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Phoenix Rising Reiki

Channeled Artwork by Linda C. Colibert

Channeled by Linda C. Colibert Reiki Grand Master Teacher & Assisted by Jay M. Burrell Reiki Grand Light Master Teacher January 2006

The Phoenix Rising Reiki system is not affiliated with any other Phoenix Reiki or Phoenix Healing System which may have been created or channeled by other Teachers.

The Phoenix represents Rising above lifes challenges and circumstances whether this is Financial, Relationships, and Health etc. This beautiful bird of Myth and Magic is generally seen in the colors of red, golden yellow, and sometimes the Phoenix will have a slight tint of orange in its plumage. On rare occasions the Phoenix may have hints of other colors, but in general the Phoenix will always appear predominately red and golden yellow. Since ancient times, the Phoenix has been considered a sun bird. Associated with the sun Gods, the Phoenix will catch fire at the end of its life only to return rising from the Ashes being reborn again to fly to the sun. Therefore, the Phoenix is a bird that comes from the power of the Sun, fire and air, and represents purification as well as rebirth and transformation. The actual colors of power are red and yellow. The Phoenix Rising Reiki system works with these colors and the elements for visualization in focusing or directing the energies to clear negativity and infuse courage, strength, endurance, and rising above lifes challenges. The Phoenix Rising attunement will burn away any negative thought patterns you have acquired during this lifetime and past lifetimes that are no longer needed. Through the Attunement these Negative Thought Patterns are released to be transformed into positive energies. By letting go of these negative thought forms, you can then begin to allow the positive things that the Universe has for us to come into us.

Below is the Phoenix Rising symbol for release and rising above any situation. Use this symbol while performing Healing Sessions and passing the Attunement

If you draw this symbol in the colors of the Phoenix it should appear as the symbol below (with or without the black outline).

When you receive the attunement to the Phoenix Energies, the above Phoenix Rising symbol in color will be placed within your heart Chakra by the Phoenix. You will feel/sense the energy of the Phoenix and the Universal Love it carries as it is placed into your heart chakra. Whenever you have something you need to clear, draw this symbol either mentally (3rd Eye) or on a Piece of paper making it very clear what you want to get rid of and INTEND that this situation is healed. This will work to clear and release negative thought forms so the situation can then be healed. This can be used for all sorts of illness, a broken love relationship, lack and limitation, debts, etc. it releases and heals fears and doubts associated with the situation. After a period of releasing (which could take several days or longer depending on the situation), you will begin to see the situation improving. The Phoenix Rising Reiki is a healing Reiki system that works to heal any situation. Remember that all of us are whole, perfect, and complete and we must clear the negative thought forms in order to receive the blessings of the Universe that we are meant to have.

We are one with Divinity, and therefore we already have everything we need and want in Spirit. But in this physical world, the perfect energy that gives us everything good, gets passed down through our Higher selfs, to the other bodies, including our Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical bodies. As it passes through these layers these negative thought forms get assimilated by these casual bodies, These negative thought forms can also be passed down from life time to life time and so affect us in this life time if they are left unresolved. The Phoenix Rising Reiki System works to remove and release these negative thought forms to transmute them into light which in turn allows the perfect energies of Spirit to manifest in this physical world on a personal level in a more pure form. This transforms our lives and whatever situation or illness we are working to heal, improves. The Phoenix Rising Reiki also works to help heal the Earth, and will help in the raising of the consciousness of all humanity. By lessening the overall negative thought forms of Humanity it will help us all to ascend and move towards a higher dimension of thought and being. You can use the Phoenix Rising symbol to help heal the Earth, save endangered animals, etc. just by visualizing the symbol in the middle of the situation to be healed, and asking for healing to be given to (name it).

To use The Phoenix Rising Reiki energy for animal healing, place your hands on the animal being treated or if doing it by distance, put your hands together in prayer position over your Heart Chakra or with the palms facing each other and your fingers touching your wrists on the opposite hand. Ask that healing energies be sent to the animal (name, or some form of identifying the animal to be healed) and visualize the Phoenix Rising Symbol over the Animal receiving the Healing. Do this the same way you would when sending healing to a person or situation by distance. You do not need to be a Reiki Master to receive this attunement. It is intended to help people heal and transform their lives into a healthy, happy, prosperous, and love filled life. Therefore anyone can be attuned to it.

