Marketing Plan Bend - Business

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2007-2008 Business and Marketing Plan

Mission Statement: To enhance the economic vitality of our community by

promoting Bend as a year-round visitor and convention destination through
maximizing collaborative partnerships, efficient use of transient room tax, and
the cultivation of an excellent visitor experience.
Bend Visitor & Convention Bureau
FY 07/08 Proposed Budget

FY 07/08
FY 06/07 Proposed % Increase
Budget Budget (Decrease)

City Funding 811,800 852,390 5%
Interest 1,000 1,000 0%
Retail Sales 15,000 18,000 20%

Total Income 827,800 871,390 5%


Advertising and Marketing 459,600 478,500 4%

Auto Maintenance 0 2,000
Bank Charges 1,200 1,200 0%
Board Relations 3,500 1,000 -71%
Computer 3,000 5,000 67%
Conf./Training & Education 1,500 5,000 233%
Dues & Subscriptions 2,500 2,500 0%
Equip Lease & Maintenance 3,000 1,500 -50%
Facilities Use & Maintenance 50,000 46,500 -7%
Furniture & Equip 3,000 3,000 0%
Insurance 3,400 4,700 38%
Licenses/Permits 0 200
Meeting Expenses 2,500 2,500 0%
Mileage-Local 2,500 1,000 -60%
Office Supplies 3,000 4,000 33%
Personnel Expenses 260,000 272,290 5%
Professional Fees 15,500 24,500 58%
Retail Purchase 12,600 15,000 19%
Storage Rental 1,000 1,000 0%

Total Expense 827,800 871,390 5%

Net Income 0 0

Budget notes: the proposed budget reflects our internal review and re-designation of proposed expenses to the
more appropriate accounts so we will be able to better track our financial status. We are noting those line items
of plus or minus 25%, specifically:

Board Relations: This line item has been reduced to reflect prior use
Computer: Includes the purchase of new hardware for the Bookkeeper
Conf/Training: Reflects usage for staff that was previously included in the
Advertising/Marketing budget
Equip. Lease: Reflects actual projection for operational use. Other costs will be included in
Insurance: Same as Equip. Lease
Mileage: Reflects reimbursement to staff for mileage costs
Office Supplies: Anticipated increase
Prof. Fees Reflects anticipated increase for full audit, rather than routine Financial Review

Bend Visitor & Convention Bureau Measurement Standards

Growth in Gross Receipts (TRT)

City of Bend
FY 02/03 FY 03/04 FY 04/05 FY 05/06 Change FY 06/07 Change
JUL $ 3,781,825 $ 3,950,790 $ 4,343,184 $ 5,658,601 30.29% $ 5,402,628 -4.52%
AUG $ 3,664,770 $ 3,868,231 $ 4,465,646 $ 4,495,052 0.66% $ 5,012,678 11.52%
SEP $ 2,701,259 $ 2,740,401 $ 3,279,557 $ 3,512,056 7.09% $ 3,822,832 8.85%
OCT $ 2,074,864 $ 2,281,153 $ 2,515,402 $ 2,834,317 12.68% $ 2,858,836 0.87%
NOV $ 1,345,097 $ 1,547,510 $ 1,875,338 $ 2,120,718 13.08% $ 2,033,475 -4.11%
DEC $ 1,725,108 $ 1,910,939 $ 2,296,202 $ 2,469,341 7.54% $ 2,724,465 10.33%
JAN $ 1,478,166 $ 1,623,422 $ 1,974,589 $ 2,173,607 10.08% $ 2,220,993 2.18%
FEB $ 1,692,064 $ 1,991,263 $ 2,319,613 $ 2,265,244 -2.34% $ 2,511,575 10.87%
MAR $ 1,935,183 $ 2,200,664 $ 2,500,761 $ 2,773,773 10.92%
APR $ 2,016,599 $ 2,177,581 $ 2,532,550 $ 2,589,450 2.25%
MAY $ 2,559,249 $ 2,571,519 $ 3,047,481 $ 3,349,152 9.90%
JUN $ 2,450,939 $ 3,313,088 $ 3,664,688 $ 4,107,395 12.08%
Total $ 27,425,123 $ 30,176,561 $ 34,815,011 $ 38,348,706 YTD Var. YTD Var.
FYTD $ 18,463,153 $ 19,913,709 $ 23,069,531 $ 25,528,936 10.66% $ 26,587,482 4.15%

