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Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila SECOND DIVISION G.R. No.

175492 February 27, 2013

CAR OS . OCTA!"O, Petitioner, vs. P"# "PP"NE ONG #"STANCE TE EP$ONE COMPAN%, Respondent. DECISION #E CAST" O, J.:

Ever Collective !ar"ainin" #"ree$ent %C!#& shall provide a "rievance $achiner to 'hich all disputes arisin" fro$ its i$ple$entation or interpretation 'ill be sub(ected to co$pulsor ne"otiations. )his essential feature of a C!# provides the parties 'ith a si$ple, ine*pensive and e*pedient s ste$ of findin" reasonable and acceptable solutions to disputes and helps in the attain$ent of a sound and stable industrial peace. !efore us is a Petition for Revie' on Certiorari+ assailin" the #u"ust ,+, -../ Decision- of the Court of #ppeals %C#& in C#01.R. SP No. 2,345, 'hich dis$issed petitioner Carlos 6. Octavio7s %Octavio& Petition for Certiorari, assailin" the Septe$ber ,., -..3 Resolution8 of the National 6abor Relations Co$$ission %N6RC&. Said N6RC Resolution affir$ed the #u"ust ,., -..8 Decision3 of the 6abor #rbiter 'hich dis$issed Octavio7s Co$plaint for pa $ent of salar increases a"ainst respondent Philippine 6on" Distance Co$pan %P6D)&. 6i9e'ise assailed in this Petition is the Nove$ber +3, -../ Resolution/ 'hich denied Octavio:s Motion for Reconsideration.4 Factual Antecedents On Ma -5, +222, P6D) and Gabay ng Unyon sa Telekominaksyon ng mga Superbisor %1;)S& entered into a C!# coverin" the period <anuar +, +222 to Dece$ber ,+, -..+ %C!# of +2220 -..+&. #rticle VI, Section I thereof provides= Section 1. The COMPAN agrees to grant the !ollo"ing across#theboar$ salary increase $uring the three years co%ere$ by this Agreement to all employees co%ere$ by the bargaining unit as o! the gi%en $ates& '!!ecti%e (anuary 1) 1*** + 1,- o! basic "age or P.),,,.,, "hiche%er is higher/ '!!ecti%e (anuary 1) .,,, + 11- o! basic "age or P.).0,.,, "hiche%er is higher/ '!!ecti%e (anuary 1) .,,1 + 1.- o! basic "age or P.)0,,.,, "hiche%er is higher.5

On October +, -..., P6D) hired Octavio as Sales S ste$ #nal st I on a probationar status. >e beca$e a $e$ber of 1;)S. ?hen Octavio 'as re"ulari@ed on <anuar +, -..+, he 'as receivin" a $onthl basic salar of P+.,....... On Aebruar +, -..-, he 'as pro$oted to the position of Sales S ste$ #nal st - and his salar 'as increased to P+,,4,..... On Ma ,+, -..-, P6D) and 1;)S entered into another C!# coverin" the period <anuar +, -..- to Dece$ber ,+, -..8 %C!# of -..-0-..8& 'hich provided for the follo'in" salar increases= 5B of basic 'a"e or P-,...... 'hichever is hi"her for the first ear %-..-&C +.B of basic 'a"e or P-,4..... 'hichever is hi"her for the second ear %-..,&C and, +.B of basic 'a"e or P-,8..... 'hichever is hi"her for the third ear %-..8&.2 Clai$in" that he 'as not "iven the salar increases of P-,3..... effective <anuar +, -..+ and P-,...... effective <anuar +, -..-, Octavio 'rote the President of 1;)S, #dolfo Aa(ardo %Aa(ardo&.+. #ctin" thereon and on si$ilar "rievances fro$ other 1;)S $e$bers, Aa(ardo 'rote the P6D) >u$an Resource >ead to infor$ $ana"e$ent of the 1;)S $e$bers: clai$ for entitle$ent to the across0the0board salar increases.++ #ccordin"l , the 1rievance Co$$ittee convened on October 4, -..- consistin" of representatives fro$ P6D) and 1;)S. )he 1rievance Co$$ittee, ho'ever, failed to reach an a"ree$ent. In effect, it denied Octavio:s de$and for salar increases. )he Resolution %Co$$ittee Resolution&, reads as follo's= October 4, -..UN"ON "SSUE & +. Mr. Carlos 6. Octavio, Sales S ste$ #nal st I, CCIM0Database, 'as pro$oted to S- fro$ S+ last Aebruar .+, -..-. >e clai$ed that the 'hole P-,... %+st r. 1;)S0C!# increase& 'as not "iven to hi$. -. >e 'as hired as a probationar e$plo ee on October .+, -... and 'as re"ulari@ed on <anuar .+, -..+. >e clai$ed that Mana"e$ent failed to "rant hi$ the 1;)S0C!# increase last <anuar -..+. MANAGEMENT POS"T"ON & Issue D += #& Pro$otional Polic = ad(ust$ent of basic $onthl salar to the $ini$u$ salar of the ne' position. !& Mr. Octavio:s salar at the ti$e of his pro$otion and before the conclusion of the 1;)S C!# 'as P+.,....... C& ;pon the effectivit of his pro$otion on Aebruar +, -..-, his basic $onthl salar 'as ad(usted to P+,,4,...., the $ini$u$ salar of the ne' position.

