Passport FAQ

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Passport Frequently Asked Question

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who can have Bangladesh Passports? -Citizen of Bangladesh can have Bangladesh Passport.

2. Where passport application from is available? -Passport application form is available free of cost in all regional passport offices in Bangladesh and foreign missions abroad. It is also be downloaded form the website of the "ome #ffairs. inistr! of

$. What lang%age is %sed to fill-in passport application form? -Both Bengali and &nglish can be %sed in filling %p the application form. B%t &nglish is preferred as the entries in passport are made in &nglish.

'. "ow man! photographs are re(%ired for s%bmitting application form? -)hree passport and a one stamp size photographs are to be s%bmitted along with the application form.

*. "ow man! application forms sho%ld be s%bmitted for a passport? -)wo copies of filled in application forms along with photograph pasted on its specified area are to be s%bmitted.

+. ,ho%ld a passport application be attested? If so who is attesting a%thorit!? -&ach cop! of application form sho%ld be attested b! an! of the following a%thorit!- gazetted officer of the .ovt. of Bangladesh/ teacher of a p%blic %niversit!/ or a private college/ principal of a private college/ headmaster0headmistress of a private school/ chairman of a po%rasava/ ma!or and word commissioner of a cit! corporation etc.

1. ,ho%ld an! doc%ment other than the prescribed application form is needed for passport? -.enerall! no. B%t in partic%lar cases the a%thorit! ma! as2 for doc%ments in s%pport of applicants profession/ address etc.

3. Where and when application for passport is to be s%bmitted? -&ver! 4egional Passport 5ffices receive passport application form from 6.$7 a.m to 1 p.m on ever! wor2ing da!.

6. What is the deliver! time of passport?

- Prepared passports are delivered from 6.$7 a.m to 1 p.m and from 2 p.m to '.$7 p.m ever! wor2ing da!.

17. Is there an! provision to change photograph in the e8isting passport? -)here is no provision to change photograph in passport b%t d%plicate passport with fresh photograph can be iss%ed on re(%est with %s%al fee to the photograph of the passport holder differs form his0 her present appearance.

11. Is there an! separate application form for renewal and endorsement of the passport? -9o/ there is onl! one application form with renewal and endorsement portion in it. )he applicant needs to fill in relevant part.

12. What is the ma8im%m period of renewal of a passport? -# passport can be renewed for a ma8im%m period of 7*:five; !ears at a time. It can also be renewed for a !ear or a part of !ear b%t the total validit! of a passport sho%ld not e8ceed 17:ten; !ears from the date of iss%e.

1$. Can application for renewal and endorsement on passport be s%bmitted an! passport iss%ing offices be!ond the office where from the original passport was iss%ed? -<es/ b%t the a%thorit! ma! refer to the iss%ing a%thorit! in case of s%spect.

1'. What is the proced%re for changing partic%lars in the passport? -=or an! change of partic%lar in the passport/ endorsement portion of the form sho%ld be filled in. =ees and s%pporting doc%ments in favo%r of desired change also be s%bmitted along with the applications.

1*. Can passport fee be deposited in an! passport office? -9o/ there are designated branch of ,onali Ban2 for collection of passport fees. 5ne needs to deposited passport fee in an! of the branch of the ,onali Ban2 corresponding to the respective 4egional Passport 5ffice.

1+. Is father>s name replaceable b! the name of the h%sband? -9o/ after marriage/ a woman passport holder needs to ta2e a fresh passport with her h%sband>s name in lie% of old one.

11. What is the proced%re of getting passports against lost or damaged passports? -# general diar! sho%ld be made with the respective police station if an! one loses his passport. #long with a cop! of ..? entr! an application for d%plicate passport sho%ld be

s%bmitted to the respective 4egional Passport 5ffices or mission abroad. In case of damage/ general diar! is not needed/ b%t the damaged passport sho%ld be s%bmitted.

13. Can a passport application be s%bmitted thro%gh postal service? 5r an! other means? -9o/ application for passport sho%ld/ be s%bmitted in person.

16. Is police verification necessar! for ever! applicant? - <es/ witho%t police verification no passport sho%ld be iss%ed.

27. Is police verification necessar! for .overnment official 0 -Police verification report is not necessar! for the emplo!ees> of government/ semi government/ stat%tor! organization and financial instit%tion if their character and antecedents have alread! been verified b! their a%thorit!. )he! need to s%bmit @@9o 5bAection Certificate@@ to have passport from their appointing a%thorit!. # prescribed form of @@9o 5bAection Certificate@@ is available in all 4egional Passport 5ffices.

21. What sho%ld be done b! a Bangladeshi citizen who lost his0 her passport in abroad and validit! of the same is e8pired? -# Bangladeshi citizen living or travelling abroad can appl! for new passport or renewal of his0 her present passport to the cons%lar wing of the respective Bangladesh mission.

22. "ow man! children can be incl%ded in parent>s passport? - Preferabl! two.

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