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Training Tutorial: Oracle BAM Active Studio Designing a View


Supported Version: Oracle BAM Objectives: This document describes how to add a 3D Pie Chart view, with drilling and surface prompts, to an Oracle BAM dashboard in Active Studio. It explains the steps for creating the view, by selecting the data object to plot, and values and summary functions to be displayed.

Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Oracle BAM and installed Oracle BAM software. Sample files: Prior to starting the lab, please implement the BAM metadata for Fusion Order Demo2. Make sure that you download the (This version is a newly uploaded version. If you already implemented version 1, you will need to delete your BAM metadata and re-run the scripts for version 2.) Directions on how to import are in the zip file at:

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Training Tutorial: Oracle BAM Active Studio Designing a View


Once you complete the import directions above, the sample application files are located in the following location: On Windows: [BAM_HOME]\bam\samples\bam\FusionOrderDemo2 This location will be referred to as BAM_SAMPLES_HOME throughout this document.

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Training Tutorial: Oracle BAM Active Studio Designing a View


Table of Contents Part 1: Importing the Sample Report .................................................................................. 4 Part 2: Adding a View to a Dashboard ............................................................................... 4 Part 3: Editing the Chart Display Properties ....................................................................... 9 Part 4: Configuring a Drilling Path ................................................................................... 11 Part 5: Displaying Active Data ......................................................................................... 14 Summary: .......................................................................................................................... 19

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Training Tutorial: Oracle BAM Active Studio Designing a View


Part 1: Importing the Sample Report BAM uses a utility called iCommand to import and export metadata to and from the BAM Server. This portion of the tutorial will introduce you to using iCommand to import the metadata for a pre-defined Report that you will modify today. Open a command/terminal window and import the FODActiveStudioTutorial. Open a command prompt to BAM_HOME\bin Type the following command, replacing below the BAM_SAMPLES_HOME with the location specific to your environment and then execute the iCommand: icommand cmd import file BAM_SAMPLES_HOME \Fusion Order Demo2\Reports\FODActiveStudioTutorialv2.xml

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Training Tutorial: Oracle BAM Active Studio Designing a View


Part 2: Adding a View to a Dashboard In this exercise you will add a 3D Pie Chart view to the Fusion Order Demo dashboard, select a Data Object and values to chart, and save the report. 1. Open the Oracle BAM start page in your web browser To access the BAM starting page, use the link in Internet Explorer (version 7 or earlier without any new plug-ins such as Pro-Search plug-in): http://localhost:9001/OracleBAM Use weblogic/weblogic to login to the WLS Console and the BAM. 2. Click Active Studio . Oracle BAM Active Studio opens in a new browser window. 3. Open the FOD Active Studio Tutorial report for editing: a. Select Shared Reports tab. b. Double Click Fusion Order Demo folder. c. Select FOD Active Studio Tutorial in the Report Name list. d. Click Edit in the Actions list.

(Double-clicking the report will open it in view mode rather than edit mode.) 4. Click Insert View (in My Reports toolbar). A view template opens in the middle of the dashboard.
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Training Tutorial: Oracle BAM Active Studio Designing a View


You can move the template to the empty spot on the dashboard by grabbing the edge with of the template with the Move cursor and dragging it to the upper right corner of the dashboard. Then resize the template by dragging and dropping the resize handles on the sides and corners of the template. 5. Scroll down through the different view types and select the 3D Pie Chart view from

the template by double clicking on this icon: A 3D pie chart preview opens in the template, and the View Editor opens at the bottom of the browser. 6. In the View Editor, navigate to the SupplierInfo Data Object by selecting the Demos folder and then the Fusion Order Demo folder. Select the SupplierInfo Data Object from the Demos/Fusion Order Demo folder, and click Next.

7. Choose to group by Supplier Name and chart the count of Customer Ids. Then click Next.
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Training Tutorial: Oracle BAM Active Studio Designing a View


a. Select SupplierName from the Group By list. b. Select CustID from the Chart Values list. c. Select Count from the Summary Functions list.

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Training Tutorial: Oracle BAM Active Studio Designing a View


8. Click Finish. The 3D Pie Chart view is updated with your selections so that you can preview the display.

9. Click Save

(on the Shared Reports toolbar) to save the report.

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Training Tutorial: Oracle BAM Active Studio Designing a View


Part 3: Editing the Chart Display Properties In this exercise you will edit the 3D Pie Chart view properties to improve the appearance of the chart and its labels. 1. Open the 3D Pie Chart view for editing. Double-click the view, or select it and click Edit view in the View Tasks/Options list.

The View Editor opens at the bottom of the browser. 2. Click Properties to view the General tab.

3. Change the View Title to Supplier Fulfillment Requests by Customer, select Include Aggregate Function in Series and Suppress Empty Groups, and click Apply. This will replace the default chart title with a descriptive name, show the price groups, and leave empty wedges out of the pie chart.

