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Scheme of Work: Form 3 (2013)

Week/ Date WK 1 Theme $eop"e Topic #hapter 1: S$&#'(L T'&S a) *T+in Shine in Time of #ha""enge , Learning Outcome Language for 'nterper ona" / e 1.2 Take part in social interaction by b-participating in conversation and discussions. Specification L1 iii-(sking $uestions politely to get information iv-)esponding appropriately to $uestions by stating refuting and giving details L2 vii -#articipating in teacher guided discussion on topic of interest by -agreeing to another and saying so -disagreeing politely !ith another and giving one's opinion -defending one's point of vie! Language for 'nformationa" / e $oem: The Lei ure 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes a-listening to spoken text such as talks speeches and vie!ing television documentaries and multimedia c-reading materials in print such as reports and articles and using other electronic media such as the "nternet 2.2 #rocess information by a-skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas b-extracting main ideas and details c-discerning se$uence of ideas d-getting the explicit and implicit meaning of the text g-identifying different point of vie!s Language For (e thetic / e: %.1 &isten to read and vie! and respond to literary !orks by c-explaining the message the !riter is trying to convey and discussing ho! this relates to one's life e-reciting poems !ith feelings and expression. L 10 2 1 3 i. &istening to and understanding a variety of texts ii. )eading silently and aloud !ith understanding a variety of texts. L1 i. Telling !hat the text is about ii. *iving important details iii. (sking and ans!ering $uestions. L2 ix. Writing a short letter !ith guidance to a pen-pal in +alaysia on topics of interest. -!rite an e-mail to a friend about a pro,ect carried out in school using the mind-map and model on page 1- as a guide. L3 vi. Writing do!n key ideas of a text L1 i. )eciting a poem !ith feeling and expression and !ith correct pronunciation intonation stress and rhythm. ii. .inding out the meaning of unfamiliar !ords by using contextual clues and / or the dictionary. iii. )etelling the story or the content of the poem in one's o!n !ords. !a"ue .riendship Tolerance (ppreciation 0aring 1iligence 2ard!orking Word list -came -cottage -complete -read -roar -relay -(d,ectives to 1escribe 4ualities Soun% 3 tem: 0onsonants /k/ /r/ #5 50ontextualism6 #c 50onstructivism6 ##T 5Thinking 3kills6 LL 5&earning 2o! To &earn6 FS 5.uture 3tudies6 4L 5+astery &earning6 Language #ontent 2rammar: -3ub,ect-verb (greement $e%agogica" Strategie 4' 5+ultiple "ntelligence6

WK 2 -) *Foo% Fair,



Week/ Date WK %

Theme $eop"e

Topic #hapter 2: $OL'T'#(L F'2/.&S

Learning Outcome Language for 'nterper ona" / e 1.2 Take part in social interaction by b-participating in conversation and discussions 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes a-listening to spoken text such as talks speeches and vie!ing television documentaries and multimedia c-reading materials in print such as reports and articles and using other electronic media such as the "nternet Language for 'nformationa" / e 2.2 #rocess information by a-skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas b-extracting main ideas and details c-discerning se$uence of ideas d-getting the explicit and implicit meaning of the text g-identifying different point of vie!s Language For (e thetic / e: %.1 &isten to read and vie! and respond to literary !orks by c-explaining the message the !riter is trying to convey and discussing ho! this relates to one's life e-reciting poems !ith feelings and expression.

Specification L1 iii-(sking $uestions politely to get information iv-)esponding appropriately to $uestions by stating refuting and giving details L2 vii -#articipating in teacher guided discussion on topic of interest by -agreeing to another and saying so -disagreeing politely !ith another and giving one's opinion -defending one's point of vie! L 10 2 1 3 i. &istening to and understanding a variety of texts ii. )eading silently and aloud !ith understanding a variety of texts. L1 i. Telling !hat the text is about ii. *iving important details iii. (sking and ans!ering $uestions. L2 iv. 9xpanding notes and outlines -!rite an article on Tun 1r.+ahathir +ohamad using the notes and outlines given on pg 2:. L3 vi. Writing do!n key ideas of a text L1 i. )eciting a poem !ith feeling and expression and !ith correct pronunciation intonation stress and rhythm. ii. .inding out the meaning of unfamiliar !ords by using contextual clues and / or the dictionary. iii. )etelling the story or the content of the poem in one's o!n !ords.

