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Megan Case Media Writing

In The End, It's Not The Years In Your Life That Count
Tyler Fick never gave up on what life had to offer, fighting her battle with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) with her jovial personality as her weapon. As Abraham Lincoln said, In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. Tyler embodied this statement throughout her time spent on earth, leaving behind a spirit to be remembered. Tyler Fick, of Baltimore Md., passed away at the young age of 22. She was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at the young age of one-month-old. We found out the day before Tyler was born that, Jason, her brother, had CF. Needless to say, it was mandatory that we test Tyler for it as well. We had to wait until she was old enough to produce enough sweat for a sweat test, which measured the amount of sodium Ty was producing. Page Fick, Tylers mother, explained how they found out Tyler was diagnosed with CF. It was sad because we could tell that Ty had CF before the test results came back. Cystic Fibrosis is a disease that is caused by a defective gene that is inherited from both parents. This gene causes the body to produce an abnormally large amount of thick and sticky fluid, known as mucus. This mucus builds up in the lungs breathing passages and the pancreas. The pancreas is unable to carry out its normal function of breaking down such thick mucus. The mucus build-up causes lifethreatening lung infections, along with serious digestive problems in the body. Lung

function starts to decline during early childhood for patients with CF. After years of mucus build up, the respiratory system fails and this is the most common cause of death in people with CF. There are treatments for CF that can improve both survival and quality of life. According to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, more than 45 percent of the CF patient population is now age 18 or older. Once Tyler was diagnosed with CF, her life became difficult, having to spend the first three years of life in and out of the hospital. Tyler learned how to walk and talk in the hospital. To her parents, this was just the way things went. One of my saddest memories I have as a parent, is Tylers seventh Christmas, her father described. We were allowed to take her home for the day to be with us. We gave her the Cabbage Patch Doll she had wanted. Tyler, was the happiest little girl, you would have thought we had given her the world when she opened that doll. I think I had a tougher time taking Ty back to the hospital that night than any other time. Even from a young age, Tyler could lighten up the room and make you forget your troubles with her bubbly personality. She embodied the meaning of courage, growing up and never letting her struggle of having CF get the best of her. Having a rambunctious personality, Tyler was more interested in finding out what the world had to offer, rather then succumb to her disease. She was awarded a full scholarship to the high school that she had always dreamed of attending, Maryvale Preparatory School. It is a rare occurrence that Tyler received a scholarship based on her interview with admissions. It was Tylers

spirit that captured the hearts of the admissions staff, ensuring she could attend Maryvale. It was during Tylers sophomore year of high school that she found her true love in life, the Fab Five. It was her group of friends, a total of five girls including Tyler, which framed her life with happiness. It was the bond that Tyler shared with her four best friends that kept her going, her mom shared with a grin. The five of them got to explore the gift of life together. Tylers parents believe that due to her disease limiting her time on earth, Tyler never allowed a single moment go to waste. Maybe that explains why she always wanted to go out and experience more, explained Jeffery Fick. It was her thirst for life that brought out the instigator side of Tyler. Her father explained, She just had a way about her. She could push the limits without you knowing she was getting away with anything. She took it upon herself to bring her friends to a vacant house in which she wanted to explore. I woke up from a phone call from the police department telling us our daughter had been arrested for breaking and entering. Her dad went on to explain, We went to go pick up Tyler at the police station, expecting the Fab Five to be scared and upset. Oh no! Not our Tyler! She was standing there laughing while her four friends surrounded her crying. Tyler never took life too seriously and always sought out the good in situations. Tyler documented her life by keeping endless amounts of journals that she wrote in everyday. She left her footprint on the world through her love of writing.

She left behind the story of her life by sharing her secrets, venting about tough times and keeping a list of her daily chores and long-term goals. Tyler was the type of person that made plans and stuck with them. She was always chasing the next goal on her to-do-list. She had planned on being married to a man that has a deep system of morals, who will treat me equally, who will take care of his family and who will be an excellent father. She dreamed of becoming a mother to five children. She wrote in her journal, My first baby girl will be named Hanna Belle Suzanne, after my Nana and her mother, the second Honey. The first boy will be named Wallace Andrew. Other names I am considering, Jetti and Clover. She made a promise to her most prized possessions, to never give up on the Fab, to always remain in contact with them, never let them go, and never let them forget each other. Jeffry explained it was shortly after his daughter graduated from high school when the disease worsened. Tyler never let CF conquer her happy spirits and love for life even though she was aware of her worsening sickness. Ty kept going about her daily routine and was still as social as ever. Her friends didnt have any clue how sick she was. Page was always there for her daughter. I can remember helping her get dressed and doing her makeup because she was too tired to do it herself. Once I finished, she would ask if I could drive her to the bars to meet up with friends and that she would call me when she was ready to come home. Tyler spent the last months of her life doing what made her happy. She wrote to her four friends on a daily basis, all of which attended different colleges. She

spent time with her family. She even got to mark off one of her long-term goals of teaching English at her alma mater, Maryvale Preparatory School. It was on May 21, 2003 that the Ficks received the exciting news that a donor had become available due to an unfortunate car accident and Tyler was going to get a lung transplant. We were so excited, hoping this was the answer to our prayers, and that the transplant would be successful. Tylers parents laughed as they reminisced of Tylers reaction. After getting the news about the transplant, Tyler was worried about the fact that she hadnt shaved her legs within the past few days and how embarrassed she would be if she wouldnt have time to shave before the operation. Her mother exclaimed, It was typical Tyler, nothing scared her, except maybe her hairy legs! Reality hit hard for the Fick family later that day. They had to watch their daughter and sister be rolled off into the operating room, knowing that there was a possibility that could be the last time they would see Tyler. You are going to be dancing soon, were her mothers last words to her. After multiple hours of surgery, she was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit. Due to complications of internal bleeding, Tyler died five days later. On May 26, 2003, Tyler got the chance to cross off the last long-term goal she had written for herself, To become a person that will be missed when she is gone. Tyler peacefully danced her way into heaven, surrounded by her mother, father, brother and sister. Tylers family and friends have created a foundation in her name to honor her unforgettable spirit. The Tyler P. Fick Foundation directs their donations to

charitable projects that Tyler supported. To donate, please visit the foundations website. Tyler lived a life of courage, enthusiasm, and love for all things, and wanted to encourage others to do the same. I want to inspire others. I want to inspire them with the courage I own, the way I love and by the unique way I carry myself. I want to be a good person most of all.

Tylers senior picture. She graduated from Maryvale in 1999.

Tyler is second from the right, pictured with the Fab Five.

Tyler and her family.

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