D& In <une -..-, the 1;)S0C!# 'as concluded and Mr. Octavio:s basic salar 'as reco$puted to include the P-,...... +st ear increase retroactive <anuar -..-. )he resultin" basic salar 'as P+-,....... E& #ppl in" the above0$entioned polic , Mr. Octavio:s basic salar 'as ad(usted to the $ini$u$ salar of the ne' position, 'hich is P+,,4,..... Issue D -= #ll re"ulari@ed supervisor e$plo ees as of <anuar + are not entitled to the 1;)S C!# increase. >o'ever, as a"reed 'ith 1;)S in the "rievance case of +5 personnel of International E 6u@on Core Net'or9 Mana"e$ent Center, probationar e$plo ees 'ho 'ere hired outside of P6D) and re"ulari@ed as supervisorsF$ana"e$ent personnel on <anuar +, -..- shall be entitled to 1;)S C!#. )his decision shall be applied prospectivel and all previous si$ilar cases are not covered. RESO UT"ON & #fter protracted deliberation of these issues, the co$$ittee failed to reach an a"ree$ent. >ence, Mana"e$ent position dee$ed adopted. MANAGEMENT GGGGGGG%si"ned&GGGGGGG '" FRE#O A. GUA#"A GGGGGGG%si"ned&GGGGGGG ROSA "N#A S. RU") GGGGGGG%si"ned&GGGGGGG A E(AN#RO C. FA*"AN UN"ON GGGGGGG%si"ned&GGGGGGG A#O FO .FA(AR#O GGGGGGG%si"ned&GGGGGGG CONFESOR A. ESP"R"TU GGGGGGG%si"ned&GGGGGGG C$AR "TO A. ARE!A O+-

#""rieved, Octavio filed before the #rbitration !ranch of the N6RC a Co$plaint for pa $ent of said salar increases. Ruling of the Labor Arbiter Octavio clai$ed entitle$ent to salar increases per the C!#s of +2220-..+ and -..-0-..8. >e insisted that 'hen he 'as re"ulari@ed as a supervisor e$plo ee on <anuar +, -..+, he beca$e entitled to receive the across0the0board increase of P-,3..... as provided for under the C!# of +2220-..+ 'hich too9 effect on <anuar +, +222. )hen pursuant to the C!# of -..-0-..8, he should have received an additional increase of P-,...... apart fro$ the $erit increase of P,,4,.... 'hich 'as "iven hi$ due to his pro$otion on Aebruar +, -..-. >o'ever, P6D) unilaterall decided to dee$ as included in the said P,,4,.... the P-,...... across0the0board increase for -..- as stipulated in the C!# of -..-0-..8. )his, accordin" to Octavio, a$ounts to