Animal Guides and Totem Animals

During the Phoenix Rising Reiki Attunement, there may be an appearance of you Spirit Animal Guides or Totem Animals. There could be an appearance of just one animal or several may come to you. Should they show up during your attunement, rest assured that they are there to offer protection and to be of assistance on your Spiritual Journey. Your Totem Animal/Animals are a special gift given to us by the Universe and they will always be with you all you need to do is call upon them and they will be there. While many people may have the same species of animal, the actual individual Spirit Animal that comes into your life to guide, protect, and teach you and they are there just for you. There may be times when different animals will step back and another animal will come forward, this does not mean that your original Animal Guide has left you, but rather that at the present time in your life; you have need of another Spirit Animal Guide. I would like to mention here, that your Spirit Animal Guide may or may not show up during an attunement. I mention this here, because you need to be aware that on occasion, during the Phoenix Rising Attunement, your Spirit Animal Guide could show up and you may either see it in a vision, or sense its presence.

This is just a short list of some animal guides that you may have and their meanings. Keep in mind that their meanings may vary from culture to culture. So I suggest you read some books on shamanism, and animal guides and their myths in other cultures.

~ Ant - It is industrious. ~ Badger - Courage. ~ Bear - Watcher, guardian of the world, giver of great strength of body, courage and power of will. ~ Buffalo - Possesses great strength. ~ Cat - It is a good hunter and very independent. ~ Coyote - It is a crazy trickster bearing tidings of sacred mischief. ~ Crow - Justice. ~ Deer Compassion. ~ Dog - Loyalty. ~ Dolphin - Wise and happy, able to explore the great depths of emotions, friend to lovers of the sea. ~ Dragonfly - It can tell you how to break through illusions and how to gain power through dreams. It teaches higher aspirations. Imagination ~ Dragon - It is fiery, rich and knows the answers too many riddles. ~ Eagle - Rising, circling the Sun, his cry thrills the brave and panic the faint-hearted. ~ Fish - Graceful. ~ Hawk - All-seeing, soaring on the breast of the wind and observation. ~ Horse - Freedom

~ Hummingbird - Fierce warrior, jewel of the gods, whose feathers bear love magic and Pleasure. ~ Lion - Emblem of royalty, symbol of the Sun. Courageous guardian protectors. ~ Lizard - Vision ~ Lynx - Keeper of secrets. ~ Mouse - It has an eye for details. ~ Owl - Wise watcher in the night, fate-seer, fiddler, beloved by Athena. And brings silence to Chaos. ~ Panther - A good protective animal. ~ Puma - Shaman's companion on journeys to the other worlds; spirit of grace and silent power. ~ Rabbit - Fertility ~ Raven - trickster, wise in oracles and omens, messenger and watcher for the gods and mystery. ~ Snake - Transformation. ~ Spider - Fate ~ Stag - Lord of the forest, masculine power of regeneration, giver of bounty, beauty and mystical signs. ~ Swan - Guide into dreamtime. ~ Turtle - Shyness ~ Wolf - Pathfinder for the human spirit; heart of the wildness of the world and Knowledge. ~ Phoenix Rising above lifes challenges and transformation.


The Phoenix Rising Reiki Attunement Procedure

First Gain a Rapport with your student. If this Attunement is being performed distantly then you can use a Proxy (Teddy bear, Pillow Etc). Place your hands together in a prayer position over your Heart chakra, or with the palms toward each other as in Kundalini, and ask Archangel Uriel, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Michael, and Archangel Gabriel to provide protection for yourself and the person (name) who is receiving this attunement Next, say, I ask that (name) be attuned to the energies of the Phoenix Rising Attunement on (day), (date) at (time). Send the symbol by visualizing it or by placing your hands over the Heart Chakra area of the Proxy then place the Phoenix symbol into the Heart Chakra of the Student being attuned. When you feel that this symbol has been absorbed into the Chakra thank the Phoenix, the Archangels, and the Higher Beings of Light that have supported and helped you in passing this Attunement. That is it the Attunement is complete.


We hope you have enjoyed reading this manual and will also enjoy your Attunement. Many Blessings, Linda C. Colibert Reiki Grand Master Teacher & Assisted by Jay M. Burrell Reiki Grand Light Master Teacher

If you decide to pass this system on to your own Students we ask that there must be an exchange of some sort. This can be an Attunement Exchange or Money Exchange it should not be given away freely or posted onto a Yahoo, MSN or any other Reiki Group for free. If Money is being exchanged we ask that this System should be sold for a minimum of 15/$20 no less. These energies are special and should be treated as such.



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