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Difference between Tcode MB1A, MB1B, MBIC Can any body let me know what is the difference between

all the three... 1. Mb1a - Enter Goods issue.. 2. Mb1b - Transfer Posting.. 3. Mb1c - Enter other goods receipts... If I am not wrong these all 3 are used for Non-consumables items... In what conditions I should be used..... === MB1A transaction code is used for goods issue. This is used for posting mate rials from stock to consumption say to a costcenter(mvt 201) or to a subcontract or(543). Transaction MB1B is used to perform tranfer postings and stock transfers. Stock transfers refer to physical movement where as in transfer posting physical movem ents of goods is not involved. eg: transfer posting from material to material (309). transfer posting from stock to stock (321,343,349). stock transfer from plant to plant (301). stock transfer from sloc to sloc (311). In the above postings if the valuation change is involved then an accounting doc ument is generated. Transaction mb1c is used for other goods receipts. That is say for a goods recei pt w/o reference to PO. Srinivasulu Tallapalli === First I would like to say that all three transactions used in goods movement . MB1A - Goods issue leads to a reduction in Stock. MB1B - Transfer posting is used when there is a change in Stock ID or stock cate gory of a material. There is no need for the actual (physical) movement of goods . MB1C - Other is used in instances where there is no reference document. Alternat ively the transaction MIGO, can be used for all three transaction but when an en try is to be made for the respective movements, specify the transaction and refe rence in the respective fields on the initial MIGO screen. ******************************************************************************** *********************************************************** Patrick Kgosana === I have used Migo seperately which is for all the transactions but ...if the stock is not consumables I hope we use MB1B that I am sure..I have used it.. My question is when to use MB1A and MB1C which is again tranfer of Stock.. Mb1b also reduces the stock when you consignment/ Subcontracting to your subco ntractor so I need more clarification Rajeev === I was wrong in my earlier mail about the transaction codes. Use MB1B for transfer posting. Here your material is not consumed, but only stoc

k transformation. Use MB1A for goods issue, which updates your material consumption. Your material is no more in the stock and it will be consumed for external requirement. Priya. === I think that: 1. MB1A: GOODS Withdrawal = 1. Sales Order creation - no impact. 2. Goods Receipt - reduce the planned independent requirement during MRP run For e.g. if PIR is 100, quantity remained as 100 in PIR, however during MRP run, 100 will not be included in the MRP planned as stock is available. 3. Delivery - minus the quantity for the oldest planned independent in demand ma nagement. For e.g. if PIR is 100 and delivery 90, PIR becomes 10 (withdrawal 90). - MB1B: Transfer posting = If you are involved with inventory, then you need the GR/IR account (Inventory Account) when the IR is posted. If you are not involv ed about inventory, then the system does not need the GR/IR account when the IR is posted, the system needs a G/L instead of the GR/IR account. - MB1C: Other Goods receipts = You can add a new material to the material master and set a beginning balance on it by using transaction MB1C. Sub Contracting: (1) You have a material that can be procured externally, and you have maintained BOM with components. Any waste generated and received during subcontracting pro cess can be maintained as component with negative quantity. (2) You create a subcontracting PO (PO with Item Category L). You can also maint ain Purchase Info Record for Subcontract category for material and subcontractor . (3) You make a transfer posting to issue components for SC PO. Material is sent to subcontractor. As material remains under your ownership, system does not mak e any value entry. But quantity is shown as "Material Provided to Vendor" (4) You receive finished material against SC-PO. You also specify components con sumed in manufacturing of finished goods. Additionally, if you have negative com ponents in BOM, now you'll also receive subcontracting by-products. There are th ree events, so three accounting entries are generated: DR FG Stock/ SC By-Product Stock; CR Change in Stock (FG/ SC By-Product ) (for finished goods received) DR Subcontracting Charges; CR GR/IR Clg (for moneys payable to Subcontractor) DR Consumption (Components); CR Change in Stock (FG/ SC By-Product ) (material provided to Vendor is now charged to expense) (5) You do the IV for SC Invoice, and the process is complete. MB1A - Goods issue leads to a reduction in Stock. MB1B - Transfer posting is used when there is a change in Stock ID or stock cate gory of a material. There is no need for the actual (physical) movement of goods .

MB1C - Other is used in instances where there is no reference document. Alternat ively the transaction MIGO, can be used for all three transaction but when an en try is to be made for the respective movements, specify the transaction and refe rence in the respective fields on the initial MIGO screen. 1. MB1A: GOODS Withdrawal = 1. Sales Order creation - no impact. 2. Goods Receipt - reduce the planned independent requirement during MRP run For e.g. if PIR is 100, quantity remained as 100 in PIR, however during MRP run, 100 will not be included in the MRP planned as stock is available. 3. Delivery - minus the quantity for the oldest planned independent in demand ma nagement. For e.g. if PIR is 100 and delivery 90, PIR becomes 10 (withdrawal 90). - MB1B: Transfer posting = If you are involved with inventory, then you need the GR/IR account (Inventory Account) when the IR is posted. If you are not involve d about inventory, then the system does not need the GR/IR account when the IR i s posted, the system needs a G/L instead of the GR/IR account. - MB1C: Other Goods receipts = You can add a new material to the material master and set a beginning balance on it by using transaction MB1C. Sub Contracting: (1) You have a material that can be procured externally, and you have maintained BOM with components. Any waste generated and received during subcontracting pro cess can be maintained as component with negative quantity. (2) You create a subcontracting PO (PO with Item Category L). You can also maint ain Purchase Info Record for Subcontract category for material and subcontractor . (3) You make a transfer posting to issue components for SC PO. Material is sent to subcontractor. As material remains under your ownership, system does not make any value entry. But quantity is shown as "Material Provided to Vendor" (4) You receive finished material against SC-PO. You also specify components con sumed in manufacturing of finished goods. Additionally, if you have negative com ponents in BOM, now you'll also receive subcontracting by-products. There are th ree events, so three accounting entries are generated: DR FG Stock/ SC By-Product Stock; CR Change in Stock (FG/ SC By-Product ) (for finished goods received) DR Subcontracting Charges; CR GR/IR Clg (for moneys payable to Subcontractor) DR Consumption (Components); CR Change in Stock (FG/ SC By-Product ) (material provided to Vendor is now charged to expense) (5) You do the IV for SC Invoice, and the process is complete. I think that you have got some concepts clarification. Comments rekha | | 14 Mar 2011 MB1A is used for goods issue. This is used for posting materials from stock to c onsumption say to a cost center(mvt 201) or to a subcontractor(543). Goods issue leads to a reduction in Stock. Transfer posting is used when there is a change

in Stock ID or stock category of a material. There is no need for the actual (ph ysical) movement of goods. - MB1B is used to perform tranfer postings and stock transfers. Stock transfers refer to physical movement where as in transfer posting physical movements of go ods is not involved. eg: transfer posting from material to material (309). transfer posting from stock to stock (321,343,349). stock transfer from plant to plant (301). stock transfer from sloc to sloc (311). In the above postings if the valuation change is involved then an accounting doc ument is generated. - MB1C is used for other goods receipts. That is say for a goods receipt w/o ref erence to PO. Other is used in instances where there is no reference document. A lternatively the transaction MIGO, can be used for all three transaction but whe n an entry is to be made for the respective movements, specify the transaction a nd reference in the respective fields on the initial MIGO screen - See more at: /#sthash.b2urB1qw.dpuf

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