Occupancy Rate (percentage of room nights sold)

FY 04/05 FY 05/06 %Change

July 70.50% 81.04% 14.95%

August 73.15% 72.75% -0.55%
Sept 61.22% 62.82% 2.61%
Oct 49.05% 53.59% 9.26%
Nov 39.48% 42.00% 6.38%
Dec 40.63% 41.30% 1.65%
Jan 38.06% 40.28% 5.83%
Feb 37.59% 45.26% 20.40%
March 46.40% 50.71% 9.29%
April 52.50% 52.24% -0.50%
May 57.00% 57.46% 0.81%
June 64.14% 67.09% 4.60%
YTD Var.
Average 48.61% 51.28% 5.49%


• Enhance the Economic Vitality of Bend Through the Promotion of Tourism

• Provide a Return on Investment of the Transient Room Tax Revenues
• Market the City of Bend Year Around
• Cultivation of an Excellent Visitor Experience
• In the Bend Visitor Center
• Via the BVCB Website
• Influence The Broader Visitor Experience

• Collaboration with Related Partners

– City Council
– Local Businesses
– COVA/State/National
– Hotels/Motels
– Attractions


To Be the Pre-eminent Destination Marketing Organization in the State of Oregon

To Provide the Best Delivery of Service & Information to the Visitor in Bend

To Be the Tourism Marketing Resource of Choice for businesses in and citizens of Bend


Excellence in Stewardship of Public Funds

Optimum Trust Relationship with the Bend City Council
Innovation & Creativity in Programs & Marketing
Collaboration with Key Partners
Quality and Effectiveness in All That We Do
Highest Level of Ethical Standards
Reflect the Warmth, Friendliness and Welcoming Nature of the Community


With its variety of outdoor recreation opportunities, central location, improving access and
infrastructure, and increasing cultural amenities, the opportunity for the city of Bend to grow into a
major tourist destination improves every year. The City Council created, empowered and funded the
Bend Visitor & Convention Bureau to develop and build that tourism industry.

This marketing plan will serve as a guide to the Bend VCB’s 2007/2008 marketing activities, including
the overall goal, measurable objectives and strategies to accomplish those objectives. While it
provides direction and specific methods for achieving results, it is also a fluid document that can and
likely will evolve over the year based on new opportunities and a dynamic marketplace.


1. Increase the annual Return on Investment from marketing dollars (currently 10:1)

2. Increase the total number of visitors reached by 10% per year (define metrics to measure)

3. Increase the amount of leveraged dollars matched or exceeded by partners. By year five,
demonstrate $5 of partner investments to every TRT dollar invested.

4. Increase total number of room nights and TRT revenue by 3% per year.

5. Develop measurement/research tools to better measure campaign effectiveness.


1. Bend is the west’s premier year-round destination.

2. Bend is situated on the sunny eastern slope of the Cascades, with 250 days of sunshine annually
(dispel any rainy Oregon perceptions).
3. Bend’s recreation opportunities are virtually limitless, and are on par with any other destination.
4. Bend’s arts/culture scene has long been a key attraction, and continues to grow.
5. Bend’s dining and nightlife has experienced tremendous growth, with some of the best dining to
be found anywhere.
6. Bend has convenient year-round access via non-stop flights from Seattle, Portland, San
Francisco, Salt Lake City, Los Angeles and Las Vegas.
7. Visitors to Bend co-mingle with locals in any given location, on any given night.
8. The Bend Visitor & Convention Bureau is the resource for visitors and the authority for Bend
9. Calls to action:, 1-877-245-8484, downtown visitor center.