di$inution of benefits. Moreover, Octavio averred that the C!# cannot be the sub(ect of further ne"otiation as it has the force of la' bet'een the parties. Ainall , Octavio clai$ed that P6D) co$$itted an act of unfair labor practice because, 'hile it "ranted the clai$ for salar increase of +5 supervisor e$plo ees 'ho 'ere re"ulari@ed on <anuar +, -..- and on'ards, it discri$inated a"ainst hi$ b refusin" to "rant hi$ the sa$e salar increase. >e thus pra ed for an additional a'ard of da$a"es and attorne :s fees. P6D) countered that the issues advanced b Octavio had alread been resolved b the ;nion0 Mana"e$ent 1rievance Co$$ittee 'hen it denied his clai$s throu"h the Co$$ittee Resolution. Moreover, the "rant of across0the board salar increase for those 'ho 'ere re"ulari@ed startin" <anuar +, -..- and the e*clusion thereto of those 'ho 'ere re"ulari@ed on <anuar +, -..+, do not constitute an act of unfair labor practice as 'ould result in an discri$ination or encoura"e or discoura"e $e$bership in a labor or"ani@ation. In fact, 'hen the ;nion0Mana"e$ent 1rievance Co$$ittee ca$e up 'ith the Co$$ittee Resolution, the considered the sa$e as the $ost practicable and reasonable solution for both $ana"e$ent and union. #t an rate, the said Co$$ittee Resolution had alread beco$e final and conclusive bet'een the parties for failure of Octavio to elevate the sa$e to the proper foru$. In addition, P6D) clai$ed that the N6RC has no (urisdiction to hear and decide Octavio:s clai$s. In a Decision dated #u"ust ,., -..8, the 6abor #rbiter dis$issed the Co$plaint of Octavio and upheld the Co$$ittee Resolution. Ruling of the National Labor Relations Commission ;pon Octavio:s appeal, the N6RC, in its Septe$ber ,., -..3 Resolution, affir$ed the 6abor #rbiter:s Decision. It upheld the 6abor #rbiter:s findin" that Octavio:s salar had alread been ad(usted in accordance 'ith the provisions of the C!#. )he N6RC further ruled that it has no (urisdiction to decide the issues presented b Octavio, as the sa$e involved the interpretation and i$ple$entation of the C!#. #ccordin" to it, Octavio should have brou"ht his clai$ before the proper bod as provided in the -..-0-..8 C!#:s provision on "rievance $achiner and procedure. Octavio:s Motion for Reconsideration 'as li9e'ise dis$issed b the N6RC in its Nove$ber -+, -..3 Resolution.+, Ruling of the Court of Appeals Octavio thus filed a Petition for Certiorari+8 'hich the C# found to be 'ithout $erit. In its #u"ust ,+, -../ Decision,+3 the C# declared the Co$$ittee Resolution to be bindin" on Octavio, he bein" a $e$ber of 1;)S, and because he failed to Huestion its validit and enforceabilit . In his Motion for Reconsideration,+/ Octavio disclai$ed his alle"ed failure to Huestion the Co$$ittee Resolution b e$phasi@in" that he filed a Co$plaint before the N6RC a"ainst P6D). >o'ever, the C# denied Octavio:s Motion for Reconsideration in its Nove$ber +3, -../ Resolution.+4

