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Primary Sources

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"American Diabetes Association." Alliance for Natural Health. ANH, 7 June 2011. Web. 5 Feb 2014. <>. This site is about the American Diabetes Association and how the guidelines they provide are killing diabetics. They have a clear bias and this site is clearly meant for the public. The site provided the picture of the insulin for my website.

"Animal Research Means Medical Progress." AMP. AMP - Americans for Medical Progress, n.d. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. <>. This was an extremely helpful site for my research. This site included a list of some of the major projects on which medical researchers are currently working. AMP is an organization that believes in the benefits of animal testing. The list consists of direct quotes and names of medical researchers. This site is intended for the public to get better educated in the modern day facts on animal testing. This site has also helped me find quotes on medical researchers beliefs on the topic.

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Antoinette, Marie. "Animal Testing List." La Vedette. Word Press, 16 Sept. 2010. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. <>. This site provides a picture of the rabbits in head restraints. The author discusses animal testing, the benefits and problems. The site was meant for the general public and the followers of her blog. I choose not to use the information on the site because of the voice of opinion that she wrote the article with.

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ASPCA. "Legal Rights for Animals." Pet Finder. ASPCA Animal Watch, 2001. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. <>. This site contains facts on the subject of animal testing and is biased with regard to testing on animals. The text was intended for the public to raise awareness on the subject. The writer also includes a portion called Taking a Stand, explaining that she wants the public to do something to stop animal testing. The information is factual and was found helpful in my website.

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Blakemore, Colin. Should We Experiment on Animals: Yes. The Telegraph. Telegraph, 28 Oct. 2008. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. <>. This source was helpful in quotes and opinions. The author, Blakemore, tells about his opinion while balancing them out with facts. He is also the professor of neuroscience at Oxford and Warwick. He explains why he believes animal testing is good and also adds information about the types of animals we use and why. This site was meant for the public to raise awareness about animal testing and its benefits.

Hodge, Liz. "The Benefits of Animal Research." Highlight HEALTH. Highlight HEALTH, 9 Dec. 2010. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. <>.

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This is a great site because it tells about how and why animals are used in medical research and the benefits they bring to us. She also talks about specific events happening now and also about their importance. This site was intended for public viewing and was very helpful to my website.

"Honorary Covergirl." Business Insider. N.p., 16 July 13. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. <http://>. I used this site for the picture of 13 year old, Talia. Even though this site did not prove useful in my research, it does tell an inspiring story about Talia and her amazing battle with cancer. This site also helped me understand about how much of an impact such conditions can have on a community and why we need animal testing to find a cure. I believe that this site was meant for the people that followed her Facebook page and also to raise awareness for cancer.

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"Insulin Basics." American Diabetes Association. N.p., 6 Sept. 2013. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. <http://>. This site was helpful in understanding the basics of insulin and diabetes. It had very good facts although I did find some of the words confusing. Thankfully, it did explain some of the words. This site also was helpful because it told me about why insulin is so important to the people and pets who use it. This site was intended for the public use and to inform people about insulin and its life saving tools. Laurel Coleman Junior Website Bibliography Page !2

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Lasting Impressions. "PD Tulip." PDTulip. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. <http://>. This site was not very helpful, though it did have a very nice picture. This site sells these tulips to raise awareness for Parkinsons Disease. This site gives anyone permission to use their roses in order to raise awareness. This site was mainly intended for buyers of the PD Tulip.

"Paralyzed Rats Walk Again." Student Science. Society for Science, 7 June 2012. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. <>. This site helped me in my research by understand how testing on animals can help humans. In this case, it was paralyzation that they were trying to solve in rats. I mainly used this site for the pictures, but needless to say, it was also helpful because of the information that they provided.

Skreened. "Cystic Fibrosis Ribbon." Skreened. Skreened, n.d. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. <http://>. This site provided me with the picture of the purple ribbon. The purple ribbon is the symbol of cystic fibrosis and this site sells shirts with the purple ribbon and other messages on them. This site was intended for buyers and supporters of finding a cure for cystic fibrosis.

University of Oxford. "Research Using Animals: An Overview." University of Oxford. UO, 28 Nov. 2011. Web. 22 Jan. 2014. < research_using_animals_an_overview/>. This site was extremely helpful in my research. It provides an extremely large amount of information about a variety of topics. It talks about the benefits and also about plans for the future, our future. This site was intended for people who want to know more about animal testing. This book also has information on both viewpoints but mainly, the viewpoint of those for animal experimentation/cloning.

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Wagner, Viqi. BioMedical Ethics. Ed. Elizabeth Des Chenes. N.p.: Greenhaven Press, 2008. Print. Opposing Viewpoints.

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This book was helpful in providing information on the way that they experiment and mainly, cloning and stem cells. I did feel like this book provided excellent information and helped me greatly. This book was intended for the public and it has excellent quotes.

Watson, John B., and B.F. Skinner. "Animal Experimentation." Learn Hub. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. <>. This site was slightly helpful, although I did use it more for the pictures. It mainly has information on psychology and since that is not what my project is on, most of the information was not very helpful.