Demographic/Family stage
• Adults, 35-64 years of age, empty nesters, discretionary income, propensity to travel
• Adults, 22-34, typically spend less money but keep Bend hip, and represent a future audience
• Females, primary travel instigators/planners
• Families, looking for variety of activities for a variety of interests/age levels

• Outdoor/fitness/recreation enthusiasts
• Arts and cultural, culinary and lifestyle
• Early adopters

• PRIMARY – 50 % of marketing effort
• Short drive (under 4 hours)
Drive markets from the Oregon I-5 corridor and Willamette Valley
• Long drive (4-8 hours)
Northern California, Idaho, Washington & Northern Nevada
• Direct flight
Seattle, Portland, SF, Salt Lake City, Denver and Los Angeles
• TERTIARY – 20%


Any Northwestern (British Columbia, Washington, Idaho, Oregon & Northern California) destination
that features a similar mix of product attributes, particularly outdoor recreation, scenery, scenic
downtown, arts and culture, etc. For example:
• Whistler, B.C.
• Sun Valley, ID
• Oregon Coast
• Sunriver, OR
• Mt. Hood, OR
• Columbia Gorge, OR
• Winthrop, WA
• Lake Chelan, WA
• Lake Tahoe, CA
• Lake Shasta, CA


In order to effectively maximize visitor expenditures and bring the highest return on investment
dollars to the City of Bend, the BVCB uses a mix of traditional marketing efforts, co-op partnerships
and non-traditional efforts where the best opportunities for growth exist at the lowest cost.

The emphasis, therefore, is to deliver the greatest return on each dollar spent, with a focus on
measurable results that deliver the greatest number of responses and/or impressions for the least
amount of money. We will accomplish this through a continued emphasis on public relations efforts,
and will continue the migration away from traditional media to online and non-traditional efforts (i.e.
Podcasting, blogging, e-marketing). We will utilize, wherever applicable, “guerilla marketing”
techniques that will keep Bend top of mind through innovative and creative approaches that lean
toward cutting edge, without sacrificing the key metric of impressions per dollar spent.

This overall strategy will reduce the amount of print advertising spent, while further leveraging as our primary means of marketing communication. Toward that end, greater efforts
will be placed on keeping the current site up to date, enhancing its interactivity and creating a parallel
site, with links to the original site, which has a heavier reliance on the latest website tools as used by
the web-savvy target audience. These enhancements to our online presence will include podcasting,
blogs and bulletin boards designed to create an online community with the latest, most accurate and
useful visitor information available anywhere about Bend. Integrated marketing campaigns, including
print, direct online and viral, will drive traffic to our websites, where we can accurately measure the
effectiveness of those campaigns. An additional goal will be to increase the number of opt-in guests
that choose to be marketed to by the Bend Visitor and Convention Bureau.



Research indicates that 85% of travelers are using the Internet for their primary research on vacation
destinations (Jupiter Research, 2005). The VCB website and online presence will become the
number one method of marketing communication.

• Review and revamp website, as needed
• Create compelling content
• Keep site user friendly, cutting edge and easy to navigate
• Identify opportunities to increase functionality of site

• Have website take place of collateral as primary marketing tool
• Use online promotions to increase value of site and build database
• Increase unique visitors by 10% each quarter
• Look for possible revenue streams

Internet advertising
In addition to search engine ads, the VCB will advertise on portals that allow them to support
campaigns using other media, as well as providing increased marketing leverage through promotions
using soft dollar partnerships with events, lodging, retail and dining.

A series of Podcasts will be produced, covering a variety of topics and subject matter. These
Podcasts will be made available to the public via direct marketing, and will be available for download
on the site. A combination of audio and video Podcasts will be produced, and will
cover topics ranging from mountain biking and skiing, to dining and art walk.

