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My Teaching Experience TP


Kriscia Lorena Castelln Nolasco

Teaching Practice

Lic. Elmer orge G!ar"a"o T!es"a#$ %e&r!ar# ''th$ ()'*

My Teaching Experience TP
TEACHING EXPERIENCE Teaching+ Learning is a ,rocess in -hich -e m!st ta.e in consi"eration ,rinci,les &ase" /or to get a goo" .no-le"ge$ it "oes mean$ a commitment that -e m!st ha0e -ith o!rsel0es an" st!"ents. 1ell$ I m going to tell #o! a&o!t M# /irst 2Teaching e3,erience2$ it -as reali4e" at Centro Escolar Pro/essor Lisan"ro Ar50alo$ on the "a#s 1e"nes"a# an" %ri"a# -ith a n!m&er o/ a,,ro3imatel# ()th to 6)th st!"ents$ in that school$ I li0e" an" share man# !n/orgetta&le moments &ecame into e3,eriences. I Remem&er m# /irst "a# o/ the class$ I -as 0er# ner0o!s$ 7!st a&o!t ho- I -o!l" recei0e the st!"ents8 This -as an im,ortant 9!estion in m# min"$ &!t /irst o/ all$ I -ent to the ,rinci,al o//ice$ then he carr# me to the classroom. 1hen -e arri0e" to the classroom$ the ,rinci,al intro"!ce" me in /ront o/ st!"ents$ e0er#one greete" me -arml#$ I /elt 0er# ha,,# &eca!se$ the# -ere so small st!"ents &!t 0er# res,ecta&le. M# /irst class -as -ith chil"ren o/ initial le0el :Kin"ergar"en;$ an" I starte" to gi0e some in/ormation a&o!t m# career$ The <ni0ersit# an" &eca!se I -as "oing m# social ser0ice :Ho!rs Classes;. %inall#$ I starte" to gi0e the class them$ the to,ic -as the al,ha&et$ I ta!ght consonants an" 0o-els one &# one. The# -ere so small st!"ents &!t the# -ere ha,,# to ha0e a English Teacher &eca!se the# -ill learn a little a&o!t o/ English$ I "i" s,ea. /!ll English -ith them$ &eca!se the# -o!l" not !n"erstan" &!t the# -ere acti0es in the class$ an" -hat I -as sa#ing$ /or e3am,le= Re,eat the consonants an" 0o-els a/ter me$ re,eating again an" o0er again$ so -e s,ent the class an" the &ell rang an" -e too. a &rea. /or ') min!tes. 1ell$ the ne3t class -as ,er/orme" in the (n" le0el> the# -ere &igger than the initial le0el. I "i" the same in each classroom$ I intro"!ce" m#sel/ an" I start to gi0e the class$ &!t -ith a "i//erent to,ic. I ta!ght to 'st to ?th le0els$ in the morning an" the a/ternoon. @ometimes$ /or st!"ents o/ Ath$ Bth$ Cth le0els. At the time$ I ha" a ,ro&lem -ith st!"ents o/ 6r" le0el$ &eca!se$ the most st!"ents -ere girls an" e0er# time I recei0e" h!gs o/ them. E0ent!all#$ the h!gs &ecame a /orce to a0oi" gi0ing the class or it -as li.e a game. I -as reall# anno#e". The# ha" a &a" &eha0ior$ I "i"nDt .no- -hat to "o$ !ntil one o/ teacher tol" me a co!ncil$ that I co!l" a,,l# -ith them. 1e m!st not gi0e too m!ch con/i"ence$ -e m!st ,romote 0al!es li.e res,ect &et-een !s$ also -hen -e ha0e some .in" o/ interactions -ith them$ /inall# I co!l" sol0e the ,ro&lem$ -e tal.e" serio!sl# -ith them /or to "o things in the correct -a#$ on the time e0er#thing come &ac. an" -e co!l" -or. together. 1hen I -as in /o!rth le0el$ the# -ere so /rien"l#$ the# ,!t attention in the class$ an" the#

