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Granite City Ale Worksheet

Stout, IPA, Batch 1000, Scottish Ale, Irish Red, Belgian Golden, Brown Ale Store Beer Type Delivery Procedure Check as performed Boiler turned on 74 F Ale FV set to temp Measure received volume Yeast Pitched when wort reaches fermentation temperature Wort oxygenated for 30 minutes @ 7 lpm following pitching Boiler turned off, and FV control set to cool after pitching

Date Batch #

Beer Received by: Original Gravity from database

Gallons Received Per Gal. Wort Cost FV # Date of Micro Report _______________________ _______________________ Lab Action step +/_______________ _______________


Take gravities daily following delivery. Time Gravity Taken Gravity Taken by

_______________________ _______________ Enter all Micro Reports associated with this beer here

Generation # Lab Step? 0 1 2 3 4 List all previous uses of this yeast, then check there has not been a lab step on any of the batches. Only then should you reuse yeast When you receive 2 consecutive gravity readings of the same value, and providing this number is 1012 or lower, then leave at 74F for 24 hrs and proceed with conditioning. If this is the Duke or Batch 1000, follow Dry hop procedure below. If you do not get gravity readings of less than 1012 you must call R.J. for assistance.

Batch #

Dry hop

the Duke/Batch 1000 the day you obtain the 2nd consecutive gravity reading of the same value. When Dry hopping you must first pull yeast from the FV, then add the hops through the mandoor, leave temp at 74F!!!! Date dry hopped (Skip this step if this is not the DUKE or BATCH 1000) Dry Hops should get 24hrs at 74F, then proceed with conditioning procedure. Carbonation Record Date / Carb % Date / Carb %

Conditioning: 24 hours after receiving identical gravity readings lower the temperature to 50 o F in the following increments

Date performed Day 1 Day2 Days 3-5 Day 6 Day 7 (1st Harvest) Day 8 Day 9 (2nd Harvest) Day 12 (Last Harvest) Lower temp to 60 oF o Lower temp to 50 F Maintain temp at 50 oF Lower temp to 40 F Lower temp to 36 F Lower temp to 35 oF
o o

Action taken by

Check carb % Every 2 weeks after tapping

Pull yeast at this time & enter date in database

Lower temp to 34 oF Pull yeast every 3 days thereafter Pull yeast from FV Never re-use IPA yeast . REMEMBER All Havested Yeast Has a 21 Day Life Span. Please DO NOT RE-USE IF it's been more than 21 days from Harvest!!!! Contact R.J. with any questions regarding Ale Yeast Harvesting!!

Add Gelatin 48 hours prior to moving to the cooler Pull yeast every 8-12 hours thereafter Yeast pull times 1st yeast pull Only pull the thick yeast 4th Yeast pull Final yeast pull should be immediately prior to transfer Date & Time

Date of Gel addition Date & Time Date & Time 2nd yeast pull 5th yeast pull Final yeast pull time 3rd yeast pull 6th yeast pull

Ales should be moved into the cellar at least 24 hrs prior to serving (if possible). Use the following equipment in the TDV: Standpipe Date beer transferred to cooler
Final gravity of beer to be taken after transfer

Carbonation Stone

TDV # Beer should be carbonated immediately after transfer

Gel addition Volume of beer in TDV Alcohol ABV% = ((OG-FG)*1000)*0.13 Beer lost due to production Final Carbonation %

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