!a"ue #oliteness 2ard!orking

Language #ontent 2rammar: -0on,unctions -(dverbs

$e%agogica" Strategie 4' 5+ultiple "ntelligence6 #5 50ontextualism6 #c 50onstructivism6 ##T 5Thinking 3kills6 LL 5&earning 2o! To &earn6

)esponsibility #atriotism Soun% 3 tem: /d/ Word list -declines -education -persuade -received -re,ected

a) Tunku (-%u" .ahman 6 in 4emor3 -) Tun (-%u" .a7ak c) Tun Dr) 4ahathir 4ohama%

FS 5.uture 3tudies6 4L 5+astery &earning6

L'T&.(T/.& $oem: The Lei ure


Week/ Date WK ;


Topic Literature #omponent: The .ai"+a3 #hi"%ren a) 'ntro%uction: &"ement in the Literature -) S3nop i of the 8o9e"

Learning Outcome 3)0 Language for ae thetic u e 3)1 "i ten to0 rea% an% 9ie+ an% re pon% to "iterar3 +ork -3 : a. <nderstanding and telling in one's o!n !ords the story and giving one's opinion= b. )ecogni>ing elements in a story such as characters and setting= c. 9xplaining the message the !riter is trying to convey and discussing ho! this relates to one's life= d. <nderstanding other people's cultures traditions customs and beliefs=

Specification L1 ii. .inding out the meaning of unfamiliar !ords by using contextual clues and/or the dictionary iii. )etelling the story in one's o!n !ords. &ove L2 iv. Telling the se$uence of events in a story. v. 1escribing the place !here the story took place and !riting a simple paragraph on it. vi. 1escribing characters in the story and !riting a simple paragraph of each character. L3 vii. +aking predictions as to !hat might happen next in the story. viii. )elating events characters and values in a story to one's life ix. *iving one's opinion of the story

!a"ue Kindness 0ourageous

Language #ontent Ten e -3imple #resent -3imple #ast

$e%agogica" Strategie 4' 5+ultiple "ntelligence6 #5 50ontextualism6 #c 50onstructivism6

.riendship ##T 5Thinking 3kills6 LL 5&earning 2o! To &earn6 FS 5.uture 3tudies6 4L 5+astery &earning6



Week/ Date WK ?

Theme $eop"e

Topic #hapter 3: F(4O/S $&.SO8(L'T'&S

Learning Outcome Language for 'nterper ona" / e 1.1+ake friends and keep friendship by@ c. talking about self family friends interests past events feelings personal experiences and understanding !hen others talk about themselves. d. taking part in conversations and discussions. 1.2 Take part in social interaction by@ b. participating in conversations and discussions c. making plans and arrangements . Language for 'nformationa" / e 2.- &anguage for informational purposes by@ 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by@ c. reading materials in print such as reports and articles and using other electronic media such as the internet. 2.2 #rocess information by a. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas. b. extracting main ideas and supporting details c. follo!ing se$uence of ideas 2.% #resenting information to different audience by@ a. Writing directions instructions recounts announcements using appropriate format and conventions.

Specification L1 ii. Talking about one's experiences. L1 iii. (sking $uestions politely to get information. L1 iv. )esponding appropriately to $uestions by stating refuting and giving details. L2 vii. #articipating in teacher A guided class discussions on topics of interest by - agreeing to another and saying so - disagreeing politely !ith another and giving one's opinions - defending one's point of vie! viii. (sking $uestions seeking clarification and responding to $uestions appropriately. L1. ii. 9xpressing (ppreciation and gratitude. iv. 9xpressing support for others

!a"ue *ratitude (ppreciation

Language #ontent 2rammar: -Wh-$uestions -#unctuation

$e%agogica" Strategie 4' 5+ultiple "ntelligences6 #5 50ontextualism6 #c 50onstructivism6 ##TS 5Thinking 3kills6 LL 5&earning 2o! to &earn6 FS 5.utures 3tudies6

)esponsibility 0ivic A minded Soun% S3 tem: &ong and short vo!els /B/ /e/ /@/ // Word list mat sat sand met set beg march heart cart much but cut

a) *:er 4a;e t3 <ueen Sirikit, -) *4other Tere a,

L'T&.(T/.& $oem: The Lei ure

Obtaining information by@ ii. )eading silently and aloud !ith understanding a variety of texts. (. #rocessing texts listened to by L1 i. Telling !hat the text is about. ii. noting important details. iii. (sking and ans!ering $uestions. L2.iv. .ollo!ing se$uence


of ideas. v. identifying important ideas by listening and checking a list. C. #rocessing texts read by L1. iii. .ollo!ing se$uence of ideas in simple texts iv. <sing the dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar !ords. L2 iv. 9xpanding notes and outlines -Write an article for the school maga>ine on +other Teresa. 5pg. %D6 Week / Date Theme Topic Learning Outcome Specification !a"ue Language #ontent $e%agogica" Strategie



Literature #omponent: The .ai"+a3 #hi"%ren

3)0 Language for ae thetic u e 3)1 a6 Li ten to0 rea%0 9ie+ an% re pon% to "iterar3 +ork -3: <nderstanding and telling in one's o!n !ords the story and giving one's o!n !ords the story and giving one's opinion )ecogni>ing elements in a story such as characters and setting

L1 iii.

.riendship )etelling the story or the content of the poem in one's o!n !ords. )esponsibility

Ten e : -3imple #ast

4' 5+ultiple "ntelligences6 #5 50ontextualism6

a) #haracter / #haracteri tic -) $"ot b6 c) Setting

L2 iv. Telling the se$uence of events in a story v. 1escribing the place !here the story took place and !riting a simple paragraph on it 1escribing characters in the story and !riting a simple paragraph of each character.

