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Related Standards

Table 10 below shows typical Suzuki Engineering Standards (SES) related to materials. those otherwise instructed. Table 10 Related Standards
Standard $o. Standard Title SES % &&0' (ode )or Rustproo) (oating containing *inc SES % &&11a Symbols )or Electroplated (oating o) *inc SES $ &'0& Restricting +se o) En#ironmental ,mpact Substances SES $ -10-b Supplementary (ode o) Structural Steel SES $ -1&1 .errous (astings (.() SES $ -1&& .errous (asting %uctile SES $ -1&.(/ (ast ,ron SES $ -1&'a 0ot and (old Rolled Steel Sheet and Steel (oil SES $ -1&1a 2etal (oated Steel Sheet and Steel (oil SES $ -1-1a 3luminum 3lloy (astings and %ie (astings SES $ -1-& .lattened 3luminum 3lloys SES $ -&&0 2arking 2ethod o) 2aterial Symbols )or 4olymeric 2aterial 4arts and ,ndication o) 2arking

hen entering norms!standards" howe#er" enter those indicated in the drawings and

Plastic parts weathering (light) Test Method - 3292 Suzuki engineering standards ses n Standard Suzuki ses n 3293 - plastic part weathering (light) resistance determination reference Suzuki standard ses n 32 2!-t-a!s performance 32" Suzuki scratch resistance test methods and criteria of the standard ses n Suzuki standard ses n 32 !-t pp performance standards S#$% standard smtc &'"(('((9' car interior parts and materials for the determination of total car!on )olatilization method Pol*mer %omposites +*undai-,ia #utomoti)e Materials Standard ms2( -( logo Suzuki engineering standards ses p ( - Standard Metric Thread Suzuki standard ses d 22 2! decorati)e chrome plating technolog* standards

Maruti Suzuki India Limited (MSIL) is committed to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, visitors, contractors, vendors and persons present at MSIL sites by prevention of work related in uries and illness! "o meet our responsibilities, we shall maintain a safe working environment and have an #ccupational $ealth and Safety Management System (#$SMS) in place to%

Manage Risks & by identifying all workplace hazards, undertaking assessments, internal ' e(ternal audits, and taking all necessary actions for prevention ' control of in ury, ill) health, loss or damage by following safe work practices in operations as well as while procuring new plant, machinery ' e*uipment!

Comply with legal and other obligations & by ensuring that our business is managed in accordance with relevant occupational health and safety legislations, standards and MSIL occupational health and safety policies ' procedures! Establish targets and review mechanism ) +e shall manage our obligations using coordinated occupational health and safety plans for each area and site, with challenging targets to measure progress, leadership support and review, to ensure continual improvement aimed at the elimination of work related illness and in ury to achieve our goal of ,ero $arm! $ealth ' Safety -erformance shall be one of the parameters for evaluation of all including that of contractors, transporters, suppliers and vendors! Provide appropriate training and information & to all MSIL employees, contractors, their employees, vendors and visitors to enable safe performance of work! Ensure meaningful and effective consultation & with the involvement of all employees and interested parties regarding matters potentially impacting workplace health ' safety! Communicate & clearly and openly MSIL.s #$S commitments and performance! Promote a Culture of Safety & +e believe that all incidents/in uries are preventable and everyone is responsible for safety of their own and their processes, setting clearly defined responsibilities for all managers, supervisors and personnel! 0ny unsafe act or condition shall be highlighted by the observer for prompt intervention by process owner! 0dherence to 1oad Safety rules shall be demonstrated by all consumer satisfation through continuous improvement of our products and services by following -230 in all functions and levels of our organisation!

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