"++ue+ >ence, Octavio filed this Petition raisin" the follo'in" issues for our consideration= a. ?hether * * * the e$plo er and bar"ainin" representative $a a$end the provisions of the collective bar"ainin" a"ree$ent 'ithout the consent and approval of the e$plo eesC b. If so, 'hether the said a"ree$ent is bindin" IonJ the e$plo eesC c. ?hether * * * $erit increases $a be a'arded si$ultaneousl 'ith increases "iven in the Collective !ar"ainin" #"ree$entC d. ?hether * * * da$a"es $a be a'arded to the e$plo ee for violation b the e$plo er of its co$$it$ent under its e*istin" collective bar"ainin" a"ree$ent.+5 Octavio sub$its that the C# erred in upholdin" the Co$$ittee Resolution 'hich denied his clai$ for salar increases but "ranted the sa$e reHuest of +5 other si$ilarl situated e$plo ees. >e li9e'ise asserts that both P6D) and 1;)S had the dut to strictl i$ple$ent the C!# salar increasesC hence, the Co$$ittee Resolution, 'hich effectivel resulted in the $odification of the C!#s: provision on salar increases, is void. Octavio also insists that P6D) is bound to "rant hi$ the salar increase of P-,...... for the ear -..- on top of the $erit increase "iven to hi$ b reason of his pro$otion. It is his stance that $erit increases are distinct and separate fro$ across0the0board salar increases provided for under the C!#. Our Ru,-./ )he Petition has no $erit. ;nder #rticle -/.+2 of the 6abor Code, "rievances arisin" fro$ the interpretation or i$ple$entation of the parties: C!# should be resolved in accordance 'ith the "rievance procedure e$bodied therein. It also provides that all unsettled "rievances shall be auto$aticall referred for voluntar arbitration as prescribed in the C!#. In its Me$orandu$,-. P6D) set forth the "rievance $achiner and procedure provided under #rticle K of the C!# of -..-0-..8, %i1= Section +. 1RIEV#NCE M#C>INERL 0 there shall be a ;nion0Mana"e$ent 1rievance Co$$ittee co$posed of three %,& ;nion representatives desi"nated b the ;NION !oard of Directors and three %,& Mana"e$ent representatives desi"nated b the co$pan President. )he co$$ittee shall act upon an "rievance properl processed in accordance 'ith the prescribed procedure. )he ;nion representatives to the Co$$ittee shall not lose pa for attendin" $eetin"s 'here Mana"e$ent representatives are in attendance.

Section -. 1RIEV#NCE PROCED;RE 0 )he parties a"ree that all disputes bet'een labor and $ana"e$ent $a be settled throu"h friendl ne"otiationsC that the parties have the sa$e interest in the continuit of 'or9 until all points in dispute shall have been discussed and settledC that an open conflict in an for$ involves losses to the partiesC and that therefore, ever effort shall be e*erted to avoid such an open conflict. In furtherance of these principles, the parties a"ree to observe the follo'in" "rievance procedures. Step +. #n e$plo ee %or "roup of e$plo ees& 'ho believes that he has a (ustifiable "rievance shall present the $atter initiall to his division head, or if the division is involved in the "rievance, to the co$pan official ne*t hi"her to the division head %the local $ana"er in the provincial e*chan"es& not later that fifteen %+3& da s after the occurrence of the incident "ivin" rise to the "rievance. )he initial presentation shall be $ade to the division head either b the a""rieved part hi$self or b the ;nion Ste'ard or b an E*ecutive Officer of the ;nion 'ho is not a $e$ber of the "rievance panel.12"phi1 )he initial presentation $a be $ade orall or in 'ritin". Step -. #n part 'ho is not satisfied 'ith the resolution of the "rievance at Step + $a appeal in 'ritin" to the ;nion0Mana"e$ent 1rievance Co$$ittee 'ithin seven %4& da s fro$ the date of receipt of the depart$ent head:s decision. Step ,. "0 12e /r-e3a.4e -+ .o1 +e11,e5 e-12er be4au+e o0 5ea5,o46 or 12e 0a-,ure o0 12e 4o77-11ee 1o 5e4-5e 12e 7a11er, 12e /r-e3a.4e +2a,, be 1ra.+0erre5 1o a *oar5 o0 Arb-1ra1or+ 0or 12e 0-.a, 5e4-+-o.. )he !oard shall be co$posed of three %,& arbitrators, one to be no$inated b the ;nion, another to be no$inated b the Mana"e$ent, and the third to be selected b the $ana"e$ent and union no$inees. )he decision of the board shall be final and bindin" both the co$pan and the ;nion in accordance 'ith la'. E*penses of arbitration shall be divided eHuall bet'een the Co$pan and the ;nion.-+ %E$phasis supplied& Indisputabl , the present controvers involves the deter$ination of an e$plo ee:s salar increases as provided in the C!#s. ?hen Octavio:s clai$ for salar increases 'as referred to the ;nion0Mana"e$ent 1rievance Co$$ittee, the clear intention of the parties 'as to resolve their differences on the proper interpretation and i$ple$entation of the pertinent provisions of the C!#s. #nd in accordance 'ith the procedure prescribed therein, the said co$$ittee $ade up of representatives of both the union and the $ana"e$ent convened. ;nfortunatel , it failed to reach an a"ree$ent. Octavio:s recourse pursuant to the C!# 'as to elevate his "rievance to the !oard of #rbitrators for final decision. Instead, nine $onths later, Octavio filed a Co$plaint before the N6RC. It is settled that M'hen parties have validl a"reed on a procedure for resolvin" "rievances and to sub$it a dispute to voluntar arbitration then that procedure should be strictl observed.M-Moreover, 'e have held ti$e and a"ain that Mbefore a part is allo'ed to see9 the intervention of the court, it is a precondition that he should have availed of all the $eans of ad$inistrative processes afforded hi$. >ence, if a re$ed 'ithin the ad$inistrative $achiner can still be resorted to b "ivin" the ad$inistrative officer concerned ever opportunit to decide on a $atter that co$es 'ithin his (urisdiction, then such re$ed should be e*hausted first before the court:s (udicial po'er can be sou"ht. )he pre$ature invocation of the court:s (udicial

