywhere. It also gives people to discontinue a particular religion or leave a certain group. Freedom of Want: The right to adapt a standard kind of living. Freedom from Fear: Reduction of armaments to a point where no country is able to commit an act that may harm the other countries. Also, another important policy that was created during this era was the Atlantic Charter. The Atlantic Charter was a policy that was created by a meeting between the United States and Britain. The people who represented the nations during this time were U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. This policy declared that the reason they were fighting the Axis Powers was to ensure life, liberty, independence and religious freedom in order to preserve the rights of man and justice. This document is effective because it also lead to the creation of the United Nations, which still exists today, and brought forth many principles for the countries around the world. The principles that it created were known as: the renunciation of all aggression, right to self-government, access to raw materials freedom from want and fear, freedom of the seas, and disarmament of aggressor nations. Berlin Conference of 1954

The Berlin Conference as a conference of the USSR, USA, France, and Great Britain which was held from Jan 25 to Feb 18. The purpose of the Berlin Conference was to prevent another World War or German invasion from happening again. Basically, they wanted to reduce tension in international relations. They also created the Austrian state treaty.

Our economy Ever since we enter the war we have seen a major affect on our economy. I believed the war has help us to get out of the great depression. Even though the new deal help out our employment we still needed a boast to take us out of the depression and the war was what the boast. Willow run is an example on how our nation has moved to fight the war. Henry Motor company are Now mass producing plane boomer for the war in Willow run. The government has also rise up the wages for soldiers and have spent money on our defense. New opportunity The war has allow new opportunity for minority like women's and African American. Factories are now looking for employment to build weapons, vehicles and etc to support the war. Even though women had some opportunity before, women's working in the factories aren't married old women, they are mostly young, unmarried women. This women are starting to depend on them self and not in a man. African American are also finding new jobs, recently they have been


The war has benefit us all. weren't producing consum ever before. The war has p and allow us become a su

sharecropper, but are finding new opportunity in North, since the Great Migration. California California are recently being benefit from the war. The government has spent the most money in california. They have built new defense, military base, airship factory creating new jobs. This was the state in which most immigrant would go. Probably the reason why we are spending so much money on california defense might be because we are afraid of another japan attack.
february 28, 1945

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