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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.

371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00

Prepare by LY BONA 7/19/2010

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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00

A. Structure plan project proxy .. a. Resource need for plan . b. Proxy objective used for ... c. Structure . B. .Squid proxy .. a. Block domain . b. Block extension .. c. Allow LAN . C. .Squid Guard . a. Blacklist .. b. Shula list .

D. Proxy authentication with AD Server .. E. MYSAR analysis report squid access F..Squid proxy transparent . a. IP tables filter . b. Apply proxy transparent ..

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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00


Structure plan project proxy

a. Resource needed for plan - DNS Server run window server 2003 that has install active directory for authentication user and password in system: -Configure Forwarder to DNS public -Create user and group - Proxy Server needed bellow: -Two interface adapters one connect to LAN client and one more connect to WAN Internet -Bring proxy machine joint to AD Server - LAN client connect to one interface of proxy server b. Proxy squid objective We used Squid proxy for: Used proxy system Filter website Share internet Cache store Internet bandwidth management Generate reports c. Structure plan

Prepare by LY BONA 7/19/2010

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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00

B. Squid proxy
a. Block domain Requirement to install squid on package on DVD-Suse-Sles11 name squid after that type command: #rcsquid restart

After restart service of squid proxy we need edit file /etc/squid /squid.conf follow configure syntax bellow: http_port 2567 cache_mem 32 MB cache_dir ufs /var/cache/squid 1024 16 256 access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid Step1

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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00



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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00


Write access control list and http access for apply block domain: Path access list:

Path http access:

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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00

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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00

b. Block extension Block extension mean that block file that download file from internet we need to allow some extension and some extension deny for security system network in local. We can block it by write syntax in squid like: Write access list:

Write http access:

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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00

c. Allow LAN client LAN can used proxy but need to follow rule: Write access list:

Write http access:

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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00

C.Squid Guard
a. Blacklist configure Configure black list that for filter bad websites that can increase bandwidth in network earn resource internet. First we need to install two packages: squidGuard-1.3.99-1.49.i586.rpm and libmysqlclient15 in DVD-Suse. Install by type command: #yast i libmysqlclient15 #rpm ivh squidGuard-1.3.99-1.49.i586.rpm

Put ownership to squid:

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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00

Configure file vi /etc/squidguard.conf following syntax:

Used command for update file blacklist to file .db #squidGuard C all

Prepare by LY BONA 7/19/2010

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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00

Edit file /etc/squid/squid.conf add one line like that:

Put ownership for squid on file .db

Restart service squid:

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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00

Domain name in blacklist

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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00

Result test:

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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00

b. Configure Shula list block We block blacklist by Shula we can block follow categories of website like game, sex, chat, song, video Edit in file /etc/squidguard.conf

Update file to .db

Prepare by LY BONA 7/19/2010

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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00


Proxy authentication with AD

Configure authentication username and password when client access website by web browsers and follow syntax bellow: Step1


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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00



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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00



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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00



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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00


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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00


View report on access log file

Prepare by LY BONA 7/19/2010

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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00

E. Mysar analysis reports squid access log

We used mysar for analysis reports for view it on web base and easy to follow up report internet access of client: How to configure mysar like bellow: Step1

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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00



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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00


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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00



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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00



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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00




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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00



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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00



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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00



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Center for Information System Training-BP 511 St.371, Phum Tropeang Chhuk (Borey Sorla) Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh +855(0) 23 99 55 00




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