ECWANDC Finance Committee Meeting - February 13, 2013

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Elected Members David Winston, Chair Denise Stansell, Co-Chair Yvonne Ellett, Rec.

Secretary Wilson Washensky, Area 1 Rep. Mary Jones-Darks, Area 1 Rep. Carl Mor an, Area ! Rep. Wendell Conn, Area ! Rep. "ark #allo$ay-#illia%, Area & Rep. Jackie Ryan, Area & Rep. Appointed Members Madeleine Renee Walters, 'reas(rer Danielle "a)ayette, Corr. Secretary Johnnie Raines ***, At-"ar e Rep. Jason "o%+ard, At-"ar e Rep. Misty Wilks , At-"ar e Rep. ,ick -ill, At-"ar e Rep.




St"#e$olders To%n H"ll Meetin&s 1st Sat(rday o) the Month Crensha$ 4nited Methodist &567 Don 8elipe Drive 9.&7 : 11.&7 a% Bo"rd Meetin&s &rd Monday o) the Month DW/ Crensha$ Co%%(nity Roo% 67&7 Crensha$ 0lvd ;.&7 : <.&7 p% Cont"ct In'orm"tion ()*+ Stoc#er Street +*, os An&eles- C"li'orni" .***/ 'elephone=8a>. ?&!&@ !9A-A5;; E%ail. o))iceBec$andc.or We+site. $$$.ec$andc.or$er%ent con ress$est

A Certified City of Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Servin the co%%(nities o). Arlin ton /ark, 0ald$in -ills, 0ald$in 1illa e, 0ald$in 1ista, Ca%eo Woods, Crensha$ Manor, "ei%ert /ark 2 1illa e #reen All Meetin s are 3pen to the /(+lic


5:00PM Jim Gi i!m R"#$"!%i&' C"'%"$ 4000 S( )A B$"! A*" )OS ANGE)ES, CA +000,

1. Welcome, Call to Order & Roll Call 2. Public Comment & Concerns for items not on the agenda (10 mins DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION 1. Re!ie" of #inancial $%&enditures '() *adeline+)a!id 2. Re!ie" of Outstanding ,&&ro!ed Re-uest .. Re-uest for /u&&ort a. 0im 1illiam Par2 3 45000 6. Re!ie" of )O7$ #unding Procedures and P Card *adeline 5. Re!ie" of $CW,7)C ,&&lication #orm 8. ,d9ournment

Members of the public are requested to fill out a Speaker Card to address the Board on any item on the agenda prior to the Board taking action. Comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker, unless modified by the presiding officer of the Board. s co!ered under "itle ## of the mericans $ith %isabilities ct, the City of &os ngeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, $ill pro!ide reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to its programs, ser!ices and acti!ities. Sign language interpretation, assisti!e listening ser!ices and other au'iliary aids and(or ser!ices may be pro!ided upon request. "o ensure a!ailability of ser!ices, please make your request at least )* hours prior to the meeting you $ish to attend by contacting the %epartment of +eighborhood ,mpo$erment at 3-.-..

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