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1.00 APPOINTMENT LETTER After our recruitment exercise, we found you (TORRE IEL TOM!EL "ILLA#$ %u&'ified &nd fit to fi'' our (&c&nt )o* +osition. ,ence, we see- to em+'oy your ser(ices &s st&ted in t.e fo''owin/ terms &nd conditions. 0.00 1O2 LO3ATION AN4 4E#3RIPTION5 T.e )o* is &t !6OMAN ,OTEL 7ou &re to re+ort to t.e ,R M&n&/er u+on &rri(&' for 'o/istics. 7our duties wi'' *e ex+'&ined &nd &ssi/ned to you on your &rri(&' *y your ,e&d of 4e+&rtment. 8.00 #ALAR7, ALLO9AN3E# : 2ENE IT#

8.10 2A#I3 MONT,L7 #ALAR75 0,;;0!2P (Two T.ous&nd i(e ,undred &nd ifty 2ritis. Pounds$ & mont.. #&'&ry s.&'' *e 'i&*'e to Increments wit. time &nd em+'oyees< offici&' +romotions &s )ud/ed *y Em+'oyer. Any *onus or dec'&r&tions of *onus s.&'' *e m&de &t t.e so'e &nd &*so'ute discretion of t.e ,ote'. Em+'oyee s.&'' &'so *e entit'ed to o(er=time &''ow&nce if t.eir wor- time exceeds t.e offici&' wor-in/ .ours. 8.11 2ENE IT#5 Medic&' Insur&nce is free for t.e em+'oyee &nd t.e em+'oyee is entit'ed to tr&(e' &nd re'oc&tion &''ow&nce w.ic. must *e +&id *y t.e em+'oyer *efore resum+tion of duty.

>.00 1O2 PRO3EE4IN!5 7ou wi'' *e ex+ected to resume your )o* &s & 3OMP6TER OPERATOR &t t.e !6OMAN ,OTEL on t.e 11?00?001>. 9or- time s.&'' *e >> .ours & wee- ( & d&y$ for t.e four (>$ ye&rs contr&ct term. 3ontr&ct renew&' de+ends on Em+'oyeeAs +erform&nce &nd Em+'oyerAs discretion.

;.00 LEA"E PERIO45 Em+'oyees &re entit'ed to 1 mont.s 'e&(e +eriod, w.ic. c&n *e t&-en once in & ye&r. Em+'oyee wi'' recei(e !2P 018> t&-e .ome for e&c. 'e&(e +eriod. 7ou must notify t.e 3om+&ny &nd?or your immedi&te su+er(isor &s soon &s +ossi*'e if you &re un&*'e to wor- for medic&' re&sons. B.00 EE4IN! : A33OMO4ATION5 Em+'oyee is ex+ected to reside &t t.e !6OMAN ,OTEL. &mi'y +&c-&/e st&tus is &(&i'&*'e for em+'oyee t.&t to Re='oc&te wit. &mi'y. Em+'oyee is entit'ed to t&-e me&'s free of c.&r/e &t t.e /ener&' st&ff c&nteens. 4iet&ry o+tions, customiCed coo-s &nd dietici&ns &re &(&i'&*'e o+tions. NOTE5 T.e m&n&/ement of t.e !6OMAN ,OTEL is /oin/ to c.&r/e you for t.e +&yment of wor- +ermit &nd em+'oyee wi'' &'so *e c.&r/ed for &ccommod&tion re/istr&tion so t.&t t.ey c&n reside &t t.e com+&ny<s .ousin/ est&te. D.00 ME4I3AL EEPEN#E#5 Em+'oyer wi'' +ro(ide t.e em+'oyee wit. com+re.ensi(e .e&'t. c&re for t.e term of contr&ct, &nd fo''ow=on c&re for in)uries suffered durin/ t.e term of contr&ct for em+'oyee &nd f&mi'y. @.00 A44ITIONAL #ER"I3E#5 Recre&tion&'?#+orts f&ci'ities s.&'' *e m&de &(&i'&*'e &t t.e dis+os&' of &'' em+'oyees wit. no ex+enses to *e incurred. L&undry &nd dry c'e&nin/ ser(ice wi'' *e m&de &(&i'&*'e to em+'oyee *y t.e .ote'As '&undry &nd dry c'e&nin/ unit on re%uest. F.00 TRA"EL PLAN#? RE=LO3ATION5 or Ex+&tri&tes, ree 6G f'i/.t tic-et wi'' *e issued to t.e em+'oyee *y t.e em+'oyer &s soon &s t.e em+'oyee sends co+y of & 6G wor- +ermit +&+er to t.e em+'oyer. is in 'ine wit. t.e ex+&tri&te st&tu&ry '&w of t.e 6G in com+'i&nce wit. t.e 6.N. Terrorism Act. ,owe(er, for ex+&tri&te w.o do not .&(e (&'id 6G "is& &nd 9or- Permits P&+ers, &re to m&-e cont&ct wit. our offici&' tr&(e' &/ent .ere in 6G for t.e +rocurement of "is& &nd 9or- Permit +rocessin/ code &nd &++ro(&' 'etter. It s.ou'd *e noted t.&t your em+'oyer wi'' t&-e c&re of c.&r/es for your "is&, f'i/.t tic-ets &nd &ny tr&(e' costs exc'udin/ t.e c.&r/es for & 6G 9or- Permit P&+er w.ic. s.ou'd *e t&-en c&re *y em+'oyee. A'' 6G *&sed em+'oyees< &re to re+ort +erson&''y to our office in London wit. t.eir documents (inc'udin/ contr&ct document$ for identific&tion, si/nin/, &nd co''ection of .&rd co+y of t.eir contr&ct documents.


A!REEMENT O 3ONTRA3T &/reement su+ersedes &nd re+'&ces &'' +re(ious contr&cts, written &nd (er*&', *etween t.e +&rties &nd constitutes t.e entire &/reement *etween t.e +&rties. A/reement is constructed in &ccord&nce wit. #E3TION B O 2RITI#,

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