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The project met the objectives below: Goal/Objective Expected Output Target Girls/Community

Reduce gender inequality in More girls have an opportunity to access secondary education access to education hence have a chance to improve their literacy levels and quality of life Improve health standards of Improved health practices and behavior due to existence of the community modern washrooms. Improved safety and wellbeing of students and sta while using new classroom and science labs which are able to cope with hazards

Students/school sta/ Community

Project 5
Kiburu Girls Secondary School
he Mwirua Coee Farmers Cooperative Society Society was started in 1960s. Today, it has 8 factories aliated to it, with over 10,000 members. It is within the societys catchment area in Karatina, Nyeri District that Kiburu Girls Secondary School is located. It was established in 2010, ve years after girls classes had been phased out at Kiburu Boys and Girls Secondary school. In absence of a girls school following the phasing out of the girls classes at the mother school, the community within Mwirua FCS felt the need to establish a girls day secondary school to bridge the gap left. This was driven by the fact that girls attending the school had to walk for long distances to access education, with the nearest school being more than twelve (12) km away. The long distance exposed the young girls to lucking dangers as they would go to school early before sunrise and return home hours after sunset. This led to a decrease in the number of girls accessing secondary school education, consequently increasing their chances of becoming mothers at a tender age. These challenges led community leaders to approach the management of Kiburu Primary School with one request: establishing a girls day secondary school within the primary school. Their eorts bore fruit, after the rst class enrolled with eighteen (18) girls to Form One. But as the new school was being established, the primary school students had to give room for the girls in an unsustainable

Reduce early childhood Greater opportunity for girls to enroll in the school will Girls/Community marriages and pregnancies discourage them from getting married early or engaging in currently experienced in the unsafe sexual activities. community The school attending girls will be empowered with reproductive health education hence will be able to avoid unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

move to to create room for the growing number of girls. The girls were thus moved into the abandoned and neglected wooden sta quarters of the primary school. One of the wooden shelters served as a science laboratory, which as barely equipped. It posed danger to the students and teachers as it had no capacity to handle accidents. The school also had two classrooms that were incomplete with no window panes and cemented oors- exposing the girls to infections arising from severe cold and dust. Tchibo provided $ 51,840 to build a twin lab and classroom. The project took place in consultation with all stakeholder sin the coee and education sector. This has given the girls a more favorable environment to study and fair ground for completion with other schools that are better in terms of infrastructure. Quote from the Principal; we are grateful to Tchibo and CMS. We also thank Mwirua FCS for choosing us and we feel Humbled. The girls self esteemed has improved because we the new look they can now be proud of their school. IT has also saved me a lot as now I dont have to send the girls to the neighboring boys schools for their practical sessions. It was very time wasting and the risks are also unimaginable. Mwirua FCS certication

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