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Vctor Alfonso Anaya Colombian Values Colombia is a traditional country; we give importance to the concepts of the manners, morality,

and Catholic values. In fact, religion is so essential in our lives that it has been involved in concepts of family, education, culture, etc. Colombian society can be defined as a contradictory society: a religious one such as one can identify religious values on all of the parts of our lives and also a freeloader one which the outstripped is the national hero. The begging of Colombian society is the family. In the family it is usual most of the things as a child such as. Elements like: Values, ethics, how to relate to the others, and religion. The religious life in a Colombian stars since the age of one year: Its frequent those families baptize their children at that age. Since then the child is always receiving formation in the basics of Catholicism such as to pray every year and go to the church. It is frowned that adults werent baptized. In fact, religion is such part of our lives that we have many expressions that involve religious issues as: Thanks god and God forbid! Since Catholicism is the main religion in the national territory it is not a surprise that one of the most important democratic parties is a church-based one: The Partido Conservador. On the other hand, despite of the huge influence of the Catholicism there exist a generalize idea of getting thing no matter the methods for this. The Colombian admires the excellence and success but he/ she want to get those things in the simplest manner The easier the better is always a Colombian phrase (Semana). The thinking of It is wrong but does not matter has been an ideology that created a lot of social problems in the public order. Also, hardworking and discipline have been forgotten and viewed as unnecessary things. For example: there are a lot of people in Colombia who prefers to live with only the benefits of the state without working. The contradictory essence of our society allows that a low education level which promotes an increasing decadence of the society as a whole. The generalized thought of the society is a negative perspective of the future of our nation. It is important to eliminate the freeloader concept in our society and to reinforce the religious concepts with hardworking ones that can be create a productive society with social equality, peace and based in fundamental principles.

Semana. (s.f.). Recuperado el 31 de Enero de 2014, de

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