Refill Intructions For HP 74

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Home Page > Support > Hewlett Packard > Refill Instructions for HP 74 (CB33 !"# $ 74%& (CB33'!

"# Ink (et Cartridges Refill Instructions for HP 74 (CB33 !"# $ 74%& (CB33'!"# Ink (et Cartridges 01/30/2008 13:11 Refill Instructions for HP 74 (CB335WN ! 74"# (CB33$WN In% &et C'rtri()es* P+oto ,'se( instructions 're refill ,e.'/0le* Refilling t)e Hewlett Packard 74 (CB33 !"# $ 74%& (CB33'!"# ink *et cartridges+ ,or -est performance it is strongl. recommended .ou refill t)ese cartridges as soon as ink le/el gets low+ Running cartridge wit)out ink can damage print )ead+ 1+e HP 74 ! 74"# c'rtri()es 're s0on)e ,'se( c'rtri()es t+'t use ' t+er/'l 0rocess (+e'tin) in% to +un(re(s of (e)rees on ' /icrosco0ic le2el to (is0ense in% It is i/0ort'nt to note t+'t t+is c'rtri()e is N31 se'le( 'ir ti)+t* 4or c'rtri()e to function 'ir nee(s to )et into t+e c'rtri()e for in% to )et out*

0)e Refill Process 1* Re/o2e c'rtri()e fro/ 0rinter* 2* 5sin) ,lunt %nife6 ,o. cutter or si/il'r ite/ 0r- t+e to0 l',el of t+e c'rtri()e so t+'t ' corner stic%s u0* 3* Peel to0 l',el off c'rtri()e*

1+e 0+oto on t+e ri)+t s+o7s t+e 0ri/'r- fill +ole use( ,- He7lett P'c%'r( to ori)in'll- in8ect in% into t+e c'rtri()e* 1+is is t+e fill +ole for refillin) 0ur0oses 's 7ell* 4* 9tt'c+ nee(le to in8ector 'lso referre( to 's ' s-rin)e* 5* 4ill in8ector to 10cc 7it+ 0i)/ente( ,l'c% in%*

$* Insert nee(le into c'rtri()e* Insert nee(le into s0on)e 's f'r 's -ou c'n )o 'n( t+en (r'7 ,'c% 1/1$:* 1+is results in ' s/'ll 0oc%et of 'ir ,et7een s0on)e 'n( nee(le* 1i0: Insertin) nee(le 't 'n 'n)le f'cin) t+e ,'c% of t+e c'rtri()e 7ill 'llo7 for /ore in% to ,e in8ecte(*

W+en in8ectin) in% /'%e sure t+'t nee(le +u, (-ello7 0l'stic 0ortion is not 'll t+e 7'- into t+e fill +ole* 9ir nee(s to esc'0e t+e c'rtri()e 7+en in% is ,ein) in8ecte(*

7* ;lo7l- in8ect in% into c'rtri()e* <o slo7=-ou 're in8ectin) in% into t+e c'rtri()e s0on)e /'teri'l* If -ou see in% risin) to t+e to0 of t+e s0on)e /'teri'l i//e(i'tel- sto0* W'it se2er'l secon( 'n( re/o2e nee(le fro/ c'rtri()e* N31>: If refillin) HP74"# -ou c'n re0e't usin) 2cc /ore for ' tot'l of 12cc

Ins0ect t+e 2ent 0't+s of t+e c'rtri()e* ?ents 0't+s s+oul( ,e free of in% 'n( (e,ris*

8* ;et c'rtri()e (o7n on fol(e( ne7s0'0er or in 0l'stic cont'iner for 3 /inutes* C'rtri()e s+oul( not le'%* @* 900l- ori)in'l to0 l',el to c'rtri()e* 10* Insert into 0rinter ! run 0rint test

12"2R3& 0R45B&2SH440I"1 No in% co/es out of c'rtri()e: 9ssu/in) c'rtri()e +'s not ,een sittin) e/0t- for 'n- len)t+ of ti/e t+is c'n ,e ' result of ' l'c% of 'ir )ettin) into t+e c'rtri()e* 1o re/e(- re/o2e to0 l',el fro/ c'rtri()e 'n( c+ec% to see if t+ere is 'n- in% in t+e 'ir 2ents 0't+s of t+e c'rtri()e* Cle'n 'n- resi(u'l in% fro/ 'ir 0't+ 'n( return l',el to c'rtri()e*

