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AutoCAD and Its ApplicationsBasics

Chapter 1 Test

Introduction to AutoCAD
Chapter 1 Test Questions

Name: Click here and type your name Click in the shaded area and type your answer for each question. Use the [Tab] key to move from one answer field to the next. 1. Describe at least one application for AutoCAD software.
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2. Briefly explain what is involved in plannin a drawin .

!. "hat are drawin standards#

$. "hy should you save your wor% every 1& to 1' (inutes#

'. "hat is the )uic%est (ethod of startin AutoCAD#

*. +a(e one (ethod of exitin AutoCAD.

,. "hat is the na(e for an interface that includes on-screen features#

.. Define or explain the followin ter(s/ A. B. C. D. 4. 5. 7. Default 0ic% 1or clic%2 3over Button 5unction %ey 6ption Tool

8. "hat is a wor%space#
Copyri ht by 7oodheart-"illcox Co.9 Inc. 0er(ission ranted to reproduce for educational use only

AutoCAD and Its ApplicationsBasics

Chapter 1 Test

1&. "hat is a flyout#

11. 3ow do you chan e fro( one wor%space to another#

12. 3ow do you access a shortcut (enu#

1!. "hat does it (ean when a shortcut (enu is described as contextsensitive#

1$. "hat is the difference between a doc%ed interface ite( and a floatin interface ite(#

1'. 3ow do you select the loc%in options to loc% the interface ite(s in either their floatin or doc%ed state#

1*. 4xplain the basic function of the Application Menu.

1,. Describe the Application Menu search tool and briefly explain how to use it.

1.. Briefly describe an advanta e of usin the ribbon.

18. "hat is the function of tabs in the ribbon#

2&. "hat is another na(e for a palette#

Copyri ht by 7oodheart-"illcox Co.9 Inc. 0er(ission ranted to reproduce for educational use only

AutoCAD and Its ApplicationsBasics

Chapter 1 Test

21. Describe the function of the application status bar.

22. "hat is the (eanin of the : 1ellipsis2 in a (enu option or button#

2!. "hat are the two pri(ary (ethods for accessin AutoCAD tools# ;ist interface ite(s associated with each.

2$. Briefly describe the function of dyna(ic input.

2'. Briefly explain the function of the [Esc] %ey.

2*. 3ow do you access previously used tools when dyna(ic input is on#

2,. +a(e the function %eys that execute the followin tas%s. 1<efer to the =hortcut >eys docu(ent in the Reference Material section on the =tudent "eb site.2 A. =nap (ode 1to le2 B. 7rid (ode 1to le2 C. 6rtho (ode 1to le2

2.. Describe two ways to access the AutoCAD 2011 Help "eb site.

28. "hat is context-oriented help9 and how is it accessed#

!&. Describe the purpose of the InfoCenter9 and explain how to use the InfoCenter text box.

Copyri ht by 7oodheart-"illcox Co.9 Inc. 0er(ission ranted to reproduce for educational use only

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