0aring ##TS 5Thinking 3kills6


Week /



Learning Outcome



Language #ontent



Date WK F Socia" ' ue #hapter =: #:(LL&82&S F(#&D >? ?O/82 $&O$L& Language for 'nterper ona" / e 1.1 Take part in social interaction by@ b. participating in conversations and directions. Language for 'nformationa" / e a) *#3-er Danger, -) *2etting :e"pe% When ?ou (re Threatene% On"ine, 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by@ a. listening to spoken texts such as talks speeches and vie!ing television documentaries and multimedia. c. reading materials in print such as reports and articles and using any other electronic media such as the internet. 2.2 #rocess information by@ a. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas. b. extracting main ideas and details. 0. discerning se$uence of ideas. 2.% #resent information to different audiences by@ a. !riting recounts descriptions explanations speeches reports and articles. c. responding to $uestions orally and in !riting. 1.1&evel 1 iii. (sking $uestions politely to get information. iv. responding appropriately to $uestions by stating refuting and giving details. 2.1 Obtaining information by@ &evels 1 2 % i. understanding a variety of texts. ii. )eading silently aloud !ith understanding a variety of texts. (. #rocessing texts by@ &evel 1 i. telling !hat the text is about. ii. giving important details. iii. asking and ans!ering $uestions. Le9e" 2 iv. follo!ing se$uence of ideas. v. identifying important ideas. C. #rocessing texts read by@ Le9e" 1 ii. scanning for details. iii. follo!ing se$uence of ideas in simple texts. Le9e" 2 vi. identifying main ideas in texts. vii. identifying supporting details or ideas in texts. Le9e" 3 ix. identifying cause and effect in simple texts. 2.% #resenting information by@ Le9e" 3 vi. !riting brief simple descriptions. -Write a : paragraph speech based on the notes given. 5pg. :;6 (ppreciation 0ompassion 1etermination 2rammar: -#repositions of #lace and #osition -#reposition of Time

Strategie 4' 5+ultiple "ntelligences6 #5 50ontextualism6 #c 50onstructivism6 -#repositions of 1irection Soun% 3 tem: /str/ /sm/ ##TS 5Thinking 3kills6 LL 5&earning 2o! to &earn6 Word list -strain -strong -stress -smack -smile -smoke FS 5.utures 3tudies6

WK 1-


Week/ Date WK 12

Theme Socia" ' ue

Topic #hapter @: T'4& 4(8(2&4&8T

Learning outcome Language for 'nterper ona" / e 1.2 Take part in social interaction by b. participating in conversations and discussions

Specification 1.1Le9e" 1 iii. (sking $uestions politely to get information. iv. responding appropriately to $uestions by stating refuting and giving details. 2.1 Obtaining information by@ Le9e" 10 2 3 i. understanding a variety of texts. ii. )eading silently aloud !ith understanding a variety of texts. (. #rocessing texts by@ Le9e" 1 i. telling !hat the text is about. ii. giving important details. iii. asking and ans!ering $uestions. Le9e" 2 iv. follo!ing se$uence of ideas. v. identifying important ideas.

!a"ue 2ard!orking *ratefulness 1etermination 0ooperation

Language #ontent 2rammar: #ositive and Gegative 3tatements Ten e : -3imple #resent Tense for "nstructions Soun% S3 tem: 3hort and &ong vo!els // /u@/ Word list -pull -full -look -choose -throuh -noon

$e%agogica" Strategie 4' 5+ultiple "ntelligences6 #5 50ontextualism6 #c 50onstructivism6 ##TS 5Thinking 3kills6 LL 5&earning 2o! to &earn6 FS 5.utures 3tudies6

a) Stu%3 Smart -) Stu%3 &ffecti9e"3

Language for 'nformationa" / e 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by@ a. &istening to spoken texts such as talks speeches and vie!ing television documentaries and multimedia.

L'T&.(T/.& $oem: The Lei ure c. )eading materials in print such as reports and articles and using other electronic media such as the internet. Language for 'nformationa" / e 2.2 #rocess information by@ a. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas. ,. making short notes and mapping out ideas. 2.% #resent information to different audiences by@ a. !riting recounts descriptions explanations speeches reports and articles

C. #rocessing texts read by@ Le9e" 3 ix. (pplying process !riting skills -3tudents !rite a short letter to their friend based on the points given. Le9e" 1 ii. scanning for details. iii. follo!ing se$uence of ideas in simple texts. Le9e" 2 vi. identifying main ideas in texts.

Language For (e thetic / e: %.1 &isten to read and vie! and respond to literary !orks by c-explaining the message the !riter is trying to convey and discussing ho! this relates to one's life e-reciting poems !ith feelings and expression.


Date WK 1;

Theme Socia" ' ue

Topic #hapter A:

Learning outcome Language for 'nformationa" / e

Specification O-taining information -3: L 10 2 1 3 ii. )eading silently and aloud !ith understanding a variety of texts. >) $roce ing te5t rea% -3: L1 i. 3tating the text type that is being read. ii. 3canning for details. iii. .ollo!ing se$uence of ideas in simple texts. iv. <sing the dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar !ords. L2 vii. "dentifying supporting details or ideas in texts. L3 ix. "dentifying cause and effect in simple texts. $re enting information -3: L1 ii. #resenting information by taking dictation of text. -)ead paragraph 2 in the reading passage on page D- and !rite it out as dictated.