My Teaching Experience TP
-ere ,assi0e st!"ents. E!t -hat ha,,en -hen I arri0e to the /i/th le0el$ I -as s!r,rise"$ the st!"ents -ere so restless$ I co!l"nDt control to them$ the# -as tal.e" an" tal.e" -hile I -as gi0ing the class$ I -as so stresse"$ I tal.e" -ith teacher an" then$ she tal.e" serio!sl# -ith them an" o0er time= the# im,ro0e" their &eha0ior. These -ere some e3,eriences that I ha" in the morning. At the a/ternoon> I ta!ght to 'st to ?th le0el$ &!t the most st!"ents -ere so ,assi0e an" the# ha" interest on the class> I /elt so rela3e". Fn %ri"a#$ -e sta# -ith st!"ents o/ 'st to #o!ng learners ?thle0el$ The st!"ents o/ 'st to Gth le0els $ the# -ere 0er# 9!iet an" acti0e -hen I ga0e the class$ altho!gh$ the ' st le0el -ere 0er# restless$ &!t I trie" to &e ,atient$ &eca!se the# -ere still chil"ren. The #o!ng learners o/ the ?th le0el -ere a little "i//ic!lt$ &eca!se the# "i"nDt ,a# attention$ the# -ere "oing another things$ I /elt !ncom/orta&le> Also the# tol" me some lo0e -or"s :com,liments; an" it -as "isres,ect/!l &!t I !n"erstoo"$ the# -ere a"olescents #et$ &!t I tal.e" -ith them that i/ the# "i"nHt res,ect$ I co!l" go to tal. -ith the ,rinci,al so the# change" their &eha0ior. At m# teaching +learning ,rocess$ I got a lot o/ things. ItHs "i//ic!lt to thin. i/ #o! are "oing a goo" 7o& -ith the st!"ents. Are #o! !sing a goo" Metho"olog#8 Are #o! a,,l#ing teaching metho"s$ techni9!es or strategies in the correct -a# to get a Meaning/!l learning8 It -as a &ig 9!estion to ans-er. At the Centro Escolar> it change" m# li/e an" I trie" to &e a teacher$ :Teacher s.ill$ Teacher .no-le"ge$ Teacher Tas.; Teaching is not eas#. M# social ser0ice meant a har" -or.$ &eca!se I share" a little a&o!t m# .no-le"ge -ith them. Altho!ght I "i"nDt .no- a lot a&o!t English$ &!t no-$ I ha" im,ro0e" m# 0oca&!lar#$ an" I -ant to re,eat it. @ome things that #o! co!l" ta.e in consi"eration -hen #o! teach= To /ace sit!ations -ith o,timism To "ominate to,ics $ incl!"ing "#namic "e0elo,ment :moti0ation; To a"a,t to changes :inno0ation; To sho- master# o/ .no-le"ge an" s.ills The ,ersonalit# :&eha0iors$ attit!"es$ 0al!es;

My Teaching Experience TP
I .no- that IIm not rea"# to &e a teacher #et $ I still ha0e a lot to learn &!t$ these e3,eriences I learne" that &eing teacher is not 7!st arri0e on the class an" sit at the "es. an" -rite on the &lac.&oar"$ &eing teacher means -or. har" "a# &# "a#$ a,,l#ing the &est metho"olog# /or the Teaching+Learning Process. In concl!sion> I can sa# I "i" a goo" 7o& in m# social ser0ice. It -as 0er# little time to e3,eriment$ &!t IIm ha,,#. Ho-e0er$ I ha" a &ase that hel, me to "o things more clearl# $ I c!rse" the s!&7ect -as calle" Ji"actics an" m# teacher ta!ght !s ho- to "e0elo, -ith the st!"ents$ -hat metho"s -o!l" a,,l# an" -hat .in" o/ techni9!es -e co!l" !se /or the &est learning. It -as a 0er# interesting s!&7ect. No-a"a#s IHm c!rsing Teaching ,ractice> it -o!l" hel, me to im,ro0e the /orm to gi0e class /or m# ne3t social ,ractice in the High @chool. Note: I ,romise &eing a goo" teacher$ I -ill ,!t into ,ractice all m# e3,eriences an" I -ill tr# to a,,l# e//ecti0e metho"ologies$ an#thing is im,ossi&le -ith e//ort an" -is"om$ I .no- that I co!l" "o it. References Mi primer Diccionario de Maria pascal sello:Oceano Mutimedia Side By Side international edition Steven J.Molinsky Bill Bliss Super Goal -Manuel dos santos- Book 1

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