64 "407

A3 N31 0l'ce c'rtri()e in ' Bi0 loc% ,') unless it is in ' c'rtri()e cli0* Cont'ct 7it+ t+e ,') c'n c'use color to ,lee( 'n( 7ic% into 'not+er c+'/,er* A3 N31 store c'rtri()e on its si(e* ;torin) ' c'rtri()e on its si(e c'n le'( to /issin) colors 7+en in% settles to one si(e of t+e c'rtri()e* A3 N31 use -our 0rinter or c'rtri()e if te/0er'ture is ,elo7 reco//en(e( 0rintin) te/0er'tures* If in% is too col( it 7ill not flo7 0ro0erl- t+rou)+ t+e c'rtri()e filter screen* 1+is c'n in'(2ertentl- c'use /issin) 'n( ,urn t+e 8ets* A3 N31 se'l t+e entire c'rtri()e to0=(o not se'l c'rtri()e 'ir ti)+t* A3 N31 re'00l- t+e ori)in'l t'0e use( on t+e ,otto/ of t+e c'rtri()e* 1+is c'n c'use cross cont'/in'tion 's it (oes not cre'te ' co/0letel- 'ir ti)+t se'l* It (oes t+ou)+ 'ssist in 0ullin) in% out of t+e c'rtri()e 7+ic+ c'n 7ic% into 'not+er set of 8etsC&ets Clo))e( (ue to nonDuse: If 8ets 're clo))e( (ue to c'rtri()e sittin) unuse( for ' lon) 0erio( of ti/e -ou 7ill nee( to 0re0 c'rtri()e first* 1'%e ' 0'0er to7el 'n( fol( into Eu'rters (fol( once F 1/2 s+eet6 fol( ')'in F 1/4 * ;o'% 0'0er to7el in cle'n 7'ter (filtere( or ,ottle( 7'ter * Insert 0'0er to7el into /icro7'2e for 20 secon(s* Pl'ce c'rtri()e 0rint +e'( onto 0'0er to7el for 20 secon(s* Hot 7'ter 7ill ,re'% u0 (rie( in% 'n( s+oul( ,e)in t+e c'0ill'r- 'ction* Gou /'- nee( to re0e't t+is 0rocess ' cou0le of ti/es* !H30 04 8"4! Aue to n'ture of t+e 0rint +e'(s on He7lett P'c%'r( c'rtri()es6 it is co//on t+'t 'fter se2er'l refills t+'t t+e c'rtri()e co/0onents ,eco/e f'ti)ue( 'n( ce'se to function* 1+ere 're /'n- f'ctors in2ol2e( in 7+- t+e c'rtri()e 7ill f'il* Ho7 lon) it t'%es is 0'rti'll- u0 to -ou* Here 're so/e )ui(elines to 0rotectin) -our c'rtri()e 'n( )ettin) t+e /ost fro/ it* Ne2er touc+ t+e cont'ct 0oints or 0rint +e'( of t+e c'rtri()e* 3il fro/ -our fin)er ti0s 7ill corro(e t+e (elic'te surf'ce* Cle'n t+e cont'ct 0oints 7it+ ' HDti0 or soft co'te( cle'nin) clot+ (suc+ 's t+ose /'(e for CAs or e2en ' coffee filter * 5sin) (istille( or filtere( 7'ter is reco//en(e(* 1'0 7'ter /'- cont'in /iner'ls t+'t c'n ,e ('/')in) to c'rtri()e co/0onents* Refill t+e c'rtri()e ,efore it is e/0t-* HP c'rtri()es use ' +e'tin) /ec+'nis/ t+'t +e'ts in% to se2er'l +un(re( (e)rees on ' /icrosco0ic le2el to (is0ense in%* Runnin) ' (r- c'rtri()e for 'n- len)t+ of ti/e c'n I,urn u0J t+e c'rtri()eJs intern'l +e'tin) ele/ents* >.0ect t+e ine2it',le: C'rtri()es 7ill e2entu'll- ce'se to 7or%* H'2e 'n' c'rtri()e on +'n(* 9ll 0rinter /'nuf'cturers reco//en( t+is 's 7ell* It is 8ust )oo( 0r'ctice to %ee0 ' ne7 c'rtri()e '2'il',le 't 'll ti/es Ne2er scr'0e t+e cont'ct 0oints or 0rint +e'( 're' 7it+ 'n- t-0e of ',r'si2e /'teri'l* 1+is inclu(es 0'0er to7els ! ne7s0'0er* 9l7'-s ,lot*

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