!a"ue 2elpful )espect

Language #ontent Ten e The 3imple #resent Tense for 2abitual (ctions The #resent 0ontinuous Tense Soun% 3 tem: Diphthong /ei/ /ai/ Word list -able -aid -campaign -island -idea -kind

$e%agogica" Strategie 4' 5+ultiple "ntelligences6 #C 50ontextual-ism6 ## 50onstructivism6 ##T# 5Thinking 3kills6 LL 5&earning 2o! to &earn6 FS 5futures 3tudies6 4L 5+astery &earning6

T&&8(2&.S (8D #(.&&.S

a) &"ectronic Bourna"i m -) #areer in (ccounting

2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by@ c. )eading materials in print such as reports and articles and using other electronic media such as the "nternet. 2.2 #rocess information by@ a. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas= b. extracting main ideas and details= g. identifying different points of vie! 2.1 #resent information to different audiences by@ e. expanding notes and outlines= 2.% #resent information to different audiences by@ a. !riting recounts descriptions explanations speeches reports and articles.

.riendship 2ard!orking


Week/ Date WK 1:

Theme $eop"e

Topic Literature #omponent: The .ai"+a3 #hi"%ren a) Theme -) !a"ue c) Le on Learne%

Learning outcome

Specification L2@ iv. Telling the se$uence of events in a story L3 vii. making predictions as to !hat might happen next in the story viii. )elating events characters and values in a story to one's life ix. *iving one's opinion of the story

!a"ue 2onesty .riendship

Language #ontent *rammar @ - 3imple #ast Tense - (d,ectives to sho! $ualities - comparison ad,ectives

$e%agogica" Strategie 4' 5+ultiple "ntelligences6 #5 50ontextualism6 ##TS 5Thinking 3kills6

3)0 Language for ae thetic u e %.1 &isten to read and vie! and respond to literary !orks by@ a. understanding and telling in one's o!n !ords the story and giving one's opinion b. )ecogni>ing elements in a story such as characters and setting c. 9xplaining the message the !riter is trying to convey and discussing ho! this relates to one's life= d. <nderstanding other people's cultures traditions customs and beliefs

&oyalty 2elpfulness )esponsibility


Week/ Date WK 1?

Theme :ea"th

Topic #hapter D: 4'..O.0 4'..O.E a) 4aking :ea"th3 #hoice -) ( >a"ance% Diet

Learning outcome Language for 'nterper ona" / e 1.1+ake friends and keep friendship by@ c. exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topic of interest d. taking part in conversations and discussions 1.2 Take part in social interaction by@ b. participating in conversations and discussions Language for 'nformationa" / e 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by@ c. reading materials in print such as diagrams and conversations and using other electronic media such as the internet 2.2 #rocess information by@ a. skimming and scanning for

Specification L1 5iii6 asking $uestions politely to get information 5iv6 responding appropriately to $uestions by stating refuting and giving details L2 5viii6 asking $uestions seeking clarification and responding to $uestions politely L10203 5ii6 reading silently and aloud !ith understanding a variety of texts #rocessing texts read@ L1 5i6 telling !hat the text is about 5ii6 giving important details L2 5v6 identifying important ideas L2 5vi6 participating in teacher-guided class discussions on topics of interest by - agreeing to another and saying so - disagreeing politely

!a"ue +oderation #oliteness *ratefulness (ppreciation 3elf-dicipline

Language #ontent 2rammar: -#ersonal #ronouns -#ossessive #ronouns Soun% 3 tem: Short an% "ong 9o+e" /H/ /@/ Word list -affect -amount -suggest -burn -learn -turn 3entence patterns@ 1. agreeing !ith another 2. 9xpressing appreciation and gratitude

$e%agogica" Strategie 4' 5multiple intelligences6 #C 5contextual-ism6 ##T 5thinking skills6 4L 5mastery learning6



specific information and ideas b. extracting main ideas and details 2.% #resenting information a. !riting descriptions of people explaining reasons !hy they like the person b. !riting dialogues on an issue -agreeing to one another and saying so -disagreeing politely and giving opinions Week/ Date WK 1E Theme Socia" ' ue Topic #hapter F: T(G& ( >.&(GH a) Laughter i the >e t 4e%icine -) Wa3 to #a"m Do+n 1.% Obtain goods and services by a. making en$uiries= Language for 'nformationa" / e 2.; Obtain information for different purposes by@ a. listening to spoken texts such as talks speeches and vie!ing television documentaries and multimedia. c. )eading materials in print such as reports and articles and using other electronic media such as the internet. 2.% #rocess information by a. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas. b. extracting main ideas and supporting details

!ith another and giving one's - defending one's point of vie!


L3 iv. 9xpanding notes and outlines. -9xpand notes given to !rite a speech on I9ating )ight'.

