Add New Field

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Changes for attribute type = Enumerate

1. Rename Enum enumerate to list of values 2. Add new field List of values (Inventory mgmt >> Setup >> Batch Attibute>> Batch Attribute)

Rename to List of values

This is a lookup for Test variables This is editable only when Attribute type = Enumerate (now renamed as list of values) When user selects a test variable the values from test variables will be copied, the values can be viewed from values button (i.e.values to be copied from InventTestVariableOutcome table to PdsBatchAttribEnumValues table) But when the button values is clicked the form InventTestVariableOutcome is opened. (hence hide the standard button Attribute Enumerate values and add new button Values which will open variable outcomes)

3. Add new field List of values and button Values(released product >> Manage Inventory >> Product specific)

List of values is defaulted from the attribute relation Now user can change the List of values Now the values button here will simply open InventTestVariableOutcome form and display the outcomes for the test variable selected in list of values (i.e it will not open PdsBatchAttribEnumValues) Add new field ProductSpecificListOfValues in table PdsBatchAttribByItem to store the selected variable in list of values field

4. Add new field List of values and button Values(released product >> Manage Inventory >> Customer specific)

List of values is defaulted from the product specific relation Now user can change the List of values for each customer specific relation Now the values button here will simply open InventTestVariableOutcome form and display the outcomes for the test variable selected in list of values (i.e it will not open PdsBatchAttribEnumValues) Add new field CustomerSpecificListOfValues in table PdsBatchAttribByItemCustomer to store the value

5. Add new ribbon menu icon Quality specifications (Customer >> Sell ribbon tab >> Quality group)

This should open a new form to display all the items where customer specific relationship done for this customer. The new form should contain a grid with following columns: o Item number o Item attributes o Product specific values o Customer specific values Add two buttons on the form Item specification and customer specification. Where, Item specification will display the test variable outcomes for the variable value is product specific values and similarly for customer specific values.

6. Inventory reservation:

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