Virgil - Possible Test Questions

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Virgil: possible test questions

1. Bk I: 1-11 Invocation to the Muse I sing of arms and the man, he who, exiled by fate, first came from the coast of Troy to Italy, and to Lavinian shores hurled about endlessly by land and sea, by the will of the gods, by cruel Junos remorseless anger, long suffering also in war, until he founded a city and brought his gods to Latium: from that the Latin people came, the lords of Alba Longa, the walls of noble Rome. Muse, tell me the cause: how was she offended in her divinity, how was she grieved, the Queen of Heaven, to drive a man, noted for virtue, to endure such dangers, to face so many trials? Can there be such anger in the minds of the gods? Give a brief overview of the context of the passage. Explain the significance of the phrase arms and the man. What / who are the two themes referred to here? Who is the speaker, whom does he address, and why? What is the reason for Junos remorseless anger? Who is the object of her anger? Who is the man noted for virtue and why? How is this passage typical of epic poetry?

2. Bk I: 257-296 Jupiters Prophecy Dont be afraid, Cytherea, your childs fate remains unaltered: Youll see the city of Lavinium, and the walls I promised, and youll raise great-hearted Aeneas high, to the starry sky. But the boy Ascanius, surnamed Iulus now (He was Ilus while the Ilian kingdom was a reality) will imperially complete thirty great circles of the turning months. From this glorious source a Trojan Caesar will be born, who will bound the empire with Ocean, his fame with the stars, Augustus, a Julius, his name descended from the great Iulus. You, no longer anxious, will receive him one day in heaven, burdened with Eastern spoils: hell be called to in prayer. Then with wars abandoned, the harsh ages will grow mild: White haired Trust, and Vesta, Quirinus with his brother Remus will make the laws: the gates of War, grim with iron, and narrowed by bars, will be closed: inside impious Rage will roar frighteningly from blood-stained mouth, seated on savage weapons, hands tied behind his back, with a hundred knots of bronze.

Give a brief overview of the context of the passage. (Who is speaking? To whom is this person speaking? What is the general message?) Explain the link between Aeneas and Augustus. Why is this link important? (Focus on the characteristics of the two men and explain Virgils political intention). What do the gates of War refer to? Explain the significance of the last four lines.

3. Bk II: 624-670 Aeneas Finds his Family Oh, you, he cried, whose blood has the vigour of youth, and whose power is unimpaired in its force, its for you to take flight. As for me, if the gods had wished to lengthen the thread of my life, theyd have spared my house. It is more than enough that I saw one destruction, and survived one taking of the city. Depart, saying farewell to my body lying here so, yes so. I shall find death with my own hand: the enemy will pity me, and look for plunder. The loss of my burial is nothing. Clinging to old age for so long, I am useless, and hated by the gods, ever since the father of the gods and ruler of men breathed the winds of his lightning-bolt onto me, and touched me with fire. So he persisted in saying, and remained adamant. We, on our side, Creusa, my wife, and Ascanius, all our household, weeping bitterly, determined that he should not destroy everything along with himself, and crush us by urging our doom. Did you think I could leave you, father, and depart? Did such sinful words fall from your lips? If it pleases the gods to leave nothing of our great city standing, if this is set in your mind, if it delights you to add yourself and all thats yours to the ruins of Troy, the door is open to that death

Give a brief overview of the context of the passage. Comment as fully as possible on Anchises attitude and what it reveals about his character. Explain the decision Aeneas has to make.

4. Bk IV: 584-629 Didos Curse O Sun, you who illuminate all the works of this world, and you Juno, interpreter and knower of all my pain,

and Hecate howled to, in cities, at midnight crossroads, you, avenging Furies, and you, gods of dying Elissa, acknowledge this, direct your righteous will to my troubles, and hear my prayer. If it must be that the accursed one should reach the harbour, and sail to the shore: if Joves destiny for him requires it, there his goal: still, troubled in war by the armies of a proud race, exiled from his territories, torn from Iuluss embrace, let him beg help, and watch the shameful death of his people: then, when he has surrendered, to a peace without justice, may he not enjoy his kingdom or the days he longed for, but let him die before his time, and lie unburied on the sand. This I pray, these last words I pour out with my blood. Then, O Tyrians, pursue my hatred against his whole line and the race to come, and offer it as a tribute to my ashes. Let there be no love or treaties between our peoples. Rise, some unknown avenger, from my dust, who will pursue the Trojan colonists with fire and sword, now, or in time to come, whenever the strength is granted him. I pray that shore be opposed to shore, water to wave, weapon to weapon: let them fight, them and their descendants. Give a brief overview of the context of this passage. Who is the speaker? What does her tone convey? Explain why this is so. What important theme can be identified in the passage? Explain in detail. Comment on Aeneas reasons for leaving Carthage.

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