Learning outcome Language for 'nterper ona" / e 1.2 Take part in social interaction by@ b. participating in conversations and discussions

Specification L2 vii. Writing notes and re$uesting for assistance thanking another. L1I3 i. &istening to and understanding a variety of text. ii. )eading silently and aloud !ith understanding a variety of text. (. #rocessing texts listened to by@ L1 i. Telling !hat the text is about ii. *iving important details. iii.(sking and ans!ering $uestions.

!a"ue )esponsibility #atience Tolerance &oving and 0aring

Language #ontent Ten e : -The 3imple #ast Tense -#reposition Iof' Soun% 3 tem: #on onant #u ter /gr/ /gl/ Word list -grate -groom -grin -gloom -glum -glory 3entence #atterns )e$uesting assistance expressing appreciation and gratitude.

$e%agogica" Strategie 4' 5+ultiple "ntelligence6 #5 50ontextualism6 #c 50onstructivism6 ##T 5Thinking 3kills6 LL 5&earning 2o! To &earn6 FS 5.uture 3tudies6 4L 5+astery &earning6


L2.!ing se$uence of ideas. v. "dentifying important ideas. L3 vi. Writing do!n key ideas of a text listened to. C. #rocessing texts read by@


c. discerning se$uence of ideas. e. predicting outcomes ,. making short notes and mapping out ideas. 2.: #resenting information to different audience by@ a. Writing recounts descriptions explanations speeches reports and articles. directions

L1 ii. 3canning for details. iv. <sing the dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar !ords. L2. vi. "dentifying main ideas in texts. vii."dentifying supporting details or ideas in text. L3 xii."nterpreting information from notices articles from maga>ines advertisements simple passages simple diagrams tables simple reports charts and graphs. L3 viii. 9xpanding notes and outlines. -Writing a speech on I2o! to )elax' based on the notes given. 5pg. 1116

Week/ Date WK 2;

Theme :ea"th

Topic #hapter J >& F'T0 >& :&(LT:? a) &5treme Sport

Learning Outcome Language for 'nterper ona" / e 1.2 Take part in social interaction by@ b. participating in conversations and discussions 1.% Obtain goods and services by a. making en$uiries= Language for 'nformationa" / e

Specification L2 vii. Writing notes and re$uesting for assistance thanking another. L1I3 i. &istening to and understanding a variety of text. ii. )eading silently and aloud !ith understanding a variety of text. (. #rocessing texts listened to by@ L1 i. Telling !hat the text is about ii. *iving important details. iii.(sking and ans!ering $uestions.

!a"ue (ppreciate literary text Trust!orthy 2onesty .riendship

Language #ontent 3imple past tense 3imple present tense Jocabulary 5Word/ #hrase6 -+ade his blood run cold

$e%agogica" Strategie 0x 00T3 +" .3 +&

-#reying on his mind -1eep seated terror -Wrecked influenced

Literature #omponent The .ai"+a3 #hi"%ren a) &9ent

2.? Obtain information for different purposes by@ a. listening to spoken texts such as talks speeches and vie!ing television documentaries and multimedia. c. )eading materials in



print such as reports and articles and using other electronic media such as the internet. 2.% #rocess information by a. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas. b. extracting main ideas and supporting details c. discerning se$uence of ideas. e. predicting outcomes ,. making short notes and mapping out ideas.

L2.!ing se$uence of ideas. v. "dentifying important ideas. L3 vi. Writing do!n key ideas of a text listened to. C. #rocessing texts read by@ L1 ii. 3canning for details. iv. <sing the dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar !ords.


#resenting information to different audience by@ a. Writing recounts descriptions explanations speeches reports and articles. directions

L2. vi. "dentifying main ideas in texts. vii."dentifying supporting details or ideas in text. L3 xii."nterpreting information from notices articles from maga>ines advertisements simple passages simple diagrams tables simple reports charts and graphs. L3 viii. 9xpanding notes and outlines. -!rite a speech on I2o! to Overcome (nxiety problems'.

L'T&.(T/.& $oem: ( Fighter, Line

Language For (e thetic / e: %.1 &isten to read vie! and respond to literary !orks by@ a. understanding and telling in one's o!n !ords the story or poem heard and/or read and giving one's opinion of the text. 1 recogni>ing elements in a story such as characters and settings

L 1: )etelling the story in one's o!n !ords L2: *iving the se$uence of events. Talking about the place and time the story took place. 1escribing characters in the story and !riting a simple paragraph of each character. L 3:




+aking predictions as to !hat might happen next in the story

Week/ Date WK 2:

Theme &n9ironment

Topic #hapter 10: G&&$ 4(L(?S'( >&(/T'F/L a) 2ar%en #it30 2ar%en 8ation -) Our .o"e in Geeping Our To+n >eautifu" 1)0

Learning Outcome Language for 'nterper ona" / e

Specification &1 ii. Talking about one's experiences iii. (sking $uestions politely to get information. &2 vii. #articipating in teacher-guided class discussions on topics of interest by - agreeing to another and saying so - disagreeing politely !ith another and giving one's opinion - defending one's point of vie! &12K% a. #rocessing texts listened to by@ &1 i. Telling !hat the text is about.

