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Time Capsule

Discovery of a Time Capsule Name Class Date Professor

Time Capsule

Discovery of a Time Capsule The 1960s was a time of great turmoil and great change in American history. Before the Civil Rights Movement and the 1960s women and minorities were not treated like equals but instead were treated like lower class citizens. In order to change their plight in life, members of the African American community and of the female gender began to stand up to the government and insist on much needed changes in society. Much of the efforts led for women and minorities were started and led by college students determined to ensure an equal society and put an end to the Vietnam War. College students were not the only members of society leading the change but powerful and influential members of the African American community are also credited with forever removing discriminatory aspects of society. The 1960s forever made positive changes in society ensuring equality for all and shaping future generations for a more equal society. When discovering a time capsule from the 1960s in the year 2325 it contained a disk containing a Martin Luther Kings I have a Dream speech and other biographic information, copy of Civil Rights Act, newspaper article on the Vietnam War, moon landing, and a book on trends and the culture. Martin Luther King Martin Luther King is one of the most significant people in America n history. Christopher Columbus founded America, founding father established a Democratic society, and President Lincoln freed the slaves but Martin Luther King and other key figures created a truly equal society by ensuring each member of society had an opportunity to be treated the same. Prior to the Civil Rights Movement only white, males had any power or authority in society and were

Time Capsule

afforded only the best opportunities when it came to higher education and finding good jobs. In order to get to this place, however, the African American race first went through great suffering. In order to understand the need for drastic change in society it is important to first understand why it was needed. African Americas are called African Americans because they did not originate from American but were instead stolen from their home country of Africa and sold into slavery where they suffered from beatings, rapes, and were forced to work long hours seven days a week. This all changed when President Abraham Lincoln led the anti-slave movement and created a slave to forever free African slaves. AS a result African American were free but no accepted by white society. At this time over 90% of the population was white and refused to treat African Americans equally. African Americans, referred to as Negros or colored people, were not accepted in society. They were not allowed to enter restaurants or drink out of the same water fountain as white people and they were forced to rid on the back of the bus. It was not until the 1960s and after the actions of Rosa Parks that the plight of the African American began to change in society. Rosa Parks was an African woman who refused to sit in the back of the bus. Due to one woman bravery African Americans across the country boycotted the public bus systems and sparked the Civil Rights Movement. Martin Luther King was one of the great leaders who arose out of the conflict. Instead of encouraging anger and hate against white people he instead encourages peaceful demonstrations and marches. These peaceful demonstrations still sparked violence from white police officers which in turn enraged the nation. Martin Luther King was one man, one voice that caused amazing change in America society. Born to the son of a Baptist preacher King came from

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humble beginnings King worked tirelessly for equal rights for all citizens. In 1964 King received the noble peace prize but not before he gave his I had a Dream speech. Martin Luther king gave his I had a Dream Speech on August 28, 1963 on the steps of the Lincoln memorial in front of a quarter million civil rights supporters (Ochs, 2013). His speech gave hope for every member of society especially African Americans and caused immediate action in Washington. King moved the nation when he described his dreams of a free and equal society arising from a land with a history of slavery and hatred. Martin Luther King freed the minorities in America but as assassinated for his efforts. Civil Rights Act The Civil Rights Act was the government response to the Civil Rights Movement. Not only were African Americans protesting and marching against inequality in society so were women and youths. Since such a large percent of society supported the efforts of the African Americans and women in society legislation known as the Civil Rights Movement was created. The Civil Rights Act required by law that all members of society have equal opportunity to job opportunities and access to the country universities and colleges. Under the Civil Rights Act businesses could no longer be unfair in hiring, promoting, or firing employees. The Civil Rights Act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex and race and later when reformed forbade discrimination based on the persons disability. Through the Civil Rights Act women and minorities entered the workplace and were given a fairer chance at getting a good job (Loevy, 2011). In order to enforce this law the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was created compensating citizen discriminated against by suing the business. Affirmative action was another aspect of the Civil Rights Act affording women and African

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America candidates first opportunity to jobs if they have equal qualifications to a white applicant. Vietnam War During the time of the civil rights Movement American society had the additional turmoil of being at war with Vietnam. Vietnam was a communist country trying to take over South Vietnam and change it from a democratic society to a communist society. During this time and previous to the 1960s there was major hysteria in society concerning communism. The goal of going into the Vietnam War was to stop the spread of communism but the result was the loss of tens of thousands of American soldiers fighting a war that was of no benefit to America and only served to result in major conflict. The Vietnam cause students in colleges across the country began to picket against the war and create utter chaos. Unlike Martin Luther king there no peaceful leader of this movement resulting in many violent conflicts amongst police and college students. Despite the effort of the college students and other members of society, they continued to face opposition from the police and the government. The Vietnam War continues lasting from 1959-1975. Despite the efforts of society to stop the war stories came back from Vietnam about soldier killing women and children and they were rejected by society. The soldiers had no choice, however, because the enemy used women and children to kill soldiers. Moon Landing Landing on the moon was one of the most amazing feats to occur in the 1960s. It is amazing that the plight of women and minorities was forever changed but just as exciting was the fact that man first landed on the moon in a space shuttle. There was a race amongst many countries to see

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who would actually land a spacecraft on the moon. The closest contenders at the time were the Russians. In 1961 President Kennedy announced to the nation the country was falling behind in the race to the moon and challenged NASA to create the perfect vehicle to get to the moon. Astronauts became the most admired people in society and on July 20, 1969 American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon (NASA, 2009). Armstrong walked around the moon before planting an American flag. This has led to many amazing and wondrous strides towards conquering space travel. Trends and Culture During the 1960s there were many unique trends that emerged in opposition to the straight laced and modest trends of the 1950s. In the 1960s women started wearing more revealing clothing including long flowing dresses and plunging necklines. Men and women wore bell bottom pants which consisted of pants that were tight on the top and flared out on the bottom like a big bell. They also wore small wrong glasses and braided their hair. Men grew their hair long and were called hippies. Hippies believe in love and peace and supported the end of the war and civil rights movement. Hippies were into free love, many sexual partners, and were immersed in music as well as many being drug users. The culture of the 1960s was one of total political and societal change. The strict and structured society of the 1950s was replaced with a society focused on fun and pleasure and changing society to one that was more fair and equal. The 1960s was a time of major societal change and the beginning of a less discriminatory nation.

Time Capsule

References Ochs, M. (2013). Martin Luther King's Speech: 'I Have a Dream' - The Full Text. Retrieved November 1, 2013 from Loevy, R. (2011). A Brief History of the civil rights Act. Retrieved November 15, 2013 from

NASA. (2009). The Moon Landing. Retrieved November 15, 2013 from

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