My Philosophy:: Get Your Books and Will Be Counted Tardy

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Ms. Flatlands Policies and Procedures Hello and welcome!

I am so excited to start off a new year with both new students and some I have had before. My two favorite things in the world are books and teenagers, so I love my job! I am sending this letter out so both students and parents/guardians can get to know a bit about me, what you can expect from me, and what I expect from my students this year. My philosophy: Its really not that complicated! I believe that all kids can learn and succeed when supportive adults expect them to do their best and teach them how to do so. That involves all of us with a focus on each student, and I believe it can work. This is how. My job: I am the teacher. I have a lot of responsibilities. These include but are not limited to having a supportive, structured classroom where I can teach maintaining a respectful, safe classroom where students can learn preparing interesting, informative lessons that engage students expanding students worldviews through reading, writing, and research effectively communicating student progress to parents/guardians Students job: You are the student. You have a lot of responsibilities. These include but are not limited to: having an open mind and being willing to learn coming to class with the proper materials committing to proper behavior in class (more on that later) participating in class to the best of your ability completing assignments to the best of your ability My classroom operates on a fairly simple set of rules, but these rules are nonnegotiable. Just like stopping at a red light, following these rules will keep our class running smoothly and apply to everybody. 1. Come to class prepared. I will always have my lessons prepared and ready to teach. That is my job. Your job is to come with the necessary book, notebook, and writing tools. If you are not prepared, you will be sent back to your locker to get your books and will be counted tardy. 2. Speak respectfully. In my class, we use please and thank you. We will be having several discussions in my class where students will be expressing opinions. People are free to express opinions in my class, and those opinions may be criticized. However, under no circumstances will the people having those opinions be criticized. I will help you learn to do this if you have trouble. In addition, there will be no teasing or bullying allowed in my class. 3. Sit where you are assigned. Seats will change as I see fit. I make assignments to help students be successful, not as punishments. I am always available to talk about where you sit. When you come in, go immediately to your seat and sit

down. 4. Cell phones in the cell phone tub. All cell phones will be turned off and put in my cell phone tub when you come in the door. Dont complain, mine is in there too! If you have an emergency, your parents/guardians can contact me through the office. If I see your phone in class, you will need to turn it off and put it in the tub immediately. 5. No food or drink, including water bottles. Put your stuff in the food box at the door and pick it up on your way out. The only exception to this rule is when I, the teacher, give you treats or we have a class party. If you pull anything disposable out during class, you will need to throw it away. If you pull out a water bottle, it goes in the box. Policies: 1. When most of the above rules are broken, the consequence is simply in italics. However, when breaking Rule 1 repeatedly, the school policy for chronic tardies will be enforced. *Special note for speaking respectfully: It is very important to me that students speak appropriately in class. Depending on the circumstance, I will have the student rephrase what they said in a more appropriate way. In others, it may be necessary for students to apologize for things said or write a letter. In all cases there will be accountability for the action and retraining in appropriate behavior. 2. If any behavior becomes disruptive enough to be an impediment to learning, the parents/guardian will be called and with the student, we will conference to come up with some teaching strategies and consequences. These will be written up and put in the students file for reference. 3. If a student has three parent/guardian referrals, an administrator may be contacted to conference with us for additional consequences. 4. Any physical violence or violations of the schools zero tolerance policy will result in an office referral. 5. Absences: Please let me know as soon as you can about any planned absences you may have. We will put together the work you will miss and arrange for its due date. When you have been absent, you can find the work you missed in the folders for each day. You have one (1) class day for each day you missed to get your work in, not counting your first day back, unless you come and talk to me. 6. Extra credit: There are several ideas for extra credit projects in the folder in my cabinet. You may have one (1) extra credit project per quarter, worth up to 25 pts.

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