Search Optimization Strategy

The VCB will continue to employ an SEO strategy to keep its site at the top of the listings by:
• Refining the internal structure of the website to enhance organic search listings
• Purchasing appropriate and effective adword and keyword searches on the top search engines
• Select sponsored listings

Online promotions
Each seasonal advertising campaign from above will contain an online promotions element that is
also supported through the VCB’s direct e-marketing. The promotions will be used in conjunction with
other marketing programs such as PR and advertising to leverage opportunities for maximum
exposure for the destination and will be tied to upcoming special events as appropriate. Each
promotion will have as a primary goal a call to action to add e-mails to our database.



Public Relations, when used to maximum effectiveness, is the most cost efficient and credible means
to communicate to local, regional and national target audiences. While advertising dollars limit the
VCB to smaller, regional media outlets, public relations can achieve placement in major, national
publications and broadcasts, often with more detail than a single advertisement. Public relations is a
key element of the Bend VCB’s marketing program.

• Position Bend among the west’s top year-round recreation and leisure destinations through
increased media coverage in target markets and through target media.
• Generate national feature editorial coverage specific to Bend and ultimately stimulate FIT
visitation among Bend’s target audiences.
• Stimulate consumer trial on a year-round basis, with particular emphasis on the spring and fall
shoulder seasons where the opportunity for growth is greatest.

Media objectives/measurement criteria

• Generate Bend-specific feature stories in a minimum of five key publications within a 12-month
• Host a minimum of fifteen key media with the specific purpose of generating feature editorial
coverage about Bend.
• Communicate a minimum of two Bend USPs/key messages in at least 75 percent of all editorial
• Generate a return on investment (as measured through media value from press clipping service)
of at least four times.
• Contact a minimum of 12 media each month for the specific purpose of generating editorial
coverage of Bend.
• Include a VCB-specific call to action (toll free #, URL, etc.) in at least 75 percent of all editorial

Target markets
In addition to national magazine, newspaper, Internet and travel-specific television media, public
relations efforts will focus on regional media in the country’s top 18 media markets. These markets


• Portland • Chicago • Boston
• Seattle • New York • Miami
• San Francisco • Dallas • Minneapolis/St. Paul
• Sacramento • Houston • Detroit
• Salt Lake City • Atlanta • Philadelphia
• Los Angeles • Phoenix • Washington, D.C.

Target industry segments
• General travel newspaper and magazine
• Outdoor activity/adventure
• Recreational niches (biking, ski/snowboard, fishing, etc.)
• Men’s/Women’s lifestyle
• Airline in-flight
• Auto club publications (i.e. AAA)
• Arts/Cultural/Epicurean
• Lifestyle niches (retirement, reunions, etc)
• Fitness

Media FAM Tours
In an effort to leverage the efficiencies of media who share common interests, the VCB will conduct a
series of Media FAM Tours in 2007, each targeting a specific niche audience. Each FAM will attempt
to attract a minimum of six editors or writers to visit Bend for a 3-4 day trip focusing on the following
• Adventure/Recreation (June)—This event will focus on the region’s abundant recreation
opportunities including hiking, kayaking, fishing, biking, etc.
• Culinary/Arts (September)—In conjunction with the BendFilm Festival, this event will focus on
Bend’s arts scene including Cascade Festival of Music, Tower Theatre, Les Schwab
Amphitheater, etc., as well as the town’s dining opportunities.
• Winter Wonderland (December or January)—This event will focus on winter recreation including
downhill and cross country skiing, snowshoeing, and snowmobiling.

Individual Media Visits

To accommodate media with specific interests, or whose schedules or interests do not coincide with
dates and themes of the three Media FAM Tours, the VCB will secure and coordinate media visits on
an individual basis. These visits will be scheduled on an ongoing basis throughout the year.