!a"ue 0leanliness 3elf-confidence 3elf-esteem 2ealthy lifestyle

Language #ontent :. Jerbs v. +odal Jerbs A can must may might - <sing Imust' !hen !e think it is necessary. - <sing Ican' to talk about suggestion - <sing Imay'/'might' to say that perhaps something !ill happen in the future. ?. (dverbs i. (dverb of manner - To sho! ho! an action

$e%agogica" Strategie +" 0x 0c 00T && .3 +&

1.1 +ake friends and keep friendship by @ d. taking part in conversation and discussion

2)0 Language for 'nformationa" /e 2.2 #rocess "nformation by @ a. skimming and scanning for



WK 2?

c) .ec3c"ing '%ea

specific information and ideas= b. extracting main ideas and details e. predicting outcomes g. identifying different point of vie! 2.% #resent information to different audiences by @ (. !riting recounts descriptions explanation speeches reports and articles i. using appropriate format conventions and grammar !hen presenting information.

ii. *iving important details.

!as done A using the suffixly

#resenting information by@ &1 i. Garrating orally the events that took place. &% ix. (pplying process !riting skills. -Write an article for the ne!spaper !ith a title IWays to Ceautify Our 0ountry'.

F. 0onnectors i. 0on,unction A and but or so ii. 3e$uence 0onnectors A first next then finally e.g First clean your face thoroughly. Next put on the hygienic facial strip !ax. Then leave it for 1 or 2 minutes. Finally peel of the !ax strips. Lou !ill have a smooth skin.

Week/ Date WK 2E

Theme :ea"th

Topic #hapter 11: FO. ( >&TT&. TO4O..OW

Learning Outcome Language for 'nterper ona" / e 1.1 +ake friends and keep friendships by@ c. exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest d. taking part in conversations and discussions

Specification &evel 1 iv. )esponding appropriately to $uestions by stating refuting and giving details &evel 1 iv.9xpressing support for others &evel 2 vii Writing notes@ -re$uesting for assistance -thanking another &evel 1 2 % i. &istening to and understanding a variety of texts ii. )eading silently and aloud !ith understanding

!a"ue 0aring for the environ-ment &ove our environment 0o-operation

Language #ontent Tenses +odals 3e$uence connectors W2-$uestions "mperatives .3 0M +"

$e%agogica" Strategie

&2T& 00T 00

a) Ta"king a-out the Future -) &co"og3 #amp

)esponsibi-lity *ood citi>enship

1.2 Take part in social interaction by @ b. participating in conversations and discussions



a variety of texts Language for 'nformationa" / e 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by @ a. &istening to spoken texts such as talks speeches and vie!ing television documentaries and multimedia c. )eading materials in print such as reports and articles and using other electronic media such as the "nternet WK 2F 2)2 $roce 'nformation -3: a. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas e. predicting outcomes g. identifying different points of vie! i. interpreting non-linear texts such as maps charts diagrams tables graphs ,. making short notes and mapping out ideas 2)3 $re ent information to %ifferent au%ience -3 : a. !riting recounts descriptions explanations speeches reports and articles c. responding to $uestions orally and in !riting i. using appropriate format conventions and grammar !hen presenting information %.2 9xpress themselves creatively and imaginatively by@ Language For (e thetic / e: %.1 &isten to read and vie! and

() $roce ing te5t "i tene% to -3: &evel 1 i. Telling !hat the text is about ii. *iving important details iii. (sking and ans!ering $uestions &evel 2 v. "dentifying important ideas > $roce ing te5t rea% -3: &evel 1 ii. 3canning for details iii. .ollo!ing se$uence of ideas iv. <sing the dictionary to find the meaning of the unfamiliar !ords v. (c$uiring a range of vocabulary by@ - stating !ords of the same meaning &evel 2 vi. "dentifying main ideas in texts &evel % ix. "dentifying cause and effect in simple texts x. making simple predictions giving reasons xi. dra!ing obvious conclusions in simple texts xii. interpreting information from notices articles maga>ines advertisements simple passages simple diagrams tables simple reports charts and graphs

re enting information -3: &evel % vi. Writing simple descriptions -Write a report based on the format of the model report on pg 1:;.