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"Animal Rights." Animal Info. Animal Info, n.d. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. <http://www.animalinfo.>. This site has a list of the rights that animals have in the field of medical research and many more. This was intended for the public. The site has helped in providing a list of the rights that the animals have. When I was doing my past research, it was difficult to uncover a list of the major rules.

! ! Bekoff, Mark. Animals Matter. Massachusetts: Shambhala, 2007. Print. !

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This book was helpful in telling me about why animals are important. A new perspective into the thoughts against animal testing. It also has quotes from individuals against animal testing. Another reason why I like this book is because, it tells about both sides, not only one. For me, that was helpful because I understand where the opposing side is coming from. This book was definitely intended for the public viewing, hence finding it at the library.

"Blood Sugar Tests for Diabetes." Holistic Healing Center of Maine. Blogger, 28 May 2012. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. < test.html>. I used this site for the photography that it provided. While it does have information on diabetes, I found a reputable primary source to use. This site tells about the blood sugar testing and what is good for the diabetic body. This site was most helpful for the glossary it provided to help me to understand the more complex words they were using. I believe that this site was intended for public use. Laurel Coleman Junior Website Bibliography Page !4

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Chenes, Elizabeth Des, and David M. Haugen, eds. Animal Experimentation. Michigan: Greenhaven Press, 2007. Print. Opposing Viewpoints. This book was extremely helpful in my research. It tells about both sides of animal experimentation. The book also has sections written by multiple professors and doctors. It also contains great quotes for both of the opposing viewpoints. This book was intended for the public to learn and become more educated about animal experimentation.

Liminal. "Cat Fist Bump." Get of My Internets. N.p., 15 Oct. 2013. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. <http://>. This site gave me the picture of the cat and the human fist bumping. I used this picture for my font page to resemble the relationships that animals and humans have between each other. This site was intended to be used by the public.

Macrar, Fiona, and Nicola Rowe. "Food Giants Caught in Animal Testing Scandal." Mail Online. N.p., 20 June 2013. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. < Food-giants-Nestle-Unilever-caught-animal-testing-scandal.html>.

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This site gave me information on what happens when major companies get caught in animal testing. Although this is not in direct relation to my topic, it did help me a little bit. When the article appeared, many people were outraged and disgusted. Though I do agree with animal testing, I do not believe in the testing of animals of food products. This site was to be used for people who are wanting to learn about the scandal.

"Medical Benefits." Speaking of Research. Wordpress, n.d. Web. 15 Jan. 2014. <http://>. This site was very helpful because a list of medicines that needed to be used and how they were all tested on animals. It also lists more/other medications that medical researchers are looking for a cure on. It also has information on whats next in the world of medical research. This site was intended for people who are browsing the web, looking for information on animal testing.

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New England Anti-Vivisection Society. "Laws and Regulations." NEAVS. New England Laurel Coleman Junior Website Bibliography Page !5

Anti-Vivisection Society, 2014. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. <>.

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All though this site is against animal testing, it does create a list of all the organizations that are trying to protect, have created laws or are against animal testing. This site is intended for the public and to inform them about these organizations. I found this site very useful because of all the information that they included.

"Polio Vaccine." Vaccine Truth. Vaccine Truth, 2010. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. <http://>. This site was not very helpful to me, although, it did provide information on polio and the vaccine. I used this site for the images that it provided. This site was intended to provide information for the public.

Raini. "Pro Animal Testing." Study Mode. Study Mode, Mar. 2011. Web. 22 Jan. 2014. <>. This was very helpful in providing quotes for my website. This was intended to be viewed as an essay. The site, Study Mode, is a site where students can write essays and post them. I believe that this site was intended for the teachers and the public viewing audiences.

RDS, and Coalition for Medical Progress, eds. "Medical Advances and Animal Research." ProTest. RDS: Understanding Animal Research in Medicine and Coalition for Medical Progress, 2007. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. <>. This site was very helpful and provided lots of helpful information. It is in PDF form on a webpage hence, I included it as a website. The information provides insight into the world and view points from medical researchers. This site was intended to be used for public viewing and for other medical researchers.

"What Benefits Have Come from Medical Research Using Animals?" AALAS Foundation. American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Foundation, n.d. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. <>. This site was very helpful and was also one of the first sites that I came across on. It tells about multiple disease and viruses cured by animal testing. They also talk about what the world would be like if the world had not have created all of those vaccines. This site was Laurel Coleman Junior Website Bibliography Page !6

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intended to inform the public on the benefits of animals testing and all the good that it can provide.

Whiteman, Honor. "Cats May Be Key to HIV Vaccine." MNT. Medical News Today, 4 Oct. 2013. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. <>. This site was helpful to me because it talked about how the relation between animals and humans. It talks about how the cure to Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) may be connected to each other. This site also was helpful because it proved about the benefits to animal testing, basically, we can created a cure for all. I believe that this site was meant to be for public viewing and to inform them about the possible cure for HIV.

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"Zero Aids." CNN Health. CNN, 20 Nov. 2012. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. <http://>.

I mainly used this site for the pictures it provided of AIDS. It was helpful to me yet, I felt as though the pictures were meaningful than the words themselves. This site was intended for the public viewing and also to show their support for AIDS Awareness Day.

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