Media Kit Development

The VCB will research, write, produce and distribute a bi-annual press kit (Spring/Summer and
Fall/Winter) to approximately 200 targeted “A” and “B” list media. These kits will be available as a
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM, and will include 7-9 press releases specific to Bend. Materials will also be
available in the online pressroom at Additional distribution will take place
in the form of an HTML cover letter e-mail to media, with links directly to specific press releases
online. Individual follow-up would take place to a prioritized group of approximately 50 media for
each press kit distribution.

Market-Specific Media Visits

Targeting key direct flight markets, DVA will travel to and conduct face-to-face meetings with key
travel editors at newspapers and magazines in primary markets including Salt Lake City, San
Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle. A minimum of five meetings per trip will be scheduled in each
market. Our message will vary with the publication, but will primarily focus on lifestyle – Bend’s
unique blend of recreation and sophistication.

On-going Press Release Distribution
The VCB will draft and distribute monthly press releases covering a range of topics from quarterly
events calendars to new services/amenities to major news announcements. Press releases would be
distributed regionally or nationally depending on the nature and scope of the press release content.

On-going Media Relations

The VCB will contact a minimum of 10 writers on a monthly basis for the specific purpose of
generating interest in and editorial coverage of Bend. On-going media relations efforts will also
include follow-up, proactive pitching, distribution of Bend Living materials, etc.

Local Media Relations

The VCB will also incorporate local media relations efforts, including drafting local press releases on
topics including new hires, awards/recognition, etc.

Film Liaison
The Bend Visitor & Convention Bureau will also act as the local contact for Oregon Film, with
resources for the film industry available online.

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Advertising allows the VCB to consistently and reliably reach target audiences in priority geographic
areas with messages appropriate to each audience and consistent with the Bend brand. The
advertising program can be utilized both for awareness building (brand/image), as well as to elicit
specific actions from the target (tactical).

Other Advertising Strategies

• Run seasonal campaigns
• Advertise primarily within short and long drive markets
• Utilize multiple media when feasible
• Utilize co-op dollars when available by partnering with key events
• Drive visitors to the website for additional information and to request a visitor guide
• Create consistency between advertising, public relations and collateral in terms of messaging and


Direct Marketing (including E-mail marketing)

The VCB will utilize direct marketing to drive visits to the website, as well as to Bend.
Effective direct marketing allows us to be timely and proactive and leverage our relationships with
industry partners. This also includes a targeted mailing to skiers with special package rates,
partnering with a credit or charge card company to promote dining, and brand image promotions.

• Work with community partners within the City to market existing events, programs and leverage
private and public funding with those organizations.
• Publish a monthly e-mail newsletter with information on special offers, festivals and events, and
new business in Bend. Distribute to the opt-in database.
• Develop direct mail piece used to drive the audience to an online promotion to convert physical
mailing address database to e-mail addresses.

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The VCB’s collateral program serves three purposes:
• Act as the primary lead fulfillment material for respondents to advertising, online marketing and
public relations
• Drive visits to the destination by putting information in the hands of potential visitors
• Improve the visitor experience in Bend by providing a guide to amenities/services once they are

• Consistently and visually convey the Bend brand
• Provide updated, useful information to the potential visitor as well as the visitor in Bend
• Direct visitors to the website for more detailed vacation planning information on the destination
and other resources

07/08 Collateral

Bend Visitor Guide

Purpose: Drive visits to Bend, increase website traffic, provide directory of Bend services, act as
a fulfillment piece
Content: A pocket sized 4 x 9 folder with 8 pull-out itinerary cards featuring suggested itineraries
for activities, shopping, dining and entertainment, in addition to a pullout map and
directories for lodging, dining and activities.
Distribution: Fulfillment requests from 800 number, website and PR
Quantity: 50,000

Adventure Maps
Purpose: Provide information on the most requested items at the VIC
Content: Map-fold brochure including information on camping and hiking/biking trails
Distribution: Portland, I-5 corridor rack displays – Certified Folder Display
Quantity: 60,000

Purpose: Contain sales kit, press kit and brochure
Distribution: To partners, media and meeting planner requests
Quantity: TBD

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One of the key components to improving the visitor experience once they arrive in Bend is the Bend
Visitor Information Center (VIC). The VIC is open six days a week, Monday through Saturday, year-
round, with the exception of three holidays (New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas). The
VCB offers customer service by providing personalized service and distributing information on
businesses that are of value to visitors. A past study produced for the Oregon Tourism Commission
by the University of Oregon reported that each visitor party that comes into an information center
spends an average of an additional $125 in that community.