respond to literary !orks by@ c. 0omposing simple poems stories and dialogues. Week/ Date WK 2F Theme &n9ironment Topic #hapter 12: 8(T/.(L D'S(ST&. Learning Outcome Language for 'nterper ona" / e 1.1 +ake friends and keep friendships by@ c. exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest d. taking part in conversations and discussions &evel 2 iii. 0hanging the text to another form 5genre6 Specification &evel 1 iv. )esponding appropriately to $uestions by stating refuting and giving details &evel 1 iv.9xpressing support for others &evel 2 vii Writing notes@ -re$uesting for assistance -thanking another &evel 1 2 % i. &istening to and understanding a variety of texts ii. )eading silently and aloud !ith understanding a variety of texts () $roce ing te5t "i tene% to -3: &evel 1 i. Telling !hat the text is about ii. *iving important details iii. (sking and ans!ering $uestions &evel 2 v. "dentifying important ideas > $roce ing te5t rea% -3: &evel 1 ii. 3canning for details iii. .ollo!ing se$uence of ideas iv. <sing the dictionary to find the meaning of the unfamiliar !ords v. (c$uiring a range of vocabulary by@ - stating !ords of the same meaning !a"ue &oyalty 2onesty .riendship Language #ontent 3ound@ :.- #ast Tense /t/ stopped /d/ cried $e%agogica" Strategie 00T3 .uture 3tudies

a) .ea%ing a 8e+ paper report

1.2 Take part in social interaction by @ b. participating in conversations and discussions Language for 'nformationa" / e 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by @ a. &istening to spoken texts such as talks speeches and vie!ing television documentaries and multimedia c. )eading materials in print such as reports and articles and using other electronic media such as the "nternet 2)2 $roce 'nformation -3: a. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas e. predicting outcomes g. identifying different points of vie! i. interpreting non-linear texts


such as maps charts diagrams tables graphs ,. making short notes and mapping out ideas 2)3 $re ent information to %ifferent au%ience -3 : a. !riting recounts descriptions explanations speeches reports and articles c. responding to $uestions orally and in !riting i. using appropriate format conventions and grammar !hen presenting information Language For (e thetic / e: L'T&.(T/.& $oem: ( Fighter, Line %.1 &isten to read and vie! and respond to literary !orks by@ a. <nderstanding and telling in one's o!n !ords the story and giving one's opinion. c. 9xplaining the message the !riter is trying to convey and discuss ho! this relates to one's life.

&evel 2 vi. "dentifying main ideas in texts &evel % ix. "dentifying cause and effect in simple texts x. making simple predictions giving reasons xi. dra!ing obvious conclusions in simple texts xii. interpreting information from notices articles maga>ines advertisements simple passages simple diagrams tables simple reports charts and graphs $re enting information -3: &evel % vi. Writing simple descriptions -Write a recount based on the model on pg 1?D. &2 iv. Telling the se$uence of events in a story. &% viii. )elating events characters and values in a story to one's life.

Week/ Date WK 2D

Theme Science 1 Techno"og3

Topic #hapter 13: S&( T.(8S$O.T(T'O8

Learning Outcome Language for 'nterper ona" / e 1.1 +ake friends and keep friendships by@ c. exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest

Specification &evel 1 iv. )esponding appropriately to $uestions by stating refuting and giving details &evel 1 iv.9xpressing support for others

!a"ue &oyalty 2onesty .riendship

Language #ontent 3ound@ :.- #ast Tense /t/ stopped /d/ cried

$e%agogica" Strategie 00T3 .uture 3tudies



d. taking part in conversations and discussions a) .ea%ing an e5tract from an enc3c"opae%ia 1.2 Take part in social interaction by @ b. participating in conversations and discussions -) De igning a $o ter on Sea #raft Language for 'nformationa" / e 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by @ a. &istening to spoken texts such as talks speeches and vie!ing television documentaries and multimedia c. )eading materials in print such as reports and articles and using other electronic media such as the "nternet 2)2 $roce 'nformation -3: a. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas e. predicting outcomes g. identifying different points of vie! i. interpreting non-linear texts such as maps charts diagrams tables graphs ,. making short notes and mapping out ideas 2)3 $re ent information to %ifferent au%ience -3 : a. !riting recounts descriptions explanations speeches reports and articles c. responding to $uestions orally and in !riting i. using appropriate format conventions and grammar !hen presenting information

&evel 2 vii Writing notes@ -re$uesting for assistance -thanking another &evel 1 2 % i. &istening to and understanding a variety of texts ii. )eading silently and aloud !ith understanding a variety of texts () $roce ing te5t "i tene% to -3: &evel 1 i. Telling !hat the text is about ii. *iving important details iii. (sking and ans!ering $uestions &evel 2 v. "dentifying important ideas > $roce ing te5t rea% -3: &evel 1 ii. 3canning for details iii. .ollo!ing se$uence of ideas iv. <sing the dictionary to find the meaning of the unfamiliar !ords v. (c$uiring a range of vocabulary by@ - stating !ords of the same meaning &evel 2 vi. "dentifying main ideas in texts

&evel % ix. "dentifying cause and effect in simple texts x. making simple predictions giving reasons xi. dra!ing obvious conclusions in simple texts



xii. interpreting information from notices articles maga>ines advertisements simple passages simple diagrams tables simple reports charts and graphs $re enting information -3: &evel % vi. Writing simple descriptions -Write a recount based on the model on pg 1F%. L'T&.(T/.& $oem: ( Fighter, Line Language For (e thetic / e: 3)1 Li ten to0 rea% an% 9ie+ an% re pon% to "iterar3 +ork -3: a. <nderstanding and telling in one's o!n !ords the story and giving one's opinion. c. 9xplaining the message the !riter is trying to convey and discuss ho! this relates to one's life. &2 iv. Telling the se$uence of events in a story. &% viii. )elating events characters and values in a story to one's life.