intervention is fatal to one:s cause of action.M-, M)he underl in" principle of the rule on e*haustion of ad$inistrative re$edies rests on the presu$ption that 'hen the ad$inistrative bod , or "rievance $achiner , is afforded a chance to pass upon the $atter, it 'ill decide the sa$e correctl .M-8 ! failin" to Huestion the Co$$ittee Resolution throu"h the proper procedure prescribed in the C!#, that is, b raisin" the sa$e before a !oard of #rbitrators, Octavio is dee$ed to have 'aived his ri"ht to Huestion the sa$e. Clearl , he departed fro$ the "rievance procedure $andated in the C!# and denied the !oard of #rbitrators the opportunit to pass upon a $atter over 'hich it has (urisdiction. >ence, and as correctl held b the C#, Octavio:s failure to assail the validit and enforceabilit of the Co$$ittee Resolution $a9es the sa$e bindin" upon hi$. On this score alone, Octavio:s recourse to the labor tribunals belo', as 'ell as to the C#, and, finall , to this Court, $ust therefore fail. #t an rate, Octavio cannot clai$ that the Co$$ittee Resolution is not valid, bindin" and conclusive as to hi$ for bein" a $odification of the C!# in violation of #rticle -3,-3 of the 6abor Code. It bears to stress that the said resolution is a product of the "rievance procedure outlined in the C!# itself. It 'as arrived at after the $ana"e$ent and the union throu"h their respective representatives conducted ne"otiations in accordance 'ith the C!#. On the other hand, Octavio never assailed the co$petence of the "rievance co$$ittee to ta9e co"ni@ance of his case. Neither did he Huestion the authorit or credibilit of the union representativesC hence, the latter are dee$ed to have properl bar"ained on his behalf since Munions are the a"ent of its $e$bers for the purpose of securin" (ust and fair 'a"es and "ood 'or9in" conditions.M-/ In fine, it cannot be "ainsaid that the Co$$ittee Resolution is a $odification of the C!#. Rather, it onl provides for the proper i$ple$entation of the C!# provision respectin" salar increases. Ainall , Octavio:s ar"u$ent that the denial of his clai$ for salar increases constitutes a violation of #rticle +..-4 of the 6abor Code is devoid of $erit. Even assu$in" that there has been a di$inution of benefits on his part, #rticle +.. does not prohibit a union fro$ offerin" and a"reein" to reduce 'a"es and benefits of the e$plo ees as the ri"ht to free collective bar"ainin" includes the ri"ht to suspend it.-5 P6D) averred that one of the reasons 'h Octavio:s salar 'as reco$puted as to include in his salar of P+,,4,.... the P-,...... increase for -..- is to avoid salar distortion. #t this point, it is 'ell to e$phasi@e that bar"ainin" should not be eHuated to an Madversarial liti"ation 'here ri"hts and obli"ations are delineated and re$edies applied.M-2 Instead, it covers a process of findin" a reasonable and acceptable solution to stabili@e labor0 $ana"e$ent relations to pro$ote stable industrial peace.,. Clearl , the Co$$ittee Resolution 'as arrived at after considerin" the intention of both P6D) and 1;)S to foster industrial peace. #ll told, 'e find no error on the part of the 6abor #rbiter, the N6RC and the C# in unani$ousl upholdin" the validit and enforceabilit of the 1rievance Co$$ittee Resolution dated October 4, -..-. '$EREFORE, the petition is #EN"E#. )he #u"ust ,+, -../ Decision and Nove$ber +3, -../ Resolution of the Court of #ppeals in C#01.R. SP No. 2,345 are AFF"RME#. SO ORDERED.

