Letter 2 To Attorney General of Texas Dated January 22, 2013

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}anuaiy 2S, 2u1S

}oiuan Bale, Public Infoimation Cooiuinatoi

0ffice of the Attoiney ueneial
0pen Recoius Bivision
P.0. Box 12S48
Austin, Texas 78711

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Beai Ni. Bale:

I am attaching foithwith all uocumentation fiom my S
giievance lettei to Taiiant County College
Bistiict (TCCB), foi which you openeu case file # 47S9u9 sometime in the beginning of Novembei
2u12. Nevei has TCCB coopeiateu with me; I acquiieu the infoimation I now have in a piecemeal
fashion thiough my 0pen Recoius Request invoking the Fieeuom of Infoimation Act. Noieovei, I
woulu like you to note that TCCB is still withholuing iecoius aftei foui attempts (this is my fifth). In
TCCB's iefusal to hanu ovei all uocumentation iegaiuing my peison when they in fact senu it to
otheis TCCB is in full violation of my iights unuei cuiient Feueial anuoi Texas Law. I woulu like
you to piosecute them to the full extent of the law, as is my iight.
Let me know if you neeu any fuithei uocumentation fiom me, oi if you neeu to get in touch with me.
You may contact me at any time.

Youis tiuly,

Ana N. Foies
Liteiatuie, Tianslations, anu Rights Consultant
Aujunct }ustice
Petition: http:signon.oigsignbettei-pay-foi-aujuncts.fb1.souice=c.fb&i_by=426SS4
Facebook Page: https:www.facebook.comAujunct}ustice

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