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of Life Hungary .

Volume 9, Issue 1. February 2014

Prayer Requests
Financial support; 99% by April Mentoring relationships Winter ministry opportunities

YOUR response to my need; 98%!! Salvations during Fall ministries! Growth in our graduates!

From the Front Lines

January 4th, 2014 marked the 7th anniversary of my me ministering in Hungary. One of the best parts about being here for a considerable length of me is that Im beginning to see some of the results of our ministry over the years. In December, I was able to visit one of our Bible Instute students that I mentored for two years. Laura is currently aending university in Paris and it was so excing to me to see her passion and enthusiasm for spreading the Gospel on her campus. It was such a joy to visit her church and to pray with her friends who are commied to reaching their campuses for Christ. I want to encourage you that your investment of prayers and nances doesnt simply aect my life. Your ministry has long lasng and far reaching results as you pour into me, I pour into our students, and they leave and pour into others, literally, all over the world!

Memories are Made of This

During November, a team of us visited a school about 3 hours away and were absolutely crazy with them. We dressed up, played crazy games, but most importantly shared the Gospel with them. That day, around 23 kids responded to the Gospel! December gave us the opportunity to share the Gospel at a local school simply by sharing with them what American Christmas tradions are like. The kids pracced their English and we showed them pictures of brightly decorated houses and when the invitaon was given, all around the auditorium, hands were raised to receive Jesus! January brought our annual Missions Conference. It was an opportunity for our Bible Instute students to consider their future in missions; either giving or going.

Support Report
Within 1 week of my last leer arriving in email inboxes, the unthinkable happened. I prayed that I might be at 92% by January, but before the printed version was even mailed, God had moved on some hearts and they responded in an incredible way bringing me up to 98% of my goal!!! By Christmas, another miracle had happened. A new Hungarian law that will bring about a 44% increase in my income tax was delayed for a year, starng now in January of 2015. God has given us me; me to raise the addional 2%, me for Him to once again meet my needs through your faithful obedience! If He is leading you to be a part of my ministry in this way, wont you respond while theres sll me?

Megan Hixon, WOL let Szava, Talms, Kkai u. 2., 2252, Hungary. . . 304-867-4128 (a US # that rings in Hungary)

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