MAR"ANO C. #E CAST" #ssociate <ustice ?E CONC;R=

ANTON"O T. CARP"O #ssociate <ustice Chairperson (OSE PORTUGA PERE) #ssociate <ustice (OSE CATRA MEN#O)AN #ssociate <ustice

ESTE A M. PER AS8*ERNA*E #ssociate <ustice #))ES)#)ION I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case 'as assi"ned to the 'riter of the opinion of the Court7s Division. ANTON"O T. CARP"O #ssociate <ustice Chairperson CER)IAIC#)ION Pursuant to Section +,, #rticle VIII of the Constitution and the Division Chairperson7s #ttestation, I certifL that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case 'as assi"ned to the 'riter of the opinion of the Court7s Division. MAR"A OUR#ES P. A. SERENO Chief <ustice


Per Special Order No. +8-+ dated Aebruar -.,-.+, 3ollo) pp. +50-5.

C# rolla) pp. 2/0+.-C penned b #ssociate <ustice #ndres !. Re es, <r. and concurred in b #ssociate <ustices >a9i$ S. #bdul'ahid and Mariflor P. Pun@alan Castillo.

ld. at -0+-

ld. at /80/5C penned b Co$$issioner )ito A. 1enilo and concurred in b Co$$issioner Ro$eo C. 6a"$an. Presidin" Co$$issioner 6ourdes C. <avier did not participate.

ld. at 8203,C penned b 6abor #rbiter fati$a <a$baro0Aranco. Id. at ++-. Id. at +.,0+.3. See Octavio:s Position Paper, p. 8C id. at +/.

See -..-0-..8 C!# Si"ned, #nne* MCM of Octavio:s Position Paper before the 6abor #rbiter, id. at -8.

#nne* MD,M id. at -3. #nne* MA,M id. at -/0-5.



#nne* M1,M id. at -20,.C #nne* M#M of P6D):s Position Paper before the 6abor #rbiter, id. at ,/0,4.