• Provide responsive and friendly customer service
• Increase economic impact by promoting tourism-related products and services
• Promote the diversity of Bend and Central Oregon
• Provide referrals to the local tourism industry

Operation of the center includes

• Assist walk-in visitors
• Answer incoming telephone calls
• Mail visitor information packages
• Answer information request letters & emails
• Act as an information source for the entire community
• Update community calendar of events and distribute (print & web)
• Promote local and regional events
o Posting of posters in visitor information center
o Selling tickets for events upon request
• Provide information on the Deschutes National Forest and wilderness area
• Maintain a wi-fi hotspot and computer terminal for public use
• Maintain a retail storefront to sell officially-licensed Bend souvenir items

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Local marketing efforts will serve a three-pronged approach to create word-of-mouth buzz about
Bend, consisting of:
• Involving local businesses and organizations (tourism and non-tourism based) in promoting
Bend, and becoming our ambassadors of tourism,
• Informing visitors of additional tourist events, activities and experiences once they have arrived
at the destination, and
• Introducing Bend residents to the amenities and services of the Bend Visitor & Convention
Bureau and the Bend Visitor Center.

• Maintain and promote wi-fi hotspot and public computer terminal at the VIC to attract and educate
locals about the services/amenities of the Bend Visitor Center.
• Conduct local press relations efforts in conjunction with significant events, announcements and
other VCB-related news.
• Reinforce the Bend destination brand through sales of Bend name logo products at local
merchandise outlets and online.
• Staff the Bend Mobile Visitor Kiosk to display and distribute visitor information at events and
venues with high out of market visitor attendance


Social clubs and race groups who come to Bend for the purpose of skiing Mt. Bachelor provide great
word of mouth about the area, and are often comprised of influencers. In addition, having a presence
at consumer ski shows in target markets will increase awareness of the area as a ski destination.

Affiliations: SKITOPS Association

Oregon Snowsports Industry

Sales Strategy:
5 Identify key national markets and attend ski council events and conventions
5 Identify several key ski wholesalers and assist in destination familiarizations.
5 Improve communication and directory distribution with national ski wholesalers and properties.
5 Continue to work within OSIA and Travel Oregon to promote winter tourism to Bend.
5 Attend or support attendance at targeted ski trade and consumer shows.

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Industry Representation

The Bend VCB staff represents Bend’s tourism industry at local, regional, and statewide meetings
and projects. We will work on a regular basis with the Oregon Tourism Commission, dba Travel
Oregon, on a variety of projects and programs. Additionally, we work with and are members of the
following tourism groups:

TIA - Travel Industry Association of America

TTRA – Travel and Tourism Research Association
American Marketing Association
National Council of Destination Marketing Organizations
OTTA (Oregon Tourism & Travel Association)
OSIA (Oregon Snowsports Industry Association)
OLA (Oregon Lodging Association)
SKITOPS – Ski wholesale association, (provides distribution of net rate schedules for all
properties, opening opportunities for national transient and group business).