Week/ Date WK 2D

Theme Science 1 Techno"og3

Topic #hapter 1=: B&W&LS OF T:& S&( a) The Secret of the Sea -) Father 2i9e >irth

Learning Outcome Language for 'nformationa" / e 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by @ a.&istening to spoken texts such as talks speeches K vie!ing television documentaries K multimedia 2.1 #rocess "nformation by a. skimming K scanning for specific information K ideas. 2.1 #resent "nformation to different audiences by h. reading aloud !ritten material such

Specification L1i.&istening to K understanding a variety of texts. ii. )eading silently K aloud understanding a variety of texts. (. #rocessing Texts listened to L1)1.Telling !hat the text is about. $roce ing Te5t rea% -3 : L1) ii.3canning for details iv. <sing the dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar !ords. !ith

!a"ue (ppreciate nature )espect for life 9nviron-mental conserva-tion

Language #ontent *rammar -Wh-$uestions -(d,ectives -3imple #resent Tense 5 (ctive/#assive Joice6 3ub,ect-Jerb-(greement 3e$uence 0onnectors Gouns #unctuation 3ound ;.- 0onsonant 0luster ;.E sh-splash fresh ?.- #lural .orms F.- 3tresses in compound !ords

$e%agogica" Strategie



as reports clearly K fluently. i. <sing appropriate format conventions K grammar !hen presenting information L'T&.(T/.& $oem: ( Fighter, Line Language For (e thetic / e: %.1 &isten to read and vie! and respond to literary !orks by@ a. <nderstanding and telling in one's o!n !ords the story and giving one's opinion. c. 9xplaining the message the !riter is trying to convey and discuss ho! this relates to one's life.

L2) vi. "dentifying main ideas in texts. L3 ) ix. "dentifying cause K effects in simple texts. L1 ii.Taking spelling K dictation of texts. L2) ii.9xpanding notes K the outlines. L3) vi. Writing brief simple description.


Week/ Date WK %-

Theme Science 1 Techno"og3

Topic #hapter 1@: (4(K'82 S&( #.&(T/.&S a) 4ake Wa3 for the :ammerhea% -) 4arine 4e%icare #he t

Learning Outcome Language for 'nformationa" / e 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by @ a.&istening to spoken texts such as talks speeches K vie!ing television documentaries K multimedia 2.1 #resent "nformation to different audiences by h. reading aloud !ritten material such as reports clearly K fluently. K i. <sing appropriate format conventions K grammar !hen presenting information Language For (e thetic / e:

Specification L1 i.&istening to K understanding a variety of texts. silently K aloud !ith understanding a variety of texts. (. #rocessing Texts listened to L1)1.Telling !hat the text is about. $roce ing Te5t rea% -3 : L1) i.3canning for details iv. <sing the dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar !ords. L2) vi. "dentifying main ideas in texts.

!a"ue (ppreciate nature )espect for life 9nvironmental conservation

Language #ontent *rammar -Wh-$uestions -(d,ectives -3imple #resent Tense 5(ctive/#assive Joice6 3ub,ect-Jerb-(greement 3e$uence 0onnectors Gouns #unctuation 3ound 0onsonant 0luster ;.E sh-splash fresh E.- #lural .orms F.- 3tresses in compound !ords 39(shell +" 0M +&

$e%agogica" Strategie

00T3 .3 &&

%.1 &isten to read and vie! and respond to literary !orks by@ a. <nderstanding and telling in one's o!n !ords the story and giving one's

L3) ix. "dentifying cause K effects in simple texts. L1) ii.Taking spelling K dictation of texts.


opinion. L2) ii.9xpanding notes K the outlines. c. 9xplaining the message the !riter is trying to convey and discuss ho! this relates to one's life. L3) vi. Writing brief simple description. -Writing a simple report. #g 21- 211.

'nten i9e .e9i ion ((ugu t 6 Octo-er 2010) Week / Date Topic #ontent

3ub,ect Averb (greement





(d,ectives to 1escribe 4ualities 0on,unctions (dverbs Wh-$uestions #assage 1 #assage 2 Form 3 (The .ai"+a3 #hi"%ren):

Summar3 Writing W33

Literature W3=

&ong )esponse 4uestion #lot 3etting Jalues &essons &earned 0haracters and 0haracteristic Themes .ormal &etter "nformal &etter #unctuation A capital &etters commas and full stops #repositions of place direction and time The 3imple #resent Tense for "nstructions #ositive and negative 3tatements The 3imple #resent Tense for 2abitual actions #assage % #assage ; 9xpanding Gotes K Outlines 5!ith picture series6 Writing a 3peech Writing a 3imple )eport ( $aper 1: =0 Lue tion )

#ompo ition W3@

W3A 2rammar

Summar3 Writing W3D W3F #ompo ition


Fina" .e9i ion

+odel Test #aper 1 +odel Test #aper 2



+odel Test #aper % +odel Test #aper ; +odel Test #aper :



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