Id. at 4304/. Id. at -0+-. Id. at. 2/0+.-. Id. at +.,0+.3. Id. at ++-. 3ollo) p. --. #R). -/.. G34'5ANC' MAC64N'3 AN7 5O8UNTA3 A394T3AT4ON )he parties to a Collective !ar"ainin" #"ree$ent shall include therein provisions that 'ill ensure the $utual observance of its ter$s and conditions. )he shall establish a $achiner for the ad(ust$ent and resolution of "rievances arisin" fro$ the interpretation or i$ple$entation of their Collective !ar"ainin" #"ree$ent and those arisin" fro$ the interpretation or enforce$ent of co$pan personnel policies. #ll "rievances sub$itted to the "rievance $achiner 'hich are not settled 'ithin seven %4& calendar da s fro$ the date of its sub$ission shall auto$aticall be







referred to voluntar arbitration prescribed in the Collective !ar"ainin" #"ree$ent. Aor this purpose, parties to a Collective !ar"ainin" #"ree$ent shall na$e and desi"nate in advance a Voluntar #rbitrator or panel of Voluntar #rbitrators, or include in the a"ree$ent a procedure for the selection of such Voluntar #rbitrator or panel of Voluntar #rbitrators, preferabl fro$ the listin" of Hualified Voluntar #rbitrators dul accredited b the !oard. In case the parties fail to select a Voluntar #rbitrator or panel of Voluntar #rbitrators, the !oard shall desi"nate the Voluntar #rbitrator or panel of Voluntar #rbitrators, as $a be necessar , pursuant to the selection procedure a"reed upon in the Collective !ar"ainin" #"ree$ent, 'hich shall act 'ith the sa$e force and effect as if the #rbitrator or panel of #rbitrators has been selected b the parties as described above.

Id. at +340+44. Id. at +/+0+/-. 5i%ero %. Court o! Appeals) ,25 Phil. +35, +4- %-...&.




7iokno %. Cac$ac) 1.R. No. +/5843, <ul 8, -..4, 3-/ SCR# 88., 835C Metro 7rug 7istribution) 4nc. %. Metro 7rug Corporation 'mployees Association + :e$eration o! :ree ;orkers) 3.5 Phil. 84, /. %-..3&.

3i1al Security < Protecti%e Ser%ices) 4nc. %. Maraan) 1. R. No. +-82+3, Aebruar +5, -..5, 38/ SCR# -,, 8.C Pro%ince o! =amboanga 7el Norte %. Court o! Appeals) ,2/ Phil. 4.2, 4-. %-...&.

#R). -3,. 7UT TO 9A3GA4N CO88'CT45'8 ;6'N T6'3' '>4STS A CO88'CT45' 9A3GA4N4NG AG3''M'NT ?hen there is a collective bar"ainin" a"ree$ent, the dut to bar"ain collectivel shall also $ean that neither part shall ter$inate nor $odif such a"ree$ent durin" its lifeti$e. >o'ever, either part can serve a 'ritten notice to ter$inate or $odif the a"ree$ent at least si*t %/.& da s prior to its e*piration date. It shall be the dut of both parties to 9eep the status Huo and to continue in full force and effect the ter$s and conditions of the e*istin" a"ree$ent durin" the /.0da period andFor until a ne' a"ree$ent is reached b the parties.

Santuyo %. 3emerco Garments Manu!acturing)) 4nc.) 1.R. No. +488-., March --, -.+., /+/ SCR# ,,,, ,88.

#R). +... P3O6494T4ON AGA4NST '84M4NAT4ON O3 74M4NUT4ON O: 9'N':4TS

Nothin" in this !oo9 shall be construed to eli$inate or in an 'a di$inish supple$ents, or other e$plo ee benefits bein" en(o ed at the ti$e of pro$ul"ation of this Code.

4nsular 6otel 'mployees Union#N:8 %. ;ater!ront 4nsular 6otel 7a%ao) 1.R. Nos. +48.8.08+, Septe$ber --, -.+., /,+ SCR# +,/, +/4, citin" 3i%era %. 6on. 'spiritu, 8-3 Phil. +/2, +5- %-..-&.

Calte? 3e!inery 'mployees Association %. 6on. 9rillantes) ,88 Phil. /-8, /3+ %+224&. 3i%era %. 6on. 'spiritu) supra at +5- %-..-&.


)he 6a'phil Pro(ect 0 #rellano 6a' Aoundation

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