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The Bend VCB is an at-will employer. Nothing within these personnel policies is intended to create a
contractual obligation, except as specifically provided herein, nor is there any intent to change or
modify an employee's at-will employment relationship. Employees, as well as the Bureau, are free to
terminate the employment relationship at any time for any reason or for no reason. No employment
guarantees are being offered by the adoption of these policies. The at-will employment relationship
can only be changed by action of the Board of Directors in adopting new written personnel policies or
by approving a written employment contract; no one else is authorized to amend or modify the at-will

Equal Employment Opportunity

The Bend Visitors & Convention Bureau is an equal opportunity employer. Decisions on hiring and
promotion are based only upon the applicant or employee's ability to perform the job and the
employee's performance once hired. Race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, and other
factors specified in applicable statutes are not considered in decisions of employment, salaries,
benefits, training advancement, or any other privileges, terms, and conditions of employment.
Persons with physical handicaps will be given equal opportunity within reasonable accommodation.
The Bend VCB is a non-smoking, drug free workplace.

Bend VCB Hiring Practices

The Executive Director is responsible for hiring all paid personnel as recommended by the Personnel
Committee and authorized by the Board of Directors.

Term of Employment
Employees are not employed for any definite period of time, and their employment with the Bureau
can be terminated by the Bureau at any time, with or without cause, and with or without notice.
Employees, of course, may terminate their employment at any time.

Full-time employees are on probation for 90 days with no benefits earned during that period.
Employees continuing beyond that period shall receive the benefits described in a later section. The
effective date for computing length of service is the original date of employment. The existence of this
condition does not imply any contract of employment other than a contract for at-will employment.

When there is a vacancy for a staff position, advertisements may be placed in local newspapers (or
out of area newspapers, if necessary) for qualified applicants. Applications referred on a personal
basis will also be accepted and given the same consideration as all other resumes received.
Relatives of the staff or Board
members are discouraged from applying for staff positions.

Physical Examination
A physical examination and/or drug test by a licensed doctor prior to employment by the Bureau may
be required. The Bureau will pay the cost of this examination, if required.

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In accordance with our bylaws, the Board of Directors is responsible for establishing compensation
ranges for each staff position. Ranges should be competitive with the industry locally and for
executive positions regionally, to insure the ability of the organization to attract quality personnel if
replacement is required. The ranges should be reviewed and adjusted annually to insure they
accomplish this purpose.

Competitive analysis has been done by staff utilizing the 2006 W ACVB salary survey for CVB’s of
similar size and budget.

WACVB Average Current Range Recommended Range

• Visitor Center Manager $33,560 $25,000-35,000 $30,000-40,000

Manages Visitor Center operations and staff in the Visitor Center, Trains and supervises Visitor
Specialists; Produces VIC activity report; Manages Tourist Information packet program; Maintains
brochure inventory; Answers phone calls and contact forms from the website and assist walk in
customers; Assistance with VCB produced collateral; Create and Manage changes on the VIC
Camping map; Manages all retail operations (inventory control, cash register operations and
reporting) ; Coordinates special events/ projects; Maintains office supplies, cleaning supplies and
equipment; Office administration duties and HR services; Provides clerical assistance to the
Executive Director; Provides assistance as needed to bookkeeper with records management;
Management of State and Federal permit programs; Coordination and assistance with our community
tourism partners; Management and maintenance of VCB vehicle.

• Marketing Manager $35,260 $25,000-35,000 $30,000-40,000

Develops the content for and maintains VCB web site; Produces on-line and off-line calendar of
Events; Assists in marketing programs development design; Assists with travel writers and
distribution of news releases; Develops and integrates online advertising and promotion initiatives
with the VCB’s traditional marketing efforts; Produces VCB communications publications; Solicits and
processes leads for group and convention sales; Coordinates site tours for group/ meeting planners;
Formulates and administers the VCB TRT, ROI, and Key Performance Reports ; Coordinates Board
meetings and records minutes as needed.

• Executive Director $87,439 $62,000-78,000 $78,000-89,000

Manages all staff and operations; develops and administers agency budget and oversee’s programs;
with assigned staff, plans and implements marketing and sales strategies; interacts with community
and strategic partners; develops support of local and state agencies; assists with planning at local,
state and regional levels to insure improvement of the local tourism product, and; develops
relationships that enhance and support the local hospitality industry marketing efforts.

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