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Diagnosed with Cervical Cancer in Sacramento?

Cervical Cancer is one of the most common cancers that affect a

woman’s reproductive organs. Cervical cancer forms in tissues of the
cervix which is the organ connecting the uterus and vagina. It is
usually a slow-growing cancer and in the beginning stages there are
mostly no symptoms. Therefore, in too many cases cervical cancer is
diagnosed and treated in an advanced stage when the success
rate is low. Half of cervical cancer cases occur in women between
ages 35 and 55.

The incidence of cervical cancer has been declining in the US due to

the possibility of early detection by using the Pap smear, a procedure
in which cells are scraped from the cervix and examined under a
microscope. Yet in the year of 2008, according to the National Cancer
Institute, 11,070 new cases of cervical cancer with 3,870 deaths
were estimated.

Early warning signs may be persistent vaginal discharge or abnormal

vaginal bleeding. Cervical cancer begins as a precancerous lesion
called dysplasia that is detectable by the Pap smear, and 100%
treatable, usually without hysterectomy. Sometimes it resolves without
any treatment. More often, however, dysplasia progresses gradually
over many years to cancer. When the cancer has not yet spread, it is
called carcinoma in situ. Once the cancer is established, it usually
spreads quickly into the nearby tissues or to other organs, such as the
intestines, liver, and lung.

Ninety percent of cervical cancers arise from squamous cells. These

are flattened cells that cover the cervix. Most of the remaining 10%
develop from the glandular, mucus-secreting cells of the cervical canal
leading to the uterus.

Various strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV), a sexually

transmitted infection, play a role in causing most cases of cervical
cancer, as well as genital warts, anal, and penile cancer.

When exposed to the human papilloma virus an intact immune system

typically prevents the virus from doing harm. In view of its vital role in
the prevention of cervical cancer, women have to make every effort
to support and strengthen their immune system.

Even in advanced stages of cervical cancer when conventional

treatments have reached their limits, patients still have treatment
options. There are treatment modalities that have achieved, or
contributed to, remarkable recoveries in a great variety of
advanced cervical and other cancers by restoring the immune
functions as well as the regulation of physiological cell death, called
apoptosis. Please click here to review documented complete long-
term remissions of advanced cervical cancer by the Issels

We tried to determine why the Issels Treatment system is so

remarkably successful and found the following reason: the Issels
Treatment is the most comprehensive strategy in the fight against
cancer. It has been developed through 50-year research at the
bedside whose findings are now supported by most modern basic

The Issels Treatment is an Immunotherapy that is designed to

restore the body’s immune, regulatory and repair mechanisms to
proper functioning. It is a two-pronged attack that focuses on the
cancer cells and tumors, as well as, with the same importance, on
the underlying conditions that have led to the development of
the cancer in the first place.

The Issels Treatment integrates effective state-of-the-art

technologies including cancer vaccines and other scientifically
validated therapies. Treatment protocols are always
personalized according to the individual patient’s needs. The
treatment components are non-toxic and can be combined with
conventional therapies if these are indicated and still possible.

If you have been diagnoses with cervical cancer in Sacramento area,

the Issels Treatment is a very comprehensive Integrative
Immunotherapy with documented examples of complete long-
term remissions of cervical cancer as well as other cancers.

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