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Training Tutorial: Oracle BAM Active Studio Designing a View


4. Select the Data Labels tab, and add the group name (Supplier Names) to the data labels on the chart. a. Check Series Name. b. Click Apply. This will display the name of each price group along with the summary value (Count of CustIDs) on the chart.

5. Select the Value Format tab, and format the Customer ID summary value as a number with no decimal places. a. Select COUNT CustID in the Apply To list. b. Select Number in the Category list. c. Change Decimal places to 0 (zero). d. Click Apply.

9. Click OK to close the View Editor.

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Training Tutorial: Oracle BAM Active Studio Designing a View


Part 4: Configuring a Drilling Path In this exercise you will configure the 3D Pie Chart view so that you can drill into the details of each pie wedge, all the way through to a table of the underlying data. 1. Open the 3D Pie Chart view for editing. Double-click the view, or select it and click Edit view in the View Tasks/Options list. 2. Select Data on the left hand side and select the Drilling tab. 3. Select SupplierName CustID PurchaseOrderID under Drill Hierarchies. 4. Check to check that Enable drill through to detail is checked, and select Updating Ordered List if it is not already selected. 5. In the Fields to display list, check the following fields: PurchaseOrderID CustID SupplierName SupplierPrice 6. If necessary, arrange the fields in the above order using the up and down arrows .

7. Click Apply and OK. 8. View the report by clicking View in the Actions list.

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Training Tutorial: Oracle BAM Active Studio Designing a View


9. Try out some drilling in the pie chart: Hover over a pie slice to see the magnifying glass icon. This icon indicates that you can drill down into the underlying data. Right-click on a pie-slice to use the menu for skip-drilling to different drilling levels.

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Training Tutorial: Oracle BAM Active Studio Designing a View


Use the view menu to skip-drill to different levels in the drilling hierarchy.

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Training Tutorial: Oracle BAM Active Studio Designing a View


Part 5: Add an Action Page In this exercise you will create a page to page navigation that will allow you to select a set of records from the pie chart that you just created and use those records as a prompt to navigate to an action page where you will re-assign some of those records to another supplier. 1. Open the 3D Pie Chart view for editing. Double-click the view, or select it and click Edit view in the View Tasks/Options list. 2. 3. Select the Drilling tab. Under the Drill Across Menu select New Target

4. Select Launch a New Window and Show With Context. Then click Next.

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Training Tutorial: Oracle BAM Active Studio Designing a View


5. Select Destination Report and browse for the report Re-Assignment Action. Select the report Re-Assignment Action and then select Next.

6. Map the fields that you will select on the pie chart to the pre-defined parameters in the Re-Assignment Action report. a. Map CustID to the parameter ActionCustID b. Map PurchaseOrderID to the parameter ActionPurchaseOrderID c. Map SupplierName to the parameter ActionSupplierName

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6. Click Ok to exit the wizard. Click Apply to save your changes to the view. Click Ok to return to your Dashboard. 7. Save your report and View your report. Part 6: Displaying Active Data In this exercise you will run scripts to simulate the addition of new data to the Active Data Cache so that you can see the Active Data displayed on the dashboard. Note: These instructions assume you are running the BAM Server on your laptop. The sample scripts are pre-installed for your use. 1. Change directories to the following directory: BAM_SAMPLES_HOME/Fusion Order Demo/bin 2. To stage the scripts execute:

This script resets the data objects associated with the dashboard and sets up the starting data points. 3. To simulate normal data flow, press enter to return to the command line, and execute:

The normal flow will display active data twinkles (light yellow regions) in the charts on the dashboard. The twinkles highlight where the data is changing in the bar chart, the tables, and the pie chart you created. 4. To interact with the dashboard, you can right click on any slice of pie in the Supplier Fulfillment Requests by Customer pie chart and from the menu that appears, select the Action link titled Re-assignment Action.

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Training Tutorial: Oracle BAM Active Studio Designing a View


5. A dialog opens allowing you to select individual PurchaseOrders to reassign.

Select some Customer IDs and click the Re-Assign button.

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Training Tutorial: Oracle BAM Active Studio Designing a View


The Customer IDs selected appear in the Confirmations section of the dialog. In this example, this confirmation is triggered when the data from the Action List in this page is written to a confirmation data object within BAM. In an actual live implementation, this confirmation data would be written to BAM through an Active Data update directly from the executing system using one of the standard data input methods used by Oracle BAMe.g. Enterprise Message Sources, BPEL Sensors, BAM Adapter, Oracle Data Integrator, etc. 6. Close the dialog to return to the dashboard.

7. To stop the simulation, return to the terminal window, press enter to return to the command line, and execute

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Training Tutorial: Oracle BAM Active Studio Designing a View


Summary: At the end of these exercises the participants understand how to: Design a 3D Pie Chart view. Select the Data Object to plot, and the values and summary functions. Configure the report properties for best suitable visibility and display features. Configure a drilling path to the underlying data. Questions & Clarifications: If you have any comments or need additional information, please communicate through the Oracle BAM forum at:

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