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Primary Bibliography Abbey, Edward, The Monkey Wrench Gang, Dream Garden Press, Salt Lake City, 19 !

Bender, "rederi# L$, The Culture of Extinction: Toward a Philosophy of Deep Ecology , %&manity Books, '(() Broswimmer, "ran* +$, Ecocide: A hort !istory of the Mass Extinction of pecies , Pl&to Press, '((' Callenba#h, Ernest , Ecotopia, London, Pl&to Press, 19, Callenba#h, Ernest, Ecotopia E"erging, %eyday Books, 19 1 LeG&in, -rs&la .$, Always Co"ing !o"e, -ni/ersity o0 Cali0ornia Press, '((1 Palmer, +oy A$, En#iron"ental Education in the $%st Century& Theory' Practice' Progress and Pro"ise, 1o&tledge, 2ew 3ork, 199 Starhawk, The (ifth acred Thing, Bantam Books, 1994

Criti#al Bibliography

Ba&drillard, +ean, The )llusion of the End, trans$ Chris 5&rner, Cambridge, Polity, 1994 +ameson, "redri#, Post"odernis"' or' the Cultural *ogic of *ate Capitalis", London, 6erso, 1991 Brereton, Pat, !ollywood +topia: Ecology in Conte"porary A"erican (il" , Bristol, 7ntelle#t, '((! B&ell, "rederi#k , (ro" Apocalypse to Way of *ife: En#iron"ental Crisis in the A"erican Century, London, 1o&tledge, '(() Castree, 2oel , 8So#iali*ing 2at&re9 5heory, Pra#ti#e, and Politi#s:, in 2oel Castree ; Br&#e Bra&n <eds$=, ocial ,ature, pp$ 1>'1, '((1 Da/is, +$ C$ , +topia and the )deal ociety: A tudy of English +topian

Writing %-%./%011, Cambridge, Cambridge -ni/ersity Press, 19 , De Ge&s, ?ari&s , Ecological +topias: En#isioning the ustaina2le ociety , -tre#ht, 7nternational, 1999 De/all, Bill ; George Sessions, Deep Ecology, Salt Lake City, Peregrine Smith, 19 ! Dobson, Andrew , Green Political Thought: An )ntroduction, London, Andre De&ts#h @se#ond edA, 199! Dry*ek, +ohn S$, The Politics of the Earth: En#iron"ental Discourses , BC0ord, BC0ord -ni/ersity Press, 199, E#kersley, 1obyn, En#iron"entalis" and Political Theory, London, -CL Press, 199' E/ernden, 2eil, The ocial Creation of ,ature, London, +ohns %opkins -ni/ersity Press, 199' "ranko, Carol, 8Dorking the E7n>BetweenF9 .im Stanley 1obinsonFs -topian "i#tion:, cience (iction tudies, /ol$ '1, nr$ ', pp$ 191>'11, 1994 Gar0orth, Lisa, 8E#otopian "i#tion and the S&stainable So#iety:, in +ohn Parham <ed$=, The En#iron"ental Tradition in English *iterature , Aldershot, Ashgate, pp$ 1((>11G, '((' .&mar, .rishan, +topia and Anti/+topia in Modern Ti"es , BC0ord, Bla#kwell, 19 , Lato&r, Br&no, We !a#e ,e#er 3een Modern, trans$ Catherine Porter, 2ew, 3ork, %ar/ester Dheatshea0 ,199) Le/itas, 1&th, 82eed, 2at&re and 2owhere:, in Peter AleCander ; 1oger Gill, <eds$=, +topias, London, D&#kworth, pp$ 19>)(, 199, ?#.ibben, Bill, The End of ,ature, London, Bloomsb&ry @19 9A, '(() ?oylan, 5om, De"and the )"possi2le: cience (iction and the +topian )"agination, 2ew 3ork, ?eth&en, 19 G 2ash, 1oderi#k , Wilderness and the A"erican Mind, 2ew %a/en, 3ale -ni/ersity Press, 19 ' Bels#hlaeger, ?aC, The )dea of Wilderness, 2ew %a/en, 3ale -ni/ersity Press, 199'

Pepper, Da/id, The 4oots of Modern En#iron"entalis" , London, 1o&tledge, 19 4 Sargisson, L&#y, +topian 3odies and the Politics of Transgression , London, 1o&tledge, '(((

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